Shared/reception/forms/116105534 PATIENT HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE Please Note: We will require photo proof of ID to register you as a patient (ie: passport or driving licence) Full Name: ______________________________________ Date of Birth: ____________ Telephone No.: ________________________ Mobile No:________________________ We now offer a SMS text reminder service, would you like to receive a text reminding you of forthcoming appointments at the surgery? Yes / No (please delete as appropriate) Height: ____________________ Sex: M/F Weight: ______________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ Post Code: ____________________ First Language spoken: __________________ Were you previously a patient? : Y/N Ethnicity_____________________ Marital Status:______________________ Past Medical History: (Please circle Y – yes or N – no) Asthma Y/N Chronic Bronchitis/COPD Y/N Heart Disease Y/N Stroke Y/N Cholesterol Problems Y/N Diabetes Y/N Epilepsy Y/N Thyroid Problems Y/N Cancer Y/N High Blood Pressure Y/N Other operations or long term illness etc: ______________________________________ Please list any current medication prescribed by your doctor 1. __________________________________ 2. ____________________________ 3. __________________________________ 4. ____________________________ 9. __________________________________ 10.____________________________ Do you have any drug / other allergies (Please list): Are you currently using any form of contraception Y/N If Yes, what type _________ Are you a current/ ex / non smoker (please circle) If so, how many cigarettes do you smoke per day _____________ Are you: very active moderately active moderately inactive Do you require information about healthy eating inactive (please circle) Y/N Do you use any non prescribed drugs Y/N If yes, what __________________________ Have you had a tetanus in the last 10 years Y/N Don’t know (Please circle) 1 Shared/reception/forms/116105534 Have you had a flu jab in the last 12 months Y/N Don’t know (Please circle) Have you had a Pneumonia jab in the last 10 years Y/N Don’t know (Please circle) Carers Information Do you care for someone? Y/N Does someone care for you? Y/N Units of Alcohol drunk on an average week: ………………………………………. Alcohol Intake 0 1 2 3 4 How often do you have a drink that contains alcohol Never Monthly or less 2-4 times per month 2-3 times per week 4+ times per week How many standard alcoholic drinks do you have on a typical day when drinking? 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 10+ How often do you have 6 or more standard drinks on one occasion Never Less than monthly Monthly Weekly Daily or almost daily Your Score Family Medical History – Do any of your family suffer from any of the following: Diabetes Y/N Relation High Blood Pressure Y/N Relation Asthma Y/N Relation Stroke Y/N Relation Epilepsy Y/N Relation Chronic Bronchitis/ COPD Y/N Relation Females only Date of last smear_____________________ Method of contraception_______________ Dates of birth of children___________________________________________________ Date:_______________________ Patient Signature____________________________ NB: Patients outside of the practice area will only be accepted onto the Practice List at the discretion of the partners. You will be notified within 3 weeks of you application to join the practice. 2