American Academy of Clinical Toxicology

The American Academy of Clinical Toxicology
The American Academy of Clinical Toxicology (AACT), founded in 1968, is a not-for-profit multidisciplinary organization uniting scientists and clinicians in the advancement of research,
education, prevention and treatment of diseases caused by chemicals, drugs and toxins. The
AACT provides an academic home for members of all healthcare disciplines whose research,
clinical and academic experience focuses on clinical toxicology and encourages the development
of safe, effective therapies and technologies for the treatment of human and animal poisoning.
Today, the AACT is an international organization whose membership is comprised of clinical and
research toxicologists, physicians, veterinarians, nurses, pharmacists, analytical chemists,
industrial hygienists, poison information center specialists, and allied professionals.
One of the major activities of the AACT is the organization and co-sponsorship (with the
American Association of Poison Control Centers) of the annual North American Congress of
Clinical Toxicology. This scientific activity is the premier clinical toxicology meeting in North
America and includes the European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists
(EAPCCT), the American College of Medical Toxicology and the Canadian Association of Poison
Control Centres.
The AACT actively supports the efforts of other toxicology organizations worldwide and is a cosponsor of the International Scientific Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centres
and Clinical Toxicologists (EAPCCT). In addition, the AACT is an invited participant in the
scientific meetings of the Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and
Other AACT activities include providing research awards for young researchers and supporting a
training course in Advanced Hazardous Life Support. The journal Clinical Toxicology is the official
scientific journal of the AACT and the EAPCCT.
Further information about the AACT membership and activities, and the annual scientific meeting
can be found at the AACT website (