S1 IH Traditional Chinese and Western Historical Buildings ___________________( ) ________ 1 ______DD____MM____YY You have studied the history of your school, Hong Kong's brief history, its physical environment, and also something about family history and lineage record. You have also learnt how to locate your position on maps, and how people choose their living environment, etc. We now turn to look at how people in Hong Kong build their homes and other buildings, and how they make use of the land around them. You will have opportunities to practise some of the skills and concepts you have learnt earlier. You will study some Chinese and Western historical buildings that are still standing today. These buildings show how certain Chinese and Western people who settled here in the past made use of the environment and built houses for their families. You will also compare these buildings with some buildings in other parts of the world. You will learn about urban land use in Hong Kong today by doing a project on Tai Kok Tsui. You will get a general picture of the community, including its history, its recent development and how its residents live and work. You will also learn the skills of collecting, handling and presenting information. S1 IH Traditional Chinese and Western Historical Buildings ___________________( ) ________ 2 ______DD____MM____YY Traditional Chinese and Western historical buildings IH Worksheet 1 Traditional Chinese Buildings A. Location and Fung Shui Hong Kong is very hilly. A few flatlands are found in the northern and southwestern parts of the New Territories. Many villages are found in these areas. The climate of Hong Kong changes with seasons. In summer, warm and humid air blows from the sea in the south. In winter, cold and dry air blows from the mainland in the north. Typhoons in summer bring heavy rain. Under these conditions, if you were head of a clan moving from the north to settle in Hong Kong, where would you build your village? Look at the pictures below and decide. WINTER Site A Site B SUMMER Site A Site B S1 IH Traditional Chinese and Western Historical Buildings ___________________( I will choose Site Besides, in Site . ) ________ ______DD____MM____YY It is because the hills can protect the house from , houses can enjoy more sunshine in sunshine in and less . Fung Shui1 Fung Shui literally means 'wind and water'. It influences greatly the Chinese way of living. The Fung Shui principles are a set of rules for choosing sites for tombs, houses and for planning spaces for living. For example, people prefer a south-facing house because, according to Fung Shui principles, the south is regarded as the source of male energy, Yang2. It helps the growth of crops and the production of food. As a result, the family will grow in number and riches. As we have just learnt, there are some practical things to consider when we choose the location for a house. For example, hills at the back often give protection and shelter to buildings while rivers provide water for domestic and agricultural needs. Fung Shui represents a way to live in harmony with the natural environment. 1 2 Fung Shui 風水, also Feng Shui Yang 陽氣 3 S1 IH Traditional Chinese and Western Historical Buildings ___________________( ) ________ 4 ______DD____MM____YY A walled village with a good fung shui environment Hill Fung Shui Wood Walled Village Sacred Tree Fields B. Types of traditional Chinese buildings Before the New Territories was urbanized3, it was primarily an agricultural society. People settled there and built villages. People in a village usually belonged to the same clan. The buildings in the village show their way of life. Study the map of the Ping Shan Heritage Trail below. 3 urbanized 都市化 S1 IH Traditional Chinese and Western Historical Buildings ___________________( ) ________ 5 ______DD____MM____YY Between Hang Tau Tsuen (坑頭村) and Hang Mei Tseun (坑尾村), there are different types of traditional Chinese buildings. Can you match them with the following types? Types of building A. Walled village B. Ancestral hall C. Study hall D. Temple / religious building E. Fung Shui building Names of buildings S1 IH Traditional Chinese and Western Historical Buildings ___________________( ) ________ 6 ______DD____MM____YY C. Functions of traditional Chinese buildings 1. Walled village Study the following passage and answer the questions that follow. An imaginary diary of a clan leader 20th October 1570 Sunny Today, some bandits tried to attack our village with weapons. The guards at the watchtower at the southwest corner detected their coming. They banged the gong4 and called for help. All the young men gathered and prepared for battle. Fortunately, the high walls were strong. The bandits could not even enter the village because the moat was deep and wide and we had a strong iron gate at the entrance. Through the gun slots, we shot them down. Thanks to the gods, our village was saved. I will go to the shrine at the end of the main street tomorrow to offer worship to the gods. I pray that the gods protect us forever. a. Based on the passage above, label the defensive features of a walled village in the diagram below. 1. Watchtowers 2. Walls 3. Moat 4. Gun slots 5. Shrine 6. Iron gate at entrance 4 Bang the gong 打鑼 S1 IH Traditional Chinese and Western Historical Buildings ___________________( ) ________ 7 ______DD____MM____YY b. According to the passage and your own knowledge, list two possible enemies of the villagers. c. Were the people in the walled village rich? Find two clues5 from the passage to support your answer. d. What is the function of a walled village? 2. Ancestral Hall Courtyard Store room where furniture and dishes for feasts are kept Central hall. Sometimes it is used as a study hall, or for feasts, or for training the young men of the clan to fight Village office Calligraphy6, relating to A tablet showing the official filial piety7. rank of a clan in the government 5 6 7 clues calligraphy filial piety 書法 孝 Altar at the rear hall for soul tablets of clan members S1 IH Traditional Chinese and Western Historical Buildings ___________________( ) ________ 8 ______DD____MM____YY Study the drawing showing the ancestral hall. a. State at least three functions of an ancestral hall, with supporting clues from the drawings above. b. As shown by the decorations in the ancestral hall, which Confucian virtue8 does the clan treasure? c. Do you think the clansmen who own this ancestral hall are rich? The ancestral hall is often the largest and the most beautiful building in the village. Some rich clans have more than one ancestral hall. Their wealth is shown by the size of the ancestral hall and the rich carvings and decorations inside. 8 Confucian virtue 儒家德行 Why? S1 IH Traditional Chinese and Western Historical Buildings ___________________( ) ________ ______DD____MM____YY 3. Study Hall Kwun Ting Study Hall (覲廷書室 left ) and Ching Shu Hin (清暑軒 right) Study Sources A to D, and answer the questions that follow. Source A The ancestral shrine inside the study hall Source B A carved ‘copper coin’ step end 9 S1 IH Traditional Chinese and Western Historical Buildings ___________________( ) ________ 10 ______DD____MM____YY Source C Decoration showing the story of a layman gaining high government rank (甘羅拜相) Source D Boards showing many members of the family who have passed imperial examinations S1 IH Traditional Chinese and Western Historical Buildings ___________________( ) ________ 11 ______DD____MM____YY a. What is the main function of a study hall? b. Look at Source A. c. Study Sources C and D. d. Study Sources B, C and D. e. Apart from large ancestral halls, beautifully decorated study halls are also found in many villages in the New Territories. If ancestral halls show that the clans respect Name another function of the study hall. Why are these boards placed in the study hall? List two aims of education represented by them. their ancestors, what do study halls show? Usually, ancestral halls also serve as schools for the young. Only rich clans, like the Tangs in Ping Shan and Kam Tin, can afford to build their study halls and employ teachers for their young. So if you find study halls in a village, you know that the clan is quite wealthy. Besides, the more clan members became high officials, the higher the status of the clan was. S1 IH Traditional Chinese and Western Historical Buildings ___________________( ) ________ 12 ______DD____MM____YY D. Extended topic: Special features of traditional Chinese buildings 1. Floor Plan The following is the floor plan of a two-hall building. Side Chamber9 Master Bedroom Front Hall10 Courtyard11 Rear Hall12 Master Bedroom Side Chamber Hall is the basic unit of space in traditional Chinese buildings. It refers to the area within four corner-posts or inside four walls. a. The above is a two-hall building. How many sections are there in this building? What are they? There are sections and they are b. Usually, there is no roof above the courtyard. Do you know why it is so? c. From the structure of these traditional Chinese buildings, what can you tell about the relationship among the families living inside? side chamber 廂房 front hall 前廳 11 courtyard 庭院 12 rear hall 後廳 9 10 S1 IH Traditional Chinese and Western Historical Buildings ___________________( 2. ) ________ 13 ______DD____MM____YY Roof-top Rainwater flows down along the guiding channels. a. There are two types of tiles13. Can you guess their names by the help of the cartoon figures in the middle? b. The picture on the right shows how these two types of tiles work in rainy days. Can you draw the flow of rainwater in the diagram below? ACTIVITY Rain Use arrows to show the direction of the flow of rainwater: A small device is added to guide the dripping off of rainwater. 13 tiles 瓦片 Rain S1 IH Traditional Chinese and Western Historical Buildings ___________________( ) ________ 14 ______DD____MM____YY Eaves14 and brackets15 3. eaves brackets 斗 拱 How are they combined to support the eaves? Discuss with your neighbour what the uses of eaves and brackets are in traditional Chinese buildings. 14 15 eaves 屋簷 brackets 斗拱 S1 IH Traditional Chinese and Western Historical Buildings ___________________( 4. ) ________ 15 ______DD____MM____YY Walls The roof-tops of traditional Chinese buildings are supported by columns, beams, and a complicated bracket system. There is much freedom in the design of walls, especially the interior walls. For defense and shelter, exterior walls are usually made of strong materials like granite16 or green bricks17, or both. Rich families usually built houses with double-brick walls18 because the space inside the double-brick walls provides better insulation19. In summer, room temperature is lower inside even though the sun shines strongly on the walls. In winter, room temperature is higher inside despite the cold wind blowing hard against the wall. In times of heavy rain, the inside wall stays dry. 16 17 18 19 granite 花崗石 green bricks 青磚 double-brick wall 夾心牆 insulation 隔熱 S1 IH Traditional Chinese and Western Historical Buildings ___________________( 5. ) ________ Doors and windows There are mainly three styles of doors: 1. rectangular style 2. circular style 3. moon-shaped style Can you label the following three styles of doors? Windows are usually built with bars or floral pattern. There are very few windows in a house and they are usually small. Do you know why? 16 ______DD____MM____YY S1 IH Traditional Chinese and Western Historical Buildings ___________________( 6. ) ________ ______DD____MM____YY Decorations There are many different decorative styles in Chinese traditional buildings. The following are the most common decorations on the ridges20. animal pattern geometric pattern ship-like pattern What about the following? They are very common decorations in Chinese traditional buildings. Work with your neighbour and make a guess. Decorative features 20 ridge 屋脊 What is it? 17 What does it mean? S1 IH Traditional Chinese and Western Historical Buildings ___________________( ) ________ 18 ______DD____MM____YY What have you learned? You have learned to 1. understand the relationship between Fung Shui and the natural environment; 2. distinguish between different types of traditional Chinese buildings; 3. be aware of the functions of traditional Chinese buildings as well as the traditional values associated with them; and 4. identify certain special features of traditional Chinese buildings and their functions.