MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Student BYOD Resource Page M/J COMPREHENSIVE SCIENCE 2 Course Code: 200207001 BODY OF KNOWLEDGE: L: Life Science; N: Nature of Science Pacing Traditional Block Unit 8 Assessment TOPIC XVI: Biotechnology ESSENTIAL CONTENT A. Cloning 1. Recombinant DNA (DNA Cloning) 2. Therapeutic cloning Stem cells 3. Reproductive cloning B. Genetic Engineering C. Genetically modified foods and organisms D. Artificial Selection E. Impact on Society Division of Academics – Department of Science Fourth Nine Weeks OBJECTIVES Analyze and evaluate the benefits and limitations of various models and methods used in different fields of science Investigate different forms of biotechnology (cloning, genetic engineering, artificial selection) in society Analyze the effects of the different forms of biotechnology on society and the controversies surrounding them Evaluate current and possible legislation that can be used to regulate biotechnology Develop a “new” type of biotechnology and critique its possible use in the future Compare and contrast artificial selection and natural selection Investigate current uses of Cloning Technologies Date(s) 6 Days 04-28-15 to 05-05-15 3 Days 04-28-15 to 05-05-15 05-04-15 to 05-05-15 INSTRUCTIONAL TOOLS Core Text Book: Pearson Interactive Science Florida Ch. 13.3 – 13.4 Vocabulary: biotechnology, genetic engineering, cloning, artificial selection, genetic, environment, Recombinant DNA, stem cells, natural selection. Technology: 1. Pearson My Science Online –DNA Crop Dusters 2. BBC: Cloning and Reproduction 3. BrainPOP: Dolly the Sheep, Genetics, Growth, Blood Types 4. Other: Cloning Web quest; Click and Clone; Impact of Cloning Web quest; Cloning Activities; Desirable Breeding Traits in Cattle; Harvest of Fear; Bioengineered Foods? You’ve Come a Long Way Dolly! Let’s Clone a Mouse, Mouse, Mouse… Page 1 of 3 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Student BYOD Resource Page M/J COMPREHENSIVE SCIENCE 2 Course Code: 200207001 Chicken Genetics SC.7.L.16.4 SC.7.N.1.5 SC.7.N.1.7 Mouse Genetics (One Trait) Mouse Genetics (Two Traits) Standard: SC.7.L.16.4 Video Image Interactive Glossary Reading Passage Science Content Collection Recognize and explore the impact of biotechnology (cloning, genetic engineering, artificial selection) on the individual, society and the environment. Not assessed (Cognitive Complexity: Level 3: Strategic Thinking & Complex Reasoning) Challenges and Obstacles to Cloning Extinct Species Cloning the Tasmanian Tiger: Dream into Reality Genetic Engineering and Wheat The Science of Cloning The Controversy Over Genetically Engineered Food Cloning and the Protection of Endangered Species Scientists Address the Opposition to Genetically Modified Crops The Future of the World Hunger With and Without Genetic Could Cloning Create a Superhuman Race? Modification The Ethics of Human Cloning Genetic Engineering & Research Globin gene cloning; initial steps Cloning a gene biotechnology engineering genetic environment Hello, Dolly Genetic Evolution It's a Dog's World Genes DNA Reproduction: Asexual Reproduction: Sexual Division of Academics – Department of Science Fourth Nine Weeks Page 2 of 3 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Student BYOD Resource Page M/J COMPREHENSIVE SCIENCE 2 Course Code: 200207001 All activities are hyperlinked. Video Cloning Ethics: In His Own Words Human Cloning Inevitable, Says Princeton Genetics Professor in 1998 Cloning Ethics Scientists Clone Dolly the Sheep A New Way to Grow Hair FDA Approves Artificial Retina for the Blind Division of Academics – Department of Science Fourth Nine Weeks Critics Unconvinced of Genetically Modified Salmon He Surfs, He Walks Mazes, He Invents PCR: Profile of Biochemist Kary Mullis Genetic Engineering of Tomatoes Is Fruitful, Says Company Tomato is 1st Genetically-Altered Food Approved by FDA Scientists Create Test-Tube Burger with Lab-Grown Beef Page 3 of 3