File - Mr. Fox`s Science Centre

Geology 12 - Course Outline
Teacher: Mr. Fox (
Course Website:
Texts: 1. Tarbuck, Lutgens, Tsujita and Hicock. (2012). Earth: An Introduction to Physical
2. Busch, Richard. (2011). Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology
Topics of Study (Prescribed Learning Outcomes):
Introduction to Geology
o explain the significance of geology as a discipline
Earth Materials (Rocks and Minerals)
o differentiate between igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks
o classify minerals and mineral groups according to their chemical composition
o compare igneous rocks
o compare igneous features
o compare sedimentary rocks
o relate sedimentary features to their depositional environments
o compare metamorphic rocks
Earth Resources
o trace the origins of geological resources including mineral deposits, coal, petroleum, and natural gas
o explain the significance of geological resources and their economic development
Geological Time
o relate relative age dating to the development of the Geological Time Scale
o contrast relative and absolute age dating
o relate the fossil record to the Geological Time Scale
Internal Processes and Plate Tectonic Theory
o analyse and evaluate applications of seismology
o demonstrate knowledge of the Earth’s layers
o relate rock formations and structures to the forces that create them
o analyse structures, processes, and evidence that support plate tectonic theory
Surface Processes and the Hydrosphere
o analyse features and processes associated with weathering and erosion
o analyse features and processes associated with stream erosion and deposition
o evaluate the importance of ground water
o explain the processes and features associated with glaciations
The final mark will be based on course work (70%) and the mandatory final school exam (30%).
Unit Tests
Final Exam
1. Respect
I expect a respectful attitude in the classroom. This involves respecting your classmates by
listening to their ideas, and addressing ideas with constructive criticism. It is important to
challenge ideas, but equally important that the ideas presented by others are valued.
2. Attendance
The level of success in a course is directly related to attendance and active participation. You
will need to inform me of any planned absences, but this will not relieve you of the
responsibility of completing and handing in assignments because of an absence. If a student
misses a test for an excused absence, it is expected that the student will write the exam upon
returning to school. Unexcused absences will result in zeros for any assignments, quizzes, tests,
3. Late Submissions
Late submissions will inevitably affect the effort mark given for the course as well as the grade
for that assignment. Instances do occur, however, when a late submission may be necessary. If
you are going to be absent, ask for an extension in advance. The Collingwood late policy (as
outlined below) will be in effect.
Submission Date
1 school day late
2 school days late
3 school days late
4-6 school days late
7+ school days late
Punctuality Deductions
No deduction
10% off total assignment mark
20% off total assignment mark
30% off total assignment mark
Assignment will be on pass-fail basis only
Assignment will be given a zero
4. Participation
All students are expected to actively participate in classroom discussions, activities, etc.
Participation includes being prepared for class and arriving promptly.
5. Homework
Many of the labs will have to be worked on outside of class time. Students are expected to
complete all assignments, projects in a timely manner and to adhere to all due dates
6. Evaluation
A combination of evaluation methods will be used in order to obtain information about your
Geology 12: Syllabus
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skills and abilities. This combination will include testing, quizzes, laboratory work, homework
assignments, projects, in class observations and others. Quizzes may be given without
warning, so it is important that you remain caught up with homework and reading assignments
as well as reviewing material.
7. Tests
The Collingwood test policy will be adhered to:
After an absence, students will write the test no later than the day of the second class following
their return. If they fail to do so, they will receive a zero. Students will, however, be expected to
demonstrate his/her knowledge of the material. The only exceptions will be in the submission of
a doctor’s note. Teachers will notify parents via an email or phone call before the final day that
the writing can occur. For further information on test writing expectations, please refer to the
Collingwood School Academic Integrity Document: Plagiarism & Test Taking Agreement.
*Retests will occur every Thursday morning at 7:10am.
8. Miscellaneous
Extra help is always available and you are strongly encouraged to get help as soon as difficulties
Critical Thinking
The Science Department considers the development of the critical thinking skills of our students
to be essential to their success in science and in life. In order to address this skill we have
chosen areas of focus for each grade. As students progress through these grades they will
continue to master the skills from earlier grades. The skills chosen as a focus for later grades will
also not be ignored in the earlier grades.
Critical Thinking Skills
Ask pertinent questions
Adjust opinions when new facts are found.
Admit a lack of understanding or
information where necessary
Look for evidence
Examine problems carefully
Analyze data
Define criteria
Weigh evidence and draw reasoned
Reject incorrect or irrelevant information
Assess statements and arguments
Identify assumptions and biases
Consider a variety of explanations
Identify missing information
Suspend judgment until all facts have been
gathered and considered
Synthesize concepts across disciplines
Geology 12: Syllabus
8, 9
10, 11
10, 11
11, 12
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