Queensland Public Sector Glossary of Terms

Performance Management Framework Reference Guide
Queensland Public Sector Glossary of Terms
Terms in dark grey text indicate that the term is defined in this Glossary.
Accountability is the acknowledgment and assumption of responsibility for
governance and the obligation to report and justify resulting consequences.
The extent to which individuals or organisations are held responsible for
achieving particular results and for the management of capabilities used.
To be effective, accountability relies on performance information being
sufficient and able to support assessments of the results achieved and the
capabilities used.
The Public Sector Ethics Act 2004 (s.9) describes ‘Accountability and
transparency’ as follows:
‘In recognition that public trust in public office requires high standards
of public administration, public service agencies, public sector entities
and public offices:
 are committed to exercising proper diligence, care and attention
 are committed to using public resources in an effective and
accountable way
 are committed to managing information as openly as practicable
within the legal framework
 value and seek to achieve high standards of public administration
 value and seek to innovate and continuously improve performance
 value and seek to operate within a framework of mutual obligation
and shared responsibility between public service agencies, public
sector entities and public officials.’
accountable officer
The chief executive of a department of government declared under the
Public Service Act 2008, section 14(1), is the accountable officer of the
department (Financial Accountability Act 2009, section 65).i
An element of a service. It may be a task or a set of tasks to be completed.
An activity has a finite duration and will result in one or more deliverables.
An activity will generally have cost and resource requirements. Some
activities are operational in nature and are often ongoing.
Current as at August 2012
Services that support the delivery of services to clients and services that
support the management of government resources.
This term is used in the Queensland Government Business Services
Classification Framework (July 2010). Service lines under this framework
may correspond to service areas.
A department or a statutory body as those expressions are defined in the
Financial Accountability Act 2009. 2
agency business
An agency's strategic direction that aligns with the whole of government
This is a term used in the Value Chain for the Queensland Public Sector.
agency objective
The effects or impacts that an agency seeks to have on its clients,
stakeholders and the community. Objectives should deliver the agency
business direction and contribute to the whole of government direction,
and collectively, agencies’ objectives should deliver the whole of
government direction.
agency service
Agencies deliver services to clients using products, engagements,
capabilities and processes, and improve service delivery through
managing projects and programs to deliver changes.
This is a term used in the Value Chain for the Queensland Public Sector.
agency value
Improvements, whether undertaken through formal projects or through
continuous improvements, that are carried out by an agency to increase its
capacity to deliver benefits to its clients, stakeholders and the
annual report
A written report on the operations of the agency during the financial year, as
prescribed by the Financial Accountability Act (section 63).
An enterprise architecture (EA) publishes artefacts including strategies,
policies, targets and supporting methods, tools and techniques to guide
behaviour and decision-making across various business disciplines. Types
of artefacts in the Queensland Government include policies, frameworks,
guidelines, and strategies. Examples include the Queensland Government
Performance Management Framework; the Queensland Government
Project, Program and Portfolio Management Methodologies; and the
State Procurement Policy.
An improvement resulting from an outcome, which is perceived as positive
by a client and/or stakeholder of the agency, or by the agency itself. The
more a client or stakeholder benefits from a service, the more it will be
valued by them.
See State Budget
A stakeholder who operates a for profit enterprise in the private sector.
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business community
Stakeholders who operate for profit enterprises in the private sector.
Cabinet Budget
Review Committee
The CBRC has a primary role of considering matters with financial or
budgetary implications for the government. Initiatives or proposals with a
material impact on government services or resourcing must be directed to
CBRC in the first instance for consideration. At the direction of the Premier
or Cabinet, CBRC may also consider other issues that require dedicated or
longer-term scrutiny or otherwise might best be considered in the Committee
CBRC has a membership of four Ministers, with the Premier and Treasurer
as standing members along with two rotational senior Ministers occupying
the positions for generally one year.
Resources of an agency (including human, financial, information, physical
assets and ICT) that are used to their maximum potential for efficient and
effective service delivery.
change portfolio
Programs and projects selected, managed and monitored to improve
service delivery.
Chief Executive (CE)
Departmental chief executives are required to enter into a performance
agreement with the Premier at their substantive appointment and annually
thereafter. The agreement is the means by which the chief executive is held
accountable for the delivery of the department’s strategic plan.
A client who is recognised by the state as having formal nationality that
givens them special rights and duties in a democratic system of government.
Person or organisation that receives a service. Note that a client can be
internal or external to the organisation.
Synonyms include: customer, consumer, end user, resident, retailer,
beneficiary and purchaser.
code of conduct
A code of conduct contains the principles and values underlying good public
administration for the public sector and provides consistent standards of
conduct for all employees. Codes of conduct provide a framework for ethical
culture within the sector.
Codes of conduct are required under the Public Sector Ethics Act 1994. This
will be the Code of Conduct for the Queensland Public Service or an
organisational-specific code (see Public Sector Ethics Act 1994).
A group of people with a commonality of association and generally defined
by location, shared experience or function.
The degree to which an agency adheres to (acts in accordance with)
legislation, regulation, policy and standards set by the government, agency
or industry.
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constituent service
A service line of government.
This term is used in the Queensland Government Business Services
Classification Framework (July 2010). Service lines under this framework
may correspond to service areas.
The rate at which financial resources are used to generate an outcome.
cross jurisdictional
Agreements with other governments to deliver or work towards a particular
outcome (such as, Council of Australian Governments agreements).
customer 3
See client
Observations or facts which when collected, organised and evaluated
become information or knowledge.
data set
A data set is data collection for a particular study. A data set represents a
collection of elements; and for each element, information on one or more
characteristics is included.
An administrative arrangement (the result of a Machinery of Government
change), where the entity has been declared to be a department by the
Governor in Council. A department may also be a body for which an
accountable officer has been appointed.
(see also public service offices)
direction setting
At the whole of government level, it is the mechanism by which the
government decides on its whole of government direction through
consideration of the external drivers. The extent to which the direction is
achieved is measured using the Queensland Government Performance
Management Framework. Government is held accountable for its results
by clients, stakeholders and the community.
At the agency level, it is the mechanism by which an agency decides on its
agency business direction through developing objectives which contribute
to the whole of government direction. The objectives are described in the
agency’s strategic plan and the extent to which the outcomes meet the
objectives are measured using performance indicators. Accountable
officers and statutory bodies are accountable for their agency’s performance.
At the service level, it is the mechanism by which an agency decides on its
service objectives which contribute to its agency business direction. The
service objectives are described in agency operational plans and the extent
to which the outcomes meet the service objectives are measured using
service standards.
To be effective, the direction should be collectively understood by
governance bodies and ensure buy-in across the entire government or the
agency through effective communication and engagement.
This term (direction setting) is used in the Value Model for the Queensland
Public Sector.
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See service standard
See service standard
enduring data sets
A subset of official statistics that are expected to be managed for a period of
10 or more years.
Interactions, connections and relationships developed between government
and its stakeholders (including clients).
architecture (EA)
Enterprise architecture is a rigorous description of the components of an
enterprise including business direction, business services, business
processes, information and ICT. EA describes the terminology, composition
of these components and their relationships.
ethics principles
See public service ethics principles
The systematic, objective assessment of appropriateness, effectiveness
and/or efficiency of a policy.
expectations and
Activities or outcomes that are expected to be delivered and beliefs that
are held.
This is a term used in the Value Chain for the Queensland Public Sector.
external driver
Client, stakeholder and community expectations and opinions, political
commitments and cross jurisdictional commitments that influence the
whole of government direction.
fiscal principles
The government’s commitment to maintaining a strong fiscal position for the
State, and ensuring the State’s asset base supports the current and future
service delivery needs.
Governance has a very broad coverage, including how an organisation is
managed, its corporate and other structures, its culture, its policies and
strategies and the way it deals with its various stakeholders. The concept
encompasses the manner in which public sector organisations acquit their
responsibilities of stewardship by being transparent, accountable and
prudent in direction setting, decision making (including investment
decision making), performance management, issue and risk
management and other compliance activities, in providing advice and in
managing and delivering services, programs and projects.
The Financial and Performance Management Standard 2009 (s.7) describes
‘Governance’ as follows:
 incorporates the cultural and operational aspects of an agency that are
influenced by its actions and decisions
 includes the concepts of openness, integrity and accountability; due care;
and public defensibility
 incorporates the ethics principles for public officials under the Public
Sector Ethics Act 1994, section 4
 includes establishing a performance management system, a risk
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management system and an internal control structure.
A pledge by the government to work towards a particular outcome for its
clients, stakeholders and the community (such as, election
government targets
Specific, observable and measurable objectives for improvement in key
policy areas. Achievement of government targets is likely to require
collaboration between multiple government agencies, business and the
COAG targets: set for Queensland through agreements made with the
Council of Australian Governments.
Other government targets: set in relation to a particular whole of
government priority or strategy.
objectives for the
The government is required to prepare and table a statement of the
government’s broad objectives for the community including details of
arrangements for regular reporting to the community about the outcomes
the government has achieved against these objectives for the community
(Financial and Accountability Act 2009, section 10).
The government’s objectives for the community are outlined in Getting
Queensland Back on Track.
Any collection of data that is processed, analysed, interpreted, organised,
classified or communicated in order to serve a useful purpose, present facts
or represent knowledge in any medium or form. This includes presentation in
electronic (digital), print, audio, video, image, graphical, cartographic,
physical sample, textual or numerical form. 4
See project and program
investment decisionmaking
The mechanism by which, at the whole of government or agency level,
capabilities are prioritised in order to deliver services which maximise the
value to clients, stakeholders and the community.
This term (investment decision-making) is used in the Value Model for the
Queensland Public Sector.
issues and risks
Issues: a problem, query or concern that effects the agency.
Risks: a potential event that poses a threat (or opportunity) to the agency.
Machinery of
Government (MOG)
Changes to responsibilities of Ministers set out in Administrative
Arrangements and/or changes to departmental functions and responsibilities
made by the Premier and set out in Department Arrangement notices.
Continual checking, supervising, critically observing or determining the
status in order to identify change from the performance level (target)
required or expected.
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nationally important
Includes any ongoing collection of official administrative data or data sets
collected for statistical purposes. The scope covers Commonwealth and
State and Territory official data sources.
nationally important
official statistics
A subset of official statistics that must be given more importance, higher
priority and more trust than other official statistics.
not-for-profit entity
An organisation whose principal objective is not the generation of a profit
(AASB 136 Impairment of Assets, Aus paragraph 6.2). A not-for-profit
organisation can be a single entity or a group of entities comprising the
parent and each of the entities that it controls.
See agency objective and/or government’s objectives for the
objectives for the
See government’s objectives for the community
official statistics
Statistics that are produced by government agencies that are used publicly
in support of major decisions on policy, resource allocation or other topics of
public interest. Official statistics may be collected through surveys or
compiled from administrative records collected by government agencies in
their daily work.
operational plan
Sets out how the agency plans to deliver its services over the next year. It
also includes service standards and other measures that allow the
agency to assess performance in delivering services (Financial and
Performance Management Standard 2009, section 9).
other measures
Performance measures monitored by agencies that are measures of
activity, process, input, quality or equity. Agencies may include some of
these other measures in the Service Delivery Statements where the
measure provides information that is in the public interest, or as a proxy
where no service standard currently exists.
The result that was generated as a result of the delivery of services.
Performance indicators measure the extent to which outcomes have
achieved the agency’s objectives.
Products and/or engagements delivered as part of a service.
performance audit
A performance audit is an independent examination by the Queensland
Auditor-General of all or any particular activities of a public sector entity to
determine whether its objectives are being achieved economically,
efficiently and effectively and in compliance with all relevant laws. The intent
of a performance audit is to provide assurance to Parliament, and to act as a
catalyst for adding value to the quality of public administration by assisting
entities in the discharge of their governance obligations.
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A component of performance management that includes the systematic
collection and analysis of information to make judgements about the
effectiveness, efficiency and appropriateness of activities. Performance
evaluation provides advice to the agency to better inform its business
direction and service delivery activities.
Indicates the extent to which the outcomes achieved by an agency are
meeting their objectives in its strategic plan.
A generic term used to describe information about the performance of a
person, an agency or the government within the Queensland Government
Performance Management Framework.
The management and evaluation of information on the efficiency and
effectiveness of whole of government direction, agency business
direction and agency service delivery to improve accountability of
government, to inform policy development and implementation and to create
value to clients, stakeholders and the community.
See service standard or other measures
political commitment
A pledge by a political party to work towards a particular outcome for its
clients, stakeholders and the community (such as, election
In the context of the Queensland Government Portfolio Management
Methodology, a portfolio is a grouping of change initiatives (programs,
projects, activities, investments or assets) selected, managed and
monitored to optimise business return and strategic alignment.
Portfolio Contact
Officer (PCO)
Officer of the Policy Division within the Department of the Premier and
Cabinet. PCO responsibilities include briefing the Premier on Cabinet and
CBRC submissions to ensure that they are consistent with the whole of
government direction.
A series of activities that utilise capabilities to deliver efficient and effective
Tangible deliverables created for consumption by clients including
A temporary structure created to coordinate, direct and oversee the
implementation of a set of related projects and activities in order to deliver
value for the agency and/or its stakeholders (including clients). A program
produces an end-state and is finite (albeit, often years) in duration. Guidance
on Program management is included in the Queensland Government
Project, Program and Portfolio Management Methodologies.
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A temporary initiative to improve service delivery. Projects that require
significant resources or involve major change should apply the Queensland
Government Project, Program and Portfolio Management
public sector ethics
The principles established in the Public Sector Ethics Act 1994.
public service office
An entity, or part of an entity, designated to be a public service office under
the Public Service Act 2008, or subject to section 23, another designated
entity, or part of a designated entity, declared under a regulation to be a
public service office.
purpose (of the
A statement that specifies the overall aim of the agency. An agency
articulates its purpose in its strategic plan.
Any change requires investment in time, money and resources to provide an
enhanced service. The Queensland Government Benefits Management
Framework helps agencies focus the business change on value for money
and business benefits. The framework outlines the benefits management
processes and establishes links with the Queensland Government Project,
Program and Portfolio Management Methodologies.
Business Services
Framework (BSCF)
The BSCF provides a consistent, logical and comprehensive view of all
Queensland Government services, independent of the physical
departments and other entities that make up the Queensland Government.
Architecture (QGEA)
The QGEA (known as QGEA 2.0) is the collection of ICT policies and
associated documents that guides agency ICT initiatives and investments to
improve the compatibility and cost-effectiveness of ICT across the
Framework (PMF)
The PMF is designed to improve the analysis and application of
performance information to support accountability, inform policy
development and implementation and deliver value to stakeholders. The
PMF ensures a clear line of sight between planning, measuring and
monitoring results and public reporting.
Government Project,
Program and
Standard approaches for managing projects, programs and portfolios in
the Queensland Government. The methodologies offer a consistent
approach to help projects come to life – on time and within budget – and
drive programs to deliver the outcomes and benefits they are intended to
See issues and risks
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Senior Executive
(SE) Performance
Departmental Senior Executive Service (SES) are required to enter into a
performance agreement with departmental chief executives at their
substantive appointment and annually thereafter.
Collectively, the SES performance agreements for a department will assist
the chief executive to deliver all aspects of their performance agreement.
The products and engagements undertaken by agencies that deliver
outputs and result in outcomes for clients, stakeholders and the
community. Ideally, services generate benefits for clients, stakeholders
and the community and as a result, are valued by them. The efficiency and
effectiveness of service delivery is measured using service standards.
(see also constituent services and administrative services)
service area
Related services grouped into a high level service area for communicating
the broad types of services delivered by an agency (service areas for each
agency are detailed in the Service Delivery Statements).
service delivery
Services provided to clients by agencies. Service delivery is changed or
improved through projects and programs.
This is a term used in the Value Chain for the Queensland Public Sector.
Service Delivery
Statements (SDS)
Published annually as part of the State Budget, the SDS provides budgeted
financial and non-financial information for the budget year. The non-financial
component of the SDS sets out the service areas each agency will deliver
and the standards to which these will be delivered.
service standard
Define a level of performance that is expected to be achieved appropriate for
the service area or service.
Efficiency measures reflect how capabilities (resources) are used to
produce outputs.
Effectiveness measures reflect how well the actual outputs of a service
achieves the stated purpose (objective) of the service.
Person or organisation that can affect, be affected by, or perceive
themselves to be affected by a decision or activity.
Stakeholders include business or the community. Note, a decision maker
can be a stakeholder. Stakeholders who are direct or potential service
recipients are referred to as clients.
standards of
Standards contained within codes of conduct which must be complied with
by public service employees.
State Budget
Published annually, the State Budget is an outline of the government’s
priorities and plans for the coming year, expressed in terms of financial and
non-financial performance information. The State Budget papers consist
of: the Treasurer’s Budget Speech; Budget Strategy and Outlook; Capital
Statement; Budget Measures; Service Delivery Statements; and Regional
Budget Statements.
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State Budget
Agencies prepare submissions to the Cabinet Budget Review Committee
(CBRC) each year highlighting how they plan to apply their budget, and,
where necessary, seeking CBRC’s consideration of changes to their budget
allocation to address new or emerging demands.
Numerical data that have been organised to serve a useful purpose.
statutory body
An entity established by legislation for a specific purpose, which can operate
either inside or outside the general government sector.
As defined in the Financial Accountability Act 2009 (section 9), a statutory
strategic plan
is established under an act (that is, its enabling legislation)
includes, or its governing body includes, at least one member who is
appointed under an act by the Governor in Council, or a Minister, or
whose appointment is confirmed by the Governor in Council or a
has control of its funds (that is, can make decisions about how funds are
A concise document used by an agency to describe its vision, purpose,
objectives and performance indicators. The agency business direction
must align with the whole of government direction.
Each accountable officer and statutory body must develop a strategic
plan for the agency to cover a period of at least four years (Financial and
Performance Management Standard 2009, section 9).
The way in which the government or an agency intends to pursue its
objectives and deliver its services.
Strategies included in an agency’s strategic plan would generally be longer
term ‘strategic’ strategies that are pursued over a number of years.
Strategies included in an agency’s operational plan(s) would generally be
shorter term ‘operational’ strategies that are pursued over a year or less
(see also whole of government strategies)
Specific, achievable, realistic and time bound measurements for
(see also government targets)
Treasury Analyst
Officer within the business branches in Queensland Treasury and Trade with
responsibilities including briefing the Treasurer on an agency’s Cabinet and
CBRC submissions to inform an assessment of value for money and
ensure that they reflect sound fiscal management.
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The benefits received by clients, stakeholders, the community, or the
agency from services. Value is determined by the perception of the
usefulness and importance of the benefits. Where public services are
valued they will influence trust and confidence in those services.
Value for clients – direct recipients of public services will value services
if they receive a benefit.
Value for stakeholders – everyone, including clients (citizens,
businesses, Ministers, service delivery agencies) will value public
services if they perceive that they receive a benefit from an action,
service or policy of government.
Value for the community – some services may not benefit individuals
but the community more broadly.
Value for the agency – improvements, whether undertaken through
formal projects or through continuous improvements, which are carried
out by an agency to increase its capability to deliver benefits, creating
value for the agency.
These terms are used in the Value Chain for the Queensland Public
Value Chain for the
Queensland Public
Sector (Value Chain)
Shows how the public sector responds to the expectations and opinions of
people in Queensland. It depicts a set of relationships that show how the
external drivers influence the whole of government direction and agency
business direction to ensure services are delivered which create value for
clients, stakeholders and the community, and as a result, influencing trust
and confidence in those services.
value for money
A measure used for comparing alternatives based on the relationship
between value and total cost. 5
vision (of the agency)
whole of government
Indicates what the agency aspires to be by reflecting on how it wishes to be
perceived by its clients, stakeholders and the community. This statement
takes into account the current status of the agency and outlines its future
The government’s objectives for the community, whole of
government priorities and whole of government strategies to
address current and future challenges for the government.
The agency business direction must align with the whole of government
This is a term used in the Value Chain for the Queensland Public Sector.
whole of government
Focus areas that support the whole of government direction. The whole of
government priorities are informed by the external drivers.
This is a term used in the Value Chain for the Queensland Public Sector.
whole of government
Strategies which describe the way the government intends to achieve its
objectives for the community and whole of government priorities.
This is a term used in the Value Chain for the Queensland Public Sector.
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End notes – Specific definitions under the State Purchasing Policy
The definition of the term “accountable officer” has been expanded under the State Purchasing Policy. See p12
2 The
definition of the term “agency” has been expanded under the State Purchasing Policy. See p12
3 The
definition of the term “customer” has a specific meaning under the Short Form Conditions of Contract.
4 The definition of the term “information” has a specific meaning for the purpose of the Government Information Technology Contracting Framework Version 5.02 – Part 1 Contract Authority Provisions. See p9
5 The
definition of the term “value for money” has a specific meaning for the purpose of the State Procurement Policy. See p29
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