Avian Influenza (AI)- Risk assessment and management The fear from the penetrating of AI type H5N1 exists all over the world. In order to avoid completely the possibility of the disease from penetrating, one has to build a diagnosing survey system for birds that appears to be extremely expensive. One has also to be prepared for a massive bird destruction, which would be employed in case the surveys results would be positive. One could assume with high probability, that it would be impossible to avoid an epidemic outbreak in avian industry because: 1. The investment in prevention measures in the avian industry is insufficient. 2. The investment in preventing the first outbreak is insufficient. In the analyzing the steps and policy to be taken against the penetration of AI in the avian industry one must take in account the damage of considering the risk, probability, cost in minimizing the risk of the disease entering the country. If in a possible policy, the costs of the items would be too large and the risk would be small, it is obvious that not steps would be taken prior to the first outbreak. Action categories combination in decision-making Probably Risk for a risk costs High Low High Low High High Low High Low Low Costs in lowering the risk To take Action? Low High High Low High Yes No Yes Yes No The risk probability estimate is based on quantity and epidemiological data. The risk damage is based on economic data. Combination of all those categories could enable the policy makers to decide whether to accept or reject a policy. In the above table the emphasized policies would certainly be rejected. Tests were conducted on farms keeping game or back yard fowls near a lake, as it was believed according to world publications, that wild water birds are the main carriers and vectors of AI H5N1 Percentage of wild water birds found near fowl farms situated by a lake Game birds 16%(1.6SE) Back yard birds 38.4%(3.6SE) One could assume that wild water birds are indeed attracted to farms situated near lakes and could infect farm fowls which are free on the ranch and are unprotected in hen-houses. It is hard to estimate the spread magnitude and the damage in affected farm birds when an outbreak would occur. Therefore estimations are based on experts understanding and are divided into “low” or “high” etc. This approach is inaccurate, but is feasible and not so far from reality. Those terms as “low” or “high” are relative concepts and not definite. A diagram describing a possibility of AI N1H5 entering Israel Zoo anim als W ild birds M igrating birds Im port Back yard birds Pet birds O rganic poultry Farm poultry Foreign w orkers Analyzing possible risks Risk 1 The possibility of importing contaminated farm poultry or pet birds that will infect local poultries: Farm Commercial Personnel Smuggled poultry pet birds import pet birds import pet birds Very low Very low Low Risk 2 Bringing the infection by foreign workers. The Americans have estimated that the risk for HPAI from Mexico to the USA should be categorized as high. It is well known that in Israel many foreign workers, which work in the poultry industry, originate from Thailand in which AI H5N1 exists. Those incoming workers might bring with them HPAI H5N1 on their shoes or clothes. The virus might enter the country within 48 hours after leaving a small village in Thailand due to the fast air transport. The conclusion therefore that this way is of high risk. To minimize this risk it is advised to control more intensively the incoming workers from the Far East with direct or indirect flights. It is strongly advised the farmers to demand that all workers will wash themselves, wear only clean clothes and shoes when entering the poultry Medium farms or hen-house. It would be wise not to occupy a foreign worker immediately at his arrival, but wait a while to assure that he does not harbor any risk. Risk 3 It is possible that the virus might penetrate by migrating wild birds. Much is not known of this kind of risk. Wild water migrating birds could harbor and be carriers of the virus. “Twice every year almost 500 million fly-pass Israel in which some are water wild birds”. Some of them stay for the winter in Israel. It is proposed that part of them is infected with the virus. The conclusion is that the risk is high. OIE declared that no country could declare free of HPAI in wild birds. Let us assume that 10,000 migrating birds are infected. To find only one infected birds out of a 500 million birds with 95% certainty and a specifity of 100% one must test 15,000 birds!!! Finding one such an infected bird will not help because there are sill 9,999 infected wild birds flying over the country. Even if we know that wild migrating water birds harbor the disease there is no practical act to be taken against the disease. Cost/ benefit of monitoring birds for the virus: The monitoring costs are extremely high, with very little benefit. Finding a positive result would stop all export of reproduction material, fresh meat, and harm tourism. Finding one such a positive case in a wild bird would enforce quarantine on the area and destroy all the farm poultry in that area. That action is not practical, and it would be better to adopt biology security measures. Those measures include the veterinarians, farmers, slaughterhouses, food industry and back-yard poultry farmers. International monitoring migrating birds will be of some value if: 1. A positive finding would not influence the countries disease status. 2. Agreement upon the goal of such research. 3. Finding the sample size that will give some impact. 4. Agreement upon avian species to be tested. 5. Agreement upon season and place to be tested. 6. The way the captured birds should be marked. 7. Uniformity in the test to be applied. 8. Uniformity in analyzing the results. Such a vast investigation could be done only with international and neighbor countries collaboration. Risk 4 Infecting “organic” poultry, back yard, pet poultry and zoos from migrating birds. In most cases back yard poultry were the first infected. The first case occurred in Holland in “free egg layers chickens”. All those kind of poultry are not isolated from migrating birds and the contact with them is unavoidable. Most of the holdings in Israel of back yard poultry are not authorized. E. Berman/ M. VanHam