MEDICINE HISTORY & PHYSICAL. TEAM ID: (Include team name, supervising resident and attending at the time of admission): PMD: CHIEF COMPLAINT: HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS (location, quality, severity, duration, timing, contest, modifying factors and associated signs and symptoms): PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: SURGICAL HISTORY: FAMILY HISTORY (all major illnesses): SOCIAL HISTORY (alcohol, tobacco: how many per day, for how many years, illicit drug use / Living situation, homeless, recent travel, occupation, sexual behavior, level of education): ALLERGIES (Drug/food/environmental; specify reaction): MEDICATIONS: (prescription, over-the-counter, dietary supplements, herbals): ADVANCE DIRECTIVE: REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Document both Positives and Negatives among the following: Constitutional symptoms (Fever (F), Chills (C), Weight change): Eye problems (Loss of vision, Diplopia, Eye pain): Last eye exam: Ear, Nose, Mouth,Throat problems (Ear pain, Deafness, Epistaxis): Respiratory problems (Cough, Sputum, Hemoptysis): Cardiovascular problems (Chest pain, Dyspnea, Orthopnea, Edema, Cyanosis): Gastrointestinal problems (Anorexia, Nausea, Vomiting, Constipation, Diarrhea, Abnormal Stool, Jaundice, Abdominal pain, Melena, Hematochezia, Hemorrhoids): Genitourinary problems (Frequency or polyuria, Urgency, Dysuria, Nocturia, Hematuria, Stone or gravel, Urethral discharge, Changes in testicles, Genital sores): OB-Gyn problems (Leukorrhea, Non-menstrual bleeding, Excessive menstrual flow, Irregular menstrual flow, Pelvic pain): Last mammogram: LMP: Gravida/Para/Abort/Stillbirth: Menarche (yrs, cycle, duration, flow): Oral contraceptives (name, dose, length of administration - month, years): Musculoskeletal problems (Back pain, Bone infections, Skeletal deformities, Joint pain or swelling, Varicose veins, Leg ulcers): Skin/Breast problems (Rashes, sores, ulcers, Skin thickening, indurations, nodules, masses): Neurological problems (Headache, Numbness, Paralysis/weakness, Loss of sphincter control/urinary incontinence, Disturbance of gait or speech): Psychiatric problems (Anxiety, Depression, Disturbing feelings of thoughts, Alteration in sleep/appetite): Endocrine problems (Excessive thirst, Polyuria, Heat or cold intolerance): Hematologic/Lymphatic problems (Anemia, Easy bruising or bleeding, Blood clots, Swollen glands, lymphedema, Blood transfusion, Blood transfusion reaction): Allergy/Immunologic problems (Asthma, Allergic rhinitis / hay fever, Hives / urticaria / anaphylaxis): Communicable disease (include h/o TB or + PPD): Vaccination /immune status (Tetanus, Influenza, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Pneumoccocal, H. Influenza, Chickenpox): PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Normal reference examination elements are included within brackets [ ] VITAL SIGNS: HT (indicate cm or inch): WT (indicate kg or lbs): BP: PULSE (beat/min): RESP (breath/min): TEMP: PAIN ( _/10): General Appearance: [Well developed (WD), Well nourished (WN),·No acute distress (NAD)]: Medicine H P 12-4-10 Head: [No deformities, Normal cephalic, atraumatic (NCAT)]: Lymph Nodes / Lymphatics: [No neck, axillary, inguinal, or other lymphadenopathy (LAD)]: Eyes: [Vision grossly intact / No conjunctivitis /·No ptosis /·Extra ocular muscles intact (EOMI)/·Pupils equal round, reactive to light and accommodation (PERRLA)/·Fundoscopic examination normal]: Ears: [Hearing grossly intact /·No deformities /·External Auditory Canals (EAC) clear, Tympanic Membranes (TM) intact]: Nose: [No marked airway obstruction /·Mucosa normal / Septum intact / No discharge present]: Oral Cavity: [Moist mucus membranes (MMM), Mucosa normal, no sores or leukoplakia /·Hygiene good, teeth in good condition /·No lymphoid hyperplasia]: Neck: [Supple full range of motion (ROM)/·No palpable masses /·Thyroid: no masses, enlargement ,or tenderness /·No venous distention /·Trachea midline]: Back: [No deformities or tenderness of the spine /·No costovertebral angle (CVA) tenderness]: Chest/Breast: [Symmetrical nontender (NT)/·No palpable masses or ulceration /·No nipple retraction or discharge]: Respiratory: [Lungs clear to auscultation, and percussion bilaterally (CTAP B/L) /·Chest wall symmetrical, no deformities, no increased work of breathing]: Cardiovascular: [Regular rate and rhythm (RRR)/·Heart sounds normal, no murmurs, rubs or gallops (M/R/G), No lifts, heaves or thrills, point of maximal intensity (PMI) normal /·Carotid, Aorta, Femoral pulses normal without bruits /·Peripheral pulses present, equal and symmetrical]: Abdomen/GI: [Flat, soft, not distended (ND), non tender (NT) / Bowel sound (BS) present and normally active /·No rebound, guarding or rigidity present /·No hepatosplenomegaly (HSM)/·No palpable masses or ulceration /·No scars or hernias present]: Rectal: [No hemorrhoids, masses or tenderness /·Sphincter tone normal, ·Stool negative for occult blood]: If Deferred, MUST specify why: Male Genitalia: No penile lesions or discharge /·Both testicles in scrotum /·No masses or swelling / Prostate symmetrical mobile not enlarged and of normal consistency]: If Deferred, MUST specify why: Pelvic: [No lesions of vulva /No bladder tenderness or masses /·No vaginal discharge or lesions /·Urethral meatus normal, no discharge /·No Cervical motion tenderness (CMT), no discharge or lesions / ·Fundus symmetrical, not enlarged, freely moveable /·No adnexal masses or tenderness ]: If Deferred, MUST specify why: Neurological: [No weakness, paralysis, or tremor /·Cranial nerves (CN) II-XII intact symmetrical /·Normal deep tendon reflexes (DTR)/·Sensation intact to light touch, position, pin prick, and vibration /·No numbness or tingling /·No cerebellar signs /·Toes down-going /·Normal gait]: Psychiatric: [Alert and oriented to time, place, and person (A&Ox3)/·Memory, judgment, and insight intact /·No agitation, depression, anxiety, psychosis]: Musculoskeletal / Extremities: [No clubbing, cyanosis or edema (CCE)/·Normal muscle tone and bulk normal /·No muscle spasm, no atrophy present /· Head, neck, spine, pelvis, extremity x4 No skeletal deformities or dislocations, ·Full range of motion (FROM), nontender to palpation (NTTP) / normal gait]: Skin: [No induration, nodules, or skin tightening /·No rashes, lesions, ulcerations /·Describe rash (maculopapular, papular, macular, patch, plaques, etc) or lesion location & symmetry]: LABORATORY AND RADIOGRAPHIC DATA: OTHER DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES: ASSESSMENT / PLAN: SIGNATURE (Include your name, title (e.g. R3), SID#: Medicine H P 12-4-10