Life Science Journal Introduction

Life Science Journal
ISSN: 1097-8135
Life Science Journal
(Acta Zhengzhou University Overseas Edition)
Life Science Journal, the overseas edition of the Zhengzhou University Acta, is an international journal intended to enhance
the free international dissemination of scientific and sociological knowledge. Papers and reports directly related to the life
sciences—in a broad sense of the term—are welcome. Thoughtful articles on topics indirectly related to the life sciences will also
be considered for publication. Papers submitted may be reviews, objective descriptions, research reports, opinions/debates, news,
letters, and other types of writing. Let us work together to disseminate our research results and our thoughtful opinions.
Instructions to Authors
1. General Information
(1) Goals: As an international journal published both in print and
on the internet, Life Science Journal is dedicated to the dissemination of fundamental knowledge of all aspects of the life
sciences and related topics. The main purpose of Life Science
Journal is to enhance the spread of knowledge by means of openminded publication. The journal includes full-length papers (original contributions), review articles, rapid communications, and
debates and opinions.
(2) What to do: Life Science Journal provides an international
forum for the dissemination and discussion of scientific news,
theory and such philosophy as may promote scientific progress.
Research reports and other texts containing new and significant
information of general interest are welcome.
(3) Who may contribute: All people in all countries are welcome
to submit manuscripts in English.
(4) Publication costs: The journal production costs are paid by
Zhengzhou University.
(5) Journal copies delivered gratis to authors: One hard copy of
the journal will be provided free of charge to the author(s).
(6) Additional copies available to authors: Journals can purchase offprints and the hard copies of the journal at the price of
US$5 per item (mailing and handling costs included).
(7) Other distribution of the journal: A web version of the journal is accessible worldwide without payment or registration. The
journal is distributed free of charge to selected institutions. Other
institutions and individuals may purchase it in hard copy at a cost
of US$5/issue.
(8) Advertisements: Suitable advertisements will be placed. The
price will be calculated at US$400/page; thus: $200 for a half
page, $100 for a quarter page, etc.
2. Submission of manuscripts
(1) Submission methods: Electronic submission through e-mail is
encouraged. A hard copy accompanied by text-data on an IBMformatted computer diskette would also be acceptable.
(2) Software: Microsoft Word files (.doc) are preferred.
(3) Font: Use Times New Roman, 10-point, single-spaced; put in
boldface type the title and subtitles, e.g. “Costs and Debt”.
(4) Paragraph indentations: Type four spaces at the beginning
of each new paragraph.
(5) Text format: Use standard margins. Don’t use the “Footnote”
or “Header/Footer” features of the word-processor.
(6) Captions of figures and tables: Use the full words “Figure”
and “Table”, e.g. “Figure 1. Annual Income of Different
Groups”, “Table 1. Annual Increase of Investment”.
(7) References: In the text, cite references by an author’s last
name and the year of publication, e.g. “(Smith, 2003)”. The list of
references should include, for each item, all the authors’ last
names and initials, the title of the item, and all the details needed
to find it, as in the following examples:
[Journal article:] Hacker J, Hentschel U, Dobrindt U. Prokaryotic chromosomes and disease. Science 2003; 301(34):790-3.
[Book chapter:] Berkowitz BA, Katzung BG. Basic and clinical
evaluation of new drugs. In: Katzung BG, ed., Basic and
clinical pharmacology. Appleton & Lance Publisher.
Norwalk, Connecticut, USA. 1995:60-9.
(8) Submission address and editorial office:
中国: 郑州市高新区科学大道 100 号(邮编:450001), 郑州大学
学报海外版《生命科学学报》编辑部, 电话:0371-67781272;
Email:; 网址:
USA: Marsland Press, P. O. Box 21126, Lansing, Michigan 48909,
USA, Telephone: 517-349-2362; Email:;
(9) Reviewers: Authors are encouraged to suggest 2-8 competent
reviewers and give their e-mail addresses.
3. Manuscript preparation
It is suggested that each manuscript include the following components unless the authors have good reasons for doing it in some
other way:
(1) Title Part: Include the complete article title; each author’s full
name; the names and locations of the institution(s) with which
each author is affiliated; and a name, complete mailing address,
telephone number, fax number (if available) and e-mail address
for all correspondence.
(2) Abstract: Include some account of Topical Background,
Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussions.
(3) Key Words. (4) Introduction. (5) Materials and Methods.
(6) Results. (7) Discussions. (8) Correspondence to
(9) References. (10) Acknowledgments.
 Zhengzhou University;;