Royal Albert Hall Re:Mardi Gras Performance Sunday 16th May 2010 Please read ALL and understand ALL this information. Please do not hesitate to contact me asap if there are any questions: 07709 0970 96 Please note this information is also on the website T- Shirt money for the RAH finale: £10.00 Must be with Lucy by Sunday 21st February 2010. A £5.00 charge will be made to any late payments. Please fill in reply slip over leaf. Coach Fee: £15.00 per person. Must be in By 31st March 2010 (I am trying my best to reduce this, I will refund any differences). I will be ordering a minimum of two coaches for this event for both performers and Spectators. If you wish to travel by coach please fill in reply slip over leaf including payment and number of seats required Inc the performer. PHOTO SHOOT for the programme will take place at WILNECOTE YOUTH CENTER on TUESDAY 17rd FEBRUARY : 7.30 PM ALL MUST ATTEND *You must wear your UFDC t-shirt and Black trousers for this Rehearsal Schedule: You MUST all still attend General Class alongside this Performance! Please note payment will work on a pay as you go system with a register: Easter Holiday Workshops are compulsory to all under 18`s 2 consecutive missed rehearsals will lead to dismissal from the performance. Venue: Tamworth Youth Centre Tamworth – Assembly Rooms Date Sunday 28th February Sunday 07th March Sunday 14th March Sunday 21st March Sunday 28th March Tuesday 6th April Workshop Wednesday 7thApril Workshop Sunday 25th April Sunday 02nd May Sunday 9th MayFULL DRESS REHEARSAL ASSEMBLY ROOMS – Tamworth PERFORMANCE Time 12-1.30pm 12-1.30pm 12-1.30pm 12-1.30pm 12-1.30pm 11am-3pm Payment £3.50 £3.50 £3.50 £3.50 £3.50 £32.00 11am-3pm 12-2pm 12-2pm 12-2pm £5.00 £5.00 £5.00 @ 6.30 am Coach Fare £15.00 MUSIC FOR PERFORMANCE: `Boom Boom Pow` by the Black Eyed Peas Costume: £45.00: ALL COSTUMES MUST BE IN A COSTUME BAG After speaking to pupils and parents the final decision for the costume is: Grey Hoody: Personalised with Name in Graffiti Art Grey Trousers: Personalised with Name on Graffiti Art This will then be turned into the UFDC uniform. You will need to provide White Pumps (Primark £3.00) and any accessorize to funk up your style Make Up:- Please be responsible for your own Make Up: ALL MAKE UP/HAIR STUFF MUST BE IN A MAKE UP BAG Eyeliner Foundation/Bronzer Red Lipstick Eye shadow- Black and White/ Glitter Vaseline Hair: Boys ONLY can wear caps- Red/ Black or White Girls: Hair must be prepped the night before either crimped /Curled/ Ragged hair- The aim is BIG.... However hair must be off the face Hair Brush/ Comb/ Bobble / Accessorize Hair Spray- NO GLITTER SPRAY Deodorant Must be roll on- To prevent too much spraying Travelling Clothes: There will be over 1,000 people performing on the day you will need to be easily recognized. You Must wear you UFDC T-shirt over a hoody to travel in. Your Royal Albert Hall T shirt will be given to you on the day. Black Trousers and Dark Shoes- These will be used for the FINALE Travelling Food and food for the day: ALL FOOD. DRINK Must Be in a cooler BAG DANCERS will NOT be ALLOWED out of the Royal Albert Hall under NO CIRCUMSTANCESHouse Rules- You must b ring ample food and drink. Recommended food: Pasta, Salad, Sandwiches, Crisps, Fruit, water, squash- NO FIZZY POP Lunch will be at approx 12.00pm and dinner at approx 5.30- please bring ample for both meals. If you require to SMOKE? You will be escorted to the Stage door by a chaperone. There are vending machines on each floor if you require a sugar fix. COACH JOURNEY: Sunday 16th May 2010 The coach will pick up at Tamworth Assembly rooms at 6.30 am for departure at 6.45am. Please make sure you pack your bags the night before to prevent forgetting anything. There will be a toilet on the coach however this is for emergencies only. ALL performers will travel together and ALL spectators will travel together- House Rules A pillow and a blanket is a good idea- this can be left on the COACH. MEDICAL: Please ensure all dancers have filled in a medical form and bring the necessary requirements for the day. Reply Slips: Please separate and return as applicable T-Shirt Money: Return By Sunday 21rd February 2010 I..................................................................................enclose £10.00 (Cheques made Payable to L Turner/ Cash) For the RAH Finale t-shirt. Signed:............................................................ Date:.......................................... Coach Money: Return By 31st March 2010 I ..............................................................................require.......................number of tickets @ £15.00 each (Cheques made Payable to L Turner/ Cash) for the coach ( I understand that part of this money may be refunded if the coach price is cheaper). Please note this is Return trip to *London Total amount of tickets required (Including performer): ................. Total Cash Amount enclosed.£................... Signed:......................................................................Date:................................................ Costume Money £45.00 return by 28th April 2010 I ............................................................................enclose payment of £45.00 (Cheques made Payable to L Turner/ Cash) for the costume. Signed:...............................................................Date:................................................... Royal Albert Hall: Medical Form: Return ASAP Performers Name:...................................................................................................................... Age:...............................................................Date Of Birth: .......................................... Doctors name:............................................................................................................................. Doctors Address: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Medical Requirements / Allergies .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Emergency Contact:............................................................................... Name:........................................................................................................................... Signed:...................................................................................... Date:............................................................................