CSIT 985 Online Course Addendum - SAMPLE

Using Distance Delivery Strategies to Achieve Course Objectives
“Introduction to Computer and Information Security II “
Instructions: List each course objective from the outline of record and explain how distance
delivery strategies will be used to help students achieve that objective.
The online format enables instructors to evaluate a great variety of each student's knowledge
and skills with assigned text and computer lab simulation software. Since textual interactions
are posted, in writing, for thorough review by the instructor and classmates alike, students put
significant critical thought into drafting both initial message addressing discussion prompts as
well as responses to each other. Required written student interaction adds another layer of
analysis in text interpretation and critical analysis that is particular to the online classroom.
The computer lab simulation software will track a student lab work progress and the instructor
can assess a student lab performance for each objective listed below:
Objective # 1: Understand the hardening concepts
Online students are required to submit short essays to identify non-essential services
and protocols and explain what actions to take to reduce the risks of those services
and protocols in operating systems and application programs, quality of analysis and
demonstrated understanding of security baseline. These short essays will be
assessed by the instructor.
Objective # 2: Be able to harden and configure internet-based services and applications
Online students are required to submit short essays to outline the steps to harden
Internet-based services like web server security, browser security, messaging
security, e-mail server, FTP server, DNS server, DHCP server & file server and to
configure the security setting using Windows XP & Server 2003 with lab simulation
software. The lab performance will be assessed by the instructor.
Objective # 3: Understand the significance of auditing and intrusion detection
Online students are required to submit short essays to explain the goal or purpose of
auditing, system logging, system scanning and intrusion detection methods. Students
are also required to configure an auditing policy using Windows XP and Server 2003
with lab simulation software; the lab performance will be assessed by the instructor.
Objective # 4: Recognize and understand the administration of remote access security
Online students are required to submit short essays to explain the administration of
remote access security using the following technologies and protocols: VPN, L2TP,
IPSEC, RADIUS, SSL,HTTPS & SSH and wireless network security protocols like WEP,
WAP & WTLS. Students are required to configure a remote access policy with
Windows Server 2003 computer and XP Professional using the lab simulation
software. The demonstrated understanding on remote communication security and
the lab performance on configuration will be assessed by the instructor.
Objective # 5: Understand the security implications of disaster recovery and business
Online students are required to submit a written short “plan” of disaster recovery and
business continuity including the following topics: risk assessment, downtime
estimate, criticality prioritization, backup and fault tolerance, quality of analysis and
planning on disaster recovery and business continuity. This written plan will be
assessed by the instructor.
Objective # 6: Understand the concept and uses of security policies and procedures
Online students are required to submit a written short “policies and procedures” on
password and account management, privilege management, users education, code of
ethics, media controls ,disposal /destruction and incident response, quality of analysis
and planning on disaster recovery and business continuity. This written report will be
assessed by the instructor.
We certify that the information and answers above properly represent this course.
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