Things to read: Stanford encyclopedia articles on structured propositions, Russell, Frege, singular propositions. Set theory in Cambridge Dictionary Bealer's Theory of Propositions, Relations, and Properties. Look at Blackwell companion to philosophy of logic: Stacks BC71.C65 2002; put a search on this as it's not on the shelf yet (5/28) Concise Encylopedia of Philosophy of Language, edited by Lemarque: Reference P 106 C5946 Kit Fine's 1982 "First-Order Modal Theories III—Facts" in Synthese, 53, 43-122 where he outlines the notion of a truthmaker; see p. 53 See science stacks Q175 .S95 Location Get a feel for Grice's and Bennett's naturalistic theory of meaning. Stephen Leeds on Church's Translation Argument Kripke's Outline of a Theory of Truth, Jessi Phil 72, 690-716. TI: Propositions AU: Bealer,-George SO: Mind-. 1998; 107(425): 1-32. IS: 0026-4423 AB: Recent work in philosophy of language has raised significant problems for the traditional theory of propositions, engendering serious skepticism about its general workability. These problems are, I believe, tied to fundamental misconceptions about how the theory should be developed. The goal of this paper is to show how to develop the traditional theory in a way which solves the problems and puts this skepticism to rest. The problems fall into two groups. The first has to do with reductionism, specifically, attempts to reduce propositions to extensional entities--either extensional functions or sets. The second group concerns problems of fine-grained content--both traditional "Cicero"/"Tully" puzzles and recent variations on them which confront scientific essentialism. (edited) DE: LANGUAGE-; LOGIC-; PROPOSITION-; PUZZLE-; QUANTIFICATION-; TRUTHLA: English DT: Journal-Article AN: 0280855 TI: "Materialism and the Logical Structure of Intentionality" in Objections to Physicalism, Robinson, Howard (ed) AU: Bealer,-George PB: Clarendon-Oxford-Pr : New York, 1996 DE: INTENTIONALITY-; LOGIC-; MATERIALISMLA: English DT: Contribution AN: 0276644 Record 26 of 46 in The Philosopher's Index (1940-2002/03) TI: "Proper Treatment of Predication" in Fine-Grained Intensional Logic in Philosophical Perspectives, 7: Language and Logic, 1993, Tomberlin, James (ed) AU: Menzel,-Christopher PB: Ridgeview : Atascadero, 1993 AB: In this paper, I modify and extend a fine- grained approach to the logic of properties, relations, and propositions (PRPs) developed most notably by George Bealer and Edward Zalter. In particular, I introduce a "dual role" syntax that allows simple and complex predicates to occur as arguments to other predicates. This syntax reflects the "predicative" and "objectual" roles of PRPs, i.e., the fact that PRPs can be both predicated of other objects and referred to (e.g., by gerunds) and quantified over directly. Finally, this perspective on PRPs is shown to lead to a much more general account of predication. DE: INTENTIONALITY-; LANGUAGE-; LOGICLA: English DT: Contribution AN: 0246874 TI: "PROPERTY THEORIES" IN "HANDBOOK OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC", GABBAY, D (ED), 133-251. AU: BEALER,-GEORGE; MONNICH,-UWE PB: KLUWER : DORDRECHT, 1989 DE: PROPERTY-; THEORYLA: ENGLISH DT: CONTRIBUTION AN: 0165679 TI: BEALER'S "QUALITY AND CONCEPT". AU: ANDERSON,-C-ANTHONY SO: Journal-of-Philosophical-Logic. 1987; 16: 115-164. IS: 0022-3611 AB: THE PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS AND FORMALIZATION OF INTENSIONAL LOGIC IN GEORGE BEALER'S "QUALITY AND CONCEPT" ARE CRITICALLY REVIEWED. OBJECTIONS ARE PRESENTED AGAINST THE UNDERLYING CONCEPTIONS OF INTENSIONAL ENTITIES, ATTACKS ON QUINE AND CHURCH, AND AN ATTEMPTED RESOLUTION OF THE PARADOX OF ANALYSIS. IT IS SHOWN THAT THE FORMALIZED INTENSIONAL LOGIC IS NOT ABLE TO DEAL WITH A NUMBER OF INTUITIVELY VALID ARGUMENTS. THE REVIEWER CONCLUDES THAT THE LOGIC FAILS OF ITS PURPOSE. DE: CONCEPT-; ENTITY-; LOGIC-; QUALITYPS: BEALER,-G LA: ENGLISH DT: JOURNAL-ARTICLE AN: 0148084 TI: Propositions and the Objects of Thought AU: Jubien,-Michael SO: Philosophical-Studies. 2001 May; 104(1): 47-62. IS: 0031-8116 AB: The goals of this paper are to argue against Platonic propositions and to suggest a proposition-free way of treating "propositional" phenomena (such as belief). The main argument against propositions is reminiscent of Benacerraf's famous argument that numbers are not sets: there are innumerably many incompatible ways of deploying available abstract entities to mimic the structure of propositions. (This argument leaves other Platonic entities, like properties, unaffected.) The suggestion for treating propositional phenomena resembles Russell's treatment of belief as a multigrade relation between the believer and the intuitive constituents of the would-be proposition. DE: METAPHYSICS-; OBJECT-; PROPOSITION-; THOUGHTLA: English DT: Journal-Article AN: 3015228 Section E1 of "The Problem of Non-existents I —Internalism" (1982) Topoi. He argues for a distinctin between to forms of being here. "First-Order Modal Theories II—Propositions" Studia Logica I39, 159-202. Moore, Some problems in philosophy (I think I have this). Michael slote holds that facts are the truth of propositions; see Slote, M.A. (19740; Metaphysics and Essence. Oxfored: Basil Blackwell. On facts: Clark, R.W. (1976) 'What Facts Are', Southern Jouranl of Philosophy 14, 257268. Argues that facts aren't identical to propositions. On there only being one state of affairs: Donald Davidson and Gilber Harman ed.s Semantics of Natural Lnag. Dordrech: Reidel.