Short CV - Iván F. Rodil, PhD

Iván Franco Rodil, PhD (23/01/1977) Lugo, Spain /
phone: +358 504 489 140
Benthic Ecology Team. Tvärminne Zoological Station-University of Helsinki, 10900 Hanko-Finland
(co-appointed with Baltic Sea Centre-Stockholm University).
Keywords: marine ecology, sandy beaches, benthic environments, coastal ecosystems , invasive species,
macrofauna, estuaries, food webs, ecosystem function, anthropogenic impacts, climate change, Antarctic.
Academic formation
PhD (summa cum laude) with distinction1
MsC: “Biology of the organisms and
Graduate thesis3
Marine Science degree (BsC.)
Faculty of Marine Sciences. UVIGO2
Faculty of Marine Sciences. UVIGO
Faculty of Marine Sciences. UVIGO
Faculty of Marine Sciences. UVIGO
Biology degree (BsC.)
Faculty of Sciences. University of Navarra
Scientific and professional activity
University Researcher
Postdoc (FCT fellow – Portugal)
Postdoc (Ángeles Alvariño fellow-Spain)
Postdoctoral fellow
Postdoctoral fellow
University of Helsinki & Stockholm
CIIMAR4 (University of Porto)
Languages (C =normal, B = O.K., A = Fluent)
Reviewer international scientific journals: Ecology and Evolution (1); Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf
Science (6); Estuaries and Coasts (1); Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology (2);
Journal of Sea Research (5); Marine Biology Research (1); Marine Environmental Research (2);
Marine Ecology (2); Marine Ecology Progress Series (1); Scientia Marina (1); Oecologia (1); Oikos
Publications/ Scientific documents included in the SCI (students are underlined)
Rodil, I.F., Long, Z., Feagley, S.R., Rodriguez, A.B., Peterson, C.H. Benthic community recovery
after filling of a hurricane-induced inlet on a coastal barrier – rapid on the high-energy sandy
beach but slow on the quiescent sound shore (in prep).
Galvão, D., Rodil, I.F., Arenas, F. Acidification and warming effects on a rockpool community: an
experimental approach to understand stressor interactions (in prep).
Sampaio, E., Vaz-Pinto, F., Fernández, A., Arenas, F., Rodil, I.F. Ocean acidification and warming
mediate the strength of macroalgal-herbivore interactions in experimental mesocosms (in
“The Ecology of Macrofauna in Sandy Intertidal Habitats”
University of Vigo (Vigo, Spain)
“Ecology of macroinfauna in exposed sandy beaches from Cantabria and País Vasco (Spain)”.
Interdisciplanary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (Porto, Portugal)
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (Hamilton, New Zealand)
Iván Franco Rodil, PhD (23/01/1977) Lugo, Spain /
phone: +358 504 489 140
Lohrer, A.M., Townsend, M., Hailes, S., Rodil, I.F., Cartner, K., Pratt, D., Hewitt, J. The role of little
neck clams on primary productivity in sandflat-seagrass ecotones (sent).
31. Rodil, I.F., Jaramillo, E., Acuña, E., Manzano, M., Velasquez, C. 2016. Long-term responses of
sandy beach crustaceans to the effects of coastal armouring after the 2010 Maule earthquake
in South Central Chile. Journal of Sea Research. 108: 10-18.
30. Rodil, I.F., Fernandes, J.P., Mucha, A.P. 2015. Disentangling the effects of solar radiation, wrack
macroalgae and beach macrofauna on associated bacterial assemblages. Marine
Environmental Research 112: 104-112.
29. Pratt, D.R., Lohrer, A.M., Thrush, S.F., Hewitt, J.E., Townsend, M., Cartner, K., Pilditch, C.A.,
Harris, R., van Colen, C., Rodil, I.F. 2015. Detecting subtle shifts in ecosystem functioning in
a dynamic estuarine environment. PLoS ONE. 10(7): e0133914.
28. Rodil, I.F., Olabarria, C., Lastra, M., Arenas, F. 2015. Combined effects of wrack identity and
solar radiation on associated beach macrofaunal assemblages - DOI: 10.3354/meps11304.
Marine Ecology-Progress Series 531: 167-178.
27. Rodil, I.F., Jaramillo, E., Hubbard, D.M., Dugan, J.E., Melnick, D., Velasquez, C. 2015.
Responses of dune plant communities to continental uplift from a major earthquake: sudden
releases from coastal squeeze. PLoS ONE.
26. Rodil, I.F., Lucena-Moya, P., Olabarria, C., Arenas, F. 2015. Alteration of Macroalgal Subsidies
by Climate-Associated Stressors Affects Behaviour of Wrack-Reliant Beach Consumers.
Ecosystems. 18: 428-440. DOI: 10.1007/s10021-014-9836-7
25. Townsend, M., Lohrer A.M., Rodil, I.F. Chiaroni, L.D. 2015. The targeting of large-sized benthic
macrofauna by an invasive portunid predator: evidence from a caging study. Biological
Invasions. 17(1): 231-244.
24. Rodil, I.F., Compton, T.J., Lastra, M., 2014. Geographic variation in sandy beach macrofauna
community: the role of functional groups. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 150: 102-110.
23. Sampaio, E., Rodil, I.F. 2014. Relationships between the invasive clam Corbicula fluminea
(Müller, 1774) and a representative macrobenthic community from two estuaries at different
stages of invasion. Limnetica. 33 (2): 249-262.
22. Thrush, S.F., Hewitt, J., Parkes, S., Lohrer, D., Pilditch, C., Woodin, S.A., Wethey, D.S.,
Chiantore, M., Asnaghi, V., De Juan, S., Kraan, C. Rodil, I.F, Savage, C., Van Colen, C.
2014. Experimenting with ecosystem interaction networks in search of threshold potentials in
real world marine ecosystems. Ecology. 95(6):1 451–1457.
21. Lastra M., Rodil, I.F, Sánchez-Mata, A., García-Gallego, M., Mora J. 2014. Fate and processing
of macroalgal wrack subsidies in beaches of Deception Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of
Sea Research. 88: 1-10.
20. Rodil, I.F., Lohrer, A.M., Thrush, S.F. 2013. Sensitivity of heterogeneous marine benthic habitats
to subtle stressors. PLoS ONE 8(11): e81646. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0081646
19. Rodil, I.F., Lohrer, A.M., Hewitt, J.E., Townsend, M., Thrush, S.F., Carbines, M. 2013. Tracking
environmental stress using three biotic integrity indices: advantages of a locally-developed
trait-based approach. Ecological Indicators. 34: 560-570.
18. Lohrer, A.M., Rodil, I.F., Townsend, M.T., Chiaroni, L.D., Hewitt, J.E., Thrush, S.F. 2013.
Biogenic habitat transitions influence facilitation in marine ecosystems. Ecology. 94(1): 136145.
17. Lohrer, A.M., Townsend, M.T., Rodil, I.F., Hewitt, J.E., Thrush, S.F. 2012. Detecting shifts in
ecosystem functioning associated with increased pollution stress on sandflats. Marine
Pollution Bulletin. 64(12): 2761-2769
Iván Franco Rodil, PhD (23/01/1977) Lugo, Spain /
phone: +358 504 489 140
16. Rodil, I.F., Compton, T.J., Lastra, M. 2012. Exploring macroinvertebrate species distributions at
regional and local scales across a sandy beach geographic continuum. PLoS ONE 7(6):
e39609. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039609
15. Rodil, I.F., Lohrer, A.M., Chiaroni, L.D., Hewitt, J.E., Thrush, S.F. 2011. Disturbance of
sandflats by thin deposits of terrigenous sediment: consequences for primary production and
nutrient cycling. Ecological Applications. 21(2): 416–426
14. Page, H.M, Lastra, M., Rodil, I.F., Iglesias-Briones, M.J.; Garrido, J. 2010. Effects of the nonindigenous grass Spartina patens, on habitat and the incorporation of organic matter into
detritivore and herbivore pathways. Biological Invasions. 12:3825-3838
13. Lohrer, A.M., Halliday, N.J., Thrush, S.F., Hewitt, J.E., Rodil, I.F. 2010. Ecosystem functioning
in a disturbance-recovery context: contribution of macrofauna to primary production and
nutrient release on intertidal sandflats. J. of Exp. Marine Biology and Ecology 390:6-13.
12. Rodil, I.F., Lastra, M., López, J. 2009. Spatial variability and vertical distribution of benthic
macrofauna assemblages in relation to sediment type and food availability: the case of Ría de
Vigo (NW Spain). Marine Biology Research 5(6) 572-584.
11. Olabarria, C., Incera, M., Garrido, J., Rodil, I.F., Rossi, F. 2009. Intraspecific diet shift in T.
saltator inhabiting exposed sandy beaches. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 84 (2): 282288.
10. Olabarria, C., Rodil, I.F., Incera, M., Troncoso, J.S. 2009. Limited impact of Sargassum muticum
on native algal assemblages from rocky intertidal shores. Marine Environmental Research.
9. Olabarria, C., Rossi, F., Rodil, I.F., Troncoso, J.S., and Quintas, P. 2009. Use of hierarchical
designs to detect scales of heterogeneity in invasive species and establish invasion risk.
Scientia marina 73(3): 507-514.
8. Rodil, I.F., Olabarria, C., Lastra, M. and López, J. 2008. Differential effects of native and invasive
algal wrack on macrofaunal assemblages inhabiting exposed sandy beaches. Journal of
Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 358: 1-13.
7. Rodil, I.F., Cividanes, S., Lastra, M. and López, J. 2008. Seasonal variability in the vertical
distribution of benthic macrofauna and sedimentary organic matter in an estuarine beach (NW
Spain). Estuaries and Coasts 31(2): 382-395.
6. Lastra, M, Page, M., Dugan, J., Hubbard, D., and Rodil, I.F. 2008. Processing of allochthonous
macrophyte subsidies by sandy beach consumers: estimates of feeding rates and impacts on
food resources. Marine Biology. 154: 163-174.
5. Dugan, J.; Hubbard, D., Rodil, I.F., Revell, D. and Schroeter, S. 2008 Ecological effects of coastal
armouring on sandy beaches. Marine Ecology. 29(1): 1-11.
4. Rodil, I.F., Lastra, M. and López, J. 2007 Macroinfauna community structure and biochemical
composition of sedimentary organic matter along a gradient of wave exposure in sandy
beaches (NW Spain). Hydrobiologia 579: 301-316
3. Rodil, I.F., Lastra, M. and Sánchez-Mata, A.G. 2006 Community structure and intertidal zonation
of the macroinfauna in intermediate sandy beaches in temperate latitudes: north coast of
Spain. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science 67: 267-279
2. M. Lastra, R. de La Huz, A. G. Sánchez-Mata, I. F. Rodil, K. Aerts, S. Beloso, J. López. 2006
Ecology of exposed sandy beaches in northern Spain: environmental factors controlling
macrofauna communities. Journal of Sea Research. 55 (2): 128-140.
1. Rodil, I.F., and Lastra, M. 2004. Environmental factors affecting benthic macrofauna along a
gradient of intermediate sandy beaches in northern Spain. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf
Science. 61: 37-44.
Books and book chapters
Vaz-Pinto, F., Rodil, I.F., Mineur, F., Olabarria, C., Arenas, F. 2014. Understanding Biological
Invasions by Seaweeds. In: Pereira, L., Patrício, J., Neto, J.M. (eds). Marine Algae -
Iván Franco Rodil, PhD (23/01/1977) Lugo, Spain /
phone: +358 504 489 140
Biodiversity, Taxonomy, Environmental Assessment and Biotechnology. CRC press. Taylor
& Francis Group. ISBN 9781466581678. 400 pp.
Other Publications and Reports
Arenas, F., Araujo, M.J., Sampaio, E., Calvaõ, D., Rodil, I.F., Franco, J. 2015. Warm & acid:
changes on species interactions in the new ocean. Keynote and Oral Papers, European Journal
of Phycology, 50:sup1, 22-120, DOI: 10.1080/09670262.2015.1069489
Lohrer, D.; Rodil, IF. 2011. Suitability of a New Functional Traits Index as a State of Environment
Indicator. Prepared by NIWA for Auckland Council. Auckland Council Technical Report
Van tome, J., Degraer, S., Willems, W., Dauvin, J.C., Denis, L., De la Huz, R., Janssen, G.M., Menn,
R., Rodil, I.F., Vincx, M. 2011. What is the structuring role of biotic interactions in
explaining distribution and zonation patterns on West European sandy beaches?. Sandy
beaches and coastal zone management – Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on
Sandy Beaches, October 2009, Rabat, Morocco. Travaux de l'Institut Scientifique, Rabat,
série générale, n°6, 141-142.
Rodil, I.F., Lastra, M., Pardo, I., Meulengracht A.O. 2005. Application of the WFD 2000/60/CE in
the Galicia-coast enviroment. Agreement for the coastal and transitional waters in the Atlantic
eco-region. Prepared by UVIGO for Augas de Galicia (Xunta de Galicia)
Congress contributions (*Speaker)
Arenas, F.*, Araujo, M.J., Sampaio, E., Calvaõ, D., Rodil, I., Franco, J. Warm & acid: changes on
species interactions in the new ocean. 6th European Phycological Congress. London, UK.
August 2015.
Lohrer A.M.* Townsend M., Hailes S., Cartner K., Pratt D., Rodil, I.F., Hewitt J. The role of little
neck clams (Austrovenus stutchburyi) on primary productivity in sandflat-seagrass ecotones
New Zealand Marine Science Society Conference. Auckland, New Zealand. July 2015.
Rodil, I.F.* Jaramillo, E, Hubbard, D., Dugan, J., Melnick, D, Velasquez, C. Interactive effects of
extreme events and coastal armouring on dune plant communities: the 2010 Maule earthquake
in central Chile. ASLO, Granada Spain. February 2015.
Rodil, I.F.*, Lucena-Moya, P., Olabarria, C., Arenas, F. Effects of global climate change factors on
macroalgae subsidies and consequent impacts on sandy beach consumers. ECSA54. Sesimbra,
Portugal. May 2014.
Rodil, I.F., Compton, T.J., Lastra, M. Exploring macroinvertebrate species distributions at regional
and local scales across a sand beach geographic continuum. Poster. VI International
Symposium on Sandy Beaches. Mpekweni, Eastern Cape, South Africa. June 2012.
Rodil, I.F.*, Lohrer, A.M., Townsend, M.T., Chiaroni, L.D., Thrush, S.F. Interactive effects of two
key species on soft-sediment ecosystem state and variability. New Zealand Marine Science
Society Conference. Stewart Island (NZ). July 2011.
Townsend, M.T.*, Lohrer, A.M., Rodil, I.F. Potential predatory impact of the invasive paddle crab,
Charybdis japonica, in Waitemata Harbour: implications for functional change. New Zealand
Marine Science Society Conference. Stewart Island (NZ). July 2011
Rodil, I.F.*, Lohrer, A.M., Townsend, M.T., Hewitt, J.E., Thrush, S.F. Detecting reductions in
ecosystem functioning along a heavy metal contaminant gradient: the decoupling of linked
processes. New Zealand Marine Science Society Conference. Wellington (NZ). July 2010.
Rodil, I.F., Lastra, M., Castro, D. Mora, J. Dietary preferences of two shallow subtidal amphipods
from South Shetland Islands. Poster. The 2010 Annual Antarctic New Zealand Conference.
Christchurch (NZ). July 2010.
Van Tomme, J.*, Degraer, S., Dauvin, J.C., de la Huz, C., Janssen, G., Menn, I., Rodil, I.F., Vincx,
M. What is the structuring role of biotic interactions in explaining distribution and zonation
patterns on West European sandy beaches? V International Symposium on Sandy Beaches.
Rabat. Morocco, October 2009.
Iván Franco Rodil, PhD (23/01/1977) Lugo, Spain /
phone: +358 504 489 140
Lohrer, A.M.*, Rodil, I.F., Chiaroni, L., Hewitt, J.E. Changes in ecosystem functioning on sandflats
disturbed by thin deposits of terrigenous sediment. New Zealand Marine Sciences Society
Conference. Auckland (NZ).. September 2009.
Olabarria, C., Incera, M., Rossi, F., Rodil, I.F., Garrido, J. Intraspecific diet shift in Talitrus saltator
inhabiting exposed sandy beaches. Poster. II International Symposium in Marine Sciences.
Vigo (Spain). April 2009.
Rodil, I.F.*, Olabarria, C., Lastra, M., López, J. Impact of native and invasive algal wrack on
macrofaunal assemblages in sandy beaches.World Conference on Marine Biodiversity.
Valencia, Spain. November 2008.
Rodil, I.F., Cividanes, S., López, J. Lastra, M. Spatial and temporal patterns of the biochemical
composition of sedimentary organic matter in an estuarine beach from temperate latitudes
(NW Spain). Poster. IV International Sandy Beach Ecology Congress.Vigo. October 2006.
Rodil, I.F., Lastra, M., López, J. Beloso, S. Spatial and temporal patterns of macroinfauna community
in a temperate estuarine beach from NW coast of Spain: a two dimensional view. Poster. IV
International Sandy Beaches Ecology Congress. Vigo. Spain. October 2006
Olabarria, C., Quintas, P., Rodil, I.F. Troncoso, J.S. Documenting invasion of Sargassum muticum
(Yendo) Fensholt across different spatial scales. Poster. XIV Simposio Ibérico de Estudios de
Biología Marina. Barcelona. Spain September 2006.
Research Stages
Centre: Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia
Locality: Valdivia
Country: Chile
Date: 2013/2015 Timeframe: 2/2 weeks
Subject: "Coastal legacies of the Maule earthquake in Chile: ecological research needs and
opportunities in the wake of large natural disturbances" (FONDECYT 1121043). Key6: I
Centre: National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research. NIWA
Locality: Hamilton
Country: New Zealand
Date: 2009-2012 Timeframe: 37 months
Subject: Coasts and Oceans: Estuarine health. “Consequences of terrigenous sediment deposition in
estuarine ecosystem functioning”. Key: P
Centre: Base field camp “Gabriel de Castilla” (Spain) - South Shetland Islands.
Locality: Deception Island
Country: Antartic Date: 2010
Timeframe: 4 weeks
Subject: Effects of climate change on the macrofauna ecology from soft intertidal in Livingston and
Deception Islands, South Shetlands, Antarctic. Key: P
Centre: Base field camp “Julio Escudero” (Chile) - South Shetland Islands.
Locality: King George Island
Country: Antartic Date: 2009
Timeframe: 5 weeks
Subject: Effects of climate change on the macrofauna ecology from soft intertidal in Livingston and
Deception Islands, South Shetlands, Antarctic. Key: P
Center: Institute of Marine Sciences - University of Chapel Hill
Locality: Morehead city, NC
Country: USA
Date: 2007
Timeframe 3 months
Subject: “Recovery and restoration of ecological communities on the “Izzy’s Inlet” plug on Hatteras
Island”. (Grant holder from Fundación Caixa Galicia). Key: O-PhD short term stage
Centre: Marine Coastal Institute – University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB)
Locality: Santa Barbara CA
Country: USA
Date: 2006
Timeframe 3 months
Subject: “Ecological effects of coastal armoring on sandy beaches in Southern California”“Processing
of allochthonous macrophyte subsidies by sandy beach consumers: estimates of feeding rates and
impacts on food resources” (Grant holder from the University of Vigo).Key: O-PhD short term stage
Centre: Pontificia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (Brasil). Museu de Ciencias Naturais.
Locality: Belo Horizonte
Country: Brazil
Date: 2001
Timeframe: 3 months
Subject: Working time in Paleonthology and Zoology departments in the Natural Sciences Museum.
KEY : D = PhD, P = postdoc, I = invited, E = employee, O = others
Iván Franco Rodil, PhD (23/01/1977) Lugo, Spain /
phone: +358 504 489 140
Key: O; Intercampus grant holder (Ministry of Science and Education. Spanish Government).
Centre: Syddansk Universitet-University of Southern Denmark
Locality: Odense
Country: Denmark Date: 1999
Timeframe 10 months
Subject: Biology degree (last year). Ecotoxicology project (“The effect of calcium ion concentration
and salinity on cadmium accumulation in a freshwater amphipod Gammarus pulex L.”)
Key: O; Erasmus grant holder (Ministry of Science and Education. Spanish Government).
Participation in public I+D (Investigation and Development) projects
"Coastal legacies of the Maule earthquake in Chile: ecological research needs and opportunities
in the wake of large natural disturbances" Founds: FONDECYT 1121043. P.I. Dr. Eduardo
Jaramillo (Universidad Austral de Chile). International research guest.
"CleF: The combined impacts of invasion and climate change on coastal ecosystem functioning"
Founds: FCT 01/01/2010 (36 months) P.I.: Dr. Francisco Arenas (CIIMAR-Portugal).
“Effects of wrack macroalgae on the sandy beaches ecology and metabolism in the Galician
coast” Founds: Xunta de Galicia 2010 to 2013 P.I. Dr. Mariano Lastra Valdor. (UVIGO. Spain).
“Factors affecting distribution and expansion of Sargassum muticum in Galicia.” Founds: Xunta
de Galicia 2007 to 2010 P.I. Dr. Mónica Incera Filgueira
“Invasion of the algae Sargassum muticum in Galicia: scope and factors affecting its expansion
(SDARGAL).” Founds: Ministry of Education and Science-Spain. 2007 to 2010 P.I. Dr. Mónica
Incera Filgueira (CETMAR, Spain).
“Effects of the invasive algae Sargassum muticum in the structure and composition of the
autochthonous communities in two intertidal ecosystems”. Founds: Ministry of Education and
Science-Spanish Government. CGL2005-02269/BOS. 31/12/05 - 31/12/08 P.I. Dr. Celia
Olabarria Uzquiano (UVIGO. Spain).
“Use of Carbon and Nitrogen isotopes (13C y 15N) to study trophic habits in benthic organisms
associated to Sargassum muticum y Saccorhiza polyschides wrack in sandy beaches”.
Founds: Ministry of Education and Science. Complementary action (Spain). 2007 to 2008 P.I. Dr.
Celia Olabarria Uzquiano (UVIGO. Spain).
“Common Implementation Strategy of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/CE in the
North Atlantic Eco-region. Coast of Galicia. Spain”. Founds: Xunta de Galicia. Augas de
Galicia –Galician Government Participants: Universidad de Vigo. October 2004-August 2005 P.I.
Dr. Isabel Pardo Gamundi (UVIGO. Spain).
Member of Academic Juris
1. MsC. Examination of Noemí Costas Ríos, Date, University of Vigo (Spain). Title: “Caracterización
ecolóxica dun río con Salmón atlántico situado no seu límite sur de distribución europea. O caso do
río Tea.”
2. PhD. Examination of María Teresa Ruíz-Delgado, 21 January 2014, University of Cádiz (Spain).
Title: The ecological role of wrack debris for macroinvertebrate assemblages on Atlantic sandy
beaches: spatial and temporal patterns
3. PhD. Examination of María José Reyes-Martínez, 22 January 2014, University of Sevilla (Spain).
Title: Estructura de las comunidades y zonación de la macrofauna en playas arenosas de Andalucía
Occidental. Efecto de la actividad humana sobre las comunidades intermareales
Invited seminars
1. The ecology of sandy shores: geographic variation in the beach macrofauna community. Location:
Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research. Porto (Portugal). June 2013.
2. Ecology of sandy beaches: species distribution through contrasting scales. Location: National
Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research. Hamilton (New Zealand). July 2012.
3. Macrofaunal species distribution over a large sandy beach geographic continuum: a contrasting
scale-approach. Location: Environmental Hydraulics Institute. University of Cantabria. Santander
(Spain). July 2011.
Iván Franco Rodil, PhD (23/01/1977) Lugo, Spain /
phone: +358 504 489 140
4. Impact of algal wrack on macrofaunal assemblages in sandy beaches. Location: National Institute
of Water and Atmospheric Research, Hamilton (New Zealand). June 2009.
5. Marine water: oil spill contamination. Plenary Speaker. IV course: Galicia in the European
environmental context. Lugo (Spain). March 2002.
Prizes and awards received: including successful grant applications
*Grant holder Iacobus Program (research stage at the University of Vigo): 2015 (one month)
*Postdoctoral “FCT fellowship” (Portugal): 2013-2016
*Grant holder from Campus del Mar (UVIGO): Research stage in New Zealand 2012.
*Postdoctoral “Ángeles Alvariño fellowship” (Xunta de Galicia, Regional Government) 2010-2012
*Postdoctoral fellowship (Spanish Ministry of Education) 2010: declined.
*PhD (summa cum laude) with distinction: “The Ecology of Macrofauna in Sandy Intertidal Habitats”
*Grant holder from Fundación Caixa Galicia; research stage in North Carolina 2007.
*Grant holder from the University of Vigo: research stage in California 2006.
*PhD “María Barbeito fellowship” (Xunta de Galicia-Spain) 2005-2008.
*Intercampus grant holder (Ministry of Science and Education. Spanish Government). 2001.
*Erasmus grant holder (Ministry of Science and Education. Spanish Government). 1998
Specialization courses
-“Management, minimization and treatment of wastes” (30 h). Univ de Santiago de Compostela. 1999.
-“Formation in Environmental Management for small and medium companies”. (50 h). Regional
Ministry of Environment. NorControl, S.A. September-October 1999.
-“Introduction to the Biospeleology” 20 theoretical-practical hours in the 15th Biology journey
celebrated in Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais 24th to 29th September 2001. Belo
Horizonte - Brasil
-“Zoology and ecology of coastal ecosystems” 20 theoretical hours in the 15th Biology journey
celebrated in Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais 24th to 29th of September 2001.Belo
Horizonte – Brasil
-Certificate of Pedagogic Aptitude. 2002-2003. Complutense University of Madrid (Spain).
- Statistic with R: “Quick introduction for biologists”. 23-24th October. University of Vigo (Spain).
-“Quantitative Marine Ecology” 27/10 to 6/11/2008, University of Vigo. Lecturers: Profs. A. J.
Underwood and M. G. Chapman.
-Advanced Open Water Diver and Rescue Diver (PADI).
-First Aid. 25/02/11 Hamilton. New Zealand
-“Introductory statistics and programming with R for Biological Sciences” 16-20 July 2014. CIIMAR
Teaching experience
1. Marine Science degree. University of Vigo. Academic years 2005/07 (55 hours). General biology
and Marine Ecosystems.
2. International MsC in Marine Biodiversity & Conservation (EMBC) course “Monitoring
Biodiversity of Rocky Shores”. (30 hours). May 2013 and 2014.
3. Co-supervisor of three graduate students at CIIMAR. From 2013-nowadays.