ART = article (omit, add or change article)
FRAG = incomplete sentence (SVO)
RO = run-on (two independent clauses without conj; add conj)
CS = comma-splice(two independent clauses connected by comma; add conj or change punct.)
P= punctuation (period, comma)
C = capitalization (capital letter or lowercase letter needed)
SP = spelling (check dictionary)
PRO = pronoun (add or change)
S/V=subject-verb agreement
VF = verb form (incorrect verb form used)
VT = verb tense (incorrect past, present, future)
VC = verb choice (incorrect verb used; check thesaurus)
WC = word choice (incorrect word used; check thesaurus)
WF = word form (incorrect form of the word used)
WW=wrong word (wrong word for meaning)
MW = missing word (word needed)
WO=word order (words in wrong order)
?? = meaning unclear (vocabulary and/or sentence structure)
PREP = preposition (omit, add, or change preposition)
MODAL = modal verb (omit, add, or change modal verb)
# = singular / plural form (omit, add, or change singular/plural form of noun)
CONJ = conjunction (omit, add, or change a conjunction – subordinating or coordinating)
SM = See Me (Please see the teacher for an explanation of the error or problem)
AV = Auxiliary Verb (omit, add, or change an auxiliary verb – to be, to do, to have)
PV = Passive Voice (passive is needed or wrong use of passive voice)
Q = Quantifier (omit, add, or change a quantifier)
DA= Determiner/Demonstrative adjectives (omit, add, or change – this, that, these, those)
IDIOM = idiomatic language used incorrectly
GER = Gerund (omit or change to gerund form)
AWK = Awkward sentence (Rewrite the sentence)
S/S = Sentence Structure (poor sentence structure – rewrite the sentence)
TOP = Topic Sentence (incomplete, missing main idea or controlling idea or off-topic)
CON = Concluding Sentence (incomplete, missing, too similar to topic sentence)
NFS = Need Further Support (add supporting ideas)
U = Unity (ideas not connected; add “connector” words or change sentences)
COH = Coherence (ideas in wrong order, omit, move or add ideas)
PLAG = Plagiarism