CHAPTER 6 FIELD APPLICATION OF THE ANALYSES Field data was acquired to test the theoretical analysis presented in the previous chapters. Time-drawdown data was obtained from a well test at a site in northern South Carolina. The field site is located in the vicinity of Gaffney, Spartanburg County, South Carolina, which is in the Blue Ridge Physiographic province (Fig 6.1). The topography of the region is characterized by hills with gentle slopes and valleys that are cut by streams. Geology/Hydrology of Area The area contains three weathered zones: surficial residual soil; saprolite; and a transitional zone overlying fractured rock. Saprolite is weathered rock that contains the structure of the bedrock and the transitional zone is less weathered, retaining chunks of unweathered bedrock. Beneath the transition zone is fracture bedrock containing two major metamorphic rock types. The northwestern part of the site is composed of felsic metasediments and metavolcanics, whereas the southeastern part is composed of mafic metasediments and metavolcanics (Fig. 6.2). The rock layering strikes northeast and dips moderate to steeply southeast (RMT, Inc. 1995). The two bedrock units are separated by a fault that strikes N50E, and dips 70 degrees to the southeast. The fault appears to have moved primarily with a N Stream Ridge Fault Stream 500 feet Fig. 6.1 Schematic of field site. The ridge is the recharge area with groundwater flow suspected mainly in the SE direction. ( e= Sterner, John Hopkins University) 121 N 70 Stream Ridge 70 Stream 500 feet Fig. 6.2 Surface geology of field site. Light gray is felsic metavolcanic and metasediment rocks. Dark gray is mafic metavolcanic and metasediment rocks. Fault occurs at the heavy line. Striking N50E and dipping 70 southeast with right lateral movement. Southeast (mafic) side is up thrown and northwest (felsic) side is down thrown. 122 component of normal motion, down to the north, and with a possible component of right lateral slip. This fault plane is parallel to the foliation in the metamorphic rocks (RMT, Inc., 1995). Groundwater in the area occurs in the saprolite, transition zone, and in the moderately fractured bedrock below the transition zone. These three hydrostratigraphic units grade into one another and thus comprise a single aquifer beneath the site. (RMT, Inc., 1995). The Well Test A well test was performed at the site using well B-4 on March 9, 1993, by RMT, Inc.. The test started at 5:00 pm and continued for 48 hours. The average pumping rate was 9.75 gallons per minute (gpm). The pumping well, B-4, is screened from the water table to 20 feet into bedrock with a total screen length of 100 feet. Two piezometers, BW-2 and BW-109, were used in the analysis, as they are the piezometers available from the test that are screened within the transition zone. Piezometer BW-2 is located northeast of the pumping well at a distance of 232 feet and piezometer BW-109 is located southwest of the pumping well at a distance of 148 feet. The pumping well is located west of the fault at a distance of approximately 280 feet measured on a line perpendicular from the fault (Fig 6.3). Analysis of the Drawdown Curves Semi-log time-drawdown plots were prepared for the pumping well, B-4 (Fig 6.4), as well as for piezometers, BW-109 and BW-2 (Fig 6.5). There is negligible response from piezometer BW-2; therefore, it was not used in the analysis. With the 123 N B-4 BW2 BW-109 L N 500 feet Fig. 6.3 Location of piezometers BW-2 and BW-109 in relation to the pumping well B-4 and the fault. 124 50 40 s 30 20 10 0 10 100 1000 10000 100000 2 ds/dln(t2) 1.5 1 0.5 0 100 1000 10000 100000 t/rt2 Fig. 6.4 Semi-log time-drawdown plot of pumping well B-4. Derivative plot of semi-log time-drawdown curve showing minimum slope of m = 0.5. 125 8 s 6 4 2 0 1.5 m = ds/dln(t/r2) 1 0.5 0 -0.5 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 t/r^2 t/r2 BW-109 Fig. 6.5 BW-2 Semi-log time-drawdown plot of piezometers BW-109 and BW-2. Derivative plot of semi-log time-drawdown curve showing minimum slope of m = 0.5. 126 perpendicular distance from the pumping to the fault being 280 feet, the critical region around the pumping well was determine to be approximately 84 feet, or 0.3L. Neither of the available piezometers are within the critical region, so only a late-time semi-log straight line is expected. The drawdown curves for B-4 and BW-109 have a similar shape, the slope increases to a transition period where the curve shifts downward and then approaches a new straight line with approximately the same slope as the first (Figs. 6.4 and 6.5). This shape is similar to the type curves produced from a change in storativity from low to high in a 2-Domain model as well as a high transmissivity strip in a 3-Domain model. With an evaluation of the geology of the area, it was concluded that this field case was acting as a 3-Domain model where the strip or fault zone is more transmissive than the matrix The properties of the matrix were determined using the semi-log straight-line method on data from BW-109. The head change over 1 log cycle is, s = 4.5 feet and the x-intercept is, to=39 (Fig 6.6). Using equations (39) the transmissivity of the matrix was determined to be 0.053 ft2/min. The storativity of the matrix was determined to be 0.0002 using equation (40); however, this value is highly uncertain because the piezometer is outside of the critical region. The derivative of the semi-log time-drawdown plot was taken from data at BW109 and B-4 to estimate the transmissivity of the fault. The data were noisy, so a moving average filter was used with a window of 44 measurements. Measurements during the well test were taken every minute during the first hour and 40 minutes and then every 5 minute to the end of the test. Once the filter was applied, the derivative was scaled using 127 9 8 7 6 s 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 t (min) Fig. 6.6 Semi-log time-drawdown plot from piezometer BW-109 showing semilog straight-line method. to = 39 min s = 4.5 ft giving a Tm=0.053 ft2/min and Sm=0.0002. 128 ds d ds 4Tm d ln( t s ) d ln( t f ) Q (43) where ds/dtf is the filtered derivative of the field data (ft/min), Tm is the transmissivity in ft2/min, and Q is the average pumping rate in ft3/min. The minimum dimensionless slope for both the piezometer and the pumping well is 0.5 (Fig. 6.4, Fig 6.5). This value was used in equation (38) to determine that Tssd = 34. These values for Tssd and Km along with the distance L, measured off the map, were entered into equation (36) to determine the transmissiveness of the fault Tss = 24 ft2/min. The thickness of the fault is unknown, but I will assume that the fault occurs as a zone of fractures 10 to 20 feet wide. This gives a value of 2.4 ft/min for the hydraulic conductivity of the fault zone. The transmissivity of the matrix is Tm =0.05 ft2/min, which gives the conductivity of the matrix as Km = 0.003 ft/min assuming the thickness of the aquifer is 21.5 ft (the length of the well screen at of 21.5 ft). Little is known about how the hydraulic conductivity changes with depth at this site, so the assumption of the thickness of the transition zone is only approximate. These values suggest that the hydraulic conductivity of the fault zone is about 500 times that of the matrix. The assumptions involved in this estimate probably require that the hydraulic conductivity contrast be approximated to within 2 to 3 orders of magnitude. This seems feasible for a fault zone cutting fractured rock. It is important to point out that the data from this test are relatively sparse, and that other interpretations are possible. For example, the data shown here could be explained by a model that considered a saprolite zone with a storativity that is 129 significantly greater than the transition zone. Additional data are required to resolve this ambiguity. 130