Terms of Reference - Victoria`s Virtual Library

Terms of Reference
To implement the project according to the documented proposal which has been accepted for funding
by the Library Board of Victoria (LBV), and where necessary advise on the need for any significant
change in the proposal by:
1. Determining timeframes for implementation.
2. Meeting regularly and making decisions relating to the implementation of the project.
3. Applying relevant guidelines and protocols, such as any particular requirements for public launch of
projects and development of publicity. The Project Advisory Committees will be informed of these
guidelines and protocols by the State Library of Victoria representative on the Committee.
4. Ensuring that a current record of expenditure and planned expenditure is maintained.
5. Reporting regularly to Viclink, CLPG and the LBV Advisory Committee on Public Libraries on
progress to date.
6. Making recommendations to the State Library of Victoria (Statewide Public Library Development
Projects Manager) where a variation to the proposal is needed or sought.
Term of Appointment
In the interest of offering the greatest capacity for participation, membership will be determined on a
year by year basis, taking into account the particular demands or needs for continuity of each individual
Method of appointment
1. Membership of the Advisory Committees will be sought by Viclink from interested public library
2. Current members wishing to continue on the Committee will be required to re-nominate.
3. Each Advisory Committee will be convened by a representative of a participating public library
nominated by the members of that Committee.
4. The State Library, as the body holding funding and with ultimate accountability to Arts Victoria for
expenditure of funds, will be represented on each Advisory Committee by a member of the Public
Libraries Unit (SLV) staff.
Role of Committee Members
Members provide advice and input from the public library perspective. The views of all members of
Committee should carry equal weight. The State Library representative is responsible for preparation
and distribution of agendas, minutes and progress reports. The convenor is responsible for chairing the
meetings and endorsing the progress reports to Viclink and to the LBV Advisory Committee on Public
Libraries. Where a Project Advisory Committee cannot reach agreement, or where there is a significant
issue of concern, the convenor will be asked by either the member of the Committee or by the
Committee as a whole to refer this matter to the Statewide Public Library Development Projects
Manager for advice.
Advisory Committee Support
Where a Project Advisory Committee believes that payment for support is warranted, this will be
arranged by the State Library representative following approval from the Statewide Public Library
Development Projects Manager.
Full or part reimbursement of travel costs associated with attending Committee meetings by countrybased Committee members may be requested through the relevant project officer in the Public
Libraries Unit. Invoices for reimbursement must be submitted to the Public Libraries Unit within one
month of incurring the cost.
July 2004
July 2004