SPOJENÁ ŠKOLA NOVOHRADSKÁ LONG RANGE PLAN Subject: Arts- Music &Visual Teacher: Mgr. Vladimír Crmoman, Mgr. Miloš Kmeť UNITS CONTENT Music The Language of Music knowledge and understanding of the basic elements of music (Meter, Rhythm, Melody, Tempo, Dynamics …) basics symbols Playing on musical instruments. Performing music with musical notation. Art of singing Mastering singing technique Recording a song Perform a song self-evaluation Grade: MYP 1 School year: 2011/2012 Visual Art The Language of art 01 Basic elements of visual art using all basic drawing and painting material (pencils, chalk, paint...) still life Prehistoric caves paintings Knowledge about the most known prehistoric caves and prehistoric colours, Project will mitate process and conditions of cave paintings , Painting by watercolour, tempera and fingerspaint on the wall, pair work Greek mythology – attributes Ancient Greek history through mythology, Philosophy, Life, Art - sculptors, clay work - relief, simplyfication, process of burning a clay, glazing AREAS OF INTERACTION Health & Social: How can we use music? Community & Service: Human Ingenuity: What can be fascinating about singing? How did people make colours? /prehistoric cave paintings/ Environments: In what way did artists use the natural world and life for inspiration to create Greek mythology Gods? INTERCULTURAL AWARENESS The influence of different culture on musical notation and singing techniques Different mythology in different countries SOURCES MUSIC BOOKS: Kamien, R 1992, Music: an appreciation, 5th edn, McGraw-Hill, New York. Schmeling, P 2005, Berklee Music Theory – Book 1, Berklee Press, Boston. Schmeling, P 2006, Berklee Music Theory - Book 2, Berklee Press, Boston. Zeitlin, P & Goldberger, D 2001, Understanding Music Theory, Omnibus Press, London. Surmani, A, Surmani, KF & Manus, M 2004, Alfred's Essentials of Music Theory, Alfred Publishing. Miller, M 2005, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Music Theory, 2nd edn, Alpha, New York. Sadolin, C 2000, Complete Vocal Technique, Shout Publishing. Kennedy, M & Kennedy, J (eds) 2007, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music, 5th edn, Oxford University Press, New York. INTERNET (MUSIC): www.sfskids.org http://library.thinkquest.org/15413/theory/theory.htm http://www.notationmachine.com/how_to_read_sheetmusic/readingmusic.htm COMPUTER PROGRAM (MUSIC): Cubase Essential Application 2009, Cubase Essential 5 EDU, ver. 5.1.1, computer program, Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. Visual ART: internet, enc. história sveta, Stonehenge, Greek mythology...