Curriculum Plan Autumn Term Class 4 – Year 5/6 Sarah Nesling 200

Goring Primary School Curriculum Plan Spring Term
English This term, where possible, our English lessons will be based on our
topic ‘Ancient Greeks’. We will be reading a range of Greek myths and will
have a go at writing our own. We will be concentrating on developing skills in
fact based writing, poetry, recounts and non-chronological reports.
Handwriting is also practiced weekly. Homework will be sent home on a
Friday and should be returned by the following Thursday to be marked in
Science In term 3 we will be learning about ‘electricity’, including the
dangers of electricity, recognising common conductors and insulators,
understanding that a switch opens and closes a circuit and constructing
simple circuits, In term 4 we will take part in ‘The Big Science Competition’
where children will get to test out their own ideas. This will support their
work on methods of planning and evaluating following science investigations,
as well as encouraging them to work scientifically.
Music Music lessons will be following Music Express for Year 4. Children
will be listening to different types of music, singing songs and creating
their own rhythms to perform.
Computing In term 3, the children will work together to design a simple toy
that incorporates sensors and outputs and then create an on-screen
prototype of their toy in Scratch. Finally, they pitch their toy idea to a
Dragons’ Den-style panel.
In term 4 the children will learn about the history of the web, before
studying HTML, the language in which web pages are written. They learn to
edit and write HTML, and then use this knowledge to create a web page.
Art/DT We will be using Art and DT alongside our ‘Ancient Greeks’ topic.
We will work with a variety of media creating items such as Greek masks,
Greek Gods and vases.
PE: In term 3 we are focusing on Orienteering, which combines the need to
be physically fit as well as important map reading skills! In Term 4 we will
continue to improve our individual skills and fitness as well as taking part in
team games and ensuring we work well together.
Year 4 - Mrs Walters
Maths The children will continue to develop their skill and confidence in
Number, Measurement, Geometry and Statistics. The children will apply
their knowledge and deepen their understanding through mathematical
investigations. We will continue to use Mathletics to support our work in
class, as well as doing regular Mental Maths tests and times table speed
tests. Homework will reflect work that has taken place in the classroom
during the week. It will be sent home on a Friday and should be returned by
the following Thursday to be marked in class.
Topic – Our topic for the Spring Term is Ancient Greeks. We will discover
how the Ancient Greeks created myths to make sense of the world around
them. We will learn about Greek theatre, how the Ancient Greeks lived and
the impact they have had on us today. Wherever possible we will link Topic
with English and Art/DT.
French: Y4 will continue to explore French vocabulary following the ‘Light
Bulb Languages’ scheme with role plays, speaking and listening.
PSHE- Children will be using the SEAL scheme alongside Circle Time to
discuss topical and class issues as appropriate.
R.E. –This term we will follow the Oxfordshire scheme of work. We will be
studying Judaism, learning about some of the key elements of the faith.
We will learn about Jewish festivals, beliefs and values and relate them to
beliefs in their own lives.
Homework – Maths and English homework will be handed out each Friday
and should be returned the following Thursday at the latest in order to be
marked in class.