the information and application pack

National Youth Council of Ireland Arts
Pilot Training Programme with Cultural Institutions
for Youth Workers
NYCI is delighted to be piloting an innovative training to support Youth Workers to engage young people
with Cultural Institutions. The training will run in conjunction with the Gallery of Photography, The
National Print Museum and The Irish Architecture Foundation.
The pilot will offer Youth workers the chance to gain in-depth experience in Digital Photography,
Bookbinding and Developing an architectural design idea from a youth centred perspective. It will be
facilitated by a recognised expert in the relevant field. The training is free. It will take place on site in the
Cultural Institute.
Youth workers will gain the necessary skills to run a project in their centre in the selected skill.
Youth workers will gain a specific expertise which may enhance their work practice with young
people for example, develop confidence in digital photography, know how to instigate and run a
youth centred project.
It offers a new opportunity for the Youth Worker and young people to experience an institution
which they may be unfamiliar with and have a lasting experience. In the case of The National
Print Museum young people will get to visit the museum, learn how to book bind and exhibit
their work at The National Print Museum.
Youth workers will be introduced to the resources available in the Cultural Institution and it may
support an ongoing partnership with the Youth organisation and Institute in the future.
We are currently seeking youth workers who would be interested in participating in this training. There
are 8 places available with The Irish Architecture Foundation and The National Print Museum. There
are 12 places available with the Gallery of Photography, 2 training sessions will take place one on the
20th of October 2014 and the other on 24th November 2014. The training will involve a commitment to
deliver a project with a youth group and a commitment in the case of the Gallery of Photography and
National Print Museum to visit the Institute with a youth group. The training is free and will be offered
to interested youth workers who best fit the criteria and complete the application process by the closing
date 19th September 2014. For further information please contact Niamh Dillon at or
telephone 01-4784122.
 Work with young people between the ages of 10-25.
 Have at least 12 participants in the group.
 Work according to Youth work guidelines.
 Conduct activities that take place in out of school/voluntary context.
 Have experience of group facilitation and an interest or experience in the art form.
 Have an interest in the Cultural Institution.
 Have a commitment to delivering training in the skill you have gained in your Youth Centre.
 Have a commitment to bringing your youth group to The National Print Museum or Gallery of
Photography if you have chosen training with the organisation.
Organisations applying for this training opportunity should:
 Chose one strand of training.
 Applications for the training should reach us by Friday 19th of September.
 Successful applicants will be contacted the week of the 22nd of September.
Information for each strand of training
National Print Museum
The National Print Museum collects, documents, preserves, exhibits, interprets and makes accessible
the material evidence of the printing craft and fosters associated skills of the craft in Ireland. The
museum is a working museum with a panel of active retired printers and typesetters regularly
maintaining and demonstrating the collection and providing training.
A two day training will take place at the National Print Museum in February 2015. The training will take
place on Tuesday, February 3rd from 9.30 – 1pm and Tuesday, February 10th 2015 from 9.30-4.30pm.
Participants will be given a brief introduction to the National Print Museum, a guided demonstrative
tour of the museum’s collection and the opportunity to try some hand-composing and printing. A
discussion of the museum’s resources and how they can fit into a youth work setting will follow.
A book binding workshop will take place in the museum on the following Tuesday. Youth workers will
be introduced to a number of simple book binding techniques. Using traditional binding methods
students will learn how to bring a personal style to their own hand bound books. Individual and group
work will also be discussed. Participants will be expected to return to their youth settings and
demonstrate the techniques they have learnt. On conclusion of the project, a selection of the young
participant’s bookbinding creations will be exhibited at the National Print Museum. There will be a small
celebratory event, with the young people from the 8 youth organisations, to launch the mini
bookbinding exhibition.
This training is for you if you are
 Interested in Crafts
 The history of Printing
 Developing new ideas for Youth Work activity
Takeaway Skills
 Bookbinding
 You will be able to devise a youth project in Bookbinding
 You will be familiar with the resources available at the Museum
 Your youth group will be able to participate in a project which will exhibit at the museum.
The Irish Architecture Foundation
The Irish Architecture Foundation is a vibrant and passionate organisation founded in 2005 that excites
people about the cultural value of architecture. It is the only designated organisation in Ireland with a
core mission of communicating architecture to the public. Its mission is to develop audiences for
architecture and engagement in the built environment and by so doing improve the built environment in
The Irish Architecture Foundation runs projects in schools engaging young people in architecture
through a process of examining their own school or local environment and developing design ideas to
improve them. This one-day training will introduce youth workers to a process whereby they will be able
to engage young people in the built environment of their local area and come up with their own design
ideas. The training will take place on Wednesday, 19th November from 10am – 4pm at the Architecture
Foundation and will begin with presentation on IAF youth-led projects, toolkits and resources, followed
by hands-on workshops (multi-media walkabout, light model-making). For this training an interest or
background in design and visual arts would be useful. The youth worker will on conclusion of the
training be expected to introduce a youth group to the design process through creative workshops
based on their own surroundings.
This training is for you if
 You are interested in design
 You want to support active citizenship with your youth group.
 You want to develop new ideas for Youth Work activity
Take away skills
 You will have the resources and know how to run a project where by your youth group will
engage with their local environment and come up with design ideas to improve it.
 You will be familiar with the work and resources available at the Architecture foundation.
 You will have basic skills in the design process and model building.
Gallery of Photography
Established in 1978 by John Osman, The Gallery of Photography is Ireland’s premier venue for
photography exhibitions. The programme of free exhibitions showcase the work of leading names in
Irish and international contemporary photography. The gallery runs a broad programme of talks and
evening events which include Photobook Club, artists’ talks and panel discussions. They provide artist’s
production facilities for digital and darkroom and excellent photography training courses.
The training is for you if
 You are interested in photography
 You want to learn about running a youth led photography project.
 You want to develop new ideas for Youth Work activity.
Takeaway Skills
 You will have basic skills in digital photography
 You will have the knowhow to run a youth led photography project
 You will be familiar with the resources available at the Gallery of Photography.
2 training sessions in digital photography will take place in the Gallery of Photography. The training will
take place on Monday the 20th of October and 24th November 2014 from 10.30am to 4.30pm. Youth
leaders will be introduced to the history of photography with particular reference to Ireland. There will
be a presentation on Community Photography projects and ideas for Youth led projects will be covered.
The practical digital photography session will cover, How to take a good photo with a phone, uploading
photos online and best practice on social media . Successful applicants will be expected to run a
photography project in their youth centre and bring a youth group to the Gallery. Note applicants must
be available for both training dates.
NYCI Arts Programme Training Pilot with Cultural Institutions for Youth
Application Form
1. Contact Details:
Youth Organisation:
Contact Address:
2. Please indicate with an x the organisation you are applying for training with:
Irish Architecture Foundation
The Print Museum
The Gallery of Photography
3. Please explain your interest in the training and outline how you might use the training
in your Youthwork setting.
4. Outline briefly your facilitation experience to date. Please include any other expertise
or experience that might be useful for this training ie visual arts interest or
background, an interest in photography, craft or design. Include relevant youth
projects you were involved in.
5. Explain why you think you should get a training place and how it will benefit you and
your organisation.
Please return to Niamh Dillon at NYCI by September 19th 2014