Peralta Community College District Annual Program Update Template 2010-2011 Each discipline will complete this form to update program reviews developed in 2009-2010. These will be reviewed at the college level and then forwarded to the district-wide planning and budgeting process. The information on this form is required for all resource requests – including faculty staffing requests – for the 2011-12 budget year. I. II. Overview Date Submitted: 10/17/2010 Dean: Menendez BI Download: 10/07/2010 Dept. Chair: Lehmann Discipline: MUSIC Campus: Laney Mission The Music Department at Laney College is a comprehensive program offering a diverse set of courses designed to meet the needs of beginning, intermediate, and advanced music students. Students currently involved in the program are pursuing many paths including transfer to four year universities, Associate’s degrees in music, professional performance, and lifelong love of music. The faculty prides itself on being sensitive to the needs of individuals while providing academic rigor in all courses. Student Data A. Enrollment Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 1,437.0 1,481.0 1,274.0 Sections (master sections) 42.0 41.0 37.0 Total FTES 158.0 161.8 134.22 Total FTEF 8.07 7.89 7.13 FTES/FTEF 19.59 20.5 18.82 Enrolled 1,340.0 1,391.0 N/A Retained 1,116.0 1,169.0 83.0 84.0 N/A N/A 1,340.0 1,010.0 75.0 224.0 16.0 1,391.0 1,077.0 77.0 222.0 15.0 Census Enrollment (duplicated) B. Retention % Retained C. Success Total Graded Success % Success Withdraw % Withdraw Page 1 of 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A III. Faculty Data (ZZ assignments excluded) Fall 2010 Contract FTEF Hourly FTEF Extra Service FTEF Total FTEF % Contract/Total 3.8 2.69 0.64 7.13 53.27 IV. Faculty Data Comparables F2010 (ZZ assignments excluded) (Z assignments excluded) Contract FTEF Hourly FTEF Extra Service FTEF Total FTEF % Contract/Total Alameda Berkeley Laney Merritt 0.93 0.43 0.08 1.43 64.82 0.0 1.63 0.0 1.63 0.0 3.8 2.69 0.64 7.13 53.3 0.7 0.0 0.27 0.97 71.94 Page 2 of 8 V. Qualitative Assessments CTE and Vocational: Community and labor market relevance. Present evidence of community need based on Advisory Committee input, industry need data, McIntyre Environmental Scan, McKinsey Economic Report, licensure and job placement rates, etc. Advance Student Access, Success and Equity-Courses offered in various formats and time of the day Engage Our Communities and PartnersLaney Music Alliance include numerous community organizations Build Programs of Distinction-Awarded Program of Distinction Award in June 2009 for Summer Music Program Create a Culture of Innovation and collaboration-New computer composition and recording studio due to open in the Spring Semester Develop Resources to Advance and Sustain our Mission-all of the above in strong consultation with our student constituency. College Educational Master Plan ✓New program under development ✓Program that is integral to the college’s overall strategy ✓Program that is essential for transfer ✓Program that serves a community niche. Programs where student enrollment or success has been demonstrably affected by extraordinary external factors, such as barriers due to housing, employment, childcare etc. Transfer and Basic Skills: Describe how your course offerings address transfer, basic skills, and program completion. A primary goal of the music department is to prepare students for transfer to music departments at 4 year institutions. Students leave Laney to enroll in programs at nearby institutions including U.C. Berkeley, U.C. Davis, U.C. Santa Cruz, C. S. U. East Bay, C. S. U. San Francisco, C. S. U. Sonoma, C. S. U. San Jose, University of the Pacific and the San Francisco Conservatory of Music as well as colleges throughout the United States including the Berklee School of Music, Mannes College, and Northwestern University to name only a few. Many members of the Laney Faculty have direct connections to these programs either as alumni or current adjunct faculty. The music community is a very “tight knit” group and students from Laney are sought after as strong additions to 4 year programs. Documented students successes include former Laney graduates or transfer students who now have successful careers working in the fields of film scoring, conducting, education, and performance. Music departments in 4 year Page 3 of 8 institutions always administer placement exams for incoming students. The possible content of many of these exams has been shared on a collegial basis with many of the Laney Faculty. As a result, specific course content often reflects instruction in and preparation for these placement exams. As mentioned previously curriculum is reviewed on a regular basis. The music department continues to have one of the highest retention levels (05-06 – 83.7% course completion with retention at 81%, 04-05 – 81.8% course completion with retention 78%) in the Peralta District. The numbers are high and have improved. VI. Strategic Planning Goals Check all that apply. Describe how goal applies to your program. Advance Student Access, Success & Equity Engage our Communities & Partners Build Programs of Distinction Create a Culture of Innovation & Collaboration Develop Resources to Advance & Sustain Mission Courses offered in various formats and time of the day. Laney Music Alliance include numerous community organizations Awarded Program of Distinction Award in June 2009 for Summer Music Program New computer composition and recording studio due to open in the Spring Semester All of the above in strong consultation with our student constituency. Page 4 of 8 VII. College Strategic Plan Relevance Check all that apply New program under development Program that is integral to your college’s overall strategy Program that is essential for transfer Program that serves a community niche Programs where student enrollment or success has been demonstrably affected by extraordinary external factors, such as barriers due to housing, employment, childcare etc. Other Page 5 of 8 VIII. Action Plan Please describe your plan for responding to the above data. Consider curriculum, pedagogy/instructional, scheduling, and marketing strategies. Also, please reference any cross district collaboration with the same discipline at other Peralta colleges. Include overall plans/goals and specific action steps. 10.ACTION PLAN -- Include overall plans/goals and specific action steps. A primary goal of the music department is to prepare students for transfer to music departments at 4 year institutions. Students leave Laney to enroll in programs at nearby institutions including U.C. Berkeley, U.C. Davis, U.C. Santa Cruz, C. S. U. East Bay, C. S. U. San Francisco, C. S. U. Sonoma, C. S. U. San Jose, University of the Pacific and the San Francisco Conservatory of Music as well as colleges throughout the United States including the Berklee School of Music, Mannes College, and Northwestern University to name only a few. Many members of the Laney Faculty have direct connections to these programs either as alumni or current adjunct faculty. The music community is a very “tight knit” group and students from Laney are sought after as strong additions to 4 year programs. Documented students successes include former Laney graduates or transfer students who now have successful careers working in the fields of film scoring, conducting, education, and performance. Music departments in 4 year institutions always administer placement exams for incoming students. The possible content of many of these exams has been shared on a collegial basis with many of the Laney Faculty. As a result, specific course content often reflects instruction in and preparation for these placement exams. As mentioned previously curriculum is reviewed on a regular basis. The music department continues to have one of the highest retention levels (05-06 – 83.7% course completion with retention at 81%, 04-05 – 81.8% course completion with retention 78%) in the Peralta District. The numbers are high and have improved. The department intends to maintain this high standard. In the past 5 years the size of the full time music faculty has increased from 1 to 4 and this has surely played an important roll in student success. The department is still in need of a full time piano instructor and the addition of support staff to allow the faculty to focus on instruction is imperative. The department has maintained a high rate of student success there is a critical need for facilities renovation. Good students have been patient and now hope for the installation of a new computer lab as well as additional areas for practice. The faculty is in great need of storage facilities. We still need practice room repair, sound system updating, a student listening lab, recording studio facilities, rehearsal room renovation, additional practice rooms, faculty offices, a second piano lab to only begin the list. The details of these needs have been submitted to the dean and it is hoped that some of the needs can be fulfilled immediately. The department still needs support in the area of administrative assistance. Students have expressed concern about the ability to access practice rooms without interrupting instructors in class. Maintenance of the music library, sustaining and strengthening the world music program, summer music program, and the performing arts alliance make the securing of administrative help very urgent. Student learning assessment has always taken place in the music department but the program level student assessment has to date been informal in nature. The department meetings in the next two months will concentrate on assessment of student learning outcomes and updating of curriculum department wide. Page 6 of 8 IX. Needs Please describe and prioritize any faculty, classified, and student assistant needs. We need a full time piano faculty member. We need a department secretary. We need and accompaniest. We need student assistant to manage room use and set up for rehearsals. Please describe and prioritize any equipment, material, and supply needs. We need percussion instruments, chinese orchestra instruments, new stereo and video equipment, copy machine, computers, and program maitenaince materials including music and stands and folders. Please describe and prioritize any facilities needs. We need more and renovated practice rooms, a 150 seat perfromance hall, completion of the computer lab, storage areas. X. Course SLOs and Assessment Fall 2010 Number of active courses in your discipline 37 Number with SLOs 37 % SLOs/Active Courses 100 Number of courses with SLOs that have been assessed 18 % Assessed/SLOs 50% Describe types of assessment methods you are using Tests and Surveys Describe results of your SLO assessment progress Appropriate adjustments in curriculum have improved content delivery. Page 7 of 8 XI. Program Learning Outcomes and Assessment Fall 2010 Number of degrees and certificates in your discipline 1 Number with Program Learning Outcomes 3 Number assessed 1 % Assessed 33% Describe assessment methods you are using Surveys Describe results of assessment This is new for the department so adjustments will be made as future date is collected. Page 8 of 8