CHAPTER THREE SPECTROMETER DEVELOPMENT START Enter user details, date, scan details, (for associated text file), and file name of first scan. This should end with a number that is then iterated in consecutive scans. Set-up Scan Scan Scan spectrum, re-set instruments, or quit? Main Menu Scan spectrum, set-up instruments, or quit? Set-up Set-up LIA SFS Laser? Quit User sets: single or multiple scan, (scan consecutive frequency ranges then link them together to give a single scan, or scan a single frequency range a number of time to improve the S:N ratio). dwell time per step in scan scan range x-axis scale spectrum frequency either recorded as upper sideband, lower sideband or microwave frequency new Scan or Quit Yes User can: save spectrum print spectrum expand areas of interest measure peak frequencies Quit STOP SCAN display data on PC as recording Abort Scan No End of Scan On LIA: User sets sensitivity, PSD phase, ref. frequency harmonic, time base. VI pre-sets dynamic reserve, bandpass filter, offset, dynamic range. On SFS: User sets analogue/digital scan, no. of steps in scan, FM/AM modulation settings, Frequency pre-sets F1-F9, F, microwave power. VI pre-sets RF settings during scan, power levelling. On Laser: User enters information on laser settings e.g. power output, laser gas. User MUST enter FIR laser frequency or wavelength before continuing as this is used to calibrate the frequency scale on each scan. No Yes Accessed set-up menu from scan menu? Figure 3.20: Flow diagram showing the breakdown of each function in the TuFIR Control Programme into smaller tasks. 98 CHAPTER THREE SPECTROMETER DEVELOPMENT QUIT Scan Experimental Set-up Laser Set-up SFS Set-up LIA Set-up Experimental Set-up Start Scanning Return to Scan Menu Abort Scan Figure 3.21: Menu structure of the TuFIR control programme as seen by the user (for illustration only). Black arrows indicate the obligatory set-up procedure at the start of the scan, red arrows show the remaining screen order in each menu option. 99 CHAPTER THREE SPECTROMETER DEVELOPMENT Figure 3.22: The hierarchical structure of the TuFIR Control Programme designed to control the TuFIR experiment. The top level VI is on the left, and the red lines illustrate links between lower level subVI’s. Each VI is represented by its icon. The ‘spectrumview.VI’ is circled. 100 CHAPTER THREE SPECTROMETER DEVELOPMENT The hierarchical structure behind the Cambridge TuFIR Control Programme is shown in figure 3.22. With over 60 subVI’s, many of which are reused in higher level VI’s, the structure is slightly complicated! Over 40 of the VI’s in this programme were written in full by the author, 16 were modified from the SFS and LIA ID’s, and the remainder were intrinsic LabView VI’s, taken directly from the software libraries. It is not feasible to reproduce all the programming details in this thesis. Once the user has set-up the instrument and scan parameters, the most significant part of this programme is the scan routine itself. The block diagram for the spectrum view.VI is shown in figure 3.23. This VI controls the data acquisition cycle for a single scan over one particular frequency range. Initially the programme sets up an empty 2D data array with two columns (frequency and intensity) and the same number of rows as points in the spectrum. The GPIB initialises the bus and checks that two way communication has been established between the computer and each of the instruments. In parallel with these two processes a sub-VI reads all the frequency points in the scan from the SFS. The scan range is expressed in terms of the microwave frequency at the SFS but can be adjusted in other VI’s to reflect the true upper or lower sideband frequency. The SFS will only scan up its frequency range so the scan routine only ever operates unidirectionally. The microwave power is switched on at the lowest microwave frequency to record the first point. The programme waits for 15msec plus half the dwell time per step to ensure that the microwave frequency has stabilised. During this time it records the first frequency reading into the top row of the data array, (figure 3.23a). The programme then sequences to the second data acquisition stage. It then waits again for half the dwell time per step, to ensure that the signal response at the LIA actually originates from the particular sideband frequency at this point in the scan. If the LIA response is not matched to the signal frequency the line profile will be distorted and the transition frequencies will appear to shift in the final spectrum. These effects are observed if the dwell time per step is set too low or differs greatly from the time-base on the LIA. Another sub-VI obtains five voltage readings from the LIA, each measured 1/5th of the dwell time apart. The voltage that is read into the spectrum view.VI is actually an average of these values. This average is read into the data array intensity column, (figure 3.23b). The premise of the data smoothing is to reduce the noise level without biasing the true signal value [23]. The simple ‘data smoothing’ was included in this programme 101 CHAPTER THREE SPECTROMETER DEVELOPMENT a. ‘true’ case in first sequence frame. Refers to the very first frequency point in the spectrum b. Second sequence frame. Collects readings from the LIA c. Block diagram including ‘false’ case in first sequence frame. Collects readings from the SFS. Figure 3.23: The block diagram for the spectrum view.VI. This programme controls the data acquisition for a single scan over a single frequency range. In ‘G’, the Boolean cases and sequences are overlaid, so certain sections of the whole block diagram have been reproduced in parts a. and b. (see text for details). 102 CHAPTER THREE SPECTROMETER DEVELOPMENT to eliminate the effects of random noise and FIR laser frequency drift at each point in the spectrum. The programme triggers the SFS to switch to the next frequency point in the scan and the whole acquisition cycle is repeated. The data acquisition cycle is enclosed in a ‘while loop’ that executes an equivalent number of times to the number of points in the scan. The final data array from this programme is read into the interactive view.VI, where the ‘raw’ data is saved as a spreadsheet file ***.dat and printed. The control programme is not used process the TuFIR spectra further. The ‘raw’ data file is usually imported into a standard graph package, such as Microcal Origin, for this purpose. The spectrum view.VI was modified to construct the multiple scan routines. The ‘wide range coverage spectrum.VI’ executes one complete scan as described above, over a pre-set frequency range, F1 to F2, then shifts the scan range to F2 to F2+(F2-F1). It can make up to ten such consecutive scans, and then links the data together to give a single large data file and one single spectrum, (figure 3.24). Upper Sideband Frequency (GHz) 867.80 1.2 936.25 867.75 936.30 867.70 936.35 867.65 936.40 867.60 936.45 936.50 867.55 Lower Sideband Frequency (GHz) 1.0 0.8 Intensity (arb units) 0.6 0.4 867.5473GHz 936.2686GHz 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 491,49 480,48 98,2 87,1 -0.8 -1.0 34.20 34.25 34.30 34.35 34.40 34.45 34.50 Microwave Frequency (GHz) Figure 3.24: A ‘wide range’ frequency spectrum, covering two rotational transitions in SO2. The spectrum was constructed from 3 separate 100MHz scans. As the FPI plates had been removed both the Upper and lower sideband transitions were observed (colour coded for clarity). The signal was FM modulated at 75kHz. 103 CHAPTER THREE SPECTROMETER DEVELOPMENT The ‘average s/n view.VI’ repeatedly executes the scan routine over one fixed frequency range. In each consecutive scan, the frequency and intensity data are summed then the frequency data is averaged at the end of the final scan. In each individual scan, the signal intensity remains approximately constant, but the noise is varying randomly. Assuming that the measured noise intensity at each point in the spectrum is governed by a Poisson Distribution, the S:N ratio in these spectra will be improved by a factor of n in comparison to a single scan (where n is the number of times the scan sequence is repeated) [23]. This is illustrated in figure 3.25. 1.0 3 scans single scan 0.8 Intensity (arb units) 0.6 897,1 998,2 <2 1 8 0.4 7 0.2 0.0 x 400 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 936.24 936.25 936.26 936.27 936.28 936.29 936.30 Upper Sideband Frequency (GHz) Figure 3.25: The n improvement to the S:N ratio between single and multiple scans. The lineshape has not been distorted by the summation, and the inset shows that the noise has been averaged out to a lower level than in the single scan 3.5 Conclusion The development work and modifications undertaken by the author significantly improved the performance of the Cambridge TuFIR Spectrometer. All these changes are summarised in Table 3.5. In configuration B, with the FPI plates out, the spectrometer sensitivity was improved by at least two orders of magnitude in comparison to the original spectrometer configuration, (A). Consequently, TuFIR spectra could be recorded 104 CHAPTER THREE SPECTROMETER DEVELOPMENT Instrumentation Optical Bench Laser System Modifications and Improvements Optical System Diode System Microwave System Absorption Cell Detector System Data Acquisition entirely rebuilt system on a new custom made optical bench switched pump-FIR laser orientation from 180o to 90o aligned whole system established vacuum integrity in both lasers replaced BW’s and steering optics in CO2 laser cavity re-coated FIR laser mirrors removed 1 mirror from pump laser path reduced pump laser pathlength incorporated re-circulating chiller onto FIR laser positioned water filter on CO2 laser cooling to improve cooling water flow incorporated needle values onto FIR laser for flowing gas operation re-arranged optical system to reduce the number of times the FIR and TuFIR beams were reflected novel use of grid polariser to direct TuFIR beam re-coated all mirrors in gold mounted all optics in proper stands (not hanging from clamps!) switched diplexer exit port from 4 to 1 increased r.o.c. on both focusing mirrors repositioned FPI after absorption cell replaced FPI plates with new mesh coated internal faces of FPI with gold obtained sidebands from new diode mixer for the first time replaced battery in bias supply obtained sidebands with microwaves from the SFS for the first time replaced coax link between SFS and diode to reduce power losses switched from double to single pass re-designed cell with Brewster Windows designed cell mounts to support cell from underside identified pre-set scan parameters for optimum signal intensity raised FM modulation frequency removed FPI plates to improve sensitivity by 1 order of magnitude replaced internal dewar strutts that fix He can in position replaced batteries in pre-amp designed translation stage and mount for detector wrote and commissioned novel control and data acquisition system Table 3.5: A summary of the modifications made by the author to the Cambridge TuFIR Spectrometer 105 CHAPTER THREE SPECTROMETER DEVELOPMENT at much higher S:N ratios, and the spectrometer could be used to detect a wider range of spectra, particularly those from transient species. The recent introduction of the Brewster Window cell improved the spectrometer sensitivity again by one order of magnitude. With the new microwave synthesiser, the nominal precision of the instrument is limited only by the uncertainty in the FIR laser frequency. Typically this is between 300 and 500kHz [7]. If the FIR laser was cooled and aligned its frequency did not drift over a single scan. Therefore, the spectral precision could be improved by recording a reference transition in conjunction with the spectrum of interest. FIR calibration tables, with a published frequency accuracy of at least 100kHz, exist for this purpose [24]. Since the spectral resolution was ultimately limited by the intrinsic linewidth of the absorbing species, it was not improved any further by the preceding modifications. No additional instrumental broadening was observed on the TuFIR spectra provided that the scan parameters were set correctly. As a result of all these modifications, the TuFIR spectrometer was equipped to search for new transient species, or record highly accurate pressure broadening data. The results presented in the next two Chapters describe such studies. 106