Forth Neighbourhood Partnership Anti-Racism Working Group Meeting Date: 1 September 2011 PRESENT: Khalida Hussain - CORE (Chair); Fernando Almeida Diniz – CORE; Barbara Lawson – Edinburgh’s Telford College; Ruth Stanley- SfC Community Safety; PC Pete Sparrow – Lothian and Borders Police; George Gordon – Granton and District Community council APOLOGIES: Inspector Ian Davis – Lothian and Borders Police; Martina McChrystal – Services for Communities Dave Hewitt – PCHP; Jim Pattison – SfC; Christine Mackay – Children and Families; Councillor Day; Councillor Jackson; Councillor Cardownie; Councillor Morris; Sgt Craig Stephen – Lothian and Borders Police. 1 Minutes of meeting 7 April 2011 Agreed as correct. Matters arising: PC Emma Cowan will be a liaison officer for Core, along with PS. GG suggested that Core should have membership on the NP Board, and he will suggest this at the next NP Board meeting. FD strongly supported this; the ARWG has been seen as having a monitoring role but in that way CORE remains still on the fringes offering advice, and not an integral part of the Board. The group agreed with this. It would be up to Core who they send along to the Board. BL agreed this would also enhance the diversity of representation on the Board. GG confirmed that the Board is entitled to appoint special interest groups so this would be a legitimate request. 2 Report back from the Neighbourhood Partnership Board Meeting of 19 April RS read to the group the minute of the NP Board meeting in relation to the ARWG. GG disagreed that the tasking of the workplan was being put directly to the Action Groups as he feels that chairs of these groups would not be have enough understanding of race issues to decide on appropriate action . This could then dilute the work the NP could achieve on racism, and this is why he wants Core on the Board. RS noted this is in contradiction to the decision which was already taken at the NP Board. GG said he had not been at the meeting when the Board discussed this, or he would have opposed the decision. The Board had looked at the frequency of the ARWG meetings, because community activists and NP participants can’t get to all the meetings which are being held. CGS already had to reduce its frequency for the same reason. BL- Felt that AWRG has led to better working links and relationships. Looking at the workplan, which has some broad objectives, it would be useful to be clearer about what the NP’s role in relation to achieving this should be at Board level. In addition all agreed that it would be beneficial if there was more BME engagement generally e.g. in community councils . FD – the Board’s decision gave him the impression that they are channelling work to somebody else. RS explained that this is in fact the role of the Action Groups. For example, CGS is a busy and successful group, getting work done. All agreed that the Action Groups should be doing their work on behalf of the BME community as much as for everybody else. BL – recommended that agenda is driven by the NP, the NP needs to work directly with Core and feed down the issues. RS – agreed this would be an active and dynamic representation, rather than having a static workplan. BL – felt NP could then be more informed about what are the key priorities for the action groups e.g. Children and Families and so on, and also consider how they might increase the membership of the Action Groups from the community. GG commented it would be difficult for Clean Green and Safe to take on the role of agreeing which actions to take in relation to race or racism as current CGS members don’t have a knowledge base or an awareness of the issues. 4. Core Service User – sharing experience of racism in Forth Harry had been invited to the meeting to share with the members his experiences of racism in the Forth area. Harry is from China and has lived for 11 years in the UK. He and his friends in the area have had similar experiences. He has problems with children throwing stones at his house. Other neighbours who are also minority ethnic families have had the same problems. Windows have been broken two or three times, and this is very upsetting when it happens during the night. Harry’s son has been targeted at school and on the street as well. He is just looking for a solution. He knows those involved are only a few people, and they are usually children. Harry has phoned the Police. They come to his home, and give him a reference number, but he hasn’t had any feedback. He’s still worried, because the children are still throwing stones BL indicated that Children and Families have been working with schools and LBP on the issues of racism. . PS acknowledged that if you don’t hear anything, you don’t know whether anything has happened, and agreed to follow this up. Harry said that the children involved don’t fear anything. It’s exciting for them. He knows who they are, and they live just down the road. RS outlined the different actions that can be taken, depending on the type of tenancy of the parents. A Community Safety Officer will contact Harry to discuss any further help that can be given. PS - landlords vary as to how active they are in dealing with these issues. Harry had been told that only the Council and police can help but all hoped the conversation today had clarified that . KH - Core have a new surgery starting on 14 September, supported by Janice Russell, CSO. PS said that getting and giving feedback has been recognised as important. The recent police experience regarding Simon San will now change the way police deal with racial incidents. Looking at these in more detail, to consider underlying causes will in future be given a higher profile. There has been difficulty for LBP in identifying the difference and relevance between conventional evidence that a racial crime has taken place, and the perception that an incident has been racial. Now, when someone suffers a series of incidents, this will be tied together more firmly, and will happen quickly. GG commented that there’s also problem that has come to light in that Victim Support only offer an English line when people call, but the information card implies support will be available in a number of languages. PS – the Simon San report acknowledged that language difficulties are a problem. GG – it has been confirmed that this can be a big issue especially when people are flustered and upset. PS – agreed that referrals by LBP to Victim Support and Core should be pushed more, and done more routinely than they have been . 5. Recommendation from ARWG on how to Allocate workplan tasks to Action Groups e.g. ORG 1 – Reduce Racial Inequalities: BL – the NP at Board level could look at some key statistics and decide what the priorities should be. The task also involves NP knowing how racial inequality is being tackled in the ward and how they will know what impact it has had FD – we want to look at how this comes alive locally in the Forth Ward, rather than citywide. BL – we should start at Board level by establishing a baseline view. What data is relevant? Are there gaps in the datagroups we need? Then we need to start making some decisions on SMART (Specific Measureable, Achieveable, Realistic and Timebound) actions. The workplan tells us what are some critical areas for action, but the ARWG group had not been provided with or analysed the statistics indicated in the workplan . GG - The Clean Green and Safe Action Group already has a lot of business in its remit and long meetings, and doesn’t have the capacity to take on the tasks suggested in the workplan. RS noted her concern and disagreed. BL – Proposed that the first task is to request relevant data collection relevant to FNP, and this should inform the NP view, and inform action setting. FD – agrees – the agenda should be Board led, and it needs to be more timebound and practical GG – we need to have a actions that are appropriate for each Action Group, are less labour intensive and achievable. This group – the AWRG- would be the one that advises on what’s important. We need to take information from the statistics and drill it down into priority areas for action. BL – asked if we contact all the members of the groups referred to in the workplan and ask what relevant information is available? FD – who is going to be asking whom for the baseline information? GG – explained that the Chairs of each Group only have a limited remit through which they can ask for information. The NP has wider powers to ask for information. BL –suggested that the data should be for services that are within the remit of the NP membership. The Group agreed to ask the NP on 19 September to seek a set of statistics, and to request if the information on these statistics would be available by December. All agreed that statistics are not the only means of gaining information on racial inequality in Forth , but they should help inform the NP Board. The Group agreed that the statistics needed to form a baseline assessment of Race Equality practice in Forth are: Police and Community Safety data on racially motivated incidents reported and BME victims are supported. Feedback from vulnerable communities gathered via Core – do they feel safe at home and in public areas? Number of Racially motivated bullying incidents in schools Levels of take up of services by BME communities – information from all of the agencies who are members of the NP. As a subset of this, information on employability access by BME communities BME pupils Educational Attainment levels in cluster schools (primary and secondary) In summary, the Group agreed to go back to the next meeting of the NP Board and ask for Core to be given a place on the Board to inform the NP on Race Equality issues and on the main areas which need to be tackled. Not all members of the Group agreed with the tasking of the workplan to the Action Groups. It was decided that the matter would be put back to the NP Board at its next meeting for reconsideration. RS dissented. It was decided to ask the NP Board to begin collecting the data noted above, and then to decide on some key, achievable tasks. GG and BL will speak to this at the Board meeting. 6. AOB KH asked about a Community Grants application for Core. RS advised this should be discussed with Martina McChrystal. 7 Date of next meeting None set pending the outcome of the next NP Board meeting.