TEACHER TRAINING NETWORK FOR IRAQ Geology for Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Geography—a Syllabus Prof. Dr. Sa'ad Al- Sheikhly College of Science, Baghdad University 1- Introduction: Teaching geology in Iraqi Secondary schools is distributed among the syllabus of different subjects, such as physics, chemistry, biology and geography, where it contains the physical features of earth, laws controlling them, rocks, minerals, the life of the past and evolution, in addition to the paleoecology and their distribution. So that is the reason to do four training packages. 2- Subject: Physics 2-1- Topic: Physical Geology 2-2- Introduction: This subject is giving an introduction to geology and its relation with other sciences. The definition of Earth and its position within Universe; then a study of earth main components, rocks, minerals, and the role of water, winds and glaciers in weathering and erosion. In addition to the study of rock mass movement, earthquakes and mountain building. 2-3- Purpose: To introduce the earth to students, in order to understand its position and composition either exteriorly or interiorly; and to know the main geological processes that work continuously to change earth morphology since the beginning of earth with an attempt to do a link with the physical laws. 2-4- Learning Outcomes: To evaluate student understanding to the general principles of geological science and the roles of geological processes, in addition to the rock mass movement, earthquakes and their effect on the distribution of oceans, seas, rivers and their patterns; with an attempt to give examples on the application of the physical laws on geology. 2-5- Readings: - Stokes W.L. and Judson S.; 1968; Introduction to Geology; New Jersey; Prentice – Hall. - Al- Saigh A.H. and Al- Omari F.; 1974; General Geology; Mosul University. (In Arabic) - Al-Sinawi S., Al- Rawi Y., Al- Najdi A., and Al- Ansari N.; 1979; General Geology (Physical and Historical); 1st ed.; College of Science, Baghdad University. (In Arabic) - Marshak, Stephen; 2004; Essentials of Geology; New York: W.W. Norton & Company. - Monroe, James S. and Wicander, Reed; 2009; The Changing Earth: Exploring geology and Evolution; 5 th ed.; Brooks/ Cole Cengage Learning. Page | 2 2-6- Lesson Plan: 2-6-1- Introduction: What is geology? – Divisions of Geology as a science – Contribution of Arab Scientists on geology –Evolution of recent scientific thoughts in geology – Relation of geology with other sciences. 2-6-2- Solar System and Earth: Planets and Stars – The Sun – Universe and Galaxies – Solar system – Origin of Earth – Characters of earth – Earth interior layers – Comets and Meteorites. 2-6-3- Material and Minerals: Atom – Crystals – Minerals – The Rock Cycle. 2-6-4- Igneous Rocks and Volcanoes: Chemical and Mineralogical composition of igneous rocks – Classification of igneous rocks – Patterns of igneous rocks – Volcanoes and its activities. 2-6-5- Weathering, Erosion and Sedimentary Rocks: Weathering – Soil and its types – Erosion – Sedimentary Rocks and their types. 2-6-6- Metamorphic Rocks: Factors and types of Metamorphism – Classification of metamorphic rocks – Relation with the parent rocks. 2-6-7- Surface Water & Geological action of rivers: Water cycle – Rivers Flow – Geological processes of rivers – Resulted patterns – Types of Drainage Patterns. 2-6-8- Ground Water: Origin of ground water – Vertical distribution – Ground water aquifers – Porosity and Permeability – Movement of ground water – Types of ground water – Factors affecting on water table – Springs and Geysers - Exploration methods for ground waters – Geological processes of ground water – Ground water pollution. 2-6-9- Seas and Oceans: Characters of Sea water – Movement of sea water – Sea floor. 2-6-10- Deserts and Wind Erosion: The winds – Sand Transport – Wind erosion (Deflation) – Eolian deposits – Types of sand dunes. 2-6-11- Glaciers: Page | 3 Ice and glaciers formation – Glacier motion – Types of glaciers – Landforms created by glaciers – Glacier erosion – Glacier deposits – Pleistocene ice age. 2-6-12- Earth mass movement and landslides: Slow creep – Fast creep – Landslide – Subsidence. 2-6-13- Structural Geology: Rock Mechanics – Dip and Strike – Folds – Faults – Joints – Conformity and Unconformity. 2-6-14- Earthquakes: Earth interior – Seismology – Earth thermal activity – Earth magnetism – Gravity field of earth – Principle of Isostosy. 2-6-15- Earth Movement & Mountain Building: Earth between static and movement – Earth crust and its major classification – Areas of Shields and continents – Origin of earth movements – Continental drift theory – Sea Floor Spreading theory– Plate tectonic theory. 2-7- Reflection: The teacher must utilized the physical features which could be seen by students around their schools or city by doing short field trips, and asking the students to watch scientific reports on TV or the internet. 2-8- Extension: - http://geology.com - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geology - http://geology.about.com - www.thefreedictionary.com/geology 3- Subject: Chemistry 3-1- Topic: Geology 3-2- Introduction: This subject is giving an introduction to geology and its relation with other sciences. The definition of Earth and its position within Universe; then a study of earth main components, rocks, minerals, and the role of water, winds and glaciers in weathering and erosion. In addition is the study of rock mass movement, earthquakes and mountain building. 3-3- Purpose: To introduce the earth to students, in order to understand its position and composition either exteriorly or interiorly; and to know the main Page | 4 geological processes that work continuously to change earth morphology since the beginning of earth. 3-4- Learning Outcomes: To evaluate student understanding to the general principles of geological science that concerns with crystals, minerals and rocks, and studying the roles of geological processes, in addition to the rock mass movement, earthquakes and their effect on the distribution of oceans, seas, rivers and their patterns. 3-5- Readings: - Stokes W.L. and Judson S.; 1968; Introduction to Geology; New Jersey; Prentice – Hall. - Al- Saigh A.H. and Al- Omari F.; 1974; General Geology; Mosul University. (In Arabic) -Al-Sinawi S., Al- Rawi Y., Al- Najdi A., and Al- Ansari N.; 1979; General Geology (Physical and Historical); 1 st ed.; College of Science, Baghdad University. (In Arabic) - Marshak, Stephen; 2004; Essentials of Geology; New York: W.W. Norton & Company. - Monroe, James S. and Wicander, Reed; 2009; The Changing Earth: Exploring geology and Evolution; 5 th ed.; Brooks/ Cole Cengage Learning. 3-6- Lesson Plan: 3-6-1- Introduction: What is geology? – Divisions of Geology as a science – Contribution of Arab Scientists on geology –Evolution of recent scientific thoughts in geology – Relation of geology with other sciences. 3-6-2- Solar System and Earth: Planets and Stars – The Sun – Universe and Galaxies – Solar System – Origin of Earth – Characters of earth – Earth interior layers – Comets and Meteorites. 3-6-3- Material and Minerals: Atom – Crystals – Minerals – The Rock Cycle. 3-6-4- Igneous Rocks and Volcanoes: Page | 5 Chemical and Mineralogical composition of igneous rocks – Classification of igneous rocks – Patterns of igneous rocks – Volcanoes and its activities. 3-6-5- Weathering, Erosion and Sedimentary Rocks: Weathering – Soil and its types – Erosion – Sedimentary Rocks and their types. 3-6-6- Metamorphic Rocks: Factors and types of Metamorphism – Classification of metamorphic rocks – Relation with the parent rocks. 3-6-7- Surface Water & Geological action of rivers: Water cycle – Rivers Flow – Geological processes of rivers – Resulted patterns – Types of Drainage Patterns. 3-6-8- Ground Water: Origin of ground water – Vertical distribution – Ground water aquifers – Porosity and Permeability – Movement of ground water – Types of ground water – Factors affecting on water table – Springs and Geysers - Exploration methods for ground waters – Geological processes of ground water – Ground water pollution. 3-6-9- Seas and Oceans: Characters of Sea water – Movement of sea water – Sea floor. 3-6-10- Deserts and Wind Erosion: The winds – Sand Transport – Wind erosion (Deflation) – Eolian deposits – Types of sand dunes. 3-6-11- Glaciers: Ice and glaciers formation – Glacier motion – Types of glaciers – Landforms created by glaciers – Glacier erosion – Glacier deposits – Pleistocene ice age. 3-6-12- Earth mass movement and landslides: Slow creep – Fast creep – Landslide – Subsidence. 3-6-13- Structural Geology: Rock Mechanics – Dip and Strike – Folds – Faults – Joints – Conformity and Unconformity. 3-6-14- Earthquakes: Earth interior – Seismology – Earth thermal activity – Earth magnetism – Gravity field of earth – Principle of Isostosy. 3-6-15- Earth Movement & Mountain Building: Page | 6 Earth between static and movement – Earth crust and its major classification – Areas of Shields and continents – Origin of earth movements – Continental drift theory – Sea Floor Spreading theory– Plate tectonic theory. 3-7- Reflection: The teacher must utilized the physical features which could be seen by students around their schools or city by doing short field trips, and asking the students to watch scientific reports on TV or the internet. 3-8- Extension: - http://geology.com - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geology - http://geology.about.com - www.thefreedictionary.com/geology 4- Subject: Biology 4-1- Topic: Physical and Historical Geology 4-2- Introduction: This subject is giving an introduction to geology and its relation with other sciences. The definition of Earth and its position within Universe; then a study of earth main components, rocks, minerals, and the role of water, winds and glaciers in weathering and erosion. In addition to the study of the fundamental basics of historical geology, concept of geological time, distribution of life throughout the geological time, paleoecology of earth since the first appearance of life till now. 4-3- Purpose: To introduce the earth to students, in order to understand its position and composition either exteriorly or interiorly; and to know the main geological processes that work continuously to change earth morphology since the beginning of earth. 4-4- Learning Outcomes: To evaluate student understanding to the general principles of geological sciences with special interest with the historical concepts and to know the geological distribution of life and their paleoecology. 4-5- Readings: - Stokes W.L. and Judson S.; 1968; Introduction to Geology; New Jersey; Prentice – Hall. - Al- Saigh A.H. and Al- Omari F.; 1974; General Geology; Mosul Page | 7 University. (In Arabic) - - Al-Sinawi S., Al- Rawi Y., Al- Najdi A., and Al- Ansari N.; 1979; General Geology (Physical and Historical); 1 st ed.; College of Science, Baghdad University. (In Arabic) Marshak, Stephen; 2004; Essentials of Geology; New York: W.W. Norton & Company. Monroe, James S. and Wicander, Reed; 2009; The Changing Earth: Exploring geology and Evolution; 5 th ed.; Brooks/ Cole Cengage Learning. 4-6- Lesson Plan: 4-6-1- Introduction: What is geology? – Divisions of Geology as a science – Contribution of Arab Scientists on geology –Evolution of recent scientific thoughts in geology – Relation of geology with other sciences. 4-6-2- Solar System and Earth: Planets and Stars – The Sun – Universe and Galaxies – Solar System – Origin of Earth – Characters of earth – Earth interior layers – Comets and Meteorites. 4-6-3- Material and Minerals: Atom – Crystals – Minerals – The Rock Cycle. 4-6-4- Igneous Rocks and Volcanoes: Chemical and Mineralogical composition of igneous rocks – Classification of igneous rocks – Patterns of igneous rocks – Volcanoes and its activities. 4-6-5- Weathering, Erosion and Sedimentary Rocks: Weathering – Soil and its types – Erosion – Sedimentary Rocks and their types. 4-6-6- Metamorphic Rocks: Factors and types of Metamorphism – Classification of metamorphic rocks – Relation with the parent rocks. 4-6-7- Surface Water & Geological action of rivers: Water cycle – Rivers Flow – Geological processes of rivers – Resulted patterns – Types of Drainage Patterns. 4-6-8- Ground Water: Page | 8 Origin of ground water – Vertical distribution – Ground water aquifers – Porosity and Permeability – Movement of ground water – Types of ground water – Factors affecting on water table – Springs and Geysers - Exploration methods for ground waters – Geological processes of ground water – Ground water pollution. 4-6-9- Seas and Oceans: Characters of Sea water – Movement of sea water – Sea floor. 4-6-10- Deserts and Wind Erosion: The winds – Sand Transport – Wind erosion (Deflation) – Eolian deposits – Types of sand dunes. 4-6-11- Glaciers: Ice and glaciers formation – Glacier motion – Types of glaciers – Landforms created by glaciers – Glacier erosion – Glacier deposits – Pleistocene ice age. 4-6-12- Concepts of Historical Geology: Principle of Uniformitarianism – Law of Superposition, its relations and problems – Reconstruction of past events – Principle of faunal succession. 4-6-13- Time in Geology: Relative geologic time – Absolute time and methods of measuring – Recent methods for measuring time – Geological Time table and divisions in absolute time – Paleozoic Era ( Biological and Physical events) – Mesozoic Era (Biological and Physical events) – Cenozoic Era (Biological and Physical events) – Paleoclimate. 4-6-14- Stratigraphic Units: Classification of Litho- and Biostratigraphic units – Concepts of determining stratigraphic units – Surfaces of Unconformity and their meanings. 4-6-15- Distribution of life geographically and through geological time: Vertical and geographical distribution of biological groups – Paleoecology. 4-6-16- Ice Ages and Human rise: Pre - Cambrian to late Paleozoic Era Glaciations – Pleistocene Glaciations and their effect on rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, climate and animal and plant life – Human, its appearance and evolution. 4-7- Reflection: The teacher must utilized the physical features which could be seen by students around their schools or city by doing short field trips, and asking the students to watch scientific reports on TV or the internet. 4-8- Extension: Page | 9 - http://geology.com - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geology - http://geology.about.com - www.thefreedictionary.com/geology 5- Subject: Geography 5-1- Topic: Physical Geology and Geomorphology 5-2- Introduction: This subject is giving an introduction to geology and its relation with other sciences. The definition of Earth and its position within Universe; then a study of earth main components, rocks, minerals, and the role of water, winds and glaciers in weathering and erosion. In addition to the study of rock mass movement, earthquakes and mountain building. 5-3- Purpose: To introduce the earth to students, in order to understand its position and composition; and to know the main geological processes that work continuously to change earth morphology since the beginning of earth. 5-4- Learning Outcomes: To evaluate student understanding to the general principles of geological science and the roles of geological processes in changing earth topography, the rock mass movement, earthquakes and their effect on the distribution of oceans, seas, rivers and their patterns. 5-5- Readings: - Stokes W.L. and Judson S.; 1968; Introduction to Geology; New Jersey; Prentice – Hall. - Al- Saigh A.H. and Al- Omari F.; 1974; General Geology; Mosul University. (In Arabic) - Al-Sinawi S., Al- Rawi Y., Al- Najdi A., and Al- Ansari N.; 1979; General Geology (Physical and Historical); 1 st ed.; College of Science, Baghdad University. (In Arabic) - Marshak, Stephen; 2004; Essentials of Geology; New York: W.W. Norton & Company. - Monroe, James S. and Wicander, Reed; 2009; The Changing Earth: Exploring geology and Evolution; 5th ed.; Brooks/ Cole Cengage Learning. Page | 10 5-6- Lesson Plan: 5-6-1- Introduction: What is geology? – Divisions of Geology as a science – Contribution of Arab Scientists on geology –Evolution of recent scientific thoughts in geology – Relation of geology with other sciences. 5-6-2- Solar System and Earth: Planets and Stars – The Sun – Universe and Galaxies – Solar System – Origin of Earth – Characters of earth – Earth interior layers – Comets and Meteorites. 5-6-3- Material and Minerals: Atom – Crystals – Minerals – The Rock Cycle. 5-6-4- Igneous Rocks and Volcanoes: Chemical and Mineralogical composition of igneous rocks – Classification of igneous rocks – Patterns of igneous rocks – Volcanoes and its activities. 5-6-5- Weathering, Erosion and Sedimentary Rocks: Weathering – Soil and its types – Erosion – Sedimentary Rocks and their types. 5-6-6- Metamorphic Rocks: Factors and types of Metamorphism – Classification of metamorphic rocks – Relation with the parent rocks. 5-6-7- Surface Water & Geological action of rivers: Water cycle – Rivers Flow – Geological processes of rivers – Resulted patterns – Types of Drainage Patterns. 5-6-8- Ground Water: Origin of ground water – Vertical distribution – Ground water aquifers – Porosity and Permeability – Movement of ground water – Types of ground water – Factors affecting on water table – Springs and Geysers - Exploration methods for ground waters – Geological processes of ground water – Ground water Pollution. 5-6-9- Seas and Oceans: Characters of Sea water – Movement of sea water – Sea floor. 5-6-10- Deserts and Wind Erosion: The winds – Sand Transport – Wind erosion (Deflation) – Eolian deposits – Types of sand dunes. 5-6-11- Glaciers: Page | 11 Ice and glaciers formation – Glacier motion – Types of glaciers – Landforms created by glaciers – Glacier erosion – Glacier deposits – Pleistocene ice age. 5-6-12- Earth mass movement and landslides: Slow creep – Fast creep – Landslide – Subsidence. 5-6-13- Structural Geology: Rock Mechanics – Dip and Strike – Folds – Faults – Joints – Conformity and Unconformity. 5-6-14- Earthquakes: Earth interior - Seismology – Earth thermal activity – Earth magnetism – Gravity field of earth – Principle of Isostosy. 5-6-15- Earth Movement & Mountain Building: Earth between static and movement – Earth crust and its major classification – Areas of Shields and continents – Origin of earth movements – Continental drift theory – Sea Floor Spreading theory– Plate tectonic theory. 5-7- Reflection: The teacher must utilized the physical features which could be seen by students around their schools or city by doing short field trips, and asking the students to watch scientific reports on TV or the internet. 5-8- Extension: - http://geology.com - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geology - http://geology.about.com - www.thefreedictionary.com/geology Page | 12