Assessment 5: Assessment that demonstrates candidate effect on student learning: Student Portfolio 1. A brief description of the assessment and its use in the program (one sentence may be sufficient) The Student Portfolio is a written evaluation of sample pupil work collected by the candidate during his/her student teaching/practicum experience. The information presented in the report shows the candidate’s impact on student learning. 2. A description of how this assessment specifically aligns with the standards it is cited for in Section III. As indicated in Section III, this assignment addresses the following CEC Standards: (4) Instructional Strategies, (5) Learning Environments and Social Interactions, (6) Language, (7) Instructional Planning and (8) Assessment. As the assessment tools and rubric (sections 5a (column 1 of rubric) and 5b) describe, the Student Portfolio assignment specifically aligns with several CEC Standards. It is aligned with Standard 4 by requiring candidates to conduct specific assessments and develop instructional strategies that are individualized to each learner who is blind/visually impaired. The portfolio assignment is aligned with Standard 5 by requiring teacher candidates to produce a variety of individualized assessment results for learners with visual impairment that would help these learners be integrated into general education classes; this assignment is also aligned with Standard 6 by l requiring candidates to report findings related to learning and literacy media and literacy tools; it is aligned with Standard 7 by requiring candidates to write IEP//IFSP long and short term goals and Standard 8 by requiring candidates to conduct, interpret and make recommendations on several important assessment tools used with learners who are blind/visually impaired. Examples of such assessments include the Functional Vision Assessment (FVA), the Learning Media Assessment (LMA), and other Compensatory Assessments to report student behaviors in objective terms. 3. A brief analysis of the data findings The data in section 5c show student performance scores for 6 teacher candidates in Fall 2006. There were no advanced certificate students in the courses for spring 2006 or spring 2007 semesters and therefore data are not available for those terms. In total, all 6 of the candidates performed at or above standard and none of the candidates performed below standard. Since the number of scores is small, before drawing a conclusion, we will continue collecting student performance data each semester as a way to monitor emerging trends. 4. An interpretation of how that data provides evidence for meeting standards The data shown in section 5c affirms that the candidates met the standards. One hundred percent of the candidates (6 out of 6) performed at or above standard. 5. Attachment of assessment documentation, including1: (a) the assessment tool or description of the assignment Students will: 1. develop and implement lessons plans for diverse learners with visual impairments in a variety of service delivery models during student teaching or field based practicum 2. submit 5 lesson plans for students who are blind and low vision in academic and expanded core curriculum areas and follow guidelines for lesson plans. One lesson plan should teach student to use adaptive technology (CCTV, JAWS, Magic Window) 3. implement lesson plans in academic content and expanded core curriculum areas with learners who are blind/low vision on two different age levels at placement 4. administer a functional vision assessment to a student with a visual impairment during student teaching/practicum and write a detailed report of the findings 5. modify through a drawing the classroom setting making it appropriate for a student with a visual impairment or blindness; 6. role play and simulate a team meeting and collaborate to create a shared vision for planning an IEP meeting; 1 All three components of the assessment – as identified in 5a-c – must be attached, with the following exceptions: (a) the assessment tool and scoring guide are not required for reporting state licensure data, and (b) for some assessments, data may not yet be available. (b) the scoring guide for the assessment Area to be Evaluated Unacceptable Proficient Exemplary Provided background information and purpose of assessment. Report contains very few of the components of background information, e.g., medical, visual and developmental information. Little information about current educational placement, related services, past functional vision assessment results or reason for assessment are included. Current educational placement may or may not be noted. Few details are given about any category in background information. If areas were not included, intern does not explain why the areas were not addressed. Student’s report contained some of the components of the functional vision assessment/learning media assessment. Some information about medical, educational and developmental history, previous functional vision assessments included. Some categories or important subheadings don’t appear in body of report. Some background information provided about reasons for LMA, but more general than specific. If components for category are missing, intern reports that information was unavailable for the purposes of writing the current assessment. Assessment strategies Student provides very limited information about assessment strategies. Report does not clearly explain which strategies, e.g., what environments, interviews with student, parents, teachers, diagnosticians, other related service providers, assessment/checklists used or review of records and previous assessment results were used. If areas were not included in report, intern does give an explanation as to why the areas were not addressed. Student briefly explains how the assessment was conducted by including some of the areas: environments, interviews with student, parents, teachers, diagnosticians, other related service providers, assessment./checklists used, review of records and previous assessment results. Intern selects some appropriate assessment strategies, but does not include all. FVA/Compensatory assessment: Student provided medical, visual and developmental information about the student. Included information on current educational placement and related services received. Gave information on past functional vision assessment results/ educational testing where appropriate. Reason for assessment provided where applicable. Noted educational placement. LMA: Student noted reason for assessment, e.g., initial selection of learning media, readiness for a literacy program, selection of secondary literacy medium or media, documentation of time accommodations and testing accommodations given reading efficiency, selection of additional literacy tools for future goals. Student makes observations in specific environments, interviews with student, parents, teachers, and diagnosticians, other related service providers, assessments/checklists used, review of records and previous assessment results. Intern selected strategies for student appropriate for functioning level and environments within which learning occurs. Functional Vision Assessment Compensatory Assessment Learning Media Assessment Development of an IEP/IFSP Student writes report that contains very few functional vision assessment components. Categories for components, e.g., ophthalmologic information, visual acuity, fields, stability of condition, etc. are not described in detail or are inaccurate. Report does not clearly discuss student’s visual function. Student makes conclusions and inferences throughout the report. Checklists were not included or referred to within assignment. Student was not observed across multiple settings. Student does not include many areas of the learning media assessment per the attached checklist. Intern provides little documentation to substantiate written analyses of student’s use of sensory channels, learning and literacy media and tools. The student has developed some components of the IFSP/IEP. The Present Level of Performance is provided, but may not contain all relevant observation and assessment data. Most IFSP/IEP goals and objectives are clearly written and are measurable. Some goals and objectives tie clearly to the Present Level of Performance. Some evaluation criteria for the objectives are measurable and appropriate. Student writes report that contains some but not all of the components of a functional vision assessment. Some of the descriptions in the component areas are lacking detail, e.g., instruments or procedures used. An occasional description does not match the component area assessed. Student used some checklists or informal observation, but these were not used in multiple environments. Some student behaviors were reported as conclusions not based on observations. Limited student strengths and needs were reported and some were not based on objective observation. Student includes some areas e.g., learning media, literacy media or literacy tools that were not supported through intern observation or interview. Intern mentions all areas but descriptions/observations of student were limited and some areas were not included without a clear explanation for their absence. The student has developed all components of the IFSP/IEP. The Present Level of Performance is provided and states observation and assessment data. Most IFSP/IEP goals and objectives are clearly written and are measurable. Most goals and objectives tie clearly to the Present Level of Performance. Most evaluation criteria for the objectives are measurable and appropriate. Student describes these component parts in detail (see checklist of components). Descriptions of the instruments used are included. Procedures for conducting assessment is included in appropriate. If an area of visual functioning was not assessed, the intern describes the reason for not conducting an activity. Student used checklists, informal observations and discrepancy analyses to report student behaviors in objective terms without drawing conclusions or inferences. Gave many examples of student’s strengths and needs based on observations/checklists. Student includes all components of the learning media assessment per the attached checklist. Each area was described with enough detail to understand the student’s use of sensory channels, learning and literacy media and literacy tools The student has developed all components of the IFSP/IEP. The Present Level of Performance is accurate and reflects a synthesis of observation and assessment data. IFSP/IEP goals and objectives are clearly written and are measurable. The goals and objectives tie clearly to the Present Level of Performance. Evaluation criteria for the objectives are measurable and appropriate. Summary of Recommendations Based on Assessment Student’s summary does not accurately reflect assessment results as stated in report. Intern makes little reference to the results obtained through assessment activities of either the functional vision assessment or learning media assessment Organization and structure of report was well formulated. More than 4 errors in sentence structure, typos or spelling errors. Report is poorly organized and lacks structure and continuity. Student writes a loosely written summary and doesn’t always reflect the student’s strengths and need. Intern does not include some of the areas of the functional vision assessment or learning media assessment in summarizing student functioning in each area per the attached checklist 2-4 mechanical errors in sentence structure; typos or spelling errors. Report needs reorganization, e.g., subheadings, continuity, etc Sharon Sacks, program coordinator is the author of this document. (California State University, LA) Student includes all components of the learning media assessment per the attached checklist. Each area was described with enough detail to understand the student’s use of sensory channels, learning and literacy media and literacy tools. Grammar, structure and organization of report is flawless, no spelling or other technical errors noted. Consistently wrote in past tense. (c) candidate data derived from the assessment. Key Assessment 5 Student Portfolio Student Portfolio Student Portfolio Student Portfolio Student Portfolio Student Portfolio Total Total Format of Data Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Semester Spring 2006 Spring 2006 Fall 2006 Fall 2006 Spring 2007 Spring 2007 Candidate Performance Ratings Below Standard At Standard Above Standard Grand Total 0 0% 2 33% 4 67% 6 100% 0 0 0% 2 33% 4 67% 6 100%