File - Metro East Humane Society

Metro East Humane Society
Foster Parent Application Requirements
Volunteers for this program:
1. Must be at least 18 years old.
2. Must complete our attached application, and participate in an interview and training
3. Must agree to a home visit by our shelter staff.
4. Must provide requested medical information for all personal pets.
5. Must sign the foster agreement pertaining to the animal you are fostering.
6. Must provide in-home care for MEHS animals assigned under the foster program and
return animals to MEHS on the date requested.
7. Must keep appropriate weight, medication and/or behavioral records on the foster animal
while in you care, and present a profile of the animal to MEHS upon return to us.
This program is an opportunity for you to:
Give love and affection to an animal that is so young that yours will be the first safe
human interactions for that animal and will give a lasting foundation for human
interaction to that baby.
Provide a safe environment for frightened or unsocialized animals that have not learned
humans can be trusted. You can help them lean new behaviors and better ways to
Help MEHS maintain a disease free shelter by caring for at-risk or sick animals until it is
safe for them to return to the shelter.
Help MEHS save more animals by freeing up space in shelter facilities.
Thank you for your interest! If you would like to receive additional information, please email
the program coordinator, Charlette Jauch, at Or you may complete the
attached application.
Note: The Foster Program is entirely staffed by volunteers. Services performed by an individual are of a voluntary nature and are without
express or implied promise of salary, compensation, employment, or payment of any kind.
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Metro East Humane Society Foster Parent Application
Personal Profile:
Name: _________________________________
Home Phone: (___) ___________________
Address: _______________________________
Work or Cell Phone: (___) _____________
City/State/Zip: __________________________
Email: _____________________________
Housing Status (please circle):
Landlord Name: __________________________
Are you allowed to house animals?
Live with parents
Phone Number: (____) ________________
Please describe any restrictions on the number or type of animals that you are allowed to house:
Number of adults in household:_______
Ages of children in household (if any): __________
Personal Pet Profile:
Please list ALL pets currently a part of your household:
Vaccines (Type and
Date last given)
List history of medical issues of the above pets, by line number:
Your veterinarian’s name: ________________________ Phone number: (___) ______________
List two personal references:
Reference #1 Name:_______________________________ Phone (____) __________________
Reference #2 Name:_______________________________ Phone (____) __________________
Before fostering, I agree to provide documentation from my vet showing that my animals are
vaccinated against the following diseases:
Canine: DHPPC/Bordetella, Rabies, Fleas, Internal Parasites, Heartworm Disease
Feline: FVRCP/Bordetella, Rabies, Fleas, Internal Parasites
(Signature required) _____________________
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Relevant Experience/Information:
List all other foster or rescue groups that you are a part of (including caring for feral cats):
Is your property fenced?
How high is it at its lowest point? ______________
Foster animals must be kept separate from your pets. Describe area where foster animal(s) will
be kept:_______________________________________________________________________
How many hours a day will the animal be alone on a regular basis?________________________
Briefly describe your experience with very young, ill, injured, and/or unsocialized animals: ____
Describe the minimum and maximum time frames to which you are committed for one or more
foster animals:__________________________________________________________________
Which animals are you interested in fostering (circle all that apply)?
Weaned healthy kittens
Weaned healthy puppies
Cats/kittens with a cold
Dogs/puppies with a cold
Mom with kittens
Mom with puppies
Ill/Injured cat
Ill/Injured dog
Orphaned kittens
Orphaned puppies
Cat behavior cases (non-aggressive)
Dog behavior cases (non-aggressive)
Describe why you want to be a foster parent:__________________________________________
I certify that the above information is true and accurate. I understand that any falsification of the
above information may be grounds for denial of this application or termination of my volunteer
status. I acknowledge that this application remains the property of Metro East Humane Society.
I authorize MEHS to conduct an on-site inspection of the premises where the animal(s) will be
Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _________________
Please send completed application to:
MEHS, Attn: Foster Program, 8495 State Route 143, Edwardsville, IL 62025
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