THE WORLD AFFAIRS COUNCIL OF CHARLOTTE 2004-2005 COUNCIL SCHOLAR PROGRAM An annual award and educational opportunity for the recognition of an outstanding teacher, grades PK - 12, who has demonstrated a commitment to and interest in international education. Special thanks to the Bradham Family Foundation for their support of the program. Sponsored by THE WORLD AFFAIRS COUNCIL OF CHARLOTTE’S COUNCIL SCHOLAR PROGRAM The World Affairs Council of Charlotte (WACC) is committed to the expansion of international education in area schools. The WACC Scholar Program is designed to annually reward an outstanding teacher, grades PK12, in our community who has demonstrated a commitment to, and interest in, international education. The 2004-2005 school year marks the eleventh year of the Council Scholar Program and the World Affairs Council of Charlotte would like to thank the Bradham Family Foundation for their continued support. The WACC Scholars Program not only gives the recipient visibility and recognition, but also provides rewarding educational experiences. The 2004-2005 Scholar will enjoy: * * * * Recognition at our 2004 World Citizen Award Dinner Invitations to special Council programs and dinner receptions Lifetime Council membership Seminars and roundtable discussions with past scholars and experts for curriculum development, content enrichment, classroom resources, and professional interaction * A scholarship of up to $2,500 for study abroad and/or domestic/international conference attendance Not only is this program designed to honor exemplary educators, but it will also enhance their international educational experience to further their impact in the classroom, in the school and in our community. REQUIREMENTS FOR A COUNCIL SCHOLAR * * * * * * * Applicant must be a PK-12 grade teacher in a Mecklenburg County school (public or independent) Applicant must be a full-time school employee All subjects/disciplines are eligible The number of applicants per school is unlimited Attendance and a possible brief presentation at the World Citizen Award Dinner, as well as a commitment to attend Council programs are required of all recipients Recipient will provide the Council with written reports of classroom benefits Nominees will have a clear idea of the impact and contributions they will make in their classroom, their school and in their community, and will be committed to promoting international education actively for the 2004-2005 school year APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Each applicant is responsible for submitting the following in order to be considered for the scholarship: 1. Part One: “General Education Form” (see enclosed) 2. Part Two: “Application Questionnaire Form” (see enclosed) 3. Part Three: “Statement of Support Form” (see enclosed) 4. Part Four: Portfolio containing no more than five samples of student work or lesson plans which reflect international projects that have been implemented by the applicant. Each sample should be two pages or less in content and should be no larger than an 11 x 17 piece of paper. No video tapes, audio tapes, computer software, or oversized projects will be accepted and all work must be completed entirely by the applicant. No fax copies will be accepted. 2 THE WORLD AFFAIRS COUNCIL OF CHARLOTTE COUNCIL SCHOLAR PROGRAM GENERAL INFORMATION FORM PART ONE: GENERAL INFORMATION FORM - Responses to the questions below may either be typewritten on this form or you may use a word processor to reproduce this application. To be eligible, applications must be RECEIVED BY (not postmarked by) noon on Wednesday, March 17, 2004. You will need to submit ONE COPY of this form to the WACC. Applicant’s Name: _____________________________________________________________ Home Address: _________________________________________Zip:____________________ Home Phone Number: ___________________________ E-Mail: _______________________ Nominating School Name: _______________________________________________________ Principal’s Name: ______________________________________________________________ School Address: ________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:___________________________________County:______________________ School Phone Number:_________________ School Fax Number:_______________________ Number of Years at Present School: _______Total Number of Years Teaching:___________ Grade Currently Teaching: _____________Social Security Number:_____________________ Subject Area(s) Currently Teaching: ________________________________________________ What Degree(s) Do You Hold & From What Institution(s):____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ List any additional teaching experience(s) (include dates, school names and locations, grades and subject areas). 3 THE WORLD AFFAIRS COUNCIL OF CHARLOTTE COUNCIL SCHOLAR PROGRAM APPLICATION QUESTIONNAIRE FORM PART TWO: APPLICATION QUESTIONNAIRE FORM - DO NOT ANSWER ON THIS SHEET! Reproduce all questions and use as much room as you need to respond. You will need to enclose TWO COPIES of this application form to the WACC. 1. WHAT IS YOUR DEFINITION OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION? 2. DESCRIBE YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS IN THE AREA OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION. 3. HOW HAVE THESE CONTRIBUTIONS MADE A DIFFERENCE TO YOUR CLASS, SCHOOL, AND COMMUNITY? 4. WHAT DO YOU HOPE TO ACCOMPLISH IN THE AREA OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION THIS COMING YEAR? WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? 5. HOW WOULD BEING NAMED A COUNCIL SCHOLAR HELP YOU TO MEET THE ABOVE GOALS? 6. WHAT ARE YOUR LONG-RANGE GOALS FOR YOUR WORK IN INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION? 7. IF YOU WERE TO BE NAMED A COUNCIL SCHOLAR, DESCRIBE HOW YOU WOULD USE YOUR SCHOLARSHIP MONEY. BE SPECIFIC: A. CONFERENCE (DOMESTIC OR INTERNATIONAL)- Example B. STUDY ABROAD PROGRAM- Example (You may name more than one.) I understand the expectations and requirements for a World Affairs Council Scholar and agree to fulfill all responsibilities enthusiastically and comply with the policies established by the Education Committee of the World Affairs Council of Charlotte. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: _________________________ DATE: __________________ PRINCIPAL'S (or nominating chair's) SIGNATURE: __________________________________ 4 THE WORLD AFFAIRS COUNCIL OF CHARLOTTE COUNCIL SCHOLAR PROGRAM STATEMENT OF SUPPORT FORM PART THREE: STATEMENT OF SUPPORT FORM- Select someone to complete the “Statement of Support Form” on your behalf. You will need to enclose TWO COPIES of this form to the WACC. APPLICANT'S NAME:_________________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL:_______________________________________________________________________________ WRITE A BRIEF STATEMENT OF SUPPORT FOR THE ABOVEMENTIONED APPLICANT. INCLUDE WHAT THE APPLICANT’S IMPACT WILL BE IN THE CLASSROOM AND WHAT BENEFITS YOU FEEL WILL BE DERIVED FROM HAVING A COUNCIL SCHOLAR SELECTED FROM YOUR SCHOOL. SIGNED:________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE PRINT NAME:___________________________________________________________________ POSITION:______________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL PRINCIPAL’S SIGNATURE:_______________________________________________________ 5 (if Principal is not Nominating Individual) THE WORLD AFFAIRS COUNCIL OF CHARLOTTE COUNCIL SCHOLAR PROGRAM PORTFOLIO PART FOUR: PORTFOLIO- Create a portfolio that contains no more than five samples of student work or of teacher plans which reflect international projects. Enclose TWO COPIES of each samplethe original and a photocopy. *Each sample should be two pages or less in content and should be no larger than an 11 x 17 piece of paper *No videotapes, audio tapes, computer software, or oversized projects will be accepted *All work must be completed entirely by the applicant SELECTION OF THE COUNCIL SCHOLAR will be based on evidence of the applicant's commitment to, and interest in, international education. Each application will be evaluated on a competitive basis. The selection process is two-fold: applications will first be reviewed by the World Affairs Council of Charlotte’s Education Committee members; then select applicants will participate in a short personal interview to determine a final decision. COMPLETED APPLICATIONS FOR THE COUNCIL SCHOLAR PROGRAM MUST INCLUDE: 1. Completed “GENERAL INFORMATION FORM” -ENCLOSE 1 COPY 2. Completed “APPLICATION FORM” (the “APPLICATION FORM” should be reproduced on a word processor)- ENCLOSE 2 COPIES 3. Completed “STATEMENT OF SUPPORT FORM” that has been signed by the principal of the school- ENCLOSE 2 COPIES 4. Completed “PORTFOLIO” of no more than five samples of student work or lesson plans which reflect international projects- ENCLOSE 2 COPIES (ORIGINAL & PHOTOCOPY) APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO: The World Affairs Council of Charlotte Council Scholar Program 201 S. Tryon Street, Suite 1125 Charlotte, NC 28202 (No fax copies will be accepted.) For assistance or for additional forms, please call Jennie Nardone Stuart at the World Affairs Council of Charlotte, 704-335-4101, or visit our web site at APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY NOON ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2004 to be eligible for consideration. The 2004-2005 Council Scholar will be announced by Friday, May 14, 2004. All materials will be available to be picked up after May 14, 2004. THE WORLD AFFAIRS COUNCIL OF CHARLOTTE is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization committed to the proposition that deeper understanding of world affairs is vital to the future of our community and our world. As part of a network of over ninety world affairs organizations across the country, the Council serves as a regional center for education and discussion of world affairs through diverse programs on significant foreign policy and global issues. For further information, including benefits of discounted educator and student memberships, contact the World Affairs Council of Charlotte office, (704) 335-4101. 6 2003-2004 COUNCIL SCHOLAR Dawn Franchina, Charlotte Christian School 2002-2003 COUNCIL SCHOLARS Deborah Murphy, Shamrock Gardens Elementary School Whitney Naman, Bruns Avenue Elementary School Myra Dietz, Hopewell High School 2001-2002 COUNCIL SCHOLARS Sharon Frazier & Cheryl Maney, University Park Creative Arts Elementary School Cecelia Torres, Merry Oaks Elementary School Elizabeth Womack, North Mecklenburg School 2000-2001 COUNCIL SCHOLARS Nhora Gomez-Saxon, South Mecklenburg High School Harvey Morrow, Providence High School Cindy Moss, Independence High School 1999-2000 COUNCIL SCHOLAR Patricia Brooks, East Elementary School 1998-1999 COUNCIL SCHOLARS Kathryn Gilchrist, Lake Wylie Elementary School Brian Kridler, Charlotte Country Day School Alice Yoder, Trinity Episcopal School 1997-1998 COUNCIL SCHOLAR Emily Fisher (retired) 1996-1997 COUNCIL SCHOLARS Betty Ballard, Independence High School Paula Davidson, Charlotte Country Day School D’Andrea Gilliam, Ranson Middle School Alice Harrill, Harding University High School Lynn Viets, Providence High School 1995-1996 COUNCIL SCHOLARS Gary Mace, Central Cabarrus High School Tom Skinner, South Mecklenburg High School Bridget Pasetti, Randolph Middle School Robin Tingley, Independence High School 1994-1995 COUNCIL SCHOLARS Dee Gardner, Piedmont Open Middle School Wyndy Rorie, Providence High School Rita Shumaker, Mint Museum of Art Stephen Smith, Charlotte Latin School Caserta Woodley, West Charlotte High School WHAT OUR COUNCIL SCHOLARS HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THE PROGRAM "It’s wonderful to know that the community cares about education, and that there are organizations like the Charlotte World Affairs Council that give us such substantial and concrete support." Tom Skinner, German Teacher, South Mecklenburg High School "The Council Scholar Program has been a tremendous professional opportunity. It has been personally validating to be recognized for efforts in international education and invigorating to collaborate with other like-minded teachers committed to international education." Dee Gardner, Assistant Principal, Piedmont Open Middle School “It’s nice to know that organizations such as the Charlotte World Affairs Council put so much interest back into our schools. With their grants Charlotte Country Day has been able to invest in multimedia software that open the doors to the world for many students. Also through the World Affairs Council I have been able to meet many colleagues who share interest in international learning which I have put in use at my school.” Paula Davidson, Associate Librarian, Charlotte Country Day School 7