05-May-2014-CHIMESPDF - Chester United Methodist Church


May 2014

A Word

From Pastor

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

According to John’s gospel after Jesus’ disciples received the news that he was alive, this is what happened next. “When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you.’”


locked doors in fear. There are many possible reasons for this. They didn’t yet fully understand what had happened. They didn’t know if the Jews would come for them and their lives, too, might be in danger. They hadn’t fully processed what this meant for their lives.

Toda,y many of us and our loved ones remain “behind locked doors in fear.” If Jesus came that we might have abundant life, why do we not embrace this gift? Perhaps, we don’t fully understand that, “Christ died for us while we were yet sinners.” Or maybe we have not fully processed what The Resurrection of Jesus means for our lives.

Let us pray: Come, Holy Spirit, surround us and fill us. Help us to die to self that we might rise again in you.

Empower us to live as new creations, as witnesses to your forgiving and saving power. Help us to be all that we were created to be. In the name of Jesus we pray, amen.

What a powerful Holy Week and Easter we had. May we live as Easter People each and every day. God is counting on us!

In the name of the risen Lord,

Interested in hosting a table?

It is as easy as setting your dining room table.

Contact Terry Wisegarver in the Church Office

To sign up to host a table

To reserve a seat with your favorite hostess cumcsecretart@chesterumc.org/748-6006


The gospel of John in verse 14:21 quotes Jesus as saying, “Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.”

Andy Stanley offers: “You can’t resist the will of God and receive the grace of God at the same time.”

Dr. Jim Davis

The commands of Jesus , 10 commandments and other biblical and church history affirmations of the expressed will of God echo that we are to put God first and foremost in every facet of our lives. What don’t we understand about the expressed will of God?

What is God’s will about the Sabbath?

What “forbidden fruit” do you consider a viable option for your life?

Biblically speaking, placing God second in our lives is hazardous to our health and eternal wellbeing.

Summer scheduling is happening now and I pray that every family, where ever you are, will be loving God, Jesus, and doing the Will of God in wonderful significant ways without losing a heartbeat of Love for God and neighbor.

May you have a great positive, rewarding and refreshing summer. May God bless your journey.


CUMC WORKDAY: Saturday, May 3— make plans now to Join your CUMC Trustees in a day of Work for the Lord and Good Fellowship! We will begin at 8:30 a.m. and continue until all the work is done. Projects needing attention include cleaning chandeliers, tree work at the Youth Cottage, painting in Davis Fellowship Hall and hallways, and more.

Please sign up early in the worship registration pad so that the projects can be organized most effectively. For more information contact Jim Davis in the church office.


Our church pews are cleaned and wood polished.

Our Sanctuary Lighting has been repaired. (Chandeliers are yet to be cleaned and refreshed with new lights.)

Our old second floor education building has a new HVAC system and new thermostat control zones with new thermostats.

New mulch covers the playground.

Our Kitchen Hood is done and waiting for certification.

Our church computers are being upgraded to 2007 from XP.

Communion cup inserts have been replaced in the Sanctuary.

A Williams Sound Hearing Assistance system is available in the Sanctuary.

EMC has our Air Conditioners ready for summer.


Painters will be painting all of our Church outside windows, doors, columns and steeple.

Pathways will be taking down our purchased School street property the latter part of June

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Chester United Methodist Church

Program from 9 AM – 10 AM

This is the sixty-third National Day of Prayer which is held annually. The primary purpose and mission is to mobilize prayer in America and to encourage personal repentance and righteousness in the culture. It is headed up by a Task Force under Mrs. James Dobson (Shirley) who is the chairman.

Come and join us at Chester United Methodist Church for the opportunity to pray for our nation. We will be using material from the National Day of Prayer Task Force to help us consider how to pray.

Other churches in the area have been invited to be a part of the program. Carol Koon is the Chairman. Please contact her for additional information and questions (804-748-4891).

The church Sanctuary will be open from 6 AM to 8 PM on May 1 for individual prayer. A special program with the theme “One Voice, United in Prayer” will be presented from 9 AM to 10 AM in the Sanctuary of the church. Notable speakers will be a part of the program, including Billy Davenport, Chesterfield County Commonwealth Attorney.

CUMC Preschool

Registration for CUMC Preschool for school year 2014-2015 is currently underway. Please contact Jennifer Barnes at preschool@chesterumc.org

for more information. Also, remember to collect your Box Tops For Education through the summer. The collection box will remain in the Church Atrium during the summer.

Vacation Bible School

July 21-25, 2014

Save the Date

Grab a hammer, find a paintbrush, and put on your creative thinking cap!


Workshop of Wonders will have the children imagining and building with God.

Children will discover how the ordinary becomes extraordinary with God and will use their heart, mind, and imagination to participate in the creative life of God, the one who works wonders.

If you have an interest in serving in a leadership role during the week, please contact VBS Directors Lindsay Rooks at lindsayrooks@yahoo.com

or Stacey Ferrer at children@chesterumc.org


There is a VBS Collection Bin in the Missions Closet. Please consider donating the following items: streamers pool noodles kites two-sided Command strips (damage free tape)

Chester UMC on the Web and in the World

Missed a Sunday?—Don’t miss the Message!

CUMC sermons NOW on the Web: You can find recent sermons on the

CUMC website! Go to www.chesterumc.org

, float your mouse over the “Sermons and Media” button, click

“Sermons” on the drop-down menu. Check back regularly for updates!

 Find us on Facebook at “Chester United Methodist Church.”

Follow us on Twitter at @ChesterUMC and be a part of the conversation at #ChesterUMC.

Receive our Chester UMC Prayer Chain by request. Submit your name and email address to prayerchain@chesterumc.org


The Chester UMC newsletter, The Chimes , is now available on the Web at www.chesterumc.org

. Go to “Sermons &

Media” then “CUMC Publications” and “CUMC Chimes.”

The deadline for submission to the June/July Chimes is Wednesday, May 21 ; send articles as attachments to newsletter@chesterumc.org


Call the Church Office, 748-6006, for more information.


There will only be one newsletter published for the months of June and July. The deadline is

May 21, so please get your information submitted to include in the Summer Newsletter.

United Methodist Women News:

Jean Craig Fellowship will meet Monday, May 5, at 7:00 PM in Room 207 to continue work on our kits for UMCOR.

Call Susan Petrey, 275-9258, for details.

Executive Committee Meeting: Wednesday, May 7, at 7:00 PM in room 207.

All unit officers and fellowship leaders are asked to mark your calendars and make plans to attend.

Ada Mae Bookman Fellowship will close out their year with a luncheon at

11:30 AM on Thursday, May 8, at Howlett’s. POC: Martha Miles, 748-5476

Frances Allen Fellowship will meet Tuesday, May 13, at 7:00 PM at the home of Sharon Gilliatt. POC: Sarah Jane Mick, 748-5500

UMW Reading Program: The purpose of the UMW Reading Program is to encourage United Methodist Women to expand understanding of and participation in God’s mission; to increase sensitivity to all human beings—their needs, interest, and concerns; to encourage critical thinking about issues facing humanity today; to grow in understanding of

Scripture as it relates to Christian faith in contemporary life; to enhance self-knowledge and to act from that knowledge; and to strengthen involvement in local and global Christian mission. To expand the Chester UMW Reading Program we now have four books in circulation among the fellowships. Reading Program Forms are due in the UMW mailbox no later than August 15. Forms are available from your fellowship leader or Carla Faris (706-1638).

Call Susan Petrey, 275-9258, to learn more about UMW, our three participating fellowships, and how you can become involved.

Coming to Chester UMC with Melody Magic

Kindermusik is a music and movement program for children ages newborn through 7. You and your child will sing, play, listen, and dance to musical activities designed to stimulate early childhood development. It's an educational class designed to develop the whole child. But don't tell the kids... they just think it's FUN!

This summer Zoo Train classes will be held on Wednesday mornings, right here at our church! Space is limited, and advance enrollment is required. To get all the great details, please visit www.melodymagicmusic.com

. *Members of the church save $15 on enrollment! Just use the code

"churchmember" when you enroll online*

Zoo Train

Ages 0-7 years

Wednesdays 9:45-10:25 AM or 10:30-11:10 AM

June 18 - August 6 (8 weeks


$105 with Church Member Discount

Includes take-home materials: full-size "Zoo Train" book, CD with all the music from class, and animal shaker for each child!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

9:45 to 11:00 AM

Room 116

The Rev. Jim Davis will share the history of the Methodist faith and provide information on the various ministries available to each age group at Chester UMC. We will enjoy a snack while we share and learn. Interested persons may attend Connections before or after they join the church and may have a refresher Connections experience whenever they desire.

Please RSVP to cumcsecretary@chesterumc.org

or the Church Office at 748-6006, or just stop by room 116 on

May 18. Childcare is available with a reservation.

Music Notes

Clinton Warf In Concert

– Sunday, May 4, at 7 PM in the

Sanctuary. Clint will present a challenging and charming program or classical selections along with some beloved spirituals and even some

Broadway tunes. He will be joined by our own Chancel Choir, as well as Joshua Wortham and soprano Katherine Oros. A free will offering will be received. Clinton Warf, Baritone, has frequented the stage in both operatic and concert performances. Favorite roles include

Eisenstein in Die Fledermaus , Melchior in Amahl and the Night

Visitors , and Tom in The Hotel Casablanca . Choral highlights include touring as a featured soloist in the countries of Italy, Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic and as the Baritone soloist in Brahms' Liebeslieder

Waltzes and Vaughn Williams' Serenade to Music with the Campbellsville University Orchestra. Mr. Warf made his professional operatic debut with the Southern Illinois Summer Music Festival in 2013 singing Dancaïro in Carmen . Mr.

Warf earned a Master of Music in Vocal Performance from Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He resides in

Paducah, KY.

Fort Lee Playhouse presents

Big River

” May 2, 3, 9, 10, 16 & 17, at 8 PM; and May 4, 11 & 18, at 3 PM. Call 734-

6629 to reserve tickets. Our own Bobby Henderson and Joshua Wortham are members of the cast and Amy Perdue is the director. “

Big River

” is a musical version of the story of Huckleberry Finn.

Grace Lutheran Church (Harrowgate Road)

will celebrate their 50 th anniversary with a concert on Sunday, May

18, at 12:30 PM. A free will offering will be donated to CCHASM/FoodBank. Childcare is provided. The concert will feature Grace Choir, organ and piano soloists, contemporary praise band, Joyful Noise Handbell Choir, and the Happy

Clappers Chimes Choir.

Why Choir Tour?

Every other summer since 2006, I have had the privilege of planning a tour for our Chancel Choir (and our roadies)! You’ll often hear of youth choirs or small ensembles touring but it’s certainly less common for adult church choirs to hit the road. But several years ago, God gave me this vision and passion and the message was clear: take the

Chancel Choir on tour!

I’m often asked why we do this. Is it worth the effort and expense? And I respond with a resounding, “YES!”

Our tours are so much more than just a vacation and performing. To begin with, choir rehearsals are a valuable time of worship and spiritual growth. We are a family, an accountability group, a prayer support system and more. Taking our music on the road becomes a sort of spiritual retreat. We lead different groups of people in worship each night as we share our concerts. We spend time in devotion cruising down the highway on our charter bus. Relationships with each other are formed and nurtured during those countless miles. We touch lives through our music. When we stay in host homes we both share and encounter Christ through mutual hospitality.

It goes without saying that I am proud of what our Chancel Choir achieves musically. We are capable of a wide variety of musical genres which, I believe, all have merit in building up the Kingdom of God and glorifying the One we adore. But more than musical skill, there is a spiritual presence and passion when our choir sings. In many congregations the role of the choir is becoming a lost art. Some choirs have been pushed out, while others have simply dwindled for various reasons.

But our Chancel Choir is a living, breathing, spiritual being! The music we make is more than simply notes, rhythms and dynamics. All of that is layered in with the truth that each of us is on a spiritual journey of knowing Christ.

The lyrics we sing are real to us. The truths we share in song come from a passion in our hearts. And the spiritual energy you (and we) feel as we sing is rooted in each person having a growing relationship with our Lord and Savior.

When we worship with other churches, our purpose is not to show off. No, we go to inspire and to prove that the ministry of the choir is a thriving part of the Christian journey and corporate worship.

Ok sure, we get to have a lot of fun on our trips. (I won’t pretend like I’m not looking forward to our free day in

Disney World!) But words cannot begin to describe the transformational experiences that take place on and off of that bus. If you’re sitting there wishing you had signed up to travel with us, it is not too late. The absolute deadline to register is Sunday, June 1. The trip will take place July 31-August 5. If you are not traveling with us this year, we covet your prayers – for the choir and roadies, for all whose lives we will touch, and for those who will touch our hearts. Ultimately, we pray that all of our effort would bring glory to God and aide in building up the Kingdom!


Eighty people participated in the 6 session Lenten study of “Listen, Praying in a Noisy World”. Imagine with me all the coordinated Scriptures read. Consider with me all those efforts at renewed or varied prayer practices to sharpen our prayerful skills and focusing on God.

Pearson after person had told me how it has affected their prayer life and what a blessing it has been.

Such a blessing embraced by 80 folks can be assimilated into the membership and ministries of glory that is God’s in our midst.

Special thanks to those who opened their homes to spring traffic.

We rejoice at the ministry of those who led our discussions and experiences.

God is Great!

Dr. Jim

Join the Fresh Start Sunday School Class in Study, Fellowship and Service

Beginning Sunday, April 27—No single event in human history has received more attention than the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. In this study, Adam Hamilton guides us through the last twenty-four hours of Jesus' life. Each chapter is designed to help the reader experience and understand the significance of Jesus' suffering and death in a way you have never done before.

The Fresh Start Class meets every Sunday morning at 9:45 in room 207. Visitors and new members are always welcome. Call Susan Petrey, 275-9258, for more information.

Wesley Seminar Class

is studying the Lenten series, “The Way, Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus,” by Adam

Hamilton. (Class begins at 9:45 AM in Room 224.) Using videos shot in the Holy Land, Hamilton takes us to the Jordan

River where Jesus was baptized and the wilderness where he was tempted. You’ll see the ruins of ancient Capernaum where Jesus healed the sick and ascended the mountain where he gave his most famous sermon. You’ll travel across the

Sea of Galilee where he calmed the wind and waves, and you’ll visit the last remaining community of Samaritans in the world. Then you’ll visit Jerusalem where Jesus spent his final days.

District Lay Servant Training:

8:00 AM – 7:00 PM on Saturday, May 17, at Ivey Memorial UMC in Colonial

Heights. Cost is $10.00 for course materials. Lunch and snacks will be paid for by a love offering. Registration forms available in Church Office. POC: Richard Speirs (836-3916 or Richard.speirs@yahoo.com


Come to Epworth by the Sea

at the Methodist Conference and Retreat Center on St. Simons Island, Georgia,

July 14-17, for a retreat on "Goodly Habits for Inhabiting the Habitat." Please consider joining us for an intergenerational retreat of global proportions. We will learn. We will eat with utensils. We will frolic. We will disagree. We will eat without utensils. We will commune with decapod crustaceans. We will sing. We will be annoyed by the singing of the other generation (but, we will all joyfully sing, anyway!). Mostly we will celebrate the beauty of the earth and talk about why it's our job to take care of it. We will have mega-fun. For more information and to make reservations, go to www.epworthbythesea.org


Buy a Church Magnet:

For just $5 you can show your Chester Methodist pride on your car or any other magnetic surface and you’ll be helping defray the costs of Choir Tour 2014. Purchase your magnet in the Atrium any Sunday in

April, from a choir member, or from the Church Office (M-F, 8:30 AM – 2:00 PM).

2014 Offering Envelopes

If you have not picked up your box yet, please stop in the Atrium and get them.

They are displayed on the counter in front of the Church Office.



Please stop by the Missions Closet to collect the items you’ve misplaced in the church.

You’ll find gloves, scarves, hats, Tervis tumblers, coffee mugs, glasses and miscellaneous non-clothing items in the bins and jackets and hoodies on the hanging rod. Items not claimed by May 23 will be donated to Goodwill.

The Jean Craig Fellowship

will be assembling Health Kits for the United Methodist Committee on Relief to be distributed to crisis relief efforts around the world. The entire congregation is invited to support this effort by donating items for the kits. Pick up your “assignment card” from the display in the Atrium and put your items in the collection box in the Missions Closet by noon on Sunday, June 8. POC Susan Petrey (275-9258)

CUMC Food Pantry Needs:

powdered milk; 16 oz. jar jelly; canned or dry soup; canned corn beef hash; can tuna; and 1 lb. canned ham.

Our Good Samaritan Fund

allows us to offer utility and rent assistance for members of our community

(and church) who are temporarily struggling to make ends meet. The amount of money in this fund is constantly fluctuating. Please consider contributing to this vital fund.

I would like to express my deepest appreciation to the congregation of Chester United Methodist Church for their continued support, trust, faith and especially prayers for both me and my family as “we” have stepped into the position of Financial Administrator just 8 short (and sometimes very long) months ago. My love and gratitude goes out to every member of this congregation as you have encouraged me, checked in on me (you “doing ok” back here), and have shown tremendous patience and understanding as we, CUMC, have navigated these very troubling times due to the embezzlement and breach of trust that has occurred. I am overwhelmed at the generosity of my “family” here at CUMC as is evident in the gracious level of giving each week.

Thank you for your trust in me, in the Committees that serve us, in our leadership, in our staff and in our pastor. . I covet your continued prayers and support as we move forward into 2014. This is a God Thing; an amazing GOD

Thing…and I am humbled to be able to serve.

Thank You Family!

God is Good, All the Time!

Donna Koch

Dear Church Family,

Thank you for all the cards and expressions of sympathy after Dad’s death. It reminds us of how blessed we are to have such thoughtful and caring people in our lives.

Joe Welchel and Family

Dear Church Family,

There are no words to fully express our appreciation for all the expressions of sympathy on the loss of my sister, Anne

Snyder. When death occurs unexpectedly like this, your calls, cards, hugs and gifts of food, hug shawl, prayer shawl and presence were truly God’s comfort given at times of great need. Every time I felt the sorrow beginning to overwhelm me, there would be a call or visit to answer my need. The love you have shown will remain in my heart as a sweet memory during a hard loss. Thank you for being such awesome hands of God.


Bill & Karen Comer and family

Endowment Fund

—exciting news coming soon regarding our church's Endowment Fund. Please keep on the lookout and more information will follow shortly. Pray that God will bless us in this important aspect of our church's business.

Memorials for April

In Memory of Kathryn Wisegarver from Carole Kelley

In Memory of Kenneth Sommer from Keith and Kay Snavely

Our May Birthdays

Be sure to wish the following people a

“Happy Birthday” on their “Special Day.”


Joe Spadaccia, David Davis, Jack Swofford, Evan Moody, Timothy Ellis


Rita Stewart, Robert Bradford, Katie Lewis, Carter McCants, Aubrey Gibson


Floyd Bradshaw, Marg Kutz, Vivian Schorre


Deborah Hetrick, Emory Large, Diana Smith, Willie Orton, Nancy Parker, Robert Crowell, Jr., Phil Strange,

Jonathan Lipchak, Patrick Coker, Matthew Jenkins, Tucker Biedler


Chong McKnight, Frank Jones, Marilynn Hayes, Dean Bodenhorn, Lisa Munchel, Nick Ford,

Brandon Hawkins, Amanda Yerby, Lauren Wells, Lauren Vaughan, Matthew Parisi, Grant Hutchins


Barbara Yandle, Sarah Dovel


Anne Bledsoe, Amy Farr, Ashley Faucette, Allison Faucette, Draden Gaffney, Sawyer Gaffney, Morgan Hall,

David Spadaccia


Linda Harper


Bobbie Morrissette, Mallory Seal, Abigail Martin


Lydia Snyder, James Davis, Dorothy Nugent, Todd Cassell, Rod Martinko, Abigail Bradford


Lisa Hammersley, Carson Davis


Yvonne Avery, Melanie Crossen, Ronan Ireland, Laura Watson


June Gilliam, Keith Boyd, Shannon Martinko, David Kirtley


Joan Gilpin, Melinda Kelley, Debra Gruschow, David Coker, Carey Parisi, Brandon Williamson, Jason Hall,

Peyton Radford


Pat Wood, Elizabeth Ford, Lloyd Bradshaw, Jr., Lauren Townsend, Anabel Bittenbender, Alexa Deckert


Mary Davis, Ashley Willis, Zachary Jacka, Jacob LeSueur


Doug Helm, Sr., Melva Church, Rachel Bowman, Ann Cabell Dougherty


Becky York, Elaine Minga, Lisa Harmon


Betty Waldrop, Damon Honn, Samantha Hetrick


Thelma Bagwell, John Walls III, Camille Keffer, Ella Gray


Janette Walker, Blair Rogers, Ehle Abicht, Jordan Chapin, Ethan Mick


James Asbury, Jr., Diane Coghill, Rob Vilak, Jr., Terri Moody


Robert Simmons, Jr., Ron Dombrowski, Richard Parisi, Bobbie Henderson, Amy Chitwood


Martha Floyd, Rick Beazley, Jr., Paige Smith


Ed Labin, Dick Shoff, Michael Sibley, Brian Radford, Daniel Morrison


Sue Latta, Charles Williams, Jeff Gaffney, Stan Hargraves, Jaime Strawn II, Danny Baylor, Joshua Hetrick


Edwin Hoffmann, Melissa Rasnick, Rachel Dishman


Ron Patterson, Jennifer Honn, Logan Fields


Janet Tipton, Jennifer Winn, Nolan Walker


Amy Perdue, Barbara Giegerich, Will Schmidt, Pat Stanfield, Kaylee Fogelman, Emily Galarza,

Benjamin Hetrick


Roosevelt Turner, Jr., Glenn Muller, Kathleen Kessinger, Jennifer Brame, Michael Blankenbecler,

Jackson Akom
