Ramapo College of New Jersey

Section Title:
Administration and Finance
Policy Number
Policy Name:
Classified Service to Unclassified Service
Approval Authority:
President’s Cabinet
College Policy Executive:
Chief Planning Officer
Responsible Executive:
Vice President for Administration and Finance
Responsible Unit:
Human Resources
Date Adopted:
June 21, 1991
Date Revised:
September 2001, September 2013, January 2014
1. Policy
When any employee moves from a classified, career service title to an unclassified title, the
employee will be covered by the terms and conditions of employment that apply to unclassified
2. Reason for Policy
The policy clarifies terms and conditions of employment for movement from the classified sector to
the unclassified sector. These sectors are governed by different statutes and codes, as well as
Board policy. The policy addresses salary and contractual issues related to the change in
employment category.
3. To Whom Does the Policy Apply
The policy applies to employees who move from the classified sector.
Classified employees are those support and professional staff covered by the provision of NJSA
11A and the New Jersey Administrative Code 4A (New Jersey Department of Personnel), and
either by the CWA contract or IFPTE contract, depending on their titles.
Unclassified employees are governed by the provisions of NJSA 18A and Board of Trustee Policy.
Those unclassified employees covered by the AFT contract include faculty, professional staff and
librarians. Those unclassified employees not in a bargaining unit are governed by the provisions of
NJSA 18A and Board of Trustee Policy.
4. Related Documents:
Movement from Classified Service to Unclassified Service
Classified Service to Unclassified Service
5. Contacts:
Director of Human Resources
Classified Service to Unclassified Service