Internship Completion Packet

University of Arizona
Department of Communication Internship Program
COMM 393/COMM 493
Internship Completion
Student Checklist
Host Organization Internship Final Evaluation
Student Internship Final Evaluation
Final Paper Guidelines
DUE DATE: See Completion Requirements tab on the internship website:
Checklist page 1 of 1
Use this checklist to stay on track with your internship. Make sure you have submitted all the required
documents by their due date.
Internship Application Requirements
Due Date: Prior to the beginning of the semester or summer session in which you wish to be registered, though
we will accept applications up until the add deadline.
Have you have submitted the following application documents?
_____ Internship application form (filled out)
_____ Unofficial transcript/academic history report
_____ Prospectus paper
_____ Resume
_____ Has your application been approved by Internship Director/Internship Coordinator?
_____ Have you been registered for the appropriate number of internship units (1, 2, or 3 units of COMM
393 or COMM 493) in the appropriate semester/summer term?
Internship Requirements
_____ Have you completed the required number of hours (1 unit = 45 hours; 2 units = 90 hours; 3 units =
135 hours)?
Have you submitted the following documents?
_____ Final paper (2-3 pages PER UNIT; see guidelines for detailed instructions)
_____ Host organization final evaluation (to be filled out by your supervisor)
_____ Student final evaluation (to be filled out by you)
DUE DATE: By the end of the semester or summer session in which you are registered; see the
“Completion Requirements” tab on the internship website for the exact date:
University of Arizona – Department of Communication Internship Contacts
Corey Pavlich - Internship Coordinator
Communication Building Room 110
PHONE: (520) 626-0750 FAX: (520) 621-5504
Kyle Tusing - Internship Director
Communication Building Room 201
PHONE: (520) 626-8771 FAX: (520) 621-5504
Mailing Address:
Department of Communication Internship Program
University of Arizona
1103 E. University Blvd.
COMM Bldg. #25
Tucson, AZ 85721-0025
It is each intern’s responsibility to stay on track with internship requirements and deadlines. Interns
who do not submit all internship documents by their due date will not receive credit for the internship.
Host Evaluation page 1 of 2
University of Arizona
Department of Communication Internship Program
HOST ORGANIZATION Internship Evaluation
This evaluation is to be completed by the internship supervisor when the intern’s hours are complete.
Internship supervisor:
Student intern:
Host Organization:
Phone Number:
Number of internship hours completed: ________
1. What is your rating of your intern’s effectiveness in their position?
almost always effective
sometimes effective
almost never effective
usually effective
rarely effective
not applicable
2. Rate the quality of the intern’s work on the internship.
above average
below average
3. Rate the punctuality of your intern on her/his work projects.
always on time
sometimes on time
almost never on time
usually on time
rarely on time
not applicable
4. The intern treated my coworkers and me with respect.
strongly agree
strongly disagree
5. Of the hours your intern has completed, what percent of the time spent has been valuable for your
90-100% almost all valuable
70-79% sometimes valuable
50-59% rarely valuable
80-89% usually valuable
60-69% seldom valuable
less than 50%
6. I believe the difficulty level the intern has experienced to date in this position is:
extremely difficult
about average
extremely easy
more difficult than I expected
less difficult than I expected
Host Evaluation page 2 of 2
7. My overall rating of this internship experience is:
one of the best
about average
one of the worst
better than average
worse than average
8. Briefly describe the intern’s work duties this semester.
9. What have been positive elements of your experience working with this intern?
10. What can this intern do in the future to strengthen her/his skills and be a bigger asset to an organization?
Supervisor’s Signature:
After completion, please give this evaluation to your intern in a sealed envelope or send it directly to one of
us. Thank your for your comments and supervision of the intern. If you have any questions or additional
feedback please contact one of us.
University of Arizona – Department of Communication Internship Contacts
Corey Pavlich - Internship Coordinator
Communication Building Room 110
PHONE: (520) 626-0750 FAX: (520) 621-5504
Kyle Tusing - Internship Director
Communication Building Room 201
PHONE: (520) 626-8771 FAX: (520) 621-5504
Mailing Address:
Department of Communication Internship Program
University of Arizona
1103 E. University Blvd.
COMM Bldg. #25
Tucson, AZ 85721-0025
Student Evaluation page 1 of 2
University of Arizona
Department of Communication Internship Program
STUDENT Internship Evaluation
This evaluation is to be completed by the student intern when your internship hours are complete.
Student intern:
Student ID Number:
Host Organization:
Phone Number:
Number of units attempting:
Number of internship hours completed:
1. Rate your supervisor(s) effectiveness in helping you in your internship.
almost always effective
sometimes effective
almost never effective
usually effective
rarely effective
not applicable
2. How much do you feel you learned in your internship?
an exceptional amount
about the same as a regular class
almost nothing
more than a regular class
less than a regular class
3. Rate the usefulness of your internship work projects.
almost always useful
sometimes useful
almost never useful
usually useful
rarely useful
4. I have been treated with respect by co-workers during my internship experience.
strongly agree
strongly disagree
5. Of the hours spent on your internship, what percent of your time was valuable in advancing your
understanding of communication?
90-100% almost all valuable
70-79% sometimes valuable
50-59% rarely valuable
80-89% usually valuable
60-69% seldom valuable
less than 50%
Student Evaluation page 2 of 2
6. The difficulty level of this internship experience is:
extremely difficult
about average
extremely easy
more difficult than I expected
less difficult than I expected
7. My overall rating of this internship experience is:
one of the best
about average
one of the worst
better than average
worse than average
8. Did your duties change over the second half of the internship? How?
9. What have been positive elements of your experience?
10. What elements of your experience do you believe could be improved?
11. Are there any complications (e.g. travel, health-related, etc.) that have made the internship difficult?
Student Signature:
Submit this evaluation to either:
Corey Pavlich - Internship Coordinator
Communication Building Room 110
PHONE: (520) 626-0750 FAX: (520) 621-5504
Kyle Tusing - Internship Director
Communication Building Room 201
PHONE: (520) 626-8771 FAX: (520) 621-5504
Mailing Address:
Department of Communication Internship Program
University of Arizona
1103 E. University Blvd.
COMM Bldg. #25
Tucson, AZ 85721-0025
Paper Guidelines page 1 of 1
University of Arizona
Department of Communication Internship Program
-2-3 pages PER UNIT (e.g., 6-9 pages for a 3-unit internship)
-Typed, double-spaced, 1-inch margins on all sides, 12-point font
- Cite your sources and include a bibliography.
-To write a clear, concise report of your internship experience.
-To connect your academic experience with your internship experience.
-To make conclusions about your internship and its effect on your personal, professional and academic
Address the following points
1. What objectives were you trying to achieve during your internship? Did you accomplish them?
2. What benefits did you gain from your internship?
3. What communication-related skills have you developed in your internship (e.g., organizational, public
speaking, writing, etc.)?
4. Provide examples of academic knowledge (ideas, concepts, theories, methods) you have been able to apply in
your internship experience.
5. What did you learn about the organizational structure of the organization in which you interned?
6. Did your internship help you solidify future career goals -or- did your internship help you learn that this
profession is not for you?
7. Did your internship experience differ from your expectations?
8. What advice would you give future interns about the internship experience? What advice would you give
interns for working at your internship organization?
Submit your paper to either:
Corey Pavlich - Internship Coordinator
Communication Building Room 110
PHONE: (520) 626-0750 FAX: (520) 621-5504
Kyle Tusing - Internship Director
Communication Building Room 201
PHONE: (520) 626-8771 FAX: (520) 621-5504
Mailing Address:
Department of Communication Internship Program
University of Arizona
1103 E. University Blvd.
COMM Bldg. #25
Tucson, AZ 85721-0025