Final Project Option: Alphabet Book
You will be creating a book similar to the Alphabet books looked at in class.
The purpose is to demonstrate your understanding of course vocabulary in an interesting and artistic way.
For each letter of the alphabet, you need a page including:
The letter and a course-specific, level-appropriate vocabulary word/phrase which corresponds
An image demonstrating your understanding of the vocabulary
A brief description of the word/phrase for the purposes of sharing your knowledge with the reader
Aim for a variety of words: processes, descriptions, places, things (from all units of the course)
You MAY select a software program for your bookrather than do a scrapbook-style one… possibilities include
Photospeak, Publisher, Word, or another of your choice. Please get teacher approval before starting.
What to pass in:
Your book
The Specific Outcome Reflection sheet
This sheet (so I can fill in your marking scheme)
Marking Scheme:
Vocabulary selection
Course-appropriate, original vocabulary selected for every letter of the alphabet
Images depict the vocabulary word in the context of the course and are credited when necessary
Conveys meaning to a non-Oceans
11 student effectively; clearly written in your own words
Book is laid out in a way that is appealing and easy to follow
Aim for 6-8 words from each unit Variety of words from all units
Variety of TYPES of words
Specific Outcome
A good mixture of processes
(verbs), descriptions (adjectives) and things (nouns)
See Specific Outcome Reflection sheet
Value Points earned/Comments
Or /10 on the final grade
Final Project Option: Alphabet Book
Your book must address at least 10 specific curriculum outcomes.
Complete the table below and submit with your project:
Vocabulary word/ phrase Unit into which this word “fits” (0.5 pt)
Specific Curriculum
outcome it addresses (0.5 pt)
State two facts you learned or two activities we did while addressing this outcome in class
(1 pt)