VASWCD Urban Committee Guidance - Virginia Association of Soil

VASWCD Urban Committee Guidance Document
July 2009
Mission: Provide guidance, education and policy recommendations to Soil and Water
Conservation Districts and the Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation
Districts regarding natural resource conservation issues related to developed and
developing areas.
General Subject Matters:
 Review and draft comments for the benefit of the Association on proposed or
existing legislation and regulations.
 Make recommendations to help clarify policies, laws, and regulations.
 Review and recommend model ordinances and other local programs related to
natural resource conservation.
 Review and recommend technical standards and specifications.
 Encourage participation of SWCDs in local comprehensive planning efforts for
conservation and land-use.
 Encourage participation of SWCDs in local water supply protection and planning
Programs under the purview of this committee may include:
 Local zoning and subdivision ordinances
 Floodplain management
 Urban Forestry and Riparian protection
 Urban Nonpoint Source pollution control
o Erosion and Sediment Control
o Stormwater Management and NPDES
o Nutrient Management
o Herbicides, pesticides, motor oils and other toxics
Practices under the purview of this committee may include:
 Erosion and Sediment Control
 Critical area stabilization, including roadsides, riparian areas, karst
features and steep slopes.
 Stormwater Management Facilities
 Low Impact Development and Environmental Site Design
 Land use planning
 Urban wetlands and riparian buffers
 Urban vegetative management, including habitat and biodiversity
 Integrated waste management and use (e.g., solid waste management,
green waste management, and sludge application)