Legends for the Supplemenatry Figures ( format)

Supplementary Figures
Fig. S1. Multiple alignment of recognizable 4 TMS integral membrane protein homologues of
the ABC superfamily (see Table S1).
The alignment was constructed using the Clustal X
program. The protein abbreviations are defined in Table S1, and proteins whose N-terminal
ABC domains have been removed are designated with “C”.
Fig. S2.
Multiple alignment of recognizable 8 and 10 TMS integral membrane protein
homologues of the ABC superfamily (see Table S2). The protein abbreviations are defined in
Table S2.
Fig. S3. Multiple alignment of N- and C-terminal repeat segments of 8 and 10 TMS integral
membrane protein homologues of the ABC superfamily. Protein abbreviations are labeled as
found in Figure 2, but the N-terminal halves are labeled “N” while the C-terminal halves are
labeled “C”.
Fig. S4. Binary alignment of the N- and C- terminal 4 TMS repeat units of Sav4. The predicted
TMSs are shaded and labeled by number. Residue numbers for each of the two halves are
indicated at the beginning and end of each line. The two halves showed 27.9% identity, 47.2%
similarity, and a comparison score of 38 S.D. Identities are shown by vertical lines while close
and distant similarities are depicted as colons (:) and dots (.), respectively.
Fig. S5. Phylogenetic trees of recognizable 4 TMS integral membrane protein homologues of
the ABC superfamily (see Table S1).
The trees were constructed using the PAUP* and
Clustal X programs and viewed using the TreeView program. The protein abbreviations are
defined in Table S1.
The 4 TMS integral membrane regions of proteins with fused ABC
domains are denoted with “C”. Clusters are numbered as also indicated in Table S1. (A) PAUP
tree without bootstrap values; (B) PAUP tree with bootstrap values; (C) Clustal X tree.
Fig. S6. Phylogenetic trees of all recognizable 8 and 10 TMS integral membrane protein
homologues of the ABC superfamily (see Table S2). The protein abbreviations are defined in
Fig. S7. Phylogenetic trees of the N- and C-terminal halves of the 8 and 10 TMS homologues.
Proteins fall into clusters according to the number of the cluster shown in Figure S6. The
clusters are labeled by number as for Table S2 and Figure S6, but the N-terminal halves are
labeled “N” while the C-terminal halves are labeled “C”. (A) PAUP tree without bootstrap
values; (B) PAUP tree with bootstrap values; (C) Clustal X tree.