6648 Road 506 Plevna, Ontario K0H 2M0 Tel: (613) 479-2231 or 1-800-234-3953 Fax: (613) 479-2352 www.northfrontenac.ca July 22, 2015 Residents and Businesses of North Frontenac I am attaching an Industrial Wind Turbine (IWT) position paper that I wrote on behalf of North Frontenac Township and had approved by Council for distribution. I am sending this you to share our position and communicate our actions going forward. In summary our position is that we are not against green energy but are definitely opposed to IWT’s. We feel we have not been consulted by the province in regards to green energy options, municipal planning or land use planning for crown lands as required by the mandates of the Premier and crown land use planning requirements. Our focus is to protect and maintain our unique and pristine area to ensure we secure this very valuable resource for recreation and economic development opportunities that is keeping with our strategy going forward. As our position may differ from our neighboring municipalities I have formally asked all neighboring municipalities to have any installation of wind turbines setback a minimum of 10 km from North Frontenac borders. My personal focus is to meet with the Province to ensure the IWT’s are not approved for North Frontenac and hope to work out an agreement and strategy for land use planning and municipal affairs that meets the requirements of our Township and to ensure we work in closer harmony with the applicable Ministries to ensure we have direct input into any program that affects our Township going forward. Sincerely, Ron Higgins Mayor, North Frontenac Township c.c. Cheryl Robson, CAO Jenny Duhamel, Clerk Tara Mieske, Deputy Clerk Council North Frontenac