Environment for Development Perspectives: Mercury Use in ASGM August 2011 United Nations Environment Programme Division of Industry, Trade and Environment Chemicals Branch 11-13, chemin des Anémones CH-1219 Châtelaine, Geneva Switzerland Preface UNEP DTIE Chemicals Branch work on artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) is based on the fact that this is the largest demand sector for mercury globally. A number of targeted actions to promote the reduction of mercury use and releases in this sector are on going within the UNEP Global Mercury Partnership while negotiations on the forthcoming Global Mercury instrument are underway. In this context, this study explores potential environment, social and development co-benefits from reduction and elimination of mercury use in ASGM through an economic lens; and the policy options and financing aspects for making this transition. Without consideration of externalities, the real economic impacts of ASGM cannot be judged accurately. ASGM may provide an employment opportunity but cannot reach its full potential to contribute to sustainable economic development, in part due to associated externalities including from mercury use in artisanal gold production. Understanding the challenges and opportunities for moving towards reduction/elimination of mercury in ASGM practices is key in developing effective policy options to reduce these negative impacts. Given the complexity, it is worthwhile to focus on how these elements can work together in integrated enabling policy strategies. Moreover, adequately financing the transition to reduced or no mercury use in ASGM is critical; but the real challenge may be in creating policy conditions for ASGM so that stable, predictable financing is both publically and privately sourced and used effectively for better mercury management to improve the lot of artisanal miners and the communities in which they work and live. Assessing genuine development impacts of ASGM. Options for integrated policy strategies for ASGM. Investment in policy and technology to achieve reduction or elimination of mercury in ASGM. This report does not provide all answers for these three important strands of work on ASGM. Rather, it aims to enrich discussions in each and provide a framework from which future work can benefit. The report synthesises existing knowledge to frame the economic argument for investing in mercury reduction/elimination in artisanal and small-scale gold mining as part of development strategies for this sector. The objective is to provide an analytical foundation including often omitted negative external consequences for concurrent and future studies conducted under the UNEP Global Mercury Partnership. This report was produced at UNEP DTIE Chemicals Branch from January – July 2011. A draft was posted on the UNEP Global Mercury Partnership website on 15 August 2011 to solicit review from a broad range of stakeholders over a 30 day period. This current version was finalized on the basis of comments received. Any comments, corrections or suggestions for improvement are most welcome. Please direct feedback to Ms. Brenda Koekkoek (e-mail: brenda.koekkoek@unep,org). Disclaimer The designation employed and the presentation of material in this report do not imply any expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the United Nations or UNEP concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or any of its authorities, or concerning any delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Any views expressed in the document do not necessarily reflect the views of UNEP. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by UNEP, nor preferred compared to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. The use of information from this publication concerning proprietary products for publicity or advertising is not permitted. Material in this publication may be freely quoted or reprinted, but acknowledgement is requested together with a reference to the document. A copy of the publication containing the quotation or reprint should be sent to UNEP Chemicals Branch. The electronic version of this document is available from: http://www.unep.org/hazardoussubstances/EnvironmentforDevelopment/tabid/56182/Default.aspx, or is available from: UNEP DTIE Chemicals Branch 11-13, chemin des Anémones CH-1219 Châtelaine, Geneva Switzerland Phone: +41 22 917 1234 E-mail: mercury@unep.org ii Acknowledgments UNEP expresses its appreciation to all those who contributed to this study, particularly the reviewers who gave their time at various stages of this process (in alphabetical order): Jan Šamánek, HMWG coordinator, IPEN Joseph DiGangi, International Pops Elimination Network (IPEN) Kevin Telmer, Founding Director, Artisanal Gold Council Ludovic Bernaudat, Programme Development and Technical Cooperation Division, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Marcello M. Veiga, Associate Professor, University of British Columbia Patrick Schein, Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM) Peter W.U. Appel, Senior Research Scientist, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Susan Keane, Senior Environmental Analyst, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) William M.B. Jirabi, Senior Environmental Management Officer, Division of Environment, Tanzania Yuyun Iswamati, ASGM Partnership Lead, International Pops Elimination Network (IPEN) Special thanks the principal author, Ms. Louise Gallagher for her dedication and commitment. Usman Tariq and Rebecca Fisher also gave research and editing support. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................................. iv Economic Concepts Glossery .................................................................................................................................v Key Messages ........................................................................................................................................................ vi Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................1 I. Welfare Impacts of Artisanal and small-scale gold mining .........................................................................2 A. Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining and Global Gold Production Trends ...................................................2 B. National Economic Impacts of Large and Small-scale Gold Production...........................................................5 C. Impacts on Local Economies ...........................................................................................................................12 II. The Costs of Inaction on Mercury Use in Artisanal and Small-scale Gold production ..........................17 A. Mercury Use in artisanal and small-scale gold mining ....................................................................................17 B. Techniques for Significant Reduction and Elimination of Mercury ................................................................20 C. Financial and External Costs of Inaction on Mercury Use in ASGM ..............................................................22 III. Challenges and Opportunities.......................................................................................................................33 IV. Enabling the Transition: Policy and FinaNcing Options ...........................................................................35 A. A Note on Institutional Arrangements .............................................................................................................35 B. An Overview of Integrated Policy Strategies on Mercury-Use in ASGM .......................................................35 C. Financing the Transition ..................................................................................................................................37 D. The Need for a Long Term Strategy ................................................................................................................44 Conclusion and Recommendations .....................................................................................................................47 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................................... I Appendix A........................................................................................................................................................... IV iv ECONOMIC CONCEPTS GLOSSERY Economic Development The main indicator of economic development is increasing gross domestic product GDP per capita, reflecting an increase in the economic productivity and average material wellbeing of a country's population. Economic development is closely linked with economic growth - changes or expansion in a country's economy. Economic growth is conventionally measured as the percentage increase in GDP during one year. Externalities With pure private goods, the costs carried by the individuals involved are the only economically meaningful costs. Externalities, both positive and negative, however are defined by two conditions: (1) unintentional impacts on the welfare of another, without attention being paid to the effects and (2) compensation is neither paid nor received which is equal (or greater) than the value of the resulting costs and benefits to others. Environmental pollution is an example of a social cost that is seldom borne completely by the polluter, thereby creating a negative externality. So, costs of pollution from production and consumption not “paid for” are negative externalities – typically termed ‘nonmarket’ costs. Benefits, on the other hand, are positive externalities for which the person generating them has not been paid. Market Failure Diverging private and social costs and benefits arising from the existence of externalities pave the way for ‘market failure’ whereby the natural consequence of artificially cheap production and consumption is overproduction and excess consumption. (Policy) Action Environmental policy actions typically aim to re-align private interests with public policy targets through regulations and costs – or market signals – which include legal liability, prices and information, and ownership rights to highlight true impact of consumption and production choices. The OECD defines policy action as "no new policies beyond those which currently exist". Costs of Action The cost of implementing policies. Attention should be paid to both financial and nonmarket impacts on all stakeholders, positive and negative, and how these are shared across society (including government budgets and private costs). The emphasis tends to be on the financial costs of policy administration, training, new technology and so on however. Costs of Inaction The cost of not implementing policies, specifically including both financial and nonmarket impacts on all stakeholders, positive and negative, and how these are shared across society (including government budgets and private costs). Net Social Benefit (Cost) Social benefits and costs are, in opposition to private costs, the positive and negative impacts for society as a whole of a particular economic activity or policy measure. If there is a positive externality, then higher social benefits than private benefits. If a negative externality exists, then the opposite is true. Economic assessment frameworks weigh costs of policy implementation against financial and monetized nonmarket impacts, positive and negative, of that policy change, in theory reflecting economic values of all stakeholders over distance and time. The overall impact on society is assessed against a ‘social welfare criterion’ – the measure by which policies can be accepted or rejected based on whether there is a net social benefit or cost. Typically, Pareto Efficiency are used as the benchmarks, where no one can be made better-off through a reallocation of existing resources without making someone else in society worse-off (note that a weakness in that this definition of efficiency does not take distribution considerations into account). Since observable market prices do not generally exist for an environmental good or common (in this sense it is a value of the actual common or value of the environmental good such clean air, clean water, clean soil, etc.), the marginal social cost of damage to the environmental good or common is not usually readily available in monetary terms. However, while challenging, it is possible to value and integrate these costs and benefits into analysis frameworks using nonmarket valuation techniques. v KEY MESSAGES Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) is perceived as a positive development opportunity in some countries on the basis of historic experience on North America’s West Coast, Australia and South Africa. The economic impacts from mining do indeed generate positive financial gains – especially for miners and the local communities – but also negative externalities in the form of environmental damage and health impacts with local to global dimensions. There is no telling if the activity generates a net social benefit or cost until all externalities are accounted for. As such, development strategies including ASGM must consider both aspects. ASGM is estimated to supply 13 percent of the world’s gold production per annum, or about 330 tonnes of average annual mining production in recent years. From this, the current sales value of annual artisanal and small-scale gold production in 2010/11 is worth around US$10.5 billion. Working on the highly conservative basis that ASGM makes up 8 percent of national production in countries engaged in gold mining, and setting aside the costs of associated externalities, the economic value of this sector in ‘low’ development status countries can be estimated at US$486.9 million. For ‘medium’ development countries, the value of production from this sector could be as high as US$1.7 billion. On the externalities side, mercury is one of the largest negative impacts from this sector. Many artisanal miners use mercury because it is available, cheap, effective and quick. However, its use in ASGM appears profitable only if certain financial, health and environmental impacts are not accounted for. These hidden costs for miners, their families and the communities they live in and support reduces net benefits from ASGM immeasurably. There is also an important global dimension for health impacts through atmospheric and oceanic transport of mercury, as well as globally traded contaminated food products. Available analyses strongly suggest that prevention of mercury pollution from ASGM (and other sources, it must be said) can produce vast health and economic benefits at the local, national and global levels. Where countries have chosen to adopt a strategy of making ASGM a formal part of the mining sector, challenges exist for mercury reduction and elimination efforts. The fact is that costs of ‘action’ on mercury are typically better understood than the benefits of reducing and eliminating its use in ASGM. Asymmetrical analyses like this means interventions to reduce or eliminate mercury in artisanal and small-scale gold production are often not supported. Solutions that are purely political will not solve what is essentially an economic problem. Mercury functions as a financial ‘tool’ for impoverished miners in producing income from gold mining quickly and cheaply. The question is how to reconfigure public policy, businesses and infrastructure to ensure better returns from development choices in terms of natural, human and financial capital. This necessitates law and markets working together at national, regional and international levels to coherently align economic, environmental and human health goals. Mobilizing financial resources is a critical aspect of encouraging adoption of cleaner technologies in ASGM where this sector has been marked for development in a country. Main sources of finance currently identified include multilateral and bilateral funding, national budgets in gold producing countries and private investment enabling miner’s access to capital at the local level. Addressing the challenge of scaling-up successful transitions to non-mercury production techniques is likely to depend on miners being able to access financial resources. However, without recognized and defendable mining rights and integration to some extent of artisanal mining in the formal economy, local-based financing will need to overcome significant challenges to be effective. Countries considering developing their ASGM sector as part of poverty reduction and economic development strategies must weigh up all implications of this course of action. vi INTRODUCTION Recent price trends for gold suggest that mercury-related health and environment impacts, as well as other environmental problems related to artisanal and small-scale gold mining ASGM are set to increase unless action is taken. In addition to its decorative and industrial uses, gold is, and has been for centuries, considered a ‘safe haven’ for investment. This is reflected in how total gold demand in 2010 rose sharply in reaction to the financial and economic crises.1 The related increase in gold prices2 is already driving new exploration activities in the formal gold sector.3 Even more rapid growth is predicted for informal gold production however. Combined output in mature mining operations4 fell in 2009 and mining operations are seen to be shifting to Africa and central Asia where artisanal and small-scale practices are most prevalent. When the gold prices have risen from 272US$/oz in 2000 to more than 1,6500US$/ to date, increased artisanal and small-scale gold mining– with all the associated benefits and costs– looks inevitable. Is this good news for development in gold producing countries in these regions? The answer is not clear. Artisanal and small-scale gold mining are two livelihood activities which may have poverty reduction potential in developing countries and countries with economies in transition. Yet this potential is challenged by many factors – the most relevant for the UNEP Chemicals Branch being the human health and environmental consequences of mercury and other chemicals often used for gold processing in ASGM. As such, ASGM embodies a tension between economic and sustainable development goals, due to excessive associated human and environmental costs which extend around globe with mercury released from this activity contaminates food chains far from the place of use. ASGM has been on the radar of the international community for over 30 years and the sector has more political and funding attention than ever due to the process on the forthcoming Mercury Treaty. 5 Yet the process of finding solutions to the significant health, environmental and social problems that all too often accompany these forms of gold mining has been sluggish and uncoordinated. The empirical evidence for the negative (external) impacts of mercury use has not been articulated in the economic language of key financial decision-makers in countries where ASGM occurs. As such, UNEP argues that the costs of investing in mercury reduction/elimination in ASGM are typically better understood than the benefits of doing so. Asymmetrical analyses like this means interventions to reduce or eliminate mercury in artisanal and small-scale gold production are often not realized. What is more, as ASGM continues to be excluded from national, regional and global economic perspectives in any meaningful way, it can not be assessed fairly for its true development potential. This report synthesises existing knowledge to frame the economic argument for investing in mercury reduction/elimination in artisanal and small-scale gold mining as part of development strategies for this sector. The objective is to provide an analytical foundation including often omitted negative external consequences for concurrent and future studies conducted under the Global Mercury Partnership. The aim is to identify the economic challenges and opportunities for reducing mercury in artisanal and small-scale practices, with the goal of eliminating its use when possible. This approach ultimately seeks to motivate greater political, private sector and civil society support for significant reduction or elimination of mercury in artisanal and small-scale gold production. The objectives for each section of this discussion are: To marshal an understanding of the economic benefits and associated externalities from ASGM (Section I). To demonstrate how mercury-related externalities affect the miners and surrounding communities and reduce the overall positive economic impacts from ASGM (Section II). To summarize succinctly the challenges and opportunities for moving towards reduction/elimination of mercury in ASGM practices (Section III); and To map the integrated enabling policy strategy at the global, regional, national, corporate and community levels –and importantly, the potential means for financing their implementation (Section IV). 1 World Gold Council (2010) Supply and Demand Statistics, accessed 1 December 2010 World Gold Council (2011) Gold Investment Digest Q4 2010, last accessed 15 March 2011 World Gold Council Supply and Demand Statistics, accessed 1 December 2010 4 In South Africa, the US, Canada and Australia from 1,260 tonnes in 2000 to 756 tonnes 5 See the Targets for mercury reduction, safer use and elimination in ASGM included in the draft text negotiated at INC2 2 3 1 I. WELFARE IMPACTS OF ARTISANAL AND SMALL-SCALE GOLD MINING Artisanal and small-scale gold mining are two separate forms of mining that are brought together under one single categorization of mostly informal and illegal (in many countries, but not all) gold production by individuals, groups, families or cooperatives with minimal (or no) mechanization.6 Conservative estimates suggest that there are 10 million miners 7 operating in the artisanal and small-scale sector; but the Global Mercury Project8 estimates at least 50 million people in over 55 countries9 depend on ASGM for their livelihood, mainly in Africa, Asia and South America.10 People engage in ASGM because there is a sustained market for gold, capital investment and operational costs are low, it can be flexibly combined with other economic activities and they have few other options for employment. In all, gold mining has the folkloric quality of ‘get rich quick’ schemes that attracts many men and women without the skills, education, business knowledge or support to seek employment elsewhere. Questions on this complex issue are manifold in the development context: How do these forms of mining impact people living in rural, marginalized communities in developing countries or ‘in transition’ countries? How do mining activities fit into broader sustainable development choices? And to what extent do mercury pollution and other externalities stemming from such mining activities reduce available choices through reducing quality of human health, natural resources or through a contamination legacy? Historically, exploitation of natural resources, including minerals mining, has yielded both economic benefits and environmental destruction. Gold mining heralded a new stage in national economic development in Western Coast of North America, Australia and South Africa. This experience is offered as the empirical proof for the potential of ASGM to contribute to economic growth, but the legacy of mercury contamination must not be overlooked.11 Currently, with the trends in gold mining production showing a distinct shift towards increased production in developing countries, gold mining presents an important dilemma for decisions surrounding sustainable development strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Central Asia. A. ARTISANAL AND SMALL-SCALE GOLD MINING AND GLOBAL GOLD PRODUCTION TRENDS Conservative estimates suggest that ASGM supplies 13 percent of the world’s gold production per annum12, or about 330 tonnes of average annual mining production in recent years13. From this, the current market value of annual artisanal and small-scale gold production, at 70 percent14 of the average price for gold in 2010/11, can be estimated at around US$10.5 billion.15 ASGM provides an important source of income for miners, particularly in regions where economic alternatives are extremely limited. Since 2006, official global gold mine production has increased 4 percent from 2,360 to 2,460 tones in 2009.16 Comparing gold mine production in 2006 and 2009 (based on the across countries categorized by UN Human Development classifications and Least Developed Country status, ‘low’, ‘medium’, and ‘high’ human development status countries are producing more gold while output of ‘very high’ development status countries The term ‘artisanal’ is used to encompass all small, medium, large, informal, legal and illegal miners who use rudimentary processes to extract gold from secondary and primary ore bodies. The term ‘small-scale’ suggests a degree more of organization and mechanization; and in many cases, more severe health and environment consequences as artisanal production scaling-up. 7 Telmer and Veiga (2009) 8 UNIDO GMP (2006a) 9 Telmer and Veiga (2009) updated this estimate to 70 countries, It is now likely to be higher according to the list on www.mercurywatch.org which has confirmed artisanal mining presence for 74 countries and suspects its presence in an additional 6 countries (total: 80). Many additional countries have been identified through monitoring and mining exploration magazines which report the presence of artisanal production. 10 A second estimate from the ILO (1999) gives figures of 80-100million people directly and indirectly dependent on ASGM for their livelihoods. 11 See Fetherling (1997) 12 UNEP (2010) 13 Telmer and Veiga (2009) estimate annual production from ASGM at approximately 330 tonnes. Supply has averaged approximately 2,497 tonnes per year over the last several years according to World Gold Council Demand and Supply Statistics, accessed 13 January 2011. These figures form the basis of related calculations. 14 Averaging monthly gold prices from February 2010 to March 2011 gives a figure US$1,416.341/oz(troy) based on data available from the World Gold Council Investment Statistics, accessed 31 May 2011. 70 percent of this value is used to represent the difference between the spot price for gold and returns to industry based on estimates for the formal mining sector based on expert opinion elicited from the Global Mercury Partnership and data from Mongolia and Indonesia. 15 For comparison, this is equivalent to approximately 10 percent of the total net official development assistance (ODA) from members of the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) in 2009. US$119.6 billion total overseas development assistance was contributed by DAC members in 2009, representing 0.31 percent of the DAC members’ combined gross national incomes. OECD Development Co-operation Directorate, accessed 16 April 2011. Note. Development aid disbursement in 2009 for our identified gold mine producing countries low, medium and high human development) was calculated using AidData Research Release 1.9.2 http://data.irtheoryandpractice.org/plaid19/download/, accessed 13 April 2011. The figure generated was 3US$bn but data output does not to include all countries selected. 16 This variation is not particularly large and should be viewed as an indication of stability of production and not an increase per se. In large scale operations, to get from a ‘greenfield’ site to first gold bar production, it takes 8-10 years. And this delay is getting longer due to increased environment and social considerations. This means that the mines entering production in 2009 were discovered in 1999-2001, when prices were very low (275$/oz) in comparison to current prices. 6 2 –Australia, United States, Canada and others– is decreasing (See Table 1.). Comparing across the UN Regions, Europe and Asia experienced the greatest surges in gold production between 2006 and 2009 (See Table 2.). Gold is both a commodity and a monetary asset used as a reserve asset by governments and individual investors alike as a hedge against inflation. It currently accounts for around 11 percent of reserves held by central banks worldwide.17 2010 saw a reversal of four decades where the official banking sector became modest net buyers of gold.18 By volume, jewelry accounts for 2017 tons or 50 percent of total gold demand (US$61 billion in 2008) driven largely by consumers in China and India. Working with gold is also increasingly a source of innovation in technology development.19 Demand, for industrial uses in 2010 was 326.8 tones, 17 percent higher than in 2009 fuelled by recovery in the electronics sector.20 A 29 percent increase in gold prices from 2009-201021 is already driving new exploration activities in the formal gold sector – even in locations previously abandoned as not viable.22 New exploration will not lead to new production before 2020 however. Currently, the World Gold Council reports a 41 percent year on year increase in gold recycling but only a 3 percent increase in mine production.23 More than 25 percent of gold’s annual supply flows originate in the recycling of scrap.24 In 2009, almost 1,700 metric tons of gold, mostly old jewelry, was melted and refined, while production of new jewelry absorbed just over 1,750 metric tons of gold. The worldwide jewelry industry therefore covered more than 95 percent of its needs through recycling.25 Despite the increasing importance of gold recycling, new investment in mine production is occurring largely in developing countries. Combined output in mature mining operations26 fell in 2009 and mining operations are shifting to Africa and central Asia where artisanal and small-scale practices are most prevalent. These regions are the least explored or exploited not only due to poor capacity and investment climate in the past.27 Moreover, known gold deposits are relatively depeleted. Most of the gold left to mine now exists as traces buried in remote corners of the globe, and leads to shallow mining activities compared to underground mining at a greater depth or in larger alluvial areas.28 Large scale mining operations are seen to be shifting to regions least explored or exploited due to poor capacity and investment climate in the past, where it is cheaper to mine (i.e. lower labor costs) and environment and social costs not always taken into account – and places where artisanal and smallscale activities are most prevalent (See Table 3.).29 Table 1. 2010 Gold Mine Production by UN Human Development Status 2006 Gold Production (tones p.a.) 2009 Gold Production (tones p.a.) Low 301 324 Medium 822 849 High 606 702 Very High 624 573 168 149 2,360 2,460 Human Development Status† UN Least Developed Countries World Total30 Source: †UNDP (2010); British Geological Survey (2011); Word Gold Council (2011; World Factbook 2011; UN-OHRLLS Least Developed Countries Programme. 17 World Gold Council (2011) Demand and Supply Statistics, accessed 29 November 2010 World Gold Council (2011) Global Demand Trends: Full Year 2010 The most important use of gold in the technology industry is that of gold bonding wire to complete electrical circuits in microchips. Other examples exist for medical technology development. Researchers at Mount Sinai have pioneered the use of gold nanoparticles in medical technology to visualize coronary artery plaques vulnerable to rupture to obtain better and earlier diagnosis of cardiovascular disease (Coromode et al., 2010). This technology is also applicable to detecting tumour growth (Wang et al., 2010). 20 World Gold Council (2011) Global Demand Trends: Full Year 2010, accessed 8 March 2011 21 World Gold Council (2011) Gold Investment Digest Q4 2010, accessed 15 March 2011 22 The Economist, Precious but Precarious: The high price of gold is encouraging miners to dream, 29 December 2010 23 World Gold Council (2010). Working with the British Geological Survey (2011) data, the increase is calculated at 4 percent 24 http://seekingalpha.com/article/113149-gold-recycling-threatens-demand-supply-equation, accessed 10 July 2011 25 http://www.fairjewelry.org/archives/3700, accessed 10 July 2011 26 In South Africa, the US, Canada and Australia. 27 Financial Times, 12 November 2010 ‘World Economy: In Gold they Rush’, accessed 16 November 2010. 28 See Avila (2003) and Larmer (2010) 29 Financial Times, 12 November 2010 ‘World Economy: In Gold they Rush’, accessed 16 November 2010. 30 Includes Cuba, Greenland and French Guiana gold output which are not included in the development categorizations. 18 19 3 Table 2. 2010 Value of Gold Mine Production by UN Region UN Region 2006 Gold Production (tones p.a.) 522 606 446 2009 Gold Production (tones p.a.) 460 713 486 % Change Oceania Europe‡ North America 259 177 349 237 219 321 -9 24 -8 World Total 2,360 2,460 3 Africa† Asia Latin America and the Caribbean -12 18 9 †Includes South Africa, ‡Includes Russian Federation and Eastern European States. Sources: UNDP (2010); British Geological Survey (2011); Word Gold Council (2011); World Factbook (2011); UN-OHRLLS Least Developed Countries Programme Table 3. Production Ranking of the Top-20 Gold Producing Countries (by Volume) Gold Mine Production Ranking (2006) Gold Mine Production Tonnesa (2006) Gold Mine Production Ranking (2009) Gold Mine Production Tonnesa (2009) Rankb 1 South Africa 272.1 China 320.0 2 China 247.2 United States 223.3 3 Australia 247.0 Australia 222.0 4 United States 242.0 Russian Federation 205.2 5 Peru 203.3 South Africa 197.6 6 Russian Federation 159.3 Peru 182.4 7 Canada 104.2 Indonesia 127.7 8 Indonesia 85.4 Canada 97.4 9 Mali* 85.4 Ghana 97.2 10 Uzbekistan 84.0 Uzbekistan 73.0 11 Ghana 66.2 Papua New Guinea 67.8 12 Papua New Guinea 58.3 Brazil 57.0 13 Argentina 44.1 Mexico 51.4 14 Chile 42.1 Colombia 47.8 15 Brazil 40.1 Argentina 46.6 16 Tanzania* 39.8 Mali* 42.4 17 Philippines 36.1 Chile 40.8 18 Mexico 35.9 Tanzania* 39.1 19 20 Kazakhstan Mongolia 22.6 21.3 Philippines Kazakhstan 37.0 22.5 Legend Sources: Source: British Geological Survey (2011) UN Human Development Categories Very High High Medium Low * Also categorized as a Least Developed Country Notes. a Metric tonnes;b Consulting the British Geological Survey (2011) World Mineral Production 2005-2009, London:UK originally produced 87 countries, but excluded Benin, Cabo Verde (Republic of), Cambodia, Madagascar, Togo, Guinea Bissau (Republic of). These countries are included to complement ongoing UNEP Chemicals Branch work. These additional countries, marked in red in the above table, are missing data to be found in the second drafting of this report. As such, the ranking of production volumes is still based on the original 87 countries provided by the British Geological Survey data http://unctadstat.unctad.org/TableViewer/tableView.aspx?ReportId=110 4 B. NATIONAL ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF LARGE AND SMALL-SCALE GOLD PRODUCTION Large-scale gold mining is an important sector for many developing countries but often comes with severe environmental damage, the economic impact of which is rarely if ever factored into calculations of social benefit. Some economic benefits for countries of opening up formal gold resource exploitation can include the following31: Higher fiscal revenues in the form of mining royalties and taxes; Net foreign exchange earnings from exports, imports and dividends; Provision of physical infrastructure by mining companies; Increased employment/livelihood development in rural locations where natural resource mining takes place. Value-added transformation/production can increase employment effects even further both in rural and urban communities; Returns for domestic investors in mining exploration companies32; Building up of national central bank gold reserves; Domestic availability of gold for jewelry and technology industries (if cheaper); Increased demand through multiplier effects; Transfer of technical goods and services with implications for development of other economic sectors; and Positive knock-on effects in the development of finance and legal infrastructure. Large-scale gold mining also takes a toll on the health of the environment and communities. Massive open-pit mines, some measuring as much as two miles (3.2 kilometers) across, generate staggering quantities of waste— an average of 76 tons for every ounce of gold.33 There is some concern as to whether or not a resource curse or ‘Dutch Disease’ is the natural outcome of resource exploitation in lesser-developed countries.34 Dependence on natural resource export revenues from a narrow group of commodities, weak rent capturing, world price volatility, excessive borrowing on forecasted production and exchange rate fluctuations can leave national economies vulnerable. It does not follow that because a locality or nation is rich in natural resources that it must have a low level of economic diversification; yet this has often been the case. 35 Though it is important to differentiate between large and formal/informal artisanal and small-scale gold mining, in reality the two are intertwined to some extent. Smaller scale mining tends to coincide with larger scale operations with artisanal miners leading the exploitation of deposits and carrying out secondary mining of industrial tailings during and after large-scale operations. ASM miners also act as exploration agents for largescale operations in some cases. When a junior exploration company comes to a country it often looks at old closed mines and artisanal and small-scale activities to get an indication of where their investments might be best directed. In early 2011, perhaps twenty such cases have been reported in the international media pertaining to African nations: Burkina Faso, Burundi, Eritrea, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, and Tanzania. Yet artisanal or small-scale miners rarely get ‘finder fees’ or royalties for this service. Both LSM and ASGM brings its own form of challenge and opportunity for local communities and ecosystems. Some externalities associated with gold resource exploitation can include the following: Increase of environmental degradation and associated risks for biodiversity and ecosystem services in fragile ecosystems, protected areas or other areas of high conservation or ecological value from land clearing, river diversion and leaching of polluted mining tailings; Untreated tailing dumping practices leading to serious illnesses and general decline of local community’s health; 31 List sourced and adapted from WGC (2005) Since January 2011 to April 2011, companies involved in gold mining have outperformed the metal itself by nearly five percentage points. Due to the miners' production cost structure, often with considerable fixed expenses, these companies can act as a leveraged plays on gold prices. A 1percent increase in the price of gold will often equal a greater than 1percent increase in operating income. These nuances give the gold miners a unique risk/return profile relative to physical gold prices. Levitt, A. Gains in Gold Miners, 14 April 2011, posted at http://stocks.investopedia.com/stock-analysis/2011/Gains-In-Gold-Miners-GDX-GLDX-BVN0414.aspx, accessed 15 April 2011 33 EARTHWORKS & Oxfam America (2007). Golden Rules – Making the case of responsible mining. 34 Lahiri-Dutti (2006); World Gold Council (2009) 35 ICCM (2006); World Gold Council (2009) 32 5 Human rights violations in the forms of abusive treatment of communities/activists who oppose the mining operations, including forced eviction or displacement of local communities or indigenous people; Increase of horizontal and vertical conflicts between the company and the community or local government; and Decrease of the quality and quantity of the environmental services supporting agriculture, forestry and fisheries specifically, leading to increased risks for livelihoods dependent on the trade of related products. Major exporters of gold in lower development status categories (in 2009) include: Mali, Sudan, Tanzania, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, Indonesia and Suriname. Of these, Mali, Tanzania and Sudan are classified as Least Developed Countries (See Table 4. for rankings of gold exporters). Important to note is that reported export values are affected by both dollar values and changing gold prices for gold rather than significant increases in production in many cases. Absolute volumes of gold mine production have decreased while export revenues have remained steady or increased for many countries (See Tables 5. and 6. below). To control for this, export values for 2006 and 2009 presented here have been presented at a 2010 dollar value base for comparison. Table 4. Gold Export Earnings Ranking of the Top-20 Gold Producing Countries for 2006 and 2009 (2010US$ millions) Gold Export b Value 2006 (2010US$millions) Gold Export Value b 2009 (2010US$millions) Ranking (out of 87 Countries) a 1 2 3 United States Australia Canada 8,784 6,902 5,142 United States Australia Canada 13,977 11,809 7,653 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Peru Japan Mali* Mexico Korea (Republic of) Colombia Papua New Guinea Brazil Turkey Tanzania* Malaysia Thailand 4,002 3,008 1,131 1,082 832 828 814 658 639 610 607 549 Peru Thailand Turkey Japan Mexico Korea (Republic of) Colombia Brazil Mali* Sudan* Argentina Papua New Guinea 6,752 5,681 4,641 4,484 4,061 2,833 1,559 1,400 1,362 1,278 1,039 998 16 17 18 19 20 Argentina Russian Federation Indonesia Chile Saudi Arabia 548 547 547 522 492 Indonesia Chile Tanzania* Suriname Kazakhstan 930 879 818. 693 659 Legend UN Human Development Categories Very High High Medium Low * Sources: UNDP (2010); British Geological Survey (2011); Word Gold Council (2011); World Factbook 2011; UN-OHRLLS Least Developed Countries Programme. Notes. aConsulting the British Geological Survey (2011) Mining Production 2005-2009, London:UK originally produced 87 countries, but excluded Benin, Cabo Verde (Republic of), Cambodia, Madagascar, Togo, Guinea Bissau (Republic of). These countries are included to complement ongoing UNEP Chemicals Branch work. However, as data for these countries are missing, only the original 87 countries are ranked.b Gold exports (non monetary, excluding ores and concentrates) data extracted from UNCTADStat Merchandise trade index, exports, annual 1995 2009 http://unctadstat.unctad.org/TableViewer/tableView.aspx?ReportId=110 Also categorized as a Least Developed Country 6 Table 5. Gold Mine Production in Countries with Low Human Development or Classified as Least Developed Country Country HDI Valuea Gold Production (tones p.a.)2006 Estimated Gold Production Valuec 2006 Gold Exportsd Value 2006 (2010US$m) Gold Exportsd as percentage of Total Exports2006 Gold Production (tonnesb p.a.) 2009 (US$2011m) Estimated Gold Productionc Value 2009 Gold Exportd Value 2009 (2010$m) Gold Exportsd as percent Total Exports2009 (US$2011m) Benin 0.435 - - - - - - - - Burkina Faso 0.305 1.6 73 0.9 0.2 13.2 601 3.5 0.7 Burundi 0.282 4.3 196 53.1 23.3 1.0 46 2.3 1.3 Cambodia e 0.494 0.0 0 21.3 0.6 0.0 0 97.8 2.6 Congo (DRC) 0.239 0.1 5 0.0 0.0 2.0 91 1.5 0.0 Ethiopia 0.328 3.8 173 64.4 6.2 4.0 182 92.5 5.7 Guinea 0.340 16.3 742 2.1 0.3 21.4 974 97.8 9.7 Guinea Bissau 0.289 - - - - - - - - Rep.e 0.497 6.1 278 14.4 1.6 5.0 228 0.0 0.0 Liberia 0.300 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.5 23 3.0 2.0 Mali 0.309 85.4 3'889 1,131.8 74.2 42.4 1'931 1,362.7 75.3 Mauritania 0.433 0.3 14 0.1 0.0 6.8 310 11.8 0.9 Mozambique 0.284 0.1 5 2.4 0.1 0.5 23 6.5 0.3 Myanmar 0.451 0.1 5 0.0 0.0 0.1 5 0.0 0.0 Niger 0.261 2.6 118 37.3 9.5 2.1 96 38.1 7.5 Senegal 0.411 0.6 27 12.5 0.8 5.7 260 181.2 9.0 Sudan 0.379 4.5 205 148.2 2.7 1.9 87 1,278.5 14.1 Tanzania 0.398 39.8 1'812 610.7 32.8 39.1 1'780 818.6 27.4 Togo 0.428 - - - - - - - - Uganda 0.422 1.5 68 122.6 12.7 0.9 41 78.2 4.5 Zambia 0.395 1.0 46 0.3 0.0 2.8 128 19.0 0.4 168.1 7'655 2,222.1 149.3 6,803 4,093.1 Lao People's Dem. Total Notes. UNDP’s Human Development Metric The value of gold production is included in case of underestimation of export figures. Averaging monthly gold prices from February 2010 to March 2011 gives a figure US$1,267.641/oz(troy) based on data available from the World Gold Council. The values shown here are produced using the average price and mine production data from the British Geological Survey (2011) Mining Production 2005-2009, London:UK; d Gold exports (non monetary, excluding ores and concentrates) data extracted from UNCTADStat Merchandise trade index, exports, annual 1995 - 2009 http://unctadstat.unctad.org/TableViewer/tableView.aspx?ReportId=110;eClassified as medium human development, but are included on the Least Developed Country listing of UN Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries, and Small Island Developing States (UN OHRLLS). a Index; b tonnes; c 7 Table 6. Gold Mine Production and Exports in Countries with Medium Human Development Country HDI Valuea Gold Production (tones p.a.)2006 Estimated Gold Production Valuec 2006 Gold Exportsd Value 2006 (2010US$m) Gold Exportsd as percent Total Exports2006 Gold Production (tones p.a.) 2009 Gold Productionc Value 2009 Gold Exportd Value 2009 (2010$m) (US$2011m) Gold Exportsd as percent Total Exports2009 (US$2011m) Algeria 0.677 0.4 18 3.7 0.0 1.0 46 26.4 0.1 Bolivia 0.643 9.6 437 127.0 3.0 7.2 328 116.2 2.2 Botswana 0.633 3.0 137 36.1 0.8 1.6 73 50.0 1.5 Cabo Verde 0.534 - - - - - - - - China 0.663 247.2 11'257 0.5 0.0 320.0 14'572 0.2 0.0 Dominican Republic 0.663 0.0 0 0.0 - 0.4 18 142.6 2.5 Equatorial Guinea 0.538 0.2 9 - - 0.2 9 0.7 0.0 Fiji 0.669 1.4 64 28.6 4.2 1.1 50 25.9 4.1 Gabon 0.648 0.3 14 0.1 0.0 0.3 14 0.5 0.0 Guatemala 0.560 5.0 228 0.5 0.0 8.5 387 3.7 0.1 Guyana 0.611 6.4 291 79.6 14.0 9.3 423 212.5 29.1 Honduras 0.604 4.1 187 106.9 2.0 2.1 96 141.1 3.5 India 0.519 2.5 114 1.9 0.0 2.1 96 197.7 0.1 Indonesia 0.600 85.4 3'889 547.2 0.5 127.7 5'815 930.6 0.8 Kyrgyzstan 0.598 10.3 469 206.0 25.9 17.2 783 529.8 45.0 Mongolia 0.622 21.3 970 270.1 17.5 9.8 446 258.4 13.6 Morocco 0.567 1.3 59 20.6 0.2 0.4 18 40.2 0.3 Namibia 0.606 2.8 128 46.2 1.4 2.0 91 8.6 0.2 Nicaragua 0.565 3.4 155 58.3 7.7 2.6 118 93.6 6.7 Philippines 0.638 36.1 1'644 300.4 0.6 37.0 1'685 218.6 0.6 South Africa 0.597 272.1 12'390 166.3 0.3 197.6 8'998 200.3 0.4 Suriname 0.646 10.4 474 287.3 24.5 12.8 583 693.1 47.8 Tajikistan 0.580 1.9 87 16.1 1.2 1.4 64 16.8 1.7 Thailand 0.654 3.5 159 549.2 0.4 5.4 246 5'681.1 3.7 Uzbekistan 0.617 84.0 3'825 178.5 3.2 73.0 3'324 337.7 3.1 Vietnam 0.572 0.0 0.4 Total 3.0 137 7.4 555.4 25'291 2'871.3 3.0 137 204.4 514.0 23'406 9'937.7 Notes. a UNDP’s Human Development Index; b metric tones; c Consulting the British Geological Survey (2011) Mining Production 2005-2009, London:UK originally produced 87 countries, but excluded Benin, Cabo Verde (Republic of), Cambodia, Madagascar, Togo, Guinea Bissau (Republic of). These countries are included for a number of UNEP Chemicals Branch projects.; d The value of gold production is included in case of underestimation of export figures. Averaging monthly gold prices from February 2010 to March 2011 gives a figure US$1,267.641/oz(troy) based on data available from the World Gold Council. The values shown here are produced using the average price and mine production data from the British Geological Survey (2011) Mining Production 2005-2009, London\; e Gold exports (non monetary, excluding ores and concentrates) data extracted from UNCTADStat Merchandise trade index, exports, annual 1995 – 2009. 8 In many countries, mineral exports are predominantly exploited by large-scale mining operations which are in turn believed to contribute more to national domestic product (through taxes and mining royalties) than artisanal and small-scale gold production in many countries. This is in part due to the informality of ASGM operations which has lead to misrepresentation in the industry data. ASGM production is not recorded in official export statistics (its output is often exported illegally). Or, because gold is not traceable once processed, it becomes indistinguishable from gold sourced from larger-scale, formal mines. Working on the highly conservative basis that ASGM makes up 8 percent of national gold production36 the total value of potential contributions from this sector in ‘low’ development status countries can be estimated at US$2011544 million. For ‘medium’ development countries, the value of production from this sector could be as high as US$20111.9 billion (See Table 7.). Small-scale mining activities can generate revenues for States that at times rival the amounts currently being collected through levies on large-scale mining. Furthermore, Small-scale mining is generally a low-technology undertaking and labor is the key production factor. In this, there is a striking inversion between large-scale mining operations and artisanal efforts (See Box 1. and Figure 1.). Significantly, this employment is generated in marginal rural communities with few other available livelihood opportunities. However, the vast externalities of ASGM lead to serious concerns about its true impact for social welfare at the national level. ASGM can make a contribution to economic development but given that the activity causes damage to local societies, its net impact on national wellbeing is less clear (See Box 2.). Box 1. Estimated Numbers of Artisanal and Small-scale Miners in14 Countries Ghana, 500,000 Tanzania, 500,000 Congo (DRC), 300,000 Philippines, 300,000 Brazil, 300,000 Indonesia, 300,000 Mali, 200,000 Mozambique, 100,000 Peru, 85,000 Mongolia, 68,000 Bolivia, 50,000 Guyana, 13,000 Ecuador, 10,000 Cambodia, 5,000 Figure 1. Illustrating the Employment Inversion between Large Scale and Artisanal, Small-scale Gold Mining Source: Telmer, K. (2011, May 4). Lecture presented at the First meeting of the OECD-hosted working group on gold. “OECD due diligence guidance for responsible supply chains of minerals from conflictaffected and high-risk areas.” OECD Conference Centre, Paris. LSM triangle sourced from WGC (2009). Employment figures generated from a review and synthesis of available literature found at www.artisanalgold.org 36 This figure was chosen on the basis that Mali has documented the likely contribution of the artisanal and small-scale sector at approximately 8 percent. This figure is too low for many countries: Congo, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, Senegal, Tanzania, Sudan, and the Philippines. For example, gold production in the Philippines is 70 percent supplied by artisanal and small-scale operations. Furthermore, recent news in Sudan points to huge artisanal production: See http://af.reuters.com/article/investingNews/idAFJOE73A0AQ20110411. However, in the interest of producing conservative estimates, the lower percentage was used to estimate national contributions of ASGM activities in Tables 5 and 6. 9 Table 7. Potential Contribution of ASGM to Gold Production in Developing Economies Country Gold Production Rank 2009 Gold Produced 2009 (tones p.a.) (87countriesb) Estimated Gold Productionc 2009 (US$2011m) Estimated Productionc 2009 Attributable to ASGM (8%, US$2011m) Countries with Low Human Development or Classified as Least Developed Country Benin Burkina Faso 25 13.2 601 48 Burundi Cambodia Congo (DRC) Ethiopia Guinea 64 54 42 21 1.0 2.0 4.0 21.4 46 0 91 182 974 4 0 7 15 78 Guinea Bissau Lao PDR 38 5.0 228 18 Liberia Mali Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Niger Senegal Sudan Tanzania Togo Uganda Zambia Total 72 16 34 70 83 51 35 55 18 65 46 0.5 42.4 6.8 0.5 0.1 2.1 5.7 1.9 39.1 0.9 2.8 149.4 23 1,931 310 23 5 96 260 87 1,780 41 128 6,803 2 154 25 2 8 21 7 142 3 10 544 1.0 7.2 1.6 320.0 0.4 0.2 1.1 0.3 8.5 9.3 2.1 2.1 127.7 17.2 9.8 0.4 2.0 2.6 37.0 197.6 12.8 1.4 5.4 73.0 3.0 514.0 46 328 73 14,572 18 9 50 14 387 423 96 96 5,815 783 446 18 91 118 1,685 8,998 583 64 246 3,324 137 23,406 4 26 6 1,166 1 1 4 1 31 34 8 8 465 63 36 1 7 9 135 720 47 5 20 266 11 1,872 Countries with Medium Human Development Algeria Bolivia Botswana Cabo Verde China Dominican Rep. Equatorial Guinea Fiji Gabon Guatemala Guyana Honduras India Indonesia Kyrgyzstan Mongolia Morocco Namibia Nicaragua Philippines South Africa Suriname Tajikistan Thailand Uzbekistan Vietnam Total 63 32 57 1 74 81 61 78 30 29 49 50 7 22 28 73 52 48 19 5 26 58 37 10 45 Notes. a Metric tones; b Consulting the British Geological Survey (2011) Mining Production 2005-2009, London:UK originally produced 87 countries, but excluded Benin, Cabo Verde (Republic of), Cambodia, Madagascar, Togo, Guinea Bissau (Republic of). These countries are included for a number of UNEP Chemicals Branch projects.; cAveraging monthly gold prices from April 2010 to April 2011 gives a figure US$1,416.34/oz(troy) based on data available from the World Gold Council. The values shown here are produced using the average price and mine production data from the British Geological Survey (2011) Mining Production 2005-2009, London:UK; d Gold exports (non monetary, excluding ores and concentrates) data extracted from UNCTADStat Merchandise trade index, exports, annual 1995 – 2009. 10 Box 2. The Paradox of Gold: Examples of National Impacts of Artisanal Gold Production in Tanzania, Mongolia, Philippines and Mali Tanzania has had a long and productive mining community dating back to the late 1800s. In the 1980s, a series of regulations caused the mining sector to develop rapidly, leading to a mining boom in both large and small-scale gold mining. Currently, most of the revenues from large-scale mining operations are used for tax purposes, collected by governments through royalties, corporate income tax, and various withholding taxes. A World Bank study estimated that mineral exports for 2002/03 were roughly US$623 million, the bulk of which come from large-scale mining. The volume of revenue produced by ASGM is essentially unknown due to the sector’s informal nature and therefore many believed its economic contribution was minimal. In fact, this sector is actually quite sizeable; the World Bank estimated in 1995 that 90 percent of some 550,000 miners were unlicensed and essentially impossible to track. Tanzania’s large-scale mining operations employ some 30,000 miners, a stark contrast to the hundreds of thousands engaged in small-scale mining. In terms of the external costs for this sector in Tanzania, in 2003 UNIDO conducted a health and environmental assessment in several mining areas in Tanzania and found out that the urine, blood and hair samples analyzed detect the level of mercury body burden. Mercury concentrations in the bio-monitors urine, blood and hair were statistically significantly higher in the exposed population from Rwamagasa compared to the control group from Katoro. The chemistry and ecotoxicity results from another study done by Chibunda et al (2009) suggest that sediments collected downstream of the River Mabubi the mine adversely affect the catfish and probably other fauna and as such present a considerable local environmental risk. In Mongolia, a relatively new small-scale sector has been controlled by well developed regulations and programs, allowing for industry growth. In the early 2000s, after the termination of Soviet assistance, Mongolia experienced a decline in traditional livelihood alternatives which compounded with extreme weather conditions caused a rapid expansion of the sector. The economic and environmental shifts during that period meant that the almost nonexistent artisanal and scale-scale gold mining sector expanded to over 100,000 miners in 2003. In February 2003 the government of Mongolia passed a regulation making artisanal mining a legal, formal activity. The industry is thought to represent roughly 20 percent of the rural workforce and indirectly supports roughly 400,000 people in related working capacities or communities. Furthermore, it is estimated that artisanal gold contributes US4million to the Mongolian economy. The artisanal and small-scale sector is a large contributor to the gold sales in the Philippine economy. This activity occurs in more than 30 provinces in the Philippines and provides subsistence revenue to between 200,000 300,000 miners and their families. For the last five years, the sector has been producing an average of 30 tones or about 80 percent of the country’s annual gold supply. At the same time, ILO has documented extensive use of child labor in the sector in the Philippines and use of mercury has caused extensive damage to rivers, small communities, and the health of miners and their families (See Box 8.). Mali, is one of the world’s poorest countries. On the UNDP’s Human Development Index it ranks fourth from the bottom on a 177-county listing (UNDP 2004). GDP per head is still very low and Mali remains as one of the most aid-dependent countries in the world (EIU 2004). Mali is Africa's third-largest gold producer, has estimated artisanal output at 4 tonnes per annum, or 8 percent of total domestic production of nearly 50 tonnes. Mali relies on gold for 70 percent of its exports and 15 percent of its gross domestic product. Its gold output has been hit in recent years by slowdowns at some of its biggest and oldest mines, but new mines, including Randgold's Gounkoto discovery, is forecasted to help boost output. While great income is generated, most staffs employed in the mining industry are coming from outside Mali and residents who live within the intensive mining areas are complaining due to little trickle down benefit from the industry. To accommodate Sadiola Gold Mine, about 43 villages have to be displaced, while in Fouru near the large Syama goldmine, about 121 villages were also displaced. Gold production involves child labor, poor working conditions, low wages, and involvement of middle-men with no regulation or oversight. Ecological problems especially from the tailings is a major concern in Mali. Sources: World Gold Council (2009); World Bank (2008); Pomfret (2011); Ongoing work at UNEP Chemicals Branch on formalization of ASGM sector provided some information for Mongolia. Reuters 29 March 2011, ‘Mali cuts 2011 gold production forecast 1 5percent ’ accessed 2 June 2011 11 C. IMPACTS ON LOCAL ECONOMIES Causes of rural poverty are complex and multidimensional. The rural poor are quite diverse both in the problems they face and the possible solutions to these problems. In almost all countries, the conditions—in terms of personal consumption and access to education, health care, potable water and sanitation, housing, transport, and communications—faced by the rural poor are far worse than those faced by the urban poor.37 This makes them especially vulnerable to health impacts from exposures to toxic substances. ASGM can have a strong economic impact in the communities where it occurs compared to large-scale mining. However, both activities include large economic impacts due to externalities that are usually ignored in economic calculations. 1. Local Income Impacts The supply chain for artisanal and small-scale gold is incredibly complex and diverse. It usually involves an ASM miner, ASM processor, transporter, small local trader, larger national trader or exporter, and an importer. A somewhat simplified model supply chain is shown in Figure 2. displaying the relationships between miners, site bosses, gold shops, financer, and international gold buyers, as well as detailing the financial and human capital figures at each stage. Figure 2. applies only to ASGM sites that have a direct link with foreign financiers. It is quite common for individual miners to have an established relationship with their most immediate trader, usually the site boss, but in some circumstances this role is termed the financer, supporter, or negotiator. There is an understanding between the miners and their trader or financer in that so long as the miner supplies gold, the trader provides the miner with various services and goods including mercury, equipment, site access fees, transport costs, health costs and subsistence during periods of mining when there is no income. While such relationships may seem mutually beneficial, it often results in significant debts on the part of the miner. Unfortunately, this exploitative arrangement is often the only option available to miners. 38 The boss-miners relationship could be even worse for miners that work as forced laborers and under armed supervision, such as what is happening in some countries in Africa. Figures for ASGM by and large do not feature in official statistics39, but using the supply chain model (See Figure 2.) and official gold production data, an approximate figure can be estimated. From Mongolian and Indonesian experience underpinning the simplified supply chain model, site bosses in artisanal operations receive 70 percent of the value of gold traded on the London Metal Exchange (LME) for pure gold (100 percent gold grade). Assuming fair distribution of gains from trade between miners40, dividing the conservative estimate of US$10 billion for annual gold production from artisanal mining over the 10 million miners thought to be directly earning or supplementing their livelihood from this practice gives us a conservative range of US$3-4 per day in potential earnings per miner.41 Commonly, a group of miners consists of 5 people that will share the yield with the mining boss, which ranges from 10 to 30 percent. This means that each miner could get only 2 to 6 percent, excluding the processing cost, which is borne by the miners themselves. 37 See Khan (2001) Hayes (2008) British Geological Survey (2011):43 40 This is a big assumption. See discussion on the 70 percent supply chain model above. 41 Calculated using average annual production values for recent years and the average price for April 2010-2011 (US$1,416.34) on the basis of 260 weekdays per year giving US$1,000 (rounding down from US$1051.89) per year, or US$3.85 per day. 38 39 12 Figure 2. Supply Chain Model for Gold Mined through Artisanal and Small-Scale Methods Adapted from Telmer, K. (2011, May 4). Lecture presented at the First meeting of the OECD-hosted working group on gold. “OECD due diligence guidance for responsible supply chains of minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas.” OECD Conference Centre, Paris. A comparison of miners’ and national per capita incomes by the Global Mercury Project (GMP) shows that miners can earn more than national average income levels in some cases (See Table 8.). At best, with rights to land claims and access to social and financial capital, some miners can become successful. Auxiliary valueadded products –often technology development or jewelry– or growth in the secondary service sector can be additional boosts to local economies. Working in ASGM for a fixed period of time can also generate start-up capital for other businesses.42 In more dire cases, income earned from small-scale mining can keep households in extreme poverty (often those with high dependency ratios, or female-headed households) stay above food insecurity thresholds though perhaps not to escape ‘basic needs’ poverty.43 While production in ASGM is by no means uniform, these operations generate as much as 2-3grams44 of gold in per miner and per day, representing an income well above the international poverty line and higher than what many alternative livelihoods, if available, could offer. As ASGM is often an illegal economic activity, it is not clear how to measure the economic benefits of ASGM at the rural or local level however. An important factor in considering the higher income provided by ASGM is the actual impact the activity has on the cost of living in communities. As commonly found in many countries, the price of goods and the cost of living in mining areas are quite high compared to the traditional rural economy. In addition, incomes and revenues from ASGM can accrue to a handful of the village’s elite and are not shared fairly across the mining and local community. 42 It is important to note that artisanal miners are not necessarily going to be the beneficiaries of returns from investment in mining operations. See discussion above on their use as exploration tools by large scale operations. 43 See Fisher et al. (2009) 44 Donadyne et al. (2009):49 13 Table 8. Summary of Income Profiles for Miners, their Communities and Countries Mining Community National Monthly Income (US$2011) Annual Income (US$2011) Annual Income (US$2011) Sao Chico Crepurizinho $148.83 $213.12 $1,785.91 $2,557.43 $3,393.24 Talawaan Galangan $48.81 $104.77 $585.78 $1,257.28 $845.33 Various villages $45.24 $542.92 $380.99 Ingessana District $95.25 $1,142.98 $416.71 Twamagasa $52.39 $633.40 $333.37 Kadoma-Chakari Region $58.34 $700.08 $571.49 Region or Community Brazil Indonesia Lao PDR Sudan Tanzania Zimbabwe Source: Adapted from Hinton and Veiga (2004); information presented to Canadian Institute of Mining Annual Meeting, May 2006, Vancouver. Figures adjusted for inflation. 2. Employment Impacts Some rural people without mining skills and knowledge find it challenging to shift from agriculture, harvesting forest-based products or fisheries to become a full-time miner in the formal.45 Yet many engage in ASGM because there are almost immediate returns and entry costs are low. It can also be flexibly combined with other economic activities. Members of ASGM communities are often involved in other economic activities besides mining, including drivers, hotel service providers, mercury and cyanide sellers, small business activities, brothel or entertainment house workers, prostitutes, drug sellers and informal security guards –as jobs which income from mining supports. ASGM provides an important source of primary income for non-agricultural workers in rural communities and regions where economic alternatives are extremely limited.46 Mining income can also supplement agricultural income when crops fail, commodity prices drop or as a natural complement to the seasonal cycle of agricultural activity. Mining may provide somewhat better daily wages (up to US$3-4 per day), but miners will work for 12 to 24 hours in a harsh environment, not an 8-hour day, and far from a decent working condition. In general, skilled jobs and better positions in the mining sites will be taken by outsiders who have more experience, not by local community residents or villagers. There is also an important consideration vis-a-vis the sustainability of this livelihood in particular localities. Although the figure of employment indicates livelihood opportunities at a macro level, there is little data showing that the same miners remain working in the same areas for extensive periods of time. The mining lifecycle covers five sequential stages, beginning with project or business planning and exploration, then followed by development, production and closure.47 Regardless of the status or scale of the persons or the organization engaged in the mining activity, all of these phases have to be carried out for mineral extraction to be conducted on an economic basis. Due to the nature of the sector – the depletion of the resources, changing policy, and tight competition, for example – miners frequently move from one site to more promising sites, hoping to be lucky as pioneers of a new mining area. Drawn from the general pattern of ASGM practices all over the world, Figure 3. shows a simplified empirical cycle of ASGM practices which is divided into three stages as follows: 45 Interview with local villagers in Poboya gold mining site, Palu, Central Sulawesi by Iswamati, Y. In July 2011. See Tschakert (2009); Bush (2009) for evidence from Ghana; Fisher et. al. (2009) for evidence from Tanzania. See Avila (2003) 46 47 14 a. Early Stage or “Conventional Exploration” Stage Dissemination of research paper or leak of government surveying results on gold potential in particular regions; Rumour–stage in local community or indigenous peoples groupings; Individual-driven, localized mining actitity using little or no mechanisation in tandem with established subsistence livelihoods; Auxillary subsistence economic activity; Experienced or skilled miners from other areas are drawn to the region. b. Later Stage or “Supply Push” – Exploitation Stage Mining activities expanded through financing by family resources, individual private financiers, formal loans or government subsidy; Using simple technology, with new miners and prospectors ‘learning by doing’; Period for risk takers or people with entrepreneurial skills; Pre-existing socio-economic dynamics, i.e. poverty, inflation, available alternative livelihoods, influence the expansion of ASGM practices; Some areas developed into a semi-industrial mining areas and practices; Profit sharing with bosses or financiers is common, with ‘boss-miner’ relationship having the potential to create a life-time debt system; Environmental problems increase along with gold production and number of miners. c. Declining Stage “Supply Pull” Scavenging Stage Production starts to decline due to several factors, possibly including: peaking of ‘easy’ exploitation, new regulations enacted by government to control, increasing conflict with local communities, casualties; New ASGM site is identified elsewhere. Figure 3. Empirical cycle of ASGM practices An empirical cycle of ASGM practices Rate of production • Govt. survey • Research paper • Traditional/ local knowledge • Subsistence economy activity • Individual • Subsidized • Loans • Experienced/ skilled miners Declining Stage “Supply Pull” Scavenging Stage Later Stage “Supply Push” Exploitation Stage Early Stage “Conventional Exploration” • Financier • Loan • Simple technology • Risk taker/ entrepreneurial mentality • Exchange information • Learning by doing • Socialeconomy dynamic • Semiindustrial T R A N S I T I O N • Profit sharing • Boss-miners relationship • Environmental problems • Too many miners, too little gold • Too many environment, health and socio-economic issues • Regulation enacted by government • More promisimg new ASGM sites • Controversy • Alternative livelihood available T R A N S I T I O N Accelerated production Low quality A ASGM Site A B “R&D” B Trial / exercise Deployment Time Business push “R&D” Enjoyment period Trial / exercise Declining Deployment Degradation/scavenging Business push Enjoyment period Source: Ismawati, Y. (2011). Presented at the Jabodetabek Regional Consultation workshop on Development National and Regional Approach on Environmentally Sound Management of Mercury in Southeast Asia focusing on ASGMand Health Care Sector. US Department of State Grant No. SLMAQM-11-GR-027. 15 3. Negative External Social and Environmental Impacts The damage to environmental services and human health, at the local and broader levels, from ASGM remains underrepresented in estimates economic impact from this activity. Unintentional costs to local economies can arise from human health impacts on miners and the wider community, most particularly children. Opportunity costs also result from ASGM-degraded biodiversity and ecosystem services that support production and export from other sectors such as forestry, fisheries and agriculture. Furthermore, some of the auxillary livelihood activities generated following gold rushes severely damage social fabric, including the introduction of underaged prostitution, criminals, alcoholism and child labour48. Generally speaking, absolute poverty cannot be reduced without economic growth.49 ASGM may contribute to local economic growth and by extension national economic growth; however, the magnitude of the contribution is uncertain due to the lack of including the extensive externalities associated with the activity. At the most essential level, this sector has the potential to both reduce vulnerability to income shocks as a result of living close to or below the poverty line (below US$1 a day) and also increase the poor’s vulnerability through destruction of environmental services and human health impacts, in addition to the social costs that affect small mining communities. Through mercury pollution, ASGM contributes to economic vulnerability with increased financial, health and environmental risks. For the most part however, externalities associated with ASGM have not been estimated and as such, there is a lack of available information to draw from to assess their combined magnitude. Of all sources of external costs in this activity however, mercury use is considered amongst the most damaging for human and ecosystem health. What is more, with the mercury treaty currently under negotiation, mercury is seen as an ‘entry point’ through which the international community can act on other health, environment and social ills associated with this activity. Section II demonstrates how mercury-related externalities affect the miners and surrounding communities and reduce the overall positive economic impacts from ASGM. Section I. Key Conclusion Though economic data on ASGM is poor, going on official gold production reporting, it is clear that this sector can generate significant earnings in developing country economies. This activity has the potential to become even more important as new investments in exploration driven by high gold prices seek out relatively untapped resources in Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. It is worth stating that going on official gold production is a conservative approach and likely underestimates the importance of the sector. However, the large externalities associated with the activity are also part of the economic picture. A full assessment of these externalities will help countries and communities assess the impact of ASGM correctly and foster deeper analyses as to its true importance for development. While nurturing ASGM where it is considered as a viable livelihood, alternative potential livelihoods and opportunities will need to be developed to support rural poverty reduction efforts. ILO recently (2011) released a report called “Children in hazardous work: What we know, what we need to do,” that stated that more than one-fifth of child miners reported increased health problems since starting work; over 40 percent suffered from musculoskeletal pain and 30 percent from exhaustion, while one-third of the child miners complained of respiratory and genito-urinary diseases. Of children who fell ill or were injured, 43 percent were not able to access medical services. One-third continued working despite his or her illness. Individuals who become entrapped in child labour are typically the poorest and most vulnerable members of society. The US Department of Labor identified that children employed in gold mining exists in 17 countries, while child forced labor is found in 3 countries. Children are being employed in ASGM for several reasons: family economic hardship, because they are physically flexible and fit to work inside the shaft and they are a source of cheap labour. ILO Convention No. 182 defines the worst forms of child labour requiring immediate action, and does not allow exceptions and prohibits children from being engaged in several types of work including (point d) “work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to harm the health, safety or morals of ILO - International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC). June 2011. Children in hazardous work. What we know. What we need to do. Accessed 21 June 2011. children” up to 18 years old.See U.S. Department of Labor’s List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor 2010, accessed 14 December 2010. 49 See Khan (2001) 48 16 II. THE COSTS OF INACTION ON MERCURY USE IN ARTISANAL AND SMALL-SCALE GOLD PRODUCTION As seen in Section I, a number of complex factors determine the true magnitude and direction of the economic contribution of artisanal and small-scale gold mining. Of these, mercury use and its external cost impacts on human health and environment has significant implications for societal welfare at local, national and global levels. While reducing income-vulnerability of miners and their families, part of the difficulty with ASGM is that it can also increase health-vulnerability for miners, their families or the broader community. Artisanal and small-scale miners all over the world use mercury to extract gold from ore. The sector is a major source of global mercury demand and pollution, with most mercury used by artisanal miners illegally diverted or imported from end uses in electronic and chemical industries or in dentistry, for example.50 Moreover, where environmental damage is significant from river diversion, deforestation or release of toxic substances, including mercury and cyanide or when ecosystem services are monopolized by miners e.g. water, risks for other community members dependent on ecosystem goods and services for their livelihoods can increase. Conflict over land –particularly over environmental degradation– as well as local political and development priority issues are common points of contention between miners and local indigenous populations. This is one significant obstacle to sustainable development faced by gold producing communities and broader society in countries connected to this industry. Economic analysis takes the perspective of the wider society, as well as costs and benefits to individuals, communities, individuals or groups of industries or government entities into consideration. 51 Financial and monetized nonmarket costs52 can be weighed against benefits, with the economic consequences of environment and health impacts understood to result from mercury use in ASGM activities –though currently ‘unpriced’ or external– being included alongside financial costs. In considering the full range of economic implications of mercury use in artisanal and small-scale gold mining, ‘hidden’ and ‘visible’ benefits from investment in significant reduction/elimination of mercury use are brought to the fore. Conducting an economic analysis incorporating many environmental and health endpoints is complex, and is not the purpose of this study. Given time and resource constraints, this report relies on existing sources of primary and secondary data, and as such the analysis is restricted by what information is available. An important ‘valueadded’ however is the synthesis of existing socio-economic research on the ‘costs of inaction’ on mercury, informing future work for UNEP and other stakeholders in the Global Mercury Partnership. A. MERCURY USE IN ARTISANAL AND SMALL-SCALE GOLD MINING Mercury amalgamation is the most commonly used method to extract gold in ASGM due to its ease of use, low cost and abundant legal and illegal supply. Gold miners use mercury for its chemical properties because it is a ‘tried and tested’ technology, with rapid results. In this sense, mercury is a financial ‘tool’ for many miners, generating much needed currency quickly.53 The sector is the largest source of global mercury demand, with most mercury used by artisanal miners illegally diverted from other end uses.54 With this mercury largely being released into the environment, ASGM is the single largest source of intentional- release mercury in the world. 50 Veiga et al. (2006):54. Also, since mercury-containing waste can be expensive to treat, a profitable way to handle this mercury by-product can be to sell it to the black market. See INC2 technical briefing documentation for further information from Indonesia. 51 Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) is an economic assessment framework that weighs costs of policy implementation against financial and monetized nonmarket impacts, positive and negative, of that policy change, in theory reflecting economic values of all stakeholders over distance and time. The overall impact on society is assessed against a ‘social welfare criterion’ – the measure by which policies can be accepted or rejected. This is usually the point where the policy change in question makes people better off while leaving nobody else worse off, known as Pareto Optimality. For a project or policy to pass this test, compensation must be paid by the “winners” to the “losers” so that they are indifferent to the policy change. A second social criterion is based on a principle of potential compensation, where once the potential exists for compensation to be transferred, the action is considered efficient regardless if the compensation is actually paid. Though there are limitations to this approach, CBA remains the sole framework that can reasonably help frame answers to questions like ‘what are the economic benefits of reducing/eliminating mercury use in artisanal and small-scale gold mining, within and beyond mining communities?’. 52 Since observable market prices do not generally exist for an environmental good or common (in this sense it is a value of the actual common or value of the environmental good such clean air, clean water, clean soil, etc.), the marginal social cost of damage to the environmental good or common is not usually readily available in monetary terms. However, while challenging, it is possible to value and integrate these costs and benefits into CBA frameworks using nonmarket valuation Stated Preference and Revealed Preferences techniques. Contingent Valuation (CV) is the best-known and most widely employed of the former approach, while hedonic pricing is an example of the latter. 53 There is evidence of gold being traded for bread in the case of Zimbabwean hyperinflation in 2009 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ubJp6rmUYM, accessed 26 July 2011 54 Veiga et al. (2006):54. Also, since mercury-containing waste can be expensive to treat, a profitable way to handle this mercury by-product can be to sell it to the black market. See INC2 technical briefing documentation for further information from Indonesia. 17 In 2008, small-scale gold mining released an estimated 1,000 tones of mercury to the environment per year. 40 percent is released directly into the atmosphere (400 tones) and circulates around the globe contaminating fisheries worldwide.55 The remainder enters local waterways and soils (600 tones) but much of this may later also escape to the atmosphere. The Mercury Watch database 56 estimates that releases from small-scale gold mining have increased roughly 30 percent to 1,320 tones per year in 2011.57 If ASGM production produces approximately 330 tones of gold per annum, this means for every 1kg of gold mined, 3 of mercury can potentially be lost to the environment depending on the processing method. This translates into roughly one third of global mercury use. By comparison, coal burning releases 800 tones of mercury to the environment through atmospheric emissions per year.58 Mercury is used in different ways the sector and so it has various impact pathways (See Box 3.). Figure 4. shows a typical work flow with the embedded externalities from the reefs/rocky ore worked in ASGM practices. The work flow in general is divided into three streams: Upstream – ore mining: alluvial type, reef type, etc.; Middle stream – ore processing into gold (20-60 percent purity); Downstream – metallic gold (100 percent pure gold) and end-sale. In reality, there is no clear division between each stream. In some places, depending on the type of the minerals and ore traces, the upstream and middle stream activities merge. Mercury is added usually in the middle stream and downstream. Two methods are largely responsible for mercury releases to water and air in ASGM practices: whole ore amalgamation and open burning.59 Whole Ore Amalgamation In this process mercury is added to all the ore being processed crushed, ground or sluiced. Whole ore amalgamation is an intensive use of mercury and dramatically increases the amount of mercury released to the environment compared to treating concentrates. In some cases, this excess mercury approaches 90 percent of what is used. While it does not occur in all ASGM practices worldwide, this practice accounts for a growing portion of mercury demand in ASGM worldwide. Open Burning Miners and gold shop owners heat amalgam to recover gold. Amalgam is burned openly without a vapor capture system such as a retort or fume hood. This is done with a torch and crucible or even more crudely in a shovel or metal pan over an open fire or directly on wood coals. When openly burned mercury vapors are released to the air and can be inhaled by the miners, their families and others nearby, and then enter the atmosphere and travel globally contributing to mercury pollution worldwide. Further, when burning occurs indoors or in urban centers, surfaces in these places become contaminated and elevated levels of mercury persists long after the initial burning (months to years). The practice produces atmospheric mercury emissions estimated at 400 metric tones per year worldwide.60 55 See Telmer and Veiga (2009); Pirrone et al. (2010); UNEP (2010) www.mercurywatch.org This does note include the increased estimate for Peru (150 tonnes) based on recent findings from Swenson (2011). 58 See Pirrone et al. (2010); UNEP (2010) 59 Adding cyanide after mercury whole ore amalgamation is recognized as one of the most dangerous and polluting technique in gold extraction. However, in the context of the mercury treaty, it is mercury use that is the primary concern and therefore the mercury-cyanide interaction is not explored further in this paper. 60 See Telmer and Veiga (2009) 56 57 18 Figure 4. Typical ASGM Work Flow and the Embeded Externalities Reefs/Rocky Ore Example Capital Investor(s) Equipment/production investor Shaft/Hole exploration ‘Expert’ Rehabilitation UP-STREAM (ORE MINING) E Digging Crushing Load/ unload Supporting team (pumping the air, fire, supplies, etc.) Transporter Capital Investor(s) Fine Crusher Unit Equipment/production investor MERCURY ADDED Ball-Mills Unit ‘Expert’ E MIDDLESTREAM (ORE PROCESSING ) E E Tailings handling Supporting team (generator set up, diesel fuel supplies, etc.) Mixing, burning amalgam (40-60%) Transporter Cyanide Plant Unit ‘Expert’ Capital Investor(s)/ intermediaries/ gold trader Intermediate Gold buyer/ kiosk E MERCURY ADDED Metallic gold process E E = Externality costs of health, environment, social fabric, and culture DOWN-STREAM (METALIC GOLD AND END-SALE) Gold shop/ jewelry shop Adapted from Ismawati, Y. (2011, June 22). Slide presented at the Central Sulawesi Regional Consultation workshop on Development National and Regional Approach on Environmentally Sound Management of Mercury in Southeast Asia focusing on ASGM and Health Care Sector. US Department of State Grant No. SLMAQM-11-GR-027. 19 Box 3. From drops to pour-flush: Mercury in Indonesian ASGM Activities In the early stage of almost in any potential gold mining, miners start with a panning technique, to find out the quality of the potential ores from that area. Mercury is introduced as part of this process. In Poboya, Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, artisanal and small scale gold mining activity started in 1998 with traditional, non-mercury methods and was considered as a subsistence livelihood activity. Mercury was introduced by one particluar gold buyer who visited the community mining along the river every Monday and Thursday to collect the gold nuggets bring fresh mercury supplies. He taught the villagers to add some drops of mercury in the final panning process. The ball-mill process has been introduced by miners from North Sulawesi to other potential small-scale gold mining areas all over the country. The ball-mill process runs for four hours, 3-4 times within 24 hours. Mercury is added in each ball-mill tumbler at levels of about 300-500 gram per 4 hours. After four hours the water inside the ball-mill will be poured out and ball-mill bottom will be washed out to get the amalgam. The process is repeated 3-4 times to get a good and solid amalgam. Some mercury is flushed out during the process and ends up in the tailing pond. After several ball-mill process, the amalgam will be squeezed and then burned in an open space to get 40-60 percent of gold. There is no data available as yet on how much mercury is released into the air during the process but a brief mercury sampling using a Lumex analyzer in one of the ball-mill units in Poboya has shown a high spike as high as 50,000 nanogram/cubic meter during the ‘buang kabur’ or the ball-mill pour-flush process. The average results of mercury in the ball-mill processing areas are between 3000-6000 nanogram/cubic meter. Source: BALIFOKUS survey for the “Development National and Regional Approaches to Environmentally Sound Management of Mercury in Southeast Asia” with focus on the ASGMand Health Sectors in Indonesia and the Philippines. US Department of States, Grant Award No. SLMAQM-11-GR-027, June 2011. B. TECHNIQUES FOR SIGNIFICANT REDUCTION AND ELIMINATION OF MERCURY One solution to decrease mercury input and emissions confirmed and emphasized at the UNEP Global Forum on ASGM includes emission control through the use of fume hoods and retorts (See Box 4. for a case study on a mercury vapor capture system being pioneered in Indonesia), mercury re-activation to avoid dumping of “excess mercury” and avoidance of whole ore amalgamation through pre-concentration. Usually more than 90 percent of mercury employed in the process can be removed from the amalgam, bottled and reused. It must be noted however that there is no guarantee that reused mercury will be captured and reused thereafter. Box 4. Mercury vapor capture system: Case study of Indonesia A study of more than 200 square kilometers in the Galangan area of Central Kalimantan in Indonesia found the area was “extremely environmentally degraded from deforestation, desertification, and mercury contamination as a result of artisanal gold mining.” Substantial dredging, amalgamation, and amalgam-burning have resulted in mercury pollution. Moreover, the urban area of Kareng Pangi, where amalgam is burned in gold shops, is “quite contaminated with mercury because none of the many gold shops have any environmental controls and no retorts are used.” In 2006 the GMP helped install mercury vapor capture systems in the shops in Kareng Pangi; three years later, a visit to the town found that the fumes hoods were still in operation, a testament to their practicality and effectiveness in the gold shop context. Source: UNIDO Global Mercury Project (2006b): 6, 8, 10, 18. Preferred techniques involve concentrating the ore prior to amalgamation using gravity separation through the use of simple sluices, jigs or centrifuges, greatly reducing the amounts of mercury consumed and emitted. A third effective way of extracting gold without using mercury is the process of direct smelting. Smelting is a hightemperature melting process used to recover metals from ores and concentrates. This method has been developed, tested and commercialised. Chemical leaching can also be done typically using cyanide chemical extraction, the only other widely-practiced method. This also presents risks to human health and the environment however. 20 The cost profile of the techniques used to significantly reduce or eliminate the use of mercury in gold ore extraction is such that capital, legal costs and payback periods can block the introduction of these techniques, though the operational cost thereafter is lower than mercury-intensive production processes (See Table 9.). Methods that do not reduce productivity and generate clear financial benefits are more likely to be readily adopted. These techniques should be categorized into two different approach: non-mercury techniques and mercury emission reduction techniques. Although some techniques still need to be tested and proven in the field, various non-mercury techniques are already available on the market. Table 9. Costs of and Barriers to the use of Non-Mercury Techniques for Gold Ore Extraction Alternatives Remarks Dollar Cost in United States dollars ** Centrifuge No mercury Sluice No mercury $1,000–10,000. Average 4,000 for a good ASGM centrifuge $50 – 1,000 Magnetic Carpet Clean GoldTM Shaking table Direct smelting kit No mercury $50 – 500 No mercury No mercury $20,000 $1,000 Obstacles/Barriers Initial cost, energy, water, technical know-how, legal status Water (although can also be dry), high cost, high energy use Preferably for alluvial ore or fine crushed ore Relatively expensive, need preliminary treatment Cost, energy, technical know-how, quantity of material that can be processed Source: Global Forum on ASGM (2010)61 and UNEP Conclusion Workshop on National Strategic Planning for ASGM, Siem reap, 22-24 March 2011. 62 Figure 5. Range of Non-Mercury Gold Extraction and Processing Options Centrifugal method Expensive Shaking Table Shaking Sluice with magnetic separator Cost Magnetic Sluice Magnetic pan Wooden/ plastic pan Cheap Complicated Simple Application Source: Ismawati, Y. (2011). Presentation: Technical Aspect. Conclusion Workshop National Strategic Planning on Artisanal and small-scale gold mining, Siem Reap, 22-24 March 2011. 61 Meeting Report available at http://www.unep.org/hazardoussubstances/GlobalForumonARTISANAL AND SMALL-SCALE GOLD MINING/tabid/6005/Default.aspx Meeting Report available at http://www.unep.org/hazardoussubstances/Mercury/PrioritiesforAction/ArtisanalandSmallScaleGoldMining/Meeting/ConclusionWorkshop/tabid/51724/Default.aspx 62 21 Many of these methods however are not suitable for small sized particles of gold only and electricity is needed for these techniques – two conditions not always present in ASGM. As such, arguments have been made for use of borax to replace mercury (See Box 5.) and placing an emphasis on disseminating retort technologies. Box 5. Borax replacing mercury: The Experience in the Philippines More than thirty years ago a group of innovative small-scale gold miners in Benguet, Northern Luzon discovered that borax (sodium tetraborate decahydrate) can replace mercury in the gold extraction process. Since then borax has been used daily by around 15,000 miners in that area. These miners have been observed to earn substantially more money from avoiding the cost of mercury inputs and increased efficiency in recovery of gold. The use of borax to replace mercury certainly avoids mercury damage to health and environment; however it should be noted that borax, while not acutely toxic, has found to be potentially toxic to development by the US EPA and under the EU’s REACH programme. The borax process has not spread from Benguet to other parts of the Philippines. Investigations in 2007 in Zamboanga, Mindanao and Camarines, Luzon showed that during the whole-ore amalgamation process, the miners were loosing large quantities of mercury and gold (250 gram mercury and 15 gram gold per ton). This lack of dissemination is perhaps due to the dominance of ‘back-yard’ ASGM activities that supplement other livelihood earnings in this country, meaning that artisanal miners do not migrate and spread new techniques as such. In this context, a Danish financed small-scale mining project was initiated in March 2011. The project has funding for three years and has two goals. One is teaching and training small-scale miners to use borax instead of mercury. The other is to teach health providers and local mining communities in the Philippines about the symptoms of mercury poisoning. The first training of miners in using borax was carried out in August 2011 in the Kalinga area of Northern Philippines. Trainers were miners from Benguet who have used borax for many years. The training proved to be a great success. The miners almost doubled their gold recovery without investing in new equipment. Over the next three years, trainers from Northern Philippines will train miners from Kalinga and Camarines in the use of the borax method. The project is financed by the Danish Project Fund and is carried out by the Danish NGO Dialogos, the Philippine NGO Ban Toxics, University of Copenhagen, Benguet Federation of small-scale miners and the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland. Source Perez et al. (2007); US EPA (1997); ECHA (2010) The video can be found at http://youtu.be/X6Sawj0HyF0 C. FINANCIAL AND EXTERNAL COSTS OF INACTION ON MERCURY USE IN ASGM Whole ore amalgamation and open burning production processes appear profitable only if certain financial, health and environmental impacts – including the opportunity and future option costs of land use – are not accounted for. These hidden costs for miners, their families and the communities they live in and support reduces benefits to be had from ASGM immeasurably. Furthermore, it is crucial to understand that mercury pollution is not just a localized concern. As a pollutant that is transported globally and bio accumulates in fish species that are traded worldwide, it concerns populations both in and far beyond mining communities. 1. Financial Implications of Mercury Use in ASGM Operations The costs of investing in mercury reduction/elimination in ASGM operations are typically better understood than the benefits of doing so (See Box 6.). This means that interventions to encourage miners to change to reduced or non-mercury techniques must make a strong case for the financial benefits of this course of action. Non-mercury techniques can be introduced to ASGM stakeholders describing the advantages and disadvantages of each technique techniques for various levels of processing as shown in Figure 6. below, as well as the cost implications including both investment and operational costs for each option. Methods that do not reduce productivity and generate clear financial benefits are more likely to be readily adopted, health and environment externalities not withstanding. 22 Box 6. Estimated Costs of Defensive Expenditures in the Philippines An attempt to quantitatively assess the economic cost of mercury pollution was made by the Philippine Institute for Development Studies in 1999. Using the defensive expenditure approach in the economic valuation of mercury, the authors estimated that about PhP933.5million (US$201132million) is required annually for the purchase of protective equipment and facility to control the occurrence of future mercury pollution in small-scale mining in the country. The estimate was made on the assumption that there are 250,000 small-scale gold miners in the Philippines, where 215,000 of them are involved in processing. This figure represents an ‘avoided cost’ approach and does not estimate the external economic impacts of mercury use in this sector as such. Source: Israel & Asirot (2000) Figure 6. Informed Choices for Non-Mercury Gold Processing Techniques Source: Ismawati, Y. (2011). Presentation: Technical Aspect. Conclusion Workshop National Strategic Planning on Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining, Siem reap, 22-24 March 2011. The amount of mercury used and lost during mining depends on the amalgamation approach used. In cases where the whole ore is amalgamated, losses of mercury can be very large – as high as 20 units of mercury lost to recover 1 unit of gold.63 Existing estimates suggest that mercury used in ASGM costs the miner US$0.20-0.50.64 Continuing with the 20:1 ratio, if 20g of mercury is used to produce 1g of gold, mercury inputs could cost the miner as much as 13-30 percent of earnings.65 In the case of gold extraction from sulfides in particular, miners can end up resorting to extremely polluting yet ineffective, costly measures.66 This is highly variable however. Sometimes mercury is used as a currency within gold supply chain transactions making it seemingly free to miners. Where only a gravity concentrate is amalgamated, losses are normally about 1.3 units of mercury for each unit of gold, but can be significantly lower if a mercury capturing system is used when the amalgam is burned. 67 Furthermore, if these emissions to air are trapped by fume hoods or retorts, mercury can be recycled and reactivated by simple processes 68 , allowing miners to use their mercury numerous times (indefinitely in a perfectly closed circuit, though this never happens in practice). The potential for cost reduction for artisanal miners is an important consideration. A significant portion of mercury used can also be recovered if amalgamation is done in closed amalgamation pools and the tailings are 63 See Telmer and Stapper (2007) www.mercurywatch.org. 65 Prices on world markets for mercury trebled in 2010, from US$650 per flask to US$1,850 per flask (35 kilos) – rising from about US$20 to $50/kilo. Calculating on the basis of the average gold price to date for 2010/11 (US$1,416.34) and the 70 percent supply model, if 1g of gold earns roughly US$46 on the market, artisanal and small-scale site bosses down the chain might get US$32. The mercury input cost to produce this 1g gold could be anything between US$4-10 (based on 20g of mercury being used). 66 Hinton et al. (2003): 100 67 See Veiga et al. (2006); Telmer and Stapper (2007) 68 This is known as the Pantoja Process – after Dr. Freddy Pantoja who pioneered a mercury reactivation method which produces sodium- mercury amalgam which is more effective at amalgamating gold than pure mercury. See Veiga et al. (2006): 59-61. 64 23 reworked to recover the lost mercury. Additional gold is also recovered in this process and so this is an economically favorable practice. The UNIDO Global Mercury Project (GMP) estimates that a 50 percent reduction in mercury use in ASGM could easily be obtained simply by carrying out these two practices. In many cases this represents zero cost or even additional profits for miners. The benefits are threefold: significantly less use of mercury, cost reduction in basic production inputs (See Box 7.), and more efficient gold amalgamation through using reactivated mercury.69 However, the method depends upon miner acceptance and implementation. Many field workers have reported that miners simply do not use retorts, despite the good reasons for doing so.70 The most significant shift from mercury-based ASGM process to non-mercury mechanical and physical techniques will require a moderate capital investment which can be facilitated by donors or international financial institutions. A pilot project currently on going in Bornuur Mongolia producing 250 grams of gold daily valued at US$7,000 involves capital investment of approximately US$120,000. 71 Implementation requires a formalization process and proper planning for plant siting and regulatory reform. Box 7. Mercury Abatement Project: Success in Ghana In Ghana, a direct smelting technique is being introduced to the ASGM community to replace the use of mercury in the sector. About the process: Smelting is a high-temperature melting process used to recover metals from ores and concentrates. Fluxes are added to the concentrate to assist melting and react with impurities so that the metal separates out. The final products are pure metal and a glassy slag containing the unwanted components. Advantages: The process does not use any mercury; instead it utilizes non-toxic, cheap chemicals like borax, sodium carbonate and silica sand. It can be used for all types of ores and it has a recovery rate of 99.9 percent. The process is cheap, quick, suitable for processing small batches of concentrate and the input materials are locally available. Cost comparison of Mercury Amalgamation and Direct Smelting AMALGAMATION 1 2 3 Item Half teaspoon of mercury (27 g) Cost (GH¢) 4.00 Heating of amalgam (charcoal) Smelting Total 6.00 (US$2011 4.14) DIRECT SMELTING* 1 Item 4 Crucibles (2 operations) Cost (GH¢) 1.60 0.50 2 Flux (2 x 200 g) 1.20 1.50 3 Gas (2 x 0.75 g) 1.20 Total 4.00 (US$2011 2.76) *The direct smelting kit has an initial cost of about 800 USD Challenges: The initial cost of the smelting kit machine can prove to be a hindrance to the acceptability of the process to miners. Ensuring the kits are readily available can also be a challenge. Government support will remain of vital importance for the success of the project. Furthermore, pre-concentration needs to be much more efficient. Whereas miners may apply mercury to 20kg of concentrate produced from a sluice, direct smelting only works on much smaller volumes of higher grade material – 50g for the Ghanaian kits. This is a UNIDO sponsored study to assess and reduce mercury pollution from artisanal gold mining (Project US/GHA/99/128). As part of Ghana’s Mining Sector Support Programme (MSSP), sponsored by the European Union, the Mercury Pollution Abatement Project was designed to investigate viable possibilities for processing methods to substitute mercury in the artisanal and small-scale mining. 2. Economic Implications of Human Health Impacts Approximately 5 percent of mercury used in whole ore amalgamation is released into the air– in the case of open burning this often inhaled by the miner/processer. The remaining 95 percent largely makes its way from mining 69 In formalized businesses operating in a context of relatively well established institutions, other private costs from mismanagement of mercury can include compensation, reputational impacts and remediation costs. Given that ASGM are largely informal undertakings, these costs are not considered here however. 70 UNIDO (2008), Gunson A. J. , Veiga M.M (2004) 71 Sustainable Artisanal Mining Project, Mongolia. http://www.sam.mn/en/institutional-structure-a-social-issues/institutional-structure.html. Accessed by 27 June 2011. 24 tailings into waterways and onto land with further serious consequences for human health. 72 Evidence of mercury pollution emissions from ASGM has been gathered in many countries including the Philippines, Thailand, Tanzania and Mongolia, and surveyed globally73. With an estimated 4.5 million women working in artisanal mining, many of childbearing age, low-level exposure to infants during gestation and breast-feeding is a risk.74 1-2 million children may be involved in artisanal and small-scale gold mining, with children as young as three years-old working within or outside the family unit. 75 They work in dangerous conditions which expose them to mercury which in turn has implications for their future economic prosperity and that of their families, communities and country. Health costs of child laborers exposed to hazardous chemicals such as mercury will be relatively higher than the health cost incurred to adults exposed to the same toxics substances because adverse effects for children are more severe.76 Burden of disease evidence links mercury poisoning and numbness and tingling, vision abnormalities and memory problems in adults. 77 Moreover, consequences can be permanent as medical treatment is not always effective. Two subpopulations are crucial in looking at health impacts of mercury exposure: those on whom mercury has more severe effects and those who are exposed to higher levels of mercury. Children are uniquely vulnerable to mercury effects, particularly through direct exposure due to extensive child labor practices in the sector as well as maternal exposure when women ingest or inhale mercury particles. As a potent neurological toxicant that interferes with brain functions and the nervous system, mercury has been shown to be particularly harmful to neurological development of babies and young children.78 Methodologies for determining mercury exposure in people involved in ASGM have been developed.79 As part of the UNIDO Global Mercury Project (GMP), a health assessment methodology was designed to complement environmental assessment, providing indicators of the level of mercury poisoning and its health effects on mining and surrounding communities by exposure to mercury vapors and by ingestion of contaminated food, in particular fish – this in turn has implications for global commercial fisheries as well as human health.80 Small amounts of mercury entering the natural environment over time are bio-magnified in marine food chains. Significantly, fish contributes an important source of animal proteins to the diet of the world’s poorest people 81 including the rural communities that are at the center of discussions on artisanal and small-scale gold mining. Even with moderate levels of contamination, mercury concentrations for local fish consumers appear to contribute significantly to body burden in this population (See Box 8.).82 Levels of mercury in the body are expressed in terms of parts per million (ppm), 1 part of mercury per million parts of body tissue. A hair concentration of 1ppm mercury is equal to 1 milligram of mercury per kilogram of hair. The average level of mercury in the hair for low-risk populations is 2ppm. The National Research Council (NRC) of the National Academy of Sciences determined that a body burden of 1 ppm in hair results from steady state exposure at the US EPA reference dose (RfD). The report notes that “…it may be argued that derivation of a RfD for methylmercury is inappropriate, given that there does not appear to be a threshold for adverse neuropsychological effects based on available data”. Health assessment for mercury exposure in ASGM communities combines information from biological samples associated with medical exams to evaluate the level of exposure that the pollutant caused, or may cause, to individuals. Particular sampling procedures used must be site-specific, taking into consideration the consideration the characteristics of the mining activity; the biodiversity of the region; the accessibility and availability of resources; and likely exposure risks.83 Miners in Indonesia, the Philippines, Colombia, Guyana, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Brazil are found to have mercury levels up to 50 times above World Health 72 Telmer and Veiga (2009):137. The example given is that if 20 g of mercury is consumed to produce 1 g of gold, then 19 g of mercury are discharged to water and 1 g of mercury is emitted to the atmosphere. See also Pirrone et al. (2010). 73 See for example – Philippines: Appleton (1999); Thailand: Pataranawat et al. (2007); Global:Telmer and Veiga (2009) 74 See Telmer and Veiga (2009) 75 Ibid. 76 See ILO (2011) 77 See Bakir (1973); Harada (1995); Debes et al. (2006); Gardner et al. (2010); Trasande et al. (2010) 78 See United States EPA (1997); Bose-O’Reilly et al. (2010) 79 See UNEP(DTIE)/Hg/INC.2/9 - Methodologies for determining mercury exposure in people involved in artisanal and small-scale gold mining, available at: http://www.unep.org/hazardoussubstances/Mercury/Negotiations/INC2/INC2MeetingDocuments/tabid/3484/language/en-US/Default.aspx 80 See UNEP (2011) UNEP(DTIE)/Hg/INC.2/9 81 FAO (2009):Part I:5. 82 See Trasande et al. (2010) 83 See UNIDO (2004) 25 Organization limits. Mercury-exposed mothers in Indonesia, Tanzania and Zimbabwe have been documented with elevated inorganic mercury levels in breast milk.84 The effects of mercury poisoning are known and documented. What is missing is the economic ‘translation’ 85 of this information that allows these effects to be better integrated into political and financial decision-making. For example, increased health benefits from better mercury management can result in lower costs for hospitals or wider health care operations, not to mention avoided productivity losses attributable to mercury poisoning. Research into what causes poverty in rural communities also shows that illness of a family member or death of the primary earner is an important factor that pushes households into poverty.86 Human health consequences from mercury pollution manifest in not only loss of well-being, pain and suffering, but also privately-captured medical expenses, loss in worker productivity, and potential loss of IQ within a population, which in turn has important economic consequences.87 Box 8. Philippines Mercury Pollution and Mining Studies During the gold rush period in the early 1980's, fish and shellfish monitoring results showed levels above the recommended level of 0.5ppm due to mercury pollution from small-scale gold and mercury mining activity detected in tailing ponds, canals and river systems and coastal waters – up to five times higher than the standard. Close to a former mercury mine in Palawan, several studies of the environmental impact were undertaken prior to 1990, assessing mercury concentrations in sediments of Honda Bay which is a reclaimed area from cinnabar ore in Puerto Princesa, reported high concentrations of mercury in jetty wastes and nearshore interfacial sediments. Human body burdens among a sample of 130 subjects indicated that all Palawan residents in the study are subjected to high mercury exposure, as compared with control populations. Estimated mean blood Hg values ranged from 8.817.6ng/ml for the five sub-groups, with a maximum individual value of 74.1ng/ml. Such values are typical of populations consuming fish at a daily frequency. A health assessment of community members within 10km of the mercury mines showed that majority of old people who were residents in the area and former miners had elevated blood mercury levels requiring detoxification. Ten children with elevated blood mercury levels with positive physical examination findings were also detoxified. Anecdotal evidence has priced this medical intervention at US$1,000 per patient. Correlation studies comparing a similar area with naturally occurring undeveloped mercury rich resources showed negligible effects on health and environmental quality. In 2000, a study was commissioned by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) to investigate the effects of mercury contamination in regions affected by gold mining operations in Diwalwal, Monkayo, Compostella Valley. Results showed that mercury levels in the Naboc River –the major river system draining the operations in the gold rush area– exceeds all drinking water quality criteria, as well as recommended water quality criteria for the protection of aquatic organisms and their uses. The investigation also reported that mercury concentration in bottom and suspended sediment in the rivers exceeds the Toxic Effects Threshold for the Protection of Aquatic Life by factors of up to 55 and 166, respectively. Mercury levels in rice and other food crops were found to be within appropriate safety standards. Nevertheless, if fish or shellfish from either river are regularly consumed, intake levels of mercury (or methylmercury) may exceed WHO guidelines, with negative impacts on human health. Source: Appleton (1999); Narvaez (2002) For the most part, existing studies linking mercury exposure to economic estimates have been conducted in countries more economically developed than those where ASGM takes place on significant scales. Furthermore, no economic valuation studies approximating the health costs from mercury use in gold mining have been uncovered specific to the ASGM context (See Table 10.).88 Important to note in the context of a global mercury See Bose-O’Reilly et al. (2008) Estimation of economic values for health impacts uses costs of illness including days of work lost, lost wages, and medical expenses; judicial decisions of compensation payments; Years of Potential Life Lost (YPLL); Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs); and, Value of Statistical Life (VOSL). In terms of susceptibility, children tend to respond differently to similar exposures as they are less able to metabolize, detoxify or remove pollutants than adults. Yet, because of the reliance on productivity and income valuations as a proxy for nonmarket human health impacts, care must be taken to represent impacts on children’s health appropriately in economic valuations. Similarly, the disparity in predicted lifetime income earnings between developing and developed countries is problematic. What is important is not particularly the absolute amount of income lost, but amount lost relative to proportion of overall income and opportunities for replacing or insuring against lost income. 86 See Khan (2001); Fisher et al. (2009) 87 See U.S. Department of Labour (2010); ILO 88 Based on an extensive literature search conducted as part of the Costs of Inaction Initiative currently in progress at UNEP Chemicals Branch. For further information see the UNEP Chemicals Branch Mainstreaming website. 84 85 26 treaty is that mercury is transported and deposited globally. As such, economic implications of environmental impacts from mercury pollution stemming from artisanal and small-scale use of mercury are not purely local. One study by the Nordic Council of Ministers (2008) report estimates global annual damage costs for ingestion of methyl mercury at US$20058billion (US$20119.2billion) for by-product emissions and US$20052billion (US$20112.3billion) for emissions from intentional use of mercury under a ‘status-quo’ scenario. Table 10. Selected Studies of Estimated Health Costs of Anthropogenic Mercury Exposure89 Country, Region Impact Pathway Health Impacts Economic Valuations Source United States Air pollution, exposure to toxic chemicals and other environmental pollutants Children's health problems caused by exposure to toxic chemicals and other environmental pollutants Exposure to mercury (methyl mercury) cost $5.1 billion. Trasande and Liu (2011) Global Ingestion of methyl mercury Loss of IQ (Intelligence Quotient) Sundseth et al. (2010) Global Mercury emissions to water, air and landinhalation, contaminated food consumption (fish) Loss of IQ (Intelligence Quotient) following ingestion of methyl mercury/consumption of contaminated fish Global Mercury emissions to water, air and land United States Mercury emissions to water, air and land – prenatal exposure. Dose-response function (DRF) using estimates of IQ decrement as function of mercury concentration in blood, as well as correlations between blood concentration and mercury ingestion Loss of IQ (Intelligence Quotient) for children born with elevated cord blood mercury levels A global assessment of societal damages based solely on loss of IQ suggests that the annual cost will be approximately US$3.7 billion (2005 dollars) in 2020. US$ 8 billion annually (in 2005 dollars) from by-product emissions US$ 2 billion (in 2005 dollars) from emissions from intentional use of mercury in the status quo scenario in 2020. US$ 2.9 million (in 2005 dollars) from inhalation of mercury Mean estimate of the global average of the marginal damage cost per emitted kg of Hg is about $1,500/kg $8.7 billion annually (range $2.2 – 43.8 billion in 2000 US$) Trasande et al. (2005) United States Mercury emissions to water, air and land from coal-burning. Total population exposures from contaminated food consumption (fish). Ranges from US$75 million to US$4.9 billion based on various cohorts and two scenarios for capping of mercury emissions.90 Rice and Hammit (2005) Japan, Minimata Mercury emissions to water – contaminated food consumption (fish) One-off expenses of 7, 671 Yen FY1989 Japan Environment Agency (1991) Cost of illness, loss of IQ (Intelligence Quotient), value of statistical life, health related quality of life. Loss is weighted by gender, body weight, age with background mercury thresholds taken into account. Health damage compensation 89 Nordic Council of Ministers (Pacyna et al.) (2008) Spadaro and Rabl (2008) For a recent overview of relevant socioeconomic studies of economic benefits from reduction of mercury pollution from anthropogenic sources please see literature review of Sundseth et al. (2010): 390-392 90 Scenarios 1 and 2 are predicted benefits to result when power plants face annual mercury emissions caps of 26 tons and 15 tons, respectively. For Scenario 1, the predicted annual benefit associated with IQ increases in the annual birth cohort ranges from $75 million to $194 million. The corresponding annual benefit predictions for Scenario 2 are $119 million to $288 million. The monetized benefits associated with avoided cardiovascular events and premature mortality are predicted to be much larger than the neurotoxicity benefits. Monetized annual benefits are $48 million and $86 million in Scenarios 1 and 2 if the population is just fish consuming men. If these cardiovascular effects are experienced by the whole U.S. population, then the monetized annual benefits are predicted to be $3.3 billion and $4.9 billion in Scenario 1 and Scenario 2, respectively. 27 3. Economic Impacts of Environmental Degradation The majority of nonmarket valuation literature has focused on health impacts, particularly in chemicals management. But the rural poor depend largely on agriculture, fishing, forestry, and related small-scale industries and services91, and as such, the livelihood implications of environmental degradation are also crucial. When considered as an asset –a source of resources, an investment with positive returns, a flow of vital goods and services– ‘the environment’ can be considered as natural capital that generates valuable goods and services that not only support human life, but also productive livelihoods. An environmental asset base is constructed of healthy, productive ecosystems which generate economically important ‘goods’ such as timber, fisheries, minerals…etc. and ‘services’. The UN Millennium Assessment (2005) 92 defines ecosystem services as “the benefits people obtain from ecosystems. These include provisioning services such as food and water; regulating services such as flood and disease control; cultural services such as spiritual, recreational, and cultural benefits; and supporting services, such as nutrient cycling, that maintain the conditions for life on Earth.” In many cases, mercury-containing tailings from small-scale gold mining activities are dumped into or besides bodies of water, and this results in the contamination of soil, rivers, stream, ponds and lakes for long periods of time, posing a threat to water quality, forestry and biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Ecosystem effects are difficult to evaluate given that we know relatively little about the links between mercury pollution and ecosystem service quality. However, conflict has been observed between miners and other non-mining community members because of incompatibilities in land use between polluting mining activities and other natural-based livelihoods, such as agriculture or aquaculture production, and even large scale miners. Trade data is like a ‘burden of disease’ indicator for economic implications from environmental pollution in that a clear link can be seen between environmental quality and commercial earnings. For example, there is a clear and proven link between mercury exposure and fish consumption. Fisheries (both wild capture and aquaculture) provide livelihoods for an estimated 43.5 million people worldwide and are often the most valuable agricultural exports from developing countries. In 2006, estimated first-hand value of global capture fisheries production amounted to US$200691.2 billion, while aquaculture production for the same year is valued at US$200678.8 billion.93 World exports of fish and fishery products reached US$200685.9 billion, of which a large proportion originates in developing countries.94 Access Agreements are also a form of international fisheries trade whereby the right to fish within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is sold to Distant Water Fishing Nations (DDFNs) providing an important source of revenue for many developing country governments. 95 Crucially, there is a significant overlap between top fish/fish product producers and low/medium development status gold producing countries: Cambodia, Mozambique, Togo, Uganda; China, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam (See Figures 7. and 8.). But trade linkages give the environmental cost of mercury pollution from ASGM a global dimension if fish exports are linked to mercury pollution incidents. When fish stocks become contaminated with mercury, fishing livelihoods are compromised (See Box 10. on the Minamata case) – potentially in both local and distant water fishing and fish products industries. 91 See Khan (2001) UN Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005) FAO (2008), Part I:5 94 Ibid. 95 The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) establishes the 200-nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Since then, access agreements allowing the distant water fishing fleets of developed nations to fish in other States’ waters in return for ‘access fees’. These are typically government-to-government payments, often considered unfair as they are rarely based on resource rent values and are estimated at no more than 5-10 percent of catch values. UNEP (2008) 92 93 28 Figure 7. Major Marine and Inland Capture Fish Producers in 2006 Source: FAO (2009): Part I, 11 Figure 8. Major Aquaculture Fish Producers in 2006 Source: FAO (2009): Part I, 19 29 The environmental exceptions – Article XX – of the World Trade Organization (WTO) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)96 allow nations to adopt trade measures necessary to protect “human, animal or plant life or health” subject to certain conditions 97 once measures are not arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination between countries or disguised restrictions on trade. 98 Consumers, on the other hand, simply decide in the supermarket aisles. Mercury contamination has implications for commercial agriculture and fisheries production, with potential for significant economic consequences resulting from consumers’ desire to avoid mercury exposure (and the associated costs) rather than actual poisoning (See Box 9.) Much depends on knowledge making it to the market however. Fish labeling and certification programmes are growing in number and improving in quality, but there is room for improvement. 99 Many of these schemes include provenance as an important contribution to meeting growing public and retailer demand to know where food products originate. Mercury-in-fish testing, while not included in the majority of certification schemes, is in place in North America since 2005.100 Box 9. Perception matters – Food Contamination Scares in early 2011 January 2011: Dioxin Contamination Concerns for German Eggs and Pork The discovery of the toxic chemical dioxin in animal feed has triggered a health alert and hit sales of German eggs and pork between early January and end of February 2011. German officials said feed tainted with dioxin had been fed to hens and pigs, contaminating eggs, poultry meat and some pork. Concerns led to sales of produce from 4,700 farms being halted. The cost for farmers was estimated at €50-60 million per week throughout the crisis (US$67-80 million). April 2011: Food Exports for Japanese Food Exports in the wake of Fukushima Around 50 countries imposed restrictions on Japanese food imports after the nuclear plant Fukushima was damaged in the earthquake of 11 March 2011. America and the European Union both put products from Fukushima and other prefectures on a watch list, requiring radiation tests. India was the first country to impose a blanket ban on all Japanese food imports on 6 April 2011. Given that fishing and farming account for a small part of Japan’s total exports, the direct economic impact of radiation fears on consumer demand in export-destinations is thought to be minor. Yet, the high quality reputation of Japanese-sourced food will probably suffer for some time to come. May 2011: E-Coli Outbreak in Germany Following a fatal outbreak of e-coli food contamination in northern Germany suspected to be linked to cucumbers (and later bean sprouts), German consumers – and European consumers more generally– stopped eating fresh vegetables. Russia banned all fresh vegetable imports from the European Union on 2 June 2011. The Dutch horticulture industry association, Productschap Tuinbouw, estimates the crisis is costing farmers in The Netherlands €50 million (US$73 million) per week. Spanish producers have demanded compensation from Germany and the EU for losses they fear could amount to €200 million (US$293million) a week. Source: The Economist, ‘A spreading cloud of economic and human costs’ 7 April 2011; BBC World News, ‘India bans imports of all Japanese food’, 6 April 2011; Financial Times, ‘Farmers reel as outbreak hits demand’, 3 June 2011 96 The GATT establishes the core legal principles of the WTO with which all Parties must endeavour to comply. The justification must be scientifically based and the need for trade measure clearly demonstrated. States can not require another country to adopt a certain technology; differences in conditions prevailing in other countries must be shown to have been taken into account; negotiations must precede unilateral measures; foreign countries must be given time to adjust; and, due process must be followed. 98 See http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/gatt_e/gatt_e.htm, last accessed 30 March 2011. For relevant case law, see Australia – Salmon (& Article 21.5 – CANADA)1 (DS18), EC – Asbestos 1 (DS135) http://www.wto.org/english/res_e/booksp_e/dispu_settlement_e.pdf; http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/dispu_agreements_index_e.htm?id=A19#selected_agreement 99 See UNEP (2009a) 100 See Safe Harbor® for more information. 97 30 Box 10. Minamata’s Lessons for Costs of Inaction on Mercury Pollution Minamata, a fishing village in the south of Japan, is the site of one of the most well-known industrial pollution incidents involving mercury. In the 1940s and 50s, symptoms of methylmercury poisoning – or what later came to be known as Minamata disease – were observed in fish, animal, bird and human populations in the area. In 1959, Chisso, a chemical company (acetaldehyde and vinyl chloride), was scientifically proven as the source of the organic mercury causing Minamata disease. Despite this, Chisso, supported by the Japanese government, continued to emit mercurypolluted effluents into the sea until 1968. The human tragedy of Minamata is of an unbelievable scale – 101 direct deaths caused, 800 contributed to and tens of thousands diagnosed with brain and other nervous system damage. Since 1943, community groups, fishermen’s cooperatives and Minamata victims made tremendous efforts to get recognition of and compensation for damage to human health and the environment resulting from mercury contamination. After a difficult series of processes, some compensation has been granted, though application processes are still ongoing. After several decades, the mercury-containing sludge remained in the bay. In order to remove the sludge safely and quickly, and to protect the health of the residents, the prefectural government implemented a clean-up project in 1977. As much as 1.51 million m3 of highly contaminated sludge (more than 25ppm mercury) was dredged from Minamata bay over 14 years and placed on 58Ha of land for a cost of JPY 48.5 billion or approximately US$600 million. In June 2011 the former site manager of the landfill project raised concerns at the meeting organized by the Ministry of Environment of Japan, about the safety of the sludge landfill due to the vulnerability of the seawall steel piles which contain the waste. The lifetime of the steel was estimated to be less than 50 years and no seismic design was taken into account at the time of construction. No changes were made to the landfill after these concerns were raised, leaving the community with unclear answers about the future safety of the mercury-contaminated site. There is no clear and official data about the number of victims. From various sources it was noted that there are still huge number of unknown victims and their status needs to be further certified, acknowledged and compensated. Victims compensated to 2010: Those who were recognized (as of Dec. 31, 2009) 2,271 1995: Those who accepted the political settlement approx. 11,000 2004: Those who were recognized by Supreme Court 51 Victims to be compensated (Mainichi Shimbun March 29, 2010) Those who applied for recognition (as of Feb 28, 2010) 7,608 Those who received free medical treatment (as of Feb 28, 2010) 26,670 Those who may be identified later not known Estimated total number of compensated victims More than 47,600 In addition, commercial fishing, an important local economic activity, was severely affected through death of fish stocks and collapse of trade. Ultimately, the compensation paid to commercial fishers was a moderate US$100million or US$430kg kg−1Hg at 2010 dollar values. This value reflects how authorities delayed banning fishing in local fisheries, and the fact that no ban on fishing was enacted in more distant areas despite fish caught there being found to contain unsafe mercury levels. Ironically, reducing monetary losses for commercial fishing meant health costs in the region were drastically increased. Minamata victims are also insisting on establishing a health and welfare system so that victims can live secure lives within their society, and undertaking comprehensive health studies of the entire contaminated region in order to clarify the full extent of damage caused by Minamata disease. Source: Hylander and Goodsite (2006): 361-363; Takeshi Yasuma. Citizens Against Chemicals Pollution (CACP), Japan. MoE Minamata Meeting on June 26, 2011; SOSHISA, the Supporting Center for Minamata Disease. http://www.soshisha.org accessed on July 8, 2011. 31 With globalization, national competitiveness becomes increasingly significant, as does international reputation and social license to operate (local and international) for foreign direct investment (FDI) streams. Countries have suffered substantial economic losses as a result of environmental pollution if not in terms of exports, then in decreases in capital investment, private business development and tourism revenues related to actual or perceived environmental quality. Extrapolation from one contingent valuation study conducted suggests the global environmental benefits from reduction of mercury pollution could range between US$9.4 – US$12.1 billion. 101 Yet, the economic links between mercury contamination and environmental goods and service production is virtually unexplored. Just one example of compensation payments for closure of commercial fisheries has been documented for Minamata, Japan.102 Mercury pollution in sediment or on the bottom of rivers and ocean bed are costly to clean-up or remediate; but again, clean up of mercury contaminated sites, especially soil, has not yet been given adequate attention. In ASGM, the lack of monitoring and evaluation of the impacts of mercury pollution from ASGM operations is largely why these types of economic analyses have not been conducted. Some ASGM sites are located in remote areas, far removed from government centers. Local agencies do not, for the most part, have adquate monitoring equipment or geographic information systems to enable them to do this time of work. Moreover, environmental standards for specific parameters such as mercury in sediment, mercury in water, and mercury in soil do not exist in many developing countries due to limited capacity and resources, both financial and human. Section II. Key Conclusion However rudimentary or conservative the economic estimates of potential benefits of reducing or eliminating mercury in general, and in ASGM in particular, this data strongly suggests that prevention of mercury pollution can produce vast health and economic benefits at the local, national and global level. Reduction and elimination of these exposures before they occur may actually accelerate economic development. 101 Sundseth et al. (2010): 391 using the results of Jakus et al. (2002) See Japan Environment Agency (1991); Hylander and Goodsite (2006). 102 32 III. CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Recent price trends for gold suggest that mercury-related health and environment impacts, as well as other environmental problems related to ASGM are set to increase unless other actions are taken. As explored in Section I, gold prices from 2009-2010 are already driving new exploration activities in the formal gold sector, and mining operations are seen to be shifting to regions where ASGM activities are most prevalent. There is a need to craft solutions but some particular challenges exist. Certain factors show, however, that opportunity exists for overcoming these barriers and pushing for a transition in ASGM practices globally. Box 11. The Challenges Mercury is cheap and trusted in the process of gold amalgamation. The risks can be high in gold mining. Any element that maximizes financial benefits from engaging in small-scale mining contributes to making it a worthwhile activity – and mercury is perceived just as such. Its use is deeply embedded in the sector as a whole –even in large scale operations until the relatively recent transition to cyanide use. Gold supply chains can include informal exchanges of mercury between ‘middle-men’ and miners for free, low cost or as working capital and loans. Mercury is also a lowpriced technology to miners (without considering the high health and environmental costs imposed on themselves, their wives and children, friends and wider community). Efforts to reduce or eliminate mercury use in gold mining must also prevent the development of a more deeply rooted black market for mercury. ASGM is typically informal. The extent to which ASGM is integrated into the formal economy varies greatly from place to place. In many countries, ASGM practices very often found side by side or encroaching large scale gold mining consession areas intentionally and unintentionally. If formalization processes are not in place to allow for land claims to be made and kept in a manner that is accessible and manageable for artisanal miners, miners’ vulnerability to other ‘shocks’ can increase over the longer term encouraging the use of mercury to lower financial risks even more. Illegal mercury supply to the sector. The mercury supply to the ASGM is a crucial point. Elemental mercury use in ASGM sites is typically illegal and very rarely known as legally supplied. Miners usually acquire mercury from illegal suppliers who may have acquired it from diverting legal supplies (i.e. for the dental or chlor-alkali industries) or smuggling. Known sources of illegal mercury traded and used in ASGM sites are from Germany, Spain, US, European Union, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Kyrgyzstan and China.Recovered mercury from other sectors (i.e. oil and gas sector) have been identified as another potential domestic source that should be considered in mercury supply chain assessments. In many countries where ASGM is present, mercury trading is conducted underground involving powerful agencies, making it difficult to stop. Lack of finance for artisanal and small-scale miners. One of the reasons mercury is used in gold mining is that it allows the miners to produce gold –and therefore income– quickly. As miners do not have savings or direct access to finance, they need ‘ready money’ for subsistence or to purchase inputs for continued production. A barrier to progress is access to finance with which to transition to ‘low or no’ mercury gold production. Crucially, hidden financiers and local investors interested in investing their money in the gold extracting business do exist. The challenge is how to include these hidden third pary financiers and investors formally. Mining rights are the banking collateral of the mining sector. Without mining rights, there is no possibility of getting formal financing for mercury-free techniques. Lack of finance at the national level for investing in sustainable ASGM livelihoods. The legal status of ASGM in some countries, plus the missing economic argument for investment in programmes to reduce and eliminate mercury or alternative practices, has meant that relatively little national funding has been made available to this sector. Furthermore, poor capturing of resource rents in the formal sector, i.e. mining royalties and taxes, has contributed to a reduced ‘pot’ from which work could arguably be funded. A ‘windfall’ mentality in national policymakers, large-scale mining companies and miners can lead to short term thinking vis-à-vis broader development choices that do not include mining or mobilizing necessary financial resources to ensure significant reduction or elimination of mercury, amongst other sources of negative impacts, in this activity. Additionally, there is a challenge to define sustainable ASGM livelihoods which are quite different from the ‘sustainable’ mining definition as promoted by the large scale gold mining companies. Sources: Wright and Czelusta (2003):1, cited in Lahiri-Dutt (2006); Veiga et al. (2006):54; Siegel and Veiga (2009);; Interviews with gold miners and gold investors in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Jakarta, Surabaya, Bombana, Bali and West Lombok conducted by Ismawati, Y. In July 2011; Formalization document 33 Box 12. The Opportunities The outlook for gold. Public attention is firmly fixed on gold due to the ‘gold rush’ resulting from increasing use of gold for industrial production purposes (i.e. electronic products manufacturing activities) financial crises and, more recently, concerns over currency stability and inflation in many countries. As long as the demand for gold as an alternative investment option remains high, a window of opportunity on reforming ASGM exists because of revenue increases in the sector generally, and indeed, at the national level in gold producing countries. The Mercury Treaty. Mercury trade in many countries is restricted but not banned. When legally binding instrument on mercury currently under negotiation comes into force, it is expected to have a gradual impact on the availability of mercury globally, including in artisanal and small-scale activities. This lack of availability is likely to motivate transition to other mining and processing techniques, but care must be taken to prevent growth in the black market for mercury for use in ASGM. Growing ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) risk awareness in the finance sector. The UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative launched the PRI Universal Owner Project to assess the most material external costs to investors. The resulting study PRI/UNEP FI (2010) Universal Ownership: Why environmental externalities matter to institutional investors estimates that in 2008 the World's top 3,000 public companies were responsible for a third of all global environmental damage to the value of US$2.15 trillion. The most environmentally damaging business sectors are utilities, oil and gas producers, and industrial metals and mining. Those three accounted for almost a trillion dollars worth of environmental harm in 2008. The study suggests that workers and retirees could see lower pension payments from funds invested in companies exposed to environmental costs. It recommends that investors should exercise their ownership rights to encourage companies and policy-makers to reduce environmental externalities, and request regular monitoring and reporting from investment managers on how they are addressing exposure to environmental and social risks. New Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) awareness in the mining sector. There are a number of different standards recently developed that both result from and inform a new level of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the gold mining sector. Solidaridad compares eight of the leading initiatives in the precious metals industry in a benchmark study based on stakeholder views released in March 2011. These initiatives are highly controversial and sometimes rejected by civil society groups as re-branding an extremely harmful activity as "green". An opportunity exists in conducting due diligence on mineral supply chains for corporations to contribute positively on the issue of mercury and artisanal and small-scale mining. Creating targets to support the reduction or elimination of mercury use in this sector as part of CSR strategies could lead to better technical and financial flows to small-scale miners and promote budding suppliers of mercury-free gold. New market creation mechanisms to differentiate gold sources. A niche market for fair trade artisanally-mined gold is emerging. Associated with this niche market is the opportunity to raise awareness on this issue and promote cleaner ASGM practices. Supply of fair trade gold to the market remains limited to date however. Sources: Wright and Czelusta (2003):1, cited in Lahiri-Dutt (2006); Veiga et al. (2006):54; Siegel and Veiga (2009); PRI/UNEP FI (2010) , accessed 20 April 2011; World Gold Council (2011); Formalization document; Stark and Levin (2011);Fair Trade Foundation, 17 March 2010, accessed 16 November 2010. Section III. Key Conclusion The widespread use of mercury in ASGM points towards the complexity of finding appropriate measures to mitigate problems associated with its use. The consensus suggests that this mercury reduction is possible though a number of challenges must be overcome in the process. 34 IV. ENABLING THE TRANSITION: POLICY AND FINANCING OPTIONS Reiterating the views of many experienced practitioners in this field103, a purely political solution will not solve what is essentially an economic problem. Although safer alternatives are available, currently mercury functions as a financial ‘tool’ for impoverished miners due to its low cost, easy accessibility and efficiency. The question is how to make appropriate sustainable development decisions against a backdrop of large external costs from harm to human health and the environment and what transitional approach can be promoted for better and safer livelihood activities. This will necessitate law and markets working together at national, regional and international levels to coherently align economic, environmental and human health goals. A. A NOTE ON INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS Coordination and coherency with other policies is an important condition for success in transitioning to low-no mercury use in artisanal and small-scale gold mining. If policy goals – and the measures to meet these – are not aligned, the only outcome can be an undermining of the efforts and investment being made. One key element is the legal status of artisanal and small-scale mining. If this is designated as an illegal activity, little can be done through official means to remedy the aforementioned problems plaguing this industry. This includes mechanisms to recognize property rights and capacity building for miners – quite possibly the lynch pin enabling ASGM to provide poverty reduction and economic development opportunities while improving environmental management and social conditions. In this case, progress is likely to depend on the will and recognition of international organizations and associations, as well as national agencies and relevant local stakeholders. Even where lawful, or extra-legal, strong regulated control, monitoring and enforcement are not likely to be successful in many ASGM set-ups. They are often marginalized communities, geographically removed from central government reach. ASGM can be a secondary, informal economic activity to some other livelihood (e.g. farming). Furthermore, gold ‘rushes’ led by new finds or new economic drivers mean constant migration, everchanging community members and numbers of miners. Lack of monitoring measures, trained inspectors/investigators and law enforcement personnel combined with other factors, such as security, can render a legal approach ineffective and ambiguous. In this context, realistic legal reform, institutional arrangements suited to national capacities, and economic options to support and incentivize desired changes are central to workable solutions. B. AN OVERVIEW OF INTEGRATED POLICY STRATEGIES ON MERCURY-USE IN ASGM Integrated policy making is a framework for including ‘economic, social, environment (ESE)’ implications and interactions in policy cycles, helping policy goals/development to correspond with the policy environment.104 Given the particular challenges in tackling mercury-use in artisanal and small-scale gold mining, the need for ESE integration through combining ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ approaches described below is evident. Cost effective policy interventions must look at where the incremental cost of action on reducing or eliminating mercury in ASGM can be reduced by creating synergies with other activities in the sector or locality. There is also an important ‘sizing’ consideration – countries must evaluate how best scarce resources are allocated and spent. 1. Formalization Low profits and high costs of formality-complex, as well as lack of formal property rights and institutional structures, such as miners’ associations, cooperatives or federations, fuel continued illegitimate mining in developing countries.105 Formalization is widely considered as one policy response with the potential to provide avenues for legitimate capacity building for miners, community outreach on health, education, alternative 103 See Hinton et al. (2003); Telmer and Stapper (2007) UNEP (2009b):14-19 Lahiri-Dutt (2006): 17 104 105 35 livelihoods training for local economic diversification and, where desired, nurturing ASGM itself as a safe, viable livelihood as part of rural poverty reduction efforts. Formalization also provides opportunity for better small-scale mining practices in designated areas from the planning stage until the post-mining stage integrated to the local development plans strategy and policy. The process of formalization represents a challenge for policymakers given the geographic location and ‘hidden economy’ characteristics of both ASGM set-ups and communities. But given the potential rewards in terms of poverty reduction, it is a challenge worth surmounting –if not completely then at least to some extent.106 However, even in the absence of formalized structures for miners, outreach to communities on health and education form part of the state’s obligation to respect, to protect and to fulfil basic citizens’ rights, regardless of their occupation, that are guaranteed in most countries under their constitution. 2. Market-based policy instruments As incentive measures, economic instruments aim to re-align private interests with public policy targets through altering market signals, which include prices and information and ownership rights to highlight true impact of consumption and production choices and encourage desired lasting changes in behavior.107 Crucial to viable ASGM is the question of property rights. Apart from the legal question of how to recognize property rights, in economic terms the absence of property rights creates disincentives for environmental asset (or common property) protection and sustainable management because the benefits can not be fully captured by ‘owner’ entities through increased return on investment (e.g. productivity gains) or selling of the property right. Examples of property right–based instruments include: Communal Tenure and Common Property Rights, Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES), transferable development and grazing rights and tradable permits and quotas. It is difficult to argue for full and correct assigment of ‘property rights’ in ASGM practices. In many countries, land encroached for artisanal and small-scale mining are state-owned land or protected forest and other ecosystems. Many questions also exist with respect to the property rights of local or forest communities. In practical terms however, mining title or permit regimes are crucial to articulating both the rights and responsibilities of ASGM operators. The challenge in the context of artisanal mining is to develop mining title systems that can serve small-scale miners and not just junior and other mining companies, often to the detriment of artisanal and small-scale miners. A second set of market based instruments108 relevant for reducing/eliminating mercury from artisanal and smallscale gold production include government and/or qualified third party applications of certification, labeling, environmental reporting or public information disclosure schemes that provide information along supply and consumption chains about environment and health risks in the production gold, enabling market creation for ‘mercury-free’ gold. 3. Sector-based solutions Mining companies have difficulties in convincing many stakeholders of the value they bring to the localities and countries in which they operate, in part due to extensive environmental degradation that frequently accompanies their operations. While some believe that mining operations will ultimately leave employees, local communities and nations better off financially in the short-term, industry provision of key public services like health and education raises questions. Particularly as sustained service provision is not the norm. 109 One way in which they can contribute is in providing technical support and cleanup of contaminated sites resulting from artisanal and 106 See forthcoming UNEP Analysis for Stakeholders on Formalization in ASGM Sector based on Experiences in Latin America, Africa and Asia. More information available at: http://www.unep.org/hazardoussubstances/FormalizationDocument/tabid/56052/Default.aspx 107 The objective of this realignment is to create conditions whereby markets do not ‘fail’ in their objective to achieve efficiency. This essentially infers that more is gotten out of the resources in use, through reorganization or technological improvements for example, or new resources are found and exploited. Economic instruments can also be designed to recover costs of government environmental management programmes and for revenue-raising beyond the costs of government service provision. These roles are not mutually exclusive but understanding the difference between each is important for policy-makers in deciding to use these instruments or not and how the choice, design and implementation of specific instruments will vary according to the objectives they are expected to fulfill. 108 See forthcoming piece from UNEP: An Analysis of Economic Instruments in Sound Management of Chemicals for more information on economic instrument use in chemicals management. 109 See MMSD (2002) 36 small-scale operations. Furthermore, mining royalties can incorporate non-monetary items such as safety equipment for artisanal miners or retorting materials (See Box 13.).110 Box 13. Large-Scale and Small-Scale ‘Working Together’: SAESSCAM in Congo (DRC) SAESSCAM (Service d’Assistance et d’Encadrement du Small-Scale Mining) is the Congolese State’s technical assistance and training service to the artisanal and small-scale sector, including extension services. An international NGO, supported by a number of large-scale companies operating in the Katanga Province, and various mining industry consulting partners have been working with SAESSCAM to develop a strategy for artisanal mining regulation, strengthening and transition. Programs with SAESSCAM have included training in financial and information management, mine safety, community development and targeted health and gender projects. Sources: CASM-IFC CommDev-ICMM (2006) 4. Supporting entrepreneurial development Leveraging ASGM communities’ capacities to generate wealth independently is crucial. Productivity comparison of mercury-intensive ASGM and alternatives must demonstrate that ‘clean’ ASGM or alternative livelihoods will generate similar, if not better, returns over similar time frames and comparable capital investment demands for the miners. 111 A second option is to support diversified value-added activities and auxiliary enterprises. Furthermore, entrepreneurial training can be provided as part of formalization process. 5. Community-based solutions Switching to mercury reduction or elimination technologies and methods includes some transaction costs beyond capital investments. Where banditry is common, miners are vulnerable to attack during this process and therefore the quicker, unsafe burning off of mercury is better if they are to increase their chance of keeping the proceeds of their mining activities. When miners are organized, the use of retorts, and other mercury reduction technologies, tends to be more sustainable. Acknowledgement or integration of miner’s groups into local community-based organizations or indigenous peoples’ organizations will provide stronger local support and ensure the benefits of the ASGM activities trickle down to local communities. C. FINANCING THE TRANSITION Mobilizing financial resources is a critical aspect of encouraging adoption of cleaner technologies in artisanal and small-scale gold mining. Main sources of finance currently identified include multilateral and bilateral funding, national budgets in gold producing countries, the private sector, and private investment enabling miner’s access to capital at the local level. 1. Multilateral and bilateral funding sources for reducing or eliminating mercury in ASGM operations112 The Global Environment Facility (GEF) operates as a mechanism for international co-operation for providing new and additional grants and concessional funding to meet the agreed incremental costs of measures to achieve agreed global environmental benefits in the following areas: biological diversity; climate change; international waters; ozone layer protection; land degradation; and persistent organic pollutants. It is also the designated financial mechanism for a number of Multilateral Environmental Agreements, which also newly includes sound chemicals management as a cross-cutting topic for these. The Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) sets out a comprehensive policy framework for the achievement of global chemicals management objectives, including in relation to multilateral environment agreements, and the financing of their implementation. A full range of financial arrangements to support the broad chemicals management objectives of SAICM are set out in its Overarching Policy Strategy. These include supporting the initial capacity-building activities for the implementation of SAICM objectives 110 See World Bank (2006) See Spellberg and Kaplan (2010) A key supporting document for this section is Financing the chemicals and wastes agenda, Note by UNEP’s Executive Director UNEP/GCSS.XI/INF/8 111 112 37 under the new SAICM “Quick Start Programme” and its voluntary, time-limited trust fund. The Quick Start Programme (QSP) is a dedicated financial mechanism of the SAICM designed to support initial capacitybuilding activities in developing countries and countries with economies in transition for the implementation of Strategic Approach objectives through its QSP Trust Fund. The Programme is time limited with disbursement of funds due to cease by 2013 (See Box 14.). Box 14. Testing Guidance on a National Strategic Plan for ASGM in the Philippines and Cambodia with the SAICM Quick Start Program As per the request of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), the UNEP Chemicals Branch initiated regional projects in South-East Asia under the Quick Start program of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM). The project involved the formulation of guidance document for Governments in the development of a national strategic plan relating to improving practices and working conditions in artisanal small-scale mining (ASM) and reduce its impact on the global environment. The guidance document was used by the Philippines and Cambodia in drafting their National Strategic Plans for reducing domestic mercury use in ASM activities. Regional collaboration and coordination was a key aspect of this process and multiple stakeholders were consulted throughout the development of the NSP. The preparations and production of the Cambodian and Philippine NSPs totaled $93,500, and $78,500 respectively. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), founded on the principles of poverty reduction and economic self-reliance, is an international cooperation agency housed within the Swedish Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA). The SDC has been active in Mongolia since 2001, after a series of harsh weather conditions that devastated much of the country and Mongolia’s national economy. Their Natural Resource Management office has been assisting the national government to create a pilot project to create a sustainable ASM sector. This pilot project, entitled “Support to Artisanal Mining in Mongolia” (SAM) was designed to tackle the social and environmental issues that result from mining operations. Running for eight years, the SAM project aims to implement knowledge gained from small scale and artisanal mining field programs to create a meaningful and valuable outcome for the mining communities of Mongolia.113 The Canadian Government has committed to supporting Peru in raising socio-environmental standards of extractive industries. Through the Peru-Canada Mineral Resources Reform Project (PERCAN), the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Peruvian Ministry of Energy and Mines (MOU) have joined forces to reach the goals of the PERCAN project. The project intends to implement sound mining practices in key mining communities throughout Peru, ensuring that the benefits of economic growth reach all sectors of Peruvian society.114 The US State Department has also been involved in reducing mercury releases from ASGM in Francophone West Africa. The project seeks to raise awareness of mercury issues among stakeholders and the sustained reduction of mercury use and release in the sector. The World Bank has supported a number of activities and is playing a number of different roles, including trustee of donor funds, financial contributor and implementing agency. Recent examples of their ASGM work include Mongolia, the Congo (DRC), Papa New Guinea and Tanzania115 In terms of private foundations, the Mitchell Kapor Foundation has made persistent organic pollutants (POPs) the focus of its grant-making. The Ford Foundation made a US$2.2 million grant to Vietnam in 2006 to bring critical health services to people living with dioxin-caused long-term disabilities. The third is the Wellcome Trust, the largest charity in the UK, which funded a film on the presence of flame retardants in breast milk.116 Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, SAM Project Annual Report – 2008 (2009) Canadian International Development Agency (2011) Mongolia: Mining Sector Technical Assistance Project (2008-2010, US$10.3million); Congo (DRC):Growth with Governance in the Mineral Sector Project (2010-2015, US$50million); Papa New Guinea: Second Mining Sector Institutional Strengthening (US$18.7million, 2008-2013); Tanzania: Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (US$0.3million, 2010-2012). 116 Financing the chemicals and wastes agenda, Note by the Executive Director UNEP/GCSS.XI/INF/8 113 114 115 38 2. National sources of finance International funding sources are often time limited and project-focused rather than continuous and targeted to support programmatic delivery of public services. For this reason, many consider national sources of finances to be central to securing sustainable, secure resource flows for securing progress. The national budget is a key potential source of financing for public projects or programmes. Yet development aid rarely focuses on chemicals and wastes management; these issues are also seldom included in countries’ requests. 117 Often, governmental departments responsible for implementation, monitoring and reporting on interventions to reduce or eliminate mercury use in ASGM can find its priorities –and the corresponding budget allocations– superseded by vital national priorities like education or health. Key to creating an enabling environment for reducing mercury pollution from artisanal gold mining is support for national policy makers to keep a high level of priority and visibility to this issue. Increasing political and financial support is likely to require linking knowledge of harms to human health and the environment, alternative livelihoods and poverty reduction, and the related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Budget-making is an iterative process involving several back-and-forth exchanges between central budget committees and Line Ministries during both preparation and execution phases. This is, in reality, a political process in which ministries must make a strong, substantiated case linked to development priorities in order to receive funding.118 Linking significant reduction or elimination of mercury in ASGM or planning for alternative livelihoods to national development priorities illustrates clearly how this goal contributes to poverty reduction and economic development. Through shaping and responding to government development policy, proposals for appropriation of funds for achieving reduction/elimination of mercury in ASGM are likely to be considered more seriously. a) Multilateral/bi-lateral sources for national programmatic and project development National budgetary cycles operate in the context of changing development aid modalities. Country-specific aid delivery frameworks have been evolving away from project-driven and donor managed development assistance119 towards the new framework of Budget Support, which is defined as “a method of financing a partner country’s budget through a transfer of resources from an external financing agency to the partner government’s national treasury. The funds thus transferred are managed in accordance with the recipient’s budgetary procedures.” 120 The main characteristic of this new modality is that development aid funds are channeled directly through the budget of partner countries and spending decisions are based on a nationally developed strategy defining the national development priorities. National development strategies are usually contained in National Development Plans (NDPs) and/or Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs), which form the primary development policy framework and medium-term planning tools in many countries. In many cases, the NDP/PRSP implementation mechanisms are tied to national budget process through the Medium Term Fiscal Frameworks (MTFFs) and Medium Term Expenditure Frameworks (MTEFs), which details allocations of public expenditure over 3-5 year periods. As such, understanding the development priorities identified as part of the national intensive, cross-sectoral dialogue that takes place on development planning is a first step to securing national and external funding. The guidance on developing a National Strategic Plan for the artisanal and small-scale gold sector will be important in this process (See Box 14. above). Partnership funding for development, as channeled through national budgets, is potentially one of the largest sources of sustainable funding; but only if links are made between mercury pollution from ASGM and development priorities. 117 Ibid. Individuals, institutions and organizations engaged in lobbying activities in general seek to persuade decision-makers of why certain issues, policies or laws should be supported or rejected. Lobbying in order to influence political decisions is recognized as a legitimate and necessary part of the democratic process, despite some negative connotations associated with the practice. The same is true of internal lobbying as part of national budgetary processes. 119 For more information on the change from project to budget support, see: Oversees Development Institute (2006):10; Bird (2007); Booth and Fritz (2008). 120 OECD/ DAC, cited in Lawson and Bird (2008):23. 118 39 b) Capturing windfall gains from formal gold resource exploitation for the longer term Where ASGM is illegal or largely informal, not much can be done in terms of raising money from the sector itself to finance reduction/elimination of mercury within it. Mining royalties are typically based on the value, weight or volume of formal mineral production and are paid regardless of profitability of private mining firms. This revenue stream may provide a possible source of finance for necessary mercury reduction/elimination efforts, as well as cleanup of contaminated sites in the artisanal and small-scale portion of the gold sector. Royalties may have dramatic impacts on rates of return on investment or negligible effects depending on how the tax is introduced and whether or not it can be offset against corporate or other taxes. For national policymakers, a key word is ‘balance’: mining royalties, whatever their form, should ensure fair compensation for the loss or use of the country’s natural resources without jeopardizing the wider social benefits to be had from developing the mining sector. There must also be balance however in how the gains and costs from mining activities are distributed. Firstly, there is the question of reasonable share of gains between mining companies and the nations within which the mining activity takes place. Then there are questions of how local communities, who bear the majority of mining-related negative impacts (or costs), are rewarded in comparison to how much royalty revenues are retained by government (central or provisional). Furthermore, who are the winners and losers within local mining communities? Who benefits from gainful employment, training or other social investments by large-scale operators and who loses livelihood capacities – be they artisanal miners, farmers or fishers – and more, including quality of health and environment. Are mining royalties redistributed to this portion of the population? In reality the answer to this question is no, but it makes sense that they should be and, as such, this is an avenue of funding that should be explored in the future. Given corporate social responsibility (CSR) targets, some companies may prefer to see royalties distributed, at least in part, at the local level. This helps strengthen companies’ negotiation positions when it comes to establishing favorable royalty system and rate with governments. Even if minimizing local environmental and social negatives is not part of the company’s mission per se, it may be important to their investors, customers and the public in their home countries and therefore helps to minimize negative reputation impacts. Much depends on the political stability of the country. Typically, mining companies prefer to pay an efficient government that delivers social services in rural mining communities rather than providing these services.121 Yet this is often not feasible due to corrupt or ineffective governmental agencies or officials. The advantages and disadvantages of royalties have been well discussed. 122 Tax obligations are a key consideration in investment decision-making. As such, there are sound social welfare arguments against charging royalties or at least royalties that ask too much. However, civil society needs to see direct benefits coming from development of such sectors beyond employment impacts. Essentially, mining companies want a social license to operate at minimal cost, including avoiding paying for their external costs, which ultimately burden local communities. According to the World Bank (2006) report on mining royalties, most of the world’s nations impose a royalty tax on producers of minerals, though methods, rates and justification varies widely. Most mineral rich nations have initiated regulatory reform of their mineral sector over the past two decades, but evidence suggests that redistribution considerations have been poorly incorporated into this restructuring (See Table 11.).123 Another avenue that has yet to be fully explored is requiring companies to pay for their negative environmental impacts, be it contamination, use of water, deforestation, etc. Assuming there is structural capacity for such a program within a nation, such strategies help to monetize the negative impacts of the extractive industry that can be funneled to poverty alleviation programs in mining communities and move towards cost internalization in the industry which is necessary to correct market failure. As with most policy prescriptions it is important to consider the social controversies it may instigate, this is especially relevant in the case of artisanal and small-scale gold mining. The royalty schemes described above may appear to help mining communities by providing additional financial support, but the larger picture shows 121 World Bank (2006): 205 See World Bank (2006); Parsons (2008) Ibid. 122 123 40 that this may not be the case. A significant number of government officials and large-scale workers feel that small-scale workers should pay royalties despite their low incomes. If such royalties are imposed on large scale operations, the resulting backlash from the national government and local community may make life even more difficult for artisanal miners. The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) sets a global standard for managing revenues from natural resources. It strengthens governance by improving transparency and accountability in the extractives sector through the verification and full publication of company payments and government revenues from oil, gas and mining. Eleven countries are now EITI ‘Compliant Countries’. 124 Twenty-four other countries have candidate status.125The EITI has also won the support of over eighty global investment institutions (collectively managing over US$16 trillion), three hundred Civil Society Organizations and International Organizations, including UNEP, the World Bank, IMF, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, the InterAmerican Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the European Investment Bank and a number of significant donor governments. However, LSM and ASM have some significant differences that can affect these types of initiatives. ASM involves a variety of stakeholders including miners, middlemen, gold shops, jewelry companies, etc. As a result, the crucial transparency issue in ASM is not only about the company payments and the transparency of government revenues as emphasized in LSM, but also the fairness of pricing across the supply chain. Therefore the tranparency and accountability surrounding payments and transactions should be established for all ASM stakeholders and government revenues from the ASGM sector and should also be publicly published. This public knowledge of price disparities and revenue obtained by each stakeholder can help ensure a more financially balanced supply chain. Table 11. Mining Royalty Revenue Capturing, Collection and Distribution in Developing and ‘in Transition’ Regions Region Royalty Scheme Design Apportioned Africa Largely imposed by central governments Majority value-based royalties with rates around 3percent Most mining codes provide for royalty deferment or exemption in exceptional cases Collected by the central government Apportioned through central budgets Asia & Pacific Some central government, some provincial and local government Unit-based royalties on bulk minerals and value-based royalties on other minerals at rates between 2-19.5percent A few nations allow for deferment or reduction of royalty payments in difficult economic periods Some local authorities impose ground water retribution and fix land rent Collected by the central, provincial or local governments and apportioned through central or provincial budgets. What happens in the case of local authorities?? Latin America Imposed by central/provincial governments Typically value-based royalties, ranging from 2-3percent Some large producer nations do not impose royalties e.g. Mexico, some Argentine provinces Deferment is not usually allowed where royalties do exist Royalties are generally distributed to mandated parties rather than central treasuries Source: Summarized and adapted from World Bank (2006) 124 Gold producers: Azerbaijan, Ghana, Kyrgyz Republic, Liberia, Mongolia, Nigeria and Niger. Gold producers: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Guatemala, Guinea, Indonesia, Mali, Mauritania, Madagascar, Mozambique, Peru, Tanzania, Togo and Zambia. 125 41 3. Enabling miner’s access to capital at the local level Research from Tanzania demonstrates that where miners had access to social and financial capital required to own a pit or hold a claim, even if inactive, tend to avoid slipping into extreme poverty.126 Moreover miners can be eager to re-invest profits or look to private investors for capital investment in mechanization to scale-up lowno mercury production efforts, once mining rights are formally recognized.127 Though there is little data and no blanket recipe for success, access to capital by miners themselves is being hailed as key in securing progress on a larger scale. a) Facilitating Flows of Private Investment to Mining Communities A certain level of competition arises between countries vying to attract investment flows. The intensity with which a country must compete in this fashion depends on its investment climates, i.e. the expected rate of return for investors and the associated level of risk for a particular project.128 Therefore, nations pursuing funding from private investment in the mining sector must think critically about both return and risk from mining activities. The role of investment houses, banks and insurers in making decisions related to financing in the mining sector is central. These bodies are key in driving responsible investment that delivers ‘triple bottom line’ returns. As discussed previously, large-scale corporations benefits already from the ‘cheap’ exploration services that smallscale activities provide. ASGM sub-sector can benefit from the financial and technical ‘know-how’ and resources of the formal mining sector in making the transition away from mercury-based production. There is scope for the finance sector to become the lever by which the large-scale and small-scale segments move towards working better together (See Box 15.). But first, mercury use in ASGM would have to be clearly linked to the ESG (environment, social, governance) risks for large-scale formal entities who engage in formal money markets. Box 15. The UN Principles for Responsible Investment The United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment Initiative (PRI) were devised by the investment community. They reflect the view that environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues can affect the performance of investment portfolios and therefore must be given appropriate consideration by investors if they are to fulfill their fiduciary (or equivalent) duty. The Principles provide a voluntary framework by which all investors can better align their objectives with those of society at large. See www.unpri.org for more information. Private investment mechanisms for ASGM have not been analyzed in great depth for this sector. These need further exploration, as lack of investment at the local level is likely to be the key enabling condition for progress in this sector. One point is certain however. A critical enabling condition for private investment is whether or not ASGM is legalized and integrated into the formal economy. Furthermore, mining titles, permits and other legal instruments must be designed to reflect conditions in ASGM. Finally, local investors do exist but formalizing these hidden third-party financing arrangements is a challenge. Ethical market creation and product differentiation instruments have received some attention in ASGM discussions. Certification, labeling, environmental reporting and public information disclosure schemes can provide information along supply and consumption chains about environment and health risks in the production gold generating demand for ‘mercury-free’ gold. The challenge of differentiating gold produced with nonmercury techniques from mercury-amalgamated gold and concerns over segregated supply chains, feasibility costs and verification, amongst other difficulties, are real obstacles. Some initiatives exist in other areas that provide models for how these may be overcome (See Box 16.). 126 See Fisher et al. (2009) Geological information and long-term mining planning can also be influential in attracting private capital investors. See Hinton et al. (2003) See World Bank (2006) 127 128 42 Box 16. Incentivizing Responsible Production of Palm Oil – the GreenPalm Certificate Trading Platform Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)-certified palm oil is available, at a premium, on the market; however buyers have been slow on the uptake despite many major manufacturers and retailers making commitments to support sustainable palm oil production. Part of the problem is the complexity of sourcing sufficient volumes of certified, traceable sustainable palm oil – and the cost entailed in segregating this from existing supply chains. In many cases, it may not be possible to identify the origin of palm content for certain. This leaves manufacturers in the difficult position of trying to source ethically while being unable to find out if they are supplied by sustainable suppliers. To solve this problem, the RSPO has allowed a novel route to the sustainable palm oil market for both demanders and suppliers. GreenPalm is a “book and claim” initiative which rewards producers for adopting sustainability methods and enables businesses to off-set their use of palm without the need for expensive segregation of the oil in existing supply chains. Certificates corresponding to tonnes of sustainable oil production are sold by RSPO-certified oil producers to end-users of palm oil wishing to support sustainable palm oil development within existing supply chains – but the oil itself is not part of the trade. A certified sustainable producer can trade oil on the world commodity markets as normal and still make a sustainability premium through the separate sale of their certificates. Palm oil purchasers can buy oil on standard markets, but support nascent sustainable palm oil production through purchasing and retiring sustainable palm oil certificates. The initiative incentivizes sustainable production at source to drive positive change in palm oil supply chains, making responsible, ethical production methods commercially attractive. As GreenPalm certificate trading is not tied to the supply chain, producers large and small alike can benefit. Smaller businesses, likely to be excluded from other RSPO mechanisms can still earn a GreenPalm premium. They include producers who sell oil only to their domestic markets, and smallholders whose fruit goes to the major mills for processing. In all, GreenPalm is a flexible, interim measure to support palm oil users while they make the necessary supply chain changes – or, as with complex blends or derivatives, to allow them to fund sustainable production in the absence of available certified supplies. Source: Forthcoming UNEP-IUCN publication on International Payments for Ecosystem Services; GreenPalm.org b) Public Private Partnerships129 Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) encompass a wide variety of relationships between the not-for profit and for profit sectors. Within PPPs, these two sectors work together to promote a specific social benefit. The partnerships between private companies and mining communities go beyond the traditional commercial transaction of most aid projects; these initiatives involve the exchange of services, complimentary goal setting and imply recognition of good social outcomes in the long term. Private projects of this sort offer marked benefits to communities and require complementarities between the parties’ interest in order for them to function effectively. Ideally, these complementarities can be found when both parties can achieve their goals only thought cooperation. Governance arrangements are also very important in ensuring effectiveness and sustainability of PPPs. Ensuring that the each party is represented equally or to the extent that was laid out in the initial project outline will ensure that concerns and priorities from each side are included into the project. While one advantage of PPPs is that they help promote Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) through promoting a different behavior in the private sector, there are concerns that inappropriate PPPs can at best amount to privatization of the public sector, and at worst undermine the goals of the public sector institutions involved. Given the possibilities for unfavorable results, it is incredibly important to set out three key aspects of the partnership prior to beginning the project: appropriateness, representativeness, and accountability. Once these aspects of the project are solidified, it is appropriate proceeded with any subsequent actions. Some successful PPP examples are emerging from artisanal and small-scale gold sector (See Box 17.) but further models need to be identified and analyzed to better inform further discussion of PPPs as financing mechanisms for transitioning to low-no mercury gold production in this context. 129 Financing the chemicals and wastes agenda, Note by the Executive Director UNEP/GCSS.XI/INF/8 43 Box 17. Public-private partnership: success story of Mongolia Bornuur Artisanal Small Scale Miners Association (BASMA), Mongolia, is an example of a public-private partnership which has been successful in providing financial assistance to the livelihood of its members and the establishment of mercury-free gold processing plant. The law of Mongolia bans the use of mercury and when the government enforced this, many roller mills were confiscated. This prompted the artisanal miners of Bornuur to organize, pool their resources and seek support from the government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation to establish mercury-free processing plant. The plant employs former artisanal miners and helps generate income for members through processing services. The association, which is composed of about 300 miners, has also established a company which provided loans to the artisanal miners for startup capital. BASMA was also instrumental in uniting artisanal miners, strengthening their capacity on safe mining, financial management and cooperation with local miners to address immediate needs at the local level. The association was also responsible in resolving land issues in small-scale mining areas. Source: Global Forum on Artisanal and Small-scale Mining, Manila, December 2010 c) Microfinance Throughout the past 30 years, microfinance has been branded as a key policy and programme intervention tool for poverty reduction and community based economic and social development. The terms Microfinance and Microcredit are interchangeable in practice and both refer to the provision on tiny loans to the poor to help them establish or expand an income generating activity. Ideally, these systems allow impoverished persons to escape poverty and gain a stable and health lifestyle. The early impacts of Microfinance (MFI) systems were positive, but were evaluated under very thin criteria and without robust evidence to support the project reports. While initially instituted to spur enterprise, evidence suggests that MFI has often been used to cover basic consumption needs.130 While examples do exist of successful MFI initiatives, there are quite a few examples of unsustainable microcredit indebtedness in developing countries.131 Miners in developing countries have expressed increased interest in microfinance loans in the belief that a village banking model might work where tradition MFI systems may have failed.132 Within the ASGM context, it should be clear what the microcredit will be provided for. The amount of loan given through microcredit is very small compared to capital or operational costs that can be incurred in transitionning to reduced mercury or alternative practices, depending on the technology being considered. A provision of soft loans with, for example, one-year grace period for a formal ASGM miners groups (cooperative, association or federation) applying nonmercury technique is likely to be both more attractive and effective. In 2001, Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment, supported by KfW, introduced soft loan within the framework of IEPC (Industrial Efficiency and Polution Control) for small and medium scale companies in their cleaner production and polution abatement program.133 D. THE NEED FOR A LONG TERM STRATEGY A natural precondition to securing national sources of finance is the formalization and recognition of the ASGM sector by the national government. If the sector is not formalized, the acquisition of funds from the private sector and national government is essentially impossible. Parallel with formalization processes, local governments supported by the central government, national and international agencies, should also develop a Strategic Plan for the ASGM sector based on the Polluter Pays and Precautionary Principles. In this, government entities need to be equipped with adequate tools and measures to periodically monitor the implementation of the new legal entity, especially its environmental, socio-economic and health impacts performance for the long term. A Long-Term Strategy means to integrate (or mainstream) selected issues in the ASGM sector into national development planning processes, in accordance with a country’s development priorities. It aims to increase 130 See Dichter (2006) See Banking with the Poor Network (2009); WSJ ‘Debt Trends In Peru’s Personal, Microfinance Sectors Spark Warnings’, 16 December 2010, accessed 6 June 2011 See Spiegel (2009) 133 Source http://www.greengrowth.org/download/green-business-pub/Greening_of_the_Business/Governments/Laksmi_Dhewanthi_Indonesia_Policy_Initiatives.pdf 131 132 44 awareness of the full scope of the sector and its externalities among high level officials and other stakeholders by involving them in the process of situation and needs analysis, and of priority setting, and to build technical capacity of participating agencies to advocate for their priorities in advance of and during development planning cycles. Following which, it is hoped that more funds from national budgets will be allocated for tackling the issue at stake. The UNDP-UNEP Partnership Initiative for the Integration of Sound Management of Chemicals into Development Planning process aims to assist countries in building these links (See Box 18.). An analysis of nineteen national poverty reduction strategy papers (PRSPs) and PRSP interim reports, country assistance strategies and national development plans (NDPs) in fourteen gold producing countries known to have some ASGM activity shows that this sector is rarely linked to economic development or poverty reduction goals. Management of mercury used in this activity is mentioned only briefly in one country’s PRSP. Neither are legal reforms and financing requirements for a ‘clean’ and productive ASGM sector well-reflected in these documents. Exceptions are Mali, Philippines, Congo and Tanzania (See Table 12.). The ASGM Long-Term Strategy will allow countries to consider questions such as developing alternative livelihoods and the long-term impact of the sector on other priority development sectors. Box 18. The UNDP-UNEP Partnership Initiative for the Integration of Sound Management of Chemicals into Development Planning Processes In support of SAICM, and in line with the Global Partnership between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which aims to increase collaboration and joint activities between the two UN agencies to better support internationally agreed environment and sustainable development goals espoused by partner countries, UNDP and UNEP developed a Partnership Initiative to help countries to: 1. Identify specific areas of chemicals management that are likely to result in concrete human health, environment and economic benefits as a result of introducing sound management practices, and put in place a plan to begin addressing identified national priorities. 2. Assess the adequacy of national development strategies in terms of protecting the environment and human health, and determine to what extent identified national chemical management priorities can be integrated into national MDG-Based development planning. 3. Improve the mainstreaming (integration) of chemicals management priorities into national discussions, development processes, policies and plans. The UNDP-UNEP Partnership Initiative draws on the unique support services provided by the two cooperating agencies. With funding secured from the Swedish Government (through the Swedish Chemicals Inspectorate - KemI) and the SAICM Quick Start Programme Trust Fund, the Partnership Initiative has been applying the “Integrating SMC” methodology in a number of pilot countries. These pilot countries’ experiences and lessons learned will further inform strategic policy and economic guidance related to the interaction of sound management of chemicals and the MDGs. Source: UNDP-UNEP PI (2009) Section IV. Key Conclusion Fiscal decentralization is at the heart of discussions here – increasing funding for better mercury management through seeking additional international funding, national central budget allocations, and diverting mining royalty revenues to support mercury reduction and elimination and cleanup of contaminated sites improve the lot of artisanal miners and the communities in which they work and live and enabling private flows of capital to this sector are key for transitioning to low-no mercury gold production. Crucial to acknowledge however is that without recognized and defendable mining rights, and integration to some extent of artisanal mining in the formal economy, financing of mercury reduction and elimination efforts is not likely to be sufficient or sustainable. 45 Table 12. Analysis of National Development Planning Documents for Countries with ASGM Activities Guyana 13,000 Bolivia 50,000 Mongolia 68,000 PRSP (2003) & PRSP Progress report (2005) Peru 85,000 PRSP (2005) National Development Plan 2009-2013 PRSP (2002) & PRSP Progress report (2006) PRSP (2001) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mozambique 100,000 Peru Country Strategy Paper (with EC) 20072013 PRSP (2006) - - - - - - - - - - - Mali 200,000 PRSP (2008) - - - - - - Indonesia 300,000 Congo (DRC) 300,000 Interim PRSP (2003) & UNDP MDGs in Indonesia (2008) & MDG Report for Indonesia (2007) Agenda 21 Strategic Plan & WB Country Assistance Strategy 2004-2007 Medium Term National Development Plan 20042010 PRSP (2007) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tanzania 500,000 PRSP (2010) - - - - - - - - - - Ghana 500,000 PRSP (2005) 46 Microfinance to be made available for ASG Miners - Policy cost estimate included - Regulatory instrument planned/existing - ASGM& mercury linked to Poverty Reduction Auxiliary Enterprises mentioned 10,000 300,000 Priority Action Planned Ecuador Philippines Responsible mining promoted 5,000 300,000 ASGMlinked to poverty reduction Cambodia Brazil ASGMMention with mercury Development Planning Document ASGMlinked to Environmental Quality Estimated ASGM Activity (Nos. of miners) ASGMmention Country CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The sound management of chemicals is essential if we are to achieve sustainable development, including the eradication of poverty and disease, the improvement of human health and the environment and the elevation and maintenance of the standard of living in countries at all levels of development. 134 The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) aim to achieve this through setting clear targets for reducing poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, and environmental degradation, and promoting social objectives such as universal primary education and the empowerment of women to be achieved by 2015. Economic sustainability is key to improving human welfare –but conventional economic growth is not enough. Investment in built capital to fuel economic growth must coincide with investment in natural and social capital which make substantial contributions to the fundamentals of well-being: security, basic material for good life, health, and social relations.135 Where ASGM is encouraged through public policy as a matter of poverty reduction and economic development, sight must not be lost of social conditions, as well as the need to maintain existing biodiversity and ecosystem services. Greater prosperity for miners must also come with greater responsibility, whereby the contribution to local and national economies is maximized through better environmental management, and externalities and post-mining rehabilitation have been considered since the beginning. This report synthesises existing knowledge and studies to frame the economic argument for investing in mercury reduction/elimination in artisanal and small-scale gold mining, including often omitted negative external consequences. It provides an analytical foundation and background information through the ‘lens’ of economics for concurrent and future studies on mercury and artisanal and small-scale gold production based on readily available information. Some observations and priorities for further work distilled from this analysis are: 1. Stronger economic case-building on the net benefits of reducing or eliminating mercury in ASGM is required through systematically documenting case studies and supporting further economic assessment work, particularly on trade-related impacts and health and environment external costs. There is an interesting connection between mercury pollution and fish labeling/certification schemes to be further explored in the context of raising awareness on mercury health impacts. The objective here would be to draw stronger links between fish/fish product trade –particularly involving developing countries– and mercury contamination, as well as the global dimension of economic impacts from mercury pollution. 2. It is important to recognize that without legal, defendable mining rights, and integration (to some extent) of artisanal mining in the formal economy, financing of mercury reduction and elimination efforts is not likely to be sufficient or sustainable. 3. Multilateral and bilateral funding opportunities for mercury-use in ASGM need to be better understood, particularly as SAICM’s Quick Start Programme will cease in 2013. 4. An opportunity for synergy exists between the guidance developed on National Strategic Plan for ASGM and the UNDP-UNEP Partnership Initiative on integrating sound management of chemicals into development planning. Cooperation may facilitate better integration of ASGM in national development processes, and subsequently, national budgets. 5. In terms of national government resources for reducing and eliminating mercury in artisanal gold mining practices, understanding how mining royalties can be designed and negotiated to include some component on transfer of cleaner gold production technologies and cleanup of contaminated sites would have practical applications on cost internalization. Growing corporate social responsibility in the mining sector is an important part of the context for future explorations on mining royalties. 6. 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Gold (Mine) Producing Countries by UN-Designated Human Development Status and Least Developed Country Listing Low Medium High Least Developed Country Very High Benin (The Republic of) Algeria Argentina Australia Burkina Faso Bolivia Armenia Canada Benin (The Republic of) Burkina Faso Burundi Botswana Azerbaijan Finland Burundi Cameroon Brazil Japan Cambodia Congo (DRC) Cabo Verde (The Republic of) Cambodia Bulgaria Korea (Republic of) Congo (DRC) Cote D'Ivoire China Chile New Zealand Ethiopia Ethiopia Dominican Republic Colombia Poland Guinea Ghana Equatorial Guinea Costa Rica Slovakia Guinea Fiji Ecuador Spain Guinea Bissau (The Republic of) Kenya Liberia Gabon Georgia Sweden Guinea Bissau (The Republic of) Lao People's Democratic Republic Liberia Guatemala Guyana Iran (Islamic Republic of) Kazakhstan United Kingdom United States Mali Mauritania Mali Honduras Malaysia Mozambique Mauritania India Mexico Myanmar Mozambique Indonesia Peru Niger Myanmar Kyrgyzstan Romania Senegal Niger Lao People's Democratic Republic Russian Federation Sudan Nigeria Mongolia Saudi Arabia Papua New Guinea Morocco Serbia Tanzania (United Republic of) Togo Senegal Namibia Turkey Uganda Sudan Nicaragua Uruguay Zambia Tanzania (United Republic of) Togo Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe Philippines Venezuela South Africa Suriname Tajikistan Thailand Uzbekistan Vietnam Sources: British Geological Survey (2011); UNDP (2010); World Factbook 2011; UN Least Developed Countries Programme, http://www.unohrlls.org/en/ldc/related/60/ Notes: 1. The British Geological Survey of Mining Production 2005-2009 originally excluded Benin, Cabo Verde (Republic of), Cambodia, Madagascar, Togo, Guinea Bissau (Republic of). These countries are members of the Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) with whom UNEP Chemicals Branch has recently engaged on mercury issues. For this reason, official gold mine production statistics, where available, were included in this analysis. Figures, where available, are included for Cambodia to complement a number of UNEP Chemicals Branch projects ongoing in this country. IV