Employer support form - DLR

Integrated Collaborative Practice Programme (ICP)
Leading to
Maynooth Certificate in Community Education and Equality Studies
Level 8
_____________________ has applied for the Certificate in Community Education and
Equality with special focus on Integrated Collaborative Practice (Level 8). Please fill in
the following information in support of their application. This information will be used
to establish whether the candidate may qualify for the Dun Laoghaire Drug and Alcohol
Task Force bursary.
While the overall cost of this programme is subsidised through the Southside
Partnership Training Network, and the Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Drug and Alcohol Task
Force, there is an enrolment fee of €800. The Bursary Scheme can cover 60-100% of the
enrolment fee and prospective course participants are advised to include an employer
support form with their course application form.
1. Please confirm the applicant is living and / or working in the DLR area? (y/n)
2. Briefly describe your organisation’s aim and the services it provides in the DLR area
3. Please outline your role in the organisation and more specifically your role with respect to the
4. Please confirm that the applicant will have protected course time for the duration of the
programme? (y/n)
5. Please outline additional support and encouragement you will be able to provide, in your role, to the
applicant during the programme.
6. Please indicate what your organisation hopes to achieve through the applicant attending the
- Please note that, subject to normal rules of confidentiality, attendees are required to implement
workplace learning to further their organisational goals, which will require time within attendee’s work
7. Please confirm that the employee will be employed for the duration of the course.
Print Name
Position in the Organisation