Junior Health Final Review

Junior Health Final Review
Information given to PCCC is amount taken in, Type of Poison, and Symptoms
Breathing, bleeding concussion, broken bones are top priority
Shock untreated: Lose consciousness, body temp. drops, possible death
Heat Stroke = Cooling system shuts down; Hypothermia = heating sys shuts down.
Care of Shock: Be concerned with maintaining normal body temp.
First degree burn: Dry, red skin
Second Degree burn: red, wet, swollen
Heat cramps: Heavy exercise, over exertion
Heat exhaustion: Hot and humid weather, heavy work or exercise
Heat stroke: hot, humid weather; stop sweating
Hypothermia: Pulse is slow and irregular
Care of frostbite
Electrical burn care involves removing the electrical source from victim
Identify the different soft tissue wounds: abrasion, avulsion, laceration, incision
Puncture, bruise, burns.
Why are puncture wounds so dangerous?
Symptoms of shock: Weak pulse, pale, clammy skin, irregular breathing, dilated pupils.
Victims should always be put in a comfortable position
DO NOT induce vomiting until you call the Poison Control Center.
Treatment for burns: Cool, cover, protect against infection, and minimize shock
Too little blood to brain and you faint
Stroke: Blood supply to brain is cut off
Universal distress sign for choking
Heart attack victim: Pressure in chest, tightness in chest, indigestion, persistent chest
Pain, pain in arm.
Heart attack could lead to cardiac arrest
Rescue Breathing = pulse but not breathing
CPR: No pulse, No breathing. Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation.
Airway obstruction mechanical or anatomical
Open Airway: head-tilt’ chin-lift
Look, listen and feel for air
Check to see if breathing’ open airway and give 2 quick breaths.
Ventilations = breaths
Victim vomits: What do you do?
Locate where you can find a pulse on an adult
Victim coughing – encourage them to continue to cough.
Complications of an open wound: Bleeding and infection.
Five kinds of shock and what causes them?
Minor bleeding: Control by direct pressure, cover and prevent infection.
Impaled objects should be left untouched until medical personnel remove it
Antiseptic/antibiotic treatment is for infection
Know what to say to EMS dispatcher/Never hang up first!
Rate of breathing for adult: 1 breath every 5 seconds
Rate of breathing for child: 1 breathe every 3 sec (depending on size of child)
Rate of breathing for infant: 1 breathe every 3 sec.
Artificial Breathing = mouth to mouth
Conscious victim that is choking –Heimlich maneuver
Lyme disease from ticks, bulls eye rash, flu like symptoms; has 3 stages.
Lockjaw caused by tetanus
Main sign that someone is having a heart attack?
Heimlich Maneuver- fist between belly button and sternum.
What do you have to be concerned about when performing CPR?
What is landmarking and why do you do it? Hint CPR
Gastric Distention
When doing CPR, check for pulse after first 4 cycles and then every few minutes
CPR provides oxygen to vital organs, and forces the heart to pump blood mechanically.
Brain begins to die from lack of oxygen in about 4-6 minutes
Someone not breathing: Call 911 first
Cadence for CPR is one and two and three and four and breath
Viral disease of nervous system = rabies
Strain/Sprain occur in muscles
Leave shoe/footwear on when someone hurts ankle
Burns caused by heat, radiation, chemical, electrical sources
Wet, hot burn wound is caused by steam
First priority for anyone assisting with first aid is to make sure the scene is safe
Barriers that prevent disease transmission?
Vital organs?
How many links in EMS?
First responder: Policeman, fireman, EMT
5 back blows and 5 chest thrusts
Sprain is a partial tearing of ligaments
Tetanus is a bacterium that makes a poison
Syrup of ipecac induces vomiting
2 types of cholesterol the body produces: LDL and HDL
Age group with greatest risk of accidents: 16-25
Calories in fat, protein, carbs
Nutrient dense: high in nutrients and low calories
Eating disorders: anorexia and bulimia
1 lb. = 3500 calories
Fat soluble and water soluble vitamins
Empty calorie foods
Fortified foods
Enriched foods
Fiber is not digested and can cause constipation
30% of calories each day should be from fat
Draw and label the my pyramid!
Anabolic steroids are manmade testosterone
Inorganic substances-minerals
Fate = lipids
Nutrients = micronutrients
Body frame gives you shape
Vitamins = foods that body needs