Laney College – Summary of Resources Requests for 2015/2016 (Results from Institution’s Integrated Planning, Budgeting and Shared Governance Process) Technology Needs (See Appendix A for details) 1. Instructional Labs including Language Lab and Library $2,400,000 2. Laney Wireless Network & Wireless Security- $500.000 Added (Instructional classroom Library & Student Center) 3. Laney Network Switches, Fiber $1,276,162 & Laney Network Security $85,000 4. Instructional Technology Equipment $1,150,000 5. College Wide Server upgrade including instruction $200,000 6. Smart classroom technology in all classes $5,000,000 7. Digital Signage and Kiosk Infrastructure Equipment $200,000 8. College Website redesign $250,000 9. College Mobile AP Facilities Needs (See Appendix B for excel spreadsheet for details) Other needs – Equipment, supplies materials, repairs The 2015 Laney Facility Requests 1. World map and primate were obtained from the Annual models, ANTHRO Program Update (APU) forms for 2. Display cabinet/locking Facilities requests which were storage for bone, maps, submitted by Departments in globes, ANTHRO Spring 2014. 3. Specimen slides for anatomy/physiology, BIOL The requests were grouped into 4 4. Water Baths, BIOL broad categories entitled: 1. 5. Pipette washer, BIOL Deferred Mtce., 2. 6. Fern Prothallium Reconstruction, 3. New (reproductive structures), Construction and 4. Emergency BIOL Maintenance 7. DNA Model, BIOL 8. Bacteriophage model, BIOL We have enclosed two 9. Prokaryotic cell model, BIOL worksheets containing these 10. Mushroom model, BIOL requests. The first worksheets sort 11. Human Cadaver, BIOL each category by “Ranking of 12. Microcentrifuge, BIOL Highest to Lowest” and the 13. Digital Incubator, BIOL second worksheet sorts each 14. HPLC pump repair kits, BIOL category by “Trade”. 15. Power Supplies, CHEM 16. Melting-point apparatus for At the top of each worksheet is a Chem 30A, CHEM “key” or “rubric” which explains 17. Digital incubator, CHEM how the Laney Facility Planning 18. HPLC pump repair kits, Committee completed their role CHEM in coding and ranking each 2015 19. Various supplies for requests and items remaining department (no tech) from prior years. 20. Maintenance program for kitchen and ovens/annual, Laney College Summary of Resource Requests for 2015-2016 Personnel Needs FACULTY: 25 Prioritized and Funded Positions 1. Counselor (DSP&S-SSSP) 2. Counselor (Coordinator, SSSP) 3. Counselor (Early Alert-SSSP) 4. Counselor (General-SSSP) 5. Counselor (High School Transition Services-SSSP) 6. Counselor (Veteran Affairs-SSSP) 7. Biology 8. Business 9. Chemistry 10. Chinese 11. Computer Information Systems (CIS) 12. Ethnic Studies 13. Electricity/Electronics Technology 14. Engineering 15. English 16. English 17. English for Speakers of Other Languages 18. History 19. Librarian (Access) 20. Librarian (Public Services) 21. Mathematics 22. Mathematics 23. Political Science 24. Psychology 25. Sociology FACULTY: 11 Prioritized and Unfunded Positions 1 of 2 development $250,000 10. 10) College Site license Turnitin & Adobe cloud $45,000 CULIN 21. Bread Ovens (2), CULIN 22. Lab Supplies-food packing supplies, CULIN 23. Skeletons, KIN 24. Books, Texts, DVDs, database, supplies, LIB 25. Step stools, LIB 26. Tripods, recorders, microphones, lights, MEDIA 27. Multi process power supplies (7), WELD 28. Fume Extractor (2), WELD 29. Codebooks, WELD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Architecture Art Computer Science Construction Management Dance English English Graphic Arts Japanese Kinesiology Media CLASSIFIED STAFF: 1. Principal Accounting Technician, Cashier's Office 2. College Network Coordinator 3. Staff Assistant, Dean 4. Career Development/Job Placement Specialist 5. Biology Lab Technician 6. Public Information Officer/WebMaster 7. Staff Assistant, SLO/Assessment 8. Lab Assistant Carpentry 9. IT Specialist 10. Custodian 11. Outreach Specialist, Welcome Center ADMINISTRATORS: 1. Director of Facilities 2. Director of Technology 3. Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness – Research, Evaluation and Student Success 4. Vice President of Administration Laney College Summary of Resource Requests for 2015-2016 2 of 2