Annex 2 EEA Grants 2009-2014: NGO Programme Lithuania. Guidelines for Applicants v.1.2. PROJECT CONCEPT APPLICATION FORM EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA FINANCIAL MECHANISM NGO PROGRAMME LITHUANIA ____________________________________________________________________________________ (Name of applicant) ______________________________________ (date) Project registration No. ________________________ (filled in by Programme Operator staff) Project concept application form shall not exceed 10 pages (prepared in Times New Roman or Calibri font size 11, single spacing). Completed electronic concept application form together with all listed documents and annexes must be sent by e-mail to Hard copies of the application and supporting documents must be submitted before the deadline by hand-delivery or sent in one copy to the address of the Programme Operator: Human Rights Monitoring Institute, Didžioji 5-404, LT-01128 Vilnius, Lithuania. The form must be filled out in Lithuanian with summaries in Lithuanian and in English. Text in grey should be deleted when filling the application. I. TITILE OF THE PROJECT II. AREA OF SUPPORT, OUTCOME AND OUTPUT From the list provided in the Guidelines for Applicants (Chapter I. Objectives, Areas of Support and Expected Results) choose 1 or 2 areas of support, one main outcome and – if necessary – one additional outcome as well as up to 4 outputs in total. Area of support: The main outcome: Results: No. 1 No. n Additional outcome: Results: No. 1 No. n III. INFORMATION ABOUT THE APPLICANT Information about the Organisation: 1. Full title of Organisation and its acronym 2. Registration code 3. Legal status 4. Founders and/or stakeholders 1 Annex 2 EEA Grants 2009-2014: NGO Programme Lithuania. Guidelines for Applicants v.1.2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Address of registration Address for correspondence (if different from the address of registration) Phone number E-mail Head of Organisation Project contact person, phone, e-mail Provide a short description of objectives and activities of the Organisation as well as the experience in the area of the outcome(s) selected. Please also indicate administrative and project implementation capacity that will be dedicated to the Project. IV. INFORMATION ABOUT PARTNER/S (IF IDENTIFIED ALREADY) Information about the Organisation: 1. Name of Organisation 2. Registration code 3. Legal status 4. Founders and/or stakeholders 5. Address of registration 6. Phone number 7. E-mail, website 8. Head of Organisation Provide a short description of objectives and activities of the Organisation as well as the experience in the area of the outcome(s) selected. Please also indicate administrative and project implementation capacity that will be dedicated to the Project. V. INFORMATION ABOUT ASSOCIATE PARTNER/S, IF APPLICABLE Information about the Organisation: 1. Name of Organisation 2. Registration code 3. Legal status 4. Address of registration 5. Phone number 6. E-mail, website 7. Head of Organisation Provide a short description of objectives and activities of the Organisation. Point out the Organisation‘s role in the Project. Comment: Associate partner is a partner in the Project who does not benefit and is not beneficiary of the Project, but assists the applicant in implementing Project activities and contributes to achieving Project‘s objectives. VI. PROJECT CONCEPT/IDEA Describe the concept of the Project: - Clearly describe and provide justification for the issues addressed in the project, describe their relevance to the selected area of support, outcome(s) and output(s). - Indicate goals and objectives of the Project, as well as activities and indicators to be achieved and explain how the Project‘s results will match the Programme‘s outcomes and outputs. Choose categories of the activities from chapter VII of Guidelines for applicants “Categories of eligible activities” and indicate specific activities within the selected categories (i.e. Art. 26.2. „Human rights“, category b. Advocacy and watchdog activity: Advocacy campaign against xenophobia). Indicators should be selected from Annex 1 of Guidelines for applicants “Outcomes outputs and indicators table”. - Describe the impact of the Project on the strengthening and capacity development of your organisation and the whole NGO sector, if applicable. - Describe target groups (those directly participating in the activities) and beneficiaries (those who will experience impact) of the Project. - If the project is implemented with partner/s, describe the distribution of roles among partner/s, explain the 2 Annex 2 EEA Grants 2009-2014: NGO Programme Lithuania. Guidelines for Applicants v.1.2. value of partnership for the project, indicate concrete activities that shall be implemented by partner/s, and partner’s responsibilities. VII. PROJECT IMPACT ON HORIZONTAL CONCERNS OF NGO PROGRAMME LITHUANIA Indicate Project‘s coverage of the horizontal concerns of NGO Programme Lithuania listed below. Indicate concrete actions that will be taken to achieve maximum impact. Horizontal concerns include: Combating: - Hate speech, hate crime and extremism, - Racism and xenophobia, - Homophobia, - Anti-Semitism, - Roma discrimination, - Sexual harassment, - Violence against women and domestic violence, - Human trafficking. Fostering: - Tolerance, - Multicultural understanding. VIII. PROJECT BUDGET Project budget shall be planned realistically and efficiently, based on adequate market prices. All expenses shall be clearly and directly linked to implementation of planned activities. The size of the budget shall be adequate to the achievements and results planned. Please clearly identify subcontracting cost. It shall not exceed 40% of the total value of the Project. In exceptional cases, if a clear justification is provided, this percentage may be increased, subject to the approval of the Programme Operator. Indirect costs of up to 20% of total direct eligible costs, excluding its direct eligible costs for subcontracting and the costs of resources made available by third parties which are not used on the premises of the project promoter, are allowed. The total amount of indirect costs cannot exceed 50,000 LTL (14,481 EUR). Please clearly describe own contribution of the applicant and/or partner/s to the Project. This contribution must not be less than 10% of the total value of the Project. Indicate the exact amount of own contribution in the table below. The applicant may include voluntary work as in-kind contribution worth up to 5% of the total value of the Project. For the calculation of the in-kind contribution, the price for each hour of voluntary work shall be LTL 18,13 (including all obligatory employer and employee taxes). Provide a summary of the Project Budget, breaking funding requested by categories of expenditure: Categories of expenditure Amount, LTL Amount, EUR Direct expenditure of Project implementation Task/Activity 1* Task/Activity 2* Task/Activity n* Direct administrative expenses Indirect costs TOTAL VALUE OF THE PROJECT Funding of NGO Programme Lithuania Own contribution * Direct project cost shall be apportioned distributed according to Project tasks or categorized activities. IX. OTHER INFORMATION RELATED TO THE PROJECT (if the Applicant would like to add something) 3 Annex 2 EEA Grants 2009-2014: NGO Programme Lithuania. Guidelines for Applicants v.1.2. X. PROJECT SUMMARY IN LITHUANIAN AND IN ENGLISH (section must not exceed 1 page) Please provide the following information in Lithuanian and in English: Lithuanian Pareiškėjo organizacijos pavadinimas Partnerio(ių) ir/arba asocijuoto(ų) partnerio(ų) organizacijos(ų) pavadinimas(ai) Projekto pavadinimas Kokią problemą siekiate spręsti Projektu? Koks yra šio Projekto tikslas ir uždaviniai? Koks poveikis bus pasiektas Projektu? Kokie rezultatai bus pasiekti įgyvendinus projektą? Kokia Projekto tikslinė grupė ir naudos gavėjai? Projekto partnerio (-ių) ir/ ar asocijuoto (-ų) partnerio (ių) vaidmuo Projekte, Donorų šalies partneris ir jo vaidmuo (jei taikytina)? Kokių rezultatų tikimasi iš sudarytos partnerystės (jei taikytina)? XI. English Title of applicant organization Title(s) of partner organization(s) and/or associate partner(s) organization(s) Title of the project Project justification (describe problems /challenges that project aims to solve. Include reference to wider public plans or priorities, where relevant) What is the objective of the project? What is the project expected to achieve? (describe project outcome(s)) How will the project address these challenges? (describe project outputs) Who is expected to benefit? (the target groups and beneficiaries) Donor partner and role of partner (if applicable) What will the partnership achieve? (if applicable) DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH THE PROJECT CONCEPT APPLICATION FORM The following documents must be provided by project applicant: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Project concept form (Annex 2A); Authorized copy* of Statute of the applicant organisation (if the statute was modified during the 2012-2014 period, the earlier version must be provided as well); Authorized copy* of the applicant organization’s registration certificate; Authorized copy* of the letter of authorisation (if the application is signed not by the head of the organisation); Applicant declaration (original) (Annex 4); CVs (signed by a respective person) and short description of relevant experience in project area of project implementation team; List of completed projects in the area where funding is requested (indicating project name, dates of implementation, source and amount of funding, project objective, main activities and results) (Annex 7); Annual report on received and used support in 2012-2013 (Form FR 0478). The following documents must be provided by project partner, if applicable. In case project has no partners, please delete the list indicated below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Authorized copy* of Statute of the partner organisation (if the statute was modified during the 2012-2014 period, the earlier version must be provided as well); Authorized copy* of partner organization’s registration certificate; Partner declaration (original) (Annex 5); Authorised copy* of the memorandum of understanding; CVs (signed by a respective person) and short description of relevant experience in project area of the partner’s project implementation team; List of the partner’s completed projects in the area where funding is requested (indicating project name, 4 Annex 2 EEA Grants 2009-2014: NGO Programme Lithuania. Guidelines for Applicants v.1.2. 7. dates of implementation, source and amount of funding, project objective, main activities and results) (Annex 7); Annual report on received and used support in 2012-2013 (Form FR 0478 for the Lithuanian partner and a relevant form applicable to a non-Lithuanian partner). The following documents must be provided by associated project partner, if applicable. In case project has no associated partners, please delete the list indicated below. 1. 2. Copy of associated partner(s) declaration (Annex 6). Authorised copy* of the memorandum of understanding; NB. Please print the complete application form with annexes and supporting documents, label them „True Copy“ (if necessary), sign the documents and scan them to a PDF format. All these documents together with application form in Word format must be sent by e-mail to following the deadline indicated in Chapter IX of Guidelines for Applicants „Application process“. * Authorized copy must have a label “True Copy” (“Kopija tikra”) and must be signed by chief executive officer of the organization or other authorized person. ___________________________________________________________________________ Job title and name, surname, signature of the Head of Organisation or authorised person, date <stamp> 5