PAPER COLLECTING Ensure that paper use in school is minimised and that all paper is recycled in the appropriate way Staff Students Task Manager Each classroom to have the following: A paper collection container for used paper and cardboard A container for re-usable paper for student use To place all listed papers in bin/box during the day. Ensure all staff has a collection facility in their room for paper. Use paper wisely and all space in books. Manage paper collection by training new forum group members and organizing student rosters to undertake task fortnightly. Organise students to AUDIT rubbish bins to ensure good recycling habits. Promote correct use of recycle boxes within classroom ensuring only suitable papers and cardboards are placed in them.(Currently all clean paper and cardboard are recyclable) Use white paper Green-wrap where possible. Photocopy back to back where possible. Curriculum issues of paper recycling etc. Office areas to have office paper container for paper collection. Use alternative means of communication that save paper. E.g. email, bulletin – Gumps. Re-use paper for notebooks d:\106731413.doc Reuse paper when possible. colour/cardboard Forum group members to check class recycle bin/box to weed out inappropriate items, and empty into kerbside wheelie bins for collection. Includes collecting paper and card boxes from all office areas, include Resource Centre. This is done fortnightly. They may wish to comment on use/non-use to class group when necessary via class meetings. The forum group may wish to occasionally AUDIT paper use within the school. Ensure kerbside recycling bins and room are kept tidy. ENERGY MANAGEMENT This school has undertaken many energy saving policy supported by DECS. Electricity is monitored and the school receives monthly accounts for payment. Staff Students Task Manager Classroom teachers ensure that monitors are appointed to turn off electrical appliances and lighting when not in use and check that they carry out their duties. Monitors to check that all electrical appliances and lighting in classroom are turned off when not in use during the day. To over-see smooth running and effectiveness of energy savings strategies. Ensure that when air conditioners are in use the doors are closed to maximise heating/cooling and minimise energy usage. Staff responsible for turning off lights and heating/cooling in all areas of the school at the end of the week. An ESD Approach has notes for teaching about Energy. View Video – “Saving Hieronyms”. Turn off electrical appliances and lighting after using shared area of the building. Graph and display energy usage in EE display area. Use CENTA METERS to observe energy use. (located in IT Room and Resource Centre) Monitor the Solar energy produced by accessing intranet information. Model good practice for the school and community, ie assemblies, presentations, newsletters. Conduct surveys and carry out ENERGY AUDITS Report back to class and at school assemblies, newsletters etc. d:\106731413.doc Check energy saving in non teaching and storage areas of all buildings, eg hall, TV, activity room. Assist class monitors to keep records of energy usage. Encourage student monitoring and AUDITING across the school. Organise energy monitors to conduct random checks on electricity usage (awards for good practice/reminders). Give feedback of energy saving through account details STAFF KITCHEN Ensure that the staffroom and kitchen is maintained eg. energy compost kerbside recyclables plastics water Prepare a kitchen duty roster in staffroom for staff to fill in. d:\106731413.doc Staff Students All staff to register names on kitchen roster each term (equitably). Chicken monitors to remove, empty and clean foodscraps bins daily or when required. Follow guidelines of roster when carrying out kitchen duty. Use the appropriate recycling containers: foodscraps kerbside recycling (in library) 10 containers (under sink) Place cleaned: milk cartons glass bottles/jars cardboard plastics cans in recycling bin for collection during forums. Staff are responsible for turning off lights and heating/cooling. Instant hot water system is to be turned off on weekend and holiday breaks Task Manager Organise staff to place kerbside recycling bins out on roadside on Sundays. Ensure foodscraps container is emptied and cleaned regularly Make sure the hot boiler is turned off at weekends and holiday period. A kettle can be used on weekends and during holidays. Assist children with maintenance of bins, chicken house and compost areas Ensure that TRTs who are filling in for regular staff members understand staff duty routines. COMPOST Staff Composting for school grounds. All weeds and foodscraps are composted or used to feed the chickens. Classroom collection of food scraps Classroom scraps placed in chicken house or compost bays Bins collected daily and emptied in chicken house or compost area in vege garden d:\106731413.doc Students Task Manager Provide compost container (with lid) for own class. Encourage daily use by students. Supervise emptying and cleaning of class container. Monitors from class foodscraps containers. Groundsperson to maintain compost area. Forum group students empty school compost bays when required. Curriculum issues see Understand composting An ESD Approach has notes for teaching about Energy. Eg Greenhouse issues Agenda 21. View Video – “Saving Hieronyms”. to empty Students doing vege gardening or weeding around school put weeds into compost bays the purpose of Oversee the composting process Liaise with ground-person to empty compost bays. YARD CLEANING All members of the school community have a responsibility to maintain a litter free school environment. Staff Students Task Manager Be responsible for their allocated area. Be personally responsible for all their own rubbish. If caught littering, they will be required to collect 20 pieces of litter and report to duty teacher. Inform all staff of their yard area and inservice new staff and contract teachers throughout the year. Produce and display prominent signs concerning yard cleanliness (ICT forum) Clean their allocated area. Promote regular cleaning and assist their class to collect all rubbish when required. (every week 5 minutes before Special Play on Friday) Promote use of bins – no littering. Report to assembly any special areas of concern or need. Promote use of recycling bins. Role model yard cleaning while on duty d:\106731413.doc From time to time assess rubbish found and form action plane to deal with problems, eg recycle, reduce. Write reminders in the daybook for extra yard clean up when required. (special events or visitors) Facilitate/publicise school wide litter-free lunches each term in conjunction with Student Council. Use the coloured crates for 10c recycling correctly. Provide tongs and gloves which are accessible for litter collection, at the discretion of the duty teacher. Promote yard cleaning at least once per term at assemblies and in school newsletters. DRINK CONTAINERS To collect for recycling, 10 cent drink containers that are consumed in the school. Staff Students Task Manager Inform all their students of the drink containers that can be recycled, Remove straws, lids and place drink containers in appropriate coloured crates at recess and lunch times. Organise forum group to sort recyclables and place into bags for removal fruit juice bottles plastic milk bottles fruitboxes Environmental Forum group to empty crates and check straws have been removed, contents emptied and lids off before being placed into bags to be removed Promote the recycling of drink cartons regularly at assemblies and in school newsletter. ……and importantly items that are not recyclable. (glad-wraps etc) Explain to classes the removal of straw and lids off containers before being placed in collection containers. Identify collection containers and their location, eg coloured crates on wheelie bins Encourage reusable containers. Curriculum issues to be addressed when programming work. eg purpose of recycling, energy saved, impact on environment. d:\106731413.doc PROMOTION Display of school information to the school community. Publishing and reporting of special events such as: Clean Up Australia Day World Environment Day Water Week National Tree Day for Schools Use a variety of mediums: Newsletter Pin up board Charts/photographs KESAB Scrapbook Mt Pleasant Show display d:\106731413.doc Staff Students Task Manager To supply task manager with relevant information, photographs, schoolwork related to school topic. To report on environmental projects in varied writings, pictures, photographs. Coordinate displays and presentations for different events. Publicise in newsletters. Excursions could reflect awareness of environmental outcomes possible Be aware of significance. special Encourage students their work. to days of present Work collaboratively with other students to - produce information, ie buddy classes - produce work for these displays and presentations. SCHOOL GROUNDS Students and parents have an active role in maintaining, caring and developing the school gardens and land in line with the school planting policy. Staff Students Task Manager To promote the good use and maintenance of our gardens. Students are encouraged to participate in gardening projects and the safe use of gardening tools E.g. plant propagation, seed collecting, composting etc. To coordinate the fostering of gardening areas in the school grounds. To use the shade house equipment to carry out landcare activities. To promote our schools’ environmental location in the hills community. Resources: Blooming ideas for Schools – Garden Projects for Upper Primary Students from the Australian Gardening Industry. To liaise with school grounds-man/ and/or Facilities Committee if assistance is required for gardening/grounds projects. d:\106731413.doc Students are to take an active role in the maintenance of the school gardens and grounds, eg weeding, mulching, working bees Students appreciate the special environment in which our school is located. Interested students have the opportunity to participate in gardening in the school grounds. Environmental/Gardening Forum. Students and classes have ownership of a garden area in the school grounds. Reward classes for their active participation and accomplishments. Promote school grounds assemblies and newsletters. at Maintain, purchase equipment stored in the garden shed used for school garden projects BUSH GARDEN AND INDIGENOUS BUSH FOOD GARDEN Federation Park has provided an opportunity for students and staff to liase with community bodies to undertake various projects. Special events such as Cleanup Australia Day, World Environment Day, National Tree Day for Schools Mt Pleasant Biodiversity Day are important days to be involved in. Our Bush Garden has been an ongoing project of revegetation and habitat restoration. It is used for Science, Environmental Education, Art, Physical Education and other outdoor activities. The Indigenous Bush Food Garden has been used for Aboriginal Studies. d:\106731413.doc Staff Students Task Manager To organise visits to these environmental places on a regular basis. Children will have the opportunity to take actions in the local environment. Publicise special projects and events that occur during the school year. To support their programs by using the Federation Park and the Bush gardens Students will develop an enthusiasm for school and local environment. Coordinate special programs, days and events and the maintenance and replanting of areas when necessary through National Tree Day, the Grounds man or working bees To be aware of special events during the year. Opportunities will exist for students to take leadership in special excursions and events To link special projects and events to their yearly program. E.g. Biodiversity Month, National tree Day, World Environment Day Students will have the opportunity to focus on individual interests. Such as Endangered Species, Flora, ecology studies. To use the variety of curriculum resources available to support activities. Supply information to staff and students. -need for inservicing of new staff -need for task cards, signs that explain roles of environmental school management These to be displayed. WATERCARE Staff Students and staff have an active role in caring for water resources at Gumeracha Primary School. Task Manager Inform students that water resources are important to save South Australia’s water resources are vital for our future quality of life. To use water wisely drinking and wash areas. Role model good use of water. Do not leave taps running while drinking, washing art brushes and paints. E.g. use a buckets to wash things Encourage students to be actively involved in water conservation in the school environment. Include Watercare in a variety of forms in the daily curriculum. Take note of media reports and issues relevant to our lives. E.g. Save the Murray, drought. Algae blooms etc Invite KESAB to the classroom to run Watercare activities. (see yearly program offered by KESAB) Inform students and parents of the Water-care initiatives used in our school through curriculum delivery. d:\106731413.doc Students in toilets, Conserve and plan the use of water in lessons. Dispose of water in an appropriate manner. E.g. sink or aquarium water can be emptied onto grass and plants Investigate the importance of water in our day to day lives through lessons Use drink containers if possible to fill with water on hot days By being a KESAB Waterwatch monitor in our local creeks. Participation in Years 3-7. Conduct a water audit of school water conservation and use To ensure water is used correctly in the school environment To participate in Waterwatch training and the coordination of the Waterwatch Snapshot monitors. TRANSPORT Use of safe transport practices that promote sensible environmental use in the community. Staff Students Task Manager Support the most suitable, sustainable forms of transport systems for school excursions. Use the necessary safety equipment required for bicycles, skate boards and scooters. Coordinate ‘Walk Safely to School Day’ annually. Include Travelsmart, and Bike Education in classroom activities and lessons when appropriate Walk safely to school using the correct safety procedures. Use carpooling if appropriate to attend workshops and training development. . Use the pedestrian lights correctly and follow the road traffic monitors instructions. Participate sessions. in Bike Education Use the correct and safe equipment on special days. E.g. Wheel’s day. d:\106731413.doc GUMERACHA PRIMARY SCHOOL 2009 Environmental Management Plan d:\106731413.doc