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Mr L Talmage
Deputy Head:
Mr D Adfield
Rhode Lane
Business Manager: Mrs J Hellier
Tel No: 01278 424600
Fax No: 01278 446073
12 February 2016
Dear Parents and carers,
Autumn Term Newsletter 3
Welcome back for the second half term and the exciting build up to the Christmas period. It’s lovely to
hear the children practicing the carols each Thursday in preparation for the Carol concerts in midDecember.
Thank you to the parents who attended parents evening this week, in total we had the opportunity to meet
with 241 parents. This is 90% of the school community! If you would like to speak to your child’s teacher,
then please speak to them directly or Mrs Morgan in the school office, to arrange an appointment.
Key dates for the half term
Thursday 12th November
Friday 13th November
Monday 16th – Friday 20th November
Monday 16th November
Thursday 19th November
Friday 20th November
Saturday 21st November
Monday 23rd November
Friday 27th November
Monday 30th November to Friday 4th
Thursday 3rd December
Friday 4th December
Saturday 5th December
Monday 7th December to Friday 11th
Thursday 10th December 9:3010:30am
Thursday 10th December 1:302:30pm
Friday 11th December
Monday 14th December
Monday 14th to Friday 19th
Tuesday 15th December
Tuesday 15th December 6pm to 8pm
Friday 18th December
Year 5 play leader training.
Children in Need non-school uniform day. £1 donation please.
Travelling book fair in school.
Girls football tournament Finals at RBSC (selected girls only).
Year 5&6 Athletics competition at Bridgwater college (selected children
Year 5 play leader training.
Friends of Hamp Film afternoon. Film to be confirmed.
Somerset Heritage society working with Year 3.
Year 5 sharing assembly.
Year 6 assessment week 2.
M&M production of Aladdin.
Year 6 sharing assembly.
Friends of Hamp Film afternoon. Film to be confirmed.
Year 3-5 assessment week 2.
Year 3-4 Carol concert at Holy Trinity Church.
Year 5-6 Carol concert at Holy Trinity Church.
All afterschool clubs end.
Save the children’s Christmas jumper day. Minimum 50p donation
Maths enterprise week.
Christmas dinner for children.
Friends of Hamp Christmas Disco.
Last day of the Autumn Term.
A few gentle reminders
A Bridgwater College Trust Academy
To ensure that we are able to contact you in a timely manner, could you please ensure that the school
office has your most current contact numbers at all times. It has also come to my attention recently, that
some of our parents are smoking (including e-cigarettes) on the school site. Please could we all remember
that all school properties are non-smoking sites and refrain from smoking.
Remembrance Poppies
As Remembrance Day is next Wednesday, we are currently selling traditional poppies, as well as
snap bands, pencils, and friendship bands in the school office during play and lunchtime. Prices
start from as little as 20p for a traditional poppy and all money will go to the British Legion.
Coats and PE Kits
As the weather is becoming increasingly cold and wet, it is important that all children have a coat. Please
ensure that they have their coat with them and encourage them to wear it when it is cold and wet. When
the weather is cold and drizzly, we will not be letting children out to play at play and lunch time, unless they
have a suitable coat. I do hope you will support us in this decision.
If you would like your child to wear a tracksuit for PE in this cold weather then please feel free to send one
in for them.
Mary Poppins trip
On Wednesday 25th November, the majority of our Year 6’s and teachers will be travelling to Bristol to
watch Mary Poppins at the Bristol Hippodrome.
Children in need
This year’s Children in Need is on Friday 13th November and we will be holding a non-school
uniform day to raise as much money as possible. If your child would like to wear nonuniform (no football shirts or tops with offensive slogans on), please ensure that a
donation of £1 is brought in on the day. This year’s theme, is ‘Put on your ears’ and official
merchandise can be brought from the Post office, Boots, Pizza hut and Asda and worn to school on the
Book fair
You will be pleased to hear that the travelling book fair will be in school between Monday 16th and Friday
20th November. The books for sale will make excellent Christmas presents and are of a high quality and
very reasonable priced. As a school we receive a percentage of all sales, which we use to purchase more
books for the classrooms or school library. As usual it can be found in the reception foyer just after school,
from the Monday to the Thursday.
Christmas dinner
We will be holding our children’s Christmas dinner on Tuesday 15th December. Traditionally we offer
unlimited spaces for the children who normally have a packed lunch to buy a Christmas dinner. However,
due to the rise in the number of children in our school, we are now unable to do so. If your child would like
to eat a school Christmas dinner, then please return the reply slip, on the letter that will be going home
soon, promptly. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. This will not affect children who
normally buy or receive a free school meal.
Save the Children - Christmas Jumper day
Due to the popularity of last year’s Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day, all children
and staff we will be given the opportunity to participate in this again. On Monday 14th December please feel
free to wear non-school uniform as long as a Christmas jumper is worn! There is an expected minimum 50p
donation please.
Enrichment week
Throughout the school year, we believe that we provide many exciting and enriching opportunities for all of
our children. For this reason, we have decided that it is no longer necessary to take a week off timetable
for a specific week of enrichment activities.
Greatwood Camp – 11th to 15th July 2016
A Bridgwater College Trust Academy
Due to our increase in numbers throughout the school and the fact that places are limited to 48, Greatwood
is this year for children in Year 3, 4 and 5. The cost of the week’s residential is £220 per child; this is
excellent value for money. A £20 deposit for each child is required by the 5th of December to reserve a
place and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Letters providing more information will be sent
to children in Years 3, 4 and 5 on Monday 9th November.
Please remember that there is to be no Year 6 absence between Monday 9th and Friday 15th May
Thank you for your continued support,
Mr L Talmage
Mr D Adfield
Deputy Head
A Bridgwater College Trust Academy