Skagit Children’s Council Minutes – June 11th, 2008: Early Intervention/ICC: Lead Agency Report – Pat Holloran: 82 children had IFSPs for the month; 5 transitioned; 2 exited services; 2 no longer qualify for services. Family Resource Coordinator – Cindy Hubert: Hosted a great state-wide meeting here at the Family Resource Center; the 2008-09 Service Contracts are nearly completed; have visited and monitored all sub-contract agencies; summer service hours are beginning. Public Awareness – Cindy: checked on-site brochures; working to develop small tabbed handbooks of available services in Skagit County (based on a successful publication used in Whatcom Co.). Child Find & Recruitment: sheets were passed around the table. Parent to Parent – Cindy: Currently partnering with Skagit Human Services to provide a series of workshops for families; Advisory Board meeting was held earlier; Heather attending a conference in WA DC at present time. Child Care Liaison – No observations to report this month. Monthly Tip – 2-1-1 North Sound with Barbara McKnight of Volunteers of America. North Sound area covers Snohomish, San Juan, Island, Skagit, & Whatcom counties for health & human services. There are both telephone, & a new online system which operates by the input of a zip code @ Included on the site are social services, various agencies, emergency, transitional, and family housing. The 6 steps on-line are: 1. input a zip code; 2. choose a topic by keyword; 3. narrow focus with sub-topics; 4. features will be offered with additional options (such as hours, etc); 5. results closest to zip code; 6. view specific details. A person can also create a home website on the 211 site, which provides an active e-mail account & the ability to save their searches. Access to the personal website is password protected. Agencies are able to update their own information quickly on the website. Translators are available by telephone. Nominations are open for the upcoming 2008-09 Executive Board of the Skagit Children’s Council. Please see a current Co-Chair for more details. Nominations are announced at the August meetings, with a vote asked for in September. Thrive by 5 in WA has invited 15 school districts across WA to submit a proposal for the funding of early learning projects. Anacortes & Sedro-Woolley are 2 of the invited districts. 5 to 8 of these districts will be chosen for full funding of their projects for up to 5 years. Skagit Early Learning has been accepted by EDASC as home to the new Skagit Public/Private partnership. This will allow more flexibility as a financial home for future grants in early learning. NW Early Learning is being reorganized. Karen Rose will be Co-Chair. Nominations for the 3 Skagit Co. slots on the Committee are now open. The next meeting will be in person at the MV Family Resource Center on September 22nd. The Reading Readiness Grant is proceeding, with the first cycle in operation. Families are still being recruited for the subsequent cycles. The Skagit Art Fair is underway, with the framed art work being dispensed around the County. Public Awareness Committee will not have a meeting this month. 4 sites have been initially recruited for the media screen project. Now working with the video technician for a sample of the content. Agency Updates: ESD 189: having a workshop on relational aggression on the 23 rd & 24th @ the Cottontree; free, & lunch is provided. Sign-up required. Skagit Island Head Start is accepting slots for next fall; also anticipate having some staff positions opening. Summer School starting in Mount Vernon SD: 1st thru 6th Grade – for migrant or bi-lingual students. Skagit Co. Health Dept is offering free low income testing for hepatitis. SPARC is hosting a Welcome Baby group. Anacortes SD is beginning a Pre-K summer school. Autism workshop coming up on June 21st. Upcoming Community Forum on Hearing, Speech, & Deafness – June 12th. YMCA Summer Camps are either full, or nearly full; early learning is on wait list; OASIS program is expanding & will be sharing space with the Y; working on a 21st Century grant proposal. Member Sign In Sheet: Kelly Pingree - NWESD Julie Silva – CSO Julia Van Patten Melissa Self Pat Holloran Karen Rose Ray Soriano Laura Waukechon Marty Adams – VOA/CCRR Teresa Van Haalen Debra Peterson – Sedro-Woolley Library Nikki McMurtry Joan Youngquist Dianna Mincin Bill Cheney – MVSC School Psych Margaret Beck – SCCAA/WIC Tracy Donovan – SCHD Lisa Dills – BPL Caniece Romar Jennifer Walton Cynthia Hubert – SPARC Laura Waukechon 416-7585 855-1166 428-6141 Submitted by D. Peterson Next meeting – August 13th, 2008 from 8:30 to 10:00 am Executive Board – August 6th, 2008 8:30 am.