CLINICAL PRACTICE II 4 Credits SYLLABUS SUPPLEMENT 2 Lec 4 Lec/Lab FACULTY: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: Carrie-Ann Johnson CDA, EFDA LBCC: 917-4495 LBCC: OFFICE LOCATION: Red Cedar Hall (RCH)201A OFFICE HOURS: Posted outside the Office CLASS SESSIONS: Lecture: Lab: Room: PREREQUISITES: Successful completion of: COURSE DESCRIPTION: DA5.495 Winter Term Monday 8:00 - 9:50am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday: 3 hours 50 minutes. Lecture: RCH 207, Lab: RCH 213 DA5.494 Introduction to Dentistry DA5.500 Dental Anatomy/Histology A continuation of DA5.494. Principles of operative dentistry and fixed prosthetics are covered in detail, the order of procedure, hand and rotary instrumentation, anesthesia techniques, handpieces, isolation and control of the operative field and post operative instructions are acutely emphasized. COURSE OBJECTIVES\OUTCOMES: Given a series of lectures on restorative dentistry, anesthesia, basic dental assisting tasks, armamentarium, and treatment room basics, pulp vitality, drying canals, suture removal, periodontal dressing and probing and review of emergency procedures the student will role play and continue to increase skill and knowledge of dental procedures to the level acceptable in the community dental offices. TEXTS AND REFERENCES: Torres and Ehrlich, Modern Dental Assisting, Elsevier/Evolve Phinney, Donna, Dental Assisting, A Comprehensive Approach, Ehrlich, Torres, Bird, Essentials of Dental Assisting, Saunders Finkbeiner & Johnson, Comprehensive Dental Assisting, Mosby EXAMINATION AND GRADES: Course grades will be determined by a series of written quizzes, video summaries, a written midterm and final examination. Clinical Practice II Lab Module evaluations will count as 50% of the combined grade. Grading Scale: A = 92% - 100%, B = 82% - 91%, C = 72% - 81%, D = 65% - 71% & F = below 65% CLINICAL PRACTICE II GRADING POINTS: Lecture attendance Homework Quizzes and final Lab check offs, required work, attendance, final Total 10 40 200 200 450 SCHOLASTIC REQUIREMENT: In order to continue in the Dental Assistant Program, the student must achieve 72% or more of the for Clinical Practice II lecture and lab separately. TEACHING METHODOLOGY: PowerPoint lectures and instructor demonstrations, videos, overheads and simulated practicals with major emphasis on role plays of basic dental assisting. TENTATIVE COURSE SCHEDULE: WEEK: 1 CONTENT: Review/New terminology/Cavity Classes/Restorative Choices/Decisions for Treatments/Vital Signs Other Essential Office Equipment/Evacuation Systems/ Lab Engine/Compressor/Treatment Room Equipment/Dental Unit-Chair Review/Handpieces/Curing Lights/Amalgamator Preparing the Treatment Room/Infection Control Barriers/Stocking/Records Placement/Survey of Room Appearance 2-3 Handpieces\Use\Care\Maintenance 3-4 Rotary Instrument Identification/Numbering Systems Types/Function and Care 5 Hand Cutting Instrument Identification/ Function/ Sharpening/Care 6 Fixed Prosthetics 7 Anesthesia/Agents/Associated Drugs/Preparation of Patient/ Topical/Passing Techniques and Transfer/Techniques in Administration/Injection Methods/Assembly and Dismantling of the Syringe 8 Order of Procedure/Placement of Materials/Instruments/ Amalgam/Composite/Extraction/Suture Removal/Post Extraction Dressing/Fixed Prosthetics Trays and Procedures/Drying Root Canals/Periodontal Dressing/Periodontal Probing 9 Control of the Operative Field/Rubber Dam/Cotton Rolls/ Retraction/Saliva Ejectors/Operative Field Isolation/Operative Dentistry/Selection of Restorative Material/ Principles of Preparation/Operative Instruments/Tray Set Up Techniques/Tub Systems Bracket/Mobile Cart Application 10 DismissingthePatient/ProceduresCompleted/AnestheticPrecautions/Post-Operative Instructions/Complications/ 11 Finals Week g:\groups\ahteam\dent\clinical practice winter i\12-13\web syllabus 12-13.doc