An Optimized, Real Time Water Delivery and Management System for the Murrumbidgee River T. van Kalken Technical Director, DHI Water and Environment Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia E-mail: Nachi Nachiappan CARM Project Manager, State Water Corporation, Dubbo, Australia E-mail: Dan Berry Water Delivery Manager State Water Corporation, Dubbo, Australia E-mail: John Skinner Project Director Water for Rivers, Albury, Australia Email: Abstract The Murrumbidgee River is one of Australia’s great working rivers, used to convey water from headwater storages downstream for irrigation, municipal and environmental purposes. The daily management of the river is a complex task that needs to take into account not only the demands of water users but also a range of catchment and river processes that are difficult to quantify. This often results in water being released from headwater storages which are surplus to the actual requirements. State Water, the NSW rural bulk water delivery business, supported by Water for Rivers (, have embarked on a $65m upgrade of the river management and operational system for the Murrumbidgee River that will set a benchmark for efficient river operations in Australia and internationally. The Murrumbidgee Computer Aided River Management (CARM) project will make control of water flows and dam releases more precise and efficient through a combination of upgrades to river infrastructure, metering, operational modelling and information systems. As a result, operational efficiency will be realised through improved control of dam releases and reductions in surplus flows. This paper describes the CARM decision support system that has been developed for the Murrumbidgee River, and the series of hydrological and hydraulic models that underpin the system. The CARM system integrates real time data from a number of systems including the Bureau of Meteorology and NSW Office of Water as well as State Water systems, to provide forecasts of future river inflows and automatically update the model state so that it continuously emulates the real river behaviour. The system is capable of automatically providing future operations instructions for the dams and regulation structures, for normal regulated river operations, environmental releases and flood operations. 1. INTRODUCTION The Murrumbidgee River is an important conveyor of water in Southern NSW, providing regulated supplies for irrigation, town water, stock and domestic and the environment along a channel system extending to over 2000km of natural channels. Irrigation has long been established in the valley, and the completion of the Burrinjuck Dam in 1928 and the Snowy Hydro Scheme in the 1950’s has significantly enhanced the water supply security. Major irrigation schemes comprise Murrumbidgee Irrigation located north of the river and centred around Griffith, and the Coleambally Irrigation area lying south of the river. Both these schemes are served by dedicated offtake works. In addition to the major irrigation corporations, hundreds of other users extract water along the river via direct pumping. Environmental water use has grown in recent years, and the river includes a large number of wetlands HWRS 2012 van Kalken 1 of 11 Water Delivery and Management System for the Murrumbidgee River van Kalken including the Lowbidgee, one of the most important waterbird breeding sites in the region and listed under the Ramsar Convention for international ecological importance. Large towns that also depend on the river for their water supplies include Gundagai, Wagga Wagga, Hay and Balranald. The NSW State Water Corporation (SWC) is responsible for bulk water deliveries in the Murrumbidgee and other major rivers in the State. SWC currently operates the river system, which includes the Yanco-Billabong effluent system, by regulating dam releases from the headwater storages at Burrinjuck and Blowering Dams and through additional re-regulation weirs and off-line storages along the river. Releases from the headwaters can take up to 28 days to reach some irrigators at the tail end of the system. In times of floods SWC are also responsible for ensuring dam safety and that operations do not exacerbate natural flooding conditions. Current river operations rely heavily on the experience and judgment of the river operator and are based on simple water balance modelling concepts. These models do not take into account the complexities of the catchment flow processes or river flow dynamics. Providing reliable water deliveries to customers located, in some cases, many weeks of travel time downstream of the dams is particularly challenging. Consequently dam releases often exceed actual demands, which lead to inefficient deliveries and potential water loss. Improving operational efficiency is a key focus for all stakeholders, particularly in light of the findings and recommendations stemming from the Murray-Darling Basin Plan which has placed the sustainability of current diversions into question. The Murrumbidgee Water Efficiency Project, of which CARM is a key component, was born out of the recognition that current operational practices were often sub-optimal. The river was highlighted in the Pratt Water report of 2004 (Pratt Water, 2004) as an example of where major water savings could be realized through infrastructure upgrades and smarter river operations. Improving river operational efficiency requires the adoption of a number of modern technologies, ranging from improved measurement and information management, to modelling tools capable of reproducing the key physical behaviour of the catchment and the river system, which can then form the basis for optimal dam release and weir operation strategies. 2. MURRUMBIDGEE RIVER 2.1 Physical Catchment Description The Murrumbidgee catchment covers 84,000 square kilometres, bordered by the Great Dividing Range to the east, the Lachlan Catchment to the north and the Murray Catchment to the south. The climate ranges from alpine conditions in the headwaters of the Snowy Mountains to the semi-arid conditions of the Riverina plains in the west (NSW Office of Water, 2011) The average annual rainfall in the Murrumbidgee Catchment ranges from over 1,700 millimetres in the higher elevations of the Snowy Mountains, to less than 350 millimetres on the western plains. Evaporation displays an inverse picture, varying from less than 1,000 millimetres per year in the southeast, to over 1,800 millimetres per year in the west. The regulated portion of the Murrumbidgee River spans approximately 1600km. The Murrumbidgee and Tumut Rivers flow westward for 1000km from Burrinjuck and Blowering dams to meet the River Murray south west of Balranald. The Yanco-Billabong Creek system is a major effluent, spanning an additional 600km, and flows southwest from downstream of Naranderra to join the Edward River near Moulamein. The river falls from an elevation of 290m AHD at Burrinjuck Dam, to 171m AHD at Wagga Wagga, and 55m AHD at Balranald, The average bed slope at Gundagai is approximately 1 in 4000 and flattens considerably to around 1 in 12500 at Balranald. The river supports the Mid-Murrumbidgee wetlands, which extend from Naranderra to Carathool and are formed from older channel meander (paleomeander) cutoffs (Page et al, 2004). These wetlands, which are most concentrated between Darlington Point to Hay, are connected to the river via flood runners that are activated at close to bankfull conditions. The lower reaches of the Murrumbidgee River below Maude is known as the Lowbidgee, a broad floodplain where at high flows the river spills into a complex area of effluent channels and swamps. HWRS 2012 van Kalken 2 of 11 Water Delivery and Management System for the Murrumbidgee River van Kalken 2.2 River Regulation Flows in the Murrumbidgee River are regulated through controlled releases from the headwater dams at Burrinjuck and Blowering, and the operation of an additional seven weirs and an off-stream storage. Berembed Weir and Gogeldrie Weir act as diversion structures to meet irrigation demands for the Murrumbidgee and Coleambally irrigation areas, while Maude and Redbank weirs allow diversion of flows into Lowbidgee via the Nimmie-Caira system on the south bank and through the Glendee regulator on the north bank. Tombullen is a man-made off-stream storage which is used to temporarily store water from the Murrumbidgee downstream of Gogeldrie Weir. Balranald Weir is the most downstream structure on the Murrumbidgee and is used mainly to regulate water levels for town water access. The Yanco Creek system is only slightly regulated. The Yanco weir on the Murrumbidgee (see Fig. 3a) controls the flows into Yanco Creek. Approximately 30km downstream of this offtake, Tarabah Weir controls the flow division between Yanco and Colombo Creeks and further downstream a separate regulator on Forest Creek controls the flows into this effluent system. In addition over 25 fixed crest weirs have been installed on the Yanco, Colombo and Billabong Creeks. Historically these were constructed for stock water supplies but these are now used as weir pools for pumped extractions. Apart from Balranald weir, the operation of all other weirs, and the dam releases, are remotely controlled by SWC through a SCADA system. Balranald weir levels are manually changed when necessary through the placement of stopboards. Figure 1 illustrates the main regulation structures of the river system. Figure 1. Schematic of the Murrumbidgee River System 3. CURRENT RIVER OPERATIONS Water is delivered to irrigation, environmental and municipal customers on the Murrumbidgee River by State Water through controlled releases from the two headwater dams, and operation of the weirs and off-stream storages in the river. Dam releases made to supply the two major irrigation corporation offtakes take between 5-7 days to reach the diversion points. Users at the downstream end of the Murrumbidgee River are located approximately 20 days travel time from the dams, and at the end of the Yanco system the travel time extends to 28 days. In order to compute the dam releases on any particular day, the river operator needs to know all of the orders along the whole system, taking into account the time needed for the released water to reach each customer. For example an irrigator located 10 days travel time from the dams, needs to place orders at least the same number of days in HWRS 2012 van Kalken 3 of 11 Water Delivery and Management System for the Murrumbidgee River van Kalken advance, and this order (along with all other orders of varying travel time from the dam) is assessed by the river operator in order to compute the current day’s release. The river operator’s job is made more difficult due to a number of factors: Downstream of the dams, a number of large tributaries may contribute significant additional flows to the river, which may allow dam releases to be cut back. Water orders may change after the release from the dams has been made. This often occurs after a rainfall event, when orders may be reduced or cancelled by irrigators, an event known as a rainfall rejection. The river operator must then utilize any available storage in the weirs and Tombullen to capture the rejected water so it can be used to supply downstream users when required. Water in the river channel is subjected to other processes which may result in a net gain to or a net loss from the river. Losses occur through direct evaporation from the water surface, evapotranspiration by riparian vegetation, or groundwater leakage, while gains may occur from groundwater inflows, direct rainfall on the water surface, and ungauged tributary inflows. The river operators have no tools at their disposal to assist in quantifying the effect on these processes on changes in river flows, and therefore factoring these into the daily river release scheduling comes mainly down to the skill and experience of the operator. An early version of the river operations manual used by the then Dept. of Water Resources states that “.. the art of successful river operation lies in supplying unpredictable [demands] with unknown quantities of water from outlet structures that are inaccurately calibrated, while at the same time minimizing wastage from the bottom end of the river” State Water currently use a spreadsheet tool called CAIRO to carry out the complex calculations needed to compute dam and weir releases for next day operations. Water orders placed by irrigators are stored in a corporate Water Accounting System (WAS). In practice water orders for smaller irrigators are aggregated into pre-defined river reaches in order to simplify the handling of individual orders. CAIRO makes use of the aggregated water orders from WAS as well as real time river and tributary flow data acquired by State Water and the NSW Office of Water and made available through an on-line HYDSTRA database. CAIRO calculations are based on a water balance undertaken on the defined reaches between flow gauging stations located at each end of the reach, by considering inflows, outflows, travel time between gauges and water extraction information from WAS. The water balance is rarely closed, and the imbalance is termed the Actual Unaccounted Difference (AUD). AUDs come about due to a number of factors (SKM 2010a and NSW Office of Water, 2012): 1. Ungauged tributary flows, groundwater losses and gains, evapotranspiration along the riparian corridor and evaporation losses are not presently quantifiable and are therefore all lumped into the AUD calculation. 2. Travel time between gauges is assumed to be a fixed number of whole days, whereas in reality the travel time varies as a non-linear function of flow. 3. Water extractions for all but the major diversions are been metered in real time, and therefore the operator only has the order as a guide to the actual abstraction. 4. Flows at river gauges are derived from rating curves and measured water levels. Inaccuracies in rating curves will lead to apparent imbalances in river reaches. 5. CAIRO cannot take into account the effects of changes in channel storage in the water balance calculation In 2009-10, the AUD for the Murrumbidgee system amounted to a 215GL net loss, or roughly 25% of known extractions of 828GL (NSW Office of Water, 2012). AUDs are computed in CAIRO for each defined river reach. A particularly difficult task for the operator is the need to forecast AUDs. The AUD represents an additional (unaccounted) flow into or most commonly out of the river, and it needs to be included in the release calculation. However as AUDs cover a wide range of unresolved and often HWRS 2012 van Kalken 4 of 11 Water Delivery and Management System for the Murrumbidgee River van Kalken disconnected processes, the resulting AUD timeseries is often quite random in nature and therefore extremely difficult to predict. Figure 2 illustrates AUDs in two reaches. Between Gundagai to Wagga, positive AUDs are often generated by ungauged tributary inflows and groundwater seepage. Further downstream, between Carathool and Hay, negative AUDs may signal water loss to groundwater and evapotranspiration, but are also affected by storage in the Hay weir pool. Figure 2. Actual Unaccounted Difference, Gundagai to Wagga, Carathool to Hay, 2006-07 As a result of the many uncertainties in quantifying the real inflows and extractions to and from the river, the river operator is usually conservative when computing the daily dam releases, with the end result that2.often more water is released is needed satisfy all demands. The excess water is Figure Catchment Delineation andthan Modelled RivertoChannels known as an operational surplus and appears as flows above the end of system requirements at Balranald on the Murrumbidgee and at Darlot on Billabong Creek. River operations extend beyond regulated water deliveries, and SWC is also responsible for deliveries of environmental water to sites designated by State and Commonwealth Environmental Water managers, as well as ensuring safe dam operations during times of flood. CAIRO is currently used to manage environmental water deliveries, which is complicated by the interaction of numerous wetlands along the river with the water releases. Flood operations is also a manual process based on several well established methods that have been developed and used successfully for many years by SWC and its predecessors. 4. COMPUTER AIDED RIVER MANAGEMENT Computer Aided River Management for the Murrumbidgee River integrates a number of key information systems with advanced process models into a customized decision support system that maximizes knowledge of the current and predicted river behaviour as a basis for improved and more efficient river operations. The CARM ‘engine’ comprises a suite of MIKE by DHI computer simulation models that reproduce the key catchment runoff and river flow processes: tributary inflows; continuously variable river flow travel times; in-channel storage dynamics; evaporation; evapotranspiration from riparian vegetation and near-river groundwater exchange. The system integrates the models with real time measurements from State Water’s on-line data and control systems, and provides a range of fully customised decision support user interfaces for the river operators. The CARM models make full use of new and existing monitoring data, including rainfall measurements and forecasts from the Bureau of Meteorology, river flows and levels through the NSW Office of Water’s real time HYDSTRA database and real time extraction information. The real time extraction metering forms a key component of the CARM project. The installation of over 700 new flow meters will provide real time water extraction information to river operators for the first time (see Fig. 3b). Water meters are being installed at hundreds of sites along the Murrumbidgee River and Yanco Creek systems and are linked via radio telemetry to a central information system at State Water. It enables the river operators to instantly verify water extractions against orders, and should greatly reduce uncertainties related to extractions from the AUD estimates. HWRS 2012 van Kalken 5 of 11 Water Delivery and Management System for the Murrumbidgee River Figure 3a. Yanco Weir, Murrumbidgee River van Kalken Figure 3b. Water Meter, Bundidgerry Creek The CARM models aim to reduce the remaining AUDs through modelling and forecasting the contributing physical processes. Tributary inflows are forecast using rainfall-runoff models, utilising both rainfall observations and Bureau forecasts. These are feed into a MIKE 11 hydrodynamic river simulation model that accurately simulates the river behaviour, including flow dependent travel time, channel and weir storage. Near-river bank and groundwater exchanges, which were previously unaccounted, as well as evapotranspiration along the riparian margin, are simulated using a MIKE SHE integrated surface groundwater interaction model, fully coupled to the MIKE 11 river model. The rainfall-runoff and hydrodynamic models will form the basis of the optimisation of the river system’s day to day operations. By utilising forecasts of river inflows and real time water orders, coupled with the ability to reproduce the river behaviour, it is possible to optimise the operation of the dam releases and the downstream re-regulation weirs, with the objective to meet all water demands while at the same time minimising releases from the headwater storages. The hydrodynamic model allows for a high level of control of the river, and allows State Water to accurately target both irrigation requirements and the watering of key habitats including the Lowbidgee Wetlands. When combined with the optimisation tool, the hydrodynamic model can synchronize releases to “piggyback” on tributary inflows to inundate environmental assets and wetlands. Flood operations can be similarly optimised to mitigate the impacts of dam releases during flood events by avoiding synchronization of dam releases with downstream tributary peak inflows. By implementing models that account for many of the processes that are currently unaccounted, CARM operators will be able to more accurately compute required dam releases, which will lead to a reduction in operational surplus. Preliminary calculations have indicated that on average the operational surplus could be reduced by 200GL/annum. This water however would need to be stored in the dams and would need to be released over the course of a water year. However, by releasing water only when needed, both during normal irrigation periods and for environmental water events, it is estimated that potentially 8GL of transmission losses would be saved per year. Additionally the storage and targeted release of the operational surplus has the potential to redirect this water to meet MDB Plan environmental targets. 5. MODELLING COMPONENTS As mentioned above a number of different models have been developed to provide the necessary catchment and river behaviour inputs to the CARM system. These model components are described in more detail below. 5.1 Rainfall Runoff Models Tributary inflows to the river are modelled by continuous rainfall-runoff models (MIKE 11 NAM) running on an hourly timestep, which take observed and forecast rainfall information to generate catchment inflows. The NAM model is of the lumped-conceptual type and requires calibration against observed streamflow records. A total of 42 catchments covering 32,600km 2 have been delineated in the region upstream of Naranderra (see Fig.4) ranging in size from 10km 2 to over 2800km2. Of these, 34 HWRS 2012 van Kalken 6 of 11 Water Delivery and Management System for the Murrumbidgee River van Kalken catchments have been calibrated against historical flow records. The rainfall observation network in the catchments is quite sparse, with an average station density of one gauge per 400km 2. However this figure incorporates a large spatial variation with a higher density of gauges in the upper catchment around the ACT and very low density in some downstream catchments. As part of the CARM project, an additional 10 new gauges have been implemented in order to fill in significant gaps in the network. Calibration has generally been undertaken for 10 years of data from 2000-2010, which included the very dry years of the Millennium drought. Calibration was satisfactory for most catchments, with an average R2 of 0.63 for upstream catchments and 0.57 for downstream catchments. The model performance is expected to improve with the availability of additional rain gauges installed in early 2012. An example calibration of the Adjungabilly catchment is shown in Figure 5. Figure 4. Catchment Delineation and Modelled River Channels Figure 4. Calibration of Adjungabilly catchment HWRS 2012 van Kalken 7 of 11 Water Delivery and Management System for the Murrumbidgee River van Kalken 5.2 Hydrodynamic River Model River hydrodynamics are represented by a one-dimensional hydrodynamic (MIKE 11 HD, DHI 2003, Havnø et al 1995) model of the river channel system. The MIKE 11 model covers in detail the entire Murrumbidgee River extending from the dams to the Murray River, and the Yanco-Billabong effluent creek system to the confluence with the Edward River at Moulamein, see Fig. 4. The total length of modelled channel exceeds 3000km. River channel surveys were commissioned to collect the necessary channel geometry data and this was combined with existing floodplain level data (LiDAR) and weir pool bathymetric surveys to develop the model cross sections. The model has been extended above bankfull levels to include the Murrumbidgee wetlands which are represented by offstream storage cells connected to the river by weir elements. Approximately 200 wetlands have been included in the model. The MIKE 11 model has been calibrated for in-bank flows for the 2009-10 water year, where the main focus was to reproduce hydrograph timing and weir pool levels, both of which ensure the model will accurately represent travel times, channel and weir storage for normal regulated operations. The above bank model has been calibrated against an environmental release in September 2009 (see Fig.6), and validated against releases in June and August 2011. Figure 6. Environmental Release – Model Calibration at Carathool In the CARM system, the simulated water levels and flows will be corrected in real time through a data assimilation procedure built into the MIKE 11 engine (Madsen et al, 2003), which ensures the model state represents the real situation prior to forecasts being generated. 5.3 River Loss and Gain Model The processes that directly or indirectly affect the water exchange between the river and the adjacent aquifer include near bank evapotranspiration losses, bank storage fluxes and groundwater fluxes, see Fig 7. The losses are dependent on the river wetted perimeter interface between the river and the porous media of the aquifer and on the actual water level gradients and the leakage properties of the river lining. These processes are computed by an integrated hydrological model (MIKE SHE). The MIKE SHE model incorporates a 3D groundwater model based on the Office of Water regional MODFLOW models, (NSW Office of Water, 2007 and 2009), an unsaturated zone component and the MIKE 11 hydrodynamic model as the surface channel component. All components are dynamically linked within MIKE SHE. In the upper Murrumbidgee between Gundagai and Narrandera the full width and depth of the alluvial aquifer is included. Downstream of Narrandera the alluvial deposits expand horizontally and vertically while the topographical gradients reduce. In these areas and in the Yanco system the extent of the model area was limited to an approximate 8-16km width of the river corridor. HWRS 2012 van Kalken 8 of 11 Water Delivery and Management System for the Murrumbidgee River van Kalken Figure 7. River Loss Processes Simulated in the MIKE SHE model Direct calibration of the losses and gains component is not possible, and therefore calibration has focussed on reproducing observed groundwater levels which drive the river exchange gradients. Overall losses and gains have been compared to historical AUD estimates to ensure the modelled estimates lie within expected ranges. 5.4 Optimisation The aim of CARM is not only to quantify the river processes that contribute to AUDs, but also to fully utilize this information along with water orders to provide guidance for the river operator on dam releases and regulator settings. A generic optimizer (MIKE AUTOCAL) has been applied to determine optimum gate settings that minimize dam releases while at the same time meeting all extractive demands on the river. The optimizer takes into account physical constraints such as gate and channel discharge capacities as well as operational constraints such as minimum flow requirements and rates of change of flow and water level. The optimizer allows the system to respond quickly to tributary inflow or rainfall rejection events so that changes to gate and dam releases will be made more frequently so that the river operations are continuously fine-tuned. Tests undertaken during a proof of concept of the system focussing on the upper system to Naranderra indicated that during periods of historically high operational surpluses, dam releases could be reduced by a minimum of 20%, see Fig.8. Figure 8. Historical vs Optimized release, Blowering Dam, Oct-Nov 2006. HWRS 2012 van Kalken 9 of 11 Water Delivery and Management System for the Murrumbidgee River van Kalken 6. CARM IMPLEMENTATION The modelling and optimisation tools described above are embedded into a decision support system (DSS) that supports all of State Water’s business processes related to the river, including real time river operations, supplementary flow planning, environmental releases, flood operations and operations planning. The CARM system integrates the developed models with real time data sources to provide nowcast and forecast information on tributary inflows, river flows and river losses. The CARM system continuously receives information of observed and forecast rainfall (from BoM), river flows and levels (HYSTRA), actual water extractions (Telemetry Metering System, TMS) and future water orders (water accounting system, WAS), and processes this data for input to the various modelling tools. Model simulations are controlled by CARM, starting with rainfall-runoff, losses and gains, and river hydrodynamics, concluding the sequence with the optimization to generate dam and weir release hydrographs. After quality checks these are passed to the iSMART SCADA system as gate control setpoints. The process is illustrated in Fig. 9. The CARM system allows full automatic control of the river operations, but with manual intervention possible at any time. It is envisaged that CARM will provided updated setpoints every 6 hours, and provide a forecast of river response for the next 7 days. Setpoints will be generated through the optimization at approximately hourly intervals, allowing for a higher frequency of operations compared to the present daily updates. The CARM system is currently being implemented at State Water. Optimized river operation is the first workflow to be made operational, and this will be followed by workflows supporting environmental releases, operational planning and flood operations. It is envisaged that the river operations components will be trialled “live” for the first time in the 2012-13 irrigation season, running in parallel to the current CAIRO operational tool. The results of the trial will be used to further fine tune the CARM system for future operations. Rainfall Forecast (BoM) Water Orders (WAS) Metered Usage (TMS) Real Time River Data (HYDSTRA) Data Assimilation (MIKE 11 DA) Rainfall-Runoff (NAM) Hydrodynamic Model (MIKE 11) MIKE SHE River Losses Control Variables: Releases and Diversions Water levels, flows, rates of change Optimization Targets Objective Functions and Weights Targets met? Optimizer (MIKE AUTOCAL) No Yes Structure setpoints (iSMART) Figure 9. CARM system data flow and processes HWRS 2012 van Kalken 10 of 11 Water Delivery and Management System for the Murrumbidgee River van Kalken 7. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Efficient operation of the Murrumbidgee River currently depends heavily on the experience and judgement of the operators, who generally do not have the necessary data and tools at hand to fully support the decision making process. Advances in simulation modelling tools and information technologies mean there is an opportunity for significant improvement in this area. Simulation models are capable of describing and predicting key river behaviour, including catchment runoff, river channel hydrodynamics and river-aquifer interactions. Combining these tools with real time data provides the basis for an advanced river operations system. The CARM system has been developed to better understand and quantify the main river processes, which is accomplished through a suite of modelling tools, which ultimately aim to reduce operational surpluses in the river. This leads to more efficient operations in which water is released only when required. The CARM system aims to deliver the right amount of water, at the right place, at the right time. 8. REFERENCES DHI, (2003), MIKE 11. A modelling system for rivers and channels. Reference Manual, DHI Software 2003, DHI Water & Environment. Havnø, K., Madsen, M.N. and Dørge, J., (1995), MIKE 11 – a generalized river modelling package, Computer Models of Watershed Hydrology (ed. Singh, V.P.), Water Resources Publications, Colorado, 733-782. Madsen, H., Rosbjerg, D., Damgård, J. and Hansen, F.S., (2003), Data assimilation in the MIKE 11 Flood Forecasting system using Kalman filtering, IAHS General Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 3-11 July 2003. NSW Office of Water (2007): Mid Murrumbidgee Alluvium. Groundwater Management Area 013: Gundagai to Narrandera. Groundwater Resources Status Report, NSW Department of Water and Energy, Sydney, 2007. NSW Office of Water (2009): Lower Murrumbidgee Groundwater Sources: Groundwater Management Area 002 Groundwater Status Report, NSW Office of Water, Sydney, 2009 NSW Office of Water (2011): Water Resources and Management Overview: Murrumbidgee Catchment, NSW Office of Water, Sydney, 2011. NSW Office of Water (2012), Water Balance and Unaccounted Difference in the Murrumbidgee Regulated River, NSW Office of Water, Water for Rivers, State Water, March 2012. Page K., Read A, Frazier P and Mount N (2005) The effect of Altered Flow regime on the Frequency and Duration of Bankful Discharge: Murrumbidgee River, Australia. River Res. Applic., 21: 567-576 (2005) Pratt Water (2004); The Business of Saving Water: The Report of the Murrumbidgee Valley Water Efficiency Feasibility Project, Dec 2004. SKM (2010a), Water Balance Study for Murrumbidgee River, Stage 1 Report prepared for State Water, June 2010 SKM (2010b), Water Balance Study for Murrumbidgee River - Operational Surplus Assessment, Draft Report prepared for State Water, June 2010 HWRS 2012 van Kalken 11 of 11