ANCIENT BOOK REVIEWS “EUROPE & ASTRONOMY R001 SYNOPSIS DER NOMENKLATUR DER FIXSTERNE by Dr. Helmut Werner, completed and edited by Prof. Dr. Felix Schmeiller - Published in 1986 by “Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft” in Stuttgart - 510 pages - 21.3 x 30 cm 138.00 DM - ISBN 3-8047-0739-4 This book containing information about 2800 stars and 88 constellations is the result of an enormous work, begun by Prof. Helmut Werner shortly after the Second World War. This project of H. Werner, who was astronomer and member of the staff of the Carl Zeiss firm was continued after his death in 1973 by F. Schmeiller, who edited this survey of the fixed stars visible to the naked eye in 1986. This book, written in English and in German, begins with a list of the constellations with their name and abbrevrations and a few pages about their development, and various systems of designation of the stars. Then follows a chronological description of about 30 catalogues of fixed stars, such as the Almoqst of Ptolomaeas, the cetalogue of Tycho Brahe, Bayer, Flamsteed, Piazzi, bode and the Becvar Atlas Coelestis. Of each catalogue their development and different designations used are given. After an explanation about the principles used in the synopsis and the tables used, comes the main part of the book, containing the data about 88 constellations and their 2800 stars up to magnitude 5.5. First we can find a description of the origin, the brightest stars, conditions of visibility and the occupied area in the sky of each constellation. After this follows a table with positions, alteration in the position per century, visible brightness, ecliptical longitude an latitude in 24 catalogues. After these tables containing altogether 100.000 numbers, signs and letters, notes and commentaries are given variable stars, double stars, constellations which are no more in use today and other details about the stars being in the area of the constellations which is treated. The book also contains two maps of each constellation, one of the constellation as seen in the sky, the other as seen on the globe. This imposing and surveyable work is very interesting for everybody who wants infromation about stardesignation, catalogues and the origin of constellations. Tis biggest merit is that for the first time in the history of astronomy, misunderstanding about various designations of stars will be excluded. This is of particular importance for the research about the opinions of ancient civilizations concerning the stars, which can only be properly known when every star is concretely identified. R002 AUF DER SUCHE NACH LEBEN IM WELTALL by Donald Goldsmith and Tobias Owen - second edition - published by S. Hirzel VERLAG in Stuttgart in 1985 - 454 pages - 203 pictures - 20 tables - Price : 68.00 DM - ISBN 3-77760417-8 This very neatly composed work about extraterrestial life, its possible environment and the search for it, starts with a short chapter about early guesses about extraterrestrial life. Then, part two is a portrayal of what we now know about the universe. After having treated cosmology and the origin of the universe, the authors explain us about the different sorts of gelexies, quasars, interstellar matter and in particular interstellar molecules, star-classification, the evolution of stars and strange objects such as pulsars, neutron-stars and black-holes. After this picture of the possible environment of extraterrestrial life, comes part three that is about the life itself, expecially about the questions : What are the characteristics of life ? ; Whta’s the origin of life on Earth ? ; What’s the development of non-intelligent and intelligent life ? ; Which stars con contain planets with life on it ? Part four speaks about the search for life in the solar system and the difference of the other planets to life on Earth. The last part is about the search for extraterrestial life in other solar systems. How and where do we have to search ? Is the Earth unique ? What development could extraterrestial cultures have ? How can we come in contact ? Finally comes an analysis of the UFO-phenomenon and the theories of Von Däniken. What’s very interestin about this book is that it gives an explanation about the universe as a possible container of extraterrestial life and about life itself, before touching extraterrestial life so that the reader gets a detailed image of the different aspects of the subject. Also the author gives him an idea about the fascination we have when we try to get further than what we now really know, of course avoiding going beyond the limits of scientific thinking. -------- Carl Vandaele R003 WAS SEHE ICH AM HIMMEL ? Ein Begeleiter Durch Den Nordlichen und Südlichen Sternenhimmel. by Ernst-Jochen Beneke - published by FRANCKH-KOSMOS VERLAG in 1986, Stuttgart 280 pages - Price : 29.80 DM - ISBN 3-440-05493-4 Sometimes it is very arduous to rate an introduction on astronomy at its true value. The multitude of this kind of books, thrown on the market is almost dazzling. On second thought, Ernst J. Beneke’s “What can I see in the Sky” isn’t merely a book on top of our readingmatter : the fraft is very conveniently arranged and systematic. Striking is that the author writes in a simple and clear language, that doesn’s do any harm to the contents of the work. It is obvious that Beneke wished to reach first of all the general public with an excellent manual about he elementary knowledge of the Sun, the Moon, the planets, the Milky Way. Also the advanced amateur astronomer will be enthousiastic with the black and white starmops and the handy tables. Through the book, ther are some hints how to observe and sketch planets and stars. For the rest, the solid-binded work is illustrated with colour pictures and some prints of Honoré Daumier; merciless and drawn in more ‘pictural times... -------- Carl Vandaele R004 DAS WELTALL IN ZAHLEN Tabellebuch für Sternfreunde by Joachim Herrmann - Published by KOSMOS, Gesellschaft der Naturfreunde FRANCKH’SCHE VERLAGSHANDLUND - W. Keller und Co - Stuttgart - 127 pages 1986 - Price : 48.00 DM - ISBN 3-440-05680-5 Many a man shall be pleased with the particular interesting book of J. Herrmann, author and head of the popular observatory of Westphalia and the planetarium of Recklinghausen. “Astronomy is a science of figures, symbols and data”, he writes : indeed we can all be surprised by the astronomical distances, masses, intensities of light and velocities that we can’s imagine. So what an achievement of Herrmann to bundle all these astronomical data, fruits of the many experiments, done through the centuries, from Pythagoras to Einstein. The work is really complete down to the most important radio and Röntgensources, data in connection with the large telescopes of the world, galaxies, stars,.... *quatation : Joachim Herrmann in his preface : “Einen besonderen Teil dieses Bandes stellt eine umfangreiche Liste alles von der geographisen Breite Mitteleuropa aus Sichvoren Sternbilter mit eines Erklärung ihrer Herkunft, der Sternnamen und einen Zusammenstellung zahbreiches Objekte dar, Sie in kleinen Liebhaben fernrohren bis zu etwa 10 cm Offnung beschachtet werden können. ---------- Vincent Deschildere R005 DAS HIMMELSJAHR 1987 Sonne, Mond und Sterne im Jahreslauf by Hans-Ulrich Keller - Published by KOSMOS, Gesellschaft der Naturfreunde FRANCKH’SCHE VERLAGSHANDLUNG - Stuttgart - printed in 1986 - 173 pages - Price : 14.80 DM - ISBN 3-440-05591-4 Isn’t it difficult for an astronomical ‘freshman’ to find a book that’s both a sort of introduction and a sky-calendar. Such a work as “Das Himmelsjahr 1987” comes up to the expectations of the many ‘oursiders’, who want to poke their nose into the fascinating world of the stars and planets and who want to see some astro-phenomena with their proper eyes. Next to the usefull information such as a montly review of the orbits of the planets in the sky, the phases of the constellations, particular and rare astronomical phenomena. In the book there’s also a small introduction to astronomy. Each month H.-U. Keller writes about a theme as globular clusters, Uranus, crown dwarfs, Hipparcos,... Little starmaps, black and white photos and having realised the usefullness of this sky-calendar, we wish you joy of it ! And isn’t is true that we would rather see skylight than streetlight .... !!!! *quotation : Doch erneut widersprach der Meteorologie : “Kein Wölken in Licht ! Scherzhaft meon daranfnin Elliot,.... Dan sind es eben Uranusrivee !, worauf sie versammelt Runde de wissenschafter in schallentes Geldich der aus brach.” --------- Vincent Deschildere R006 DE KOMEET VAN HALLEY Door Isaac Asimov - oorspronkelijke titel : “Asimov’s Guide to Halley’s Comet” - uitgegeven door A.W. Bruna & Zoon - 1985 - 113 pagina - ISBN 90-229-7674-2 In 10 hoofdstukken behandelt de in sterrenkundige kringen zeer bekende amerikaanse schrijver Isaac Asimov, tevens auteur van vele SF-verhalen, de voornaamste facetten van de komeet Halley : in het algemeen de angst die er bestond voor deze hemelkruisvaarders, de banen die ze beschrijft (met inbegrip van de kaartjes die de baan aanduiden die de komeet van Halley in 1986 aan de hemel bespreef), de verschillende vroegere passages,... Hoofdstuk 4 bespreekt in het kort hoe kometen aan hun einde kunnen komen. Er wordt hierbij uitgegaan van wat moet doorgaan als type voorbeeld van de dood van een komeet namelijk het uiteenvallen van de komeet van BIELA in de 19de eeuw, en er wordt uiteengezet wat de ‘vuile sneeuwbal-theorie’ van Fred Whipple precies inhoudt. Interessant is ook het 5 de hoofdstuk waarbij de verschillende passages van kometen in de 19de eeuw worden vermeld. Hoofdstuk 7 gaat wat dieper in op de vraag waarom kometen steeds hun staart van de zon af keren en hoe meteorieten worden gevormd. het volgende hoofdstuk vertelt de lezer iets meer over zogenaamde verre kometen en welke hypothesen professor Oort voorstelde om eht ontstaan van kometne te verklaren. hierbij komt men dan ook onvermijkelijk in cantact met de ontstaanstheorieën van eht zonnestelsel in het algemeen, wat dan het onderwerp uitmaakt van het voorlaatste hoofdstuk. Het boek wordt besloten met de bespreking van de rol die verschillende kometen zouden kunnen hebben gehad bij diverse rampen. Er wordt hierbij vooral gedacht op botsingen tussen kometne on onze moederplaneet Aarde. De “Komeetvan Halley” is een zeer luchtig geschreven boekje waarbij vooral wordt ingegaan op de verschillende theorieën die in de loop der eeuwen naar voren werden geschoven. De talrijke tekeningen, schetsen en foto’s, samen met de boeiende vertelstijl van de auteur, maakt dti boek een aanrader voor elk beginnende amateur-sterrenkundige. De illustraties die weinig in andere boeken omtrent dit onderwerp voorkomen maken dit boek ook voor de gevorderden boeiend. --------------- Philippe Vercoutter R007 TRANSACTIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Proceedings of the 19th General Assembly, New Delhi, 1985 - publications of the International Astronomical Union - Transactions 19 - published in 1986 by D. REIDEL PUBLISHING - 668 pages - ISBN 90-277-2321-4 - Price : Dfl. 245.00 - edited by Jean-Pierre Swings The XIXth General Assembly of the IAU was held in New Delhi, India, in November 1985. It was a fertile meeting-ground for scientists from all over the world, providing a highly efficient forum for evaluation of ongoing international collaborative projects, and for the initiation of new ones. Secondly, for many young astronomers, it was their first major contact with more experienced colleagues from other countries. In addition to summarizing thework of the XIXth General Assembly, this volume contains the Commission Reports from Delhi, compiled by the presidents of the Comissions. The volume also presents updated information about various activities of the Uniion, the membership listss of the IAU Commission, as well as an alphabetical list of the more than 6.000 individual members of the IAU (including addresses, telephone and telex numbers, and commission affiliations. R008 THIRD ASIAN-PACIFIC REGIONAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION, Kyoto, JAPAN, September 30- October 6, 1984 Part I. Reprinted from Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 118, Nos. 1-2 (double issue) - Published by D. REIDEL PUBLISHING - ISBN 90-277-1867-9 - Price : Dfl. 230.00 printed in 1986 - 264 pages Part II. Reprinted from Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 119, No. 1 - published by D. REIDEL PUBLISHING - ISBN 90-277-2210-2 - Price : Dfl. 115.00 - printed in 1986 - 264 pages. The Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting of the IAU drew 224 contributed papers, presented by 324 participants representing 22 countries. Continental China participated for the first time and presented a number of excellent papers. The editors have selected some 85 papers for inclusion in these books. Part I contains the following main sections : 1. A view of AsianPacific Astronomy. 2A. The Sun. 2B. Solar Stellar Connections. 3. Stars. 4A. Compact Stars , and Galactic Structure. 4B. Galactic Structure. 5A. Galactic Structure and Cosmology. 5B. Galaxies and Cosmology. A full table of Contents for Part III is available on request. R009 DARK MATTER IN THE UNIVERSE Proceedings of the 117th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Princeton, NEW JERSEY, USA, June 24-28, 1985 - Publications of the International Astronomical Union - symposia 117 - Published in 1986 by D. REIDEL PUBLISHING - 628 pages - ISBN 90-277-2356-7 - Price : 230.00 - paperback price : Dfl. 95.00 - ISBN 90-2772357-5 - edited by J. Kormendy and G.R. Knapp This is the first time that the International Astronomical Union has held a symposium on objects of totally unknown nature. In fact, is has been pointed out that the mass of the individual particles that make up the dark matter is unknown to larger than 70 orders of magnitude. Since dark matter appears to make up to 90% of the mass of the Universe, it presents us with one of the most fundamental problems in astrophysics. The idea that the Universe might contain much more mass than can be seen in gas, stars and their remnants has been with us for over 50 years. Until recently little more was known than that dark matter appears to exist; there was little systematic information about its properties. Only in the past several years was progress made to the point where dark matter density distributions can be measured. For example, with accurate rotation curves extending over large ranges in radius, decomposing the effects of the visible and dark matter to measure dark matter density profiles can be tried. Some regularities in dark matter behaviour have already turned up. This volume includes the 31 review and invited papers, 72 of the 85 papers, and the two general discussions. R010 LIGHT ON DARK MATTER Proceedings of the first IRAS Conference held in Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 10-14 June 1985 - Astrophysics and Space Science Library Vol. 124 - Published in 1986 by D.REIDEL PUBLISHING - 570 pages - Price : Dfl. 210.00 - edited by F.P. Israel - ISBN 90-277-2254-4 Between January and November of 1983, the Dutch-American-British Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) conducted a sensitive and unbiased survey of the sky in four wavelength bands, centred at 12, 25, 60 and 100 microns. At the symposium, “Light on Dark Matter”, the scientific results of this mission were reviewed for the first time in a comprehensive way, with special emphasis on processes of star formation, late evolutionary stages of stars, galaxy properties, and the characteristics of dust particles in the interstellar medium. At the same time, a workshop was held to discuss the latter subject in more detail. The present proceedings contain two dozen reviews by specialists in their respective fields, as well as large number of workshop reports and contributed poster papers highlighting specific research projects. These reviews and reports are of paramount interest not only to those presently conducting research with IRAS data, or those planning to do so, but indeed for everybody interested in the infrared properties of objects in the Universe. R011 GALAXY DISTANCES AND DEVIATIONS FROM UNIVERSAL EXPANSION Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, January 13-17 in 1986 - NATO Advandced Science Institutes Series C : Mathematical and Physical Sciences - Published in 1986 by D.REIDEL PUBLISHING - 316 pages - price : Dfl. 145.00 - ISBN 90-277-2277-3 - edited by Barry F. Madore and Brent R. Tully In the summary lecture, it is suggested that the participants at this winter workshop on Hawaii way have witnessed another of the great turns in cosmology. We now have evidence for large streaming motions on scales of over 50 Mpc and, possibly of clustering of superclusters on the scales as large as 500 Mpc. We have heard of filaments of galaxies and voids and there is talk of bubbles. Where do these observations leave our theoretical understanding ? There are three popular classes of models. Large-scale structure might have formed from the abiabatic collapse ofmatter, with or without dissipation, driven by dark matter that is maybe cold, maybe hot, maybe baryonic. There could have been explosive events at an early epoch that evacuated some regions and piled matter up in others. Or, perhaps, cosmic strifngs generated in the GUT-era have given rise to the structure that we see. These were some of the topics discussed at the workshop and there was more. A feeling emerged that we are getting somewhere on the distance scale problem. In the near future, the observational emphasis will turn to a detailed mapping of the distribution of galaxies and the velocity field. Surely, it will be possible to distinguish between those wildly different models. R012 DARK COMPANIONS OF STARS Reprinted from Space Science Reviews Vol. 43, Nos. 3-4 - Published in 1986 by D.REIDEL PUBLISHING - 120 pages - Price : Dfl. 95.00 - ISBN 90-277-2270-6 - edited by R. Van de Kamp This treatise consists of two main parts. Part I surveys our cosmic neighbourhood, the ‘fixed stars’ and the ‘wandering’ planets, the motions and distances of stars, and the physical properties of stars. The nearby stars and thier striking division into red and white dwarfs are discussed. Of particular interest is a more detailed description of the intrinsically faintest stars, both visible and invisible. The photographic astrometric survey of the lower end of the Main Sequence leads to information about unseen companions of stars, particularly about the dark dwarfs. Next follows a survey of the solar system, more specifically the planetary system of our Sun. Its geometric, kinematic, physical and chemical properties are presented, followed by possible origin. The possible origin of stars and further assemblies is also discussed. An attempt is made to define stars and planets. Part II deals with unseen stars and planets. Early historical discoveries described unclude perturbations of Sirius and Procyon, Neptune, Pluto and a search for a further planet X. A description of the recent and current photographic astrometric approach follows. Companions from perturbations, technique analysis and interpretations are also discussed. The final chapter considers the status of nearby Barnard’s Star. R013 HIGHLIGHTS OF ASTRONOMY, VOLUME 7 As presented at the XIXth General Assembly of the IAU, 1985 - Publications of the International Astronomical Union - Highlights of Astronomy 7 - Published in 1986 by D.REIDEL PUBLISHING COMPANY - 920 pages - ISBN 90-277-2278-1 - Price : Dfl. 330.00 - paperback price Dfl. 140.00 - ISBN 90-277-2279-X - edited by J.-P. Swing This book first reproduces the text of the three Invited Discourses on Pulsars and their genesis’ (V. Radhakrishnan), ‘Dark matter in the Universe’ (V. Rubin and ‘Venus’ (D. Sagdeev). It then presents the proceedings of seven one-day Joint Discussions which are centred on broad subjects of great actuality and which review the status of research in particular fields of astronomy : ‘Reference frames’, ‘Long-period eclipsing binary stars and related objects’, ‘Solar and stellar non-radial oscillations’, ‘Radio astronomy and Cosmology’, ‘Stellar activity : rotation and magnetic fields’, ‘Evolution in young population in galaxies’, and ‘Supernovae’. Of the numerous Joint Commission Meeting held in Delhi, five that have been selectec for inclusion here are concerned with fairly specialized subjects : their proceedings summarize the latest information on the ‘Hipparcos’ project, ‘Coronal activity and interplanetary disturbances’, the ‘MERIT and COTES’ programs. ‘Synthetic photometry’, Standard Stars’. Two additional contributions on new telescopes and galactic constants are also published. ‘Highlights of Astronomy’ is a book of over 900 pages bringing together about 120 of the most important and interesting talks delivered during the XIXth IAU General Assembly held in Delhi (November 19-28, 1985). In essence, the present status of a wide variety of very active fields of astronomy is reviewed here. R014 QUASARS Proceedings of the 119th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Bangalore, India, December 2-6, 1985 - Publications of the International Astronomical Union - Symposia 119 - Published in 1986 by D.REIDEL PUBLISHING COMP. - 628 pages ISBN 90-277-2297-8 - Price : Dfl. 230.00 - Paperback price Dfl. 95.00 - ISBN 90-277-22986 - edited by G. Swarup and V.K. Kapahi The study of quasars has, in recent years, yielded many important and spectacular results, both observational and theoretical. The wide range of topics concerning quasars covered in this volume include their continuum properties, structure and morphology (in the radio, IR, optical, UV and X-ray regions of the spectrum) emission and absorption line studies, nature and models of their prime movers, thier cosmological evolution and implications, intervening meduim and dark matter in the Universe. Qeasars are currently recognised as extreme manifestations of violent activity accurring in active galactic nuclei. They have also provided a valuable ingisht into the large-scale structure of the Universe, and are likely to remain at the forefront of research in extragalactic astronomy for a long time. R015 FUNDAMENTAL ASTRONOMY AND SOLAR SYSTEM DYNAMICS Reprinted from Celestial Mechanics Vol. 37 N° 3 - Published in 1986 by D. REIDEL PUBLISHING COMP. - 150 pages - ISBN 90-277-2268-4 - Price Dfl. 100.00 - edited by R.L. Duncombe, J.H. Lieske and P.K. Seidelmann “Fundamental Astronomy and Solar Dynamics” is a collection of papers honouring Professor Walter Fricke, who has been Director of the Astronomisches Rechen Institut in Heidelberg for 30 years. The volume marks the occasion of his 70th birthday and retirement as Director of ARI. Professor Fricke’s contributions to astronomy encompass the areas of galactic dynamics, radial velocities, stellar statistics, the fundamental reference system and the constant of precession. The papers range from discussions of astrometric problems concerned with the reference system, the constant of precession, major and minor planet observations, planetary ephemerides and lunar and satellite laser ranging, to a study of disc galaxies in massive halos. The book ends with a review of Professor Fricke’s career. R016 INSTRUMENTATION AND RESEARCH PROGRAMS FOR SMALL TELESCOPES Proceedings of the 118th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Christchurch, New Zealand, December 2-6, 1985 - Publications of the International Astronomical Union - Symposia 118 - Published by D. REIDEL PUBLISHING COMP. in 1986 - 504 pages - ISBN 90-277-2324 - Price : Dfl. 190.00 - Paperback price : Dfl. 80.00 ISBN 90-277-2325-7 - edited by J.B. Hearnshsaw and P.L. Cottrell In dealing with the capabilities of small telescopes - defined here as groundbased instruments with apertures less than 1.5 meter - this volume discusses several new types. Diverse instrumentation is also explored, as are the various research programs which can be undertaken with small telescopes. These types of instruments, often used by small institutions or astronomical societies are ideally suited to regular observation of a variety of interesting objects. The volume has been divided into three broad sections : telescopes and instrumentation; photometric research programs. Most of this material illustrates the potential of small telescopes to perform fundamental research on astrophysically significant programs. The objects covered range from those within the solar system (e.g. asteroids and comets) through stars to distant galaxies. In additio, vital calibration of large and space-based telescope observations is undertaken with small telescopes, the advent of high quantum efficiency detectors making work previously done on only large telescopes possible on their smaller counterparts. R017 UPPER MAIN SEQUENCE STARS WITH ANOMALOUS ABUNDANCES Proceedings of the 90th Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union held in Crimea, USSR, May 13-19, 1985 - Astrophysics and Space Science Library 125 - published by D.REIDEL Publishing Comp. in 1986 - 506 pages - Price : Dfl. 200.00 - ISBN 90-277-2296X - edited by C.R. Cowley, M.M. Dworetsky and C. Megessier The puzzling variety of chemical peculiarities among upper main sequence stars is unmatched in the domain of stellar astronomy. In contrast to the situation found in lower main sequence objects, large element-to-iron variations are easily established. Bizarre abundance patterns are characteristic of stars with strong, general magnetic filds. The origin and evolution of these fields and the associated chamistry is discussed in this book. IAU Colloquium 90 was the first international meeting on this topic where the flavour of ideas of astronomers from Easters European countries is well represented. The volume contains up-todate reviews of observational and theoretical work, and many new contributions. R018 LUMINOUS STARS AND ASSOCIATIONS IN GALAXIES Proceedings of the 116th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Porto Heli, Greece, May 26-31, 1985 - Publications of the International Astronomical Union Symposia 116 - published in 1986 by D.REIDEL PUBLISHING COMP. - 552 pages - Price : Dfl. 200.00 - ISBN 90-277-2273-2 - Paperback price : 85.00 - ISBN 90-277-2273-0 - edited by C.W.H. De Loore, A.J. Willis and P. Laskarides This timely volume brings together ‘stellar’ observers and theoreticians for discussions of recent progress and outstanding ptoblems in the filed. The overall aim of the book is to consider the properties and role of the luminous stars, stellar complexes and associationsin the evolution of galaxies; and to discuss objects found not only in the Galaxy, but also in the Magellanic Clouds, the Local Group and beyons. The work embraces a wide range of enterrelated topics including: main-sequence and supergiant stars; luminous blue variables and other stars with emission lines; massive stars evolution; large stellar complexes in galaxies; and the integrated luminous stellar content of galaxies. Advances in these fields, on both the observational and theoretical front are presented. R019 ASTROMETRIC TECHNIQUES Proceedings of the 119th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union held in Gainesville, Florida, USA, January 9-12, 1984 - Publications of the International Astronomical Union -Symposia 109 - Published in 1986 by D.REIDEL PUBLISHING COMP. - 864 pages - Price : Dfl. 308.00 - ISBN 90-277-2256-0 - Paperback Price : Dfl. 130.00 - ISBN 90-277-2257-9 - edited by Heinrich K. Eichhorn and Robert J. Leacock These proceedings contain the papers delivered at the Symposium on Astrometric Techniques, over a dozen being invited review papers by internationally known experts. The sections were : I. Reduction Technique, with papers ranging from occultation technique to a detailed paper on the astrometric consequences of the general theory of relativity; II. Radio Astrometry, where the papers dealt mostly with the various techniques used for obtaining and reducing radio observations for positional purposes, as well as the tie-in to the optical reference frame. The section on Photographic Astrometry dealt with parallaxes, proper motion, proper motion survey and unconventional photographic-astrometric techniques. Interferometry was covered in Section IV with papers on optical, infrared, and radio interferometry as well as the successful techniques of speckle interferometry. The section V on small-field photoelectric astrometry dealt with electronic light detection devices in the focal planes of transit instruments of other telexcopes; conventional and non-conventional transit circle and other transit type instruments (astrolobes) were covered in section VI. Section VII contained several papers on HIPPARCOS and the Space Telescope, while Section VIII concentrates on the requirements and methods for observing particular kinds of objects. Section IX, administration and distribution, dealt with the archiving and cataloguing of data collection and finally, section X dealt with the reconciliation of like data which were established by different techniques. R020 SOLAR WIND - MAGNETOSPHERE COUPLING ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE LIBRARY 126 - Published in 1986 by D. REIDEL - 830 pages - Price : Dfl. 390.00 - ISBN 90-277-2303-6 - Edited by Y. Kamide and J.A. Slavin This book constitutes the Proceedings of the Chapman Conference on Solar Wind Magnetosphere Coupling held at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, February 12-15, 1985. The conference was organised by the American Geophysical Union and co-sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Sience Foundation, and others. This work provides an overview of the state of the art in the Solar Wind, Magnetospheric Processes, Energy Transfer into the Magnetosphere and includes new results from recent satellites and radars, such as the Dynamics Explorer, HILAT, Sondrestrom radars and from recent computer simulations. The book is divided into five sections : - Geomagnetic indices and statistical methods; - Solar wind and magnetospheric processes; - Electrodynamics of magnetosphere-ionosphere; - Solar wind control of nightside magnetosphere; - Summary panel. R021 ASTROCHEMISTRY Proceedings of the 120th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held at Goa, India, December 3)7, 1985 - Publications on the International Astronomical Union - Symposia 120 - Published by D.REIDEL PUBLISHING COMP. - 640 pages - Price : Dfl. 235.00 ISBN 90-277-2359-1 - Paperback price : Dfl. 95.00 - ISBN 90-277-2360-5 - published in 1986 - edited by M.S. Vardya and S.P. Tarafdar The chemical processes involved in the formation and destruction of molecules are widespread in astronomy. They occur in comets, planetary and stellar atmospheres, circumstellar shells and interstellar clouds, and may have played an important role in the early universe. The chemical processes taking place in different objects are diverse due to different physical conditions, but there is an underlying unity in this diversity. This volume brings together scientists from a variety of discipline in an attempt to understand the physics and chemistry of these processes. Past achievements are dealt with, the state-of-the-art is explored and possible future directions are presented. Basic atomic, molecular and grain physics, experimental and observational data, and theoretical calculations and modeling are all given attention. R021 POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS AND ASTROPHYSICS Proceeding of the NATO Advanced Research and CNRS Workshop, Les Houches, France, February 17-22, 1986 - NATO ADVANCED SCIENCE INSTITUTE SERIES C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences 191 - Published in 1986 by D. REIDEL PUBLISHING COMP. - 424 pages - Price Dfl. 165.00 - ISBN 90-277-2361-3 - edited by A. Leger, L. D’Hendecourt and N. Boccara Arc Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH’s) the most abundant organic molecules in the Universe ? This is one of the questions arising from the PAH hypothesis. The hypothesis is attractive because it could explain the so-called ‘unidentified’ IR emission bands of the interstellar medium and more generally its large near IR emission. The present volume stems from an interdisciplinary meeting where chemists, solid state and molecular physicists, PAH’s and their possible presence in Space. R022 HYDROGEN DEFICIENT STARS AND RELATED OBJECTS Proceedingss of the 87th Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union held at Mysore, India, November 10-15, 1985 - Astrophysics and Space Science Library 128 - Published in 1986 by D.REIDEL PUBLISHING COMP. - 528 pages - Price : Dfl. 220.00 - ISBN 90-2772326-5 - edited by Kurt Hunger, Detlef Schönberger and N. Kameswara Rao The central and most startling problem in the field of helium stars, something which has puzzled astronomers from the very beginning, is how extreme helium stars are formed and how a star of one solar mass may get rid of all its original hydrogen. A few opposed hypotheses are known but until now none of them have been very concincing. One of the aims of this book is to explore the various paths chich may lead to a solution of the above problem, both theoretically and by means of new methods of observation. One of the points discussed, therefore, is whether the Hubble Space Telescope can be used to this end. A number of internationally collaborative programmes were started during the course of the meeting which is reported here, comprising further instruments such as IRAS, ESO, CASPEC, and possible SEST. R023 PROGRESS IN SOLAR PHYSICS Reprinted from Solar Physics, Volum 100, Nos. 1-2 - Published in 1986 by D. REIDEL PUBLISHING COMP. - 632 pages - Price : Dfl. 235.00 - ISBN 90-277-2180-7 - edited by D. De Jager and Z. Svestka R024 RADIO CONTINUA DURING SOLAR FLARES Reprinted from Solar Physics, Vol. 104 N° 1 - Selected Contributions to the Workshop held at Duino, Italy, May 1985 - Published in 1986 by D.REIDEL PUBLISHING COMPANY 268 pages - Price : Dfl. 165.00 - ISBN 90-277-2291-9 - edited by Arnold O. Benz Continuum radio emission and fine structure (in paticular millisecond spikes) have recently generated interst as diagnostic tools for the interpretation of energy release and particle acceleration in flares. This volume, intended for active observers of the impulsive phase of flares in radio and associated emissions, aims at finding a common terminology to compare radio observations with measurements in other emissions and to confront observations with theoretical concepts. As such, the book provides a representative summary of the current status of the field and a clear perspective for the next cycle. R025 DYNAMICS OF COMETS : Their Origing and Evolution Proceedings of the 83th Colloquium of the IAU held in Rome, Italy, June 11-15, 1984 Astrophysics and Space Science Library Series - Volume 115 - Published in 1985 by D. REIDEL Publishing Company - 456 pages - ISBN 90-277-2047-9 - Price : Dfl. 165.00 edited by A. Carusi and G.B. Valsecchi There is a growing interest within the international planetary science community in the origin and dynamics of comets. These bodies can be considered as remnants of the original population of planetesimals and the study of their origin and dynamical histories can provide insight into the accretion phenomena; the original mass, energy and angular momentum distribution accross the Solar System; the collisional fragmentation of minor bodies; the impact rates on plants and the nature of impacting bodies. The interaction of comets with other solar system bodies certainly provides one of the best possibilities for a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the whole system, and a challenging test for all theories of celestial mechanics dealing with the gravitational behaviour of multiple-body systems. Comets should be considered as the last foorprints left by the interaction of the protosun and its original environment. R026 PROPERTIES AND INTERACTIONS OF PLANETARY DUST Proceedings of the 85th Colloquium of the IAU held in Marseille, France, July 9-12, 1984 Astrophysics and Space Science Library Series - Vol. 119 - Published by D. REIDEL Publishing Company in 1985 - 472 pages - ISBN 90-277-2115-7 - Price : Dfl. 180.00 - edited by R.H. Giese and P. Lamy The aim of this publication is to provide a well-founded, up-to-date synopsis of interplanetary dust, its interaction with larger bodies, magnetic fields, radiation and gas, and loss generation of dust particles. Topics discussed include : Zodiacal light and F-Corona; Optical properties and physical properties of dust and surfaces; In-situ measurements and lunar microcrater analysis; Studies of collected samples; Dynamics of spatial distribution; Interactions with the interplanetary medium (solar wind, magnetic field); sources and sinks (collisions, larger meteorites, asteroids, comets, interstellar dust); synoptic studies and advanced modelling; and future space missions R027 RADIO STARS Proceedings of the workshop on Stellar Continuum Radio Astronomy held in Boulder, Colorado, USA, August 8-10, 1984 - Astrophysics and Space Science Library Series Volume 116 - Published by D. REIDEL PUBLISHING COMP. - 432 pages - ISBN 90-277-2063-0 Price Dfl. 165.00 - Edited by R.M. Hjelliming and D.M. Gibson - Published in 1985 Studies of stellar radio emission became an important field of research in the 1970’s and have expanded to a major field of research of radio astronomy with the advent of new instruments such as the Very Large Array in New Mexico and transcontinental telescope arrays. This volume contains papers and discussions from a workshop on stellar continuum radio astronomy held in Boulder, Colorado and is the first book on the rapidly expanding field of radio emission from stars and stellar systems. Subjects covered include the observational and theoretical aspects of stellar winds from both hot and cool stars, radio flares from active double stars and red dwarf stars, bipolar flows from objects in star-forming regions, and the radio emission from X-ray binaries. R028 STABILITY OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM AND ITS MINOR NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL BODIES Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Stability of the solar system and its minor natural and artificial bodies held in Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy, August 6-18, 1984 NATO Advanced Science Institute Series C - Volume 154 - Published in 1985 by D.REIDEL PUBLISHING COMPANY - 444 pages - ISBN 90-277-2046-0 - Price : Dfl. 160.00 - edited by V.G. Szebehely This volume contains the proceedings which focused the most recent developments of celestial mechanics with special emphasis on stability investigations. Contributors of the articles included are the foremost authorities in the complex field of solar system dynamics, modern dynamics and stability analysis. The overlapping scientific areas that the concept of stability brings together are emphasized and the subjects discussed include : resonance properties, asteroid dynamics, satellite behaviour, geodesy, non-linear oscillations, integrability, and the restricted problem of three and four bodies. R029 ASTROMETRIC BINARIES An international Conference to commemmorate the birth of Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (17841846) - Published in 1985 by D. REIDEL PUBLISHING COMPANY - 220 pages - ISBN 90277-1970-5 - Price : Dfl. 120.00 - Edited by Z. Kopal and J. Rahe Bessel was the founder of modern astrometry and combined in him were the gifts of an outstanding observer and a sublime theoretician. This conference in honour of his memory was held at the Remeis Sternwarte in Bamberg in June 1984. R030 CATACLYSMIC VARIABLES AND LOW-MASS X-RAY BINARIES Proceedings of the 7th North American Workshop held in Cambridge, Massachussetts, USA, January 12-15, 1983 - Astrophysics and Space Science Library Series - Volume 113 Published in 1985 by D. REIDEL PUBLISHING COMPANY - 472 pages - ISBN 90-2771947-0 - Price : Dfl. 165.00 - Edited by D. Q. Lamb and J. Patterson There is a little doubt that the cataclysmic variables are closely related to the low-mass X-ray binaries, in which the accreting star is usually, or perhaps always, a neutron star. The binary periods are roughly the same, the accretion rates are similar, both have low-mass copanion stars, and both show lots of variability. Despite all these similarities, however, research has proceeded more or less independently for each of the two classes of accreting binaries, and has focused on different aspects of the systems. The Conference, the proceedings of chich are included here, brought together for the first teime specialists in both fields. Invited papers include major review articles on the observational properties and evolution of low-mass X-ray binaries, recent observational and theoretical work on cataclysmic variables containing a magnetic white dwarf, and throties of dwarf novae outbursts. R031 COOL STARS WITH EXCESSES OF HEAVY ELEMENTS Proceedings of the Strassbourg Observatory Colloquium held at Strassbourg, France, June 36, 1984 - Astrophysics and Space Science Library Series - Volume 114 - Published in 1985 by D.REIDEL PUBLISHING COMP. - 424 pages - ISBN 90-277-1957-8 - Price : Dfl. 150.00 Edited by M. Jaschek and P.C. Keenan The late giants with peculiarities of chemical composition exhibit a bewildering variety of spectroscopic phenomena. The explanation for these anomalies must be sought in the complicated evolutionary tracks of a star in its advanced stage. Stellar hydrodynamic processes are some of the ingredients of a successful explanation. The proceedings of this meeting, the first ever devoted to these objects, provides an overall view of this rapidly evolving field. R032 DYNAMICS OF STAR CLUSTERS Proceedings of the 13th symposium of the IAU held in Princeton, NewJersy, USA, May 29 June 1, 1984 - Publications of the International Astronomical Union, Proceedings of Symposia Series - Volume 113 - Published in 1985 by D.REIDEL PUBLISHING COMP. 644 pages : - ISBN 90-277-1963-2 - Price : Dfl. 190.00 - edited by J. Goodman and P. Hut The enigma of core collapse receives much attention in this volume. In addition, several observational papers summarize recent techniques and results and discuss the stellar dunamical implications of the enormous progress in the quality of surface photometry, proper motion studies, radial velocity determinations, as well as space-based measurements in a variety of wavelengths. The value of these proceedings as a standard reference work is enhanced by the inclusion of two appendices, featuring English translation of two seminal papers on stellar dynamics published in Russian and not previously available in a Western language. A third appendix contains an up-to-date catalogue of observationally determined parametes of galactic globular clusters, as well as theoretically inferred parameters. This catalogue will prove to be an essential reference for phenomenological studies and an ideal testing ground for new theoretical developments. R033 INTERACTING BINARIES Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Interacting Binaries held in Cambridge, U.K. July 31- August 13, 1983 - NATO Advanced Science Institute Series C Volume 150 - Published by D. REIDEL PUBLISHING COMPANY - 1985 - 440pages ISBN 90-277-1966-7 - Price : Dfl. 165.00 - edited by PP. Eggleton and J.E. Pringle The subjects reviewed range widely, from the shortest-period interacting binaries (cataclysmic variables, and contact binaries) to the longest (symbiotic star). Included in between are acticles on Algols, X-ray binaries and Wolf-Rayet-stars (single as well as binary). While many of the articles are of interest to specialists in a particular field of binary star research, the broad range of topics, and the review character of each article, should make this book uselful to those astrophysicists who have not yet specialised, or who wish to look outside their speciality. R034 MASS LOSS FROM RED GIANTS Proceeding of a conference held at the University of California at Los Angeles, USA, June 2021, 1984 - Astrophysics and Space Science Library Series - Volume 117 - 340 pages - ISBN 90-277-2075-4 - Published in 1985 by D.REIDEL PUBLISHING COMPANY - Price : Dfl. 135.00 - edited by M. Morris and B. Zuckermann When stars reach a critical stage in their existance as red giants, they expel their outermost layers in the form of a cool, dusty, molecular wind. This process modifies the evolutionary future of the star and olters the chemical makeup of the surrounding interstellar medium. The envelope of outflowing matter holds physical and chemical clues to the ejection process and to the prior extent of nuclear processing and subsequent mixing within the star. Such outflows are also interesting inasmuch as many of them appear destined to become planetary nebulae. Many of the techniques needed to investigate the phenomenon of mass loss from red giants are relatively new and there has consequently been burgeoning of research in this area within recent years. R035 THE MILKY WAY Proceedings of the 106th Symposium of the IAU held in Groningen, The Netherlands May 30June 3, 1983 - Publications of the International Astronomical Union, Proceedings of Symposia Series - Volum 106 - Published in 1985 by D. REIDEL PUBLISHING COMPANY - 676 pages - Price : Dfl.. 195.00 - ISBN 90-277-1919-5 - edited by H. van Woerden, R.J. Allen and W.B. Burton IAU Symposium N° 106 held at the Kapteyn Institute in Groningen presents an overview of all major aspects of galactic astronomy, a highly dynamic field or research. It is the first symposium in five years. The vast subject is covered in 20 authorative review papers, 22 invited papers with discussions, and 81 shorter contributions. The book opens with four reveiws by histoirans of science, outlining the history of galactic research. Part 2 deals with galactic ritatioon; the large-scale distributions of matter, of both old and young stellar populations, and of atomic, molecular and high-energy components of the interstellar medium; small-scale structure in the gas, the galactic nucleus and the high-velocity clouds. The controversial subject of spiral structure and star formation is analysed in several extensive reviews and lively discussions, featuring both observational and theoretical developments. R036 MOLECULAR ASTROPHYSICS State-of-the-art and Future Directions Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Molecular Astrophysics - Stateof-the-Art and Future Directions, Bad Windsheim, Federal Republic of Germany, 8-14, July 1984 - NATO Advanced Science Institute Series C Volume 157 - Published in 1985 by D.REIDEL PUBLISHING COMPANY - 768 pages - Price : 260.00 - ISBN 90-277-2081-9 edited by G.H.F. Diercksen, W.F. Heubner and P.W. Lanhoff In view of the increasing pace of activity in the field of astrophysicsn, and the apparent absence of relevant international meetings since the Liège 1977 and IAU 1979 Symposia, it was deemed appropriate and timely to organize the Bad Windsheim workshop, which forms the basis for this book. Contributors from the fields of radio, infrared, and UV-optical observations, astrophysical modelling, laboratory, Spectroscopy, reaction chemistry, collision physics, theoretical molecular and chemistry physics touch on virtually all aspects of molecular astrophysics. Comprehensive subject and molecular indices are provided. R037 SPACE PLASMA SIMULATIONS Proceedings of the Second International School for Space Simulations, Kapaa, Hawaii, February 4-15, 1985 - Published in 1985 by D.REIDEL PUBLISHING COMPANY - 569 pages - price : Dfl. 195.00 - ISBN 90-277-2108-4 - edited by M. Ashour-Abdalla and D.A. Dutton A tutorial character was emphasized during the meeting of the Second International School for Space Simulations. A majority of the assembly time was devoted to basic tutorials given by leaders in the field. This volume is made up of these presentations. R038 THE SEARCH FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE Recent Developments Proceeding of the 112th Syposium of the Intenational Astronomical Union held at Boston University, Boston, Mass., USA - June 18-21, 1984 - Publications of the I.A.U. , proceedings of Symposia Series - Volume 12 - Published in 1985 by D.REIDEL PUBLISHING COMPANY - Price : Dfl. 180.00 - ISBN 90-277-1223-0 - edited by M.D. Papagiannis The publication of this title coincides with the 25th anniversary of the first radio search carried out by Frank Drake in 1960. The papers contained discussions fo the many acpects of the search for extraterrestrial life, including the search for other planetary systems where life may originate and evolute, the widespread presence of complex prebiotic molecules in our Solar System and in interstellar space, and the universal aspects of biological evolution on Earth. Also discussed were the nearly 50 radio searches undertaken in the past 25 years, the technological progress that has occurred and the plans for the future, including the comprehensive SETI search program that NASA is preparing for the 1990’s. R038 COSMIC RAYS IN INTERPLANETARY MAGNETIC FIELDS Geophisics and Astrophysics Series - Published in 1985 by D. REIDEL PUBLISHING COMPANY - 416 pages - Price : Dfl. 185.00 - ISBN 90-277-1863-6 - edited by I.N. Toptygin The rapidly developing areas of the physics of the circumsolar space and the interaction of solar and galactic cosmic rays with the interplanetary medium are dealt with in this monograph. Investigations in this field have greatly intentified since the beginning of measurements in open space. The book considers observational data on cosmic rays and physical properties of the interplanetary medium, as well as the theories of corresponding phenomena. The aim of the work is to study the main observational results and to propose their theoretical interpretation from a unified point of view on the basis of up-to-date kinetic theory of particle motion in random electromagnetic fields. There are two main aspects which make this book different from other dealing with the same subject. These are : 1) a unified theoretical approach to analysing the properties of past particles in the interplanetary space. 2) it includes a lot of data not elucidated in other monographs on the subject. R039 EARLY HISTORY OF COSMIC RAY STUDIES Personal Reminiscences with old Photographs Astrophysics and Space Science Library Series - Volume 118 - Published in 1985 by D.REIDEL PUBLISHING COMP. - 460 pages - Price : Dfl. 250.00 - ISBN 90-277-2083-5 edited by Y. Sekido and H. Elliot This is a collection of personal reminiscences about cosmic ray research written by some of those directly involved in the development of the subject. The articles span the period from the discovery of the cosmic rays by Hess in 1912 up to the present time and include three written by Nobel Laureates : C.D. Anderson, H. Yukawa and H. Alfvén. This is the first book to cover the development of cosmic ray studies at the personal level and it provides a firsthand account of the early stages of a subject which has been of great importance not only in its own right but also in astronomy, in the physics of elementary particles and in the development of space research. the 35 accounts convey something of the atmosphere, the excitement and the frustration of research as experienced at first hand and 150 old photographs, concentrated on this stage of the field, will be of interest to a wide readership wishing to see through the eyes of the most closely concerned something of the way in which research is done and progress in scientific understanding achieved. R040 CALIBRATION OF FUNDAMENTAL STELLAR QUANTITIES Proceedings of the 11th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union held at Villa Olmo, Como, Italy, May 24-29, 1984 - Publications of the IAU Proceedings of Symposia Series Volume 111 - 664 pages - Price : Dfl. 200.00 - ISBN 90-277-2109-2 - edited by D.S. Hayes, L.E. Pasinett and A.G. Davis Philip Approximately 100 astronomers met in June 1984 to discuss calibration problems concerned with stellar astronomy. Nineteen major review papers were given covering the subject of : the choice and use of standard stars, data bank, proper motions, high angular resolution measurements, parallaxes, masses, radii, luminosities, temperatures, properties of binary stars, MK spectral classification, rotational volcities, photometry and spectrophotometry, and abundance determinations through model atmospheres and observations. R041 COMPUTER SIMULATION OF SPACE PLASMAS Advances in Earth and Planetary Sciences Series Published in 1985 by D. REIDEL PUBLISHING COMPANY - 385 pages - Price : Dfl. 190.00 - ISBN 90-277-1952-7 - edited by H. Matsumoto and T. Sato Computer simulation is now widely recognised as a powerful tool and a useful method at the current stage of research into space plasmas. Its expected role is to bridge the existing gap between theories and in-situ observations, and to give a profound physical insight into highly tangled and nonlinearly coupled space plasma phonomena. Based on recognition of these projections, the International School of Space Simulations (ISSS) held its First Meeting in Kyoto, Japan in 1982. The present volume has been edited in textbook form and contains selected tutorial lectures presented at this meeting. As well as being useful for established theoreticians and experimentalists in space physics and geophysics the book is ideally suited for textbook use by graduate students and young scientists. R042 DER KOSMOS-STERNFÜHRER Planeten, Sterne, Galaxien von KOSMOS-Verlag - 350 pages - Price : DM 29.50 - ISBN 3-440-04724 - Authors : D. Baker and D. Hardy Mit 60 Sternkarten zum Bestimmen der Sternbilder zu allen Jahreszeiten Wer sich mit Astronomie befasst, braucht Grundlagenkenntnisse und aktuelle Informationen. Beides vermittelt der “Kosmos-Sternführer”. Er ënthält übersichtlich zusammengestellt alles Wissenswerte zum Thema Sternkunde. R043 ZWISCHEN DEN PLANETEN Kometen, Asteroiden, Meteorite von KOSMOS-Verlag - 208 pages - Price : DM 24.00 - ISBN 3-440-05311-3 - Authors : Hermann-Michael Hahn “... ein buch, das trotz seines wissenschaftlichen Hintergrundes immer anschaulich blaibt und von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite spannend und fesselnd ist.....” R044 JUPITER UND SATURN Ergebenisse der Planetenforschung Author : Andreas Rétyi - von KOSMOS-Verlag - 78 pages - Price : 19.80 DM - ISBN 3-44005491-8 Dieses Buch stellt un kurzen, verständlicher From die wichtichsten und interessantesten Forschungergebnisse über die beiden Planetenreisen vor. R045 HALLEY - KOMETEN-BREVIER FÜR JEDERMANN Published by KOSMOS-Verlag - 78 pages - ISBN 3-440-05572-8 - Price : DM 12.80 - Author : Andreas Rétyi Dieses Buch enthält alle notwendigen Informationen über der Halleyschen Kometen. Neben wichtigen Grundbegriffen und einem algemeinen Kapitel über Kometen u.a. wird auch ausfürlich auf die bewegte Geschichte des Kometen Halley eingegangen. R046 SCHAU MAL IN DIE STERNE Himmelsbeobachtungen mit blossem Auge und dem Feldstecher Published by KOSMOS-Verlag - 184 pages - ISBN 3-440-5404-7 - Price : DM 19.80 - Author : Hans Oberndorfer Der bekannte Astronomie-Journalist führt ohne überflüssige Theorie und anspruchsvolles Instrumentarium in die Welt der Sterne ein. R047 ASTRONOMIE DES ALLTAGS Eine nicht alltägliche Einführung in die Sternkunde Published by KOSMOS-Verlag - 304 pages - ISBN 3-440-04318-5 - Price : DM. 24.00 Author : Max Gerstenberger Aus dem Inhalt : Wie man sich am Himmel zurechtfindet - Entfernungen - Fernrohe - Der Mond - Die Planeten - Kometen, Sternschnuppen, Meteore u.v.m. R049 DAS KOSMOSBUCH DER STERNE Eine Einführung in die Astronomie durch Beobachtungen und Experiment Published by KOSMOS-VERLAG - 208 pages - ISBN 3-440-05524-8 - Price : DM. 58.00 - Author : Colin A. Ronan Colin Ronan gibt in seinem Kosmosbuch der Sterne einen anschaulichen Einführungskurs in dalle Bereiche der praktischer und throretiscen Astronomie. Er informiert lebendig und wissenschaftlich zuverlässig über die alltäglichen Phänemene der Bewegungen non Sonne und Mond, über unser Sonnensystem und die Himmelskörper in den Weiten des Weltraums; er erklärt die Astronomie wichtige Grundlagen der Optik und der Himmelsmechanik, stellt Bau und Finktionsweise astronomischer Instrumente dar und führt vor, wie der Sternhimmel vermessen wird. Er wird nachgezeichnet, wie unser Verständnig vom Aufbau des Universums im Lauf der Jahrhunderte gewachsen ist, von Aristarchs Bestimmung der Sonnenentfernung über Galileis Beobachtungen der Jupitermonde und Keplers Berechnung, der Planetenbahnen bis zu Einsteins Theorien über Raum und Zeit. Der leser kann durch den Bau einfacher astronomischer Geräte und in keinen versuchen wesentliche Schritte dieser Entwicklung nachvollziehen. Unterstützt und vertieft wird die Darstellung durch eine Fülle von Fotografien, Zeichnungen und historischen Darstellungen. R050 DAS KOSMOSBUCH DES WELLTALLS Vom Sonnensystem bis an die Gransen des Universums. Eine Einführung in die moderne Kosmologie. Published by KOSMOS-Verlag - 208 pages - ISBN 3-440-05529-9 - Price : DM. 64.00 Author : Colin A. Ronan Colin Ronan geht mit dem Leser auf eine Entdeckungsreise vom Sonnensytem bis an die Grenzen des Universums, vom Ursprung des Weltalls bis zur öffenen Frage nach seiner Zukunft; die Bausteine der Welt werden beschrieben und so rätselhafte Objekte wie Quasare und Schwarze Löcher erläutert. Ronan zeichnet ein lebendiges Bild der Entwicklung des astronomischen Wissens, vom gegenwärtigen Stand und von zukünftigen Forschungsprojekten. Der Leser gewinnt Einblick in die Ergebnisse der modernen Astrophysik; der Zusammenhang von Masse, Raum, Zeit und Aufbau der Materie wird anschaulich darstellt. Betrachtet man schliesslich die Entstehung lebender Materie und die Entwicklung des Lebens auf der Erde, so gelangt man zur aufregenden Frage nach anderen Lebensformen im All, nach der Möglichkeit, je mit solchen Lebensformen in Kontakt zu kommen. R051 PRAKTISCHE ASTRONOMIE FÜR STERNFREUNDE Einfache Berechnungen und Apparate zum Selbstbau Published by KOSMOS-Verlag - 196 pages - ISBN 3-440-04990-6 - Price : DM. 34.00 Author : Wolfgang Schroeder Wer dieses Buch benutzt, um auf unterhaltsame Weise in die Probleme der Astronomie einzudringen, dem wird es bald einem wichtigen Nachschlagwerk werden. R052 DER AMATEURASTRONOM Beobachtungsmittel und - möglichkeiten für den Sternfreund Published by KOSMOS-Verlag - 188 pages - ISBN 3-440-05455-1 - Price : DM. 22.00 Author : Joachim Herrmann Dieses buch zeigt, wrouf man sein Augenmerk richten muss, was man mit bestimmten Mitteln beobachten kann und wo es noch die Möglichkeit wissenschaftlicher Arbeit für den Laien gibt. R090 MICROCOMPUTER CONTROL OF TELESCOPES By Mark Treublood and Russell Genet - published by Willmann-Bell Inc., USA - 1985 - 377 pages - 14 appendices - ISBN : - Price : 19.95 US$ Computers can help the astronomer in his observatory in very different ways : they can calculate the hour of rise and set of a celestial object, transform the coordinates from one system to another one, they can help him to stock the data gathered, calculate the magnitude of the planets, and much more of course. This kind of cooperation between astronomers and computers already exists for a very long time now. However, since hardware costs have been decreasing very rapidly for some years now, new horizons come into sight of expecially the amateur-astronomer in particular. In their book “Microcomputer Control of Telescopes”, Mark Trueblood of the Winner Mobile Observatory and Russell Genet of the Fairborn Observatory East, provide you with all the information you need to build your own telescope control system. In a first section they give a survey of the subjects dealt with in the volume and discuss various reasons forl this control of telescopes with microcomputers. It is followed by a section called “Control systems and components” in which the authors give a brief introduction to control theory, motors and motor controllers and angle position sensing devices. the corrections which must be made to the position, preliminary determined, due to astronomical effects and mechanical imperfections, are the subject of section III. It is followed by examples of telescopes controlled by microcomputers : systems based on the Apple Home computer or an STD bus control system. Also the software and control system hardware of the Fairborn observatory East Yoke-mounted Telescope are discussed. In sections V and VI two case studies are presented : the Fairborn Observatory computerized telescopes and secondly the Winer Mobile Observatory Portable Telescope. The Volume ends with 10 lists giving you really All the information you need to build your own control system : addresses of angle encoders manufacturers, LSI-11 -bus products, STD-bus products, hardware related to telescopes and much more. This book is a must for everyone who wants to be informed about the possibilities today’s computers offer in the field of telescope computer control. ------------ Philippe Vercoutter R091 HIMMELSBEOBACHTUNGEN MIT FERNGLAS Eine Einführung für Sternfreunde by Rudolf Brandt, Bernd Müller and Eberhard Splittgerber - VERLAG HARRI DEUTSCH, Thun-Frankfurt/ Main - Published in 1984 - 292 pages, 15 tables, 191 photos - ISBN 3-87144775-7 - Price : DM 36.00 This detailed work about observing with binoculars and monocular-glasses not only treats the observing-instruments concerned but also the different objects which can be observed with them. After introducing binoculars, the human eye, the principles of optics and human sight and accessories for binocular-observers (tripod, filters, eyepeices,...). The authors tell us more about atmospheric phenomena, i.e. scintillation, dim and refraction. From chapter 9 on, this book treats all the objects and phenomena which can be observed with binoculars; structures on the Moon, sunspots, motions of the planets, eclipses, transitions, occultations, details on planets, asteroids, comets, meteors, stars (especially double and variable stars), deep-sky objects, and structures in our Milky Way. Some chapters about constellations, orientation in the sky and astrophotography with binoculars are also included. In these chapters, the authors not only tell us about how to observe these different objects, but also about the objects themselves. For instance the chapters treating the observation of stars also contain information about starclassification and the different types of variable stars. Also remarkable about this book is that, for all deep-sky objects observable in binoculars, it gives the answers to questions like “What are these objects ?; How can one find them and how do they appear in binoculars?”. In brief, this book proves that more is to be done with binoculars than one may think. Some unexplored fields of such observing are also presented, e.g. astrophotography with binoculars. The reader of this book will find all information needed for optimal use of his binoculars. ---------- Carl Vandaele R092 KOMETEN, KOSMISCHE VAGABUNDEN By Manfred Reichstein - VERLAG HARRI DEUTSCH, Thun-Frankfurt/Main - Published in 1985 - ISBN 3-87144-847-8 - 208 pages - price : DM 29.80 After a short introduction to comets in general, this book gives us a survey of observations and comet research of the past, expecially those of Halley, Biela and West, and bright daylight comets. Then follows a section on comet structure, i.e. structure and chemical composition of the tail, coma and nucleus. Also movements, rotation and phenomena like very bright comets, the break-up of the nucleus. Also movement, rotation and phenomena like very bright comets, the break-up of the nucleus, light bursts, explosions are explained. The chapter entitled “The empire of comets” tells us something more about comet groups and families of the “Oort-cloud” and its origin, and how it may be influenced by nearby stars. Then the author compares comets with the minor planets, explains their relation with meteor showers, their slow death, their impacting Earth and other planets. Finally the questions “Are comets bearers of life or organic molecules ?” and “Can comets cause damage to Nature of Earth ?” are treated. This book, which comprises all the known and less-known aspects of comets, also tell us a lot about the solar system in general. Moreover, it does not only present us what we know about comets today but also sketches the history of comet reseach by astronomers in the past centuries. Also, nearly every page of this book is illustrated with photographs, tables, coloured sketches and encient drawings of comets. ---------- Carl Vandaele R093 ASTRONOMIE, EINE EINFÜHRUNG FÜR SCHULEN, VOLKSHOCHSCHULEN UND ZUM SELBSTSTUDIUM By Hans Rolf Henkel - VERLAG HARRI DEUTSCH, Thun-Frankfurt/Main - 2nd corrected edition - Published in 1984 - ISBN : 3-87144-795-1 - 279 pages - price : DM. 22.00 This work is a kind of written course on general astronomy not only for schools and highschools but also for self-tuition and astronomical societies giving lessons in astronomy. “Astronomie, eine Einführung,....” starts with the principles of observing such as coordinates, movements of different objects and orientation in the sky before giving a detailed survey of the solar system, stars and their origin, Milky-Way, structures, star-clusters, interstellar matter, galaxies, cosmology and cosmogony. Finally this book also contains a detailed bibliography, where a distinction is made between different kinds of astronomical constants and numberdata. In this book there are also exercises, not only theoretical and about acquired knowledge, but also practical. For instance some exercises require observations, photographs and calculations. In this way astronomical knowledge and ways of practising it can easily be assimilated. The solutions to these exercises can be found at the end of the book. In brief, a very gook course on astronomy which also profoundly treats its mathematical side. R094 WISSENSPEICHER ASTRONOMIE By Helmut Bernhard, Klaus Lindner and Manfred Schukowki - VERLAG HARRI DEUTSCH, Thun-Frankfurt/Main - 1987 - ISBN 3-87144-910-5 - 182 pages - Price : DM 14.80 This book conatins all important knowledge and data about astronomy, planets, stars, deepsky objects, space physics and space travelling for those that practice and study astronomy. It is different from other general books because every field of astronomy is explained with tables, summaries, sketches and definitions of all important terms used in astronomy. The authors treat instruments, general astronomical laws, orientation in the sky, the solar system, all aspects of stars, their structure and nuclear reactions, starsytems, starclusters, interstellar matter and galaxies, cosmological models and origin of the universe and finally space-travel, with a survey of the different types of spacecrafts, their dynamics and practical use. This book also contains a history of astronomy and space-exploration. The “Wissenspeicher Astronomy”, as a 182-page survey of modern astronomical knowledge, is a complete and accurate work which is easy to use because of its general structure, register and table of contents. --------------- Carl Vandaele R095 FASZINATION SONNENUHR By Arnold Zenkert - VERLAG HARRI DEUTSCH, Thun-Frankfurt/Main - 136 pages - 1984 - ISBN : 3-87144-796-X - Price : DM 28.80 Sun-clocks are seldom a subject for a work. This unique work starts with the history of sunclocks from the ancient to modern times. Then the author gives us some information about coördinates, apparent movements of the sun, all the sorts of sun-clocks, their construction and calculations for sun-clocks. Another part of this book treats about the indications of time and date on the different sorts of clocks. This book also teaches us how to construct a sun-clock and finally contains proverbs on sun-clocks, a sun-clock lexicon and some useful tables about position of the sun during the year, position of the big cities and time-calculations. This book also contains the material to construct your own cardboard sun-clock and is richly illustrated with sketches and coloured photographs. -------------- Carl Vandale R096 KLEINES LEXICON “ASTRONOMIE” By Klaus Lindner - VERLAG HARRI DEUTSCH Thun-Frankfurt/Main - Published in 1986 ISBN 3-87144-921-0 - 192 pages - Price : DM 12.80 This lexicon for the amateur-astronomer is drawed-up in alphabetical order and gives us very useful information about a big gamma of astronomical terms, objects, theories, phenomenae and astronomers. This book not only contains a simple explanation of the terms, but also some astrophysical, chemical and practical information. Also its pocket-size, sketches and photographs make this lexicon easy and pleasant to work with. It also contains star charts and a lot of tables with of course the most recent data. -------------- Carl Vandaele R097 STERNBILDER. STERNSAGEN. MYTHEN UND LEGENDEN UM STERNBILDER. By Angel Bonot - URANIA VERLAG, Liepzig-Jena-Berlin - Published in 1986 - ISBN : 3332-00031-4 - 288 pages - Price : DM 24.00 After giving some general information about the name of constellations and stars, the author divides the constellations into two sorts : constellations with a mythological background and others without. The first group is treated in groups who lay together in the sky and who also have a mythological relation with eachother, e.g. Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Boötes and Cosestenatici. Angel Bonov first tells us something about the most important stars, meteorshowers and deep-sky objects in eaxh constellation. Then, he comes to the heart of the question : the legends and their variants of the group of constellations; mostly myths of the ancient Greek, but also some Bulgarian ones, since the author himself is Bulgarian. After this main part of the book, come the other constellations with some star-, deep-sky-, and nomenclature information. These are mainly constellations of the Southern hemisphere and smaller ones too. This work ends with legends on the Milky Way, Sun, planets and Moon. This very interesting book is not only a detailed guide to the world of the constellations, but also learns us how the ancient cultures protected their history, legends and views on the sky. By this way it made an orientation possible by ordening those light spots in the sky into figures. The text is also neatly illustrated with charts of the constellations and pictures of the Atlas of Hevelius (1690). R098 HALLEYS KOMET By G.A. Tammann and Philippe Véron - BIRKHÄUSER VERLAG, Basel - Published in 1985 - ISBN : 3-7643-1698-5 - 336 pages - Price : DM 22.00 “Halleys Komet” is a book divided in three main parts. In the first part “Was ist ein Komet ? “ a short summary of the present knowledge of comets is given. The second part “Die 2000järige Geschichte des Halleyschen Kometen” paints the 29 appearances of the famous comet since 240 BC. The third and final part “Halleys Wiederkehr 1986” has become obsolete of course. This chapter clears up the visibility Halley’s comet in 1985-86 and describes the scientific observation program. A positive point of the conception of this book is that the reader who is only interested in one aspact of Halley’s comet can read a separate part of the book without loss of clearness on the contents. The book is printed very luxurious with magnificent photographs and ilustrations on glazy paper. “Halley’s Komet” is written by professor Dr. G.A. Tamman Ordinarius for astronomy on the University of Basel, and Dr. Véron, the director of the greatest French observatory of “observatoire de Haute-Provence”. Wtih the help of many other persons, they made a book with plenty of information about the most famous comet in history. Although the last part has become obsolete, the first two parts are still up-to-date. ------------ Wouter Dewulf R099 ASTRO-FÜHRER By K. Lindner - URANIA VERLAG , Berlin - Published in 1986 - ISBN 3-332-00030-6 195 pages - Price : DM. 24.00 This guide for astronomy, written by Klaus Lindner, is based on three logical proceeding steps : “Auge in Auge mit dem Kosmos”, “Mit dem Fernglas auf Sternenjagd” and “Mit den Fernrohr zur Unendlichkeit”. For the beginning astronomer, Lindner has inserted a special introducing chapter that explains the motions of the stars and planets. “Auge in Auge...” shows us the possibilities of observations without optical instruments. Next logical step “Mit dem Fersglas...” lets us survey the sky with a spy-glass (“eine Sternwarte in der Tasche”). The last step “Mit dem Fernrohr...” is a chapter, made for the advanced amateur-Astronomer who has a telescope or astro-camera. In a direct style the author explains the use of typical instruments for amateur-astronomers (astro-cameras, drives, mounts,...). The last chapter gives us a self-made revolving starmap, some skymaps with the most important constellations, and a little Moonmap. Interesting is the blue-coloured right margin on every page with the explanation of astronomical terms. It’s a pity the printing of the colour photographs is bad. This is a book very suitable for beginners as well as for the advanced amateur-astronomers. -------------- Wouter Dewulf R100 DIRECTORY OF EUROPEAN OBSERVATORIES By Philippe Vercoutter - Published by the ASTRONOMICAL CONTACT GROUP vzw, P.O. Box 14, B-8900 Ieper - Philippe’s Astronomical Series Volume 2 - 1986 - 190 pages - 567 entries - Price : 500 BEF The “Directory of European Observatories” already appeared twice : a first tim ein 1983 (DEO 1983) and a second time in 1986. That second edition containes information on all european observatories (both professional and amateur). Since the area covered (Europe) is relatively limited, much more detailed information could be given than is possible in publications as e.g. IDAAS and IDPAI. For each observatory included the following information is given : address, director’s name, date of foundation, library information, description of the observatory’s instruments, main fields of interest or research, information about the regular publications published by the observatory or institution (periodicity, subscription rate), administrative attachment and name of the organisation if any. Also the geographical co-ordinates and the degree of light pollution is given. The information is always accompanied by the date of latest update received. The “DIRECTORY OF EUROPEAN OBSERVATORIES” (1986-edition) contains 567 entries. In the next edition, assumed to be published in the beginning of 1988, that number will increase to over 700 entries. R101 EUROPEAN SPACE DIRECTORY By Dick Shirvanian - published by SEVIG PRESS (France) - first edition 1986 - 448 pages ISSN : 0765-0574 - Price : 600 FF For the first time now since Europe began to play an important role in the world of space research, all European industries and organizations partaking in this adventure are brought together in a directory compiled by the French “Sevig Press”. This project was sponsored by EUROSPACE (European Industrial Space Study Group) which is an organisation of European Space Industry. The main objectives of the Group are : 1) the expression of the ideas and opinions of European space industry to the relevant intergovermental organisations, particularly ESA; 2) the maintaining continuous contacts between industrial companies, groups and organisations with space related interests; 3) the preparation and publication of studies concerning social and economic needs which space activity can satisfy on a global basis notably the industrial contribution to the definition of the appropriate programmes; 4) information communication (electronic mail) and documentation services for members; 5) the organisation of conference and symposia. This “European Space Directory” contains an important section of editorial contributions covering almost the entire European space program. To mention only some of the subjects dealt with : Arianespace, the Columbus project, Ariane V, Hermes, etc... The real directory however forms the major part : it lists the profiles of European companies and institutions in alphabetical order. For each company, institution of organisation the following information is given : addresses of main plants, communication numbers such as telephone, telex and telefax, list of key people (directors, managers), main shareholders, structure and activities, turnover and personnel, main space activities and space contracts. The publisher felt it was useful to include also a “Who’s Who”-section, in which profiles and biographical notes are given of prominent personalities in the Europe space industry. The directory ends with a telephone and telex directory of 388 industries and organisations. The “European Space Directory” is a very good attempt at giving an overview of the potential of Europe’s space industry. Anyone interested in space should buy it. Very recommendable indeed ! R102 INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORY OF ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES (IDAAS) By A. Heck and J. Manfroid - Published by the Strassbourg Observatory, 11 rue de l’université, F-67000 Strassbourg, France - PUBLICATION SPECIAL DU C.D.S. N° 8 latest edition 1986 (next one in 1988) - Price : 100 FF or US$ 12.00 - 266 pages (index included) - 1.100 entries The two professional astronomers A. Heck of the Strassbourg Observatory and J. Manfroid of the Astrophysical Institute of Liège have published this directory for the sixth time already. As mentioned in the title of this volume, it gives information about organisations of amateur astronomers all over the world. There are about 1.100 entries. For each organisation the following data are given : address, year of foundation, membership, activities, titles of publications and numbers of observatories and planetaria. The associations have been classified alphabetically for each country. At the end of the book there is an index showing you all the names and towns used in the directory. This directory has now become -or should have become- a standard volume for all serious amateur astronomers and organisations wishing to establish new contacts with others. R103 INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORY OF PROFESSIONAL ASTRONOMICAL INSTITUTIONS (IDPAI) By A. Heck and J. Manfroid - Published bythe Strassbourg Observatory, 11 rue de l’Université, F-6700 Strassbourg, France - Publications Special du C.D.S. N° 9, latest edition 1987 - Price : 120 FF - 276 pages - approx. 1.400 entries The “IDPAI” edition is structured in the same way as its counterpart “IDAAS” and gives the same information about professional institutions, organisations and observatories, with additional entries of computer network addresses and the co-ordinates. R104 SCIENTIFIC DIRECTORY By Edwin Van Delsen - Published by the author : Nieuwbeekstraat 48, B-9300 Aalst - Price : 250 Bfr - 1987 - approx. 2.000 entries The “Scientific Directory” published by the Belgian amateur-astronomer Edwin van Delsen enumerates addresses of approximately 2000 organistations, institutions and industries with widely ranging activities : astronomy, informatics, aeronautics, parasciences, etc. it also contains the addresses of publishers of scientific and aviation publications, a complete list of all air-line companies of the world and a list of the Belgian press agencies and embassies. I doubt the correctness of some of the published addresses but that is normal since compiling such a world directory covering all sciences is indeed a great work : almost impossible for one person. If we compare the DEO, IDAAS and IDPAI with this work, where is concerns astronomical entries, we must conclude that the latter three are of much better quality. However, the “Scientific Directory” can be of good help in finding other scientific institutions and organisations. R105 THE GALAXY AND THE SOLAR SYSTEM By Roman Smoluchowski, John N. Bahcall and Mildred S. Matthews, 45 collaborating authors - Published in 1986 by the UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA PRESS - 483 pages - ISBN : 0-8165-0982-4 - Price : 29.95 US Dollars - Hardback - SPACE SCIENCE SERIES Volume 13 “The Galaxy and the Solar System” is the first book focusing on the influence of our galaxy on the solar system. In recent decades, the general question of galactic influence on the solar system has drawn much attention because of the expected perturbation of the outer reaches of the solar system by passing stars and other phenomena. Part I of the book describes the solar-galactic neighborhood and the galactic gravitational fields. Part II treats the subject of massive interstellar clouds and in a first section P. Thaddeus discusses the hypothesis that such clouds could have played a role in the 30 Myr periodicity that several investigators claim to find in the terrestrial records of mass biological extinctions and large impact craters. From recent CO surveys in the galaxies he derives that “the concentration of molecular clouds in the galactic plane is not sufficient to allow a statistically significant period to be extracted from the small number of dated events.” Two thirds of the interstellar gas in the interior of our galaxy is believed to be present in molecular form and residing in giant clouds, and the properties of these clouds as determined from the CO surveys are reviewed in the second section of Part II, with particular emphasis placed on the characteristics in the solar neighborhood. Estimates for the frequency and duration of encounters between the solar system and giant molecular clouds are presented. In a third section appention is given to the interstellar clouds near the Sun and the possible effects they could have had on the solar system. Part III of this interesting book begins with a section in which the authors, basing themselves on data from X-ray, 26AI radioactivity and cosmic-ray observations , give evidence for a local and recent supernova. Part IV discusses the influence of the galaxy, which is quite negligible for the planets, on the loosely tied collection of comets known as the OORT-cloud. In a second section Delsemme gives commentary evidence for a solar companion. To end this part, some dynamical interactions between the OORT-cloud and the galaxy are considered. Part V deals with different perturbations of the solar system and starts with a section on geological periodicities and the role the galaxy could have played in it. This fifth part ends with two sections on the so-called planet X. Dynamical evidence is discussed and also one investigates this hypothetical planet as the source of the periodic and steady-state flux of short period comets. In this sixth and also last part of the book, the author discusses the existence of the stability of NEMESIS, the hypothetical solar companion star. The book contains dozens of maps, charts and graphs and has - as usual in this Space Science Series - a separate color section. The volume finally ends with a glossary of about 150 words, an extensive bibliography of 27 pages (more than 750 references !) and an index. ------------ Philippe Vercoutter R106 SATELLITES By joseph A. Burns and Mildred Shapley Matthews - Published in 1986 by the ARIZONA UNIVERSITY PRESS - 1026 pages - ISBN : 0-1865-0983-2 - Price : 55 US$ - clothbound SPACE SCIENCE SERIES “Satellites” is based on a conference on natural satellites (Colloquium 77 of the International Astronomical Union had at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, from July 5 to 8 in 1983). It is the most recent volume in the SPACE SCIENCE SERIES of the University of Arizona Press. Other books published in this series were for instance “Jupiter” (1976), “Comets” (1983) and “Planetary Rings” (1984). This 1026-pages long work was made by 45 collaborating authors. The preface by the editors gives you the meaning of this immense work. The book begins with some background information about satellites and goes from the evolution of satellite orbits and the surface and composition of natural satellites to a scinetific approach of all of the satellites of Jupoter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. “SATELLITES” gives complete updated information (the effective date of the material bundled in this volume is August 1985) on the satellites of the solar system. Not less than 34 tables are given : satellite discoveries, planetary parameters, physical properties of the Uranus satellites, the four Galilean satellites, etc. A lot of formulae were used in this volume : the chapter on the evolution of satellite orbits for example contains 118 formulae ! Black-and-white photographs were included to illustrate the comprehensive text. There are even a special separate 10 pages of colour photographs which are followed by a series of maps showing you the surface of all main satellite(s) of Earth, Jupiter and Saturn. In the middle of the book there is a pictorial map of Io’s surface based on the observations made by the Voyagers. “SATELLITES” ends with a 62-pages long bibliography, a glossary (20 pages) and a rather small index. The book is by all means professionally edited and composed. It will probably become a standard reference work for all planetary researchers. Also for the advanced amateur astronomers this volume can give the answers to a lot of questions and provide the latest information in this field of research. Very handy is the fact that each chapter is concluded by a summary, so that one is not obliged to read is entirely. It seems to me a much larger section with colour photographs would have been better to more accentuate the contrasts between the different types of moons. The index is rather small in my opinion. Nevertheless, I recommend this volume to anyone interested in the very exciting research of planetary sciences. ---------- Martial Vaneecke R107 STAR FORMING REGIONS Proceedings of the 115th symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Tokyo, November 11-15, 1985 - 200 pages - published in 1986 - ISBN : 90-277-2389-3 - Price : Dfl. 280.00 - edited by Manuel Peimbert and Jun Jagaku This volume is dedicated to the study of star formation, one of the main problems in presentday astronomy. Research on star forming regions provides us with excellent clues for the study of star formation. A large number of radio, infrared, optical and theoretical results are presented. The major topics discussed include : the relationship between molecular clouds and star formation, the efficiency and the initial function of star formation, the collapse and fragmentation of protostellar clouds, bipolar flows and protostellar disks, large scale processes of star formation, global characteristics of star formation in external galaxies, bursts of star formation, and star formation and galactic evolution. The proceedings which form the core of this book include 25 review papers and 187 contributed papers. ------------- Martial Vaneecke R108 SUPERLUMINAL RADIO SOURCES Proceedings of a workshop in honor of Professor Marshall H. Cohen, held at Big Bear Solar Observatory, California, October 28-30, 1986 - edited by J. Anton Zensus and Timothy J. Pearson - Published in August 1987 by Cambridge University Press, U.K. - ISBN : 0-52134560-X - hardcover - 361 pages - Price : 49.50 US$ - readership : advanced amateurs and professionals Anyone interested in the science astronomy surely has heard about radio sources and the fact that many of these objects, especially the radio-galaxies and the so-called quasars, emit enormous amounts of energy. So far this is common knowledge. In 1970-71 through new techniques provided by the VLBI, astronomers discovered radio sources that appear to expand faster than the speed of light : “The superluminal radio sources (SRS’s)”. It confirmed tha prediction made several years earlier, which was at the time subject of controversy and considerable public attention. In the following years techniques were deveroped so that astronomers could take true images of the SRS’s and which allowed then to follow the birth and evolution of superluminally moving components of many radio sources. These observations and their interpretation are the subject of this splendid new book of the Cambridge University Press. “Superluminal Radio Sources” starts with a short history on the discovery of SRS’s and gives a summary of known SRS’s. Furthermore, observations are discussed and possible explanations given. The book ends with a discussion on Grand Unified Models. The volume contains a 24-pages long bibliography containing over 500 articles on the subject treated, an index of authors and an index of objects. I warmly recommend this volume to anyone interested in knowing something more about these interesting objects. This is also includes the advanced amateur astronomer. ------------- Philippe Vercoutter R109 NEW INSIGHTS IN ASTROPHYSICS : 8 YEARS OF UV ASTRONOMY WITH IUE Proceedings of an international symposium held at the University College London, July 14-16, 1986 - Published as ESA SP-263 by the European Space Agency, The Netherlands in 1986 724 pages - Price : 80.00 Dfl. - Readership *** This volume contains the proceedings of the international symposium “New Insights into Astrophysics : eight years of UV astronomy with the IUE”. The symposium, attended by 200 participants, results in this publication which contains 11 reveiws and 150 papers about UV astronomy obtained by the IUE satellite. The book is divided in three parts : 1) Solar system and cool stars; 2) Novae, hot stars, galactic haloes and interacting binaries and 3) Interstellar medium, active galaxies and future UV missions. The publication ends with a list of participants. Each article holds detailed information but is rather technical. As an example we give here some topics : - IUE observations of Comet Halley : evolution of its UV spectrum between September 1985 and June 1986, - a study of UV extinction towards OB associations and star-forming regions based on IUE data, - optical and UV spectrophotometry of a normal Seyfert 1 NGC 5548. We may conclude that the volume can only be useful for the professioal astronomer. ------------ Dominiek Franck R110 THE SOLID BODIES OF THE OUTER SOLAR SYSTEM Proceedings of a conference held at Vulcano, Italy, September 9-13, 1985 - Compiled by Norman Longdon - Published as ESA SP-242 by the European Space Agency, Publications Division, The Netherlands in 1986 - 305 pages - Price : 60.00 Dfl. These proceedings contain two major parts. The first part is dedicated to a discussion of the properties of satellites of the giant planets Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, and to recently discovered phenomena concerning Saturn’s ring system. The articles are mostly based on the results of Voyager 1 and 2 and partly on telescopic observations from Earth. The causes of impact craters in icy targets are treated and also the geological activity of Io, the stability of the satellite systems of the giant planets and the physical properties of the Uranus system, although Voyager 2 only passed Uranus in January 1986, so more accurate data must now be available. The second part is dedicated to future missions to the outer planets : expectations concerning Galileo, Vesta and especially the Cassini-mission. Cassini is to be launched in 1994 and should reach Saturn in January 2002. It is intended to study the interactions between Saturn’s magnetosphere, its rings and its satellites. Cassini will carry a probe that should make a landing on Titan. Both the trajectory of Cassini and the instruments taken with are extensively described. --------------- Herman Ghyoot R111 THE COMET NUCLEUS SAMPLE RETURN MISSION Proceedings of a workshop held at the Univertsity of Kent at Canterbury, UK, Juny 15-17, 1986 - Compiled by Olga Melita - Published as ESA SP-249 by the ESA Publications Division, The Netherlands in 1986 - ISSN - 0379-6566 - Price : 60.00 Dfl - Readership ** The CNSR-mission is one of the four cornerstone missions in planetary research. The mission will be carries out in cooperaton with NASA. It continues thecometary exploration program which started with satellites such as Giotto and Vega. The CNSR-mission goals are many, but one of the most important one is trying to get some samples of a cometary nucleus. This difficult task requires some specific technological developments such as landing on the comet, taking samples, the storage of samples (below 160K), return to Earth of the Sample Return Module, etc... . The Space Station could play a supporting role in testing the different systems under realistic conditions (low temperature and low gravity). The book itself contains 14 invited papers and 15 contributing papers. One can remark two different aspect in the contents of the book.. The greatest part is dedicated to the results of cometary exploration with extensive attention for the nature of the comet nucleus. In another great part of the book the attention goes inevitably to the mission itself in all its aspects (12 articles). Figures and tables are clear and easy-to-read. Only the use of different lettertypes is somewhat boring. ------------ Michel Van Speybroeck R112 SPACE-BORNE SUB-MILLIMETER ASTRONOMY MISSION Proceedings of an ESA Workshop - Published as ESA SP-260 by the ESA Publications Division, The Netherlands in 1986 - ISSN 0379-6566 - Price : 60.00 Dfl. - Readership *** This ESA-publication contains the proceedings of a workshop held at Segovia, Spain, from June 4-7, 1986. The sub-millimeter range (100 micron to 1 mm) is the last major part ofthe electromagnetic spectrum still mostly out of reach to astronomers. The submillimeter astronomy mission is one of the cornerstones of the ESA Space Science Program. The workshop was called to hear the latest information on work in this domai nand to produce a set of recommendations on which the ESA mission could be based. The importance of submillimeter observations is revealed throughout nearly 50 papers. Some main topics are : the interstellar medium and its fragmentation into protostellar clouds, star formation, cosmology, molecular studies of comets. Each paper is written by one or more astronomers, who are working at the subject they describe; as a consequence, the contents of all papers is of excellent quality. One negative remark concerns the layout of the book : the papers are printed in the way their authors submitted them to the editor, so many different lettertypes are sued, some of which are very unpleasant to read. Moreover, in some papers , the formu that can hardly be called progressive. However, this lack of care of presentationn is probably a consequence of the editor’s concern of publishing current information. Hence, we may conclude that this book is a must to every astronomer working in the field of submillimeter astronomy and can strongly be recommended to every amateur seriously interested in this domain. ------------- Frank Tamsin R113 EUROPEAN SPACE DIRECTORY Edited by Dick Shirvanian - Published by Sevig Press, Paris, France in 1987 - ISSN 07650574 - 469 pages - Price : 600.00 FF - Readership ** The 1986-edition of this directory has been reviewed in the previous issue of "Europe & Astronomy” (August 1987, page 83, R101). This second edition is in fact an update and amplification of that edition and has the same structure; it starts with nine acticles based on two themes. First it treats space transportation systems between now and the year 2000 and its long term future. Then come the French and West-German programs for satellite observations of our planet. These editorial contributions take one-third of the whole publication. The real directory contains 319 company profiles, against 269 in the first edition. The published data stay the same. They are followed by the European Space Who’s Who. The publisher also includes a new section. It is called the Buyer’s Guide, which proves to be a real working tool for selling and buying (e.g. attitude sensors, solar arrays, CAE-tools development, and much more). Another novelty is the addition of a special section dedicated to the aerospace press, giving vital data of 42 leading titles worldwide. This directory is of very high quality ! As editor Dick Shirvanian says in his publisher’s note : “With this second edition, the launch of the European Space Directory is now succesfully in orbit.”. It is a pity however that the price is relatively hich so that a lot of space-minded people such as amateur-astronomers for example - although very interested in this directory - will not be in a position to by it. I sincerely hope that the publisher will be in a position to reduce th price once the certainly very high developing costs have been regained, so that this directory will find its way to a much wider public: the place it deserved ! --------- Philippe Vercoutter R114 NORDISK ASTONOMISK FORENINGSGUIDE Edited by Jan Persson (SAAF) - Published by Svensk Amatör Astronomisk Förening, Göteborg, Sweden in May 1987 (4th edition) - 67 pages - Price : 74 SK - approx. 100 entries Readership ** The directory gives you information about the amateur associations in the northern part of Europe : Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark are the countries covered in this volume. For each association the following information is given : name and address of the society, name and address of the person coordinating the activities for that region, and the secretary’s name and address. Furthermore, you will find the name of the periodicals published by the association, if they possess an observatory, the number of members and a short note about public and club astronomical activities. The associations are listed alphabetically for each country separately. Thie directory ends with a list of north-european periodicals (names and the publisher’s address) and a list of 22 companies providing optical instruments, calendars, posters, etc... . The NORDISK ASTRONOMISK FORENINGSGUIDE is a good reference for people wishing to work together with north-european amateur-astronomers. ---------------- Philippe Vercoutter R115 THE SUN AND THE SOLAR SYSTEM DEBRIS - A Catalog of Astronomical Anomalies Compiled by William R. Corliss - Published by the Sourcebook Project, USA in 1986 - ISBN 0-915554-20-8 (hard cover) - 282 pages - Readership ** This book is one of the 22 volumes, totalling well over 7000 pages, in which William R. Corliss gives source material on scientific anomalies. These 22 volumes can be divided in three main categories : 6 catalogs (e.g. “The Moon and the Planets”); 6 handbooks (e.g. “Mysterious Universe : a handbook of astronomical anomalies”) and 10 sourcebooks (e.g. “Strange Universe”). The Sourcebook Project also publishes a newsletter ‘Science Frontiers’ in which current anomaly reports are listed. The author’s objective of “The Sun and Solar System Debris” was to gather information about scientific anomalies concerning the Sun and the Solar System in general. The purpose o the catalog of anomalies is to collect and categorize all phenomena that cannot be explained readily be prevailing scientific theories. All data and anomalies published are evaluated by means of a data evaluation scale : it ranges from the almost certainly real phenomenon of which many high-quality observations exist (category 1) to a phenomena only included for purposes of comparison and amplification (category 4) for which only unacceptable or poorquality data are available. Also an anomaly evaluation scale is used. It ranges from category 1 which is an “anomaly that cannot be explained by modification of present laws” towards catagory 4 which describes “well explained theories”. Anomalies related to all kinds of solar system bodies are included (comets, enigmatic objects, Sun, Planet X, meteors, asteroids,...). For each anomaly listed examples, references and sources are given. Figures are provided when necessary. This book is a must for every amateur-astronomer interested in solar system research since -as the author mentions in his preface - “It is at least as important to realize what is not known as it is to recognize the well-explained !”. --------------- Philippe Vercoutter R116 PHYSICAL PROCESSES IN COMETS, STARS AND ACTIVE GALAXIES Proceedings of a workshop held at Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, May 26-27, 1986 - edited by W. Hillebrandt, E. Meyer-Hofmeister and H.-C. Thomas - Published by Springer Verlag in 1987 - 46 figures - 193 pages - ISBN 0-387-17766-3 (hardcover) - Price : DM 69.00 Despite the fact that comets, stars and active galactic nuclei are so different , what do these objects have in common ? This indeed is not an easy question to answer, but there is an answer : the physical processes involved are very much the same ! Experts in various fields of the astrophysics contributed to this book. The first part deals with the physics of comets. Topics dealt with are : comet explorations, chemical composition and the interaction of the solar wind with a comet. In “The Sun as a Star” special attention is being paid to the magnetic fields, solar oscillations and the mixing and transportation of angular momentum in the solar interior. Part III deals with single and binary stars : models of star formation, a review of the theories concerning time depending convection in stars, infrared giants, contact binaries and white dwarfs in close binaries. In the last part observations and theories with respect to active galactic nuclei are discussed. Figures are provided when necessary. The texts have been published the way they were submitted to the editorial board, that means that different types of lettertypes were used. The volume does not contain a subject index. --------------- Philippe Vercoutter R117 SIND WIR ALLEIN IM UNIVERSUM ? Die Möglichkiet ausserirdischer Zivilisationen. By Robert T. Rood and James S. Trefil - Published by Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel in 1982 original edition : ‘Are we Alone ? - The possibility of extra-terrestrial civilizations’ - ISBN 37643-1295-5 - 309 pages After a short explanation of the Sun, stars, the origin of stars and planets and other planetary systems, there follows a very interesting survey of the possibilities of extraterrestrial life, with the Green-Bank equation for the numbe of extraterrestrial civilizations as quiding-principle. Each chapter is in fact a detailed elaboration of the factors of this equation. Important factors treated in this book are e.g. the development of planetary atmospheres and life in it and the intelligence, technology and duration of a civilization. Furthermore, the authors give us some information about all sorts of “chauvinism” (G-star, planet- and carcon-chauvinism), the gaia-theory, all sorts of electromagnetic rays, the SETI-project and the future of the human race. Also questions such as “Could other civilizations find intelligent life on Earth?” and “Are journeys to the stars and colonisation of other planets possible?”, are treated as well in this volume. “SIND WIR ALLEIN IM UNIVERSUM” ends with a chapter about questions on the frontiers of human knowledge such as the existence of tachyons, anti-matter and life on the base of silicon. This book gives optimistic as well as pessimistic answers to the most fascinating questions of our time. --------------- Carl Vandaele R118 EINSTEIN UND DER KOSMOS By Stratis Karamanolis - published by ELEKTRA VERLAGS-GmbH, Neubiberg bei München in 1986 - ISBN 3-922238-66-1 (softcover) - 107 pages Since the human beings were on Earth, they were seeking to understand the world - our actual world - joint with the name Albert Einstein. For the moment this last one represents the reality unquestionably. “Einstein und der Kosmos”, written by Stratis Karamanolis is the sequel to “Einstein für Anfänger, also a book of this author. The author starts with a little history chapter ‘Von Aristoteles über Galilei zu Newton’ (10 pages). In the first thirty years of the twentieth century, three important theories were forwarded : 1) die spezielle Relativitätstheorie (1905), 2) die allgemeine Relativitätstheorie (1915) and 3) die Theorie der Quantummechanik (1920). In all these theories we can recognize Einstein’s authorship or cooperation. Stratis followed the logical line of Einstein’s thinking and discoveries. The chapters ‘Urkräfte, die die Welt zusammenhalten’, ‘Das expandierende Universum’ and ‘Die fehlende Morse’ treats these subjects morein detail. In brief, the author explains us, in an easy to understand language, the development of world-pictures from Aristoteles to Einstein’s pioneering work. “Die Erde gibt es seit etwas mehr als einer Milliarde Jahren. Was die Frage nach ihrem Ende betrifft, so rate ich : abwarten und zusehen.” Albert Einstein. ----------------- Wouter Dewulf R119 KOSMOLOGIE FÜR JEDERMANN By Stratis Karamanolis - Published by ELEKTRA VERLAGS-GmbH, Neubiberg bei München in 1986 - ISBN 3-922238-69-6 (softcover) - 109 pages - price ? This book is written by the same author as “Einstein und der Kosmos” (see R118). It tries to give answers to questions such as “From where does the world come ?” and “What is life and what is its sense ?”. The author describes in his preface the history of cosmology. In the three following chapters the theory of the expanding universe, the Big Bang and its consequences and the origin of structures are explained. Also the birth and death of stars, matter and anti-matter are described. A very interesting chapter in this book is “Universa zur Auswahl”. The universa of Newton, Einstein, de Sitter and Friedmann are compared and placed in their historical context. In chapter 9 the author tries to answer the very difficult questions whether the universe is open or close. The volume ends with the usual questions such as “Are we alone in the universe ?” and “Is interstellar communication possible ?”. Very clear pictures in black and white and outlines illustrate the text which is easy to read. I liked this book very much, expecially the explanations of the different cosmological theories and the many good illustrations ! Highly recommended. “Sobald meine Frau stribt geht die Hälfte der Welt zu Ende; und sobald ich sterbe geht die andere Hälfte zu Ende.” Anatolisches Sprichwort. ----------------- Wouter Dewulf R120 ASTRONOMIE FÜR EINSTEIGER By Storm Dunlop - Published by FRANCKH’SCHE VERLAGSHANDLUNG, Stuttgart in 1987 - ISBN 3-440-05715-1 (softcover) - 191 pages - 150 color illustr. - Price : 24.00 DM “Astronomie für Einsteiger” is an introduction into practical astronomy. Although the book is useful to the more advanced amateur-astronomer, it is written at a level suitable for beginners as well. Two main parts can be distinquished. The firs one is a clear, concise presentation of the elementary knowledge a backyard-astronomer should possess : the hemisphere’s coordinates, the change of the seasons, the movement of the planets and the Moon, etc.... Furthermore, it deals with the construction and the possibilities of the binoculars and the various types of telescopes. Also simple and clear starmaps have been inserted. Very interesting are also the contributions on astrophotography at the end of chapte one. A lot of practical information is given going from simple startrail photography to long exposures of deep-sky objects. The discussion then moves to a review of the celestial bodies : meteors, satellites, Moon and planets. The parts about observing and drawing the planets and the methods of valueing variable stars can be very useful. Although the booklet has a lot going for it -surveyable sketches and tables, striking color-photos, and so on.... There are some flaws. For instance very little is said about the structure of our and other galaxies and how to observe these splendid objects. The book is small enough to be carried easily, but I do not think that beginners can handle the star-maps at night. Since the latter are very small, they can cause some problems. With these negative point in mind, “Astronomie für Einsteiger” still is a very good book for the beginning amateur-astronomer for whom it is intended. ---------------- Vincent Deschildere R121 SOVIET SPACE PROGRAMS 1980-1985 Science and Technology Series Volume 66 By Nicholas L. Johnson - Published by UNIVELT INC. , San Diego, USA for the American Astronautical Society in 1987 - 288 pages - (hardcover) 55.00 US$ - (softcover) 45.00 US$ It is not so easy to find publications extensively and exclusively reporting on the Soviet’s space activities. I think therefore that “Soviet Space Programs 1980-85” can fill an existing gap in providing information cited above. An excellent survey is given of the USSR’s space programs and support systems (e.g. launch vehicles) for the period 1980-85. The volume is in fact a compilation and synthesis of the first five editions of “The Soviet Year in Space” published and distributed free of charge by Teledyne Brown Engineering. For each kind of satellites accurate information is provided. It also contains a table giving an overview of all Soviet space launches for the period of time under review. The appendices such as a summary of Soviet Manned Space Flight, the Soviet cosmonaut team, etc. and even a table with Soviet and Chinese satellite frequencies can be of particular interest to the reader. ---------------- Philippe Vercoutter R122 NUMERICAL-CHRONOLOGICAL-AUTHOR INDEX 1954-1978 An index of publications of the American Astronautical Society - by Horace Jacobs and Robert H. Jacobs - published by UNIVELT INC. , San Diego, USA for the American Astronautical Society in 1979 - 458 pages - ISBN 0-87703-102-9 (hardcover) - price : 40.00 US$ - ISBN 0-87703-103-7 (softcover) - price : 30.00 US$ R123 NUMERICAL-CHRONOLOGICAL-AUTHOR INDEX 1979-1985/86 An index of publications of the American Astronomical Society - by Horace Jacobs and Robert H. Jacobs - Published by UNIVELT INC. , San Diego, USA for the American Astronautical Society in 1987 - 350 pages - ISBN 0-87703-250-5 (harcover) - price : 60.00 US$ - ISBN 0-87703-251-3 - price : 45.00 US$ This index is a numerical-chronological index (which also serves as a citation index), and an author index. It cover all the American Astronautical Society’s articles that appear in the following publications: (1) Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, (2) AAS History Sciences, (3) Science and Technology Series, (4) AAS Microfiche Series and (5) The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences. A subject index covering all American Astronautical Society publications will be forthcoming (according to information provided by Univelt Inc.). R124 TO KNOW THE STARS By Guy Ottewel - Published by the ASTRONOMICAL WORKSHOP, USA in 1984 - 41 pages - size : 11 x 9 inch - Price : 7.00 US$ This book of about 40 pages, is, as the preface tells us, an initiation into astronomy. It is ment for children who want to know something more about the star’s names and the constellations to which they belong. “To Know the Stars” can be used by children from elementary school upward and beginners in astronomy. The skymaps in this booklet show the sky for people living at 40 degrees North. The first 27 pages show you what there is to see in the sky throughout the year and shows you by means of charts how the sky changes each month. The next pages give the reader more information about the solar system, meteors and different kinds of stars. The last pages emphasis on observations and distances. The volume ends with a pronunciation glossary ! “To Know the Stars” only contains black and white illustrations and is cheaply made but emphasis on the observation of the sky what makes it worth for the beginning astronomer. --------------- Martial Vaneecke R125 THE ASTRONOMICAL COMPANION By Guy Ottewel - Published by the ASTRONOMICAL WORKSHOP , USA in 1986 - sixth edition - 73 pages - ISBN 0-93456-01-0 - Size : 12 x 15 inch - Price : 12.00 US$ This large-sized work can be considered as a first book for the amateur observer. It is ment for the reader who wants to know something more about the nocturnal sky. The book begins with an overview of astronomy, discusses the planets, orientation in the sky, constellations, comets, etc. It ends with a chronology of space exploration and further bibliography. Black and white drawings and sketches help you to understand what declination, sidereal time, equatorial plane, etc... are. The volume has a list of 88 constellations with its genitive form and abbreviations. “The Astronomical Companion” is a very good reference for everyone who wants to find his way around the evening sky. However, I find it rather a pity that the star maps are handwritten. ---------------- Martial Vaneecke R126 ASTRONOMICAL CALENDAR 1987 By Guy Ottewel - Published by the Astronomical Workshop, USA in 1986 - 65 pages - size : 12 x 15 inch - ISBN 0-934546-16-9 - Price : 12.00 US$ The calendar starts with a story about the author’s experiences when he visited the Andes to see Halley’s Comet. in the introduction Guy Ottewel tells us that this annual book looks like a book for the advanced amateur astronomer, but by selecting parts from the book it is very suitable for the beginner as well. The first part gives an explanation about the main features and guides you through the calendar. For each month a starchart is provided and acalendar which tells you what is worth seeing and constellation clues (hints for the beginner on how to remember them). The Moon’s and planets appearances are nicely drawn on charts and a guide-text accompanies them. Also a calendar of meteor showers, charts and calendars for the Jovian satellites are provided. The volume ends with an article on Halley’s Comet, a spaceflight calendar of 1985 and a glossary with the pronunciation of astronomical words and starnames. A good criterium for this calendar is that you have large maps and graphics with next to it each time a comprehensive text about an astronomical item. A pity for the handdrawn starcharts. -------------- Martial Vaneecke R127 DAS UNSICHTBARE UNIVERSUM An den Grenzen der Modernen Astrophysik By George B. Field and Eric J. Chaisson - Published by BIRKHÄUSER VERLAG, Basel in 1986 - 267 pages - ISBN 3-7643-1749-3 The basis for this book was a report of the National Academy of Science about research perspectives for the next ten years. The authors give us a clear sketch of today’s astronomical and astrophysical research in the invisible part of the electromagnetic spectrum (UV, röntgenand gamma-rays, radiowaves) and modern observation techniques (e.g. CCD). The reader gets a lot of information about the research on interstellar matter, star-formation, sun and staractivity, magnetic fields, structure and formation of galaxies, black holes, quasars, supernovae and even about the search for estraterrestrial intelligence. The last part of the book is consacrated to the contribution of such techniques to cosmology, cosmogonie and the study of the first moments in the existence of the universe. “Das Unsichtbare Universum” contains also some fine CCD-, röntgen-; infrared and radio-images of different objects and an appendix about today’s and tomorrow’s professional observation instruments. --------------- Carl Vandaele R128 DIE ROTE GRENZE Auf der Suche nach dem Rand des Universums By Timothy Ferris - Published by BIRKHÄUSER VERLAG, Basel in 1986 - ISBN 3-76431767-1 “Die Rote Grenze” or in English “The Red Limit” is a very interesting history of cosmology and modern astronomy. Introducing us into cosmology and cosmogony. Timothy Ferris treats puzzling questions such as “Is the Universe Endless?”, “What is meant by the Big Bang theory?”, “Why is the sky dark at night?” and “What do cosmologists mean by saying that the universe has four dimensions?”. In this volume we also find some chapters about background radiation, the red-shift, nature of quasars and something more on the future of the universe. There is however something that makes this book different of other books : the author tells us how cosmologists such as Hubble, Einstein, Eddington, Lemaître nad Hoyle step by step tried to understand the real nature of the universe by telling us something about their lives and giving some interesting anecdotes. By this way not only the universe, but also famous astronomers and their intellectual strength and weakness is focused in “Die Rote Grenze”. ------------------ Carl Vandaele R129 NEARBY GALAXIES ATLAS By R. Brent Tully and J. Richard Fisher - Published by CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS , Cambridge, UK in 1987 - 23 full-color maps - 368 x 485 mm - ISBN 0-521-30136-X - Price : £ 35.00 ( US$ 59.50) The first 11 maps show the distribution on the plane of the sky of all galaxies that had a known velocity of less than 3000 km/sec in 1978. There are enlargements of the two most crowded regions : the Fornax Cluster and the Virgo Cluster. A hemisphere is displayed on a polar map that highlights the region poleward of 60 degrees in longitude intervals of 90 degrees. The second series of maps is designed to illustrate the 3-dimensional distribution of the same 2367 galaxies. The third group op maps displays large structures in the universe ranging from spurs, filaments, clouds over superclusters and even supercluster complexes! These are in fact nothing else than enhancements in the density of galaxies. In this third category of maps also far-away galaxies are included and thus nearby in the title does not apply to these maps. Since unpublished material obtained with the Parkes Radio Telescope (Australia) is included, there is reasonable homogenity between the northern and southern celestial hemisphere. A name index and a selected reference list is also provided. --------------- Philippe Vercoutter R130 THE HIGH-THROUGHPUT X-RAY SPECTROSCOPY MISSION Report of the Telescope Working Group Edited by W.R. Burke - Published by ESA PUBLICATIONS DIVISION, Noordwijk, The Netherlands in 1987 - 47 pages - ISSN 0379-6566 - Price : Dfl 40.00 This report from the Telescope Working Group (TWG) contains the discussion about designing and manufacturing the telescopes needed for the X-ray Spectroscopy Cornerstone Mission. The requirements for observational capability are mainly a spatial resolution < 30 arc sec HEW and an effective area of 10.000 cm2 at 2 keV and 5.000 cm2 at 8keV. The study group then works out further requirements before discussing three types of telescopes (Wolter type I-, conical type- and Kirckpartick-Baez telescopes). This first mainpart is illustrated by 55 linegraphs, comparing several telescope parameters for each type. A short chapter is dedicated to the mechanical tolerances (possible errors). The second main-part contains a study of the production technology (mirror shell approach, flat mirror approach and integration techniques). In the last chapter a trade-off analysis is made, followed by the final recommendations for the optics of the mission. -------------- Luc Vandemaele R131 EUROPE FROM SPACE Compiled by Olga Melita - published by the European Space Agency, ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk, The Netherlands as ESA SP-258 in 1986 - 310 pages - ISSN 0379-6566 - Price : Dfl. 60.00 “Europe from Space” (EARSeL Symposium) opens with a short study about the capabilities of polar platforms. Following are described : -studies and experiments on cartography and geoinformation (second generation earth observation satellites, urban development planning, agriculture, forestry, environmental information, etc.....); -management of non-renewable resources; -inventory and monitoring of renewable resources; -soil drainage; -ecological mapping (ZCS images and ocean dynamics, sea-ice studies,etc...); -environmental dangers, difficulties and degradations (disaster preparedness, oil spill, thermal infrared images, forest damages, coastal zone colour scanning, tracking of icefloes, tidal flats,...) There are even more subjects than the ones mentioned above. Almost every item is illustrated by graphs, tables and black and white photographs. This book can also be very interesting for consultation by amateur astronomers. -------------- Luc Vandemaele R132 DAS HIMMELSJAHR 1988 Sonne, Mond und Sterne im Jahreslauf by Dr. Hans-Ulrich Keller - Published by FRANCK’SCHE VERLAGSHANDLUNG, Stuttgart in 1987 - 176 pages - ISSN 0439-155179 - ISBN 3-440-05748-8 - Price : DM 14.80 The 1987 edition was reviewed in a previous issue of ‘europe & astronomy’ (see N° 2, May 1987, page 51, R05). The 1988-edition covers next year’s major astronomical events. The main part of the book consists of monthly notices on the movements of Sun, Moon, planets and the stars. Also some data are given for the most common meteorswarms. At the end ot the monthly notices, the author gives more information on an astronomical subject (e.g. starassociations, precession, the 1908-explosion in Siberia, etc...). The book ends with tables giving ephemerides for all planets of our solar system (Mercury, Venus and Mars : every 5 days; Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus; every 10 days and finally Neptune and Pluto : monthly data are provided), the brightest asteroids, the position of the central meridian of Sun, Mars and Jupiter. It contains also a list of occultations by the Moon with predictions for 10 important cities in the German spoken part of Europe. The volume ends with an (incomplete) addresslist of 120 observatories, planetaria and associations for the DDR, FRG, Switserland and Austria. “Das Himmilsjahr 1988” is a very good reference book for all observing amateur astronomers : it is surveyable, well got up, and with about 180 illustrations and over 80 tables very comprehensive for everyone. --------------- Philippe Vercoutter R133 REMOTE SOUNDING OF ATMOSPHERES By J.T. Houghton, F.W. Taylor and C.D. Rodgers - Published by CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, Cambridge, U.K. in 1984 - 302 pages - ISBN 0-521-31065-2 Remote sounding or remote sensing techniques involve the measurement from a distance of aplospheric parameters such as temperature, density, pressure, winds, clouds, etc... Measurements from Earth satellites and interplanetary spacecraft are proving particularly useful because they allow good coverage of atmospheric systems in space and time, often with high resolution. This book describes how measurements are made of the atmospheres of the Earth and the planets. It includes descriptions of the scientific principles, technical implementation, mathematical methods for analysing the measurements and results of measurements that have been made, beginning with the launching of the first TIROS satellite in 1960 until the encounter of Voyager 2 with Saturn and Titan in 1981. The future mission of Galileo to Jupiter is also described and other future deveopments aiming at a large-scale comparative planetary meteorology. ------------------- Herman Ghyoot R134 WEBB SOCIETY DEEP-SKY HANDBOOK - VOLUME 6 : ANONYMOUS GALAXIES By Malcolm J. Thompson and Ronald J. Morales - Edited by Kenneth Glyn Jones - Published by ENSLOW PUBLISHERS, USA in 1987 - 134 pages - 194 drawings - ISBN 0-89490-027 Price : ? The Webb Society is named after the Rev. T.W. Webb (1807-1885), an eminent amateur astronomer and author of the classic ‘Celestial Object for Common Telescopes’. The main aim of this society is to encourage the study of double stars and other deep-sky objects. Therefore, its members have been compiling a series of observers’ manuals with the intention of exploring to the fullest extend the possibilities of the average amateur astronomer’s equipment. The present volume is the sixth in this series, which includes handbooks describing topics such as Double Stars, Planetary and Gaseous Nebulae, Open and Globular Clusters, Galaxies, Clusters of Galaxies and the Southern Sky. Each handbook is complete with regard to its subject. An adequate historical and theoretical basis is given for a modern understanding and better observation of the objects included. The readeris provided with a thorough exposition of observing methods, as well as with the construction and operation of ancillary equipment such as micrometers and simple spectroscopes. This volume deals with “Anonymous Galaxies”, which are ‘unknown’, even to such a comprehensive compilation as the New General Catalogue and its two index supplements. It goes without say that for this kind of observations the amateur observer needs to push his ability and instruments to the limit. Part one of this book provides some historical background information on this topic and describes in detail some older visual and many photographic catalogues and atlases, needed forthe search. In the following pages the special instrumental and human requirements for succesful observation of ‘Anonymous Galaxies’ are discussed. Part two contains the catalogue which covers the original observations of 165 galaxies. For each of them a small locating diagram, as well as some supplementary information are provided. Furthermore, 29 field drawings by Ronald J. Morales have been included. The lay-out of this book has deliberately been kept sober, with full attention to the information provided. The reader may be warned not to look for full-splendor pictures or drawings, as these remote galaxies show little detail. But quoting the authors : ‘to be the first and only person to have observed that kind of object visually, is truly a unique feat of discovery !’ -------------- Luc Bossaert R135 WEBB SOCIETY DEEP-SKY OBSERVER’S HANDBOOK - VOLUME 7 : THE SOUTHERN SKY By Steven J. Hynes - edited by Kenneth Glyn Jones - Published by ENSLOW PUBLISHERS, USA in 1987 - 198 pages- ISBN 0-89490-027-7 - Price : US$ 15.95 This is the latest volume of the Webb Society observational manuals (for more information see review R134). The same care was given to the information as in volume 6, therefore simple diagrams rather than spectacular colour photographs are presented. In his foreword Gerard de Vaucouleurs describes the wonders of this part of the celestial hemisphere and also mentions the possibilities of new discoveries, since there are not so much active comet or nova hunters ‘over there’. Part one contains a thorough historical review of optical astronomy in the southern hemisphere ranging from Halley’s expedition to St.-Helena to some present-day projects. In part two, some special and peculiar objects are described in more detail : e.g. the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, the region of n Carinae, the Fornax Cluster of Galaxies,... The main catalogue is presented in part three, with detailed information on some 300 objects. These are separately divided into 6 classes : open clusters, globular clusters, planetary nebulae, diffuse nebulae, galaxies and LMC/SMC-objects. In each section the written observations are presented first, followed by a selection of (now and then magnificent) drawings. All observations are made, using the unaided eye and instuments from 12 x 40 binoculars to telescopes of 4 meter aperture. in part four, 7 appendices provide further information on topics such as ‘Travelling with a telescope’ to more detailed notes on observing the ‘glittering prizes’ of the southern sky. This volume is very appropriate for observers of the populous urban agglomerations of the northern hemisphere on their journey to the southern night splendors. However, even for fixed northern observers this book is a worthy acquisition, as a lot of nebulae or galaxies are situated above -40 Dec., whish makes them more accessible, although notin perfect conditions, for northern observers. ---------------------- Luc Bossaert R136 HANDBOOK FOR ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETIES 1987 By Brian Jones (Federation for Astronomical Societies), UK - published in 1987 - 92 pages Price : £ 2.50 This is the tenth edition of the FAS’s ‘Handbook for Astronomical Societies’. It provides information on equipment suppliers, interesting places to visit, visual aid sources, astronomical societies together with articles on the PHOBOS Mission, Deep-ksy objects, asteroids and the construction of a Serrurier Truss main tube for a 12-inch Dobsonian telescope. There is a list of officers from the FAS together with a word about the working of the society and other British Societies, British and American periodicals on astronomy and aeronautics. A good guidebook for astronomers who want to visit the U.K. ------------------- Martial Vaneecke R137 COSMIC MAGNETISM By Percy Seymour - Published by ADAM HILGER, Bristol, England in 1986 - 150 pages ISBN 0-85274-556-7 - Price : £ 14.95 The study of magnetic fields of different objects in the Universe is a relatively new research field in astronomy. Only in the past thirty years substantial progress could be made. In a first chapter of “Cosmic Magnetism”, Dr. Percy Seymour - who is principal lecturer in astronomy at Plymouth Polytechnic (UK) - tries to show the reader the relevance of astronomy and the role astronomy plays in the development of today’s general physics. It is followed by a section in which different properties and effects with respect to magnetism are discussed (e.g. the relation between electricity and magnetism, the teenan and Doppler effects). The rest of the volume deals with the properites of the different magnetic fiels of the various objects encountered inthe universe (e.g. geomagnetism, solar & interplanetary magnetic fields, magnetic fields in star and pulsars, the Milky Way and other galaxies). The book ends with a technical appendix, which gives information on magnetic field strenghts and the units used to measure them, a list of suggested reading and an index. Recommended for amateur astronomers. ------------- Philippe Vercoutter R138 JANE’S SPACEFLIGHT DIRECTORY - 1987 edition By Reginald Turnhill - published by JANE’S PUBLISHING, London, U.K. in 1987 - 430 pages - hardbound - size : 318 x 216 mm - ISBN 0-7106-0838-1 - Price £ 70.00 This volume is already the third issue of this internationally known and used directory. The review of ‘Jane’s Spaceflight Directory 1987’ can be rather short : it gives you really everything you always wanted to know about space research. It deals with all national and international space programs, military space, launches, the exploration of the solar sytem by means of spacecraft, world space centers, spacemen & space industry. At the end of the directory you also find two tables of geosynchronous satellites (included are also the frequency bands used by these satellites), a list of all satellite launches of 1986 and an extensive search-index with over 1.800 entries (names of satellites, organisations, astronauts, names, industries, and much more...). Black-and-white photographs and sketches as well as numerous tables are given to provide extra information. The diretory has rather a great format and is printed on fine quality paper. To conclude, it must be said that 70 pounds for such an extensive and comprehensive directory is woth spending since ‘Jane’s Spaceflight Directory 1987’ is really a masterpiece ! --------------- Philippe Vercoutter R139 TOOLS OF RADIO ASTRONOMY Astronomy & Astrophysics Library Series By Kirsten Rohlfs, University of Bochum, Germany - Published by SPRINGER VERLAG GmgH & Co, Heidelberg, Germany in 1986 - 319 pages - hardbound - ISBN 0-540-16188-0 Price : DM 118.00 “Tools of Radio Astronomy” is a book that grew out of a one-year graduate course that Kisten Rohlfs gave repeatedly at the Ruhr University of Bochum. It describes the radiotelescopes, the various kinds of receivers needed to analyse the signals and several techniques based on radiotelescopes (such as interferometry and aperture systhesis). The second main part deals with the physics of the radiation mechanisms responsible for both the continuous and line radiation. There is no need for the reader to have an extensive astronomical background since the volume does not deal with the results obtained by means of radio-astronomical techniques as such. “Tools of Radio Astronomy” will be of good service for : a) scientists wishing to have a reference book to solve any questions concerning their equipment, b) the advanced amateur astronomer with a thorough background on physics and mathematics at a graduate level. -------------- Philippe Vercoutter R140 GAMMA-RAY ASTRONOMY Cambridge Astrophysics Series By P.V.R. Murthy and A.W. Wolfendale - published by CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, Cambridge, U.K. in 1986 - 248 pages - ISBN ? - Price : ? “Gamma-Ray Astronomy” contains a selection of topics devided into 5 chapters : 1/ ‘production and absorption mechanisms’ is a brief description of the major mechanisms to produce and to absorb gamma-rays. 2/ ‘gamma-ray line astronomy’ gives a contribution to non-solar regions i.e. lines from the interstellar medium, the 511 keV line from the Galactic Centre, gamma-ray lines from other galactic objects. A summary is given at the end of the chapter. 3/ ‘gamma-ray bursts’ treats the following subjects ; detectors and instrumentation, time histories, energy spectra, general descriptions of methods, statistics of GRB, source model and mechanisms. 4/ ‘Medium Energy Gamma)Rays’ : after a brief discussion of the history of the subject, attention is paid to two major satellite experiments. This section is followed by a detailed examination of the Galactic gamma-ray sources, the possibilitie of pseudosources, the diffuse Galactic emission and extragalactic gamma-rays. 5/ ‘Ultra-High Energy Gamma-Rays’ includes gamma-rays at energies higher than 100 GeV. Some experiments, techniques and results are discussed. Special attention is given to particular sources like e.g. the Crab pulsar SS433, Vela pulsar and Cygnus X-3. Each chapter is documented with a lot of graphs, and a few formulae. At the end of the book one finds an extensive list of references. “Gamma-Ray Astronomy” can only serve as a first introduction for physicists and astrophysicists because the reader must have a profound knowledge of physics. ----------------- Dominiek Franck R141 ENTDECKUNGEN AM SUDHIMMEL Ein Bildatlas der Europäischen Substernwarte (ESO) By Svend Laustsen, Claus Madsen and Richard M. West - Published by BIRKHÄUSER VERLAG AG, Therwil, Switserland in 1987 - 274 pages - hardbound - ISBN 3-7643-1896-1 Price : 84.00 Swiss Francs The 25-year existence of the European Southern Observatory is celebrated with this exceptionnel work : a collection of 420 coloured and black-and-white photographs of objects of the southern sky, made with the most modern photographic techniques. “Entdeckungen am Sudhimmel” is divided into four parts. The first one contains photographs of different sorts of galaxies and very spectacular pictures of clusters. The second part consists of deep-sky objects in our own galaxy (nebulae, star-clusters, supernova-remnants). Naturally, there are also some beautiful views of the Milky Way. Splendid photographs of comets and minor planets from part three. Finally, part four is a survey of the ESO and its instruments. Each photograph is numbered and explained with a text. This book also contains photographs of Halley’s comet and supernova 1987A and a folded panoramic view of the Milky Way. Made with a brilliant precision and printing, “Entdechungen am Sudhimmel” evokes the fascination of the nocturnal sky. -------------------- Carl Vandaele R142 GALAXIEN By Timothy Ferris - Published by BIRKHÄUSER VERLAG AG, Therwil, Switserland in 1987 - 190 pages - paperback - ISBN 3-7643-1867-8 - Price : 42.00 Swiss Francs Timothy Ferris, a well-known author of astronomical works, has divided this book in two parts. The first one covers our own galaxy, its structure and famous deep-sky objects. The second and major part treats other galaxies, clusters, interacting and other sorts of special galaxies. What makes this book different from others of the same subject is that the author gives a separate description of a lot of beautiful deep-sky objects, illustrated with photographs of very high quality, made with the most modern techniques. Also the printing of this book is of very high quality. And in his text, Timothy Ferris avoided superficially as well as difficult explanations, what makes this book pleasant to read. After all, for its price, recommended to every star-friend ! ------------------------ Carl Vandaele R143 DER GROSSE KOSMOS-HIMMELSFÜHRER Der Nordliche und südlichen Sternenhimmel By Ian Ridpath and Will Tirion - Kosmos Naturfuhrer Series - Published by FRANCKH’SCHE VERLANGSHANDLUNG W.Keller & Co, Stuttgart in 1987 - 384 pages - ISBN 3-440-05787-9 - Price : 39.50 DM This book is an ideal guide for people starting with observations. For the exploration of the sky and the constellations, the authors illustrated “Der Grosse Kosmos-Himmelsführer” with 48 starcharts made by Will Tirion comprising 2000 stars. These charts also include the southern sky. The deep-sky observer can use the more detailed charts of 88 constellations with 3000 stars up to magnitude 5.5. For each constellation, a text gives more details about interesting objects. The second part is an introduction on general astronomy and expecially gives a description of the star-types, Sun, Moon and planets. This part also contains useful information concerning astrophotography. This book is illustrated with nice photographs, Moon-charts and Mars-charts. Its very handy size and treasure of practical information make “Der Grosse Kosmos-Himmelsführer” an excellent observing companion. ------------------ Carl Vandaele R144 SCHAU MAL IN DIE STERNE Himmelsbeobachtungen mit Blossem Auge, Feldstechern, und kleinen Fernrohren By Hans Oberndorfer Published by FRANCKH’SCHE KOSMOS VERLAGSHANDLUNG, Stuttgart in 1987 - 17 + 65 pages - ISBN ? - Price : 29.60 DM “Schau Mal in die Sterne” is excellent for the beginning amateur astronomer, who starts observing the sky. This book gives basic information about telescopes, binoculars, the movement and visibility of Sun, Moon, stars and many other objects. Very useful for the beginning observers is that this book is illustrated with photographs of the Sun, Moon, planets and deep-sky objects made with small instruments, in other words made with the instruments they will probably use. “Schau Mal in die Sterne” also contains a small rotating starmap. -------------- Carl Vandaele R145 MANKIND’S COMET Halley’s Comet in the past, future and especially in the present by Guy Ottewel and Fred Schaaf - Published by ASTRONOMICAL WORKSHOP, Greenville, USA in 1985 - size : 15 x 11 inch - 193 pages - ISBN 0-934546-15-0 - Price : 22.00 US$ The book begins with ‘The unfolding’, a summary of the history of man’s observation of comets. Also there is a sequence on Edmund Halley. The second paragraph shows the appearances of Halley’s Comet from 1404 BC and a large part about the 1910 appearance. Page 44 gives a comparative diagram of the 48 Halley visits. There is also a lot of information about other comets i.e. a summary of all comets that appeared in 1982 and 1983. But the main part concerns of course the comet of Halley. Pages 78 to 80 contains graphs of Comet Halley’s apparent magnitudes at various returns. The searching for Halley and its recovery in 1982, together with the appearances of other comets during Halley’s passage are reviewed. ‘Why did the Americans visit Halley ?, Why was Halley so faint to observe ?’ are questions which are well answered in this book followed by a detailed calendar of the 1985-86 visit. On page 107 the text ends with a look into the future, the 2061 visit of this famous comet. The large appendix is an atlas of all the 48 Halley visits (1404 BC till 2133). It shows you where Halley was, is or will be. With the ending graphs of this book you couldn’t have missed Halley at all in ‘86. -------------------- Martial Vaneecke R146 SPACE ASTRONOMY AND SOLAR SYSTEM EXPLORATION ESA Special Publication N° 268 published by EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY, Publication Division, Estec, Noordwijk, The Netherlands in 1987 - 149 pages- ISSN 0379-6566 - Price : Dfl. 40.00 This book is a compilation of the papers presented at the Alpbach Summer School held at Alpbach, Austia from July 29th till August 8th and which was organised by ASSA, ESA, CNES and DFVLR as sponsors. It opens with a list of participants and an introduction by the Director General of ESA, Professor R. Lüst. The subject of the lectures were star formation (M.Harwit), Giotto Mission (R.Reinhard and R.M. Bonnet), planets (Bauer), cosmological radiation, nuclear astrophysics, Helia-and astroseismology, stellar evolution (C. de Loore), Xray spectroscopy ‘cornerstone’-mission, energy in the Earth’s magnetosphere and solar wind (R. Schwenn). There are also two workshop reports, one on cometary and planetary missions and one on solar-terrrestial physics. --------------------- Martial Vaneecke R147 KOSMOS ASTRONOMIEGESCHICHTE Astronomen, Entdeckungen, Instrumente by Gunther R. Roth - published by FRANCKH’SCHE VERLAGSHANDLUNG, Stuttgart, Germany in 1987 - 192 pages - ISBN 3-440-05800-X - Price : 48.00 DM Kosmos, Gesellschaft der Naturfreunde, builds quite a reputation by publishing original works on astronomy, escpecially for the amateur-astronomer. A new publication called “Kosmos Astronomiegeschichte”, has been added to their fine collection. It was published in October 1987 and outlines the history of several astronomical topics. By means of anecdotes, quotes, fine black and white figures and good binding texts the author Günther Roth, collaborator of the German popular astronomical magazine ‘Sterne und Weltraum’, describes especially (technical) developments in fields such as photometry, spectroscopy, photography and astrophysics. The volume concludes with a list of astronomical terms, sourcelist of the 201 citations used, a selection of literature and both a subject and astronomers namelist. Although this is a very good book, I would rather have seen that the section on historical developments in radio-astronomy, which plays undoubtedly a very great role in the history of astronomy, was somewhat more comprehensive. --------------------- Philippe Vercoutter R148 EXPLORING THE SOUTHERN SKY - A pictorial Atlas from the European Southern Observatory (ESO) by S. Laustsen, C. Madsen, R.M. West - Published by SPRINGER VERLAG GmbH & Co. KG, Heidelberg, Germany in 1987 - 274 pages - 240 photographs - 31 diagrams - 1750 gram hardcover - ISBN 3-540-17732-3 - Price : 128.00 DM Not for sale in the Federal Republik of Germany, Austria and Switserland; German edition available by Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, Switserland. FOR REVIEW SEE R141. R149 THE QUEST FOR SS433 The Discovery of the Astronomical Phenomenon of the Century by David Clark - published by ADAM HILGER, Bristol, England in 1986 - 206 pages - ISBN 0-85274-828-0 - hardbound - Price : 9.95 £ In this book, David Clark describes the exciting research on the subject of SS433, the astronomical phenomenon of the century : a bizarre starsystem emitting strong X-ray patterns, radio-waves, and even two jets of matter travelling at enormous speed. The author tells us an intriguing detective story about SS433 and also treats many bizarre and violent astronomical phenomena, such as neutron stars, pulsars, black holes and supernovae. He also explains the implications of understanding SS433 for the models of star-evolution and cosmology. The quest for this mysterious object is also a picture of exciting modern astronomical research and fascinates the reader from the beginning to the end. -------------------- Carl Vandaele R150 OF STAR AND MEN - reminisances of an astronomer by Zdenèk Kopal, University of Manchester - Published by ADAM HILGER, Bristol, England in 1986 - 486 pages - hardcover - ISBN 0-85274-567-2 - price : 29.50 £ In ‘Of Stars and Men’, Zdenèk Kopal, born in Czechoslovakia and professor in astronomy tells us his life as an observer, theoretician, popularizer, editor and teacher. The reader is invited toshare with him his roots, education, career and travels. He also tells us the story of the many famous astronomers he has met and worked with : Eddington, Shapley, Vrey and Russel and , as a born traveller, takes us all over the world : the U.K. , U.S.A., Czechoslovakia, Poland, the Middle-East, Africa, Greece, etc... Besides these travels to astronomical institutes, observatories and eclipses, Zdenèk Kopal, describes to us the important role he played in the scientific preparations for the trips to the Moon and as a binary-star specialist. This book ends with some reflections about astronomy in the past and in the future. -------------------- Carl Vandaele R151 URKNALL QUARKS KERNFUSION by Wolfgang Spickermann - Published by URANIA-VERLAG, Liepzig, DDR in 1986 - 215 pages - hardbound - ISBN 3-332-99916-0 - price : 15.00 DM Thsi book, illustrated by black and white photographs and drawings, gives an extensive survey on cosmology nowadays, and more specifically on the ultimate beginning of our universe. This publication considers - besides early and future experiments - the recent developments of nuclear physics. The chase for the knowledge about our beginning is mostly the same as the chase for nuclear particles and the research on the fundamental forces. Of course, this is not the only book handling this subject, but there is more. It pays attention to some less known, but important and remarkable instuments (such as gravitation detectors and neutrino telescopes). In general, it gives a good view of the experiments and applied techniques in Eastern Europe and the U.S.S.R.. ----------------------- Luc Vandemaele R152 DER MENCH UND DIE PLANETEN by Robert Lauterbach - published by URANIA-VERLAG, Liepzig, DDR in 1987 - Series : Wir und die Natur - 120 pages - hardbound - ISBN 3-332-00104-3 - price : ? This small book, backed up by 43 black & white and orange illustrations, considers the influences of the solar system on earthly life. At first sight, one should think : another piece of propaganda for astrology ! Well, not at all !!! The book describes the link between the chemical, (geo-)physical and meteorological characteristics of the earth and (human) life. Also solar and lunar phenomena as well as the earth-magnetic field have their consequences on our life. Many articles about these scientifically accepted facts and phenomena could be found back in several magazines. This publication is the first I know, gathering all that information in one book. This book condemns the conventional astrology, but invites us to open and critical research on this subject. This is a work about cosmobiology, the cosmobiology of our own planet. --------------------- Luc Vandemaele R153 HIMMELSKALENDER 1988 by Hermann Mucke - Published by A STRONOMISCHES BÜRO, Wien, Austria in 1987 - 132 pages - hardbound - ISBN : ? - Price : ? This is the 32th volume of the Austrian ‘Himmelskalender’ published by the Austrian Astronomical Organisation with support from the City of Vienna. The publication follows an old-fashioned concept. Monthly surveys give data on Sun, Moon and Planets as well as an interesting phenomenae. The monthly position of constellations is shown in charts, and followed by separate tables for Sun, Moon, Planets, satellites, asteroids, eclipses as well as nova’s. The appendix elucidates the conversion of date for other places in Austria. Concerning size and precision, this ‘Himmelskalender 1988’ is also for the naked-eye observer and those with binoculars. Conscious dr. H. Mucke brings together astrophysical as well as astrometrical information in this volume. The calendar was put together with the help of 8 professional astronomers from all over Europe. ------------------------- Martial Vaneecke R154 ESA WORKSHOP ON OPTICAL INTERFEROMETRY IN SPACE ESA Special Publication 273 proceedings of a workshop held in Granada, Spain, 16-18 June 1987 - Compiled by S. Volonté - Published by the European Space Agency, Publications Division, Noordwijk, The Netherlands in 1987 - 239 pages - softcover - ISSN 0379 6566 - Price : 40.00 Dfl. Optical interferometry in space is one of the new domains in astronomy which has yet to be fully exploited. The long-term ESA strategy for optical interferometry could for instance be the discovery of planetary systems in other regions of the Milky Way. In this Granada Workshop two mission concepts emerged : a single-structure array (20 meters wide) or a cluster of free-flying coupled telescopes, both compatible with the International Space Station. A space mission that would put an interferometer in space could be launched before the year 2000. Even a small and limited mission will have considerable impact on astronomy and astrometry. In the infrared the probability of new discoveries is very high. The resolution itself would at least be ten times better than the Space Telescope. The workshop was divided into four sessions. Each session begins with a summary. The four sessions were : - astronomy at high angular resolution; - image reconstruction; - Space Mission concepts and opportunities; - interferometry from the ground. In the book there are also three other parts, one of them talks about future space programs. The book ends with a list of participants to the Granada Workshop with their electronic Mail Address. ---------------------- Martial Vaneecke R155 ASTRONOMY From the Earth to the Universe by Jay M. Pasachoff - Saunders Golden Sunburst Series - published by SAUNDERS COLLEGE PUBLISHING, New York, USA in 1987 - 648 pages - softcover - ISBN 003008114-9 - Price : £ 14.50 ‘Astronomy, From the Earth to the Universe (third edition)’ is written for students who have no specific background of physics or maths. The book (dedicated to the seven astronauts of Challenger Flight 51-L) is made with educational points-of-view. Jay Pasachoff gives lessons himself at Williams College, Massachusetts and is also director of the Hopkins Observatory. He ties basic knowledge together with a view of the latest theories & discoveries. The author has tried to cover all fields of astronomy. The book ‘Astronomy, from the Earth to the Universe’ consists of 5 parts : Part I shows us what the Universe consists of : the birth and evolution of astronomy with biographies of the Masters of astronomy like Galilei and Kepler. Chapter 4 in this first part tells us a lot about telescopes with the most recent technologies from all over the world. Chapter 5 aims to understand how astronomers locate objects and how objects appear to move accross the sky, with time zones and calendars. Part II concerns the Solar System, with recent pictures of Uranus and Halley’s Comet. The last chapter in this part is all about extraterrestial life in the Universe. Part III is about star colours, magnitudes, spectroscopic parallaxes, etc... It ends with a closeup of our own star, the Sun. Part IV of this book is introduced by magnificent colour pictures of star, nebulae and star clusters. This part is all about stellar evolution. Part V and VI concern the Milky Way and other galaxies, and include chapters on cosmology and the future of the Universe. At the end of each chapter in this book there is a summary, some key words (explained in the glossary) and a few questions on the matter. Also each chapter begins with a specification of the aims of the chapter in a few words. There is a 20 page long appendix (f.i. Messier catalogue) and a very fine bibliography which is divided into different parts. The book ends with a 13 page long index. With the hundreds of illustrations the neat tables, beautiful colour photographs and a pleasant test this must be the best buy for anyone who wants to know more about astronomy. -------------------------- Martial Vaneecke R156 SATURN By Tom Gehrels and Mildred S. Matthews - Space Science Series - published by the UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA PRESS, Tucson, USA in 1984 - 967 pages - hardbound ISBN 0-8165-0829-1 - Price : 37.50 US$ All the data concerning the Saturn System are summarized in this immense work: the planet itself, rings, satellites, magnetosphere, and the interaction with the interplanetary medium. The date of the gathered material is November 1983. There are about 80 cooperating authors. The book begins with a physical and historical survey of the Saturn system ( from 1610 till 1900). Then follows five parts. A first part concerns the planet Saturn itself : from the interior structure till the upper atmosphere and ionosphere. Part 3 puts the light on the Saturn magnetosphere; energetic particles (J.A .Van Allen ), plasma measurements, magnetic field models, Saturn as a radio source, and the outer magnetosphere. Like all the other parts each chapter is accompanied by graphics and tables. Part 4 concerns the beautiful Saturn rings: their structure, dynamics, patricle properties and their electrofynamic processes. The 17 statellites are spread over two parts, one on the orbital resonances among Saturn’s satellites (R. Greenberg), satellite geology, optical properties, and one part entirely on the largest satellite in the Solar System, Titan. In this Titan-part there is a special chapter on organic matter in the Saturnian system (C. Sagan, B. Khare and J.S. Lewis). On Titan complex organic molecules were detected with the Voyager IRIS-experiment. J.B.Pollack from the Ames Research Center headlights together with Guy Consolmagno the origin and evolution of the Saturn system in the last part of this book. The book ends with a poor colour section (only 2 pages), a 53-page long bibliography, a glossary, a list of contributors and an index. ----------------------- Martial Vaneecke R157 HANDBUCH FÜR SONNENBEOBACHTER by Rainer Beck, Heinz Hilbrecht, Klaus Reinsch, Peter Völker and many others - published by SONNE, FACHGRUPPE SONNE DER VEREINIGUNG DER STERNFREUNDE, Berlin, FRG in 1982 - 699 pages - softcover - ISBN 3-923787-00-6 - Price : ? As the title reveals, this handbook gives practical information for observers of the Sun. The work roughly contains three parts : instruments, observations and measurements, solar eclipses. The book doesn’t cover theoretical subjects, such as solar nuclear physics for exaple. This choice has been made deliberately, because there are many other publications handling these subjects. The handbook treats every possible menthod of solar observing within reach of amateur astronomers. However, methods (for example observations in Halfa) need a rather large budget and only the very keen observers will want to spent so much. Nevertheless, most of the described methods are accessible to most amateurs. The chapter dealing with basic obsevations, measuremenst and photography can easily be understood by beginning amaterus. Other chapters are more interesting to advanced observers. The fact that this handbook has been written by experienced amateur-astronomers, is a big advantage. This is a complete guide for amateurs, wanting to specialize in solarobservations. -------------------- Luc Vandemaele R158 ASTROLOGIE - TOCHTER DER ASTRONOMIE by Jürgen Hamel - Published by URANIA VERLAG, Liepzig, DDR in 1987 - 128 pages hardbound - ISBN 3-332-00128-0 - Price : ? In this book, Jürgen Hamel especially gives us a historical sketch of astrology. Starting with Babylonia, Greek and Egyptian Antiquity, he describes astrology in the middle-ages and following centuries, up to ‘contemporary’ astrology and his conclusions about it. Jürgen Hamel lays the accent on the relationship between astronomy and astrology in ancient times and sees it in its cultural-historical context. This book is certainly not an ‘apology’ of astrology but a very interesting and objective survey of its different aspects, without the usual ‘cynism’, we find in a lot of books and articles. Its handy pocket-size, nice colourillustrations and text make ‘Astrology - Tochter der Astronomie’ a charming and interesting work. --------------------- Carl Vandaele R159 ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY A Step-by-Step Approach by Robert T. Little - Published by THE MACMILLAN PUBLISHING COMPANY in 1986 79 pages - hardbound - ISBN 0-02-948980-6 - Price : 19.95 £ Robert Little taught astrophotography at the New York Hayden planetarium for many years. This book ‘Astrophotography’ is the ideal manual for every amateur-astronomer starting with astronomical photography. Emphasizing the use of modern color-films, Little takes the reader one step at a time from photography without telescope to deep-sky and high-power photography. Useful tips, the most fitting films, diaphragm-apertures, exposures and equipment are given with respect to the photography of constellations, comets, meteors, eclipses, planets, Moon and deep-sky objects. Moreover, Little has illustrated his book with his own beautiful color-photographs. ---------------------- Carl Vandaele R160 RS OPHIUCHI (1985) AND THE RECURRENT NOVA PHENOMENON by M.F. Bode - Published by SCIENCE PRESS, Utrecht, The Netherlands in 1987 hardbound - ISBN 90-6764-074-3 - Price : 58.00 US$ (120.00 DM) This book contains the proceedings of a meeting held in December of 1985, in the city of Manchester, U.K. Subject of the meeting was RS Ophiuchi, a recurrent nova, which lighted up in January 1985. It was the fifth recorded outburst. But the most interesting feature of RS Ophiuchi is the interaction of the ejecta with a pre-existing shell of material. This gives the recurrent nova the typical characteristics of a supernova-remnant. The outburst of 1985 resulted is a great series of observations in visual wavelengths as well as in radio, IR and Xrays. Lost of articles in the book contain the results of these observations. Also, other recurrent novae (T CRB and T PYX) are treated. A large part is dedicated to theoretical studies, concerning novae and supernova-phenomena (examples of these are nova outburst modelling, chemistry in novae, supernova remnants, modelling the X-ray emission of RS Ophiuchi). Attention is also payed to related subjects such as the article concerning an atlas of nova shells or the far eastern observations of novae AD 1800. The book ends with a conference summary from the editor. ----------------------- Michel Van Speybroeck R161 THE SOLAR SYSTEM by Barrie Jones - Published by PERGAMON PRESS LTD. , Oxford, U.K. in 1984 - 336 pages - hardbound - ISBN 0-08-026495-6 - Price : 23.00 US$ ‘The Solar System’ gives a very up-to-date picture of our nearest enviromnent in space, and includes a description of the planets, their satellites, meteoroids, asteroids, comets and the origin and evolution of the Solar System? The main part of this book is a complete study of the planets themselves, including a lot of information about their movements, inner structure, atmosphere, surface structure and results of spacecraft-investigation. Each chapter ends with a summary and exercises, because this book is also a study book. Assuring no previous knowledge, it gives very precise and detailed information, illustrated with black-and-white photographs, graphs and diagrams. ‘The Solar System’ is a very welcome instrument for college and university courses, and for amateur astronomers or even scientists working in areas other than astronomy. --------------------- Carl Vandaele R162 THE STUDY OF VARIABLE STARS USING SMALL TELESCOPES by John R. Percy - Published by CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, Cambridge, U.K. in 1986 - 265 pages - hardbound - ISBN 0-521-33300-8 - Price : 20.00 £ This book is the result of a symposium held at the University of Toronto during the summer of 1985. The symposium was part of the fiftieth anniversary celebrations of the university’s David Dunlap Observatory. Central theme is the use of small telescopes on a scientific base, expecially with regard to the study of variable stars. In these optics the book is recommended to everyone who has to work with small instruments. The first part tells us the history of the David Dunlap Observatory and its special interest for variable stars. After this introduction follows a description by Janet Mattei of the special importance of visual observations. Naturally, great attention is given to the major role of the AAVSO. Two articles are dedicated to photographic observations. The chapters on photoelectric observations deserve special attention. Not only the result of these methods are revealed, but also practical information is given even a listing of a program for the reduction of photoeclectric observations. Byt not only observational methods form a part of this splendid book. Four articles give some information on the coordination and archiving of observations and three articles describe methds for periodanalysis. The easy-to-read style make this book indispensable to every person, who is set up, but the price is rather high. --------------------------- Michel Van Speybroeck R163 NEARLY NORMAL GALAXIES From the Planck time to the Present proceedings of the 8th Santa Cruz Summer Workshop held at the Lick Observatory from July 21 till August 1 in 1986 - edited by S.M. Faber - Published by SPRINGER VERLAG GmbH & Co, Berlin, Germany - 464 pages - hardbound - ISBN 3-540-96521-1 - Price : 72.00 DM ‘Nearly Normal Galaxies’ is a comprehensive review of galaxy formation and evolution. Special attention is paid to the treatment of galaxy formation from the earliest density fluctuations in the early Universe up to the latest phases of formation and evolution at present. Topics dealt with are Stellar evolution in galaxies, small objects, galactic structure and dynamics (observations and theory), global parameters of galaxies, galaxies in relation to larger structures, distant galaxies, dark matter and galaxies before and after recombination. This volume is of particular interest to research scientists and graduate students. ------------------------- Philippe Vercoutter R164 RADIO TELESCOPES by W.N. Christiansen and J.A. Hogbom - Published by CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, Cambridge, U.K. in December 1987 - 265 pages - softcover - ISBN 0-521-34795 Price : 12.95 £ This is the first paperback edition of the standard work ‘Radiotelescopes’. It is an excellent introduction to everything that has to do with the techniques used in radio-astronomy. In a first chapter generalities on radiotelescopes are discussed : purpose, reason, etc.... It is followed by an outline of Fourrier’s transform theory. In the next chpaters the following fields are covered : the steerable parabolic reflector, other types of filled-aperture antennas, unfilled-aperture antennas, synthesis techniques and sensitivity. ‘Radiotelescopes’ is wellwritten; also formulae and both giagrams and black-and-white photos are provided. The volume ends with 3 appendices which give more information on celestial coordinate systems, the Fourrier transform and available correlated power and contains also a reference list and index. Warmly recommended. ------------------------ Philippe Vercoutter R165 NUMERICAL RADIATIVE TRANSFER by W. Kalkofen, Harvard University, Center for Astrophysics - Published by CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, Cambridge, U.K. in January 1988 - 371 pages - clothbound - ISBN 0521-34100-0 - Price : 27.50 £ The volume discusses the numerical solution of radiative transfer problems in optically thick, radiating atmospheres and addresses two topics : the solution of line and continuum transfer problems by faster and efficient methods, and the transfer of polarized radiation. ‘Numerical Radiative Transfer’ is conceived as a manual of modern numerical methods and contains several new numerical methods, on operator perturbation as well as on polarized radiative transfer, that are described here for the first time. ----------------------- Phillippe Vercoutter R166 THE ROLE OF FINE-SCALE MAGNETIC FIELDS ON THE STRUCTURE OF THE SOLAR ATMOSPHERE by E.-H. Schroter, M. Vasquez and A.A. Wyller - Published by CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, Cambridge, U.K. in January 1988 - 379 pages - hardbound - ISBN 0-521-34281-3 Price : 35.00 £ The proceedings of the Inaugural Workshop and Round Table Discuss for the D.E.S. Telescope Installation on the Canary Islands, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain 6 - 12 October 1986. At the end of June 1985 the international observatories of Roque de los Muchachos and Teide and the Instituto de Astrofysica de Canaries of La Laguna in Spain were inaugurated. The scientific community organized an own scientific inauguration the following year. With a workshop on the role of magnetic fields on the structure of the Sun’s atmosphere. This volume is a collection of talks given at the workshop, between the observers at one side and the theoreticians at the other. The topics of the solar atmosphere and its structure is discussed in invited reviews and short contributions. The aim of the whole is to provide a usefull summary of the fine-scale structure of the solar atmosphere. ------------------------- Philippe Vercoutter R167 ASTRONOMIE by M. Dagaev, V. Demine, I. Klimichine nad V. Tcharouguine - Published by EDITIONS MIR, Pervy, France in 1986 - 416 pages - hardcover - ISBN : ? - Price : ? ‘Astronomie’ is a translation in French of a Russian textbook on general astronomy by M. Dagaev, candidate in pedagogic sciences, and Demine, Klimichine and Tcharouguine, who are doctors in Physics and Mathematics. This book provides information about all branches of modern astronomy. The first chapters treat spherical astronomy, systems of time-measuring, movements in the solar system and dynamics of space-flights. Then follows explanations of the principles of astrophysics and a study of solar physics and the structure of the bodies in our solar system. Chapters about stellar astronomy contain detailed information about variable and double stars. Finally, the book ends with galactic and extra-galactic physics, cosmology, cosmogony, stellar-evolution and the origin of galaxies and the solar system. The authors of this book not only emphasize the physics of the universe but also and expecially the mathematical background of astronomy and astrophysics, as the text contains a treasure of astronomical formulae and mathematical information. This book will be of particular interest to students in astronomy and more advanced amateurs. ------------------------- Carl Vandaele R168 FIRST LIGHT - The search for the Edge of the Universe by Richard Preston - Published by ATLANTIC MONTHLY PRESS, 19 Union Square West, New York, NY 1003, U.S.A. in 1987 - 263 pages - clothbound - ISBN 0-87113-200-1 - Price : 18.95 US$ Richard Preston, Ph. D. in English from Princeton University, tells us in ‘First Light’ the fascinating account of a group of people practising astronomy. At the heart of ‘First Light’ is the Mount Palomar Observatory, where the 200 inch Hale Telescope is in operation since 1949. Writing an engaging history of the institute, the author, who spent a year at Mount Palomar, expecially focuses on six personalities : Maarten Schmidt, the Ditch scientist mapping the known edge of the Universe, James Gunn, who builds instruments for the Hale Telescope out of junk parts, Carolyn and Gene Schoemacher, who are working on a small telescope held together by tape and glue and charting asteroïds, comets and cosmic debris, Juan Carrasco, operating the enormous Hale Telescope for the astronomers and finally George Ellery Hale, the builder of the telescope, who passed his days in an underground room conversing with an elf. ‘First Light’ isn’t only a fascinating tale about the research of galaxies, quasars and other exotic space-objects, but also a charming and elegant portrait of those people gazing through the night sky at the edge of the Universe. ------------------- Carl Vandaele R169 THE ADJUSTMENT AND TESTING OF TELESCOPE OBJECTIVES by H. Dennis Taylor - Published by ADAM HILGER Ltd. , Bristol, U.K. in 1983 - 102 pages paperback - ISBN 0-85274-756-X - Price : £ 7.95 As W.T. Welford says in his foreword, Harold Dennis Taylor (1862-1943) was ‘the complete applied optics man of his days’. Though this book was first published more than 90 years ago, it is still in great demand by people interested in refracting telescopes. The book describes various objective-defects; such as achromatism, astigmatism, false centering, spherical aberration, and zonal aberration, and shows how to eliminate them. Dennis Taylor also gives some information about double-lens objectives and the well-known Cooke Photo-Visual objective. There are also chapters on the knife-edge test and on general treatment of objectives and two appendices on the more theoretical sode of the subject. This work is excellent for more advanced amateurs, who want to know something more about the optics of their refractors. ---------------------- Carl Vandaele R170 ASTRONOMIE - LE GUIDE DE L’ OBSERVATEUR Tome I & II réalisé sous la direction de Patrick Martinez, Ingénieur en aéronautique; astronome amateur Publié par la SOCIETE d’ASTRONOMIE POPULAIRE, Toulouse, France en 1987 - 1.100 pages les deux volumes - 550 illustrations - Format : 16 x 24 cm - Prix : FF 240.00 pour un tome collé Cet ouvrage volumineux est rédigé par une trentaine de spécialistes sur les suject traités. Tous les sujets d’observation pour les astronomes amateurs y sont traités : le soleil au télescope et au coronographe, les eclipses de soleil et de lune, les surfaces lunaires et planétaires, les satellites des planètes, les astéroides, les comètes, occultations, étoiles doubles et variables, ‘Deep-Sky’, Novae et Supernovae, etc... Il y a aussi des chapitres sur l’astrométrie, la spectrographie, la photométrie et les intensificateurs et CCD. Non seulement les auteurs ont décrit commen faire les observations et les moyens dont l’observateur dispose, mais aussi où trouver la documentation nécessaire, à qui transmettre les résultats et l’utilité de ces résultats pur l’astronomie professionelle. ‘Le Guide de l’Observateur’ est un ouvrage sans précedent qui rassemble une énorme quantité d’informations et qui établit une liaison entre l’astronomie amateur et l’astronomie professionnelle. Avec l’aide de cette ‘bible’ de l’observateur’ l’astronome amateur peut faire des observations de haut niveau. ----------------------- Carl Vandaele R171 PLANETEN - Neuesaus unserem Sonnensystem by Leonid W. Ksanfomalti - Published by VERLAG HARRI DEUTSCH, Frankfurt Am Main - 216 pages - hardbound - ISBN 3-871448-24-9 - Dimensions 27 x 21 cm - Price : ? The well-known Soviet astronomer Professor Dr. Ksanfomalti gives in ‘Planeten’ todays’ view on the planets of our solar system and their satellites. For each planet, the research of spacecraft-investigations is described and detailed information about the planetary movements, inner structure, surface structures, atmospheres and magnetic fields are given. Concerning the coloured spacecraft-photographs in ‘Planeten’, especially the photographs of Mercury and Venus are remarkable. At the end of the book, some attention is paid to the search for planets in other solar systems. This book is not only fascinating to read because of its very clear and understandable text, colour-photographs and illustrations, but also an important reference-work because of its treasure of scientific information and data. -------------------- Carl Vandaele R172 ATMOSPHERES - A View of the Gaseous Envelopes Surrounding Members of our Solar System by J.P. Barato and Elisabeth A. Ayer - Published by PERGAMON PRESS, Oxford, U.K. in 1987 - 266 pages - paperback - ISBN 0-08-025582-5 - Price : US$ 15.50 This book is based on new information obtained by the Voyager, Viking, Pioneer and Mariner Spacecrafts and explains the dynamic processes existing in the atmospheres of all the planets of our solar system. Also Io and Ganymede, moons of Jupiter, and Titan, moon of Saturn, are treated in this book. Systematically all the aspects of the planetary atmospheres are explained : composition, structure, pressure, magnetosphere, circulations and winds, all sorts of meteorological phenomena, clouds and energy balance. Chapter one about the processes in the Earth’s atmosphere explains most of the scientific terminology to allow the reader to proceed easily through the rest of the book. This chapter also treats the Earth’s meteorology and is of course of particular interest to the amateur-meteorologists and students in this branch. Every chapter ends with a summary and selected journal references and is illustrated with sketches, tables and photographs. This unique work about planetary atmospheres is highly recommendable to students, amateur astronomers and meteorologists. --------------------- Carl Vandaele R173 DE SPOUTNIK A LA STATION MIR - 30 and d’observation de la Terre by A. Koval and L. Dessinov - Published by EDITIONS DU PROGRESS, France in 1988 Size : 25 x 20.5 cm - 286 pages - hardbound - ISBN : ? - Price : ? After an introduction on the utility of space-travel and on Russian space-flights in the past, the authors, who have participated in several international projects of Earth-studies, give a survey of the different aspects of Soviet-studies of the Earth with satellites and space-stations : geology, study of the seas, plains, high-mountains and research about the Earth’s atmosphere and geosystems. This book also contains a chapter on the utility of space-flights for agriculture, syslviculture, the exploration of natural resources and protection of the environment. This book is very rich illustrated with high-quality coloured photographs taken from satellites and orbital space-stations. These photographs of the geological, biological and atmospherical structure of the Earth are very often compared with photographs of similar phenomena taken on Earth. ------------------- Carl Vandaele R174 ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS - An Optical Perspective by Gordon Walker - Published by CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, Cambridge, U.K. in 1987 - 347 pages - Size : 24 x 17 cm - ISBN 0-521-32587-0 (paperback) - Price : ? This book is an up-to-date account of modern observational techniques. Dr. Walker, a world expert on astronomical instrumentation, has written a complete survey of the basic observing techniques at all wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. He explains the types of stellar electromagnetic radiation, the observational limits, all types of telescopes, all aspects of seeing, speckels and scintillation, spectrographs, interferometry, photometry, Gamma- & Xrays and infrared detectors, charge transfer devices and charge-coupled devices (CCD). In this book the emphasis is also laid on the technical side of the subject : ‘Astronomical Observations’, which is richly illustrated with photographs, sketches and tables, is of particular interest to students in observational astronomy, physicists, electronic engineers and of course to professional astronomers as a ready source of reference. ------------------ Carl Vandaele R175 INTRODUCTION TO THE METEOSAT OPERATIONAL SYSTEM ESA BR32 by T.D. Guyenne - Published by EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY Publications Division, Noordwijk, The Netherlands in 1987 - 42 pages - ISSN 250-1589 - Price : Dfl. 40.00 This document is intented to serve as a general introduction to the Meteosat Operational System. It is basically an update of the introduction to the ‘Meteosat System’ issued in 1981 (ESA SP-1041). It takes into account the changes resulting from the signing of the Eumetsat Convention on 23rd of May 1983 and leading to the commencement of the Meteosat Operational Programme on 23rd of November 1983. The Meteosat O. P. is due to continue until the end of 1995. The status of the Meteosat O.S. as presented in this document places emphasis on the three new operational satellites, due to be launched from 1988 onwards, and the facilities which they will provide. Until the launch of the first new operational satellite, the Meteosat O.S. will be supported by the pre-operational satellites, Meteosat 2 and P2 (the latter to be launched early this year). The major differences between the operational and preoperational satellites are presented in the appendix at the end of the document. The document tells us how imaging and data collection are processed and archived. There’s the satellite description and an explanation of the meteorological parameter extraction. Also examplephotographs of images retrieved from the Meteosat archive are provided. ------------------- Martial Vaneecke R176 SATELLITES INTERNATIONAL by Joseph N. Pelton and John Howkins - Published by MACMILLAN DISTRIBUTION Ltd. , Hants, U.K. in 1987 - 256 pages - hardbound - ISBN 0-333-39499-2 - Price : £ 95.00 ‘Satellites International’ represents an ambiguous project. It is an attempt to compile within one single reference source the world’s most complete and most systematic treatment of satellites. This volume not only covers telecommunications satellites, but also all types of satellites, from all over the world. This reference book was made with the cooperation of the world’s leading experts from Europe, Japan, Canada, the United States and other countries. The book is divided into three sections. In the first and largest section you find articles written by those leading experts. Joseph Pelton, Director Strategic Policy Intelsat and editor of the book gives a user-friendly introduction to satellites and he warns us that ‘the 21st century will be a time of enormous and dramatic change’ and ‘ the transition from the 20th to the 21st century may be more demanding than the changes from the 16th century until today’. Four of the world’s telecommunication leaders outline the objective and development of their own organisations. Richard Butler, the secretary/general of International Telecommunications Union explains the structure and work of the Union in the field of standardization and development of telecommunicatons in general, and space communications in particular. Each article begins with an introduction from the authors ofthe article. Marcellus Snow, associate professor of economics, University of Hawaii at Manoa reflects the economic aspects of the dramatic technology induced decrease in satellite communications costs over the past two decades. Like each chapter there is a list of further reading. Section II reviews satellite manufacturers, satellite systems (Intelsat) and the main launch vehicles (Ariane, Delta, Atlas,...). There is one part on Global Satellite Systems (Intelsat) and Regional Systems (Eutelsat). Section III is the most interesting part. It’s the A to Z of countries on telecommunications. There is information (address, telephone, telex,...) on Governmental Departments broadcasting, Earth station facilities, Membership of International Organisations and if the country uses any space segments (Intelsat, Inmarsat, Intersat, Intersputnik, Eutelsat) of own developments. It’s very useful for libraries to have this reference book even only for the latter part, where you can gather loads of information. Only the price is rather high for nonprofessionals. ------------------------ Martial Vaneecke R177 COSMOS ET CONTEXTE by Mario Novello - Published by MASSON s.a., Paris, France in 1987 - 120 pages - Size : 24 x 16 cm - paperback - ISBN 2-225-81081-8 - Price : ? The author of ‘Cosmos et Contexte’, Mario Novello, is a specialist in theoretical physics and expecially in cosmology and general relativity. He is also the world-known leader of the ‘Gravitation and Cosmology’ school in Rio de Janeiro. In this book various aspects of modern cosmology are treated. Mario Novello tells us what today’s cosmologists know about the universe, without using too much mathematics. Trying to answer very fundamental questions, this book gives us an actual view on gravitation-theories, geometrical problems, structure of space-time, the cosmological constant and various cosmological models. This book shows cosmology as a passionating discipline having made a lot of progress but still leaving many problems to solve. -------------------------- Carl Vandaele R178 STARS, GALAXIES, COSMOS - A Catalog of Astronomical Anomalies by William R. Corliss - Published by THE SOURCEBOOK PROJECT, Maryland, USA in 1987 - 246 pages - 817 references - hardbound - ISBN 0-915-554-21-6 - Price : US$ 17.95 William R. Corliss has already published 23 volumes on scientific anomalies. ‘After more than twelve years of scouring the scientific and semi-scientific literature’ as he says in the preface. Among these publications on all sorts of anomalies in Nature, he published three catalogues of astronomical anomalies : ‘The Sun and Solar System Debris’ (see E&A R115) , ‘The Moon and the Planets’ and ‘Stars, Galaxies, Cosmos’. This book is divided into four major parts : stellar anomalies, quasar-anomalies, anomalies in the structure of the universe and galaxy-anomalies. Every part is divided into several categories of different phenomena. Of each phenomenon a description, data-evolution, anomaly-evolution, possible explanations, similar phenomena, examples and references are given. Each phenomenon is explained in a clear and very comprehensive way, which makes this book interesting for a large public. Moreover, the subject index at the end of this catalogue makes it very easy to use. ----------------- Carl Vandaele R179 BUILD YOUR OWN SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA by Gordon L. Williams - Published by POWER GAIN SYSTEMS, West Monroe, USA in 1986 - 44 pages - Price ; US$ 12.00 The book gives information on how to build a 10 foot 6 inch Dish Antenna. Pertinent information is also given for building nine different dishes from 10 and one-half to 30 feet in diameter. The text includes illustrations, pictures (black and white), sources for materials and easy to follow step-by-step instructions. The antenna provides ample gain for a sharp, clear picture with other components on the market. After you finished your dish all you need to do is hook it up to a Satellite Receiver and television set for some fine entertainment. But parabolic antennas are used for many other things than receiving television satellite pictures. Other are : Amateur Radio Satellite Communications, Amateur Radio Earth Moon Earth Communications, Amateur Astronomy and Weather Satellites. ----------------------- Martial Vaneecke R180 EXTRATERRESTRIALS Science and Alien Intelligence by Edward Regis jr., Department of Philosophy, Howard University, Washington D.C., USA Published by CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, Cambridge, U.K. in 1987- 278 pages ISBN 0-521-34852-0 (paperback) - Price : £ 7.95 - ISBN 0-521-26227-5 (hardcover) - Price : ? Are extraterrestials beings imaginary creatures ? Do they really exist ? How can we make contact with them ? These questions and their speculations have become very popular these days. And recently the physical sciences have begun to take these questions very seriously. The purpose of this volume is to present in an easily accessible form the best and most recent original thoughts on these questions from the most expert scientists and philosophers today. Those scientists are men like Lewis White Beck, Marvin Minsky, Hans Freudenthal and the celebrated Carl Sagan. Professor Beck from the University of Rochester gives a survey of the many scientific and philosophical issues raised by the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). This survey is a reprint of Beck’s Presidential address delivered before a meeting of the American Philosophical Association in New York City in December 1971. It is said to be the best single paper ever written on hopes and hurdles for SETI. Ernst Mayr from Harvard University tells us about the probability of extraterrestrial intelligent life in the Universe. In part three Marvin Minsky from MIT tells us that intelligent aliens think in similar ways as humans because they are both subject to limitations on space, time and materials. ‘If those beings do exist, then where are they ?’ is answered in part four. Carl Sagan (Cornell University) and his former student William I. Newmann (Univ. of California) explains the solipsist approach. Jill Tarter gives a summary of the SETI programs in five parts. This is followed by an appendix which consists of an archive of the SETI observing programs from 1959 till 1984. The extraterrestrial communication problem and the design of a Language for Cosmic Intercourse (LINCOS) is also treated in this fifth part. The editor himself reveals the truth about SETI and strips away false of incorrect sentiments. A recommendation to all those who are aware of the vastness of the Universe where intelligent beings, us included, live in. ---------------------- Martial Vaneecke R181 LIGHT FROM THE DEPTHS OF TIME by Rudolph Kippenhahn - Published by SPRINGER VERLAG, Berlin, Germany in 1987 262 pages - hardbound - ISBN 3-540-17119-3 - Price : DM 54.00 This book is the English translation of professor Rudolph Kippenhahn’s “Licht, vom Rande des Welt, Das Universum und sein Anfang”, published in 1984. Rudolph Kippenhahn has a Ph. D. in mathematics and astrophysics. He has worked in several observatories, Princeton and the Max-Planck-Institute for Physics and Astrophysics in Münich. Now he is a full professor at the University of Göttingen and Director of the Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics. He is one of the leading astrophysisists and author of the best-selling book “Hundred Billion Suns”. In “Light from the depths of time”, he has not included the latest tentative results in cosmology because he concentrates on presenting cosmological ideas to non-experts who are interested in the subject and to help them by explaining the results in this field. For this purpose the author made use of creating Flatland and its fictitious inhabitants, its occassional historical digressions, and the dreams of Herr Meyer, an average citizen of Flatland. This cosmological work handles topics like the spectrum, novae and supernovae, the Doppler effect, Black Holes, Quasars, etc,.. The appendices concern frequency and wavelength, the Space Telescope and Stellar Parallaxes and Distances by Dead Reckoning. The photographs are black-and-white. A book reading for the amateur astronomer who is not only interested in his/her telescope. ----------------------- Martial Vaneecke R182 METEORITE CRATERS -How Scientists solved the Riddle of these Mysterious Landforms by Kathleen Mark - Published by the UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA PRESS, Tucson, USA in 1987 - 288 pages - clothbound - ISBN 0-8165-0902-6 - Price : US$ 29.95 The author, Kathleen Mark, has long been interested in geology and in writting about it for general readers. Since the early 1970’s she has published articles on variety of geological topics. In 1975 she was a co-winner of the Nininger Award for a short work on meteorite craters. In ‘Meteorite Craters’ she presents the first non-technical history of the recognition of meteorite craters on Earth. In her preface Kathleen Mark expresses her gratitude to collaborators and assistants. She describes in this book the main authenticated meteorite craters on Earth. Many of them are thoroughly reviewed with cross sections. It begins with the ‘METEOR CRATER’ and the ‘Zuni Salt Lake Crater’ of the Colorado Plateau. Followed by craters in Australia (Henbury, Wolf Creek), Canada (Deep Bay Craters in Saskatchewan, Holleford in Ontario and Clearwater Lakes in Quebec), South Africa (Vredefort, Bushfeld Igneous Complex), West Germany (Steinhein Basin), etc... Also the Tunguska disturbance in Siberia and L. Kulik’s expedition are covered. Kathleen Mark spends an entire chapter on the man who awarded her and who enspired her to write this book, Harvey Harlow Nininger. The book is illustrated with black-and-white photographs from the meteor sites and aerial views. The appendices give supplementary information on the chapters; there is a 26-page alphabetical author referencen, a list with illustration credits and an index. The book is written for both scientists in other specialities (astronomy, astrophysics) and for educated laymen. The book is ideal for the amateur meteor observers and geologists. ------------------------- Martial Vaneecke R183 COON MOUNTAIN CONTROVERSIES - Meteor Crater and the Development of Impact Theory by William Graves Hoyt - Published by the UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA PRESS, 1230 North Park Avenue 102, Tucson, USA in 1987 - 442 pages - clothbound - ISBN 0-816509687-9 - Price : US$ 40.00 This book ‘Coon Mountain Controversies’ is a perfect sequel and further reading to ‘Meteorite Craters’ by Kathleen Mark (see E&A Review R182). Both are published together. William Graves Hoyd gained wide recognition as a historian of science through this earlier books, “Planet X and Pluto” (1976) and “Lowell and Mars” (1980). Formerly a journalist by profession, he first worked as a reporter for the New York World-telegram and later as managing editor for the Arizona Daily Sun. He joined the public information staff at Northern Arizona University in 1986 and was named director in 1975. From 1981 until his death in 1985, he was research associate at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff. The book ‘Coon Mountain Controversies’ refelects the long and controversial history of the recognition of the “METEOR CRATER” in Arizona or ‘Coon Mountain’ is it is locally known. Especially the work and life Daniel Moreau Barringer (1860-1929), who believed in the meteorite hypothesis, is reflected. Barringer spent the last twenty-five years of his life contesting the US Geological Survey claims that the ‘METEOR CRATER’ had been formed by volcanic explosions. Hoyt here chronicles the bitter and emotional controversy that raged between Barringer and scientists like Grove Karl Gilbert and Merrill. He demonstrated that is was nothing less than an revolution in science that the impact theory came to be accepted. Hoyt’s work is extremely detailed, yet very readable. It provides a carefully documented case-study with black-and-white pictures dating from our early twentieth century. At the end of the book there are notes to the pages, photo credits and an index. A work for historians and geologists about the significance of meteorites in the formation of our solar system. --------------------- Martial Vaneecke R184 STERRENATLAS VOOR NEDERLAND EN BELGIË door Freek Reijmerinck - Gepubliceerd door Van Holkema en Warendorf in 1987 - 96 pagina’s - ISBN 90-269-4488-8 - dimensies : 23 x 17 cm - hardbound - Prijs : ? Dit mooi en rijk geïllustreerd werk voor amateurastronomen bestaat uit drie grote delen. In het eerste gedeelte worden maandoverzichten van de sterrenhemel gegeven. Telkens worden de sterrenhemel van de maand, haar bijzonderste heldere sterren, dubbelsterren, variabelen, deep-sky-objekten en meteoorzwermen beschreven. Ook worden tijdstip van de opkomst en ondergang van de Zon gegeven. Ieder maandoverzicht is geïllustreerd met een globale sterrenkaart, detailkaartjes voor sommige objekten, foto’s en tekeningen. Er wordt ook aandacht besteed aan algemene sterrenkunde in de intermezzi over melkwegen, dubbelsterren, variabelen en telescopen. Het volgende gedeelte is het eigenlijke atlasgedeelte (Epoch 2000), dat het circumpolaire gedeelte van de hemel in vier kaarten en de rest in zes kaarten afbeeldt tot aan decl. - 40°. Op deze kaarten, die gedetailleerd genoeg zijn om moeilijker objecten op te zoeken, zijn heel wat deep-sky-objecten en al de sterren tot en met magnitude 6 afgebeeld. Tenslotte bevat dit boek ook nog een catalooggedeelte met gegevens over 177 sterren tot magnitude 3, 74 open sterrenhopen tot magnitude 10.5, 436 dubbelsterren tot mag. 5.5, 121 veranderlijken tot mag. 6, 20 planetaire nevels tot mag. 10.5, 34 galaktische nevels en 71 sterrenstelsels tot mag. 10.5. In dit boek ontbreken ook een maankaart, het Grieks alfabet, en lijsten van sternamen, sterrenbeelden en opposities van de planeten tot het jaar 2000 niet. “Sterrenatlas voor Nederland en België” heeft twee belangrijke verdiensten. Enerzijds is dit boek een prachtig werkinstrument voor amateurastronomen. Het toont wat men allemaal met bescheiden amateurkijkers kan waarnemen en hoe men daarvoor tewerk moet gaan. Anderzijds is het voor de geïnteresseerde ‘leek’ een ideale reisgids om het hemelgewelf met het ongewapende oog of de verrekijker af te speuren. ---------------- Carl Vandaele R185 SKYGUIDE - A field guide to the heavens by Mark R. Chartrand III - Published by Golden Press, Western Publishing Company Inc., USA in 1982 - 280 pages - ISBN 90-307-13667-1 - softcover - Price : US$ 9.95 This guide, edited by Mark R. Chartrand III, vice president of the National Space Society, provides het amateur astronomer with a great deal of basic information. It can be a useful tool when observing the sky with its charts of the constellations beginning from Apus to Vulpecula. The guide has nearly no photographs but is illustrated with drawings from Helmut K. Wimmer, who is official artist of the American Museum - Hayden Planetarium. Often drawings give you something , photo’s don’t. They aid the text with diagrams, spherical pictures, spectral lines, etc... But as to the quality of the illustrations, I’ve seen better things. It also has to be said that for only 10 US dollars you cannot expect first quality. The guide begins with some basic astronomy. Useful is an enumeration of the Greek alphabet for those who did not have the ‘pleasure’ of getting it at school. The guide gives you an introduction in optics. The summary of the different kinds of celestial objects is accompanied by a table of the objects with coordinates, distance, magnitude and spectral type. The star charts are divided into two sorts : those with the position of the constellations and the useful guide with each constellation separately viewed (which I mentioned in my introduction). Our solar system is handled with a summary of information of each object. The guide ends with a table of the position of Sun and Planets, the phases of the Moon (19821989) and the times of sunset and sunrise. There is the usual index and adresses of major American observatories and planetariums. --------------- Martial Vaneecke R186 THE SKY OBSERVERS GUIDE by R. Minton Mayall, Marg. Mayall, Jerome Wyckoff - Published by Western Publications Company Inc. in 1985 - 160 pages - ISBN 0-307-24009-6 - softcover - Price : US$ 3.95 The ‘Sky Observers Guide’ is one of the many Golden Guides which is a trademark of the Western Publishing Company. The paperback guide is intended for the beginning amateur who starts observing the sky at a young age. It guides you through the use of binoculars and telescopes, the locating of the celestial objects and tells you what objects to look for. The first part gives adequate information about the equiçpment the observer can use; light-gathering power, magnifying power, resolving power,... The second part is a review of facts that directly affect observing. It is a poor and too short review to be useful. A good thing is that the author refers to the bibliography at the end of the book. The third part gives tips for observing the sky at its best and how to work with coordinates. The fourth part concerns the celestial bodies : Sun, Planets, Asteroids, Comets, Meteors, Stars and Nebulae. The few real pictures are very unclear and of poor quality. There is a whole chapter on astrophotography, how to use your camera, what camera to use and what films to use for different objects. The final two chapters treat accessories for your telescope and maps for the Heavens. A guide not worth spending so little money on. -------------- Martial Vaneecke R187 ATMOSPHERES AND IONOSPHERES OF THE OUTER PLANETS AND THEIR SATELLITES by Sushi K. Atreya - Published by Springer Verlag in 1986 - 224 pages - ISBN 0-387-16832X - softcover - Price : DM 14.80 This book presents a treatment and a summary of human knowledge of the atmospheres and ionospheres of the outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, and some of their satellites, especially Io and Titan. The author was able to use the latest available data of Voyager 1 and 2, up to the encounter of Uranus in january 1986. These data don’t always answer questions, but do raise them. So each chapter contains some outstanding issues which should stimulate researchers and students in planetary science to search for the answers. The author hopes to inspire many people to pursue studies in planetary sciences and to stimulate new research ideas with the ultimate goal of understanding the origin and evolution of planetary atmospheres. At the end of the book a subject index is most helpful for locating a desired topic and a reference quide of twenty pages invites to more reading about the subject. One small negative point is that the author does not always consequently use the international system of physical unities. -------------------- Hermann Ghyoot R188 FASZINIERENDE ASTRONOMIE - Vom Sonnensystem bis an den Rand des Weltalls by Volker Kasten - Published by Franck Kosmos Verlagsgruppe in 1988 - dimensions - 14 x 20 cm - 264 pages - ISBN 3-440-05893-X - Price DM 36.00 The author, Volker Kasten, is a mathematician at the University of Hannover. Being an active amateur-astronomer for many years, he has written an excellent introduction on general astronomy. In ten chapters he tells us all about the structure and the characteristics of the planets, Moon, Sun, stars, Milky Way and galaxies. He also gives a thorough explanation of spherical astronomy. astrophysics, gravitation-laws and cosmology. This book is not only an introduction to theoretical astronomy, but also gives some information about observing. In ‘Faszinierende Astronomie’ the beginning amateur-astronomer finds the answers to a lot of questions, when he gets caught by the fascination of a clear starry sky. ‘Fascinierende Astronomy’ is illustrated with 40 very sharp black-and-white photographs and many tables and sketches. The text is very clear and understandable even when the author explains more difficult aspects of astronomy. ---------------- Carl Vandaele R189 FUNDAMENTAL ASTRONOMY by H. Karttunen, P. Kröger, H. Oja, M.Poutanen and K.J. Donner - Published by Springer Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Heidelberger Platz 3, Berlin in 1987 - 487 pages - ISBN 3-54017264-5 - hardcover - 399 illustrations - 36 colour plates - Price : DM 128.00 ‘Fundamental Astronomy’ provides a well-balanced and comprehensive introduction to the various fields of astronomy. The first chapters treat spherical astronomy, time-reckoning, telescopes, radiotelescopes and other observational techniques. The further explanations photometry, magnitudes, radiations, spectra, temperatures and celestial mechanics form a solid basis for the chapters about planetary, solar and stellar physics. A very interesting survey of the characteristics of variable and compact stars, interstellar matter and cosmic rays, star clusters, the Milky Way and other galaxies. This book ends with modern cosmologic theories. ‘Fundamental Astronomy’ also contains appendices about mathematics and physics and is illustrated with recent black-and-white photographs and a supplement of coloured photographs. The main purposes of this book are to serve as a univeristy textbook and as a handbook for serious amaterus. The numerous formulae make it also interesting for computing-amateur-astronomers. The reader of this book is only assumed to have a highschool knowledge in mathematics and physics, because everything more advanced is derived by step from the same basic principles. --------------- Carl Vandaele R190 STERNE - Der Nördliche in Farbe by Joachim Hermann - Published by FRANCKH’SCHE VERLAGSHANDLUNG. W. KELLER & Co, Stuttgart in 1988 - 128 pages - dimensions : 11 x 18 cm - ISBN 3-440-057798 - hardcover - Price : DM 16.80 With this handy pocket-book, the beginning amateur-astronomers can easily find thier way in the sky and its constellations. It contains 12 star charts (one for each month) for a latitude of 50 ° N and 23 detailed charts of the constellations visible at this latitude. Every one of the general charts of the heavens is preceded by an explanation. The 23 detailed charts show stars up to mag. + 4 and a lot of deep-sky objects. A description of each constellation, its brightest stars, double stars, deep-sky objects and mythological background is given. This book also contains a general introduction to the solar system, the Milky Way, galaxies, spherical astronomy and eclipses. Particular interesting are some tables which give the position of the planets from 1988 to 2000 and the solar and lunar eclipses from 1988 to 2002. ‘Sterne’ is illustrated with 30 colour-photographs and several coloured sketches. --------------- Carl Vandaele R191 GOTTER IN PLANETEN UND MONDEN by Jürgen Blunck - Published by VERLAG HARRI DEUTSCH, Frankfurt am Main in 1987 214 pages - ISBN 3-8171-1003 - hardcover - Price : DM 42.00 This book is divided into three major parts. The first part explains how the planets, their satellites, and surface structures got their names. Of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn the Greek, Latin, Germanic and Babylonian - Assyrian denomination is explained. The major part of the book is about the mythological background of the Sun, Moon, planets and satellites, even of the very small moons of Jupiter, and Saturn. Before leading us into a world of gods, demigods, heroes and nymphs, the author gives a physical description of each body, containing the most up-to-date information. This part of the book is also illustrated with recent photographs taken by spacecrafts, such as Voyager, Pioneer, Mariner and Viking. Especially, the seldom-published pictures of the small moons of Jupiter and Saturn are very spectacular ! The last part of ‘Götter in Planeten und Monden’ consists of tables giving the names of the planets known in ancient times in different languages from all over the world and physical data and orbital elements of planets and their satellites. This book is very interesting to both star-friends and mythology-friends, because of its detailed mythological information, with ancient text as source, up-to-date astronomical surveys and high-quality illustrations. ------------ Carl Vandaele R192 METEOR SHOWERS - A Descripive Catalog by Gary W. Kronk - Published by ENSLOW PUBLISHERS INC., NJ, USA in 1988 - 320 pages - dimensions : 16 x 23 cm - ISBN 0-89490-072-2 - Price : US$ 24.50 The author of ‘Meteor Showers’, Gary Kronk, is an amateur astronomer and a journalist, who has been researching and observing meteor showers since 1973. To compose this work, he has analysed data of visual, photographic and radar observations of meteor showers. For the 112 most active radiants in the sky, Kronk gives time and duration of the maximum, brightness, colour-information and the coördinates of the radiant. A survey of both old and recent result of observations give us a better vision on the evolution of the showers, their characteristics and the meteor-research. Also some orbital data is given for each shower. Each chapter in this book represents a month and the showers visible during this period are listed alphabetically by the constellation where they appear. This book contains some appendices about specific meteor-terms, showers in association with comets, the D-criterion and source abbreviations. This compilation with a treasure of information is not only a guide for meteor-observers and a detailed reference work for scientists and students, but also, as Dr. Fred L. Whipple says in his foreword, ‘an unequalled sourcebook for anyone who wishes to pursue the subject for pleasure, education and research. ------------- Carl Vandaele R193 ASTRONOMICAL CENTERS OF THE WORLD by Kevin Krisciunas - Published by Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K. in 1988 320 pages - dimensions : 18 x 25 cm - ISBN 0-521-30278-1 - hardcover - Price : £ 17.50 This book does not only give us the account of the origin and development of the world’s most important centers of the past 2000 years, but also learns us how scientists made their observations and came to new insights about the Universe. Kevin Krisciunas begins with the Alexandrian Museum, Claudius Ptolemaeus and his Almagest and the astronomical avtivities in the Moslem world, with the important ancient center in Samarkend, where Ulugh Begh played an important role. Then, the history of astronomy in Europe during the 17th, 18th and 19th century is sketched by focusing in on the observatories in Paris, Greenwich and Pulkowo (Russia), inaugurated in 1839. Then, an important part of the book is consecrated to observatories in the USA, such as Harvard, Lick, Yerkes, Mount Wilson and Palomar, and to the first steps into astrophysics, spectroscopy, interferometry, photometry and other techniques. Also some special attention is paid to observatories in Australia, South-Africa, Chili, Mauna Kea and to the Observatory of Kitt Peak. This very interesting book ends with a survey of radio-astronomical research, new possibilities for observing such as CCD, airborne observatories, satellites, research programs and facilities for the future. By aiming at those important centers, the author brings to life 2000 years of contributions of many people to foundations of modern astronomy. He also gives us a picture of their theories and research. This book, which is very nicely illustrated is warmly recommended to both amateur and professional astronomers and to historians of science. --------------- Carl Vandaele R194 AM ANFANG WAR NUR ENERGIE - Entstehungsprozesse der Mikro-, Makro- und Biokosmos by Stratis Karamanolis - Published by ELEKTRA VERLAG GmbH, Neubiberg bei München in 1987 - 181 pages - ISBN 3-922238-72-6 - dimensions : 14.5 x 21 cm - hardcover - Price : ? The author of ‘Am Anfang war nur Energie’, is an electrotechnic engineer who worked in the aeronautical and space industry (MBB in West-Germany). Since 1973, he is a successful author. His thirty-seventh work ‘Am Anfang war nur Energie’ is a study of the structure of the Universe, from the tiniest elementary particle to the galaxies, without forgetting life itself. To introduce us to the subject, the author gives a short historical survey of the theories on cosmology and biogenesis, from the most ancient civilisations to the scientists of the 16th to the 19th century, and the basic principles of he connections and interactions between matter, energy and radiation. The main part of this book is divided into three chapters. The first one treats the microcosmos : the structure of matter, elementary particles, the quantum theory and the origin of matter in the Big Bang. The second chapter takes us into the macrokosmos : stars, galaxies, the solar system, their origin and future with a special accent on nucleosynthesis and nuclear reactions in stars. This chapter is followed by a study of the biokosmos : the formation of organic molecules and cells, mutation, ageing and the bio evolution on Earth. This book is exciting to read for everyone who wants to know something more about the basic principles and processes which were essential for the formation of the micro,- macro-, and biocosmos. ---------------- Carl Vandaele R195 COSMOLOGY - The Structure and Evolution by G. Contopoulos and D. Kotsakis - Published by SPRINGER VERLAG GmbH, Berlin, Germany in 1987 - 235 pages - ISBN 3-540-16922-9 - paperback - Price : DM 58.00 G. Kontopoulos and D. Kotsakis (1909-1986), both professor of Astronomy at the University of Athens, give in ‘COSMOLOGY’ a well-written account on the science of the structure and evolution of the universe. The first part of this book treats the structure itself and gives some general information about stars, clusters, our Milky Way, other galaxies, interstellar matter and the distribution of matter in the universe, using a lot of observational results. The second part explains several theories about the universe, such as relativity, various cosmological and cosmogonical theories, the early universe, its further evolution and its future. In this part, the authors also give a detailed account of various aspects of black holes. The last part concerns the deeper implications of cosmology and physics and treats fundamental problems about the universe, such as the universality of physical laxs, causality and the questions of cyclicity of the universe. This book is nicely illustrated with sketches and black-and-white photographs. Using some mathematics, it is written as a text for an introductory course in cosmology at the advanced undergraduate level, but it also gives a better understanding of the universe to amateur-astronomers and others interested in the subject. ----------- Carl Vandaele R196 EUROPEAN SPACE ON-COURSE RO THE 21ST CENTURY ESA BR-39 Published by the ESA PUBLICATIONS DIVISION, Estec, Noordwijk, The Netherlands in 1987 - 48 pages - ISSN 0250-1589 - paperback - Price : Dfl 20.00 With the successful launch of the first ARIANE-4 rocket last June, ESA is showing its determination to become one of the major organisations in rocket-launchers. The ESA-plans don’t stop at satellite-launchers, they want to bring a man, a European, in space before the year 2000. On the 9th and 10th of November 1987, the ESA Council Meeting of Miniterial level in The Hague approved a Resolution which will ensure that Europe will have a spacepolicy and programmes that will it in the forefront of space-exploration and exploitation well into the 21st century. The brochure contains a series of information sheets outlining the major programme elements, together with the text of the two Resolutions and the Final declaration from the Ministers. The Long-Term Plan ‘Space Science : Horizon 2000” is meant to maintain Europe at the head of scientific research. The new transportation system under development at ESA is the European Space Shuttle ‘HERMES’ : together with its launcher, the ARIANE-5 it should provide a powerful, low-cost and reliable launcher enabling Europe to carry out manned spaceflights. --------------- Martial Vaneecke R197 ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS ABSTRACTS by S. Böhme, V. Esser, H. Hefele, I. Heinrich, W. Hofmann, D. Krahn, R. Matas, L.D. Schmader, G. Zech - Published by SPRINGER VERLAG GmbH & Co K.G., Berlin, Germany in 1986 - 1114 pages - ISBN 3-540-17252-1 - hardcover : Price : DM 198.00 Subscription : DM 158.40 ‘Astronomy & Astrophysics Abstracts’ appear twice a year and is composed by the Astonomisches Rechen Institut (Heidelberg) under the auspices of the International Astronomical Union. Volume 41 gives information about astronomical literature published in 1986 and received before 15-08-1986 nad also several older documents later received and not yet published in earlier volumes. This volume records 10392 papers not only concerning all the fields of astronomy and astrophysics, but also space flights with astronomical purposes, history of astronomy, astronomical instrumentation and techniques, extraterrestrial life and philosophical aspects of astronomy. This publication also contains lists of periodicals, publications of observatories and institutes, bibliographical publications, notes on observatories, planetaria and exhibitions, proceedings of colloquia and obituaries. Moreover, an author-, subject- and object-index at the end of the book make it very practical to use. The enormous quantity of literature published in six months is classified under more than hundred subjects categories and concordance relation between the classification used in this book and the international Classification system for Physics (of the International Council of Scientific Unions Abstracting Board - ICSU-AB ) is provided in the beginning of this volume. The ‘Astronomical & Astrophysics Abstracts’ is surely an indispensable instrument for everyone working in astronomy and astrophysics. --------------- Carl Vandaele R198 NEARBY GALAXIES CATALOG by R. Brent Tully - Published by CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, Cambridge, U.K. in 1988 - 248 pages - ISBN 0-521-35299-1 - dimensions : 28.5 x 22 cm - hardcover - Price : £ 30.00 or US$ 49.50 This catalog is designed as a companion to the ‘Nearby Galaxies Atlas’ (see E&A R219 ) and consists of three major parts. The first and largest one provides information about each of the 2 367 galaxies within a distance of 40 megaparsec. The tables in part I give for these galaxies name, position, type, density, group affiliation, diameter-information, inclination from faceon, several data about their luminosity, red-shift, characteristics of their environment, mass and distance. In the second part, the galaxies are recorded by group affiliation. Here, the membership of 36 clouds, 254 associations and 336 groups of two or more members is specified. The last part gives information about 382 rich clusters that are affiliated with structures on very large scale. This catalog contains several hundred velocities which have not yet been published. They were obtained with the Parkes Radio Telescope in Australia. While the Atlas was designed for a wide audience, the more technical information in this catalog will be of particular interest to professional astronomers and serious amateurs. -------------- Carl Vandaele R199 MIKROKOSMOS, MAKROKOSMOS. Das Weltbild der Physik by Karl Lanius - Published by URANIA VERLAG, Liepzig, Jena, Berlin in 1988 - 284 pages - dimensions : 20 x 22.5 cm - ISBN 3-332-00206-6 - hardcover - Price : ? The author of this book, Professor Dr. Karl Lanius is since 1962 director of the “Institut für Hochenergiephysik der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR”. He wrote more than one hundred scientific publications on cosmic rays and high-energy-physics. As the title expresses, this book covers a very large area : the world of atomic and subatomic particles, quantumphysics, biochemistry and astrophysics. The first two chapters give a historical survey of the development of science with some special attention paid to gravitation and relativity. The third chapter shows us which instruments modern physicists and astrophysicists use (light- and electron-microscopes, cyclotrons, synchrotrons, particledetectors and telescopes) and how they developed during this century. Chapter 4 (‘Der Microkosmos’) and chapter 5 (‘Der Makrokosmos’) form the main part of the book. The first one lead us into the world of molecules, atoms, subatomic particles, quantumphysics and nuclear processes. The second is an astrophysical study of the universe, galaxies, stellar evolution, the origin and evolution of the universe and nucleosynthesis. It also contains a detailed explanation about black holes. This book ends with some general thoughts about aims and frontiers of physics. There is also an appendix where special terms are explained and where German literature is given. “Mikrokosmos, Makrokosmos” is very nicely illustrated with photographs, sketches and tables. It is a detailed, but easy-understandable basic-work on physics. --------------------- Carl Vandaele R200 METEORITES AND THEIR PARENT PLANETS by Harry Y. McSween - Published by CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, Cambridge, U.K. in 1987 - 237 pages - dimensions : 24 x 16 cm - ISBN 0-521-32431-9 - hardcover - Price : £ 15.00 / US$ 24.95 Harry McSween is associate professor of geology at the university of Tennessee, a NASA principal Investigator and associate editor of Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta. After having introduced us to the general characteristics of meteorites, their composition and having treated some examples of meteorites which fell on Earth, he gives a detailed survey of the two classes of meteorites : stone meteorites (chondrites and achondrites) and iron and stony-iron ones. Harry Y. McSween Jr. goes beyond mere chemistry and classification and tries to explain where meteorites come from. He traces them back to their parent bodies : asteroides, Moon, Mars and comets and also makes a study of the meteorites which reached the Earth. This approach allows us to take a closer look at the structure of the asteroid Belt, the Oort cloud and at the information meteorites provide us about the very early days of the solar sytem. The last chapter gives an explanation of how the meteorites got to the Earth from their parent bodies, or how their cosmic-ray exposure can be determined and about the importance they have in modern astronomy. An appendix of minerals and a glossary of important terms allow us an optimal use of this book which surely has an interdisciplinary character by joining geology, chemistry, astronomy and physics. ------------------- Carl Vandaele R201 MERCURY, THE EXLUSIVE PLANET by Robert G. Strom, Published by CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS in the Series : Smitsonian Library of the Solar System in 1987 - hardcover - Price : 13.95 The book presents our current understanding of Mercury from both Earth- and spacecraftbased observations. ‘Mercury (both early pre-telescopic and telescopic observations), the orbital and physical properties of Mercury, a description of its surface features and its likely origin. ‘Mercury ,the exclusive planet’ also narrows the story of the flight of Mariner 10 mission, more than 55 percent of Mercury’s surface remains still unexplored. A very interesting chapter is number 3: ‘Faster than a speeding bullet’. Some of Mercury’s most unusual characteristics are its motions. Mercury’s orbit around the Sun e.g. is more elliptical than any other except Pluto’s. The atmosphere, the temperature and the duration of one day are also very strange. Robert G. Strom’s description of the situation of a person, living on Mercury’s equator at the prime meridian is really fantastic and exciting. I was also pleased with the easy glossary that makes this book accessible to even a beginning amateurastronomer. ‘Mercury, the exclusive Planet’ is useful as encyclopedia as well as simple literature, for amateur and for professional astronomers. ----------------- Carl Vandaele R202 THE NEW ASTRONOMY by Nigel Henbest and Michael Marten - Published by CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, Cambridge, U.K. in 1986 - 240 pages - 22,5 x 28 cm - ISBN 0-521-25683-6 - hardcover Price : $ 17.95 In “The New Astronomy”, Nigel Henbest and Michael Marten show many interesting objects observed at various wavelengths : visual light, radio-, infrared- and ultraviolet wavelengths, X-rays and gamma-rays, using 275 coloured images made by the most modern telescopes and detectors. This book contains two sorts of chapters : six about modern observing techniques and six about the most important structures and phenomena in the universe (Solar system, Milky Way, starbirth, stardeath, galaxies and quasars ). In each chapter, a visual photograph is the introduction to images in other wavelenghts. To allow a more detailed vision on the subject, each structure of process in the universe is explained by well-known examples and objects illustrating the subject. For instance, in the chapter ‘Starbirth’, the origin of stars is explained and illustrated by detailed images and explanations of the Orion Nebulae, Horsehead Nebulae, W 3, the Carina Nebula and the Hyades. The other six interspersed chapters show us how the optical, infrared, radio, ultraviolet and X-ray observations of satellite-astronomy. “The New Astronomy” shows us the progress made in astronomy during the last decennium and makes us think about what is still to come. --------------- Carl Vandaele R203 EUROPEAN SPACE DIRECTORY 1988 Third Edition by Dirk Shirvanian, Published by SEVIG PRESS, Paris, France in 1988 - 528 pages - ISSN 0765-0574 - softcover - Price : ? This is the third year this directory is published. Previous ones were reviewed in “E&A” Review N° 101 and N° 113. As every year the European Space Directory is reviewed and updated. There are also entirely new sections added to the directory. In the first section European Space programmes and bidgets from 1972 till 1987 : in this each European country is reviewed with a presentation of organisations and there is a table with expenditure to ESA in national currency and European accounting units. These budgets are compared with NonEuropean countries with space activities (USA, USSR, Canada and Japan). Second new section is an overview of European Space projects for the 1988-89 period with the space infrastructure due to be launched and operate in the 1990’s. Then follows an analysis of contracts awarded by ESA to industry during the periods 1972-1987 and 1983-1987, giving both a European and a worldwide review of telecommunications and TV broadcasting geosynchronous satellites and a worldwide review of meteorological and remote sensing satellites. These were the new sections in this space directory. The main section is a profile of European and Canadian space companies and institutions. This year there are 361 companies profiled, compared to 319 last year. These companies and institutions are listed at the end of the directory by country and in alphabetical order. There is the usual “Who’s who” of space industry in Europe and Canada, then the “Buyer’s guide” and a list of world aerospace periodicals, newsletters and journalists. Furthermore cumputer users may now also benefit of the updating information vie the SPIDAB database. SPIDAB was created in 1986 and is accessible to the users of the ESA Information Retrieval Service (IRS) . It provides, in addition to the European Space Direcotry, detailed and more frequently updated information. This highquality directory has become one of the most indispensable tools to those who work in space-institutions, cooperations or federations. A price was not given, so I cannot till you whether the high-price ( 600 FF ) of the early editions was lowered or not. ----------------- Martial Vaneecke R204 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 18TH LUNAR AND PLANETARY SCIENCE CONFERENCE by Graham Ryder - Published by CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, Cambridge, U.K. in 1988 - 753 pages - ISBN 0-521-35090-5 - hardcover - Price : US$ 65.00 The 18th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference was held in Houston, March 16-20 in 1987. It reflects the wide variety of planetary science studies. The prodeedings of the Apollo 11 Lunar Conference of 1970 was the predecessor of this conference. There is a new publisher and the book is published in hardcover. The papers are published simultaneously in correspondence with the conference in 1986, the book is very similar in number of papers presented and corresponding numbers. The conference was separated in many concurrent technical sessions (poster, oral and public). The topics in this volume do not exactly correspond to those presented at the conference. The proceedings are based toward lunar studiens, geological, petrochamical and planetary geology topics. As I mentioned earlier, some papers or topics were not presented at the conference itstlf, byt were submitted to the volume by the editor, Grham Ryder. In his preface the editor says : “ the proceedings is and excellent vehicle for the publication of papers in meteoritics, planetary physics, impact mechanics and isiotopic studies.” Concerning the contents of the volume, each paper ends with discussion points , conclusions, acknowledgements and references. The book closes with an author index, a sample index and a meteorite index. ----------------- Martial Vaneecke R205 FIRST EUROPEAN IN-ORBIT OPERATIONS TECHNOLOGY SYMPOSIUM ESA SP-272 - EIOOTS by E.J. Rolfe - Published by ESA PUBLICATIONS DIVISION, Noordwijk, The Netherlands in 1987 - 515 pages - ISSN 0379-6566 - softcover - Price : Dfl. 80.00 This book consists of the proceedings of the first European In-Orbit-Operations Technology Symposium held at Technische Hochschule, Darmstadt in West-Gemany from 7th to 9th September 1987. The symposium counted over 200 participants, with some 20 Americans and Canadians, which presented 67 papers. M. Le Fevre, Director of ESA Space Research and Technology Centre in Noordwijk defines in the first of the 18 sections in this book “Inorbit operations technology is the technology of interactions with in-orbit infrastructure and does not include launch and communications technology”. In more common terms the book is about the ability of spacecraft like the shuttle to service, visit, recover and repair satellites and other orbiting objects. The book is also about new technologies in robitics, servicing techniques, tele-operations, ground simulations, modelling, rendez-vous and docking techniques, on-board systems, in-orbit scenarios and assembly in view of the Columbus and Hermes programmes of the European Space Agency which are due to be operational in the late 90’s. a reprise of this symposium will take place in 1989. ----------------- Martial Vaneecke R206 LIFE SCIENCE RESEARCH IN SPACE ESA SP-271 Published by ESA PUBLICATIONS DIVISION, Noordwijk, The Netherlands in 1987 softcover - Price : ? The book presents the papers of the 3rd Symposium of Life Sciences Research in Space held at Karl Franzens Universitat, Graz, Austria from 14th till 18th September 1987. Chairman of the Physiology Department of the University, T. Kenner in his foreword tells us something about the University itself, why the symposium was held in Graz and what happened besides the meetings. There are 10 chapters in this book all together : 1) ESA’s role in the life science and related mission opportunities handles the different programmes and activities like the ESA microgravity programme, EURECA, ESA’s facility Biorack in the Spacelab configuration; biotex. 2) Human Physiology I : respiratory system, animal models, functioning of the lungs in simulated microgravity, space medicines, requirements for animal models to be implemented in the space shuttle and space station. 3) Plant and cell biology, results and conclusions of experiments on plants on Spacelab mission D-1. 4) Human Physiology II : cardiovascular, metabolic systems, the effects of fluid volume changes in astronauts, adaptation of the human body to zero-G and to weightlessness, the cardiac and peripheral circulation assessment by ultrasound on astronauts during 1982’s Salyut VII mission and STS-51 G in 1985. 5) Radiation, biophysics, exobiology, the ESA activities in exobiological research in space, the first EURECA mission, cellular effects on heavy ions, radiation problems in manned spaceflights with a view towards the space station. 6) Human Physiology III : neurophysiology, the effects to the neck on O- and 1-G of astronauts, a synopsis of the spacelab D-1 frog strotolith experiment statex, centrifugal effects. 7) An evening session with chairman Stegemann and Martinides : Medilab, a medical lab in space; microgravity user support center (MUSC) for Eureca, Spacelab and Columbus. 8) Cell biology and biotechnology : biorack experiments in Spacelab D-1, gravitational biology. 9) The closing session : why there should be experiments on life sciences in space by astronaut Wubbo Ockels 10) The poster session : gastricemptying assessment by echography, intercompartment fluid shifts, bedrest procedures in weightlessness, Ariadne, the human physiology research on the space station. The book ends with a list of the symposium participants. -------------- Martial Vaneecke R207 THE CASE FOR MARS II Science and Technology Series Volume B2 by Christopher P. McKay – Published by UNIVELT CORPORATED, San Diego, USA in 1988 – 716 pages – ISSN 0-278-4017 – hardcover - ISBN 0-87703-219-X – Price : US$ 60.00 - softcover – ISBN 0-87703-220-3 - Price : US$ 40.00 This large volume consists of the proceedings of the second ‘Case for Mars’ conference held July 10-14, 1984 at the University of Boulder Colorado. The conference was sponsored by the Planetary Society, the National Space Institute and the American Astronautical Society. The planet Mars is considered to be the most likely habitable place other than the Earth in this Solar System. The students and enthusiasts of planetary exploration decided, after a US commitment to planetary was in doubt, to present ‘The Case for Mars’ (first Case for Mars conference was held April 29 till May 2, 1981 at the University of Colorado, AAS Science and Technology Series Volume 57). It was a mixture of professionals, students and enthusiasts calling themselves “The Mars Underground”. It’s purpose was to stimulate future work as well as to report on present activities. The conference was a success, new research topics and an expanded enthusiastic community arose. The joining together of “The Planetary Society” and “The Mars Underground” resulted in the “Mars Institute”, a series of seminars, level courses and projects. The results of a second “Case for Mars” conference, put up to bring together the original and new faces of those who were interested in future Mars Exploration are presented in this volume. The volume consists of eight parts (AAS 84-150 – AAS 84 – 198 ) and an appendix. In total 48 papers were put in this volume. In a wonderful and interesting introduction “A timeline for Martian Pioneers” Thomas Paine, former NASA administrator, looks at the future and sets his goals for a better world, a must if we want to survive and settle new colonies on the Moon and Mars. The last eight papers were not available for publication and in an appendix they are presented in small abstracts. The book ends with a numerical and author index. -------------------- Martial Vaneecke R208 EUROPE/UNITED STATES SPACE ACTIVITIES Science and Technology Series Volume 61 by Peter M. Bainum & Friedrich von Bun – Published by UNIVELT INCORPORATED, San Diego, USA in 1985 – 430 pages – hardcover – ISBN 0-87703-217-3 – Price : US$55.00 – softcover – ISBN 0-87703-218-1 – Price : US$ 45.00 This book contains the proceedings of a conference held at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, March 27-29, 1985 together with a “Space Propulsion for the 1990’s” supplement, the 31st National AAS Conference held October 22-24, 1984, at Palo Alto, California. The 23rd Goddard Memorial Symposium was held in conjunction with the 19th European Symposium organised by Dr. von Bun, NASA Headquarters, and Dr. P.M. Bainum, Howard University. This discussion between the United States’ NASA and the European ESA consisted of 4 sessions : 1) national space programs from Italy (the Hipparcos and Olympus satellites form ESA) and the American Shuttle. 2) the space station and platforms, a view of the American side by Robert Freitag (NASA’s director of the Space Station policy and planning). Jacques Collet speaks for ESA and a Japanese point-of-view by Tadahisa Mori. 3) cooperative international programs (SPAS, Eurostar platforms, European space in-orbit infrastructure and a tethered satellite system) by Manfred Fuchs from MBB-ERNO, Germany. 4) space science and applications programs by chairman Louis Laidet from the French Embassy in Washington. In this part e.g. the Polar Platform Communications and Remote Sensing Space Industry and Scientific Planetary Missions. The last part of this book includes the proceedings of the 31st national AAS conference with its program “Space propulsion for the 1990’s”. It’s general chairman was M.T. Constantine, vice president and general manager from the Acrojet Techsystems Company in Sacramento, California. Here author W. Roddenberry (of the popular television series ‘Star Trek’) gives a keynote address. The technical part of this appendix treats the Ariane 5 configuration and its LE-X engines. --------------------- Martial Vaneecke R209 THE HUMAN QUEST IN SPACE (24th Goddard Memorial Symposium) Science and Technology Series Volume 65 by Gerald L. Bundett & Gerald A. Soffen – Published by AAS UNIVELT CORPORATION, San Diego, USA in 1987 – hardcover – ISBN 0-87703-262-9 – Price : US$ 55.00 – softcover – ISBN 0-87703-263-7 – Price : US$ 45.00 These are the proceedings of the 24th Goddard Memorial Symposium held at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center on March 20-21 in 1986. Univelt has published all the AAS Goddard Memorial Symposia proceedings since 1965. In Noel W. Hinners’ (director of Goddard Space Flight Center) welcome address he tells the large audience to be inspired by the well known words of Robert Goddard : “It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow”. The themes of this symposium were : “What will happen after the Space Station ?”, “Visionary Technologies” and “The Human Role in the Quest for Space”, described as the challenge to use existing and new technologies to increase our efficiency in space exploration. The volume contains valuable material for those who advocate manned flights to Mars. These are medical problems propping up in long-duration flights and reports of closed ecology projects (like Biosphere II). It includes also discussions about human and Martian settlements. Among distinguished participants were Russel L. Schweickart, Apollo 9 astronaut and Dr. Carl Sagan from the Cornell University. The appendix consists of a list of publications of the American Astronautical Society (AAS) with the Numerical/Chronological/Author index in 2 volumes (see E&A reviews N° R122 & R123). This volume “The Human Quest in Space” is dedicated to the 7 astronauts of Space Shuttle flight 51-L. -------------------- Martial Vaneecke R210 SILENCE AU POINT D’EAU by Emmanuel Davoust – Published by TEKNEA, Toulouse, France in July 1988 – 23 x 16 cm – 208 pages – Price : 89 FF – ISBN 2-87717-002-0 - softcover L’auteur de ce livre, Emmanuel Davoust est astronome professionnel – specialiste en galaxies à l’Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées à Toulouse. Dans “Le point d’eau” des questions fondamentales sont poses : sommes nous seuls dans l’univers ou est-ce qu’il existe quelque part la vie extraterrestre ou même des civilisations extraterrestres ? En traitant ce thème, divers autres point intéressants sont abordés : le rôle des comètes et les météoroïdes dans la propagation de la vie, l’évolution de l’univers et de la vie, la recherche spatiale et la colonisation de l’espace, d’autres systèmes solaires, les places où des civilisations extraterrestres pourraient être situées et comment détecter ces civilisations et quel signaux “ils” pourraient envoyer. Ce sont notamment ces fréquences qui sont restées silencieuses jusqu’à présent qui sont restées silencieuses jusqu’à présent que les astronomes appellent “le point d’eau”. Ce livre traite aussi les projets de recherche qui sont en cours, la question des OVNIS et l’attitude de la societé à légard d’une éventuelle vie extraterrestre. L’auteur conclut avec des réflections sur la place de l’homme dans l’univers. Ce livre qui évite des approches trop technique et qui éclaire aussi le coté plus philosophique du sujet est sans aucun doute une lecture passionante pour un public très large. ------------------- Carl Vandaele R211 SUPERNOVA 1987A IN THE LARGE MAGELLANIC CLOUD Edited by Minas Kafatos and Andrew Michalitsianos – Published by CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, Cambridge, U.K. in 1988 – hardcover - ISBN 0-521-35575-3 – 487 pages – Price : £ 35.00 or US$ 64.50 This book collects 70 papers about Supernova 1987A. It provides a summary of the status of observations six months after the outburst. Theoretical aspects are also considered. The following contributions are included : optical, IR and radio-observations from the Southern Hemisphere observatories; UV-spectroscopy from IUE; soft and hard X-ray observations; theoretical models of SN1987; neutrino-experiments and theoretical implications on neutrinophysics. “Supernova 1987A” will be welcomed as a reference source to professionals. --------------- Franck Dominiek R212 PHYSICS OF THE GALAXY AND INTERSTELLAR MATTER Astronomy and Astrophysics Library by H. Scheffler and H. Elsser – Published by SPRINGER VERLAG, Berlin, Germany (F.R.G.) in 1987 – XI + 492 pages – 207 figures – ISBN 3-540-17314-5 – hardcover – Price: DM 118.00 This book deals in a modern and systematic way with the physical phenomena of the Milky Way System. It gives a presentation of the methods used and the results obtained by them. The following topics are included : positions, motions and distances of the stars; structure and kinematics of the whole stellar system; interstellar phenomena and physics of the interstellar matter; dynamics of the galaxy. "Physics of the Galaxy and Interstellar Matter” presents a very complete book on the subject, well provided with figures, which may be very useful for physicists too. ----------------- Frank Dominiek R213 HIGH SPEED ASTRONOMICAL PHOTOMETRY Cambridge Astrophysics Series by Brian Warner – Published by CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, Cambridge, U.K. in 1988 – 291 pages – hardcover - ISBN 0-521-35150-2 – Price : £ 35.00 or US$ 59.50 This textbook published in the “Cambridge Astrophysics Series” is of particular interest to everyone who is interested in the possibilities of high-speed photometry. The photometrical techniques gives us by monitoring at the same time a comparison star and the research object, the ability to detect small-time variations (from 10 ms to 10 minutes) in luminosity. This is only possible by means of a multi-channel photometer. The book offers a broad survey of all the approved applications of the technique of HSP, the difficulties that were encountered i nthe different fields of research and the results of that research. The first chapter tells us what is the influence of the Earth’s atmosphere on that kind of observations. The following chapters contain the different fields of research, each time accompanied by a little historical reveiw. The topics discussed are: lunar and planetary occultations, flare stars, cataclysmic variable stars, X-ray binaries and gamma-ray bursters, optical pulsars, pulsating nondegenerate stars and extragalactic sources. This interested reader however can certainly find enough additional information in one of the titles cited in the bibliography. The book has an easy-to-read style, a more than agreeable lay-out and makes us recognize the importance of HSP. It also encourages in the application of this technique in other studies of astronomical objects (or even in the study of meteorological phenomena). R214 COMETS TO COSMOLOGY Lecture Notes in Physics N° 297 Editor : A. Lawrence – Published by SPRINGER VERLAG, Berlin, FRG in 1988 – 415 pages – hardcover – ISBN 3-540-19052-X – Price : DM 73.00 This volume contains the proceedings of the Third International IRAS conference, which was held at Queen Mary College (University of London) in July 1987. The book itself contains 50 contributions, grouped in 4 main classes; the solar system, the galaxy, infrared galaxies and cosmology in the infrared. The infrared aspects of almost all types of astronomical objects one can imagine, are carefully discussed e.g. asteroids, Halley’s comet, planets, galactic dust and gas, galactic infrared emission, the Galactic bulge, infrared cirrus, emission fro mthe solar neighbourhood, IR emission from near stars and star formation regions, starbursts (which gets very much attention), interacting galaxies, the cosmic microwave background and galaxy formation. Also a conference summary is included. This work does not merely present a host of experimental data from the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (diagrams are used where possible), but also explains the underlying physical processes, which makes at least some of the articles difficult to understand for the amateur-astronomer. ------------------ Bart Dhoedt R215 EUROPÄISCHEN AMATEURASTRONOMIE FESTSCHRIFT Teil 1 Niederlanden Belgien Bundesrepubliek Deutschland by Niels Nelson and Peter Wagener – Published by the N.V.W.S. Afdeling Breda, The Netherlands on November 26th, 1988 – 60 pages This booklet gives brief notes on the main astronomical associations and some observatories in the Federal Republic of Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. It is written partly in Dutch, partly in German. It ends with a (incomplete) list of adresses of German, Dutch and Belgian societies, working groups and public observatories. Nevertheless very recommended for the European-minded amateur astronomer and professional astronomers looking for serious contacts in the world of amateur-astronomy. ------------------ Philippe Vercoutter R216 DE ONTSLUIERING VAN VREEMDE WERELDEN. Het onderzoek van het Planetenstelsel door Ruimtetuigen. door Luc Rutgeerts – Uitgegeven door INFOCOSMOS vzw, België in 1988 – 228 blz. – formaat : 30 x 21 cm Onderwerp van deze publikatie zijn al de hemellichamen in ons zonnestelsel die door ruimtetuigen zijn bezocht of bestudeerd: Zon, Mercurius, Venus, Maan, Mars, Jupiter, Saturnus, Uranus, de satellieten van deze vier laatste en de komeet Halley. Op een overzichtelijke wijze worden al de aspekten van deze hemellichamen behandeld op basis van de resultaten bekomen door ruimtetuige. Bij de Zon wordt systematisch ingegaan op de bouw en de verschijnselen. Van de planeten worden telkens de atmosfeer, inwendige bouw, oppervlaktestructuren en magnetisch vels behandeld. Telkens worden de belangrijkste waarnemingsmethodes en instrumenten toegelicht. Hierbij gaat de auteur ook uitvoerig in op de werking van bepaalde ruimtesondes. Als introductie wordt een korte historiek van het planetenonderzoek met satellieten gegeven en het ontstaan van het zonnestelsel geschetst. Ieder hoofdstuk bevat een aparte bibliografie en de tekst is uitvoerig geïllustreerd met zwartwit foto’s, tekeningen en tabellen zodat de grote hoeveelheid gegevens die in dit boek verwerkt is geworden, heel overzichtelijk aan de levers gepresenteerd wordt. -------------------------- Carl Vandaele R217 WAS SIND QUASARE Deutsche Taschenbucher N° 34 by Georg. Dautcourt – Published by VERLAG HARRI DEUTSCH, Frankfurt Am Main, F.R.G. in 1988 – 82 pages – ISBN 3-87144-622-X – Price : DM 9.80 Dr. habil. Georg Dautcourt (DDR) explains in 15 chapters the term ‘Quasar’ as an energy source of gagantic capacity. First of all he deals with big explosions in galaxies, radio-sources and the light of quasars. In the following chapters, the author treats the more uncertain parts of the quasar investigation e.g. the mysterious absorptions, Pudels nucleus and some spectal lines. In the last five chapters, he tries to answer questions as “Was Einstein right ?” and “Why aren’t quasars quasars ?” and discusses the role quasars play in cosmology. “Was sind Quasare ?” is a book easy to read for amateurs as well as for professional astronomers. It is only a pity that this book (printed in 1982) in not up-dated with the latest important discoveries of the two last years. ------------- Wouter Dewulf R218 SONNE UND MENSCHKEIT by M. Koltim – Published by VERLAG HARRI DEUTSCH , Frankfurt Am Main, F.R.G. in 1985 – 127 pages – 125 colour pictures – ISBN 3-87144-823-0 – Price : DM 14.80 Marc Michajlovic Koltun, a russian physician, explains in this remarkable book the relation between Sun and humanity. First of all he illustrates the role the Sun has played in the development of Earth and mankind. He also takes a look at the discoveries and investigations (in Eastern- Europe) of the 20th century and explains the structure and life of the Sun by means of many pictures. “Leben und Elektrizitat” is the most interesting part of the book: it treats the indispensability of our nearest star and the development of the first solarcells used in early satellites. In the last three chapters, the author tells about some applications of solar energy e.g. in the Kosmos and Meteor satellites, Lunochod, Saljut and housekeeping. “Sonne und Menschkeit” is a very interesting non-encyclopedical book. Only it is a pity that the russian author does not mention any Western solar-investigations and discoveries. Anyway, this book reads very quickly, because it is written in an easy style, illustrated with well over 120 high-quality colour-pictures. Recommended indeed !! ----------------Wouter Dewulf