Dr. ROBIN LANEY RESEARCH CURRICULUM VITAE 1. PERSONAL DETAILS Date of Birth 13th June 1963 2. TERTIARY / HIGHER EDUCATION 1984 B.Sc., Micro-Computers and Applications, First Class Honours. Westfield College, University of London. 2001 Ph.D., Speculative Evaluation of Functional Programs. King’s College, University of London. 3. APPOINTMENTS AND EXPERIENCE Oct 2005 - Senior Lecturer in Computing (Full Time), Open University 2000 - 2005 Lecturer in Computing (Full Time), Open University 1989 – 2000 Senior Lecturer in Computing, (Full Time), London Guildhall University (LGU), (formerly City of London Polytechnic) 1987 – 89 Lecturer in Computing (Full Time), City of London Polytechnic 1984 Programmer (Full Time, Temporary), Whitechapel Computer Works Duties included writing extensions to a graphics library and maintenance of a programming language interpreter. M801, MSc. Research Project and Dissertation 2006 - Specialist Adviser for a number of projects. Postgraduate Forum 2007 - Assisting with organisation and presenting of weekly sessions. 2003 – 04 Organiser of the Department's Ph.D. student conference. 1 2008 – Jointly organised International Workshop on Computer Music 2008 – Assistant Head of Music Computing Laboratory Externally Funded Grants 2005 – 08 Relating Problem and Solution Structures in Feature-based Software, EPSRC, £192,342. B. Nuseibeh, J.G. Hall, M. Jackson, R. Laney, and L. Rapanotti. 7. POSTGRADUATE STUDENT SUPERVISION Part Time 2009 Pauline Mouawad: Affective Computing and Music Information Retrieval. 2008 - John Brier: Requirements Evolution in Socio-Technical Systems. 2004 – Ayman Mahfouz: Requirements and Architecture. 2003 – 2007 Dr Pat Hill: Applying Aspect Oriented Programming to Musical Composition Languages. Awarded 2007. 2002 – 2007 Dr Charles Haley: Using Concerns to Bridge Requirements and Architectures. Awarded 2007. Full Time 2010 - Robina Hetherington: Software Engineering for Zero Carbon Housing. 2009 - Andrew Milne: Computational Models of Psychoacoustic Properties of Harmonic Sequences. 2008 – Tom Collins: Applying Statistical NLP Techniques to Music. 2008 – Fadlalla Elfadaly: Elicitation of Subjective Probability Distributions. 2005 – 2009 Dr Armstrong Nhlabatsi: Inconsistency in Software Requirements. Awarded 2009. 2004 – 2007 Dr David Jenkinson: Quantifying Expert Opinion as a Probability with Professor Paul Garthwaite, Statistics Department, OU. Awarded 2007. Programme Committees Requirements Engineering Track - ACM-Symposium on Applied Computing, International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems 2008 2 IASTED Software Engineering Internet/WWW IASTED Software Engineering International Workshop on Applications and Advances in Problem Frames Australian Workshop on Requirements Engineering 2005 OOIS 2000, 6TH International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems Technical Committees 2007 - International Arab Journal of Information Technology Reviewing ACM Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI) 2010 EPSRC grant application International Workshop on Applications and Advances in Problem Frames Early Aspects Workshop at ICSE Transactions on Software Engineering Knowledge and Information Systems Journal Research Grants Council of Hong Kong FSE 04, ACM Foundations of Software Engineering Journal of Automated Software Engineering ESEC/FSE-03, European Software Engineering Conference RE-03, IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering ACM Transactions on SE and Methodology Software and System Modeling International Journal Internal PhD Examining Robert Cook: A Framework for Defining and Analysing Access Policies in Requirements Models. Awarded 2007. 10. PUBLICATIONS (a) Books J. Bacon with R. Laney and J. Van Der Linden, “Concurrent Systems”, OU version, Addison Wesley, 726 pp, ISBN 0 321 11788 3, (2003). (b) Chapters in Books C.B. Haley, R. Laney, J.D. Moffett and B. Nuseibeh, "Arguing Satisfaction of Security Requirements", in “Integrating Security and Software Engineering: Advances and Future Vision”. (2006) Haralambos Mouratidis and Paolo Giorgini, Eds.: Idea Group, 2006, pp. 16-43. 3 Charles B. Haley, Robin C. Laney, Jonathan D. Moffett, and Bashar Nuseibeh, "Arguing Satisfaction of Security Requirements," in Information Security and Ethics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Hamid Nemati, Ed.: Information Science Reference, 2008, pp. 3199-3221. (c) Refereed Journals T. T. Tun, T. Trew, M. Jackson, R. Laney and B. Nuseibeh (2009) "Specifying Features of an Evolving Software System", to appear in Software - Practice and Experience Journal. Armstrong Nhlabatsi, Robin Laney, and Bashar Nuseibeh, "Feature Interaction: the Security Threat from within Software Systems", Progress in Informatics, Issue Number 5, 2008. C.B. Haley, R. Laney, J. Moffett and B. Nuseibeh, "Security Requirements Engineering: A Framework for Representation and Analysis", Transactions on Software Engineering (IEEE), 2008. Patrick and Holland, Simon and Laney, Robin, “Aspect-Oriented Music Representation”, Computer Music Journal, Winter 2007. C.B. Haley, R. Laney, J. Moffett and B. Nuseibeh, "Using Trust Assumptions with Security Requirements", in “Requirements Engineering Journal”, Springer-Verlag (invited paper), 2006. (d) Refereed Conference Papers A. Mahfouz, L. Barroca, R. Laney, and B. Nuseibeh (2009), “Requirements-Driven Collaborative Choreography Customization”, International Conference on Service Oriented Computing, 2009. A. Nhlabatsi, R. Laney, and B. Nuseibeh, "Feature Interaction as a Context Sharing Problem, International Conference on Feature Interaction Engineering, 2009. T. T. Tun, Y. Yu, R. Laney and B. Nuseibeh (2009) "A Tool-Supported Approach to Problem Composition", to appear in 15th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality, 2009. T. T. Tun, R. Chapman, C. Haley, R. Laney and B. Nuseibeh (2009) "A Framework for Developing Feature-rich Software Systems", to appear in 16th Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems, 2009. A. Mahfouz, L. Barroca, R. C. Laney, B. Nuseibeh. " Customizing Choreography: Deriving Conversations from Organizational Dependencies IEE EDOC The Enterprise Computing conference, 2008. R Laney, T.T Thun, M. Jackson, B. Nuseibeh, “Composing Problems: Deriving specifications from inconsistent requirements”, International Conference on Feature Interaction Engineering, 2007. Hill, P., Holland, S., and Laney, R. 2006. Symmetric composition of musical concerns. In Proceedings of the 5th international Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development. ACM Press, New York, NY, pp. 226-236. 4 P. Hill, S. Holland, R. Laney. “Applying Aspect-Oriented Programming to Music Computing”, Sound and Music Computing 04 (2004), pp 169-175, Paris, 2004. R. Laney, L. Barroca, M. Jackson and B. Nuseibeh, "Composing Requirements Using Problem Frames", Proceedings of the 12th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'04), IEEE Computer Society Press, (2004), pp 122-131, Japan, 2004, ISBN 0-7695-2174-6. C.B. Haley, R. Laney, J. Moffett and B. Nuseibeh, "The Effect of Trust Assumptions on the Elaboration of Security Requirements", Proceedings of the 12th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'04), IEEE Computer Society Press, (2004), pp 102-111, Japan, 2004, ISBN 0-7695-2174-6. C.B. Haley, R. Laney, J. D. Moffett & B. Nuseibeh. "Picking Battles: The Impact of Trust Assumptions on the Elaboration of Security Requirements," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Trust Management (Trust'04). St Anne's College, Oxford UK: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer-Verlag), (2004) pp 347-354, 2004, ISBN 3540-21312-0. C.B. Haley, R. Laney & B. Nuseibeh. "Deriving Security Requirements from Crosscutting Threat Descriptions," Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on AspectOriented Software Development (AOSD'04). Lancaster UK: ACM Press, (2004) pp 112121, 2004, ISBN 1-58113-842-3. L. Barroca, J.L Fiadeiro, M. Jackson, R. Laney and B. Nuseibeh, "Problem Frames: a Case for Coordination", Sixth International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages, Springer-Verlag, Pisa, pp 5-19 (2004), ISBN 3-540-21044-X. J.G. Hall, M. Jackson, R. Laney, B. Nuseibeh and L. Rapanotti, "Relating Software Requirements and Architectures Using Problem Frames", Proceedings of 10th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE’02), (2002), pp 137-144, Essen, Germany 2002, ISBN 0-7695-1465-0. 5