TEAM RAGE COACHING DISCUSSION 4/16/2011 10AM CENTRAL – [9:57:09 AM] Mike Nowak: TEAM RAGE Coaches!! HAPPY SATURDAY!! So this is a Group IM chat for the TEAM RAGE coaches, downline and coach prospects... I will be available here on Skype during the scheduled office hours that will appear next to my name under your contacts. This is time works best for me and many of the coach TEAM, so I apologize if this time does not work well with your schedule. Just stop in when time permits. The purpose is to make myself available to you to help answer any questions, share stories, and help sort / sell the coaching opportunity! The stories from each one of you is invaluable as we grow this business... thank you in advance! SO...TAKE ADVANTAGE of these office hours if possible!! This is a great way to let the TEAM help with your coach prospects. Please invite your downline coaches to this discussion as well. I have received excellent feedback from the sessions, in particular from the transcript summary. I know a lot of you have similar questions, but I need YOUR participation here to help me focus the discussion in order to provide YOU value. Thanks!! OKAY... I HIGHLY recommend that all coaches go to your online backoffice at Team Beachbody and click "New and Training" then "The Basics" then "Webinars and Conference Calls" then the "Webinar and Conference Call Archive" tab then click on the archived national coach calls. These are AWESOME... whether you are a new coach or veteran, you WILL get something out of these calls including motivation. I usually listen to the calls while I do coaching work online. Calls are usually about 45 minutes. BRING IT!! CONGRATS on a great week... several new coaches to the Team, welcome, and momentum is significant. Check out these incredible training sessions from Beachbody consultant Craig Holiday: Stay Connected, Grow Your Business Here's where you can find us! 1. FACEBOOK: Team Beachbody Game Plan Challenge – Connect with the latest news, upcoming events, recognition, Q&A, training, and tools. The classic choice. This was the FIRST Coach social media page and is probably the best place to get the latest announcements, view our corporate event calendar (and register!), and get Call recordings, photo albums, Webinar recordings, and promotions info. You can ask questions, contact Coaches, and voice your TBB wishlist here as well. We WILL hear you! 2. FACEBOOK: Coach Connections – Connect with other Coaches, share ideas and business tips, and find local events. In network marketing, connection is king. If nothing else, get involved on our Coach Connections Facebook page. Facebook Fans of the Team Beachbody Coach Connections page expand their scope of business relationships, as well as nurture the ones they've already developed. This is where the Discussion platform lives—a place Coaches can weigh in with other Coaches and reach out to the coaching community for support. For many, it's become a Team Beachbody sounding board. Share ideas, tips, wisdom, and local events and parties. Get in on it! 3. TWITTER: TBBCoach411 – News, biz tips, inspiration, Q&A, fun facts, etc. Your go-to feed for breaking news, good reads, live event updates, inspiration, and Q&A. Pretend you're not sick of hearing about Twitter for a minute. Seriously. This is where you can get everything you need. All the time, every day. Of course, you 1 can choose to tune us out for the stuff you're not interested in, but there is always something important here—whether it's breaking news, tools and training that are HOT off the presses, inspiring quotes, tasty recipes, good reads, or live event updates. We'd also love to hear from you here. So tweet us your questions, concerns, ideas, business tips, etc. We'll get back to you. Plus, if you tweet us, we'll probably follow you, too! [9:59:04 AM] Mike Nowak: ------------------------[10:01:41 AM] Mike Nowak: Okay, who is with us today? [10:05:12 AM] Mike Nowak: Hailing from the good town of Fishers, Indiana, Diamond Coach Lora Smith is one of the most downto-earth young ladies you'll ever meet. She's sweet and sincere, and always lookin' to share her success, knowledge, and love for Beachbody® with new people. Since becoming a Coach in July 2010, Lora's turned her passion and personality into a thriving business by focusing primarily on the activities outlined in the Sharing Cycle. Specifically, she plants seeds wherever she goes—whether it's with family, friends, or total strangers. Then she follows up and reaps what she sows! Monday morning, Lora will show YOU what it takes to unlock the Sharing Cycle and earn Success Club every month (she hasn't missed a beat since August!). WHEN: Monday, April 25th TIME: 9:00 AM PT / 11:00 AM CT / 12:00 PM ET PHONE: (605) 475-4408 PIN: 90405# [10:06:27 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: Morning team [10:06:45 AM] Mike Nowak: Hey Shu how are you man? [10:06:50 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: great [10:06:53 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: loving asylum [10:07:00 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: and only 2 points away from SC10 this month [10:07:14 AM] Mike Nowak: Haha. Just finished my second try at Speed and Agility. Wow. [10:07:16 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: i need one more to sign as a coach and go on shakeology HD or any 90PVhd lol [10:07:24 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: or two customers on hd [10:07:24 AM] Mike Nowak: Come on man, 2 more points! [10:07:25 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: man I’m so close [10:07:32 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: i don’t want 3 points to go to waste [10:07:35 AM] Mike Nowak: Still time.. [10:07:39 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: 1 more week [10:07:56 AM] Mike Nowak: How are you doing on Asylum thus far? [10:08:13 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: i tell ya I’m glad it was a rest day scheduled yesterday lol, i was stiff and sore 2 [10:08:17 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: it’s an amazing workout [10:08:32 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: i feel like I’m at football camp again and its totally lighting me right up i love it [10:08:41 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: it is tough tho for sure [10:08:44 AM] Mike Nowak: Yeah - Definitely a challenge man. I love the agility ladder. [10:08:48 AM] Justin Panian: Can’t wait to move into a new house so i can actually do asylum! [10:08:49 AM] Mike Nowak: JUSTIN!!!!!!! [10:08:53 AM] Justin Panian: what’s up dude [10:09:05 AM] Mike Nowak: TEAM RAGE's newest and baddest coach! [10:09:15 AM] Justin Panian: :) haha. I'm trying that’s for sure [10:09:39 AM] Mike Nowak: So Justin, been a few days, any questions on the business man? [10:10:01 AM] Mike Nowak: Shu is a great example of success. Shu any advice for Justin?! [10:10:26 AM] Justin Panian: aaah. kinda. I mean, it’s getting a tad bit frustrating, when you're talking to people and they sign up on and at the last second pull out of a deal [10:10:30 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: just be here in a year man no kidding, and it’s gonna be frustrating at points, but when that happens just talk to mike and he will get ya lit up again :) [10:10:43 AM] Justin Panian: haha yeah. [10:10:51 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: i went from being so dam frustrated and mad and ready to quit i couldn’t even make emerald [10:11:07 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: now to being one emerald on my right leg again from being a Ruby and even diamond so [10:11:12 AM] Mike Nowak: Justin - Man that is common. Plant the seeds and they will get going when THEY are ready. They will be inspired by you and ask questions. [10:11:26 AM] Justin Panian: But the good side is that I've gone some pretty good prospects that I can REALLY help (my dad especially!) but some local friends who are really interested in P90X and one is interested in Shakeology. I just want to help them [10:11:41 AM] Justin Panian: damn good job Shu [10:12:11 AM] Mike Nowak: Justin - Awesome dude. Shu is right, trust me, a few months ago he was struggling and now he is a guest speaker on coach calls! [10:12:28 AM] Justin Panian: yeah, like I was said to Mike during the get started call we had, I just need to get my feet wet, get a few sales and I know it will pick up from there [10:12:35 AM] Mike Nowak: SO Justin - What are the objections you have been getting? [10:12:36 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: haha that was an awesome thing to do i tell ya that ! although it wasn’t a magic trick or anything its helped people [10:12:52 AM] Justin Panian: the price to shakeology [10:12:53 AM] Justin Panian: that’s the biggest 3 [10:13:06 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: yea it was for me to but there are great ways around that [10:13:14 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: and get them a sample and BAM they usually sell on it [10:13:27 AM] Mike Nowak: The Success Club Lead Program Explained What is the Success Club Lead Program? How does it work? Who gets leads? What should I say to my leads when I call? When should I call? These are just some of the questions we answered in this no-holds-barred recorded Webcast. You'll learn everything from why we launched the program to how to make the most of every lead. Featuring Sr. Mgr. Training Sandi Bouhadana and Star Diamond Coach Deryl Williams! Watch the recorded Webcast in the backoffice [10:13:41 AM] Justin Panian: i explained how it’s only about 1.99 a serving and how healthy it is and LAST second pulled out because of the tax and shipping price [10:13:42 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: mike I’m watching that today at work i can’t wait [10:13:54 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: did you tell them about the discounts [10:14:09 AM] Justin Panian: Oh I will. It was a sale to my Aunt and she's stubborn and will get made if i push her (lol). She came to me though. [10:14:41 AM] Mike Nowak: Yeah - Shakeology samples are a good way to go. Then sell packets and eventually they will want the bag - bam - time to sign as coach to save $15 per month. The product works. Per serving is much cheaper than unhealthy snacks and meals. [10:15:05 AM] Justin Panian: yeah. like i said, i was expecting to make a sale on that just yet. I mean I'm brainstorming and have a ton of Ideas to help promote/build my business, and I've started to listen to all the calls/videos on how to do good in the business [10:15:16 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: Justin a big way to do it as well is, offer them a fast start or a boost package, however you want to word it, let them buy a cleanse from you, so 9 packets, and that will be 3 days and they will see immediate results, and then they will be on it [10:15:21 AM] Mike Nowak: Justin - The seed has been planted so nice work! [10:15:37 AM] Justin Panian: Yeah i just got my starter kid the other day, already handed out 3 samples to people who are interested. 1 already got back to me saying she's def. in... just need to make a follow up call to her later [10:15:57 AM] Justin Panian: thanks guys i appreciate it [10:16:34 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: also time is crucial in this business, getting to much time invested in people for no return is a problem sometimes. so i usually follow up a couple times, but when i got to keep rescheduling and rescheduling, i then let them come to me and i move on to the next person to share the business with , i want to find them people that are going to run with this thing and then i invest all my time in them [10:16:35 AM] Mike Nowak: That is great Justin. Yeah, like Shu says, Shakeology "cleanse" or "jump start" is 9 packets and meal plan for typically $50. That is enough to see results. [10:16:58 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: never give up on anyone tho [10:17:02 AM] Mike Nowak: Shu - So true. [10:17:10 AM] Mike Nowak: You NEVER know. Right JUSTIN!!! [10:17:17 AM] Justin Panian: yeah i hear ya! 4 [10:17:36 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: but just be a product of the product like they say and keep living the life and if they see you stay consistent, the time will come they will ask for your help and be ready to change their life [10:17:42 AM] Justin Panian: this 'cleanse' or 'jump start'... do i sell/give them the sample packets i got from my kit? [10:17:45 AM] Mike Nowak: Shu - Justin has been on TEAM RAGE for years, served our country and signed as coach when he returned. I think you have some in common! [10:18:12 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: same here, i served for 4 years in the navy as military police :) [10:18:24 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: i wish i knew about beachbody and this opportunity when i went in the service :) [10:18:31 AM] Justin Panian: awesome! i worked with a lot of corpsman that’s for sure [10:19:01 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: what branch were you in [10:19:05 AM] Justin Panian: Marines [10:19:17 AM] Justin Panian: semper yut! haha [10:19:23 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: nice! HAAHH [10:19:24 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: YUTTTTT [10:19:27 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: i love that one [10:19:54 AM] Mike Nowak: Justin - The key is to keep moving and making those exposures and over time you will be successful. AND, we are always here to help. Hopefully your prospect list will keep building and then over time prospects will convert to customers and coaches. Follow the Game Plan! [10:20:04 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: we used to mess with the marines at the gates as they were walking and belch that out it would be hilarious at times with some reactions [10:20:18 AM] Justin Panian: well, thanks a lot for the help guys, i really appreciate it. usually I’m free on Saturdays but I gotta run to see some of the in-laws today. I really appreciate it and sorry i got to run. [10:20:40 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: it’s all good Justin [10:20:44 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: if you got Facebook add me [10:20:47 AM] Justin Panian: Mike- YOU KNOW IT! hell, I’ve been a coach for only 3-4 days and i have a bunch of hits on my site, AND 2 'official customers' and 3 more people who are looking to buy products [10:20:54 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: and [10:20:56 AM] Justin Panian: It gets frustrating but I think it’s going ok so far [10:21:07 AM] Mike Nowak: No problem Justin, we are pumped to have you on the Team and keep up the good work. By the way, there are usually more people on this chat, ha, but I am having some trouble getting people in today while on the road. Have a good day! [10:21:19 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: keep it up and ride the wave of momentum when its rolling [10:21:28 AM] Justin Panian: k added u buddy. thanks you 5 [10:21:34 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: u got it! [10:21:36 AM] Mike Nowak: Justin - Great start, you should be excited not frustrated. BRING IT!! [10:21:52 AM] Justin Panian: its ok... i am super excited, ask my wife, it’s all i talk about ! lol [10:21:57 AM] Justin Panian: bye [10:22:08 AM] Mike Nowak: Later. [10:22:15 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: mike where is everyone lol [10:22:17 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: is it just me and you [10:22:19 AM] Mike Nowak: Shu - So how are your leaders developing? [10:22:51 AM] Mike Nowak: Shu - Yeah, I am in Chicago for the weekend using a different computer and having problems getting people in. SORRY EVERYONE. [10:22:57 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: Steve is always doing good I’m proud of him , just working with him on being able to do more in person exposure and how to talk and present things etc., trying to get that negative vibe out the picture [10:23:31 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: cassie is really turning into a great leader also she’s pumped! and she is seeing great results with turbo fire so she’s amped :) she just sent me a pic of her business cards she ordered with team discipline and her links etc. :) [10:23:46 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: George is doing great to he’s taking it at his pace and stuff [10:23:57 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: i really need to get another leader on my right leg that can break emerald man lol [10:24:09 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: I’m hoping with these hot leads and stuff i get next month that it will happen [10:24:40 AM] Mike Nowak: Awesome man. My wife is loving Turbo Fire too. You have a strong team man and I am proud as well. Diamond is weeks away, I think.. [10:24:43 AM] Mike Nowak: seriously. [10:25:00 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: i am hoping so my man! i reallyyyyyy want that omg you have no idea! lol [10:25:06 AM] Mike Nowak: I have found that setting up a weekly call with your leaders is key. [10:25:17 AM] Mike Nowak: How is the 90 Day to Diamond with Melanie going? [10:25:53 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: its great! keeps me on things, altho it can be hard to get all my reading and video or audio in with my schedule lol [10:26:21 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: but having that kind of Friendly competition and stuff does help keep it fun and motivating [10:26:34 AM] Mike Nowak: So how has your business been impacted since starting? [10:26:35 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: sucks i wasn’t more focused on SC tho [10:26:41 AM] Mike Nowak: Robb? Can you see it? [10:26:51 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: now I’m making SC10 and need to hit SC5 for every month the rest of the year to make the trip [10:26:58 AM] Mike Nowak: Success Club is huge, but you HAVE to commit to it. 6 [10:27:21 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: yea that’s for sure. and i really want to make it, I’m hoping the leads and shakeology sales are worth it [10:28:11 AM] Robert Rosolowski: I'm in. [10:28:50 AM] Mike Nowak: I would have to say though, and I have been thinking about this A LOT, there is no reason why a new or existing coach can't be Emerald. Seriously, the benefits of Emerald are huge with free customer leads and bonus payments. Two coaches should be easy with all of the contacts we have. Worse case, friends and family.. [10:29:02 AM] Mike Nowak: Good morning Rob!! [10:29:05 AM] Mike Nowak: Robb or Rob? [10:29:09 AM] Mike Nowak: How are you man? [10:29:26 AM] Robert Rosolowski: Rob. I'm good. [10:29:38 AM] Mike Nowak: Awesome man, how is the business? [10:29:40 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: yea that’s true, but then its keeping them active and stuff ya know, if they don’t want to put the money out or use the products then it’s me that will have to foot that bill [10:29:42 AM] Mike Nowak: Any questions? [10:30:24 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: but your right there is NO REASON not to get emerald it’s not even hard really two active on each side [10:30:34 AM] Mike Nowak: Shu - True, but for those really looking to accelerate this business that should not be a problem, from my experience.. [10:30:53 AM] Mike Nowak: just an excuse.. [10:30:59 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: nope, and it’s worth it, i have me and my wife and then my left side is fine so I’ll keep emerald always [10:31:08 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: now it’s getting to ruby and diamond and STAYINGGG THERE lol [10:31:13 AM] Robert Rosolowski: Not much to say today. In it to get a gem or two in pursuit of emerald. [10:31:44 AM] Mike Nowak: My wife is at the top of my organization and we benefit from two income streams. As the team builds so do the potential earnings from both accounts. [10:31:55 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: that’s right and i got the wife that way as well :) [10:32:01 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: she’s the top of my right side my strong leg [10:32:19 AM] Mike Nowak: Rob - It WILL happen. You are motivated man, and that is clear. So how have the exposures been? [10:32:19 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: so if i wanted and made her emerald and eventually build off her weak side we would cash in lovely [10:32:38 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: but i can’t think of that right now, that’s for after I’m a STRONG diamond or star diamond before thinking of building my wife [10:33:18 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: mike where did you get pics of the coach pins [10:33:19 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: for rank 7 [10:33:57 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: i wanted to have them printed out, Emerald Ruby Diamond Star diamond and up , you know the actual pin we get , like how you got a pic of it on your website [10:34:23 AM] Gordon Ware: Sorry just trying to read and work at the same time. [10:34:53 AM] Mike Nowak: Shu - I actually took a pic of my pins I have received. If you want just a pic of the pins go to the backoffice then NEWS AND TRAINING then recognition for the different ranks (and pin pics are there). [10:35:11 AM] Mike Nowak: Hey Gordon! How are you man? Sorry for the issues getting you in the chat. [10:35:39 AM] Gordon Ware: I'm good. Not prob. [10:35:57 AM] Mike Nowak: So how has the business been Gordon? [10:36:31 AM] Gordon Ware: Rough. I haven't been at it like I should. [10:36:36 AM] Mike Nowak: Shu - Find the pins? [10:37:45 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: yes got it :) saving them now [10:37:59 AM] Gordon Ware: Just been treading water as of lately. [10:38:01 AM] Mike Nowak: Cool. Jesse is trying to get in the chat now too.. [10:38:06 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: so mike what would u suggest i do to get these next two points [10:38:26 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: I’ve offered my April promo and sent ecard out yesterday, i think i will try and follow up with those that looked at it again [10:38:35 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: but other than that, i just need 2 points, any suggestions [10:39:08 AM] Gordon Ware: I find people like to go to my web site and sign up but not do much after that. [10:40:20 AM] Gordon Ware: Some people just get the workouts from somewhere for free and think that's all they need. [10:40:59 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: Gordon, follow up with those people that do that and tell them the importance of the recovery and nutrition to the muscles to get optimal results [10:41:12 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: use 3rd party tools [10:41:41 AM] Gordon Ware: OK. WILL TRY MY BEST. [10:41:48 AM] Mike Nowak: Shu - That is a good question man... 2 points could also come from two customer, right, on HD? So perhaps another promo for TEAM DISCIPLINE? [10:42:02 AM] Mike Nowak: Shu - so for example.. [10:42:02 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: yup 2 customers on HD at 90pv [10:42:14 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: or 1 coach on 90pv HD [10:42:20 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: either one will get me my two points i need [10:42:20 AM] Mike Nowak: TEAM DISCIPLINE t-shirt? [10:42:29 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: man those are a hit man omg lol 8 [10:42:37 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: i didn’t think they would be but people want to buy them [10:42:46 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: so i am getting my cafepress set up lol [10:43:11 AM] Mike Nowak: Gordon - A big part of the business is the supplements, which are recurring sales vs. one time purchase of the program. So.. stay the course and continue to promote the supplements and business opportunity. [10:43:50 AM] Mike Nowak: Shu - Yeah, the logo is awesome which is key. Why not offer a TEAM DISCIPLINE shirt for the next two customers that go on Shakeology HD? [10:44:03 AM] Gordon Ware: You got! [10:44:10 AM] Mike Nowak: Also, some people will get a friend or relative to sign as coach for the last two points. [10:44:28 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: Alright i can do that, or offer the next person to sign up as a coach and do shakeology HD gets the free bonus workout and a t-shirt [10:44:54 AM] Mike Nowak: There you go. Remember, HD must be active for at least 35 days to get the points. [10:45:05 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: 35 days? [10:45:26 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: so basically they need to get their second order and then it counts [10:45:30 AM] Mike Nowak: Yep. If someone gets on HD and then cancels within 35 days you do not get the points. [10:45:40 AM] Mike Nowak: yep. [10:45:43 AM] Gordon Ware: Mike who is your uplink coach? [10:45:44 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: Jesus! lol [10:45:51 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: they sure do not make this easy man lol [10:45:57 AM] Gordon Ware: Upline [10:46:06 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: they need to make recovery drink 50pv!! [10:46:12 AM] Mike Nowak: Gordon - Nick Husin - scrawny2brawny. His upline coach is Derek Heikes - phoenixhawk. [10:46:19 AM] Mike Nowak: Shu - RD x 2! [10:46:31 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: yea but that’s going to close to $90 [10:47:05 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: then ya got 2 months of recovery drink lol [10:47:08 AM] Mike Nowak: Yeah - I have been buying the clearance RD for samples and you can get 3 boxes of packets for essentially cost of two. [10:47:50 AM] Mike Nowak: Gordon - SO how else is everything going? Any questions? [10:48:19 AM] Gordon Ware: Do they still have the clearance sale going. [10:48:22 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: no its gone now [10:49:30 AM] Gordon Ware: Everything is going well. I had a rough last week but we just found out we are having another baby! 9 [10:49:58 AM] Mike Nowak: Gordon - Just placed order recently but looks like the stock is gone. [10:50:11 AM] Mike Nowak: Congrats GORDON!!!!! [10:50:19 AM] Mike Nowak: You must be pumped! [10:50:35 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: Congrats Gordon!!!!! [10:50:37 AM] Gordon Ware: That will be 4 now. More reason to do better as a coach. Thanks! How is yours! [10:50:40 AM] Gordon Ware: Very [10:50:44 AM] Mike Nowak: I am looking at my almost six month old playing with grandma and it is amazing.. [10:50:52 AM] Mike Nowak: Goes fast man, thanks. [10:51:07 AM] Gordon Ware: Welcome enjoy [10:51:08 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: that’s another incentive for me to make rank :) so me and the wife CAN have one and NOT WORRY [10:51:09 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: :) [10:51:45 AM] Mike Nowak: Shu and Gordon - Exactly. My TB income goes to my son... college education savings, etc. What a great feeling to be able to build this for him. [10:52:05 AM] Gordon Ware: No doubt! [10:52:48 AM] Mike Nowak: 250,000 More Incentives to Shake 'n' Share Your favorite promotion EVER just got even better. Between now and Sunday, April 24th at midnight (Pacific Time), we'll donate $10 to Raincatcher for EVERY Coach who registers for the Shake 'n' Share promotion—up to $250,000! Raincatcher tells us that every dollar provides up to ONE YEAR of water for one person in a water-deprived area of the world. Imagine how much water $250,000 could provide! So do YOUR part and make sure you, your Team, and all of your new Coaches are registered. This isn't just a business-builder; it's a life-changer! Register for Shake 'n' Share [10:53:02 AM] Mike Nowak: [10:53:03 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: yea that’s awesome man! i can’t wait to be in that position [10:53:10 AM] Mike Nowak: Shu - You WILL! [10:53:15 AM] Mike Nowak: Jesse can you see the chat? [10:53:27 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: I’m fighting towards the goal for sure! [10:53:35 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: I’m celebrating big time when i make diamond I’ll tell ya that [10:53:43 AM] Mike Nowak: Shu - When is your goal for Diamond? [10:53:43 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: me and Mr. Jack Daniels will talk :) [10:53:57 AM] Mike Nowak: haha. Captain man myself.. 10 [10:54:27 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: well i put it in my new year’s resolution along with some other goals so i HAVE to make it by the end of the year! ALTHO , i am pushing to get there by the summer! that way i can have MY DIAMOND PIN AND MY ASSOCIATES DEGREE! :) [10:54:29 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: both together! [10:55:02 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: i tell ya if i can do this thing with the time i got and how busy life is, Full time work and full time school, working out, building the business, training and 90DTD, and the family home life etc.! ANYONE CAN DO THIS [10:55:13 AM] Nicole Dennison: Hey guys...finally able to join...I know it is late but had to take care of my son first [10:55:29 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: hey Nicole! [10:55:34 AM] Mike Nowak: Hey Nicole how are you?!? [10:55:52 AM] Gordon Ware: Hey Cole! [10:55:56 AM] Nicole Dennison: Good, just stressed trying to sell a house before the Marines move us and hubby is gone with the Marines so life is crazy [10:56:02 AM] Mike Nowak: Shu - Yes, you WILL be Diamond by Summer. No doubt. [10:56:28 AM] Mike Nowak: Hang in there Nicole. How are the workouts? Usually that helps with stress. [10:56:52 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: Thanks for the encouragement mike!! [10:56:56 AM] Nicole Dennison: Oh the workouts are my sanity. I am doing ChaLEAN Extreme right now so the weights are good but adding in Insanity for the mind numbing breaks [10:57:12 AM] Nicole Dennison: Can't think during Insanity [10:57:15 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: ha Insanity will make ya too tired to even think so :) [10:57:24 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: haha nice same thought right there [10:57:44 AM] Jesse Mezano: finally [10:57:50 AM] Mike Nowak: Insanity is awesome. I am pushing through the Asylum now and can't believe how few breaks we get? [10:57:52 AM] Jesse Mezano: thanks a lot guys [10:58:05 AM] Mike Nowak: Hey Jesse! Welcome man, sorry for your issues getting in bro. [10:58:07 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: i hear ya mike [10:58:16 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: i didn’t know how hard even jump roping was lol that’s TIRING [10:58:24 AM] Jesse Mezano: no problem [10:58:36 AM] Mike Nowak: How is the business Jesse? [10:58:38 AM] Nicole Dennison: I can't wait to try Asylum... [10:58:54 AM] Jesse Mezano: I have asylum but I’m doing p90x tomorrow [10:58:58 AM] Jesse Mezano: i mean Monday 11 [10:59:08 AM] Jesse Mezano: i just need to buy my dumbbells [10:59:15 AM] Mike Nowak: Shu - My family came down to watch me do Speed and Agility and I was breathing hard two minutes into the warm-up. I had to tell them, "I REALLY am in shape, this is HARD!" [10:59:27 AM] Nicole Dennison: We have SelectTechs and Chad loves them. [10:59:36 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: seriously same here! it’s for sure an INSANE workout [10:59:40 AM] Nicole Dennison: He took them with him though so I had to get solo dumbbells for me [10:59:41 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: the hardest yet hands down [10:59:45 AM] Jesse Mezano: well, I haven't made any sales [10:59:48 AM] Mike Nowak: Yep. [11:00:00 AM] Jesse Mezano: but i really believe soon i will start getting people [11:00:04 AM] Mike Nowak: So Jesse - how have the exposures been? Personal development? [11:00:07 AM] Mike Nowak: Yes, BELIEVE! [11:00:23 AM] Mike Nowak: Nicole or others - Any questions on the business? [11:00:28 AM] Jesse Mezano: this week i wore my insanity and p90x shirts and i was amazed of how many people asked me questions and took my cards [11:00:52 AM] Nicole Dennison: No just trying to keep getting word out there and knowing that the sales and business will follow. [11:00:52 AM] Jesse Mezano: I have so far so possible customers [11:01:03 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: i need to get some shirts and stuff seriously lol I’m missing out huge there [11:01:07 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: summer is coming so, I’m getting some [11:01:09 AM] Mike Nowak: Jesse - That is a huge source of exposures. They have some cool P90X coach hats and then product tshirts in the backoffice under TEAM BEACHBODY MALL. [11:01:14 AM] Nicole Dennison: Yeah Chad and I want to get the shirts [11:01:18 AM] Jesse Mezano: every time I go to a store or restaurant i drop a few cards [11:01:41 AM] Mike Nowak: Jesse - You are planting the seeds, keep up the good work. [11:01:45 AM] Nicole Dennison: Chad is doing great with all the Marines in Yuma liking Shakeology so hopefully he gets some customers from there too [11:01:45 AM] Jesse Mezano: I know i bought my shirt from the mall [11:02:10 AM] Jesse Mezano: I got the business card they have my before and after pic on the back [11:02:48 AM] Mike Nowak: Nicole - that is perfect. The recovery formula is a great supplement for Chad to promote. Great progress. [11:03:25 AM] Mike Nowak: Is everyone here on the TEAM RAGE Facebook page? I think so, but just want to make sure. Make sure your downline coaches get access as well! 12 [11:04:12 AM] Mike Nowak: Great chat today - any more questions my friends? [11:04:25 AM] Mike Nowak: As always, please let me know how I can help. [11:04:30 AM] Nicole Dennison: Nope...gotta go workout [11:04:51 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: yea same here time to go get warmed up for Speed and Agility [11:04:51 AM] Mike Nowak: BRING IT!!!!!!!! Thanks for stopping in, shows leadership and dedication Nicole! [11:04:52 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: you ready mike [11:05:00 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: you ready for the asylum!!!! [11:05:08 AM] Mike Nowak: Shu - Dude. DIG DEEP man. In and out ab progression! [11:05:14 AM] Gordon Ware: See you all later. Happy Easter everybody. [11:05:18 AM] Nicole Dennison: see y'all in WOWY...we should do a Team workout some time [11:05:39 AM] Mike Nowak: Thanks Gordon, you too, and thanks for the hard work and dedication! We WILL be successful together! [11:05:56 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: you to mike! I’m out! catch you all later! have a good weekend [11:06:03 AM] Jesse Mezano: happy eastern guys [11:06:04 AM] Mike Nowak: Nicole - Great idea. Shu will be in there! I did my workout earlier and still recovering. Ha. [11:06:13 AM] Jesse Mezano: enjoy your time with your families [11:06:14 AM] Mike Nowak: Later Shu. Diamond baby! [11:06:22 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: YOU KNOW IT! [11:06:26 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: I’m printing out my pins today :) [11:06:33 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: and marking them off as i get them [11:06:34 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: BRING IT! [11:06:43 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: I’ll be in wowy Nicole in like 10-15 mins [11:06:45 AM] Jesse Mezano: and please save a prayers for my brothers and sisters overseas fighting [11:06:48 AM] Mike Nowak: Thanks Jesse, you as well and I admire your persistence getting into the chat today, Tells me a lot about your motivation. BRING IT! [11:07:00 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: I’m a veteran Jesse so i sure will [11:07:03 AM] Nicole Dennison: See you in there Shu [11:07:08 AM] Mike Nowak: Later Team! [11:07:14 AM] Jesse Mezano: will do Mike, thanks [11:07:15 AM] Nicole Dennison: As a Marine wife I always got them in my prayers Jesse 13 [11:07:21 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: US Navy 4 years MP [11:07:27 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: later mike [11:07:33 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: OOHH YAAAAAA [11:07:40 AM] Nicole Dennison: OHHHHH RAHHHHH [11:07:42 AM] Jesse Mezano: I’m a sailor so i dealt with marines [11:07:56 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: last end quote [11:08:03 AM] Jesse Mezano: and they may be crazy at times but they are great guys to have by your side [11:08:07 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: "Suffer the Pain of Discipline or Suffer the Pain of Regret" [11:08:09 AM] Jeremy Shuhart: later! [11:08:13 AM] Nicole Dennison: GTG [11:08:15 AM] Mike Nowak: TEAM RAGE, another great IM chat session. I will send out the transcript. My direct coach Team – please make sure you forward the transcript to your team. As always, please let me know how I can help and keep BRINGING IT!! Rage. 14