CLIMATIC VARIABILITY BETWEEN NORTH BRAZILIAN RIVERS AND SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE (ID 201119367NKZVB) Maria Elisa Siqueira Silva1 Carlos Batista da Silva2 Sérgio Melo Gadelha2 Abstract. This study has search variables which could influence climatic variability of river outflow over north and central areas of Brazil, at Amazon and Paraguay basins. Firstly, it was possible to note, through linear relations, that the two continental chosen regions should suffer influence from distinct aspects of oceanic climatic variability. The central region (represented by Aquidauana River) showed high correlations with South Equatorial Pacific and South Tropical Atlantic areas, while the north region (represented by Amazon River/Obidos) presented high correlations values in relation to both South Equatorial Pacific and Tropical Atlantic. Aliseos from northeast strengthening was suggested as a contributing factor for the increasing in hydrological cycle at Amazon Basin case. The results through the linear model application suggest that outflow variability can be well explained by SST averages at particular areas over the Pacific Ocean, showing a R2=80.1%. SST averages at North Pacific, South Pacific and west Equatorial Pacific (Niño4) are the most important regions that can be related to the climatic variability of Aquidauana river outflow. Keywords: climatic variability; river outflow; sea surface temperature INTRODUCTION Climatic variability of river outflow is attested in association to sea surface temperature for rivers located at north and central portions of Brazil. Although these rivers are placed in the same tropical area, they are located at different sub-areas (distant by more than 2700 km), as stated in Figure 1, whose climate is partially defined by distinct sources from the global oceans. Climate for both regions receives influence mainly from Pacific and Atlantic variability. Results from many studies in climatology reveal the direct and non-direct influence of oceanic surface variability over rivers outflow throughout the world (Molion and Moraes, 1987; Hastenrath, 1990; Mechoso and Iribarren, 1991; Robertson and Mechoso, 1998; Genta et al., 1998; Camilloni and Barros, 2000; Gomes Filho, 2000; Trigo et al., 2002; Prowse and Beltaos, 2002; Cardoso et al., 2004; Barros et al., 2004; Cardoso, 2005; Xu et al., 2007). The north region of Brazil is characterized by great amount of hydro resource from Amazon Basin 1 Teacher at the Department of Geography - University of São Paulo (USP) - email: 2 Graduation student from the Physic Geography Program - USP (133.000 m3/s, 73% of the hydro source from the Amazon River is placed in Brazil). Amazon is the greatest basin in relation to those around the globe, both in extension and in water volume, and presents the greatest hydro energy power in Brazil. The other studied river stays at central part of Brazil, at Paraguay Basin, and comprehends the Pantanal region that constitutes a particular ecosystem. This area is characterized by great plains and flooded portions during almost the entire year. Although the area is highly plain, there are many small hydroelectric power plants installed there. While the Amazon Basin vegetation is dominated by rain forest, the Pantanal area is characterized by savanna-like vegetation (Cerrado) and tall grass. The seasonality is fair marked in Pantanal, with lower temperatures during the dry month (winter month – Jun to Sep) and more rain during the summer month (Nov to Mar). On the other hand, Amazon Basin presents small temperature amplitude during the year due to its position closer to equatorial areas. Seasonality of rain presents distinct patterns accordingly to the region inside the Amazon Basin due to its extensive area. Obidos, the fluvial station considered here in the Amazon Basin, is characterized by a rainy period during Dec and May. In relation to atmospheric systems that contribute to the climate in these two areas, frontal colds and South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) are prominent systems that affects Pantanal region. Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and local convection, mainly between December and May, are synoptic and local systems that contribute to Amazon climate. Many scientific studies had already attested the relation between sea surface temperature variability and hydrological cycle, particularly over South America (SA). Causes of precipitation climatic variability are linked to Pacific anomalies, as ENSO and PDO phenomena, what is dependent on time scale. The first modes of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) applied on SST data are related to areas with great variability over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. These areas are many times related to hydrological cycle over SA. The most important pattern that can be depicted at Pacific Ocean is that characterized by areas with SST anomalies with opposite signals in regions near the equator and those displayed over higher latitudes, in both hemisphere, the so-called horseshoe pattern. Another important pattern observed over the oceans and that can be related to SA climate variability is the meridional gradient of SST anomalies over the Tropical Atlantic, showing may times opposite signals between north and south areas. Positive SST anomalies over south tropical areas of Atlantic are many times related to ITCZ displacement to southern positions. This study aims to depict oceanic areas that are well related to the hydrological variability over Amazon and Paraguay basins, becoming thus possible to suggest possible links between continental and oceanic areas. Based on this result, it is also an objective to consider stochastic modeling for river outflow simulation in annual scale. Hydrographic Basins Amazon Basin Araguaia-Tocantins Basin Paraíba River Basin São Francisco River Basin Paraná River Basin Paraíba do Sul River Basin Uruguai RiverBasin Paraguai River Basin Fig 1 Brazilian hydrographic basins. Amazon and Paraguay basins are shaded in green and violet colors, respectively. Red dots show Obidos and Aquidauana outflow observations. After: DATA AND METHODS Outflow monthly data from Obidos and Aquidauana rivers were collected from National Agency for Hydro Resources in Brazil (ANA). Precipitation data were obtained from CPTEC/INPE, from a compiled file with spatial resolution equal to ¼ degree; precipitation data were originally from the national rain gauge. Aquidauana River lies at Paraguay basin that is characterized much more by subtropical climate than tha Amazon Basin. The period select for Aquidauana River was 1966-2000; for Obidos River, the period was 1974-2004. SST monthly data were obtained from the Earth System Research Laboratory – ESRL/NOAA, with 2 degree of spatial resolution (time series originally from 1854 to 2008). Firstly, river outflows and precipitation (for areas upstream to the fluvial observation) time series were compared themselves to assess the possible influence of surface characteristics on the variability of outflow data. Secondly, oceanic areas with significant linear correlation (above 95%) between SST and outflow for both rivers were defined. SST averages over the selected oceanic areas were considered as independent variables in the elaboration of stochastic models for river outflow simulation. Besides SST means values, climatic indices were also considered as potential predictors, North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), South Antarctic Mode (SAM) Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), South Oscillation Index (SOI) and NIÑO1+2, NIÑO3+4 e NIÑO4. Stochastic models were constructed as linear regression between river outflow and oceanic variables (SST average and climatic indices) for annual and monthly scales (only annual results are presented here). Linear tendency and seasonal cycle were previously removed from the time series studied, that is, from outflow and precipitation data for each continental area and from SST. All the maps showed here present correlation computed between time series without lag (lag=0) and for January as the beginning month for the two time series. RESULTS Linear correlation between Aquidauana outflow and SST, between 1966 and 2000, shows a well known spatial patter that is related to ENSO or PDO oscillation, depending on the time scale, as can be seen in Figure 2. Positive SST anomalies over Tropical Pacific closer to SA west coast are related to increased outflow at Aquidauana. Linear correlation above 0.4 can be noted over the south Tropical Pacific near the coast of Chile. In this case, the horseshoe pattern is well marked with negative correlation over North and South Pacific reaching up 40 degrees of latitude in both Hemisphere. Between 40S and 60S there is another area positively well correlated with Aquidauana outflow, showing values greater than 0.6 near Antarctic regions. Correlation over South Atlantic show opposite signals between north and south areas what can be related to the first mode of variability for PCA applied on SST data, as referenced by (Chaves, 2005). In the case of Amazon/Obidos River, the SST pattern over Tropical Pacific is similar to that related to Aquidauana outflow, except by the sign inversion. Negative (positive) anomalies over Equatorial and Tropical Pacific are related to intensified (weakness) river outflow (or precipitation) at Obidos. Major values (|r| > 0.5) are located over southern Equatorial Pacific, close to the west SA coast, between 20S and Equator, as shown in Figure 3. Therefore, both cases, Obidos and Aquidauana outflows, seams to reflect the importance of Pacific variability. Another area which is well defined by high linear correlation values, in case of Obidos, is the Tropical North Atlantic, over passing absolute correlations to values greater than 0.5. The results also show a small area of positive correlation at Equator south side. Negative SST anomalies over north Tropical Atlantic and positive SST anomalies over south Tropical Atlantic can be related to the ITCZ displacement to south, providing more precipitation and intensifying runoff over the north of SA. Negative SST anomalies over north tropical Atlantic can also be related to the strengthening of subtropical high pressure in this region, providing the increase of water vapor transport by intensified aliseos from northeast. Back to Pacific Ocean, the results obtained in this study show the canonical pattern that influence South America, that is, positive SST anomalies over the Equatorial East Pacific contribute to the weakening and strengthening of hydrologic cycle over north and central SA and, viceversa. The influence over Central America, represented here by Paraguay Basin, is much less evident in the scientific results already shown, yet. Although physic and dynamic explanations constitute the more confident method to search oceanic aspects that can influence river outflow variability, stochastic modeling is considered as a practical way for simulation and prediction solutions. Aquidauana outflow simulation was addressed trough stochastic modeling based on linear multiple regression. Climatic indices and averaged SST for areas well correlated were considered in the model development. The better linear model built considered SST averages at North Pacific (Area1), South Pacific (Area2) and west Equatorial Pacific, named Nino4 (Area3), with R2 equal to 80.1% for smoothed data by a 6-years-window running mean. Data not filtered showed R2 equal to 60.5%. Observed and simulated data by the developed linear model are shown in Figure 4. In this case, Pacific variability seems to be more representative to the climatic variability over central SA. In contrast, no Atlantic areas were chosen for Aquidauana river outflow. Figure 2 Spatial correlation between SST and Aquidauana River outflow (Paraguay Basin), for lag=0. All shaded areas are statistically significant at a level of 95%. Figure 3 Spatial correlation between SST and Amazon River outflow (at Obidos) (Amazon Basin), for lag=0. All shaded areas are statistically significant at a level of 95%. Figure 4 Simulated and observed data for Aquidauana outflow anomaly (m 3/year) between 1966 and 2000. The data are smoothed by running mean for each 6 years. The period between 1985 and 1990 is characterized by missing data. CONCLUSIONS This study has provided to confirm, in general, the possible differences in climatic variability influence over north and central areas of Brazil. Besides that, it was possible to note that Pacific Oscillation seems to be important for both Amazon and Paraguay outflows climatic variability. On the other hand, the influence from Atlantic Ocean on outflows seems to be more dependent on the river localization, whether in the north or in central Brazil. This study has search variables which could influence climatic variability of outflow over north and central areas of Brazil, at Amazon and Paraguay basins. Firstly, it was possible to note, through linear relations, that the two continental regions chosen should suffer influence from distinct aspects of oceanic climatic variability. The central portion (represented by Aquidauana River) showed high correlations with South Equatorial Pacific and South Tropical Atlantic areas, while the north portion (represented by Amazon River/Obidos) presented high correlations values in relation to both South Equatorial Pacific and Tropical Atlantic. In the last case, aliseos from northeast strengthening was suggested as a contributing factor for the increasing in hydrological cycle. The results through the linear model application suggest that outflow variability can be well explained (R2=80.1%) by SST averages at particular areas over the Pacific Ocean. SST averages at North Pacific, South Pacific and west Equatorial Pacific (Nino4) are the most important regions that can be related to the climatic variability of Aquidauana outflow. Analysis of atmospheric flow in specific periods should bring comprehension for the main mechanisms that can be important to the climatic variability definition for the studied areas. 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