Flood Mitigation Projects Application form 2013–14 Joint application package for Queensland disaster mitigation and resilience funding under the: – Royalties for the Regions (R4R) flood mitigation projects (Queensland Government funded) – Local Government Floods Response Subsidy (LGFRS) (Queensland Government funded) – Natural Disaster Relief Program (NDRP) (joint Queensland and Australian Government funded). Instructions To apply for funding for all hazards projects (excluding floods), complete one certification form and one all hazards projects application form. Please refer to the joint application package – information pack Queensland Disaster Mitigation and Resilience when preparing your application. Each application will be considered for funding under the three programs: – Royalties for the Regions (R4R) flood mitigation projects (Queensland Government funded) – Local Government Floods Response Subsidy (LGFRS) (Queensland Government funded) – Natural Disaster Relief Program (NDRP) (joint Queensland and Australian Government funded). . Flood mitigation projects application form Joint application package for Queensland disaster mitigation and resilience funding 2013–14 2 Section 1—Application snapshot and applicant details To be completed and submitted for each application for funding. 1. Organisation name for joint applications, this should be the lead organisation 2. Project title brief title - maximum 10 words 3. Project description Summarise what you will be doing - maximum 60 words 4. Which best describes the proposed disaster mitigation or resilience project? Studies and mapping Infrastructure Flood mapping Flood mitigation – e.g. levees, detention basins, floodgates Flood management study Flood mitigation to manage overland water flow – e.g. backflow devices Bushfire management study Flood mitigation to protect essential infrastructure – e.g. relocating electrical components of treatment plants Hazard risk map Other disaster related infrastructure: provide details Other: provide details 5. Project location e.g. town, region, catchment area– provide more details in Section 2 6. Total estimated project cost (ex GST) $ 7. Total funding sought in this application (ex GST) $ 8. Total other funding contributions to project (excluding 7 above) (ex GST) $ 9. Project priority—Are you submitting more than one application in this round? If so, enter the priority for this application below (e.g. Priority 1 of 3 applications) Yes – Priority of applications No 10. Principal contact person This person will be contacted about the application. Title: Given name: Position: Surname: Phone: Mobile: Email: Fax: Flood mitigation projects application form Joint application package for Queensland disaster mitigation and resilience funding 2013–14 11. Organisation details For joint applications, the should be the lead organisation Organisation ABN Local government - continue from Q12. Organisation type () Other – specify: Provide address details below: Physical Address: Street number Town / suburb Postal Address: Number Town / suburb Street name Postcode QLD Postcode QLD Street/post office 12. Is this a joint funding application? () Yes Use the table below to list all partner organisations involved in the project No Details of partner organisations: joint applications only 1 Partner organisation name Local government Other – specify: Position: Organisation type () Contact title: Given name: Phone: Surname: Mobile: Email: Fax: 2 Partner organisation name: Local government Other – specify: Position: Organisation type () Contact title: Given name: Phone: Email: Surname: Mobile: Fax: S 3 Partner organisation name: Organisation type () Contact title: Given name: Phone: Email: Local government Other – specify: Position: Surname: Mobile: Fax: Flood mitigation projects application form Joint application package for Queensland disaster mitigation and resilience funding 2013–14 Section 2—Flood mitigation projects To be completed for flood mitigation projects only. For example, flood management studies and mapping, or flood mitigation infrastructure such as levees and detention basins. 1. Project title Brief title - maximum 10 words 2. Project description Summarise the main features, activities and outputs - maximum 60 words 3. Summarise the nature and history of the flood issue and the identified need being addressed by this project. Include identified need (quantify scale of need), incidence and severity of past events (damages and losses incurred), likelihood of recurrence and source (e.g. catchment, storm surge, overland flow or flash flooding.) 4. Outline how the proposed project will build resilience and help to reduce the impact of future flooding, and benefit the community? Include how the proposed project will assist; if the project is an element of a larger mitigation activity; details of complementary measures planned and for studies and research projects, proposed methodology and outputs. For example, the flood study will include products to meet future land use planning and disaster management needs. 5. Details of catchment-wide considerations incorporated into the proposed project. Include details of catchment-wide consultation undertaken and the resulting considerations, strategies and evidence of support from catchment partners. 6. Details of other options that were considered when developing this project proposal and why this particular option was chosen. Flood mitigation projects application form Joint application package for Queensland disaster mitigation and resilience funding 2013–14 7. Details of any existing works, measures or related activities that address the flood risk. For example, research activities, planning measures and controls or existing mitigation structures. Please include comments on their effectiveness taking into account issues such as capacity and limitations, age, state or repair. Please also provide information about existing emergency management measures (e.g. evacuation routes, refuge areas, evacuation / emergency management plans). 8. Previous studies undertaken Use the table below to provide details of studies or research previously undertaken into the flood risk / proposed project. Title Author Year Attached () Explain how the study supports the proposed project 9. Project evaluation – details of the indicators and quantitative measures you will use to assess and report on the effectiveness of the completed project? 10. Proposed project delivery timeframe What stage has the project reached? () detailed design contractual stage tender stage ready to commence Proposed commencement date: Proposed completion date: 11. Are there any issues to be addressed that may impact on the commencement and completion of this project? e.g. licences, project site, road reserve, native title, cultural heritage or strategic cropping land issues Yes Detail issues and how they are being addressed or resolved. Please attach supporting documents. No 12. Project plan completed and attached (refer to the project plan outline at Appendix 3) Yes, documents are attached Flood mitigation projects application form Joint application package for Queensland disaster mitigation and resilience funding 2013–14 13. Is this application for an infrastructure project? (e.g. levee, detention basin, backflow devices) Yes - continue below No - Section 2 is completed 14. Is the proposed mitigation infrastructure supported by a flood management study? Yes – attached No – please outline the reason for this: 15. Project type new infrastructure upgrade to existing infrastructure replacement of existing infrastructure other – please specify: 16. Project location actual site address Street number/location Street name Town/suburb For GIS spatial mapping purposes, please attach one of the following: ESRI Shape file attached - reference number or MapInfo TAB file attached - reference number Postcode QLD or real property description of the project site details are provided below: Lot number Parish Registered plan County Title reference Longitude start Finish Latitude start Finish 17. Who owns the land where the project will be located? applicant Queensland Government – please specify the agency responsible for the land or the type of land (e.g. Crown, road reserve): Please attach supporting documentation. Other – details: If applicant does not own the land: Provide details (e.g. land acquisition by purchase, land use through lease or deed, or permission from owner/s etc): Please attach supporting documentation. 18. What impact will this project have on the economy? For example, job generation, new industry opportunities Flood mitigation projects application form Joint application package for Queensland disaster mitigation and resilience funding 2013–14 19. Provide details of community and or regional support for the project. Include results of community/regional consultation. Please attach evidence, or for on-line evidence, provide relevant hyperlinks. If yes, provide details, including title and relevant reference page number/s. 20. Does this project link to: Community infrastructure mitigation strategy from a major project environmental study? Planning processes or regional plans? Yes Details: No Yes Details: No 21. Details of approvals and/or licences required for this project List approvals and/or licences required to deliver this project and indicate current status. Current status Regulatory Licence/approval required Comments Approved Not yet agency approved 22. Confirmation of commitment to the ongoing operation and maintenance of the proposed infrastructure project, post completion. Will the completed infrastructure project be included in the organisation’s asset management plan where relevant? Will recurrent operation and maintenance costs for the completed project be included in annual budgets? Yes Not applicable Yes 23. Local industry participation Provide details of how local participation policy expectations have been met, for example, consideration during procurement process of local contractors or workforce. Flood mitigation projects application form Joint application package for Queensland disaster mitigation and resilience funding 2013–14 Section 3—Proposed project budget To be completed and submitted for each application for funding. 1. Proposed project budget – funding contributions to the proposed project (all figures to be GST exclusive) Total funding sought in this application (ex GST) A $ B $ Other funding contributions (if applicable) Source Program title Approved Y/N Amount (ex GST) $ $ $ $ Total other contributions (GST exclusive) Applicant’s own contributions (for joint applications list lead organisation followed by each partner organisation) $ $ $ $ Total own contributions (ex GST) C $ Total project costs A+B+C = D D $ Eligible project costs (D – B = E) E $ Subsidy Percentage sought (A/E%) 2. Project cost breakdown completed and attached (complete section 4) Yes - attached 3. How have you determined costs for this project and in what way is this project good value for money? 4. Has the Queensland Government previously funded any component of this project? Yes – provide details (the department/agency the funding was provided by, program, amount, date approved, purpose etc. No Flood mitigation projects application form Joint application package for Queensland disaster mitigation and resilience funding 2013–14 % Section 4—Breakdown of project costs To be completed and submitted for each application for funding. Project items Funding sought Own source contribution Other contributions Total item cost Project implementation $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Project management Wages (project personnel only) Construction Building escalation (if not included in quotes) Professional fees Statutory fees and charges Other (please specify) Contingency (allow maximum 15%) Total project cost Flood Mitigation projects application form Joint application package for Queensland disaster mitigation and resilience funding 2013–14 10 Section 5—Supporting documents List all supporting documents attached to this application. To be completed and submitted for each application for funding. Number and name of each supporting document. 1. Project cost breakdown (section 4) 2. Project plan (use outline at Appendix 1) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Flood mitigation projects application form Joint application package for Queensland disaster mitigation and resilience funding 2013–14 Attached () Appendix 1—Project plan outline Applicant’s detailed project plan is to include the following: project title executive summary list of technical terms and acronyms project scope of works including: - outputs (list items that will be produced by the project) - outcomes (what the project aims to achieve) project management, including: - key project personnel - project manager, including their expertise, skills and contact details - specialist expertise - project constraints - key performance indicators - project deliverables and expenditure milestones provided in a table similar to below: Project stage or major task Start date End date Estimated expenditure Milestone required project budget (including assumptions) for construction period and initial operating period required project cash flows project risk management plan – identify and describe how project risks will be mitigated or managed (sample provided over page) a completed cost benefit analysis (CBA)* involving a comprehensive economic evaluation of all the costs and benefits associated with the project, including: - cost-effectiveness (where benefits cannot be identified and quantified) - social benefits/impacts - environmental benefits/impacts - assessment * In relation to the CBA, please ensure compliance with Queensland Government guidelines as per the Project Assurance Framework – Cost Benefit Analysis guidelines is available from Queensland Treasury. reference materials, where relevant, such as site designs, maps and photos flood management study for infrastructure projects only key project personnel for infrastructure projects only The key project personnel must have the capabilities, skills and expertise to successfully deliver the project. Please provide relevant details of key personnel below. Please note, this information is being requested for due diligence purposes also. Full name Date of birth Role Key skills Flood mitigation projects application form Joint application package for Queensland disaster mitigation and resilience funding 2013–14 Likelihood Risk Risk level Sample risk register Risk identification – identify major factors which could significantly influence the timing, cost or scope of the work, and assign each a rick level and likelihood rating. Identify strategies to mitigate these risks. Risk level: high (H), medium (M), low (L) Likelihood: likely (L), possible (P), unlikely (U) Mitigation strategy Example risks are as follows: Commencement of project Capability to deliver within timeframes Site risk Construction delays Construction damages and other risks Contractor/sponsor risks Operational risks Market/demand risks Force majeure Timing Flood mitigation projects application form Joint application package for Queensland disaster mitigation and resilience funding 2013–14 Appendix 2—Applicant checklist Certification form Certification completed and signed in the space provided by delegated officer For local governments – mayor and chief executive officer For a regional organisation of councils – chair and chief executive officer For other applicants – the delegated officer Scanned signed certification page attached to completed application email Section 1 Application project snapshot complete Project prioritised Principal applicant details provided Partner organisations listed and attached - joint applications only Section 2 All Flood mitigation projects details provided and all questions answered Flood mitigation projects Evidence off support from catchment partners attached Issues to be addressed – supporting documents attached Project plan completed (refer outline sample Appendix 1) Project plan attached Flood mitigation infrastructure projects only: Flood management study attached Land ownership supporting documents attached Evidence of support for the proposed project - attached Section 3 Funding contributions provided Value for money information provided Section 4 Project cost breakdown completed (use Appendix 2) Project cost breakdown attached Section 5 All supporting documents listed All supporting documents attached to application Email the following to lgfundingunit@dlgcrr.qld.gov.au by the closing date electronic copy of the application form and scanned signed certification form and named and numbered supporting documents for the application. Flood mitigation projects application form Joint application package for Queensland disaster mitigation and resilience funding 2013–14