St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Paducah

St. Matthew Lutheran Church
Council Minutes
May 18, 2015
Tom Dolan called the meeting to order and led with devotion and prayer.
Tami Brewer, Tom Dolan, Kathy Evanko, John Fleming, Pastor Karen Husby, Angie Loyd,
Kathy Mayne, K.D. Riley, and Tim Straley
Approval of Agenda
Additions to the agenda were made. A motion Tim/Kathy E. was made to approve the agenda.
Motion carried.
Minutes of Last Council Meeting
A motion (Tim/Kathy E.) was made to accept the Council minutes of April 20, 2015. Motion carried.
Report of the Pastor
 Since April 17, I led three Sunday services, and took Continuing Education Sundays April 19
and 26.
 I worked on worship planning through the end of July, and provided the Worship committee
with sermon themes, except for June 7 when I’ll be at Synod Assembly.
 I provided worship planning information to Tom Dolan who will be doing the service while I
am at Synod Assembly.
 Molly and Greg Goodman would like to have their baby baptized on May 31. I’ll meet with
them on May 30 to prepare for that.
 The “Faith: Confidence and Doubt in Daily Life” Sunday adult group needs to decide about
meetings during the summer.
 Spark Bible Story books will be given to Lily Lindberg and to Ethan Minihan on Pentecost
Sunday, May 24.
 I will be doing a first Communion prep class with Cameron Morris on June 20.
 Grace Episcopal will be having VBS June 5 – 7, with a Harry Potter theme. More
information at St.
Matthew by the Lake and St. Peter’s Episcopal will be having a one-day VBS (9:30 – 1:00)
on June 23, with resources put together by Trinity/HOPE about hunger and Haiti. We’re
invited to attend one or both of these events.
Congregational life:
 Hospital visits to Sara Minihan and Bill, and Gloria Hicks. I communed Gloria, along with
Holly and Hope. Calls/contacts with several other members.
 I continue with monthly sermon summaries and newsletter articles, as well as posting each
Sunday’s sermon on the St. Matthew blog.
Beyond the parish:
 I continue as vacancy pastor at St. Matthew by the Lake. I will be leading a memorial service
for one of their members on Saturday, June 13. I made two hospital calls for them here at
Baptist Health.
 Synod Assembly will be in Indianapolis, Marriott East, June 5-7. LaDonna Rogers and I will
attend. I’m working on coordinating travel with her and with Debbie Schoo from the Benton
 Holy Land study trip April 18-28. Follow-up and sharing: I put together and posted a
Facebook album of selected photos; possible also a slide show sharing for congregation?
 Evansville Ministerium (the pastors’ group) met April 9 at St. Paul’s Vincennes. I continue as
secretary of this group.
 As a member of the Synod Nominations Committee, I facilitated nomination of three
candidates for elections at Synod Assembly.
I participated in the “Faith and Film” discussion on May 11. I am scheduled to lead the
“Faith in Film” gathering on June 8; the film is “The Blind Side.”
I attended a meeting of Interim Pastors on Monday May 4, at the Synod Office.
Church Ministries
 Mutual Ministry – Kathy Evanko
No activity.
Worship Ministry – Kathy Mayne
A meeting was held on March 29. Pastor Karen opened with prayer. Pulpit supply
discussions were held; April 19: Pastor Paul Meier, April 26: The Women of St. Matthew
(Good Shepherd Sunday), June 7: A Minister from Seaman Institute. We will return to
setting #10 after Easter. The following will act as additional servers on Easter Sunday: Zack
Masek-Acolyte, Nick Masek-Crucifer, Gigi Straley-Presenter of the Gifts. “Spark Bibles for
School Age” will be given to early elementary youth on Easter Sunday. Pre-schoolers will
receive a copy on Mother’s Day.
Stewardship Ministry – Tom Dolan
No activity.
Fellowship Ministry – Angie Loyd
A casserole breakfast was prepared and served to the congregation on Easter morning. A
potluck and silent auction to benefit the American Cancer Society was held on April 19.
Education & Youth Ministry – Pastor Karen Husby
Spark Bible Story books will be given to Lily Lindberg and to Ethan Minihan on
Pentecost Sunday, May 24. The Sunday morning class on “Faith” is scheduled to meet May
17, and will look at summer schedule for meetings. Grace Episcopal will be having VBS
June 5 – 7, with a Harry Potter theme. St. Matthew by the Lake and St. Peter’s Episcopal will
be having a one-day VBS (9:30 – 1:00) on June 23, with a program put together by
Trinity/HOPE learning about hunger and Haiti.
Caring Ministry – Pat Blaine
Hospital visits were made to Gloria Hicks by several members of the congregation. Cards
were mailed to Sara Minihan, Hazel Gay and Ray & Leah Wilding.
Outreach Ministry – Pat Blaine
No activity.
Property Ministry – Tim Straley
1. Terminix sent out an inspector on April 24th and confirmed we have termites in two
walls. He indicated he would have treatments applied within 2-3 days however commented
that it will take up to 80 days for the treatment to fully take place. Despite a request for him
to contact Tim once the treatments were applied, no confirmation was ever received. Tim
will follow up on this.
2. Langston Electrical (referral from Tom) was contacted to look at the electrical issues on
the big marquee sign as well as the spotlights on the brick wall and can lights on the stained
glass window. It was determined that the ballast in the marquee needed replacement and the
spotlights on the brick wall needed replaced. They performed this work on 4/29 and now
everything works - total cost was $543.18 of which approximately $330 was for parts. They
cut us a really good deal.
3. Have received a bid from M&M Decorating to repair the damage and paint the wall above
the stained glass window for $1,200. There will be a motion made to hire them to do the
project at the May Council meeting. At some point we will need to look into ceiling repairs
where water leaks had occurred and caused damage to the drywall.
4. Will be looking for a work day to be scheduled in the next couple of weeks to address
some landscaping issues and other exterior projects.
Cemetery Ministry – John Fleming
No activity.
Other Committees or Task Forces
A candidate name has been received. The Call Committee interviewed and approved the individual
on May 2, and has passed her on to Council for their approval. Council will interview her on
Wednesday, June 8.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s report was reviewed.
Old Business
New Business
A motion (Tim/Kathy M) was made to hire M&M Decorating to repair the damage and paint the wall
above the stained glass window for a cost of $1,200. Motion approved.
A motion (Tim/Kathy E.) was made to approve a continuing resolution in the St. Matthew
Constitution, specifying the Congregational meeting held in January as an Annual meeting, per ELCA
recommendation. Motion approved.
Tom and Lois Dolan will be providing a fellowship lunch, following service on June 7.
We will be holding a fellowship potluck, following service on June 14.
Kathy Mayne submitted her letter of resignation from Council effective May 31, 2015.
A motion (Tom/Kathy E) was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:54 pm. Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned with the Lord's Prayer.