CV Output - Juan A. del Regato Foundation

Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Primary Appointment
Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, Division of Radiation Oncology,
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Gloria Lupton Tennison Distinguished Professorship in Lung Cancer, Department of Radiation
Oncology, Division of Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Program Director, Thoracic Radiation Oncology, Department of Radiation Oncology, Division of
Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Associate Medical Director, Thoracic Center, Department of Radiation Oncology, Division of
Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Dual/Joint/Adjunct Appointment
Adjunct Professor, School of Health Sciences, Houston, TX
United States
2369 Bolsover
Houston, TX 77005
Phone: (713) 524-1641
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Blvd.
Unit Number: Unit 97
Houston, TX 77030
Room Number: B2.4551
Phone: (713) 563-2300
Fax: (713) 563-2331
Degree-Granting Education
Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan, BS, 1965
Hiroshima University School of Medicine, Hiroshima, Japan, MD, 1969, Medicine
Postgraduate Training
Internal Medicine, Radiation Effects Research Foundation, Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission,
Hiroshima, Japan, 1/1969−1/1970
Extern, St. Mary's Hospital, Milwaukee, WI, 1/1971−1/1972
Clinical Internship, St. Mary's Hospital, Milwaukee, WI, 1/1972−1/1973
Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Clinical Fellowship, VA Hospital, Hematology/Oncology Department, Milwaukee, WI,
Clinical Residency, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee County General Hospital,
Milwaukee, WI, 1/1974−1/1977
Clinical Fellowship, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 1/1977−1/1978
Board Certification
American Board of Radiology (Therapeutic Radiology), 1/1977−1/2001
Japan, Japan, 1/1969−present
WI, 20295, 1/1973−present
NY, 164402, 1/1985−present
TX, J0976, 1/1992−present
Academic Appointments
Assistant Professor, unknown, unknown, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI,
Associate Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, Division of Radiation Oncology, The
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 1/1983−1/1985
Associate Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, Division of Radiation Oncology,
Columbia Presbyterian University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY,
Associate Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, Division of Radiation Oncology,
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 1/1988−1/1994
Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, Division of Radiation Oncology,
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 1/1994−present
Administrative Appointments/Responsibilities
Course Director, Radiation Oncology, Summer Student Program, unknown, unknown, Medical
College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 1/1979−1/1985
Member, Milwaukee Regional Cancer Center, unknown, unknown, Medical College of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee, WI, 1/1985
Director, Department of Radiation Oncology Elective Students Program, Department of Radiation
Oncology, Division of Radiation Oncology, Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, New York,
NY, 1/1985−1/1988
Clinical Director, Department of Radiation Oncology, Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, New
York, NY, 1/1985−1/1988
Director, Clinical Research Program, Department of Radiation Oncology, Division of Radiation
Oncology, Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, New York, NY, 1/1986−1/1988
Section Chief, Thoracic, Department of Radiation Oncology, Division of Radiation Oncology,
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 1/1997−1/2003
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Director, RTOG Protocol Studies, Department of Radiation Oncology, Division of Radiation
Oncology, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 1/1997−present
Associate Medical Director, Thoracic Center, Department of Radiation Oncology, Division of
Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX,
Program Director, Thoracic Radiation Oncology, Department of Radiation Oncology, Division of
Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX,
Other Appointments/Responsibilities
Specialist Site Visitor, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), Chicago,
IL, 1/1988−1/1996
Visiting Professor, Kitasato University, Kanagawa, Japan, 5/2007−present
Adjunct Professor, School of Health Sciences, Houston, TX, 9/2008−8/2009
Endowed Positions
Gloria Lupton Tennison Distinguished Professorship in Lung Cancer, The University of Texas
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 1/1998−present
Military or Other Governmental Service
Institutional Committee Activities
Radioisotope and Radioactive Drug Research Committee, Member, 1/1981−1/1985
Mycosis Fungoides Committee, Member, 1/1983−1/1985
Columbia University Comprehensive Cancer Center Committee, Member, 1/1985−1/1988
Breast Cancer Committee, Member, 1/1985−1/1988
Surgical Case Review Committee, Member, 1/1985−1/1988
Institutional Review Board, Departmental Representative, 1/1986−1/1988
Steering Committee, Radiotherapy Physician Extenders Group, Member, 1/1992
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, Member, 1/1992−1/1994
Radiotherapy Patient Education Committee, Member, 1/1992−1/1994
Advisory Committee of Dosimetry Training Program, Member, 1/1992−1/1994
Committee to Evaluate the Status of Minority and Women Faculty, Faculty Administrators and
Administrative Staff appointed by the President Utilization and Case Management Committee,
Member, 1/1994−1/1997
Dosimetry Advisory Committee, Member, 1/1996−present
Clinical Research Committee, Member, 1/1997−1/2000
Cancer Metastasis Research Center (CMRC), Internal Scientific Advisory Committee, Member,
Search Committee: Division Head, Cancer Medicine and Chairman, Pulmonary Medicine,
Member, 1/2000
CME Advisory Committee, Member, 1/2001−present
Endowed Positions and Awards Committee, Member, 1/2002−1/2003
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Endowed Positions and Awards Committee, Member, 1/2003−1/2006
PET-CT Steering Committee, Member, 1/2003−present
Internal Proton Executive Committee, Member, 1/2003−present
Chair Search for Thoracic Head/Neck and Medical Oncology in the Division of Cancer Medicine
Committee, Committee Member, 1/2005
Fellow of ACR, American College of Radiology, 1989
ACS Traveling Oncology Consultant, ACS, 1993
Honorary member of General Thoracic Surgical Club, General Thoracic Surgical Club, 1993
Best Doctors in America, U.S. News and World Report, 1994
Best Doctors in America, U.S. News and World Report, 1995
Professional Leadership Award, AAWR Research and Education Foundation, 1997
Best Doctors in Houston, Houston Today, 1998
Gloria Lupton Tennison Professorship in Lung Cancer Research, 1998
Top 318 Cancer Doctors for Women, Good Housekeeping, 1999
America’s Top Doctors, Nation’s Leading Medical Specialists, Castle Connolly Guide, 2001
Best Doctors in Houston, Houstonian, 2002
Best Women Doctors, Inside Houston, 2002
Best Doctors in America, 2003
Fellowship, Foundation for Promotion of Cancer Research (FPCR), 2003
America’s Top Doctors, Nation’s Leading Medical Specialists, Castle Connolly Guide, 2004
Distinguished Service Award, American Board of Radiology, 2004
AAWR Marie Sklodowska-Curie Award, 2005
Business Professional Women of Texas Award, 2005
Centenary of Discovery of Radium Medal, The Society in Tribute to Marie Sklodowska-Curie, 2005
America's Top Doctors, Nation's Leading Medical Specialists, Castles Connolly Guide, 2006
Award from The Society in Tribute to Marie Sklodowska-Curie in Warsaw, Poland, 2006
Fellow of ASTRO, American Society for Theraputic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO), 2006
Medical College of Wisconsin Alumni of the Year, 2006
America’ s Top Doctors, Nation’ s Leading Medical Specialists, Castles Connolly Guide, 2007
President of American Radium Society, 2007
America's Top Doctors In Radiation Oncology, Castle Connolly Guide, 2008−present
Houston's Top Doctors, H Texas Magazine, 2009
Grants and Contracts (past 5 years)
Principal Investigator, 5%, Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG), U10 CA21661,
NIH/NCI, 2/1/1979−12/31/2014, $48,600,000 ($180,000/year)
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Principal Investigator, 5%, A Phase I Study of Concurrent Carboplatin/Paclitaxel and
Celecoxib with Radiation Therapy for Patients with Unrestable NSCLC, CS2003-8789,
National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), 7/1/2003−7/31/2007, $100,000
Investigator, 1.2%, Full Member Application with SWOG, CA105409, NCI, PI - Lippman,
7/26/2004−12/31/2009, $740,720 ($162,000/year)
Project Co-Leader, 10%, DOD IMPACT: Imaging and Molecular Markers for Patients with
Lung Cancer, W81XWH0520027, U.S. Army (DOD), PI - Meyn, 2/1/2005−3/1/2009,
$1,374,937 ($330,350/year)
Co-PI, Identification and Mechanism of Radiation or Chemotherapy Resistant Lung Cancer
Stem Cells, P50 CA70907, NIH/NCI, PI - Joe Y. Chang, M.D., 3/2008−2/2009, $25,000
Consultant, Adenocarcinoma of the Lung: Role of NNK Susceptibility, CA055769, NIH, PI Spitz, 5/1/2005−4/30/2009, $1,954,224 ($651,408/year)
Investigator, Reducing the Symptom Burden Produced by Aggressive Cancer Therapies,
CA026582-26A1, NIH/NCI, 2008
Principal Investigator, A Randomized Phase III Study of Chemotherapy with Etoposide and
Cisplatin with or without Amifostine Plus Radiation Therapy for Patients with Favorable Status
Inoperable Stage II-IIIA/B Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) (ID 98-215), CS99-059,
Alza Corporation, 11/10/1998−5/31/2005, $33,900 ($33,900/year)
Co-Investigator, 10%, DHHS – NIH/NCI, Restoration of Apoptosis in Cancer; Project 1 –
Induction of Radiation Sensitivity and Apoptosis in Human Cancer Cells by Restoration of
Wildtype p53 Expression, P01 CA78778, NCI, PI - Roth, 7/23/1999−4/30/2006, $1,063,390
Principal Investigator, 5%, DHHS – NCI – STTR (fem.CADeT) Development of Poly-LGlutamic Acid-Paclitaxel, R42-CA80589, NCI, 6/1/2002−5/31/2006, $257,123 ($85,707/year)
Not Funded
Principal Investigator, Phase Ii Study Of A Twice Daily Fractionation Schedule With External
Irradiation And Intracavitary Brachytherapy In Bulky Stage Ib, II, III Or Stage Iva Carcinoma
Of The Cervix, RTOG 88-05, 1989−2002, RTOG
Principal Investigator, Phase II Study Of Combined Modality Treatment For Resectable NonSmall Cell Superior Sulcus Tumors (Sst), ID92-038, 1993, ID92-038
Principal Investigator, Phase II Trial Of Combined Chemoradiation Therapy For Patients With
Locally Advanced Inoperable Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, ID94-007, 1994−2004, ID94-007
Principal Investigator, A Three-Arm Phase III Study Of Concomitant Versus Sequential,
RTOG94-10, 1994, RTOG
Principal Investigator, Phase III Conventional Therapy With Or Without Recombinant BInterferon For Patients With Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, RTOG93-04,
1995−2003, RTOG
Principal Investigator, Non-Operative Therapy Of Local-Regional Carcinoma Of The
Esophagus: A Randomized Phase Ii Study Of Two Paclitaxel-Based Chemoradiotherapy
Regimens, RTOG 0113, 2002−2005, RTOG
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Principal Investigator, Phase I Study of CT-2103 and Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced,
Unresectable Non-small Cell Lung Cancer, ID03-014, 2003−2005, ID03-014
Principal Investigator, A Phase II Study of Accelerated High Dose Thoracic Irradiation With
Concurrent Chemotherapy For Patients With Limited Small Cell Lung Cancer, RTOG 0239,
2003−2008, RTOG
Principal Investigator, A Phase I Study of Concurrent CPT-11/Cisplatin and Celecoxib with
Radiation Therapy for Patients with Unresectable Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC),
2003-0352, 2003−present, 2003-0352
Co-Principal Investigator, Fluorodeoxyglucose Uptake by Positron Emission Tomography,
RCR03-0531, PI - Isis Gayed, 2003−present, RCR03-0531
Principal Investigator, A Phase II Study of Centuximab (C225) in Combination with
Chemoradiation in Patients wit Stage IIA/B Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC), 0324,
2004−2007, RTOG
Principal Investigator, A Phase I/II Study of TARCEVA (erlotinib) in Combination with
Chemoradiation in Patients with Stage IIIA/B Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC), 20051023, 2006−present, ID2005-1023
Study Chairman, Effect of radiation therapy on myocardial perfusion in patients with lung
cancer, RCR06-0531, PI - Isis Gayed, 2006−present, RCR06-0531
Principal Investigator, Positron Emission Tomography Pre- and Post-Treatment Assessment
for Locally Advanced Nonsmall Cell Lung Carcinoma, RTOG 0235, 2006−present, RTOG
Co-Principal Investigator, A Phase II Study to Determine the Efficacy of Tarceva (Erlotinib
Hydrochloride) with Concurrent Whole Brain Radiation Therapy in Patients with Brain
Metastases from Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, 2008-0710, 2007−present, OSI
Co-Principal Investigator, A Randomized Phase III Comparsion of Standard-Dose (60Gy)
Versus High Dose (74Gy) Conformal radiotherapy with Concurrent and Consolidation
Carboplatin/Paclitaxel in Patients with STage III/IIIB Non-Cell Lung Cancer, RTOG 0617,
2007−present, RTOG
Principal Investigator, Phase III Comparison of Thoracic Radiotherapy Regimens in Patients
with Limited Small Cell Cancer also Receiving Cisplatin and Etoposide, CALGB
30610/RTOG0538, 2007−present, CALGB/RTOG
Co-Principal Investigator, Image-Guided Adaptive Conformal Photon vs Proton Therapy, with
Concurrent Chemotherapy, for Locally Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma:
Pneumonitis and Locoregional Recurrence, 2008-0133, PI - Liao, 2008, P01 NCI Supported
Principal Investigator, Phase III Study Comparing Combination Chemotherapy And Radiation
Therapy With Preoperative Chemotherapy And Surgical Resection In Patients With NSCLC
Spread To Mediastinal Lymph Nodes (N2), RTOG 89-01, 1991−2002, RTOG
Principal Investigator, Randomized Phase Ii Study Of Chemotherapy/Radiation Therapy,
RTOG 92-04, 1992−2003, RTOG
Principal Investigator, Pulmonary Function Of Patients With Radiotherapy For Non-Small Cell
Lung Cancer, RTOG 91-03, 1993−2002, RTOG
Principal Investigator, A Phase I Study Of Continuous Infusion Low Dose Paclitaxel And
Concurrent Radiotherapy For Unresectable Esophageal Cancer, ID95-071, 1995−2001,
Principal Investigator, A Phase I/II Dose Escalation Study Using Three Dimensional
Conformal Radiation Therapy In Patients With Inoperable, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer,
RTOG 93-11, 1996−2001, RTOG
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Principal Investigator, Phase III Intergroup Randomized Comparison Of Combined Modality
Therapy For Carcinoma Of The Esophagus: High Dose Vs. Conventional Dose Radiation
Therapy, RTOG 94-05, 1997−2000, RTOG
Principal Investigator, Phase II Study Of Postoperative Adjuvant Therapy In Patients With
Completely Resected Stage II And Stage IIIa Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC), RTOG
97-05, 1998, RTOG
Principal Investigator, A Randomized Phase III Study With or Without Amifostine for Patients
with Favorable Performance Status Inoperable Stage II-IIIA/B Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer,
(NSCLC), ID98-215, 1998−2001, ID98-215
Principal Investigator, A Phase I Dose Escalation Study of Thoracic Irradiation with
Concurrent Chemotherapy for Patients with Limited Small Cell Lung Cancer, RTOG 97-12,
1998−2002, RTOG
Principal Investigator, Phase III Randomized Trial of Gadolinium Texaphyrin (PCI-0120)
Injection As A Radiation Sensitizer In Patients Receiving Whole Brain Radiation Therapy For
The Treatment of Brain Metastases, ID99-089, 1999−2002, ID99-089
Principal Investigator, A Phase III Randomized Study Of Amifostine Mucosal Protection For
Patients with Favorable Performance Inoperable Stage II-IIIA/B NSCLC Receiving Sequential
& Concurrent Hyperfractionated Radiotherapy with Paclitaxel & Carboplatin, RTOG 98-01,
2001−2002, RTOG
Principal Investigator, An Observational Follow-up Trial To Collect Survival Data On Patients
Enrolled In Clinical Study PCI-P120-9801, RO01-530, 2001−2002, RO01-530
Patents and Technology Licenses
Technology Licenses
Grant Reviewer/Service on Study Sections
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
1. Irisawa H, Noma A, Komaki R. Effect of calcium on the spontaneous activities of the oyxter
myocardium in sodium free solution. . Japan J Physiol 18:157-168, 1968.
2. Komaki S, Komaki R. Diagnosis of thoracic and lumbar disc disease by gas myelography. Wis
Med J 75(4):S29-32, 4/1976.
3. Eisert DR, Cox JD, Komaki R. Irradiation for bronchial carcinoma: reasons for failure. I. Analysis
of local control as a function of dose, time, and fractionation. Cancer 37(6):2665-70, 6/1976.
4. Komaki R, Cox JD, Eisert DR. Irradiation of bronchial carcinoma--II. Pattern of spread and
potential for prophylactic irradiation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2(5-6):441-6, 5/1977.
5. Komaki S, Komaki R, Choi H, Correa-Paz F. Radiation- and drug-induced intracranial neoplasm
with angiographic demonstration. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 17(1 Pt 1):55-62, 1977.
6. Cox JD, Byhardt RW, Wilson JF, Komaki R, Eisert DR, Greenberg M. Dose-time relationships
and the local control of small cell carcinoma of the lung. Radiology 128(1):205-7, 7/1978.
7. Komaki R, Donegan W, Manoli R, Yeh EL. Prognostic value of pretreatment bone scans in breast
carcinoma. AJR Am J Roentgenol 132(6):877-81, 6/1979.
8. Cox JD, Byhardt R, Komaki R, Wilson JF, Libnoch JA, Hansen R. Interaction of thoracic
irradiation and chemotherapy on local control and survival in small cell carcinoma of the lung.
Cancer Treat Rep 63(8):1251-5, 8/1979.
9. Komaki R, Wilson JF, Cox JD, Kline RW. Carcinoma of the pancreas: results of irradiation for
unresectable lesions. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 6(2):209-12, 2/1980.
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
10. Cox JD, Komaki R, Wilson JF, Greenberg M. Locally advanced adenocarcinoma of the
endometrium: results of irradiation with and without subsequent hysterectomy. Cancer 45(4):7159, 2/1980.
11. Cox JD, Komaki R, Byhardt RW, Kun LE. Results of whole-brain irradiation for metastases from
small cell carcinoma of the lung. Cancer Treat Rep 64(8-9):957-61, 8/1980.
12. Cox JD, Komaki R, Eierst DR. Irradiation for inoperable carcinoma of the lung and high
performance status. Jama 244(17):1931-3, 10/1980.
13. Cox JD, Byhardt RW, Komaki R, Greenberg M. Reduced fractionation and the potential of
hypoxic cell sensitizers in irradiation of malignant epithelial tumors. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys
6(1):37-40, 1980.
14. Byhardt RW, Libnoch JA, Cox JD, Holoye PY, Kun L, Komaki R, Clowry L. Local control of
intrathoracic disease with chemotherapy and role of prophylactic cranial irradiation in small-cell
carcinoma of the lung. Cancer 47(9):2239-46, 5/1981.
15. Cox JD, Komaki R, Kun LE, Wilson JF, Greenberg M. Stage III nodular lymphoreticular tumors
(non-Hodgkin's lymphoma): results of central lymphatic irradiation. Cancer 47(9):2247-52,
16. Komaki R, Cox JD, Whitson W. Risk of brain metastasis from small cell carcinoma of the lung
related to length of survival and prophylactic irradiation. Cancer Treat Rep 65(9-10):811-4,
17. Komaki R, Roh J, Cox JD, Lopes da Conceicao A. Superior sulcus tumors: results of irradiation of
36 patients. Cancer 48(7):1563-8, 10/1981.
18. Kun LE, Cox JD, Komaki R. Patterns of failure in treatment of stage I and II diffuse malignant
lymphoid tumors. Radiology 141(3):791-4, 12/1981.
19. Cox JD, Holoye PY, Byhardt RW, Libnoch JA, Komaki R, Hansen RM, Kun LE, Anderson T. The
role of thoracic and cranial irradiation for small cell carcinoma of the lung. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol
Phys 8(2):191-6, 2/1982.
20. Cox JD, Byhardt RW, Komaki R. The role of radiotherapy in squamous, large cell, and
adenocarcinoma of the lung. Semin Oncol 10(1):81-94, 3/1983.
21. Komaki R, Mattingly RF, Hoffman RG, Barber SW, Satre R, Greenberg M. Irradiation of paraaortic lymph node metastases from carcinoma of the cervix or endometrium. Preliminary results.
Radiology 147(1):245-8, 4/1983.
22. Cox JD, Komaki R, Byhardt RW. Is immediate chest radiotherapy obligatory for any or all patients
with limited-stage non-small cell carcinoma of the lung? Yes. Cancer Treat Rep 67(4):327-31,
23. Hansen RM, Komaki R, Hanson GA, Schlueter DP, Anderson T. Indolent diffuse histiocytic
lymphoma with sclerosis and chylous effusions. Cancer 51(11):2144-6, 6/1983.
24. Collier BD, Palmer DW, Wilson JF, Greenberg M, Komaki R, Cox JD, Lawson TL, Lawlor PM.
Internal mammary lymphoscintigraphy in patients with breast cancer. Correlation with computed
tomography and impact on radiation therapy planning. Radiology 147(3):845-8, 6/1983.
25. Komaki R, Cox JD, Holoye PY, Byhardt RW. Changes in the relative risk and sites of central
nervous system metastasis with effective combined chemotherapy and radiation therapy for small
cell carcinoma of the lung. Am J Clin Oncol 6(5):515-21, 10/1983.
26. Komaki R, Cox JD, Stark R. Frequency of brain metastasis in adenocarcinoma and large cell
carcinoma of the lung: correlation with survival. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 9(10):1467-70,
27. Komaki R, Cox JD, Hansen RM, Gunn WG, Greenberg M. Malignant lymphoma of the uterine
cervix. Cancer 54(8):1699-704, 10/1984.
28. Komaki R, Cox JD, Hartz A, Wilson JF, Greenberg M. Influence of preoperative irradiation on
failures of endometrial carcinoma with high risk of lymph node metastasis. Am J Clin Oncol
7(6):661-8, 12/1984.
29. Gillin MT, Kline RW, Komaki R, Greenberg M. Correlation of treatment volume with milligramhours for intracavitary applications for carcinoma of the cervix. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys
11(7):1407-12, 7/1985.
30. Komaki R, Cox JD, Hartz AJ, Byhardt RW, Perez-Tamayo C, Clowry L, Choi H, Wilson F, Lopes
da Conceicao A, Rangala N. Characteristics of long-term survivors after treatment for inoperable
carcinoma of the lung. Am J Clin Oncol 8(5):362-70, 10/1985.
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
31. Byhardt RW, Cox JD, Libnoch JA, Komaki R, Holoye PY, Anderson T. Multiagent chemotherapy,
prophylactic neuraxis irradiation, and consolidative irradiation for small cell carcinoma of the lung.
Am J Clin Oncol 8(6):504-11, 12/1985.
32. Komaki R, Byhardt RW, Anderson T, Libnoch JA, Cox JD, Hansen R, Holoye PY. What is the
lowest effective biologic dose for prophylactic cranial irradiation? Am J Clin Oncol 8(6):523-7,
33. Komaki R. Preoperative and postoperative irradiation for cancer of the lung. J Belge Radiol
68(3):195-8, 1985.
34. Komaki R. Prophylactic cranial irradiation for small cell carcinoma of the lung. . Cancer Treat
Symp 2:35-39, 1985.
35. Niroomand-Rad A, Gillin MT, Komaki R, Kline RW, Grimm DF. Dose distribution in total skin
electron beam irradiation using the six-field technique. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 12(3):415-9,
36. Cox JD, Byhardt RW, Wilson JF, Haas JS, Komaki R, Olson LE. Complications of radiation
therapy and factors in their prevention. World J Surg 10(2):171-88, 4/1986.
37. Salazar OM, Rubin P, Hendrickson FR, Komaki R, Poulter C, Newall J, Asbell SO, Mohiuddin M,
Van Ess J. Single-dose half-body irradiation for palliation of multiple bone metastases from solid
tumors. Final Radiation Therapy Oncology Group report. Cancer 58(1):29-36, 7/1986.
38. Komaki R, Cox JD, Hartz AJ, Wilson JF, Mattingly R. Prognostic significance of interval from
preoperative irradiation to hysterectomy for endometrial carcinoma. Cancer 58(4):873-9, 8/1986.
39. Cox JD, Barber-Derus S, Hartz AJ, Fischer M, Byhardt RW, Komaki R, Wilson JF, Greenberg M.
Is adenocarcinoma/large cell carcinoma the most radiocurable type of cancer of the lung? Int J
Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 12(10):1801-5, 10/1986.
40. Komaki R, Derus SB, Perez-Tamayo C, Byhardt RW, Hartz A, Cox JD. Brain metastasis in
patients with superior sulcus tumors. Cancer 59(9):1649-53, 5/1987.
41. Leibel SA, Pajak TF, Massullo V, Order SE, Komaki RU, Chang CH, Wasserman TH, Phillips TL,
Lipshutz J, Durbin LM. A comparison of misonidazole sensitized radiation therapy to radiation
therapy alone for the palliation of hepatic metastases: results of a Radiation Therapy Oncology
Group randomized prospective trial. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 13(7):1057-64, 7/1987.
42. Komaki R. Enlarging one's own world. Scuba diving with your friends. Kurinikaru Sutadi 8(7):7025, 7/1987.
43. Komaki R. Learning through nursing. The importance of an interval in conversation. Kurinikaru
Sutadi 9(11):1118-9, 10/1988.
44. Amols HI, Goffman TE, Komaki R, Cox JD. Acute radiation effects on cutaneous
microvasculature: evaluation with a laser Doppler perfusion monitor. Radiology 169(2):557-60,
45. Komaki R, Hansen R, Cox JD, Wilson JF. Phase I-II study of prophylactic hepatic irradiation with
local irradiation and systemic chemotherapy for adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. Int J Radiat
Oncol Biol Phys 15(6):1447-52, 12/1988.
46. Pattillo RA, Komaki R, Reynolds M, Robles J. Bacillus Calmette-Guerin immunotherapy in
ovarian cancer. J Reprod Med 33(1):41-5, 1988.
47. Leibel SA, Guse C, Order SE, Hendrickson FR, Komaki RU, Chang CH, Brady LW, Wasserman
TH, Russell KJ, Asbell SO, et al. Accelerated fractionation radiation therapy for liver metastases:
selection of an optimal patient population for the evaluation of late hepatic injury in RTOG studies.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 18(3):523-8, 3/1990.
48. Komaki R, Mountain CF, Holbert JM, Garden AS, Shallenberger R, Cox JD, Maor MH, Guinee
VF, Samuels B. Superior sulcus tumors: treatment selection and results for 85 patients without
metastasis (Mo) at presentation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 19(1):31-6, 7/1990.
49. Komaki R, Cox JD, Kister SJ, Gump FE, Estabrook A. Stage I and II breast carcinoma: treatment
with limited surgery and radiation therapy versus mastectomy. Radiology 174(1):255-7, 1990.
50. Ellerbroek NA, Fossella FV, Rich TA, Ajani JA, Komaki R, Roth JA, Holoye PY. Low-dose
continuous infusion cisplatin combined with external beam irradiation for advanced colorectal
adenocarcinoma and unresectable non-small cell lung carcinoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys
20(2):351-5, 2/1991.
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
51. Durci ML, Komaki R, Oswald MJ, Mountain CF. Comparison of surgery and radiation therapy for
non-small cell carcinoma of the lung with mediastinal metastasis. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys
21(3):629-36, 8/1991.
52. Zatopek NK, Holoye PY, Ellerbroek NA, Hong WK, Roth JA, Ryan MB, Komaki R, Pang AC,
Glisson BS. Resectability of small-cell lung cancer following induction chemotherapy in patients
with limited disease (stage II-IIIb). Am J Clin Oncol 14(5):427-32, 10/1991.
53. Hansen R, Erickson B, Komaki R, Janjan N, Cox J, Wilson JF, Anderson T. Concomitant adjuvant
chemotherapy and radiotherapy for high risk breast cancer patients. Breast Cancer Res Treat
17(3):171-7, 1991.
54. Pollack A, el-Naggar AK, Cox JD, Ro JY, Sahin A, Komaki R. Thymoma. The prognostic
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57. Komaki R. Is concomitant cisplatin and radiotherapy more efficacious threatment than
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67. Komaki R, Pajak TF, Marcial VA, Rotman M, Grigsby PW, Leibel SA, Eifel PJ. Twice-daily
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89. Lee JS, Pisters KM, Komaki R, Glisson BS, Khuri FR, Schea R, Fossella FV.
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90. Komaki R, Scott C, Lee JS, Urtasun RC, Byhardt RW, Emami B, Andras EJ, Asbell SO, Rotman
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91. Komaki R, Scott CB, Sause WT, Johnson DH, Taylor SGth, Lee JS, Emami B, Byhardt RW,
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93. Glisson B, Komaki R, Lee JS, Shin DM, Fossella F, Murphy WK, Kurie J, Perez-Soler R, Schea
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94. Komaki R, Milas L, Ro JY, Fujii T, Perkins P, Allen P, Sikes CR, Mountain CF, Ordonez NG.
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95. Geara FB, Komaki R, Tucker SL, Travis EL, Cox JD. Factors influencing the development of lung
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96. Roberts HL, Komaki R, Allen P, El-Naggar AK. Prognostic significance of DNA content in stage I
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97. Roth JA, Atkinson EN, Fossella F, Komaki R, Bernadette Ryan M, Putnam JB, Jr, Lee JS,
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randomized trial comparing perioperative chemotherapy and surgery with surgery alone in
resectable stage IIIA non-small-cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer 21(1):1-6, 7/1998.
98. Komaki R, Scott CB, Byhardt R, Emami B, Asbell SO, Russell AH, Roach M, Parliament MB,
Gaspar LE. Failure patterns by prognostic group determined by recursive partitioning analysis
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99. Lee JS, Komaki R, Fossella FV, Glisson BS, Hong WK, Cox JD. A pilot trial of hyperfractionated
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inoperable non-small-cell lung cancer: a 5-year follow-up report. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys
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100. Byhardt RW, Scott C, Sause WT, Emami B, Komaki R, Fisher B, Lee JS, Lawton C. Response,
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sequential and/or concurrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy for locally advanced non-small-cell
carcinoma of the lung. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 42(3):469-78, 10/1998.
101. Turrisi AT, 3rd, Kim K, Blum R, Sause WT, Livingston RB, Komaki R, Wagner H, Aisner S,
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102. Cox JD, Scott CB, Byhardt RW, Emami B, Russell AH, Fu KK, Parliament MB, Komaki R, Gaspar
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103. Kitamura K, Forster KM, Stevens CW, Starkschall G, Butler LE, Liu HH, Liao Z, Komaki R, Mohan
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104. Nguyen LN, Komaki R, Allen P, Schea RA, Milas L. Effectiveness of accelerated radiotherapy for
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105. Machtay M, Seiferheld W, Komaki R, Cox JD, Sause WT, Byhardt RW. Is prolonged survival
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106. Mason KA, Kishi K, Hunter N, Buchmiller L, Akimoto T, Komaki R, Milas L. Effect of docetaxel on
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107. Movsas B, Scott C, Sause W, Byhardt R, Komaki R, Cox J, Johnson D, Lawton C, Dar AR,
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108. Sause W, Kolesar P, Taylor SIv, Johnson D, Livingston R, Komaki R, Emami B, Curran W, Jr,
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109. Stevens CW, Lee JS, Cox J, Komaki R. Novel approaches to locally advanced unresectable nonsmall cell lung cancer. Radiother Oncol 55(1):11-8, 4/2000.
110. Sause WT, Byhardt RW, Curran WJ, Jr, Fuller D, Graham MV, Ko B, Komaki R, Weisenburger
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111. Byhardt RW, Sause WT, Curran WJ, Jr, Fuller D, Graham MV, Ko B, Komaki R, Weisenburger
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112. Graham MV, Byhardt RW, Sause WT, Curran WJ, Jr, Fuller D, Ko B, Komaki R, Weisenburger
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116. Glisson B, Scott C, Komaki R, Movsas B, Wagner H. Cisplatin, ifosfamide, oral etoposide, and
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carcinoma: results of radiation therapy oncology group trial 93-12. J Clin Oncol 18(16):2990-5,
117. Komaki R, Roth JA, Walsh GL, Putnam JB, Vaporciyan A, Lee JS, Fossella FV, Chasen M,
Delclos ME, Cox JD. Outcome predictors for 143 patients with superior sulcus tumors treated by
multidisciplinary approach at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. Int J Radiat
Oncol Biol Phys 48(2):347-54, 9/2000.
118. Keller SM, Adak S, Wagner H, Herskovic A, Komaki R, Brooks BJ, Perry MC, Livingston RB,
Johnson DH. A randomized trial of postoperative adjuvant therapy in patients with completely
resected stage II or IIIA non-small-cell lung cancer. Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. N Engl
J Med 343(17):1217-22, 10/2000.
119. Kelly JF, Delclos ME, Morice RC, Huaringa A, Allen PK, Komaki R. High-dose-rate endobronchial
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cancer center experience. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 48(3):697-702, 10/2000.
120. Yuen AR, Zou G, Turrisi AT, Sause W, Komaki R, Wagner H, Aisner SC, Livingston RB, Blum R,
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thoracic radiotherapy administered once or twice daily in limited stage small cell lung carcinoma.
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Swisher SG, Pisters PW, Komaki R, Lahoti S, Ajani JA. Gastroesophageal junction
adenocarcinoma. Curr Treat Options Oncol 1(5):387-98, 12/2000.
Komaki R, Janjan NA, Ajani JA, Lynch PM, Fairweather JS, Raijman I, Blumenshein GR, Ho L,
Pisters PW, Feig BW, Walsh GL, Pazdur R. Phase I study of irinotecan and concurrent radiation
therapy for upper GI tumors. Oncology (Williston Park) 14(12 Suppl 14):34-7, 12/2000.
Werner-Wasik M, Scott C, Cox JD, Sause WT, Byhardt RW, Asbell S, Russell A, Komaki R, Lee
JS. Recursive partitioning analysis of 1999 Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) patients
with locally-advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (LA-NSCLC): identification of five groups with
different survival. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 48(5):1475-82, 12/2000.
Langer CJ, Swann S, Curran W, Komaki R, Lee JS, Byhardt R, Sause W. Do elderly patients with
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secondary analysis of RTOG 94-10. J Clin Oncol, 2000.
Swisher SG, Erasmus J, Maish M, Correa AM, Ajani JA, Cox JD, Komaki R, Hong D, Lee HK,
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Roth JA. FDG-PET imaging predicts survival and pathologic response following preoperative
chemoradiation in esophageal cancer. J Thoracic & Cardiovas Surg., 2000.
Ajani JA, Swisher SG, Correa AM, Wu TT, Liao Z, Komaki R, Walsh G, Vaporciyan A, Rice DC,
Roth JA. Prediction of pathologic complete response after preooperative chemoradiotherapy for
carcinoma of the esophagus and outcome after pathologic complete response. J Clin Oncol,
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Ajani JA, Komaki R, Putnam JB, Walsh G, Nesbitt J, Pisters PW, Lynch PM, Vaporciyan A,
Smythe R, Lahoti S, Raijman I, Swisher S, Martin FD, Roth JA. A three-step strategy of induction
chemotherapy then chemoradiation followed by surgery in patients with potentially resectable
carcinoma of the esophagus or gastroesophageal junction. Cancer 92(2):279-86, 7/2001.
Mason KA, Komaki R, Cox JD, Milas L. Biology-based combined-modality radiotherapy:
workshop report. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 50(4):1079-89, 7/2001.
Roth JA, Grammer SF, Swisher SG, Komaki R, Nemunaitis J, Merritt J, Fujiwara T, Meyn RE, Jr.
Gene therapy approaches for the management of non-small cell lung cancer. Semin Oncol 28(4
Suppl 14):50-6, 8/2001.
Stevens CW, Munden RF, Forster KM, Kelly JF, Liao Z, Starkschall G, Tucker S, Komaki R.
Respiratory-driven lung tumor motion is independent of tumor size, tumor location, and
pulmonary function. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 51(1):62-8, 9/2001.
Komaki R, Chasen MH, Travis WD, Putnam JB, Fossella FV, Byhardt RW, Ro JY. Oncodiagnosis
panel: 1999. Cancer of the lung: oncodiagnosis. Radiographics 21(6):1573-96, 11/2001.
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Bynhardt R, Komaki R, Ettinger D, Johnstone D, Bradley J, Franko A, Gaspar L, Gillin M, Langer
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A, Chapman JD, Dicker A, Harris J, Koch W, Komaki R, Lange C, McBride W, Mitchell J, Milas L,
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138. Komaki R, Cox JD, Putnam Jr JB, Walsh G, Vaporcian A, Liao Z, Stevens C, Fossella FV, Lee
JS, Hong WK, Roth J. The management of superior sulcus tumors. . J Jpn Soc Ther Radiol Onco
13(3):131-138, 2001.
139. Lee JS, Scott CB, Komaki R, Ettinger DS, Sause WT. Impact of institutional experience on
survival outcome of patients undergoing combined chemoradiation therapy for inoperable nonsmall-cell lung cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 52(2):362-70, 2/2002.
140. Minsky BD, Pajak TF, Ginsberg RJ, Pisansky TM, Martenson J, Komaki R, Okawara G,
Rosenthal SA, Kelsen DP. INT 0123 (Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 94-05) phase III trial of
combined-modality therapy for esophageal cancer: high-dose versus standard-dose radiation
therapy. J Clin Oncol 20(5):1167-74, 3/2002.
141. Bradley JD, Scott CB, Paris KJ, Demas WF, Machtay M, Komaki R, Movsas B, Rubin P, Sause
WT. A phase III comparison of radiation therapy with or without recombinant beta-interferon for
poor-risk patients with locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (RTOG 93-04). Int J Radiat
Oncol Biol Phys 52(5):1173-9, 4/2002.
142. Komaki R, Seiferheld W, Ettinger D, Lee JS, Movsas B, Sause W. Randomized phase II
chemotherapy and radiotherapy trial for patients with locally advanced inoperable non-small-cell
lung cancer: long-term follow-up of RTOG 92-04. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 53(3):548-57,
143. Liao Z, Komaki R, Stevens C, Kelly J, Fossella F, Lee JS, Allen P, Cox JD. Twice daily irradiation
increases locoregional control in patients with medically inoperable or surgically unresectable
stage II-IIIB non-small-cell lung cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 53(3):558-65, 7/2002.
144. Bubb RS, Komaki R, Hachiya T, Milas I, Ro JY, Langford L, Sawaya R, Putnam JB, Allen P, Cox
JD, McDonnell TJ, Brock W, Hong WK, Roth JA, Milas L. Association of Ki-67, p53, and bcl-2
expression of the primary non-small-cell lung cancer lesion with brain metastatic lesion. Int J
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145. Grigsby P, Winter K, Komaki R, Marcial V, Eifel P, Doncals D, Stevens R, Rotman M, Gaffney D.
Long-term follow-up of RTOG 88-05: twice-daily external irradiation with brachytherapy for
carcinoma of the cervix. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 54(1):51-7, 9/2002.
146. Keller SM, Vangel MG, Adak S, Wagner H, Schiller JH, Herskovic A, Komaki R, Perry MC, Marks
RS, Livingston RB, Johnson DH. The influence of gender on survival and tumor recurrence
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157. Lu C, Komaki R, Lee JS, Shin DM, Palmer JL, Coldman BJ, Pisters KM, Kurie JM, Fossella FV,
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200. Komaki R, Chang JY, Wu X, Allen PK, Milas L, Liao Z, Fossella FV, Travis E, Spitz MR. Mutagen
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201. Langer CJ, Moughan J, Movsas B, Komaki R, Ettinger D, Owen J, Wilson JF. Patterns of care
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202. Chirieac LR, Swisher SG, Ajani JA, Komaki RR, Correa AM, Morris JS, Roth JA, Rashid A,
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203. Movsas B, Scott C, Langer C, Werner-Wasik M, Nicolaou N, Komaki R, Machtay M, Smith C,
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204. Liao Z, Komaki R, Milas L, Yuan C, Kies M, Chang JY, Jeter M, Guerrero T, Blumenschien G,
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205. Agarwal B, Swisher SG, Ajani J, Kelly K, Komaki RR, Abu-Hamda E, Correa AM, Roth JA.
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206. Bradley JD, Paulus R, Graham MV, Ettinger DS, Johnstone DW, Pilepich MV, Machtay M,
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208. Komaki R, Swann RS, Ettinger DS, Glisson BS, Sandler AB, Movsas B, Suh J, Byhardt RW.
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209. Wakelee HA, Stephenson P, Keller SM, Wagner H, Herskovic A, Komaki R, Marks RS, Perry MC,
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210. Chang JY, Liu HH, Komaki R. Intensity modulated radiation therapy and proton radiotherapy for
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211. Guerrero T, Sanders K, Noyola-Martinez J, Castillo E, Zhang Y, Tapia R, Guerra R, Borghero Y,
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212. Zhang X, Cheung RM, Komaki R, Fang B, Chang JY. Radiotherapy sensitization by tumorspecific TRAIL gene targeting improves survival of mice bearing human non-small cell lung
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213. Rohatgi PR, Swisher SG, Correa AM, Wu TT, Liao Z, Komaki R, Walsh G, Vaporciyan A, Lynch
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214. Hong D, Lunagomez S, Kim EE, Lee JH, Bresalier RS, Swisher SG, Wu TT, Morris J, Liao Z,
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215. Komaki R. What should the optimal timing be for amifostine administration relative to radiation
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216. Machtay M, Hsu C, Komaki R, Sause WT, Swann RS, Langer CJ, Byhardt RW, Curran WJ. Effect
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218. Chandra A, Guerrero TM, Liu HH, Tucker SL, Liao Z, Wang X, Murshed H, Bonnen MD, Garg AK,
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219. Martin LW, Correa AM, Hofstetter W, Hong WK, Komaki R, Putnam JB, Jr, Rice DC, Smythe WR,
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220. Komaki R, Chang J, Wu X, Allen P, Milas L, Liao Z, Fossella F, Travis E, Spitz M. Mutagen
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221. Guerrero T, Sanders K, Castillo E, Zhang Y, Bidaut L, Pan T, Komaki R. Dynamic ventilation
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223. Wang S, Liao Z, Chen Y, Chang JY, Jeter M, Guerrero T, Ajani J, Phan A, Swisher S, Allen P,
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224. Wang SL, Liao Z, Vaporciyan AA, Tucker SL, Liu H, Wei X, Swisher S, Ajani JA, Cox JD, Komaki
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225. Guerrero T, Castillo R, Sanders K, Price R, Komaki R, Cody D. Novel method to calculate
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226. Liao Z, Liu H, Swisher SG, Wang L, Wu TT, Correa AM, Roth JA, Cox JD, Komaki R, Ajani JA,
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227. Gu Y, Swisher SG, Ajani JA, Correa AM, Hofstetter WL, Liao Z, Komaki RR, Rashid A, Hamilton
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230. Erasmus JJ, Munden RF, Truong MT, Ho JJ, Hofstetter WL, Macapinlac HA, Correa AM, Wu TT,
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231. Ettinger DS, Bepler G, Bueno R, Chang A, Chang JY, Chirieac LR, D'Amico TA, Demmy TL,
Feigenberg SJ, Grannis FW, Jr, Jahan T, Jahanzeb M, Kessinger A, Komaki R, Kris MG, Langer
CJ, Le QT, Martins R, Otterson GA, Robert F, Sugarbaker DJ, Wood DE. Non-small cell lung
cancer clinical practice guidelines in oncology. J Natl Compr Canc Netw 4:548-82, 7/2006.
232. Chang JY, Zhang X, Wang X, Kang Y, Riley B, Bilton S, Mohan R, Komaki R, Cox JD. Significant
reduction of normal tissue dose by proton radiotherapy compared with three-dimensional
conformal or intensity-modulated radiation therapy in Stage I or Stage III non-small-cell lung
cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 65:1087-96, 7/2006.
233. Chang JY, Moughan J, Johnstone DW, Komaki R, Goldberg M, Langer CJ, Beadle BM, Owen J,
Movsas B. Surgical patterns of care in operable lung carcinoma treated with radiation. J Thorac
Oncol 1(6):526-31, 7/2006.
234. Lee JJ, Bekele BN, Zhou X, Cantor SB, Komaki R, Lee JS. Decision analysis for prophylactic
cranial irradiation for patients with small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol 24:3597-603, 8/2006.
235. Fang LC, Komaki R, Allen P, Guerrero T, Mohan R, Cox JD. Comparison of outcomes for
patients with medically inoperable Stage I non-small-cell lung cancer treated with twodimensional vs. three-dimensional radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 66:108-16, 9/2006.
236. Wang SL, Liao Z, Liu HH, Ajani J, Swisher S, Cos J, Komaki R. Intensity-modulated radiation
therapy with concurrent chemotherapy for locally advanced cervical and upper thoracic
esophageal cancer. World J Gastroenterol 12(34):5501-8, 9/2006.
237. Wang S, Liao Z, Liu H, Chen Y, Ajani J, Swisher S, Cox JD, Komaki R. Intensity-modulated
radiotherapy (IMRT) with concurrent chemotherapy is an innnovative treatment modality for
locally advanced cervical and upper thoracic esophageal cancer. World J Gastroenterol 34:55018, 9/2006.
238. Wang XS, Fairclough DL, Liao Z, Komaki R, Chang JY, Mobley GM, Cleeland CS. Longitudinal
study of the relationship between chemoradiation therapy for non-small-cell lung cancer and
patient symptoms. J Clin Oncol 24:4485-91, 9/2006.
239. Wei X, Liu HH, Tucker SL, Liao Z, Hu C, Mohan R, Cox JD, Komaki R. Risk factors for acute
esophagitis in non-small-cell lung cancer patients treated with concurrent chemotherapy and
three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 66:100-7, 9/2006.
240. Malaisrie SC, Hofstetter WL, Correa AM, Ajani JA, Komaki RR, Rice DC, Vaporciyan AA, Walsh
GL, Roth JA, Wu TT, Swisher SG. The addition of induction chemotherapy to preoperative,
concurrent chemoradiotherapy improves tumor response in patients with esophageal
adenocarcinoma. Cancer 107:967-74, 9/2006.
241. Wang KL, Yang Q, Cleary KR, Swisher SG, Correa AM, Komaki R, Ajani JA, Rashid A, Hamilton
SR, Wu TT. The significance of neuroendocrine differentiation in adenocarcinoma of the
esophagus and esophagogastric junction after preoperative chemoradiation. Cancer 107:146774, 10/2006.
242. Tucker SL, Liu HH, Wang S, Wei X, Liao Z, Komaki R, Cox JD, Mohan R. Dose-volume modeling
of the risk of postoperative pulmonary complications among esophageal cancer patients treated
with concurrent chemoradiotherapy followed by surgery. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 66:754-61,
243. Klopp AH, Eapen GA, Komaki RR. Endobronchial brachytherapy: an effective option for palliation
of malignant bronchial obstruction. Clin Lung Cancer 8:203-7, 11/2006.
244. Sims-Mourtada J, Izzo JG, Apisarnthanarax S, Wu TT, Malhotra U, Luthra R, Liao Z, Komaki R,
van der Kogel A, Ajani J, Chao KS. Hedgehog: an attribute to tumor regrowth after
chemoradiotherapy and a target to improve radiation response. Clin Cancer Res 12:6565-72,
245. Gayed IW, Liu HH, Yusuf SW, Komaki R, Wei X, Wang X, Chang JY, Swafford J, Broemeling L,
Liao Z. The prevalence of myocardial ischemia after concurrent chemoradiation therapy as
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246. Wang S, Liao Z, Wei X, Liu HH, Tucker SL, Hu CS, Mohan R, Cox JD, Komaki R. Analysis of
clinical and dosimetric factors associated with treatment-related pneumonitis (TRP) in patients
with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated with concurrent chemotherapy and threedimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT). Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 66:1399-407,
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247. Komaki R, Liao Z, Liu H, Tucker S, Rice D. Fatal pneumonitis associated with intensity-modulated
radiation therapy for mesothelioma: in regard to Allen et al. (Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys
2006;65:640-645). Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 66:1595-6; author reply 1596, 12/2006.
248. Erasmus JJ, Munden RF, Truong MT, Ho JJ, Hofstetter WL, Macapinlac HA, Correa AM, Wu T,
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Swisher S. Pre-Operative Chemoradiation –Induced Ulceration in Patients with Esophageal
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249. Malaisrie SC, Hofstetter WL, Correa AM, Ajani JA, Komaki RR, Liao Z, Phan A, Rice DC,
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250. Wang S, Bruzzi J, Rodriguez-Garza VP, Komaki RR. Lambert-eaton myasthenic syndrome in a
patient with small-cell lung cancer. Clin Lung Cancer 7(4):282-4, 2006.
251. Chang JY, Moughan J, Johnstone DW, Komaki R, Goldberg M, Langer CJ, Beadle BM, Owen J,
Movsas B. Surgical patterns of care in operable lung carcinoma treated with radiation. Journal of
Thoracic Oncology 1:526-531, 2006.
252. Gao XS, Qiao X, Wu F, Cao L, Meng X, Dong Z, Wang X, Gao G, Wu TT, Komaki R, Chang JY.
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253. Wu W, Onn A, Isobe T, Itasaka S, Langley RR, Shitani T, Shibuya K, Komaki R, Ryan AJ, Fidler
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254. Kang Y, Zhang X, Chang JY, Wang H, Wei X, Liao Z, Komaki R, Cox JD, Balter PA, Liu H, Zhu
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255. Itasaka S, Komaki R, Herbst RS, Shibuya K, Shintani T, Hunter NR, Onn A, Bucana CD, Milas L,
Ang KK, O'Reilly M S. Endostatin improves radioresponse and blocks tumor revascularization
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256. Guerrero T, Castillo R, Noyola-Martinez J, Torres M, Zhou X, Guerra R, Cody D, Komaki R,
Travis E. Reduction of pulmonary compliance found with high-resolution computed tomography in
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257. Mell LK, Malik R, Komaki R, Movsas B, Swann RS, Langer C, Antonadou D, Koukourakis M,
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patients treated on randomized controlled trials: A meta-analysis. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys
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258. Yom SS, Liao Z, Liu HH, Tucker SL, Hu CS, Wei X, Wang X, Wang S, Mohan R, Cox JD, Komaki
R. Initial Evaluation of Treatment-Related Pneumonitis in Advanced-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung
Cancer Patients Treated with Concurrent Chemotherapy and Intensity-Modulated Radiation
Therapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 68:94-102, 5/2007.
259. Podoloff DA, Advani RH, Allred C, Benson AB 3rd, Brown E, Burstein HJ, Carlson RW, Coleman
RE, Czuczman MS, Delbeke D, Edge SB, Ettinger DS, Grannis FW Jr, Hillner BE, Hoffman JM,
Kiel K, Komaki R, Larson SM, Mankoff DA, Rosenzweig KE, Skibber JM, Yahalom J, Yu JM,
Zelenetz AD. NCCN Task Force Report: Positron Emission Tomography (PET)/Computed
Tomography (CT) Scanning in Cancer. J Natl Compr Canc Netw Suppl 1:S1-S22, 5/2007.
260. Liu HH, Balter P, Tutt T, Choi B, Zhang J, Wang C, Chi M, Luo D, Pan T, Hunjan S, Starkschall
G, Rosen I, Prado K, Liao Z, Chang J, Komaki R, Cox JD, Mohan R, Dong L. Assessing
respiration-induced tumor motion and internal target volume using four-dimensional computed
tomography for radiotherapy of lung cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 68:531-40, 6/2007.
261. Yaremko BP, Guerrero TM, Noyola-Martinez J, Guerra R, Lege DG, Nguyen LT, Balter PA, Cox
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cancer patients using ventilation images for functional avoidance. Int J Radiat Oncol Bol Phys
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262. Liu H, Komaki R. Preserving Functional Lung Using Perfusion Imaging and Intensity-Modulated
Radiation Therapy for Advanced-Stage Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. International Journal of
Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics 1(68(5)):1349-58, 8/2007.
263. Fukui H, Komaki R, Okui M, Toyoshima K, Kuda K. The effects of odor on cortisol and
testosterone in healty adults. Neuro Endocrinol Lett 28(4):433-7, 8/2007.
264. Britton KR, Starkschall G, Tucker SL, Pan T, Nelson C, Chang, JY, Cox JD, Mohan R, Komaki R.
Assessment of gross tumor volume regression and motion changes during radiation therapy for
non-small-cell lung cancer as measured by four-dimensional computed tomography. Int J Radiat
Oncol Biol Phys 68:1036-1046, 2007.
265. Yendamuri S, Komaki R, Blackmon S, Correa A, Wynn B, Allen P, Hofstetter W, Rice,Roth J,
Swisher S, Vapociyan AA, Walsh GL Mehran RJ. Comparison of Limited Surgery and ThreeDimetional Conformal Radiation in High-Risk Patients with Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.
Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2:1-7, 2007.
266. Huang EH, Liao Z, Cox JD, Guerrero TM, Chang JY, Jeter M, Borghero Y, Wei X, Fossella F,
Herbst RS, Blumenschein GR, Moran C, Allen PK, Komaki R. Comparison of Outcomes for
Patients with Unresectable Locally Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Induction
Chemotherapy Followed by Concurrent Chemoradiation versus Concurrent Chemoradiation
Alone. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics 68:779-786, 2007.
267. Bruzzi JF, Swisher SG, Truong MT, Munden RF, Hofstetter WL, Macapinlac HA, Correa AM,
Mawlawi O, Ajani JA, Komaki RR, Fukami N, Erasmus JJ. Detection of interval distant
metastases: clinical utility of integrated CT-PET imaging in patients with esophageal carcinoma
after neoadjuvant therapy. Cancer 109:125-34, 2007.
268. Rice DC, Smythe WR, Liao Z, Guerrero T, Chang JY, McAleer MF, Jeter MD, Correa A,
Vaporciyan AA, Liu HH, Komaki R, Forster KM, Stevens CW. Dose-Dependent Pulmonary
Toxicity After Postoperative Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy for Malignant Pleural
Mesothelioma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 69:350-357, 2007.
269. Zhao KL, Liao Z, Bucci MK, Komaki R, Cox JD, Yu ZH, Zhang L, Mohan R, Dong L. Evaluation of
respiratory-induced target motion for esophageal tumors at the gastroesophageal junction.
Radiotherapy and Oncology 84:283-289, 2007.
270. Rohatgi PR, Correa AM, Swisher SG, Wu TT, Liao Z, Komaki R, Walsh GL, Vaporciyan AA, Lee
JH, Rice DC, Roth JA, Ajani JA. Gender-based analysis of esophageal cancer patients
undergoing preoperative chemoradiation: differences in presentation and therapy outcome. Dis
Esophagus 19:152-7, 2007.
271. Klopp AH, Chang JY, Tucker SL, Sulman EP, Balter PA, Liu HH, Bucci MK, Macapinlac HA,
Koamki, Cox JD. Intrathoracic Patterns of Failure for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer with Positron
Emission Tomography/ Computed Tomgraphy-Difined Target Delineation. International Journal of
Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics 69:1409-1416, 2007.
272. Shioyama Y, Jang SY, Liu HH, Guerrero T, Wang X, Gayed IW, Erwin WD, Liao Z, Chang JY,
Jeter M, Yaremko BP, Borghero YO, Cox JD, Komaki R, Mohan R. Preserving Functional Lung
Using Perfusion Imaging and Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy for Advanced-Stage NonSmall-Cell Lung Cancer. Intl J Rad Oncol Biol Phys 68:1049-1058, 2007.
273. Hofstetter WL, Correa AM, Ajani JA, Phan A, Komaki R, Liao Z, Wu T-T, Blackmon S, Mehran
RJ, Rice DC, Roth JA, Vaporciyan AA, Walsh GL, Swisher SG. Proposed Modification of Nodal
Status in AJCC esophageal cancer staging system. Annuals of Thoracic Surgery 84:365-375,
274. Rice,DC, Smyth RW, Liao Z,Guerrero T, Chang, JY, McAleer MF, Jeter MD, Correa A, Vaporcian
AA, Lio HH, Komaki R, Forsater KM, Stevens CW. Pulmonary Toxicity Following Postoperative
Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma. International Journal
of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics 69:350-357, 2007.
275. Guerrero T, Johnson V, Hart J, Pan T, Khan M, Luo D, Liao Z, Ajani J, Stevens C, Komaki R.
Radiation pneumonitis: Local dose versus [(18)F]-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake response in
irradiated lung. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 68:1030-1035, 2007.
276. Liao Z, Cox JD, Komaki R,. Radiochemotherapy of Esophageal Cancer. J Thor Oncol 2:553-568,
277. Shibuya K, Komaki R, Shintani T, Itasaka S, Ryan A, Jurgensmeier JM ,Milas L, Ang KK, Herbst
RS, O’Reily MS. Targeted therapy against VEGFR and EGFR with ZD 6474 enhances the
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therapeutic efficacy of irradiation in orthotopic model of human non-small lung cancer.
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics 69:1534-1543, 2007.
Grosshans DR, Meyers CA, Allen PK, Davenport SD, Komaki R. Neurocognitive function in
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Hui Z, Zhang X, Starkschall G, Li Y, Mohan R, Komaki R, Cox J, Chang J. Effects of
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Cancer. Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys 72(5):1385-1395, 3/2008.
Komaki R, et al. Non-Small cell lung cancer. J Natl Compr Canc Netw 6(3):228-69, 3/2008.
Sarna L, Swann S, Langer C, Werner-Wasik M, Nicolaou N, Komaki R, Machtay M, Byhardt R,
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Cancer: An Analysis of RTOG 9801. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and
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Cancer. International Journal of Radiation Oncology and Physics, 5/2008.
Ogo E, Komaki R, Fujimoto K, Uchida M, Abe T, Nakamura K , Mitsumori M, Kenji Sekiguchi K ,
Kaneyasu Y, Hayabuchi N. Lung lesions beyond the radiation field after tangential breast
radiation - Radiation induced bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) syndrome
after breast conserving therap. International Journal of Radiation Oncology and Physics
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Tetzlaff ED, Correa A, Komaki R, Swisher SG, Maru D, Ross W, Ajani JA. The Significance of
Thromboembolic Phenomena Occurring Before and During Chemoradiotherapy for Localized
Carcinoma of the Esophagus and Gastroesophageal Junction. Dis Esophagus, 5/2008.
Zinner RG, Komaki R, Cox JD, Glisson BS, Pisters KM, Herbst RS, Kies M, Liao Z, Hong WK,
Fossella FV. Dose Escalation of Gemcitabine Is Possible with Concurrent Chest ThreeDimensional Rather than Two-Dimensional Radiotherapy: A Phase I Trial in Patients with Stage
III Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics,
Ajani JA, Winter K, Komaki R, Kelsen DP, Minsky BD Liao Z, Bradley J, Fromm M, Hornback D,
Willett CF. Phase II Randomized Trail of Two Nonoperative Regimens of Induction
Chemotherapy Followed by Chemoradiation in Patients with Localized Carcinoma of the
Esophagus RTOG 0113. J Clin Oncol Epub ahead of print, 6/2008.
Gayed IW, Chang J, Kim EE, Nunez R, Chaen B, Liu HH, Kobayashi K, Zhang Y, Liao Z, Gohar
S, JEter M, Henderson L, Erwin W, Komaki R. Lung perfusion imaging can risk statify lung cancer
patients for the development of pulmonary complications after chemoradiation. J Thorac Oncol
3(8):858-64, 8/2008.
Maru DM, Khurana H, Rashid A, Correa MA, Anandasabapathy S, Krishnan S, Komaki R, Ajani
JA, Swisher SG, Hofstetter WL. Retrospective study of clinicopathologic features and prognosis
of high-grade neuroendocrine carcinoma of the esophagus. Am J Surg Pathol 32(9):1404-11,
Zhang X, Zhao KL, Guerrero TM, McGuire SE, Yarmko B, Komaki R, Cox J, Hui Z, Li Y,
Newhauser WD, Mohan R, Liao Z. Four-dimensional computed tomography-based treatment
planning for intensity-modulated radiation therapy and proton therapy for distal esophagel cancer.
Int J Radiat Oncol Bilo Phys 72(1):278-87, 9/2008.
Wang H, Garden AS, Zhang L, Wei X, Ahamad A, Kuban DA, Komaki R, O'Daniel J, Zhang Y,
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repeat or four-dimensional computed tomography images using deformable image registration
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Liao Z, Tucker S, Liu H, Martel M, Komaki R, Mohan R, Wei X, et al. Dose-volume thresholds and
smoking status for the risk of treatment-related pneumonitis in inoperable non-small cell lung
cancer treated with definitive radiotherapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 10/2008.
Jin H, Tucker SL, Liu HH, Wei X, Yom SS, Wang S, Komaki R, Chen Y, Martel MK, Mohan R,
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Pneumonitis in Inoperable Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Definitive Radiotherapy.
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McDonald JM, Pelloski CE, Ledoux A, Sun M, Raso G, Komaki R, Wistuba II, Aldape K. Elevated
phospho-S6 expression predicts metastasis in early stage adenocarcinoma of the lung. Clinical
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Ogo E, Komaki R, Fujimoto K, Uchida M, Abe T, Nakamura K, Mitsumori M, Sekiguchi K,
Kaneyasu Y, Hayabuchi N. A survey of radiation-induced bronchiolitis obliterans organizing
pneumonia syndrome after breast-conserving therapy in Japan. International Journal of Radiation
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Wang S, Liao Z, Wei X, Liu HH, Tucker SL, Hu C, Ajani JA, Phan A, Swisher SG, Mohan R, Cox
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definitive chemoradiotherapy. Journal of Thoracic Oncology 3(3):277-282, 2008.
Yaremko BP, Guerrero TM, McAleer MF, Bucci MK, Noyola-Martinez J, Nguyen LT, Balter PA,
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using four-dimensional computed tomography. International Journal of Radiation Oncology
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Chang JY, Dong L, Liu H, Starkschall G, Balter P, Mohan R, Liao Z, Cox JD, Komaki R. Imageguided radiation therapy for non-small cell lung cancer. Journal of Thoracic Oncology 3(2):177186, 2008.
Bruzzi JF, Komaki R, Walsh GL, Truong MT, Gladish GW, Munden RF, Erasmus JJ. Imaging of
non-small cell lung cancer of the superior sulcus: part 1: anatomy, clinical manifestations, and
management. Radiographics 28:551-560, 2008.
Bruzzi JF, Komaki R, Walsh GL, Truong MT, Gladish GW, Munden RF, Erasmus JJ. Imaging of
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resectability and therapeutic response. Radiographics 28:561-572, 2008.
Ettinger DS, Akerley W, Bepler G, Chang A, Cheney RT, Chirieac LR, D'Amico TA, Demmy TL,
Feigenberg SJ, Figlin RA, Govindan R, Grannis FW Jr, Jahan T, Jahanzeb M, Kessinger A,
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DJ, Wood DE. Non-small cell lung cancer. Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer
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Wei X,Liu H, Komaki R. Risk Factors for pericardial effusion in inoperable esophageal cancer
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Zhang X, Komaki R, Wang L, Fang B, Chang JY. Treatment of radioresistant stem-like
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Ezhil M, Starkschall G, Mohan R, Cox J, Komaki R. Validation of a model-based segmentation
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Britton KR, Starkschall G, Chang, JY, Bilton S, Ezhil M, John-Baptiste S, Kantor M, Cox JD,
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Gayed IW, Liu HH, Wei X, Liao Z, Yusuf SW, Chang JY, Bassett R, Komaki R. Patterns of
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308. Kassis E, Vaporciyan A, Swisher S, Correa A, Bekele B, Erasmus J, Hofstetter W, Komaki R,
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309. Sun M, Massarelli E, Ozburn N, Tang X, Prudkin L, Komaki R, Hong W, Aldape K, Moran C,
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310. Maru DM, et al. Frequent Loss of Heterozygosity of Chromosome 1q in Esophageal
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311. Sun M, Behrens C, Feng L, Ozburn N, Tang X, Yin G, Garcia-Varella M, Komaki R, Hong W,
Aldape K, Wistuba I. Lung Cancer brain Metastases Differ from Coresponding Primary Tumors in
HER Family Receptor Abnormalities. Journal of Clinical Oncology. In Press.
Invited Articles
1. Komaki R. Prognostic significance of interval from preoperative irradiation to hysterectomy for
endometrial carcinoma. . Ob/Gyn Digest 2:17-18, 1987.
2. Holmes EC, Bleehen NM, Le Chevalier T, Ettinger D, Jett JR, Johnson D, Komaki R, Sayo N,
Sause W, Trevo M, Van Houtte P, Wulfrank D. Postoperative adjuvant treatments for non-small
cell lung cancers: a consensus report. Lung Cancer 7:11-13, 1991.
3. Fu KK, Cox JD, Pajak TF, Nelson DF, Sause MT, Spanos WJ, Russell AH, Marcial VA, Komaki
R. RTOG altered fractionation trials. . Proc 9th Int Cong Radiat Res 2:567-572, 1992.
4. Komaki R. Concurrent chemoradiotherapy improves SCLC survival. . Oncology News
International:3, 2/1994.
5. Bunn P, Arriagada R, Choi N, Feld R, Gregor A, Jett J, Johnson B, Komaki R, Kristjansen P,
Murray N, et al. Combined modality therapy in small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer 10 Suppl
1:S25-8, 3/1994.
6. Cox J, Ball D, Belani C, Choi N, Gralla R, Halle J, Komaki R, Le Chevalier T, Ohnoshi T, Quoix E,
et al. Dose intensity in lung cancer treatment. Lung Cancer 10 Suppl 1:S11-3, 3/1994.
7. Mirimanoff RO, Rubin P, Cox JD, Gandara D, Grunenwald D, Hazuka M, Jassem J, Komaki R,
Mattson K, McDonald S, et al. Concomitant and alternating radiation therapy (RT) and
chemotherapy (CT) for inoperable, M0, non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC): a consensus
report. Lung Cancer 11 Suppl 3:S5-8, 11/1994.
8. Green MR, Cox JD, Ardizzoni A, Arriagada R, Bureau G, Darwish S, Deneffe G, Fukuoka M,
Joseph D, Komaki R, et al. Endpoints for multimodal clinical trials in stage III non-small cell lung
cancer (NSCLC): a consensus report. Lung Cancer 11 Suppl 3:S11-3, 11/1994.
9. Komaki R. Chemotherapy plus twice daily radiation therapy increases survival for patients with
NSCLC. Oncology 9:894, 1995.
10. Ettinger DS, Cox JD, Ginsberg RJ, Komaki R, Kris MG, Livingston RB, Sugarbaker DJ. NCCN
Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Practice Guidelines. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network.
Oncology (Williston Park) 10(11 Suppl):81-111, 11/1996.
11. American College of Radiology, Appropriateness Criteria, Lung Cancer Panel., 1996.
12. Komaki R, Putnam JB, Jr, Shin DM, Cox JD. Thymic neoplasms. Curr Opin Oncol 9(2):156-60,
13. Klastersky J, Cullen M, Sause B, Ball D, Darwish S, Douillard J, Komaki R, Mattson K, Mirimanoff
R, Reboul F, Saunders M, Sutedja T, Everett EV. Concurrent treatments and induction treatments
for unresectable tumors. Lung Cancer 17 Suppl 1:S27-8, 6/1997.
14. Komaki, Ritsuko R. National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Practice Guidelines, Lung
Cancer Panel. National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Practice Guidelines, Lung
Cancer Panel, 1997.
15. Shin DM, Walsh GL, Komaki R, Putnam JB, Nesbitt J, Ro JY, Shin HJ, Ki KH, Wimberly A,
Pisters KM, Schrump D, Gregurich MA, Cox JD, Roth JA, Hong WK. A multidisciplinary approach
to therapy for unresectable malignant thymoma. Ann Intern Med 129(2):100-4, 7/1998.
16. Komaki R. Combined radiotherapy and gene therapy for unresectable non-small cell lung cancer
and biomarkers for lung cancer. . Cancer Centers Around the World, PharMa International,
Tokyo, Japan, 1998.
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
17. Komaki R. Hyperfractionated thoracic radiotherapy for locally advanced NSCLC. Editorial
Comment. Abstr Hematol Oncol 1:3-4, 1998.
18. Wilson JF, Byhardt R, Komaki R. Lung cancer. Cancer Case Presentations: The Tumor Board
2:1-17, 1998.
19. Roth JA, Komaki R, Hong WK, Theriault RL. We have been treating cancer without talking to the
cells: New directions in lung and breast cancer treatment. . Cancer Center Around the World 2:611, 1998.
20. Lee JS, Komaki R, Morice RC, Ro JY, Kalapurakal SK, Schea R, Murphy WK, Shin DM, Fox NT,
Walsh GL, Hittelman WN, Hong WK. A pilot clinical laboratory trial of paclitaxel and
endobronchial brachytherapy in patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Semin Radiat Oncol 9(2
Suppl 1):121-9, 4/1999.
21. York JE, Walsh GL, Lang FF, Putnam JB, McCutcheon IE, Swisher SG, Komaki R, Gokaslan ZL.
Combined chest wall resection with vertebrectomy and spinal reconstruction for the treatment of
Pancoast tumors. J Neurosurg 91(1 Suppl):74-80, 7/1999.
22. Gandhi S, Walsh GL, Komaki R, Gokaslan ZL, Nesbitt JC, Putnam JB, Jr, Roth JA, Merriman
KW, McCutcheon IE, Munden RF, Swisher SG. A multidisciplinary surgical approach to superior
sulcus tumors with vertebral invasion. Ann Thorac Surg 68(5):1778-84; discussion 1784-5,
23. Leibel SA, Expert Panel on Radiation Oncology, Komaki R (Lung Work Group). ACR
Appropriateness Criteria. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 43:125-168, 1999.
24. Komaki R, Putnam JB, Jr, Walsh G, Lee JS, Cox JD. The management of superior sulcus tumors.
Semin Surg Oncol 18(2):152-64, 3/2000.
25. Swisher SG, Deford L, Merriman KW, Walsh GL, Smythe R, Vaporicyan A, Ajani JA, Brown T,
Komaki R, Roth JA, Putnam JB. Effect of operative volume on morbidity, mortality, and hospital
use after esophagectomy for cancer. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 119(6):1126-32, 6/2000.
26. Komaki R, Sause WT, Byhardt RW, Curran Jr WJ, Fuller D, Graham MV, Ko B, Weisenburger
TH, Kaiser LR, Leibel SA, Choi NC. American College of Radiology ACR Appropriateness
Criteria. Expert Panel on Radiation Oncology-Lung Work Group:Non-small cell lung cancer,
nonsurgical, aggressive therapy:1-13, 2000.
27. Komaki R. Management of limited small-cell lung cancer. . Int J Clin Oncol 5:205-216, 2000.
28. Komaki R, Roth JA, Walsh GL, Putnam, Jr, JB, Swisher S, Vaporciyan A, Lee JS, Fossella F,
Chasen M, Cox JD. Multidisciplinary approach for 143 patients with superior sulcus tumors
treated at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. . J JASTRO 12(1):110, 2000.
29. Komaki R. National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN): Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Guidelines, Expert Panel Member. . CD Rom, 2000.
30. Komaki R, Ajani JA, Pisters PW, Lynch PM, Walsh GL, Fairweather JS, Perkins P, Feig BW,
Raijman I, Janjan NA, Pazdur R. Phase I study of Irinotecan and concurrent radiation therapy for
upper GI tumors. . Oncology 14(12):1-4, 2000.
31. Komaki R, Chasen MH, Travis WD, Putnam JB, Fossella FV, Byhardt RW, Ro JY. Oncodiagnosis
panel: 1999. Cancer of the lung: oncodiagnosis. Radiographics 21(6):1573-96, 11/2001.
32. Koenig TR, Munden RF, Erasmus JJ, Sabloff BS, Gladish GW, Komaki R, Stevens CW.
Radiation injury of the lung after three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy. AJR Am J
Roentgenol 178(6):1383-8, 6/2002.
33. Gopal R, Cox JD, Liao Z, Stevens CW, Starkschall G, Tucker SL, Komaki R. Effects of amifostine
on lung function in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer treated by radiation therapy and
chemotherapy. UPDATES: Principles and Practice of Radiation Oncology, 3rd ed.), Perez CA,
Brady LW, eds, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, New York 3(4), 2002.
34. Komaki R, Lee JS, Kaplan B, Allen P, Kelly JF, Liao Z, Stevens CW, Fossella FV, Zinner R,
Papadimitrakopoulou V, Khuri F, Glisson B, Pisters K, Kurie J, Herbst R, Milas L, Ro J, Thames
HD, Hong WK, Cox JD. Randomized phase III study of chemoradiation with or without amifostine
for patients with favorable performance status inoperable stage II-III non-small cell lung cancer:
preliminary results. Semin Radiat Oncol 12(1 Suppl 1):46-9, 2002.
35. Komaki R. Small cell and non-small cell lung cancer. Oncology Case Reports & Review 14(2):112, 2002.
36. Komaki R, Liao Z, Forster K, Lee HK, Stevens CW, Cox JD. Target definition and contouring in
carcinoma of the lung and esophagus. Rays 28(3):225-36, 7/2003.
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
37. Sanders KE, Komaki R, Buchholz TA. Target delineation and treatment planning in breast
conserving therapy. Rays 28(3):237-45, 7/2003.
38. Cox JD, Schechter NR, Lee AK, Forster K, Stevens CW, Ang KK, Komaki R, Liao Z, Milas L.
Uncertainties in physical and biological targeting with radiation therapy. Rays 28(3):211-5,
39. Komaki R. Aggressive palliative radiotherapy for a patient with a malignant superior sulcus tumor
and adrenal metastasis. A case report. . The Lung Quarterly Scan 4(4):3, 2003.
40. Komaki, Ritsuko R. Interview with ABC TV (Channel 13): “From Hiroshima to Healing,”. N/A,
41. Yang Q, Cleary KR, Yao JC, Swisher SG, Roth JA, Lynch PM, Komaki R, Ajani JA, Rashid A,
Hamilton SR, Wu TT. Significance of post-chemoradiation biopsy in predicting residual
esophageal carcinoma in the surgical specimen. Dis Esophagus 17(1):38-43, 2004.
42. Komaki R. Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN): Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Guidelines.
Expert Panel Member CD ROM, 2006.
43. Komaki R. National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN): Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Guidelines. Expert Panel Member CD ROM, 2007.
1. Komaki R. Is concomitant cisplatin and radiotherapy more efficacious treatment than radiotherapy
alone in stage III non-small cell lung cancer? Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 24:185-6, 1992.
2. Komaki R. Does prophylactic cranial irradiation for patients with limited small cell lung cancer
improve survival? Editorial Comments. Abstr Hematol Oncol 3:17-18, 2000.
Other Articles
1. National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology, Nonsmall Cell and Small Cell Lung Cancer Panel Member., 3/2003.
2. Interview with “RSNA On-the-Air,” 89th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the
Radiological Society of North America, Chicago., 12/2003.
Abstracts (past 5 years)
1. Komaki R. Cytoprotection and target volume definition based on PET/CT. The 4th Takahashi
Memorial International Workshop on 3 Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy, Nagoya Japan, 9899, 2004.
2. Komaki R, Allen PGlisson B, Milas L, Charles L, Kaplan B, Fossella F, Liao Z, Jeter M, Stevens
C, Chang J, Guerrero T. Hyperfractionated and accelerated thoracic radiation therapy
(HFXATRT) increased survival compared to daily TRT (QDTRT) for limited small cell lung cancer
(LSCLC) patients treated with concurrent chemotherapy. Proc ASTRO 60:S203 (#123), 2004.
3. Swisher SG, Ajani JA, Chirieac L, Vaporciyan AA, Wu TT, Hunt KK, Correa AM, Komaki R, Rice
DC, Walsh GL, Roth JA. Impract of pathologic response on pTNM esophageal cancer staging
system following preoperative chemoradiation (CRT). Proceedings of 116th Meeting of the
Southern Surgical Association, Palm Beach FL, 55-5, 2004.
4. Phan AT, Rashid A, Luthra R, Lopex-Alarez A, Swisher S, Komaki R, Bresalier R, Ajani JA.
Molecular predictors of patients with localized upper gastrointestinal cancers after
chemoradiation. Proc ASCO 23:316 (#4015), 2004.
5. Komaki R, Spitz MR, Wu X, Chang JY, Allen PK, Milas L, Fossella CW, Stevens CW, Liao Z, Cox
JD. Mutagen sensitivity (MS may predict lung protection by amifostine for patients with locally
advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated by chemoradiotherapy. Proc ASCO 23:671
(#7232), 2004.
6. Chang JY, Wu X, Komaki R, Sasaki R, Allen P, Liao Z, Stevens CW, Lu C, Fossella FV, Cox JD,
Spitz MR. Mutagen sensitivity predicts poor overall and disease specific survival in patients with
stage III non-small cell lung cancer treated with chemo/radiotherapy. Proc ASTRO 60:S237
(#175), 2004.
7. Liao Z, Komaki R, Milas L, Chen Y, Chang JY, Jeter M, Guerrero T, Stevens CW, Blumenschien
G, Smith CM, Cox JD. Phase I clinical trial using selective cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox-2) inhibitor
celecoxib with concurrent thoracic irradiation in patients with poor prognostic non-small cell lung
cancer (NSCLC). Proc ASTRO 60:S151 (#37), 2004.
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Wu T-T, Chirieac LR, Swisher SG, Komaki RU, Correa AM, Roth J, Rashid A, Hamilton SR, Ajani
JA. Post-chemoradiation surgical pathologic stage accurately predicts outcome of patients with
esophageal or gastroesophageal junction carcinoma. Proc ASCO 23:319 (#4028), 2004.
Sanders K, Guerrero T, Zhang G, Bilton S, Stevens C, Lu C, Stewart D, Komaki R. Quantitative
measurement of regional tumor response to therapy. Proc ASTRO 60:S204 (#126), 2004.
Liao Z, Komaki R, Milas L, Chen Y, Kies M, Chang J, Jeter M, Guerrero T, Blumenschein G, Cox
J. A dose escalation clinical trial using thoracic radiotherapy and concurrent celecoxib for patients
with unfavorable performance status inoperabe/unresectable non-small cell lung cancer
(NSCLC). Proc of IASLC. Lung Cancer 49(Suppl 2):S372 (#P-959), 2005.
Blumenschein G, Swann S, Curran W, Robert F, Werner-Wasik M, Lee C, Jafar S, Shara R,
Choy H, Komaki R. A pase II study of cetuximab (C225) in combination with chemoradiation
(CRT) in patients (PTS) with stage IIIA/B non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): An interim overall
toxicity report of the RTOG 0324 trial. Proc of IASLC. Lung Cancer 49(Suppl 2):S78 (#PD-039),
Werner-Wasik M, Swann S, Curran W, Robert F, Komaki R, Lee CP, Jafar S, Share R, Choy H,
Blumenschein G. A phase II study of cetuximab (C225) in combination with chemoradiation
(CRT) in patients (PTS) with stage IIIA/B non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): An interim overall
toxicity report of the RTOG 0324 trial. Proc ASCO 23:654s (#7135), 2005.
Lu C, Komaki R, Herbst RS, Evans WK, Lee JJ, Truong M, Moore CA, Choy H, Bleyer A, Fisch
MJ. A phase III sudy of AE-941 with induction chemotherapy (IC) and concomitant
chemoradiotherapy (CRT) for stage III non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) (NCI T99-0046,
RTOG 02-70, MDA 99-303): An interim report of toxicity and response. Proc ASCO 23:656s
(#7144), 2005.
Yom S, Liao Z, Liu H, Allen P, Chang J, Jeter M, Guerrero T, Stevens C, Cox J, Komaki R.
Analysis of acute toxicity results of intensity modulated (IMRT) in the treatment of non-small cell
lung cancer (NSCLC). Proc of IASLC. Lung Cancer 49(Suppl 2):S52 (#O-152), 2005.
Fang CL, Komaki R, Allen P, Guerrero T, Mohan R, Cox J. Comparison of outcomes for patients
with medically inoperable stage I non-small cell lung cancer treated with two-dimensional versus
three-dimensional radiotherapy. Proc of IASLC. Lung Cancer 49(Suppl 2):S49 (#O-142), 2005.
Komaki R, Swann S, Byhardt R, Cox J, Scot C, Sause W. Does response rate in the induction
chemotherapy predict survival for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (LANSCLC)?
Secondary analysis of RTOG 8804/8808. Proc of IASLC. Lung Cancer 49(Suppl 2):S88 (#PD074), 2005.
Komaki R, Allen P, Glisson B, Lu C, Fossella F, Liao Z, Jeter M, Stevens C, Chang J, Guerrero
G, Blumenschein G. Hyperfractionated/accelerated thoracic radiation therapy (HFXRT) increased
survival compared to daily RT (QDRT) for limited small cell lung cancer (LSCLC) with concurrent
chemotherapy (ChT). Proc ASCO 23:659s (#7158), 2005.
Chang J, Dong L, Mohan R, Liao Z, Cox J, Komaki R. Image-guided proton radiotherapy for
medically inoperable stage I non-small cell lung cancer. Proc of IASLC. Lung Cancer 49(Suppl
2):S93 (#PD-088), 2005.
Swann RS, Machtay M, Komaki R, Sause WT, Langer CJ, Byhardt RW, Curran WJ. Impact of
overall treatment time during concurrent chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced NSCLC: An
RTOG secondary analysis. Proc ASCO 23:635s (#7061), 2005.
Basir S, Fossella F, Hwang L, Lu C, Komaki R, Zinner R. Loco-regional progression after
induction chemotherapy may predict the development of M1 disease after the initiation of
concurrent chemo-radiation in stage III NSCLC. Proc of IASLC. Lung Cancer 49(Suppl 2):S77
(#PD-036), 2005.
Gu Y, Swisher SG, Ajani JA, Correa AM, Hofstetter W, Liao Z, Komaki R, Rashid A, Hamilton SR,
Wu T-T. Number of lymph nodes with metastasis predict survival in patients with esophageal or
esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma treated with preoperative chemoradiation. Proc ASCO
23:319s (#4046), 2005.
Komaki R, Allen P, Roth J, Swisher S, Rice D, Fossella F, Herbst R, Oh Y, Munden R, Cox J.
Optimal treatment for superior sulcus tumors (SST): Surgery first followed by adjunct RT/ChT
improved survival for patients with resectable SST. Proc of IASLC. Lung Cancer 49;Suppl 2:S79
(#PD-044), 2005.
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
23. Machtay M, Swann S, Komaki R, Sause W, Langer C, Byhardt R, Curran W. Overall treatment
time during concurrent chemoradiotherapy and outcomes: An RTOG secondary analysis. Proc of
IASLC. Lung Cancer 49(Suppl 2):S17 (#O-042), 2005.
24. Guerrero T, Sanders K, Castillo R, Ribera B, Cody D, Price RBidaut L, Komaki R. Pulmonary
compliance imaging in rodents. Proc BioMech, 2005.
25. Machtay M, Swann S, Komaki R, Byhardt R, Paulus R, Sause W, Curran W, Albain K, Movsas B.
What is the meaning of local-regional control after chemoradiation for locally advanced NSCLC?
An RTOG analysis . Proc of IASLC. Lung Cancer 49(Suppl 2):S17 (#O-041), 2005.
26. Huang HH, Liao Z, Cox JD, Wei X, Komaki R. Comparison of outcomes for locally advanced
inoperable non-small cell lung cancer treated using concuurent chemoradiation with vs. without
induction chemotherapy. Proc American Radium Society 20 - Suppl 3:20, 4/2006.
27. Komaki, Ritsuko R. Comparison of outcomes for patients with medically inoperable stage I nonsmall cell lung cancer treated with two-dimensional vs. three dimensional radiotherapy. Proc
American Radium Society 20 - Suppl 3:20, 4/2006.
28. Yaremko B, Guerrero T, Harvey M, Komaki R. Pulmonary function imaging from four-dimensional
computed tomography for radiation oncology. Proc American Radium Society 20 - suppl 3:24,
29. Torres MA, Guerrero T, Castillo R, Cody D, Komaki R, Travis EL. Raduction of pulmonary
compliance in mice following thoracic radiation. Proc American Radium Society 20 - suppl 3:47,
30. Komaki, Ritsuko R. A Randomized Phase II Study of two paclitaxel based chemoradiotherapy for
patients with the non-operative esophageal cancer. ASTRO, 11/2006.
31. Komaki R. A Randomized Phase II Study of two paclitaxel based chemoradiotherapy for patients
with the non-operative esophageal cancer. Proceedings of ASTRO 66:327, 2006.
32. Huang HH, Liao Z, Cox JD, Wei X, Komaki R. Comparison of outcomes for locally advanced
inoperable non-small cell lung cancer treated using concuurent chemoradiation with vs. without
induction chemotherapy. Proceedings American Radium Society Suppl 3:20S, 2006.
33. Komaki R. Comparison of outcomes for patients with medically inoperable stage I non-small cell
lung cancer treated with two-dimensional vs. three dimensional radiotherapy. Proceedings
American Radium Society Suppl 3:20S, 2006.
34. Curran W, Scott C, Langer C, Komaki R, Lee J, Hauser S, Movsas B, Wasserman T, Sause W,
Cox J. Long-term benefit is observed in a phase III comparison of sequential vs concurrent
chemo-radiation for patients with unresected stage III NSCLC: RTOG 94-10. J Clin Oncol 22:621
(#2499), 2006.
35. Yaremko B, Guerrero T, Harvey M, Komaki R. Pulmonary function imaging from four-dimensional
computed tomography for radiation oncology. Proceedings American Radium Society Suppl
3:24S, 2006.
36. Chang JY, Balter P,Dong L, Liao Z,Bucci KM,Jeter M, McAleer ,Yang Q, Cox JD, Komaki R. 4D
CT Based and Daily In-Room CT-guided Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) in Lung
Cancer. Proceedings of ASTRO 69:88S, 2007.
37. Swisher S, Winters K, Komaki R, Ajani J, T. Wu T, W. Hofstetter W, A. Konski,. Willett.C. A
Phase II Study of a Paclitaxel Based Chemoradiation Regimen with Selective Surgical Salvage
for Resectable Locoregionally Advanced Esophageal Cancer: Initial Reporting of RTOG 0246.
Proceeding of ASTRO 69:106S, 2007.
38. Blumenschein Jr G, Moughan J, Curran W, Robert F, Fossella F, Werner-Wasik M, Doescher P,
Choy H, Komaki R. A phase II study of cetuximab (C225) in combinaton with cheomradiation
(CRT) in patients (pts) with stage III A/B non-small cell lunc cancer (NSCLC): An interim report of
the RTOG 0324 trial. Proceedings of ASCO 25:392S, 2007.
39. Lu C, Lee JJ, Komaki R, Herbst RS, Evan WK, Choy H, Desjardins P, Esparaz BT, Truong M,
Fisch MJ. A phase III study of /E-941 with induction cheomtherapy (IC) and concomitant
chemoradiotherapy (CRT) for stage III non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) (NCI T99-0046,
RTOG 02-07, MDA 99-303. Proceedings of ASCO 25:391S, 2007.
40. Liao Z, Cox JD, Liu H, Komaki R,Tucker SL, Mohan R, Martel M, Allen PK, Thames HD.
Assessing The Impact Of Technological Advancement On Outcome For Patients With
Unresectable Locally Advanced Non-small-cell Lung Cancer (nsclc) Receiving Concomitant
Chemoradiotherapy. Proceedings of ASTRO 69:160S, 2007.
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
41. Wei X,. Komaki R, Allen PK, Garza VP, Liao Z, Chang JY, Guerrero TM, Bilton S, Cox JD.
42. McGovern SL, Liao Z, Bucci K, McAleer MF, Jeter MD, Chang JY, Huang EH, Cox JD, Allen PK,
Komaki R. Gender Differences in NSCLC Outcomes. Proceedings of ASTRO 69:160S, 2007.
43. Konski A, Bhargavan M, Owen J, Komaki R, Langer C, Byhardt R, Paulus R, H. Choy, Bruner D,
Curran Jr W. Less is not Always More”: An Economic Analysis of Radiation Therapy Oncology
Group 94-10. Proceedings of ASTRO 69:182S, 2007.
44. Jin, HK, Liao, ZX, Tucker, SL, Liu, HH, Wei, X, Mohan, R, Cox, JD, Komaki, R. Non-smokers and
former smokers at increased risk for TRP in Chemoradiation for NSCLC. Proceedings of ASTRo
69:59S, 2007.
45. Sun A, Wang L, Choy H, Gaspar L E., Komaki R, Bonner JA, Sandler HM, Movsas B, Kong FM.
Radiation Oncologists from Canada and the United States have significantly different patterns of
practice for patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Proceedings of ASTRO 69:57S, 2007.
46. Torres MA, Guerrero T, Castillo R, Cody D, Komaki R, Travis EL. Raduction of pulmonary
compliance in mice following thoracic radiation. Proceedings of the American Radium Society
Suppl 3:47S, 2007.
47. Movsas B, Moughan J, Langer C, Werner-Wasik M, Nicolaou N, Komaki R, Machtay M, Smith C,
Axelrod R, Byhardt R. Randomized trail of amifostine in locally advanced non-small cell lung
cancer (NSCLC) patients receiving chemotherapy and hyperfractionated radiation (HRT): longterm survival results of Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG). Proceedings of ASCO
25:391S, 2007.
48. Komaki R, Moughan J, Ang K, Curran W, Robert F, Thariat J, Zhang H, Werner-Wasik M, Choy
H, Blumenschein G. RTOG 0324: A phase II study of cetuximab (C225) in combination with
chemoradiation (CRT) in patients (PTS) with stage IIIA/B non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC):
Correlation between EGFR expression and the patients outcome. Proceedings of ASTRO
69:57S, 2007.
49. Komaki R, Moughan J, Ettinger D, Videtic G, Bradley J, Glisson B, Choy H. Toxicities in a phase
II study of accelerated high dose thoracic radiation therapy (TRT) with concurrent cheomtherapy
for limited small cell lung cancer (LSCLC) (RTOG 0239). Proceedings of ASCO 25:438S, 2007.
50. Bucci MK, Ezhil M, Vedam S, Choi B, Dong L, McAleer MF, Munsell M, Komkai R, Balter P. 4D
CT-Derived PTV Spares Normal Lung Volume Compared to Free Breathing CT-Derived PTV for
Both Early and Late Stage Non-Samll Cell Lung Cancer Patients. A Supplement to Oncology
22(Suppl 1):17, 2008.
51. McAleer Mf, Balter P, Bucci MK, Kuruvila S, Komaki R, Chang JY. Capsular Contracture of
Subcutaneous Breast Implant Following Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy for EarlyStage Lung Cancer: A Case Report. A Supplement of Oncology 22(Suppl 1):57, 2008.
52. Grosshans D, Palmer M, Spicer C, Erice R, Cox JD, Komaki R, Chang J. Improving Cardiac
Dosimetry A Comparison of the Alernative Beam Arrangements for IMRT Planning in Patients
with Carcinoma of the Distal Esophagus. A Supplement of Oncology 22(Suppl 1):7, 2008.
53. Grosshans D, Palmer M, Spicer C, Erice R, Cox JD, Komaki R. Improving Cardiac Dosimetry: A
Comparison of Alternative Beam Arrangements for IMRT Planning in Patients with Carcinoma of
the Distal Esophagus. A Supplement of Oncology 22(Supp 1):7, 2008.
54. Kong F, West B, Bonner J, Choy H, Gaspar LE, Komaki R, Sun A, Morris D, Wang L, Sandler
HM, Movsas B. Patterns of practice in radiation therapy for non-small cell lung cancer among
members of American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. Proceedings of ASCO
25:432S, 2008.
55. Yordy JS, Balter P, McAleer MF, Palla SL, Nogueras-Gonzalez GM, Dong L, Komaki R, Bucci K.
Physician-Therapist Agreement in Thoracic Patient Set-up Using Image-Guided Radiation
Therapy. A Supplement to Oncology 22(Suppl 1):56, 2008.
56. Sejpal S, Komaki R, Wei X, Amos R, Allen P, Liu H, Liao Z, Chang JY, Cox JD. Preliminary
Evaluation of Treatment Related Pneumonitis (TRP) by Proton Beam Radiotherapy (PBT)
Compared to Intensity-Modulated Related Radiation Therapy (IMRT) in Patients With Locally
Advnaced NSCLC Treated with Concurrent Chemotherapy. A Supplement to Oncology 22(Suppl
1):15, 2008.
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
57. Zhang S, Komaki R, Fang B, Chang JY. Radiation-Resistant Esophageal Cancer Stem Cell. A
Supplement to Oncology 22(Supp 1):5, 2008.
58. Komaki R, Sejpal SV, Wei X, Allen P, Chang JY, Liao Z, Mohan R, Dong L, Amos R, Cox JD.
Reduction of Bone Marrow Suppression for Patients With Stage III NSCLC Treated by Proton and
Chemotherapy Compared with IMRT and Chemotherapy. PTCOG 47 Abstract Book:14, 2008.
59. Komaki R. Significant Reduction of Bone Marrow Toxicity (BMT) for Patients with Locally
Advanced (LA) NSCLC Treated with Concurrent Chemotherapy (CT) and Proton Beam Therapy
(PBT) Compared to Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT). Proceedings of Chicago Multi
disciplinary Symposium in Thoracic Oncology, 2008.
60. Liao Z, Cox JD, Liu HH, Tucker SL, Komaki R, Mohan R, Martel M, Wei X, Allen PK. The Impact
of Technological Advancement of Outcome for Patients with Unresectable locally advanced NonSmall Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Receiving Concomitant Chemoradiotherapy. A Supplement to
Oncology 22(Suppl 1):15, 2008.
61. Furutani K, Komaki R, Imagumbai T, Jacoby JJ, Massarelli E, Korshunova MK, Ryan A,
Jurgensmeier JM, Herbst RS, O'Reilly MS. Targeted therapy against VEGFR-1, -2, and -3 by
AZD2171 blocks tumor growth and angiogenesis, and enhances paclitaxel efficacy in an
orthotopic lung cancer model. Proc for AACR 2007. In Press.
Book Chapters
1. Cox JD, Eisert DR, Komaki R, Mietlowski W, Petrovich Z. Patterns of failure following treatment of
apparently localized carcinoma of the lung. In: Lung Cancer: Progress in Therapeutic Research.
Raven Press, 279-288, 1979.
2. Cox JD, Byhardt RE, Komaki R, Greenberg M. Reduced fractionation in irradiation of malignant
epithelial tumors. In: Proceedings of the Eight Veteran Administration Radiotherapy Workshop,
March 9, 1979, Wadsworth VA Medical Center, Los Angeles, 49-54, 1980.
3. Cox JD, Byhardt RW, Komaki R, Holoye PY, Norlund JD. "Adjuvant" chest irradiation therapy for
small cell carcinoma of the lung. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Congress of
Chemotherapy, 1-9, 1983.
4. Cox JD, Byhardt RW, Komaki R, Holoye PY, Norlund JD. Integration of thoracic radiation therapy
and chemotherapy for small cell carcinoma of the lung. In: Recent Trends in Radiation Oncology
and Related Fields. Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc., 261-271, 1983.
5. Cox JD, Komaki R, Byhardt RW. Radiotherapy for "non-small cell" cancer of the lung. In:
Contemporary Issues in Clinical Oncology. Churchill Livingstone, 131-154, 1985.
6. Cox JD Komaki R. Prophylactic cranial irradiation for squamous cell carcinoma, large cell
carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the lung: Indications and techniques. In: Lung Cancer: Current
Status and Prospects for the Future. University of Texas Press, 233-237, 1986.
7. Byhardt RW, Cox JD, Komaki R. Squamous, large cell, and adenocarcinoma of the lung:
Contribution of radiation therapy. In: Comprehensive Textbook of Oncology. Williams and Wilkins
Publishing Co., 744-751, 1986.
8. Cox JD, Byhardt RW, Komaki R. The value of definitive radiation therapy of unresectable
squamous cell carcinoma, large cell and adenocarcinoma of the lung. In: Lung Cancer: Current
Status and Prospects for the Future. University of Texas Press, 171-178, 1986.
9. Komaki R. Carcinoma of Urethra. In: Modern Brachytherapy. Masson Publishing, 215-219, 1987.
10. Komaki R. What is the lowest effective biologic dose for prophylactic cranial irradiation? In: Year
Book of Cancer. Year Book Medical Publisher, 104-105, 1987.
11. Cox JD, Komaki R, Payne DG, Ginsberg RJ. Radiation Therapy Is Indicated for Asymptomatic
Inoperable Lung Cancer. In: Debates In Medicine. Year Book Medicine, 245-279, 1989.
12. Grover FL Komaki R. Superior Sulcus Tumors. In: Thoracic Oncology. W. B. Saunders Co., 263279, 1989.
13. Komaki R. The Endometrium. In: Radiation Oncology, Rationale, Technique, Results. CV Mosby
Co., 559-580, 1989.
14. Komaki R. Pre-operative radiation therapy for superior sulcus lesions. In: Chest Surg Clin N Am.
W. B. Saunders Co., 13-15, 1991.
15. Byhardt RW, Cox JD, Komaki R. Squamous, large cell, and adenocarcinoma of the lung;
Contribution of Radiation Therapy. In: Comprehensive Textbook of Oncology. Williams and
Wilkins, 753-761, 1991.
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
16. Komaki R, Garden A, Cundiff J, Walsh GR. Endobronchial Radiotherapy. In: Lung Cancer.
Blackwell Scientific Publications LTD, 187-196, 1993.
17. Komaki R Cox JD. Section C. Potential Methods of Decreasing Chemoradiation Toxicity. Chapter
43: Multiple Radiotherapy Fractionation Schedules. In: Chemoradiation. Lea & Febiger, 609-614,
18. Komaki R. Cancer of the Endometrium, Vulva, Vagina, and Female Urethra. In: Radiation
Oncology: Rationale, Technique, Results. Mosby Co., 683-711, 1994.
19. Komaki R Cox JD. Cancer of the Lung. In: Radiation Oncology: Rationale, Technique, Results.
Mosby Co., 320-354, 1994.
20. Cox JD Komaki R. Therapy for Carcinoma of the Lung, Chapter 92. In: General Thoracic Surgery.
Williams & Wilkins, 1206-1217, 1994.
21. Komaki R Cox JD. Lung Cancer: Radiotherapy. In: Current Therapy in Hematology-Oncology.
Mosby Year Book, Inc., 405-408, 1995.
22. Grover FL Komaki R. Superior Sulcus Tumors. In: Thoracic Oncology. W.B.Saunders Company,
225-238, 1995.
23. Komaki R, Morice RC, Walsh GL, Garden AS, Davis M. High Dose Rate Remote Afterloading
Endobronchial Brachytherapy. In: Comprehensive Textbook of Thoracic Oncology. Williams &
Wilkins, 940-946, 1996.
24. Komaki R, Escalante CP, Carrasco CH. Superior Vena Cava Syndrome. Is there a role for
thrombolytic agents with a stent insertion? In: Tumor Board: Case Management. J.B. Lippincott,
750-754, 1996.
25. Travis EL Komaki R. Treatment-Related Lung Damage. In: Lung Cancer: Principles and Practice.
Lippincott-Raven, 285-301, 1996.
26. Nesbitt JC, Lee JS, Komaki R, Roth JA. Cancer of the Lung. In: Cancer Medicine. 2. Williams &
Wilkins, 1723-1803, 1997.
27. Komaki R Cox JD. Lung Cancer: Radiotherapy. In: Current Therapy in Adult Medicine. MosbyYearbook, Inc, 977-981, 1997.
28. Komaki R Cox JD. Combinations of Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy for Non-small Cell
Carcinoma of the Lung (NSCLC). In: Lung Cancer. Blackwell Science, Inc., 195-206, 1998.
29. Komaki R, Morice RC, Walsh GL. High-dose-rate remote afterloading endobronchial
brachytherapy. In: Lung Cancer. Blackwell Science, Inc., 163-179, 1998.
30. Komaki R Cox JD. Induction or concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy for locally
advanced non-small cell lung cancer. In: Medical Radiology-Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation
Oncology: Progress and Perspectives in Lung Cancer. Springer-Verlag, 85-94, 1999.
31. Vaporciyan AA, Nesbitt JC, Lee JS, Stevens C, Komaki R, Roth JA. Cancer of the lung. In:
Cancer Medicine. B. C. Decker, 1227-1292, 2000.
32. Komaki R Cox JD. Radiation Therapy for Carcinoma of the Lung. In: General Thoracic Surgery.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1377-1388, 2000.
33. Travis E Komaki R. Treatment-related lung damage. In: Lung Cancer Principles and Practice.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 248-269, 2000.
34. Komaki R. Adjuvant therapy for stage II and IIIA NSCLC: Pro. In: Controversies and Issues in
Lung Cancer. Marcel Dekker, 149-183, 2001.
35. Walsh GL, Gandhi S, Komaki R. Management of superior sulcus tumors. In: Controversies and
Issues in Lung Cancer. Marcel Dekker, 225-256, 2001.
36. Bradley J, Govindan R, Komaki R. Lung. In: Principles and Practice of Radiation Oncology.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1201-1243, 2003.
37. Komaki R Cox JD. The esophagus. In: Radiation Oncology. Mosby, 429-443, 2003.
38. Komaki R, Travis EL, Cox JD. The lung and thymus. In: Radiation Oncology. Mosby, 399-426,
39. Swisher SG, Komaki R, Lynch PM, Ajani JA. Esophageal carcinoma. In: Anderson Associates
Monograph on Gastroinstestinal Cancer 2004. Springer Verlag, 268-280, 2004.
40. Komaki R, Chang J, Liao Z, Cox JD, Mason KA, Milas L. Radioprotectors and chemoprotectors in
the management of lung cancer. In: Medical Radiology-Advances in Radiation Oncology in Lung
Cancer. Springer-Verlag, 2004.
41. Komaki R Chang E. Whole-brain Radiation Therapy. In: Intracranial Metastases. Blackwell
Publishing, 126-138, 2004.
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
42. Swisher SG, Komaki R, Lynch PM, Agani JA. Esophageal carcinoma. In: Gastrointestinal Cancer,
M. D. Anderson Cancer Care Series. Springer-Verlag: New YOrk, 232-245, 2005.
43. Komaki R, Liu H, Murshed H. Lung Cancer. In: Practical Essentials of Intensity Modulated
Radiation Therapy. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 255-274, 2005.
44. Komaki R Cox JD. Radiation Therapy for Carcinoma of the Lung. In: General Thoracic Surgery.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1377-1388, 2005.
45. Travis E Komaki R. Treatment-related lung damage. In: Lung Cancer Principles and Practice.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 545-567, 2005.
46. Onn A, Vaporciyan A, Chang JY, Komaki R, Roth JA, Herbst RS. Cancer of the Lung. In: Cancer
Medicine 7, 1179-1224, 2006.
47. Chang JY, Bradley J, Govindan R, Komaki R. Lung. In: Principles and Practice of Radiation
Oncology. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins: Philadelphia, 2007.
Books (edited and written)
1. Putnam Jr JP, Fossella FV, Komaki R. Implementation of multidisciplinary care in the treatment of
patients with lung cancer. Springer-Verlag: New YOrk, 2002.
2. Komaki R. Nonsurgical treatment of early-stage and locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer.
In Lung Cancer, M. D. Anderson Cancer Care Series, pp. 142-157. Springer-Verlag: New York,
3. Komaki R. Treatment of limited-stage small cell lung cancer. In Lung Cancer, M. D. Anderson
Cancer Care Series. Springer-Verlag: New York, 2002.
4. Fossella FV, Komaki R, Putnam JB. Implementation of multidisciplinary care in the treatment of
patients with lung cancer. Springer: Germany, 2003.
5. Cox JD, Chang JY, Komaki R. Ed(s) Cox JD, Chang JY, Komaki R. Image-Guided Radiotherapy
of Lung Cancer. Informa, 2007.
Letters to the Editor
1. Komaki R. Response letter to Study by Movsas et al. ., 2000.
2. Stevens, CW, Komaki R, Cox JD. Unknown. Radioth Oncol 60:225-227, 2001.
3. Komak R, Liao Z, Liu H, Tucker S, Rice D. Fatal Pneumonitis Associated with IntensityModulated Radiation Therapy for Mesothelioma: In Regard to Allen et al. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol
Phys 65:640-645, 12/2006.
4. Komaki R, Sasaki R, Allen P. In reply to JCO/2005/018465. In Press.
Manuals, Teaching Aids, Other Teaching Publications
Other Publications
1. CD. National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology,
Non-small Cell and Small Cell Lung Cancer Panel Member, CD, March 2003.
2. Interview. Interview with “RSNA On-the-Air,” 89th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the
Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, December 2003.
3. TV interview. Interview with ABC TV (Channel 13): “ From Hiroshima to Healing,” August 5 & 7,
Editor/Service on Editorial Board(s)
Editorial Board, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 1995−present
Editorial Board, Journal of JASTRO, 1995−present
Int’ l Advisory Board, Radiation Medicine, 1997−2000
Guest Associate Editor, Radiation Research, 1998
Editorial Board, Journal of Women’ s Imaging, 2000−present
Member of Editorial Review Board
International Advisory Board, Journal of the Japan Radiological Society, 2006−present
Journal Reviewer
Page 34 of 65
Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Reviewer, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1982−present
NCI:PDQ Extramural Board of Associate Editors, 1984−present
Reviewer, Cancer, 1985−present
Reviewer, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 1986−present
Reviewer, Radiology, 1986−present
Reviewer, American Journal of Clinical Oncology, 1992−present
Reviewer, European Journal of Cancer, 1992−present
Reviewer, Journal of Surgical Oncology, 1992−present
Reviewer, Radiotherapy and Oncology, 1992−present
Reviewer, JAMA, 1994
Reviewer, Lung Cancer, 1995−present
Reviewer, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 1996−present
Reviewer, AACR, 2003−present
Other Editorial and Review Activities
Teaching Within Current Institution - The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Formal Teaching
Courses Taught
Training Programs
Lecturer, NIRS-MD Anderson Symposium on Clinical Issues for Particle Therapy
Lecturer, RadOnc 2008
Other Formal Teaching
"Management of Small Cell Lung Cancer,” Radiation Oncology Residency Training
Program, University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
"Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology," "RTOG 94-10: Phase III Concomitant vs.
Sequential Chemother
“Management of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer,” Radiation Oncology Residency Training
Program, University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
“Management of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer,” Radiation Oncology Residency Training
Program, University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
“Management of Small Cell Lung Cancer,” Radiation Oncology Residency Training
Program, University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
“Management of Small Cell Lung Cancer,” Radiation Oncology Residency Training
Program, University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Page 35 of 65
Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Radiation Oncology Lecture Series, “Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer,” Radiation Oncology
Planning Clinic
Radiation Oncology Lecture Series, “Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer,” Radiation Oncology
Planning Clinic
Advances in Oncology, Multi-Modality Treatments of Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell
Lung Cancer, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Radiation Oncology Lung Service Weekly Lecture Ser, Aggressive combination of
chemotherapy and radiation for NSCLC
Anatomy and Oncology for Medical Physicists - Preliminary Course, "Thoracic Oncology
II," UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Anatomy and Oncology for Medical Physicists, Thoracic Oncology-I
Changes and Challenges in Nutrition and Cancer, UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Chair, ‘Brain Metastasis,' Clinical Prediction of Brain Metastasis
Cognitive Deficiency of Patients with Small Cell Lung Cancer, UT M.D. Anderson Cancer
Evaluation of Cognitive Deficiency of Patients with Small Cell Lung Cancer, UT M.D.
Anderson Cancer Center
General Surgery Grand Rounds, Small Cell Lung Cancer
Health Adventures - Student tour Sadako's Story, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
High Dose Rate Endobronchial Brachytherapy
Lecture at Research and Clinical Ethics Course on “Authorship”
Lecture on Small Cell Lung Cancer to Radiotherapy Residents
Lecture on Small Cell Lung Cancer to Radiotherapy Residents
Lectures for Technology Students: Lung Cancer and Thymoma
Lectures on NSCLC to Radiotherapy Residents
Lectures on NSCLC to Radiotherapy Residents
Page 36 of 65
Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Lung, Hyperfractionation + VP16 + Cisplatin, M.D. Anderson Hospital
Medical Director, Medical Dosimetry Program, Allied Health Program
Multimodality Approaches to Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Multimodality Conference, Non-small cell lung cancer
Multimodality Oncology Overview, Radiotherapy for non-small cell lung carcinoma
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation and Nueropsychological Testing for Small Lung Cancer
Patients, UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Radiation Oncology Lecture Series, “Small Cell Lung Cancer,”
Radiation Oncology Lecture Series, “Small Cell Lung Cancer,”
Radiation Oncology Lecture Series, “Superior Sulcus Tumors,”
Radiation Oncology Lung Service Weekly Lecture Series, “Biomarkers”
Radiation Oncology Lung Service Weekly Lecture Series, “PCI,”
Radiation Oncology Lung Service Weekly Lecture Series, “Report on RTOG97-12”
Radiation Therapy Options for Lung Cancer
Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer Teaching Service
1/1992, 2/1992 - 9/1992,
Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer Teaching Service, Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer Teaching Service, Small Cell Lung Cancer, UT M.D.
Anderson Cancer Center
Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer Teaching Service, Thymoma
Radiotherapy Lecture Series, Pre-op and Post-op radiotherapy for Lung Cancer
Radiotherapy Lecture Series, Superior Sulcus Tumors
Radiotherapy Residents Lecture Series, NSCLC--Definitive XRT +/- CTH
Page 37 of 65
Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Radiotherapy Technology Program, Lung and mediastinum
Research and Clinical Ethics Course Authorship, UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
RTOG 88-08, Results of patients treated at MDACC Presented at Head, Neck and
Thoracic Research Confe
RTOG Winter Meeting, Lung Committee
Sadako’s Story, UT M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Small Cell Lung Cancer
Small Cell Lung Cancer, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Lectures to Radiation Oncology Residents, Small Cell Lung Cancer, Non-Small Cell Lung
Cancer (Part 1 and Part 2), Apical Sulcus Tumors, Thymom
August 12-9/1996,
Superior Sulcus Tumors and Thymoma, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Symposium on Multimodality Approaches to Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Clinical Radiation Oncology Courses, Symptomatology and Multidisciplinary Treatment of
Lung, Pleura and Trachea
Teleconference with Spain-Outreach Program, UT M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Thursdays, 2001-2002,
Telemedicine Lung Conference with Orlando, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Every 2nd & 4th Friday of the Month, 10/1999-2001,
Telemedicine Lung Conference with Orlando, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Telemedicine Lung Conference with Orlando, UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Telemedicine Multidisciplinary Planning Conference, "Lung and Lymphoma Case"
Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology Research Meeting, "ID92-038 - Phase II
Combined Modality for, UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Unresectable Adenocarcinoma of Pancreas: Results of 5-FU Infusion plus Regional and
Prophylactic He
Supervisory Teaching
Advisory Committees
Mark W. Skwarchuk, M.Sc., 1994−1995
Robin Kendall, M.S, 1994−1995
Page 38 of 65
Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Teresa Fischer, 1996−1997
Hoon K. Lee, M.D., 2003
Supervisory Committees
Examining Committees
Direct Supervision
Undergraduate and Allied Health Students
Medical Students
Graduate Students
Robbin Bubb, 2001−2002
Postdoctoral Research Fellows
Clinical Residents and Fellows
Tetsuya Hachiya, M.D., 2002−2003
Satoshi Itasaka, M.D., 2002−2004
Keiko Shibuya, M.D., 2003−2004
Rhyohei Sasaki, M.D., PhD, 2003−2004
Other Supervisory Teaching
Teaching Outside of Current Institution
Formal Teaching
Courses Taught
Training Programs
Other Formal Teaching
Diagnosis and Management of Cervical Cancer, Baylor College of Medicine
Residency Training Program, “Cancer of the Lung,”, Baylor University School of Medicine
Thymoma, Baylor College of Medicine
Supervisory Teaching
Advisory Committees
Supervisory Committees
Eastern Medical School, Residency Program Site Visit, 4/1995−4/1995
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Residency Review, 3/1996
American Board of Radiology, Oral Boards Examiner, Section 08 ‘ Lung,
Mediastinum, Soft Tissue & Bone, 11/1997
Page 39 of 65
Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
American Board of Radiology, Oral Boards Examiner, Section 08 ‘ Lung,
Mediastinum, Soft Tissue & Bone, 5/1999−5/1999
American Board of Radiology, Oral Boards Examiner, Section 08 ‘ Lung,
Mediastinum, Soft Tissue & Bone, 6/2001−6/2001
American Board of Radiology, Category 8 Oral Boards Examiner, Lung/sarcoma,
American Board of Radiology, Category 8 Oral Boards Examiner, Lung/sarcoma,
American Board of Radiology, Category 8 Oral Boards Examiner, Lung/sarcoma,
Examining Committees
Direct Supervision
Undergraduate and Allied Health Students
Research Nurses, 1/2004
Medical Students
Graduate Students
Postdoctoral Research Fellows
Clinical Residents and Fellows
Other Supervisory Teaching
Organization of National or International Conferences/Symposia (Include chairing session)
John Hopkins University, Radiotherapy for Stage I-III adenocarcinoma of the endometrium,
Baltimore, MD, 2/1981
Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter of the Association of Operating Room Nurses, The patient with
breast cancer: Innovations in radiotherapy, Milwaukee, WI, 5/1981
Societe Royale Belge de Radiologie, Preoperative and postoperative irradiation for cancer of the
lung, Brussels, Belgium, 4/1984
IASLC, Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer, "Small cell carcinoma: Prophylactic cranial irradiation.,"
Cambridge, United Kingdom, 6/1984
University of Florida College of Medicine, 15th Annual Radiation Therapy Clinical Research
Seminar, Gainesville, FL, 4/1985
IV International Congress of Radiology, HI, 7/1985
University of California, Management of endometrial carcinoma, Los Angeles, CA, 5/1987
Hiroshima University Medical School, 30th Anniversary of the Department of Radiology,
Hiroshima, Japan, 11/1987
National Cancer Center, A role of adjuvant radiotherapy to chemotherapy for lung cancer of other
cancer, Tokyo, Japan, 3/1988
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
University of Kansas Medical Center, Management of cervical carcinoma, Kansas City, KS,
The Heart and Lung Institute at St. Vincent's, Inc., New Treatments for Lung Cancer
Cardiopulmonary update 1989, Jacksonville, FL, 5/1989
The Queens Medical Center, The Queens Medical Center Tumor Conference, Honolulu, HI,
IASLC, IASLC Workshop: "Controversies in Staging and Treatment of Locally Advanced Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer," Bruges, Belgium, 6/1990
IASLC, IASLC Workshop: "Prognostic Factors of 85 patients with Superior Sulcus Tumors (Stage
III) Treated at MDACC.," Bruges, Belgium, 6/1990
Institute of Oncology, Prince of Wales Hospital, University of New South Wales, Management and
Prognosis of Superior Sulcus Tumors, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 8/1990
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Principles of Radiotherapy and Cancer
of the Lung: Diagnosis and Treatment, TX, 1/1991
The University of Texas Medical Center, Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer. Japanese Seminar,
Houston, TX, 6/1991
East Texas Regional Medical Care, East Texas Regional Medical Care Continuing Medical
Education, Lufkin, TX, 1/1992
IASLC, IASLC 2nd Work Shop, Fontainebleau, France, 6/1992
American Cancer Society, Traveling Oncology Consultant, Consultant, 3/1993
Baylor College of Medicine, Radiation Therapy Technology Program, Houston, TX, 3/1993
Rio Hondo Hospital, Improved Survival of Patients with Limited Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated
with Simultaneous Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy, Downey, CA, 3/1993
St. John's Medical Center, Santa Monica Oncology Nurses Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, 3/1993
St. John's Medical Center, Santa Monica Tumor Conference, Los Angeles, CA, 3/1993
UT M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Small Cell Lung Cancer. Radiation Therapy Technology
Program, Houston, TX, 3/1993
Valley Presbyterian Medical Center, Van Nuys Continuing Medical Education, Los Angeles, CA,
Loma Linda University Medical Center, Improved Survival of Patients with Limited Small Cell
Lung Cancer, Los Angeles, CA, 4/1993
Loma Linda University Medical Center, Santa Monica Oncology Nurses Meeting, Los Angeles,
CA, 4/1993
St. John’s Medical Center, Oxnard Continuing Medical Education, Los Angeles, CA, 4/1993
St. Joseph Hospital & Health Center of Bryan, Interventional Procedure for Treatment of Lung
Cancer, Bryan, TX, 5/1993
The Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program, Rockville, MD, 1/1994
University of Southern California, Comparisons of Sequential Versus Concurrent Chemotherapy
and Radiotherapy for Limited Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC), Los Angeles, CA, 2/1994
University of Southern California, Endobronchial High Dose Radiotherapy, Los Angeles, CA,
Albert Einstein Medical Center, Combined Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer,
Philadelphia, PA, 3/1994
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Albert Einstein Medical Center, Optimal Timing of Thoracic Irradiation for Limited Small Cell Lung
Cancer, Philadelphia, PA, 3/1994
High Dose Rate Endobronchial Brachytherapy, Houston, TX, 9/1994
The University of Chicago, Department of Radiation & Cellular Oncology, Chicago, IL, 6/1995
Moncrief Cancer Center, Treatment Planning For Lung Cancer, M.D. Anderson, Fort Worth, TX,
St. Paul Medical Center Cancer Center, Combined Modality Therapy for Locally Advanced NonSmall Cell Lung Cancer, Dallas, TX, 8/1995
National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Standard Treatment for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer,
Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 3/1996
Los Angeles Radiological Society, Southern California Radiation Oncology Society, 49th Annual
Midwinter Oncology Conference, Los Angeles, CA, 1/1997
San Diego Radiological Society, Recent Advances in the Management of Small Cell Lung
Cancer, San Diego, CA, 1/1997
Texas Medical Association, Physician Oncology Education Program, TX, 1/1997
ASTRO, ASTRO Spring Program, Dallas, TX, 3/1997
Medial College of Wisconsin, 29th Annual Southeastern Wisconsin Cancer Conference,
Milwaukee, WI, Visiting Professor, 4/1997
Mid-Atlantic Society of Radiation Oncologists, Unresectable Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer,
Rehoboth Beach, DE, 6/1997
Asian & Oceanian Congress of Radiology, The 8th Asian & Oceanian Congress of Radiology,
Kobe, Japan, 4/1998
IASLC, IASLC International Workshop, Fondation Marcel Merieux, Annecy, France, 6/1998
Hiroshima University School of Medicine, Concurrent Chemotherapy & Radiation Therapy for
Limited SCLC: Toxicity and Efficacy, Hiroshima, Japan, 8/1998
Maui Memorial Hospital, Maui Memorial Hospital Tumor Conference, Maui, HI, 8/1998
The Queens Medical Center, The Queens Medical Center Tumor Conference, Honolulu, HI,
Association of Biological Approaches to Cancer Treatment (BACT), 9th Symposium of the
Association of Biological Approaches to Cancer Treatment (BACT), Nagoya, Japan, 9/1998
Institute for Continuing Healthcare Education, Facing the Challenges of NSCLC: Innovations in
Combined-Modality Treatment Strategies, Seattle, WA, 9/1998
Kyoto University School of Medicine, Radiation Therapy for NSCLC:Current Status and Future
Perspectives, Kyoto, Japan, 9/1998
Nihon University, Kanto Radiation Oncology Group, Tokyo, Japan, 9/1998
Mediphacs-Healthmark ASTRO, Mediphacs-Healthmark ASTRO Satellite Symposium, Current
Strategies for Improving the Therapeutic Index of Radiation Therapy, Phoenix, AZ, 10/1998
RSNA, Refresher Course on the Management of Lung Cancer, Chicago, IL, 11/1998
CME Regional Lung Cancer Series, Jacksonville, FL, 1/1999
Harris Methodist Health System, CME Harris Methodist Health System, Fort Worth, TX, 2/1999
Institute for Continuing Healthcare Education, “Facing the Challenges of NSCLC: Innovations in
Combined-Modality Treatment Strategies” “Radiation Standards, Innovations, and Concomitant
Chemoradiotherapy,”, Marina Del Rey, CA, 3/1999
Page 42 of 65
Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Greater Kansas City Radiation Oncology Society, Multidisciplinary Approach to Non-small Cell
Lung Cancer, Kansas City, MO, 4/1999
The University of Kansas, Multidisciplinary Approach to Non-small Cell and Limited Small Cell
Lung Cancer, Kansas City, KS, Visiting Professor, 4/1999
American Cancer Society, Oncology Visiting Faculty Program, Denver, CO, Visiting Faculty,
Institute for Continuing Healthcare Education, “Facing the Challenges of NSCLC: Innovations in
Combined-Modality Treatment Strategies” “Radiation Standards, Innovations, and Concomitant
Chemoradiotherapy,”, Tulsa, OK, 6/1999
University of Cape Town, Combined Modality Treatment of Common Epithelial Tumours, Cape
Town, South Africa, Visiting Professor, 8/1999
University of the Witwatersrand, Annual National Symposia, “Standard and Innovative
Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer” and “Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy: How do we combine
these in NSCLC and SCLC,”, Johannesburg, South Africa, 8/1999
RSNA, Refresher Course on the Management of Lung Cancer, Chicago, IL, 11/1999
Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Facolta di Medicina e Chirurgia “Agostino Gemelli,”, Modern
Radiotherapy and Methodology of Research for the Third Mellenium, Rome, Italy, Visiting
Professor, 11/1999
International Symposium of Future Development on Radiation Oncology ’99, Yokohama, Japan,
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, RadOnc 2000, “Importance of Treatment
Time for Small Cell Lung Cancer,”, Houston, TX, unkinown, 2/2000
Annunciation Greek Orthodox School, 4th Grade, “One Thousand Paper Cranes,”, Houston, TX,
Society of Surgical Oncology, Cine Clinic, Gene Therapy for Carcinoma of the Lung, New
Orleans, LA, 3/2000
American Radium Society, 82nd Annual Meeting, London, United Kingdom, 4/2000
Eighth Annual Radiation Workshop at Round Top, Round Top, TX, 4/2000
Citizens Medical Center, Citizens Medical Center Tumor Board Presentation, Victoria, TX, 5/2000
Early Stage NSCLC, Case Analysis, Houston, TX, 5/2000
Louisville Lung Cancer Symposium 2000, Louisville, KY, 6/2000
University of South Florida, University of South Florida’s Comprehensive Lung Cancer
Conference, Coeur d’Alene, ID, 7/2000
Bristol-Myers Squibb Oncology International, Visiting Faculty Program, Hiroshima, Japan, Visiting
Faculty, 9/2000
University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Division of Radiation Oncology, Resident
Lecture Series, Houston, TX, 10/2000
University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Division of Radiation Oncology Grand
Rounds, Houston, TX, 10/2000
University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Division of Radiation Oncology, Resident
Lecture Series, Houston, TX, 10/2000
CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital, CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Shoreline Tumor Concerence, Corpus
Christi, TX, 1/2001
New York Cancer Society, Radiation Therapy Options for Lung Cancer, New York, NY, 1/2001
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Ho Hung Chiu Medical Education Foundation Training Program, Lectures on ”Small Cell Lung
Cancer, Non-small Cell Lung Cancer, Biomarkers in Lung Cancer and Superior Sulcus Tumors,”,
Hong Kong, China, Lecturer, 2/2001
ASTRO, ASTRO Spring Program, Chicago, IL, Lecturer, 3/2001
University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Division of Radiation Oncology, Resident
Lecture Series, Houston, TX, Lecturer, 3/2001
Japan/US Cancer, Japan/US Cancer Therapy Symposium, La Jolla, CA, Lecturer, 4/2001
Sao Paulo Radiology Association, 31st Sao Paulo Radiology Meeting, Sao Paulo, Brazil,
Lecturer, 4/2001
Annunciation Greek Orthodox School, “Story of Sadako,” Fifth Grade, Houston, TX, Lecturer,
UMDNJ, CME Program, Newark, NJ, Visiting Professor, 4/2002
Brigham Women’s Hospital, CME Program, Boston, MA, Visiting Professor, 5/2002
Advances in Cytoprotection, Advances in Cytoprotection Community Consultants’ Meeting, Biloxi,
MS, 6/2002
Hillcrest Medical Center, CME Program, Tulsa, OK, Visiting Professor, 7/2002
21st Century Oncology, CME Program, Sarasota, FL, Visiting Professor, 8/2002
Baylor University School of Medicine, Residency Training Program, Houston, TX, Lecturer,
Morton Plant Hospital, CME Program, Clearwater, FL, Visiting Professor, 8/2002
University of Rochester Medical Center, CME Program, Rochester, NY, Visiting Professor,
China-Japan International Symposium, China-Japan International Symposium on Radiation
Oncology, Shijiahuang, China, Lecturer, 9/2002
Hitachi Ltd, Proton Therapy Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 9/2002
IASLC, IASLC Workshop-Progress and Guidelines in the Management of NSCLC, Brugge,
Belgium, Lecturer, 9/2002
ASTRO, ASTRO Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Lecturer, 10/2002
Texas Radiological Society, Texas Radiological Society Spring Meeting, The Woodlands, TX,
Baylor University College of Medicine, Lung Cancer, Houston, TX, Visiting Professor, 4/2003
Radiological Society of North America, Refresher Course, Chicago, IL, Faculty, 11/2003
MedImmune Speakers Bureau, Cytoprotection in the treatment of locally advanced non-small cell
lung cancer, Chicago, IL, Lecturer, 12/2003
Radiological Society of North America, Special Focus Session: ASTRO invited papers, Chicago,
IL, Moderator, 12/2003
RTOG, RTOG Semi-Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 1/2004
NCRP, NCRP Scientific Comm 1-13, St. Louis, MO, Lecturer, 4/2004
American Radium Society, American Radium Society Annual Meeting, Napa Valley, CA, Lecturer,
Takahashi Memorial International Workshop, The 4th Takahashi Memorial Internationl Workshop
on 3 Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy, Nagoya, Japan, Lecturer, 12/2004
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Multidisciplinary Symposium in Thoracic Oncology, Multidisciplinary Symposium in Thoracic
Oncology, Chicago, IL, Moderator, 11/2008
Presentations at National or International Conferences
Reduced fractionation and the potential of hypoxic cell sensitizes in irradiation of malignant
epithelial tumors, 6th International Congress of Radiation Research, Tokyo, Japan, 1/1/1979
Risk of brain metastasis from small cell carcinoma of the lung related to length of survival and
prophylactic irradiation, International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) II
World Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1/1/1980
Superior sulcus tumors: Results of irradiation of 29 cases, International Association for the
Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) II World Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1/1/1980
Characteristics of long-term survivors after irradiation for inoperable carcinoma of the lung,
International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC), III World Congress, Tokyo,
Japan, 1/1/1982
Preoperative and postoperative irradiation for cancer of the lung., Societe Royale Belge de
Radiologie, Brussels, Belgium, 1/1/1984
Small cell carcinoma: Prophylactic cranial irradiation, IASLC Workshop on Radiotherapy for
Lung Cancer, Cambridge, 1/1/1984
Small cell carcinoma: Prophylactic cranial irradiation, International Association for the Study
of Lung Cancer (IASLC), United Kingdom, 1/1/1984
Characteristics of long-term survivors after treatment for inoperable carcinoma of the lung, IV
World Conference on Lung Cancer, Toronto, Canada, 1/1/1985
Management of superior sulcus tumors, 15th Annual Radiation Therapy Clinical Research
Seminar, Gainesville, FL, 1/1/1985
Multivariate analysis of pre-treatment factors that may affect prognosis in carcinoma of the
cervix, XVI International Congress of Radiology, HI, 1/1/1985
Prognostic significance of interval from preoperative irradiation to hysterectomy for
endometrial carcinoma, XVI International Congress of Radiology, HI, 1/1/1985
What is the lowest effective biologic dose for prophylactic cranial irradiation for small cell
carcinoma of the lung?”, XVI International Congress of Radiology, HI, 1/1/1985
“Lung function after breast carcinoma irradiation” and “Thoracic irradiation for subclinical
metastasis.”, International Conference on New Biology of Lung and Lung Injury and their
implications for oncology, Porvoo, Finland, 1/1/1987
A role of radiotherapy for endometrial carcinoma, Kansas City Radiation Oncology Society,
Kansas City, MO, 1/1/1988
Management of gynecologic malignancy, New York Roentgen Society, Spring Conference,
New York City, NY, 1/1/1988
Management of gynecologic malignancy, New York Roentgen Society, Spring Conference,
New York City, NY, 1/1/1988
Pre-operative neoadjuvant combination chemotherapy and radiotherapy for non-small cell
cancer of the lung, 5th World Conference on Lung Cancer, IASLC, Interlaken, Switzerland,
Radiotherapy of cancer of the breast, The 47th Congress of the Japan Radiological Society,
Tokyo, Japan, 1/1/1988
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Radiation Therapy vs Surgery for Histopathologic Groups of Non-Small Cell Carcinoma of
Lung (NSCCL) with Regional Lymph Node Metastasis., 17th International Congress of
Radiology (ICR), Paris, France, 1/1/1989
Prognostic factors of 85 patients with superior sulcus tumors (stage III) treated at M. D.
Anderson Cancer Center, IASLC Workshop: Controversies in staging and treatment of locally
advanced NSC lung cancer, Bruges, Belgium, 1/1/1990
Altered fractionation radiotherapy-report of RTOG studies, The 9th International Congress of
Radiation Research, Toronto, Canada, 1/1/1991
Consensus, 2nd IASLC Workshop on Combined Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy Modalities
in Lung Cancer, Fontainebleau, France, 1/1/1992
Endobronchial Brachytherapy in the Management of Lung Cancer, General Thoracic Surgical
Club, Sixth Annual Meeting, Captiva Island, FL, 1/1/1993
Patients with Locally Advanced Inoperable Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC),
Philadelphia, PA, 1/1/1993
A Randomized Trial comparing perioperative chemotherapy and surgery with surgery alone
in resectable Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, 7th World Conference on Lung Cancer,
Colorado Springs, CO, 1/1/1994
An Aggressive Multimodality Protocol Does Not Improve Survival in Patients with Malignant
Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM), The Society of Surgical Oncology, Inc, Arlington Heights, IL,
Combined Modality Therapy for Cancer, Philadelphia Roentgen Ray Society, Philadelphia,
PA, 1/1/1994
Daily (QD) vs. Twice Daily (BID) Thoracic Irradiation (TI) with Concurrent CisplatinEtoposide(PE) for Limited Small Cell Lung Cancer (LSCLC). Preliminary Results on 352
Eligible Patients., 7th World Conference on Lung Cancer, Colorado Springs, CO, 1/1/1994
Evaluation of cognitive deficits associated with small cell lung cancer, 7th World Conference
on Lung Cancer, Colorado Springs, CO, 1/1/1994
Improved Radiation Treatment in Non-Small Cell Carcinoma of the Lung, Ohio State
Radiological Society Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH, 1/1/1994
Phase I/II study of combined chemoradiotherapy with cisplatin plus oral etoposide for patients
with locally advanced inoperable Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): RTOG 9106, 7th
World Conference on Lung Cancer, Colorado Springs, CO, 1/1/1994
Treatment of Node-Negative Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (NSCLC) with Radiotherapy
Alone, 7th World Conference on Lung Cancer, Colorado Springs, CO, 1/1/1994
40th Annual meeting of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer,
Montreux, Switzerland, 1/1/1994
1994 ACR/RTOG Symposium on Clinical Trials, New Orleans, LA, 1/1/1994
Future direction in the management of small cell lung cancer: Is more better?, 15th Annual
Current Approaches to Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics, San Francisco, CA,
U.S.-Japan Radiation Oncology Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 1/1/1995
Lung and Esophageal Cancer, International Symposium on Advances in Radical Cancer
Treatment: Simultaneous Chemoradiation, Madrid, Spain, 1/1/1996
Standard treatment for non small cell lung cancer, National Comprehensive Cancer Network,
Chicago, IL, 1/1/1996
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Standard treatment for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer, National Comprehensive Cancer Center
Network, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 1/1/1996
IASLC Workshop, Bruges, Belgium, 1/1/1996
3D Conformal Meeting for lung cancer, St. Louis, MO, 1/1/1996
Molecular and Cellular Radiation Oncology & Biology Meeting, Boston, MA, 1/1/1996
A Phase I Study of Continuous Infusion Low Dose Paclitaxel & Concurrent Radiotherapy for
Unresectable Esophageal Cancer, Bristol-Myers Squibb Oncology Clinical Investigator
Conference, Dallas, TX, 1/1/1997
Chemoradiotherapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer” and “Recent Advances in the
Management of Small Cell Lung Cancer, 49th Annual Midwinter Oncology Conference, Los
Angeles, CA, 1/1/1997
Integration of p53 Gene Replacement and Radiation Therapy, GENCELL, Rhone-Poulenc
Rorer, Inc., Expert Panel Member, Philadelphia, PA, 1/1/1997
Management of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Mid-Atlantic Society of Radiology, Rehoboth,
NH, 1/1/1997
Recent Advances in the Management of Small Cell Lung Cancer, San Diego Radiological
Society Meeting, San Diego, CA, 1/1/1997
Superior Sulcus Tumors, Southeastern Wisconsin Cancer Conference, Milwaukee, WI,
Tumor Biomarkers in Lung Cancer: An Analysis of Patients with Pathologically Staged N1
Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC), 8th World Conference on Lung Cancer, Dublin,
Ireland, 1/1/1997
European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Meeting, Lyon,
France, 1/1/1997
AAMC Professional Development Seminar for Senior Women in Medicine, Washington, DC,
8th Congres de la Societe Francaise de Radiotherapie Oncologique, Maison de la Chimie,
France, 1/1/1997
"Induction Cisplatin/Vinblastine and Irradiation vs. Irradiation in Unresectable Squamous Cell
Lung Cancer: Failure Patterns by Cell Type in RTOG 88-08/ECOG 4558" and "Role of
Radiation Therapy for Management of Limited Small Cell Lung Cancer.," The 8th Asian &
Oceanian Congress of Radiology, Kobe, Japan, 1/1/1998
Gene Therapy as Radiation Modifier for Unresectable NSCLC, 9th Symposium of the
Association of Biological Approaches to Cancer Treatment (BACT), Nagoya, Japan, 1/1/1998
Individual Variation in Tolerance of Thoracic Radiotherapy, IASLC International Workshop,
Annecy, France, 1/1/1998
Induction of Concurrent Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy for Locally Advanced NSCLC,
9th Symposium of the Association of Biological Approaches to Cancer Treatment (BACT),
Nagoya, Japan, 1/1/1998
Practical Cases of Clinical Target Volume (II), IASLC International Workshop, Annecy,
France, 1/1/1998
Prognostic Biomarker Study in Pathologically Staged N1 NSCLC, 9th Symposium of the
Association of Biological Approaches to Cancer Treatment (BACT), Nagoya, Japan, 1/1/1998
Lung Cancer Strategy IWC Meeting, Rockville, MD, 1/1/1998
ALZA Lung Cancer Advisory Board Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 1/1/1998
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Closing Address, Japan/US Cancer Therapy Symposium, Hiroshima, Japan, 1/1/1999
Current Management of Limited Small Cell Lung Cancer, Japan/US Cancer Therapy
Symposium, Hiroshima, Japan, 1/1/1999
Modality sequence & prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) are most significant in recursive
partitioning analysis (RPA) of patients with limited small cell lung cancer (SCLC) treated with
combined modality therapy, Japan/US Cancer Therapy Symposium, Hiroshima, Japan,
Phase I study of CPT-11 and concurrent radiation therapy for upper GI tumors, Evolving Role
of Irinotecan in the Management of Lung and GI Cancer Conference: A Closed Symposium,
San Francisco, CA, 1/1/1999
National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Lung Panel Meeting, Chicago, IL, 1/1/1999
American College of Radiology Patterns of Care Study (PCS), Philadelphia, PA, 1/1/1999
Chair session on Strategy of Combined Modality Treatment in Unresectable Stage III
NSCLC, 9th World Conference on Lung Cancer, Tokyo, Japan, 1/1/2000
Effect of Duration of Thoracic Radiation Therapy (TRT) on the Outcome of Patients with
Limited Small Cell Lung Cancer (LSCLC) Treated with Chemotherapy and Radiation
Therapy, 19th ESTRO Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, 1/1/2000
Genetargeting Treatment for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer, 13th Biological Approaches to
Cancer Treatment (BACT) Symposium, Nagoya, Japan, 1/1/2000
Integration of New Therapeutic Agents into the Multimodality Treatment of Non-Small Cell
Lung Cancer, NCI Lung Cancer State of the Science Meeting, Bethesda, MD, 1/1/2000
Management of Superior Sulcus Tumors, 13th Annual Meeting of JASTRO, Niigata, Japan,
Randomized chemoradiation for patients with locally advaned inoperable non-small cell lung
cancer (NSCLC): Long-term follow-up of RTOG 92-04, 9th World Conference on Lung
Cancer, Tokyo, Japan, 1/1/2000
Intersociety Summer Conference – Radiology 2000, Coronado, CA, 1/1/2000
Chemo-Radiotherapy Trials in Lung Cancer, 3rd UICC Cancer Management Meeting,
Singapore, Singapore, 1/1/2001
Lung Cancer, Pattern of Care Study Group Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 1/1/2001
Patterns of Care Study in Radiotherapy & Int’l Information Exchange, US/Japan Workshop,
San Francisco, CA, 1/1/2001
PET and Lung Cancer, American Association of Molecular Imaging Townhall Meeting,
Orlando, FL, 1/1/2001
Phase III study of chemo + HFxRT +/- ethyol in NSCLC, First Investigators’ Congress on
Radioprotection, St. Croix, 1/1/2001
Proton Therapy Co-Operative Group Meeting, Tsukuba City, Japan, 1/1/2001
Proton Therapy Group Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 1/1/2001
M. D. Anderson International Espana Site Visit, Madrid, Spain, 1/1/2001
CT/PET Varian Product launch, New York City, NY, 1/1/2001
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Bethesda, MD, 1/1/2001
Respiratory Gating Training Workshop, Knoxville, TN, 1/1/2001
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Intersociety Summer Conference (Representing AAWR & American Radium Society), Banff,
Canada, 1/1/2001
Women and Lung Cancer, Chicago, IL, 1/1/2001
Marconi Meeting, Cleveland, OH, 1/1/2001
Chemoradioprotection for NSCLC, Cytoprotection Consultants Meeting, Colorado Springs,
CO, 1/1/2002
Conformal Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer, 61st Annual Meeting Japan Radiological Society,
Kobe, Japan, 1/1/2002
COX-2 Inhibitor and Radiation for NSCLC, 2nd Annual Opinion Leader Summit, Scottsdale,
AZ, 1/1/2002
Ethyol, Update on Management of Stage III Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer, CME Lecture,
RedBank, NJ, 1/1/2002
How to reduce normal tissue toxicities in the thorax, IASLC Workshop on the current strategy
for stage III-IV non-small cell lung cancer, Fukuoka, Japan, 1/1/2002
Management of lung cancer:Biologically and physically targeted treatment, 61st Annual
Meeting Japan Radiological Society, Kobe, Japan, 1/1/2002
PG-Taxol as a Radiosensitizer for NSCLC, 2nd Annual Opinion Leader Summit, Scottsdale,
AZ, 1/1/2002
Phase III trial of amifostine with chemoradiation for inoperable non-small cell lung cancer
(NSCLC): Does amifostine protect cancer cells?, IASLC Workshop: Progress and guidelines
in the management of non-small cell lung cancer, Bruges, Belgium, 1/1/2002
RSNA, Moderator, ASTRO invited papers, 88th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting,
Chicago, IL, 1/1/2002
Small Cell & Non-small cell lung cancer, 88th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting,
Chicago, IL, 1/1/2002
Targeted treatment for lung cancer, China-Japan Lung Cancer Symposium, Zhijiazhuang,
China, 1/1/2002
Targeted treatment for lung cancer, CME Lecture, Charlottesville, VA, 1/1/2002
Targeted treatment for lung cancer, 43rd Annual Meeting of Japan Lung Cancer Society,
Fukuoka, Japan, 1/1/2002
Chemoradiation Protection, Ethyol Regional Advisory Panel, Philadelphia, PA, 1/1/2003
COX-2 inhibitor for lung cancer, National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo, Japan, 1/1/2003
Current Management of Lung Cancer, Japan/US PCS Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 1/1/2003
Cytoprotection for the Management of Lung Cancer, 3rd Japan/US Cancer Treatment
Symposium (JUCTS), Kyoto, Japan, 1/1/2003
Hyperfractionation and accelerated thoracic radiation therapy (HFXA/TRT) increased survival
compared to daily TRT for limited small cell lung cancer (LSCLC) patients treated with
concurrent chemotherapy, Xth International Association for Lung Cancer (IASLC),
Vancouver, Canada, 1/1/2003
Management of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer, CME Lecture, Denver, CO, 1/1/2003
Management of Stage III NSCLC, Visiting Professor, Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical
Center, Chicago, IL, 1/1/2003
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Phase I dose-escalation study of thoracic irradiation with concurrent chemotherapy for
patients with limited small cell lung cancer (LSCLC), Annual Meeting of ASTRO, Salt Lake
City, UT, 1/1/2003
Phase I dose-escalation study of thoracic irradiation with concurrent chemotherapy for
patients with limited small cell lung cancer (LSCLC). Radiation Therapy Oncology Group
(RTOG) protocol 9712., Xth International Association for Lung Cancer (IASLC), Vancouver,
Canada, 1/1/2003
Targeted Treatment for Lung Cancer, 17th Asia Pacific Cancer Conference (APCC), Bali,
Indonesia, 1/1/2003
Centro Oncologico MD Anderson International espana (COMDAIE), Madrid, Spain, 1/1/2003
Investigators Meeting, Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Study Protocol, Montreal, Canada,
ACRIN Semi-Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 1/1/2003
Hyperfractionated and accelerated thoracic radiation therapy (HFXATRT) increased survival
compared to daily TRT (QDTRT) for limited small cell lung cancer (LSCLC) patients treated
with concurrent chemotherapy, Annual Meeting of ASTRO, Atlanta, GA, 1/1/2004
Lung: Improving therapeutic ratio by increasing efficacy of cancer cell kill & reducing
surrounding normal tissue toxicity, Annual Meeting of ASTRO, Atlanta, GA, 1/1/2004
Multidisciplinary management of lung cancer, Annual Meeting of RSNA, Chicago, IL,
Non-small-cell lung cancer: An update on clinical trials with amifostine, Approaches in
mucositis prevention: Managing complication that limit aggressive treatment regimens,
Atlanta, GA, 1/1/2004
Does response rate in the induction chemotherapy predict survival for locally advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer (LANSCLC)?, 11th World Conference on Lung Cancer, Barcelona,
Spain, 1/1/2005
New directions in NSCLC, Japan/US Cancer Therapy Symposium, Maui, HI, 1/1/2005
Optimal dose of radiation therapy for esophageal cancer, Severance-MD Anderson Joint
Symposium 2005, Seoul, 1/1/2005
Optimal treatment for superior sulcus tumors (SST): Surgery first followed by adjunct RT/ChT
improved survival for patients with resectable SST, 11th World Conference on Lung Cancer,
Barcelona, Spain, 1/1/2005
Optimizing radiotherapy techniques for localized NSCLC, 11th World Conference on Lung
Cancer, Barcelona, Spain, 1/1/2005
Moderator: Radiation Therapy Symposium - Future of Molecular Targeted Treatment with
Radiation for Lung Cancer, IASLC, Chicago, IL, 10/1/2006
Cased-based Review of Radiation Oncology: Thoracic Cancers, RSNA, Chicago, IL,
Combination with chemoradiation (CRT) in patients (PTS) with stage IIIA/B non-small cell
lung cancer (NSCLC): An interim report of the RTOG 0234 trial., RTOG Semi-Annual
Meeting, RTOG, Philadelphia, 1/23/2007
Debate - Surgery will remain the standard care for minimal NSCLC (<1 cm) vs. SBRT will
replace surgery for manaement of minimal NSCLC (<1 cm)., 8th International Lung Cancer
Congress, Wailea, HI, 1/30/2007
How do imaging studies incorporate into RT planning and treatment?, 89th Annual American
Radium Society Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 5/7/2007
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Acute esophagitis correlated with irradiated volume in a phase II study of accelerated high
dose thoracic radiation therapy (TRT) with concurrent chemoradiotherapy for limited small
cell lung cancer LSCLC (RTOG 0239), 12th IASLC WCLC, Seoul, Korea, Republic of,
Chemoradiotherapy with molecular target treatment for lung cancer, JUCTS 2007, Sendai,
Japan, 9/8/2007
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, ASCO-JSCO Joint Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, 10/25/2007
Controversies in the management of limited small cell lung cancer, 17 International
Symposium of the Hiroshima Cancer Seminar, Hiroshima, Japan, 11/11/2007
Current Situation in Radiotherapy in USA, 21st International Symposium Foundation for
Promotion of Cancer Research, Tokyo, Japan, 2/2008
Future Prospects, 21st International Symposium Foundation for Promotion of Cancer
Research, Tokyo, Japan, 2/2008
Overview of Modern Radiotherapy, 21st International Symposium Foundation for Promotion
of Cancer Research, Tokyo, Japan, 2/2008
Treatment Planning Issues and Heavy Ion Therapy, PTCOG 47 Conference, Jacksonville,
FL, 5/2008
American Association of Women Radiologists Presentation, Sino-American Network for
Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, Grand Epoch City, Beijing, China, 8/27/2008
Non-Small Lung Cancer: Consensus and Guidelines for Radiation Therapy in Non-small cell
lung cancer and the role of radiation therapy, Sino-American Network for Therapeutic
Radiology and Oncology, Grand Epoch City, China, 8/29/2008
Small Cell Lung Cancer: Consensus and Guidelines on Radiation Therapy in Small Cell Lung
Cancer, Sino-American Network for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, Grand Epoch City,
China, 8/29/2008
Other, Including Scientific Exhibitions
Carcinoma of the pancreas: Results of irradiation for unresectable lesions, 20th Annual
Meeting of the American Society of Therapeutic Radiologists, Los Angeles, CA, 11/1/1978
Risk of brain metastasis from small cell carcinoma of the lung related to length of survival and
prophylactic irradiation, American Society of Therapeutic Radiologists, Dallas, TX, 10/1/1980
Preliminary results of irradiation for biopsy proved metastatic para-aortic lymph nodes from
carcinoma of the cervix and endometrium, Radiological Society of North America, Inc.,
Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 11/1/1981
Characteristics of long-term survivors after irradiation for inoperable carcinoma of the lung,
64th Annual Meeting of the American Radium Society, San Antonio, TX, 3/1/1982
Frequency of brain metastasis in adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma of the lung:
Correlation with survival, American Society of Therapeutic Radiologists, Orlando, FL,
Changes in the relative risk and sites of central nervous system metastases with effective
combined chemotherapy and radiation therapy for small cell carcinoma of the lung, 65th
Annual Meeting of the American Radium Society, Savannah, GA, 4/1/1983
Influence of preoperative irradiation on failure patterns of endometrial carcinomas with high
risk of lymph node metastasis, 66th Annual Meeting of the American Radium Society,
Coronado, CA, 3/1/1984
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Prophylactic irradiation of the central nervous system in small cell, large cell and
adenocarcinoma. Symposium: Carcinoma of the lung - overcoming the causes of failure, 66th
Annual Meeting of the American Radium Society, Coronado, CA, 3/1/1984
Prognostic significance of interval from preoperative irradiation to hysterectomy for
endometrial carcinoma, American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology,
Washington, DC, 10/1/1984
What is the lowest effective biologic dose for prophylactic cranial irradiation?, American
Radium Society, Acapulco, Mexico, 4/1/1985
Cancer of the Lung, American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO),
Miami, FL, 9/1/1985
Brain metastasis in patients with superior sulcus tumors, 71st Scientific Assembly and Annual
Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Chicago, IL, 11/1/1985
Complications from high dose para-aortic and pelvic irradiation for malignant genitourinary
tumors, 72nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA, Chicago, IL, 11/1/1986
Phase I/II study of prophylactic hepatic irradiation with local irradiation and systemic
chemotherapy for adenocarcinoma of the pancreas., 69th Annual Meeting of the American
Radium Society, 4/1/1987
Phase I/II study of prophylactic hepatic irradiation with local irradiation and systemic
chemotherapy for adenocarcinoma pancreas, Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG),
Philadelphia, PA, 7/1/1987
Phase I/II study of a twice daily fractionation schedule with external irradiation and
intracavitary brachytherapy in bulky stage IB, IIA or stage IIB carcinoma of the cervix., RTOG,
Philadelphia, PA, 1/1/1988
The efficacy of adjuvant radiation therapy for stage I and II breast carcinoma, The 70th
Annual Meeting of the American Radium Society, Seattle, WA, 4/1/1988
Limited surgery and radiation therapy versus mastectomy for stage I and II mammary
carcinoma, The 74th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of
North America (RSNA), Chicago, IL, 12/1/1988
Superior sulcus tumors: Treatment selection and results in 85 patients without distant
metastasis (Mo)., 31st Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 10/1/1989
Carcinoma of the Lung - 1989, RSNA, Chicago, IL, 11/1/1989
Invasive thymoma: Four decades of experience at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center., 75th
Annual Meeting of RSNA, Chicago, IL, 11/1/1989
American Society for Therapeutic Radiology Oncology, Miami, FL, 10/1/1990
RTOG Semi-Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 10/1/1990
Patterns of failure by treatment modality for non-small cell carcinoma of the lung with
mediastinal nodal metastasis (N2M0), 76th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the
RSNA, Chicago, IL, 11/1/1990
RTOG Semi-Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 2/1/1991
High dose local plus prophylactic hepatic irradiation (PHI) and chemotherapy for inoperable
adenocarcinoma of pancreas: preliminary report of multi-institutional trial (RTOG 8801), The
75th Anniversary Meeting of the American Radium Society, Montreal, Canada, 5/1/1991
RTOG Semi-Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 7/1/1991
Analysis of early and late deaths on RTOG non-small cell lung carcinoma trials vs. CALGB
8433, The 33rd Annual Meeting of the ASTRO, Washington, DC, 11/1/1991
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Refresher Course, Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) - 77th Scientificy Assembly
and Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 12/1/1991
Management of Hepatic Metastasis, American Radium Society, Orlando, FL, 4/1/1992
RTOG Semi-annual Meeting, 7/1/1992
ChemoRx/XRT Combination for Favorable Patients with Locally Advanced Inoperable
NSCLC, Head, Neck and Thoracic Research Conference, 8/1/1992
Twice Daily Fractionation of External Irradiation with Brachytherapy in Bulky Carcinoma of
the Cervix: Phase I/II Study, 75th Annual Meeting of the American Radium Society, Palm
Beach, Aruba, 4/1/1993
Time/dose delivery Working Group: RTOG 92-04: Randomized Phase II Study of
Chemotherapy/Radiation Therapy Combinations for Favorable Patients with locally Advanced
Inoperable Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC), RTOG Semiannual Meeting, Philadelphia,
PA, 7/1/1993
Interdigitating versus concurrent Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy for Limited Small Cell
Lung Cancer(SCLC), ASTRO Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 10/1/1993
American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, Reston, VA, 10/1/1993
Differential Diagnosis of recurrent Lung Cancer from Post-treatment Changes by Using F-18
FDG PET, 79th annual RSNA, Chicago, IL, 11/1/1993
Intensification by Radiation Therapy, American Radium Society's 76th Annual Meeting,
Bermuda, 4/1/1994
Pharmacology & Medical Oncology, 7th International Symposium, 4/1/1994
American Radium Society meeting, Bermuda, 4/1/1994
Hometown Radio Interview, RTOG Semi-Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 7/1/1994
Lung Cancer, 71st Annual meeting of the American College of Radiology, New Orleans, LA,
Phase I-II Study of Combined Chemoradiation Therapy with Cisplatin Plus Oral Etoposide in
Patients with Locally Advanced Inoperable Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Radiation Therapy
Oncology Group 91-06, RSNA, Chicago, IL, 11/1/1994
RTOG 3-D meeting, St. Louis, MO, 1/1/1995
Combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy for unresectable NSCLC, Radiation Therapy
Oncology Group Hometown Radio Interview program, San Francisco, CA, 2/1/1995
RTOG Semi-Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2/1/1995
Impact of Adding Concurrent Chemotherapy to Hyperfractionated Radiotherapy for Locally
Advanced Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): (Comparison of RTOG 83-11 to RTOG 9106), 77th Annual Meeting of the American Radium Society, Paris, France, 4/1/1995
RTOG 91-06, RTOG 93-12 and RTOG 92-04, RTOG Semi-Annual Meeting, Philadelphia,
PA, 7/1/1995
37th Annual ASTRO Meeting, Miami, FL, 10/1/1995
Usefulness of Tumor Volumetry with MR Imaging in Assessing Responses to Radiation
Therapy in Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix, RSNA, Moderator of GYN Session, 11/1/1995
Appropriateness of Management of Non Small Cell Lung Cancer., American College of
Radiology (ACR) Meeting, Chicago, IL, 1/1/1996
3D Meeting for Lung Cancer, St. Louis, MO, 1/1/1996
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Review of Protocol RTOG 94-10, Philadelphia, PA, 1/1/1996
Appropriateness of Management for Non small cell lung cancer, RTOG Semi-annual Meeting,
New Orleans, LA, 2/1/1996
A Phase I biomarker correlation study of Taxol and endobronchial brachytherapy for non
small cell lung cancer, 87th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 4/1/1996
Review of Protocol RTOG 94-10, RTOG Headquarters Site Visits, Philadelphia, PA, 5/1/1996
American Society for Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 5/1/1996
Review of Protocol RTOG 92-04, RTOG Headquarters Site Visits, Philadelphia, PA, 6/1/1996
Patterns of Failure in RTOG 88-08, ACR Meeting and ASTRO Symposium on PSA Following
Irradiation for Prostate Cancer, San Antonio, TX, 9/1/1996
Review of RTOG 94-10, RTOG Headquarters Site Visits, Philadelphia, PA, 9/1/1996
Induction Cisplatin/Vinblastine Decreased Distant Metastasis in Unresectable Squamous Cell
Cancer (SCC): Failure Patterns in RTOG 88-08/ECOG 4588, ASTRO Annual Meeting, Los
Angeles, CA, 10/1/1996
Biomarkers of NSCLC, RSNA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 11/1/1996
Future of Radiation Oncology:What advances can we expect in radiation treatments for
cancer in the future?, RSNA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 12/1/1996
RTOG Headquarters, Lung Strategy Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 12/1/1996
RTOG Research Strategy Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 1/1/1997
RTOG Winter Semi-Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, 2/1/1997
Recent Advances in the Management of SCLC, ASTRO Spring Program, Dallas, TX,
Does Mutagen Sensitivity Predict Outcome and/or Acute Toxicity in the Patients with Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer?, American Radium Society Annual Meeting, New York City, NY,
Randomized Study of Chemotherapy/Radiation Therapy: Combinations for Favorable
Patients with Locally Advanced Inoperable Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Radiation Therapy
Oncology Group (RTOG) 92-04, 22nd Annual Meeting of the Gilbert H. Fletcher Society,
Barcelona, Spain, 6/1/1997
Failure patterns by prognostic group as determined by recursive partitioning analysis (RPA)
of 1,547 on four Radiation Therapy Oncology Group studies in inoperable non-small cell lung
cancer (NSCLC), RTOG Semi-annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 7/1/1997
ASTRO Prostate Cancer Symposium on Long Term Durability of PSA Response to
Radiation, the Annual Meeting of the American College of Radiology, Atlanta, GA, 9/1/1997
RTOG Headquarters Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 9/1/1997
Failure patterns by prognostic group as determined by recursive partitioning analysis (RPA)
of 1547 on four radiation therapy oncology group studies in inoperable non-small cell lung
cancer (NSCLC), ASTRO, Orlando, FL, 10/1/1997
Prognostic factors of lung cancer patients, ASTRO, Orlando, FL, 10/1/1997
Management of Lung Cancer: B:-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Radiological Society of North
America (RSNA), Chicago, IL, 11/1/1997
RTOG Semi-Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, 2/1/1998
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Discussion on Lung Cancer, 80th Annual American Radium Society Meeting, Monte Carlo,
Monaco, 5/1/1998
Multidisciplinary Approach for the Management of Superior Sulcus Tumors, 80th Annual
American Radium Society Meeting, Monte Carlo, Monaco, 5/1/1998
RTOG Semi-Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 7/1/1998
Modality sequence & prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) are most significant in recursive
partitioning analysis (RPA) of patients with limited small cell lung cancer (SCLC) treated with
combined modality therapy, ASTRO Poster Presentation, Phoenix, AZ, 10/1/1998
RTOG Semi-Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 1/1/1999
Esophageal Cancer, 81st Annual American Radium Society Meeting, Big Island, HI, 4/1/1999
Influence of induction chemotherapy on human lung cancer with mutated p53, ASCO Annual
Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 5/1/1999
RTOG Semi-Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 6/1/1999
Concurrent Chemoradiation, ASTRO Fall Symposium, Washington, DC, 9/1/1999
AAWR Executive Committee Meeting, Washington, DC, 9/1/1999
Intratumoral Microvascular Density Using Factor 8 and CDK31 Correlates with Outcome for
Squamous Cell Carcinoma but not Adenocarcinoma of the Lung, 41st Annual Meeting of
ASTRO, San Antonio, TX, 10/1/1999
Lung Cancer, 41st Annual Meeting of ASTRO, San Antonio, TX, 10/1/1999
Oncodiagnosis, 85th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 11/1/1999
p53 Lung Advisory Board Meeting, Houston, TX, 1/1/2000
RTOG Semi-Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 1/1/2000
ASTRO Board Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, 1/1/2000
ASTRO Executive Committee Meeting, Fairfax, VA, 5/1/2000
AAWR Executive Committee Meeting, Washington, DC, 5/1/2000
RTOG Semi-Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 6/1/2000
ASTRO 2000 Fall Symposium, Integrating Vascular Brachytherapy Sumposium, New York
City, NY, 9/1/2000
Sequential vs. concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy for inoperable non-small cell
lung cancer (NSCLC): Analysis of failures in a phase III study (RTOG 9410), 42nd Annual
ASTRO Proceedings, Boston, MA, 10/1/2000
Sadako’s Lasting Influence: From Hiroshima to the World, 86th Radiological Society of North
America Meeting, Chicago, IL, 11/1/2000
Small Cell Lung Cancer, 86th Radiological Society of North America Meeting, Chicago, IL,
ASTRO Board of Directors Meeting, San Diego, CA, 1/1/2001
ASTRO 2001 3D Conformal Radiation Therapy Practicum, Plano, TX, 3/1/2001
American Radium Society Meeting, San Diego, CA, 4/1/2001
Randomized phase III study of chemoradiation ± amifostine in patients with inoperable stage
II-III non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), Annual Meeting American Society of Clinical
Oncology, San Francisco, CA, 5/1/2001
RTOG Site Visit, Philadelphia, PA, 5/1/2001
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Lung Committee Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 6/1/2001
ASTRO Board Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 8/1/2001
ACR & ASTRO Fall Symposium, San Francisco, CA, 9/1/2001
Biologically and Physically Targeted Treatment for Lung Cancer, ASTRO Annual Meeting,
Randomized Phase III Study of Chemoradiation Amifostine in Patients with Inoperable Stage
II-III Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC), ASTRO Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA,
KGF Advisory Board Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 11/1/2001
Lung & GYN Session, 84th Annual Meeting American Radium Society, Las Croabas, PR,
Lung cancer in the young, 84th Annual Meeting American Radium Society, Las Croabas, PR,
Annual Meeting of American Association for Cancer Research, San Francisco, CA, 4/1/2002
Targeting Treatment for Lung Cancer, 4th Shanghai International Conference on Radiation
Oncology, Shanghai, China, 5/1/2002
Is Amifostine Ready for Widespread Clinical Use?, 2nd Internaitonal Cytoprotection
Investigator’s Congress, St. Thomas, 6/1/2002
Lung Committee, Semi-Annual RTOG Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 6/1/2002
Plenary Session: Role of PET in Radiation Oncology, 49th Annual Meeting Society of Nuclear
Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, 6/1/2002
Phase III trial of amifostine with chemoradiation for inoperable non-small cell lung cancer
(NSCLC): Does amifostine protect cancer cells?, IASLC Workshop, Bruges, Belgium,
Targted Treatment for Lung Cancer, China-Japan International Symposium, Shijiazhuang,
Hebei, China, 9/1/2002
Phase III trial of amifostine with chemoradiation for inoperable non-small cell lung cancer
(NSCLC): Does amifostine protect cancer cells?, ASTRO Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA,
Tumor Delineation for Lung Cancer, 1st International Tumor Delineation Symposium for
IMRT/3D CRT Treatment Planning, Houston, TX, 1/1/2003
Perspectives of the treatment for locally advanced NSCLC, 10th Osaka Lung Cancer
Meeting, Osaka, Japan, 2/1/2003
Molecular Imaging 2003: Clinical Needs from a Radiation Therapy Perspective, ACR
Categorical Course, Washington, DC, 5/1/2003
American Board of Radiology 2003 Oral Board Examiner Category 8, Louisville, KY, 5/1/2003
Update Management of Stage III Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer, Standard of Care, CME
Program, Albany, NY, 5/1/2003
Update Management of Stage III Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer, Standard of Care, Syracuse,
NY, 5/1/2003
Lung Group, RTOG Semi-Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 6/1/2003
Update Management of Stage III Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer, Standard of Care, CME
Program, Kansas City, KS, 6/1/2003
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Chemoradiotherapy for Lung Cancer: How to Reduce Normal Tissue Toxicity, Radiation AntiCancer Symposium, 33rd Japan Medical Radiation Society Meeting: Biology Section,
Kanazawa, Japan, 7/1/2003
Update Management of Stage III Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer, Standard of Care, CME
Program, Omaha, NE, 7/1/2003
Non-small cell lung cancer, CME Program, New Hyde Park, NY, 10/1/2003
Non-small cell lung cancer, CME Program, East Meadow, NY, 10/1/2003
Non-small cell lung cancer: Common therapeutic strategies and known toxicities, CME
program Addressing Mucositis in Current Cancer Therapeutics, Salt Lake City, UT, 10/1/2003
A phase I study of concurrent CPT-11/cisplatin and celecoxib with radiation therapy,
NCCN/Pfizer Annual Investigators Meeting, New York City, NY, 11/1/2003
Radiation protector for lung cancer, 2nd IMRT/3DCRT Meeting, Boca Raton, FL, 2/1/2004
Cytoprotection for the Management of Lung Cancer, 1st Annual SINO-US Seminar Series on
Clinical Oncology, Shanghai, 7/1/2004
Management of locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer, 10th Annual Meeting of the
Hokkaido Radiotherapy Association, Hokkaido, Japan, 8/1/2004
Optimal management of limited small cell lung cancer: time-dose-fractionation, 10th Annual
Meeting of the Hokkaido Radiotherapy Association, Hokkaido, Japan, 8/1/2004
Meet the Professor, Annual Meeting of ASTRO, Atlanta, GA, 10/1/2004
NCCN/Pfizer Annual Investigators Meeting, New York City, NY, 12/1/2004
RTOG Semi-Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 1/1/2005
NCRP Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA, 3/1/2005
Management of NSCLC Lung Cancer: Biologically and Physically Targeted Treatment,
ASTRO Spring Refresher Course, Chicago, IL, 4/1/2005
PTCOG42 Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 6/1/2005
RTOG Semi-Annual Summer Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 6/1/2005
NCRP Committee 1-13 Meeting, Houston, TX, 6/1/2005
Lung Cancer Refresher Course - Methods for Improving therapeutic Ratio, ASTRO,
Philadelphia, PA, 11/1/2006
Regimens for patients with non-operative esophageal cancer- RTOG 0113, ASTRO,
Philadelphia, PA, 11/1/2006
Tailored Treatment of the Lung Cancer, 20th Annual Meeting of JASTRO, 1/2007
The selection of radiotherapy regimen in the combined modality treatment of unresectable
stage III NSCLC, 3rd Winter Oncology Symposium, Ghet, Netherlands, 1/20/2007
Controversies in the Management for Limited Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients, 15th
Anniversary of Hiroshima Cancer Seminar Foundation, International Conference Center
Hiroshima, 11/2007
Prognostic factors identified in the long term survivors with limited small cell lung cancer,
Sino-American Network for Therapeutic Radiology and Onoclogy, Grand Epoch City, China,
Correlation of EGFR Expression by IHC and FISH to Predict Patient Outcome: A Phase II
RTOG 0324 Study for Patients with Stage III NSCLC Treated by Chemoradiotherapy and
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Cetuximab (C225), 50th Annual American Society of Therapeutic Radiologists Meeting,
Boston, MA, 9/22/2008
Deforming Dose Distributions for Composite Treatment Planning, American Radium Society,
Vancouver, Canada, 4/2009
Reduction of Bone Marrow Suppression by Proton Treatment and chemotherapy for stage III
NSCLC, Chicago Multidisciplinary Symposium in Thoracic Oncology, Chicago, IL
Seminar Invitations from Other Institutions
Characteristics of long-term survivors after irradiation for inoperable carcinoma of the lung,
Medical School of Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan, 1/1/1982
Current role of radiation therapy for cancer of the lung in the U.S.A, Hiroshima University Medical
School, Hiroshima, Japan, 1/1/1987
A role of radiotherapy for endometrial carcinoma, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas
City, MO, 1/1/1988
Newer Treatments for Lung Cancer, Heart and Lung Institute, Jacksonville, FL, 1/1/1989
The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, 1/1/1995
Advances in Multimodality Treatment and Management of NSCLC, The Queens Medical Center,
Honolulu, HI, 1/1/1998
Combined Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy for Locally Advanced NSCLC, Maui Memorial
Hospital, Maui, HI, 1/1/1998
Concurrent Chemo/radiotherapy for Limited SCLC: Efficacy and Toxicity, Nihon University,
Tokyo, Japan, 1/1/1998
Concurrent Chemotherapy & Radiation Therapy for Limited SCLC: Toxicity and Efficacy,
Hiroshima University School of Medicine, Hiroshima, Japan, 1/1/1998
Current Treatment Strategies for NSCLC, The Queens Medical Center, Honolulu, HI, 1/1/1998
Radiation Standards and Innovations in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer, Institute for Continuing
Healthcare Education, Seattle, WA, 1/1/1998
Radiation Therapy for NSCLC:Current Status and Future Perspectives, Kyoto University School
of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, 1/1/1998
Advances in Limited Extent Small Cell Carcinoma, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI,
Duration and treatment (TRT) is one of the important factors to improve outcome of limited SCLC,
Kyoto, Japan, 1/1/1999
Tumor Board, University of Kansas, Kansas City, KS, 1/1/1999
Management of Lung Cancer, Kurume University School of Medicine, Kurume, Japan, 1/1/2001
Management of Lung Cancer, Oita University School of Medicine, Oita, Japan, 1/1/2001
Target definition and contouring in carcinoma of the lung and esophagus, Catholic University
Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy, 1/1/2002
Targeted definition and treatment planning in breast cancer, Catholic University Sacred Heart,
Rome, Italy, 1/1/2002
“Phase III studies with concurrent radiochemotherapy in nonoperable stage IIIA and stage IIIB
non-small cell lung cancer,” and “Role of Amifostine in supportive treatment in patients
undergoing radiochemotherapy in lung cancer”, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain,
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Current perspectives of the treatment for locally advanced NSCLC, Kinki University School of
Medicine, Osaka, Japan, 1/1/2003
ACRIN Data Safety and Monitoring Committee Meeting, ACRIN Semi-Annual Meeting, New
Orleans, LA, 1/1/2004
Cytoprotection for the management of lung cancer, Asan Cancer Center, Seoul, 1/1/2004
Cytoprotection for the Management of Lung Cancer, Florida University, Orlando, FL, 1/1/2004
Cytoprotection for the Management of Lung Cancer, MedImmune Investigator’s Meeting,
Washington, DC, 1/1/2004
Radiation Protector for Lung Cancer, 2nd Annual IMRT/3DCRT Meeting, Boca Raton, FL,
5th Annual Targeted Therapies for the Treatment of Lung Cancer, Steamboat Springs, CO,
Controversies in Radiation Therapy for Limited Disease Small Cell Lung Cancer, Miami, FL,
Japan Intramural Delegation, Tokyo, Japan, 1/1/2005
Modulation of Radiation Therapy for Lung Cancer, Kyoto/University of Texas M. D. Anderson
Cancer Center, Kyoto, Japan, 1/1/2005
Proton Therapy and Lung Cancer - the leading cancer killer around the world, New York Foreign
Press, New York, NY, 11/1/2006
Chemoradiotherapy with Molecular Targeted Treatment for Lung Cancer, Tokoku University,
Sendai, Japan, 12/1/2006
Moderation of Multidisciplinary Thoracic Conference, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Orlando
Teleconference, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center - Orlando, Radiation Oncology, Orlando, FL,
Lectureships and Visiting Professorships
Multidisciplinary Approach in the Treatment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Medial College of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 4/1/1997
Recent Advances in the Management of Small Cell Lung Cancer, Medial College of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee, WI, 4/1/1997
Multidisciplinary Approach to Non-small Cell and Limited Small Cell Lung Cancer, The University
of Kansas, Kansas City, KS, 4/1/1999
Combined Modality Treatment of Common Epithelial Tumours, University of Cape Town, Cape
Town, South Africa, 8/1/1999
Radiation Standards, Innovation and Concomitant Chemotherapy in Lung Cancer, Universita
Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Facolta di Me, Rome, Italy, 11/1/1999
Effect of Duration of Thoracic Radiation Therapy (TRT) on the Outcome of Patients with Limited
Small Cell Lung Cancer (LSCLC) Treated with Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy, BristolMyers Squibb Oncology International, Hiroshima, Japan, 9/1/2000
Targeting Treatment for Lung Cancer, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester,
Targeting Treatment for Lung Cancer, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA,
Targeting Treatment for Lung Cancer, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, 10/1/2002
Case Presentations, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, 1/1/2003
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Management of Small Cell Lung Cancer, University of Colorado, Denver, CO, 1/1/2003
Cytoprotection of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer” and “Management of Small Cell Lung Cancer,
Baylor University College of Medicine, Houston, TX, 4/1/2003
Molecular Targeted Treatment of NSCLC, Methodist Hospital, Omaha, NE, 7/1/2003
Radioprotection for Stage III NSCLC Patients, Nebraska Health Science Center, Omaha, NE,
Fellowship for Research in Japan, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Tsukuba,
Japan, 3/1/2004
Cytoprotection for Management of Lung Cancer: Conformal RT and Biological Modifiers,
University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, 4/1/2004
Cytoprotection for Management of Lung Cancer: Conformal RT and Biological Modifiers,
University of Arizone, Tucson, AZ, 1/1/2005
Cytoprotection and Targeted Treatment for Lung Cancer, University of California San Francisco,
San Francisco, CA, 2/1/2005
Cytoprotection and Targeted Treatment for Lung Cancer, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH, 3/1/2005
Controversies in the Management of Limited Small Cell Lung Cancer, Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center, New York City, NY, 7/1/2005
How to Educate Radiation Oncologist, Juntendo University, Radiation Oncology, Tokyo, Japan,
Other Presentations at State and Local Conferences
Superior sulcus tumors: M. D. Anderson experience, Texas Radiological Society, Texas
Radiological Society, TX, 8/1/1989
Principles of Radiotherapy and Cancer of the Lung: Diagnosis and Treatment, U. T. Medical
Students, University of Texas, Houston, TX, 1/1/1991
Current Management of Small Cell Lung Cancer, Gilbert H. Fletcher Society, Gilbert H. Fletcher
Society, Houston, TX, 4/1/1991
Current Management of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer, Gilbert H. Fletcher Society, Gilbert H.
Fletcher Society, Houston, TX, 4/1/1991
Carcinoma of the Lung, Physician CME, East Texas Regional Medical Care Continuing Medical
Education, Lufkin, TX, 1/1/1992
Radiation Therapy Technology Program, Radiation Therapy Technology Program, UT M. D.
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 3/1/1993
Small Cell Lung Cancer, Baylor College of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX,
Interventional Procedure for Treatment of Lung Cancer, St. Joseph Hospital & Health Center of
Bryan, St. Joseph Hospital & Health Center of Bryan, Bryan, TX, 5/1/1993
Interdigitating Versus Concurrent Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy for Limited Small Cell Lung
Cancer, Gilbert H. Fletcher Society, Gilbert H. Fletcher Society, Houston, TX, 4/1/1994
High Dose Rate Endobronchial Brachytherapy, Houston, TX, 9/1/1994
Texas Radiological Society, Texas Radiological Society, San Antonio, TX, 4/1/1995
Combined Modality Therapy for Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Texas
Radiological Society, St. Paul Medical Center Cancer Center, Dallas, TX, 8/1/1995
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Combined Modality Therapy for Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Texas
Radiological Society, Section on Radiation Oncology, St. Paul Medical Center Cancer Center,
Dallas, TX, 8/1/1995
Treatment Planning For Lung Cancer, M.D. Anderson, Moncrief Cancer Center, Moncrief Cancer
Center, Fort Worth, TX, 8/1/1995
M.D. Anderson Radiation Oncology Round Top Meeting, The University of Texas
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Round Top, TX, 2/1/1996
Interim Meeting, Texas Radiological Society, Texas Radiological Society, Houston, TX, 9/1/1996
Physician Oncology Education Program, Texas Medical Association, 1/1/1997
Recent Advances in Management of Small Cell Lung Cancer, ASTRO Spring Program, ASTRO,
Dallas, TX, 3/1/1997
Radiation-Gene Therapy, Fifth Annual Meeting at Round Top, Round Top, TX, 5/1/1997
Five-Year Lung Cancer Survivors Reunion Dinner, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX,
Molecular Determinants of Cancer Metastasis, The University of Texas
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 10/1/1997
Indications and Results of Endobronchial Brachytherapy, 41st Annual Clinical Conference,
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 4/1/1998
Gilbert H. Fletcher Society, Gilbert H. Fletcher Society, Houston, TX, 4/1/1998
Texas Radiological Society, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
TX, 9/1/1998
Advances in the Radiation Treatment of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer, CME Harris Methodist
Health System, Harris Methodist Health System, Fort Worth, TX, 2/1/1999
86th Annual Scientific Meeting, Texas Radiological Society, Texas Radiological Society, Dallas,
TX, 4/1/1999
Texas Radiological Society Interim Meeting, The University of Texas
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 9/1/1999
Cancer Research at the Millenium, 42nd Annual Clinical Conference, 52nd Annual Symposium
on Fundamental Cancer Research, Westin Galleria Hotel, Houston, TX, 1/1/2000
Importance of Treatment Time for Small Cell Lung Cancer, RadOnc 2000,
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 2/1/2000
Gilbert H. Fletcher Society, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX,
One Thousand Paper Cranes, 4th Graders, Annunciation Greek Orthodox School, Houston, TX,
A Randomized Phase III Study of Chemotherapy with Etoposide and Cisplatin with or without
Amifostine Plus Radiation Therapy for Patients with Favorable Performance Status Inoperative
Stage II-IIIA/B Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC), Eighth Annual Radiation Workshop at
Round Top, Eighth Annual Radiation Workshop, Round Top, TX, 4/1/2000
Early Stage NSCLC, Case Analysis, Houston, TX, 5/1/2000
Options in the Management of Lung Cancer, Citizens Medical Center Tumor Board Presentation,
Citizens Medical Center, Victoria, TX, 5/1/2000
Fall Texas Radiological Society, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, TX, 9/1/2000
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Panel Discussion: Concurrent vs. Sequential Chemoradiation for Unresectable Non-small Cell
Lung Cancer, University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Hoouston, TX, 10/1/2000
Radiation Therapy Options for Lung Cancer, CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Shoreline Tumor
Concerence, CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital, Corpus Christi, TX, 1/1/2001
Why Haven’t We Made Significant Progress in the Management of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer?,
Ninth Annual Radiation Workshop at Round Top, Ninth Annual Radiation Workshop, Round Top,
TX, 3/1/2001
Texas Radiological Society, Texas Radiological Society, San Antonio, TX, 4/1/2001
Story of Sadako, Fifth Graders, Annunciation Greek Orthodox School, Houston, TX, 5/1/2001
Fall Texas Radiological Society, Texas Radiological Society, Houston, TX, 9/1/2001
Advanced techniques in the radiation treatment planning for lung cancer, RadOnc 2002,
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 2/1/2002
Is Amifostine ready for widespread clinical use?, Texas Radiological Society Annual Meeting,
Texas Radiological Society, Austin, TX, 4/1/2002
Radiation Oncology Program Committee, Texas Radiological Society Interim Meeting, Texas
Radiological Society, Austin, TX, 8/1/2002
Texas Radiological Society Spring Meeting, Texas Radiological Society, The Woodlands, TX,
Management of NSCLC, Bayshore Medical Center Tumor Conference, Bayshore medical Center,
Pasadena, TX, 4/1/2003
Clinical Trials of Amifostine for NSCLC, Rad/Onc 2004, The University of Texas
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 3/1/2004
Induction Chemotherapy for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Case presentations/discussion, 45th
Annual Clinical Conference, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
TX, 3/1/2004
Phase I dose-escalation study of thoracic irradiation with concurrent chemotherapy for patients
with limited small cell lung cancer (LSCLC): Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 97-12,
Gilbert H. Fletcher Society, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX,
Texas Radiological Society Annual Meeting, Texas Radiological Society, Irving, TX, 4/1/2004
Proton and Particle Beams in Cancer Management, Proton Beam Therapy for Non-Pediatric
Tumors, Stanford University, 4/2008
Professional Society Activities, with Offices Held
National and International
American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO), Fairfax, VA
Scientific Program Committee, 1/1984
Abstract Reviewer, 29th Annual Meeting, 1/1987
Publications Committee, 1/1988−1/1991
Lung Session Moderator and Scientific Review Committee, 1/1994
Scientific Program Committee, 1/1994
Committee on Education, 1/1995−10/2006
Chair, Workshop Subcommittee, 1/1999−10/2006
Education Committee liaison to Annual Meeting Scientific Program Subcommittee,
Abstract review committee, 1/2000−10/2006
Chair, Radiation Oncology, Program Committee, 1/2001−10/2006
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Maintenance of Certification Oversight Committee, 1/2001−10/2006
Vice-Chair, International Relations Committee, 1/2002−10/2006
Fellows Selection Committee, 2006−2009
Chair, International Relations Committee, 2008−2010
NCI, Bethesda, MD
Site Visit for Cancer Center, University of Maryland, 1/1984
American College of Radiology (ACR), Reston, VA
Committee on International Affairs, 1987-1994, 1/1987−1/1994
Task Force on Appropriateness Criteria-Expert Panel on Radiation Oncology Work
Group-Lung Committee, 1/1994−10/2006
Radiation Oncology-Lung Work Group (Committee on Appropriateness Criteria),
Vice-chair, Lung Committee, Patterns of Care Study (PCS), 1/2002−10/2006
ACRIN: Data Safety Monitoring Committee, 1/2002−10/2008
Federal Regulatory Committee, 1/2004−10/2006
Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Oak Brook, IL
Committee of International Affairs, 1/1987−1/1994
Program Committee on Therapeutic Radiology & Radiobiology, 1/1990−1/1995
Nominating Committee for "Annual Oration Radiation Oncology," 1/1992−1/1994
Chair, Subcommittee of Radiation Oncology -Refresher Course Committee,
Refresher Course Faculty, 1997-Present, 1/1997−10/2006
First Vice-President, 1/2005
American Radium Society (ARS), Los Angeles, CA
Public Relations Committee, 1988-1989, 1/1988−1/1989
Chair, Constitution, and Bylaws Committee, 1/1990−1/1993
Member-at-Large, 1/1999−1/2001
Member, Membership & Credentials Committee, 1/2000−1/2001
Chair, Program Committee, 1/2002−1/2003
Treasurer, 1/2004−1/2005
Scientific Committee, 1/2005−1/2006
President, 2007−present
Member, Constitution, and Bylaws Committee, present
American Board of Radiology (ABR), Tucson, AZ
Written Board Subcommittee (Lung and Mediastinum), 1/1991−1/1993
Oral Board Examiner (Lung, Mediastinum, Soft Tissue & Bone), 1/1995−10/2006
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, Chicago, IL
University of Southern California, Irvine, 1/1992
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 1/1997
Eastern Virginia Graduate Medical School, 1/1998
Residency Program Surveyor, present
American Association for Women Radiologists (AAWR), Reston, VA
Corporate Support Committee, 1/1992−11/2006
Member at Large, 1/1995
Chair, Committee for Radiation Oncology, 1/1996−1/1999
Program, Nominating and Awards Committee, 1/1997
Secretary, 1/1998
Vice President, 1/1999
Chair, Program Committee, 1/2000
President-elect, 1/2000
Website Committee, 1/2000
Bylaws Committee, 1/2000−10/2006
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Finance & Long-Range Planning Committee, 1/2000−10/2006
International Committee, 1/2000−10/2006
Intersociety Committee, 1/2000−10/2006
Radiation Oncology Committee, 1/2000−10/2006
Nominating Committee, 1/2001
President, 1/2001
Program Committee, 1/2001
AdHoc Committee, 1/2002
Bylaws Committee, 1/2002
Chair, Research & Education Committee, 1/2002
Corporate Support Committee, 1/2002
International Committee, 1/2002
Public Relations Committee, 1/2002
Web Site Committee, 1/2002
Awards Committee, 1/2002−10/2006
Financing & Long-Range Planning Committee, 1/2002−10/2006
Chair, International Committee, 1/2005
Membership Committee, 1/2008−1/2000
Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG), Philadelphia, PA
Co-chair, Lung Cancer Committee, 1/1993−10/2006
Brachytherapy Committee, 1/1997−10/2006
GYN, GI, TRP Committee, 1/1997−10/2006
PI for UT M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1/1997−10/2006
RTOG Publications Committee, 1/2005
National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Atlanta, GA
Lung Cancer Panel, 1/1996−10/2006
NCCN Non-small Cell Lung Panel, 1/1997−10/2006
ALZA National Lung Cancer Advisory Board, Mountain View, CA
Member, 1/1998−10/2006
Japan/U.S. Cancer Therapy Symposium
President, 1/1998−1/1999
President, 1/2000−1/2001
President, 1/2002−1/2003
President, 2008−2009
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Unknown
Council Member, 1/2000−1/2006
Radiation Research Society, Lawrence, KS
Member at Large, 1/2000−10/2006
Foundation for Thymic Cancer Research, Longport, NM
Member, Board of Directors, 1/2003
International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC), Aurora, CO, United Kingdom
Scientific Program Committee, 1/2003
Elected to Board of Directors, 1/2003−1/2005
Elected to Board of Directors, 2005−2007
Chair of Membership Committee, 2007−2009
International Society of Gastrointestinal Oncology, Chicago, IL
Scientific Board, 1/2003
Women Against Lung Cancer, Madison, WI
Executive Committee, 1/2003−10/2006
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Ritsuko R. Komaki, MD, FACR
Sino-American Network for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, Grand Epoch City, Beijing,
Member, 2008−present
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), Philadelphia, PA
American Endocrine Society, Chevy Chase, MD
American Medical Association, Chicago, IL
American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Chicago, IL
European Society of Therapeutic Radiologists (ESTRO), United Kingdom
Japanese Association of Therapeutic Radiologists (JASTRO), Japan
NeuroOncology Society, Unknown
New York Roentgen Society, NY
Chairperson, Resident Refresher Course, 1/1987−1/1988
Executive Committee Member, 1/1987−1/1988
Vice President and President Elect, 1/1987−1/1988
Conference, Faculty Member, 1/1988
Texas Radiological Society, TX
Program Chairman, 1999 Interim Meeting, 1/1999
Program Chairman, 2000 Interim Meeting, 1/2000
Program Chairman, 2000 Spring Meeting, 1/2000
Secretary, 1/2000−12/2000
President-Elect, 1/2001−12/2001
Member, present
Radiation Oncology Subcommittee, present
Gilbert H. Fletcher Society, Unknown
Harris County Medical Society, Houston, TX
New York Medical Society, NY
New York State Medical Society, NY
Texas Medical Association, Houston, TX
Texas Medical Foundation, TX
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Associates, Houston, TX
Wisconsin Radiological Society, WI
Wisconsin Society of Radiation Oncology, WI
Wisconsin State Medical Society, WI
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